#ladysherlock tags me in a thing and I’m like
wheatbeats · 2 months
Last Line Challenge!
Rules: in a new post, show the last lines you wrote (or drew) and tag however many more people you would like.
I was tagged by @theladysherlock, and it’s fun to be included in things.
The last real thing I drew was a dumb meme. When I’m building new characters, I tend to draw them in stupid meme templates to build out their personalities. So far Sunny is new enough that her strongest (or funniest to draw) personality trait is “horny for Morgana”. Morgana, who was built from a template of Edgy Hot Goth Princess, isn’t sure how to feel about this.
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The last lines I wrote were something building a dnd mini-arc I’m running next week. The last INTERESTING line I wrote was from my last desperate attempt to slug away at my draft of Apotheosis:
Nicole waited, seeing if Ariel wanted to continue. The woman gently leaned forward until her head was resting on Nicole’s shoulder, buried in the soft fabric of her coat.
So quietly Nicole could barely hear her, Ariel said, “I’m scared. I’m so scared, I can’t stand it.”
She said nothing more, so Nicole wrapped her arms around Ariel’s back and held her.
Finishing this stupid story has been like pulling teeth. I’m probably about 60k words from the end (which my dumb brain interprets as “almost done”), and all I can think of now is all the shit I want to change on the second draft. Makes it hard to wrap this draft up.
Technically I’ve been working the most on my music lately, but I’m not about to post a clip of that for free on here. Secret.
I’ll tag @ragtimebanshee in this, because I know they’re always working on something great.
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