lovesick-menagerie · 2 years
Lady Luck 🍀 Series
Pairing: Dylan Coghlan x OC (later Jake Neighbours x OC, Nolan Patrick x OC) 18+
****MINORS DNI*****
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SUMMARY: A mysterious woman going by the name of Lady Luck has her eyes fixated on certain NHL players, luring them into her bed. A future messy love triangle will soon expose more secrets than she bargained for. (SERIES)
DISCLAIMER: Specific player timelines with teams have been altered for story purposes.
WARNINGS(for this chapter): Slight smut, brief mention of drug use* MINORS DNI!!
“How am I supposed to remain professional and behave tonight when you look like that?” Dylan said while leaning against the doorframe to my bathroom dressed in a head to toe black suit.
He had his arms folded across his chest, with a hungry smirk on his lips and his devilish blue eyes were taking in my golden dress. His smile told me he liked the fit of it on my body. His eyes told me he couldn’t wait until it was around my ankles.
“Are you so eager to ignore your professional obligations to just stare at a woman getting ready? Technically you should already be at the gala, mingling with some bunny at the bar.” I stated, smirking.
“And yet you still let me in here. Interesting that you’re breaking one of your rules so early tonight. That usually only happens when I have you on your back.” He teased.
“Are you insinuating something other than my good manners, Mr. Coghlan?” I asked, smiling in the mirror while trying to fasten the clasp for my back necklace.
Cogs rolled his eyes and pushed himself away from the doorway. Making his way over to me to help with my jewelry. His hands making quick work of it. Giving him a perfect excuse to caress my spine and make me instantly melt against him.
“Maybe I’m not the only one who’s eager, eh?” Dylan said, kissing my neck.
I steadied myself by grabbing his thigh as a gasping moan escaped my lips. Sometimes I hated when he used that move on me. It guaranteed my knees would buckle. A slight growl reached my ear followed by an instinctive buck from Dylan’s groin. Even through my dress and his pants I could feel he was hard already.
“Are you sure you don’t just want to start right now?” He whispered into my ear, pulling my hips even closer to him. His breath sent chills throughout my body. It wasn’t until Dylan’s hands reached my breasts that I noticed how wet I had become.
I smirked as he gently raised one of his hands around my neck. Keeping the other on my chest.
“I want to put so much of my cum in you that it’s still dripping down your thighs when your walking around that stupid gala downstairs.” I bit my lip at the image he created. I didn’t want to admit that a small part of me wanted just that.
A sudden knock on the open door announced my bodyguard Ben’s arrival. I smirked again but silently was relieved at the interruption. Dylan slowly removed his arms around me and caressed my back again, ignoring the death stare from Ben.
“Curtain in 10, Miss L.”
“Thank you, Ben. Can you see Mr. Coghlan out, please.” I stated plainly.
“Yes, ma’am.” Ben said nodding. He motioned his arm towards the door waiting for Dylan to exit the room first.
But Cogs just smiled at me with that look in his eyes again. He wasn’t going to leave unless I made him. So I turned around to face him. His 6’2” frame towering over me. His eyes shifted down to my chest. The plunging neckline exposing not only my tattoos but plenty of cleavage. Taking note of his distraction I swiftly grabbed his tie with my left hand while my right hand firmly landed on his crotch, tugging both to get his attention back to my eye-line.
“You behave, I behave. Now be a good little defensemen and get downstairs before I decide to terminate our contract, Dylan.” I said with a slight venom to my tone, releasing him from my grip.
He cleared his throat, straightened his suit jacket and hair as he turned to leave with Ben close behind, covering my back.
I sighed and sat down on my cushioned bench.
“Another close call?” Ben said entering the room again.
“Too close this time. Thank you, Ben. I mean it.” I said standing and readjusting myself in the mirror again.
“Perhaps the frequency of Mr. Coghlan’s visits are straining your work ethic?” Ben said smirking.
I scoffed. “Dylan isn’t fucking me senseless Ben. He’s not Patty.” Me saying Nolan’s nickname out loud made me stop. Mixed emotions filled my head and heart. I looked past Ben to a specific door that had minimal light showing from the bottom.
“Is the package secured?” I asked, my eyes misty.
“Yes ma’am. Like clockwork.” He said smiling. I sighed with relief.
My phone began to buzz as my alarm went off, seconds later I felt the warmth of my edible I had taken earlier settle my mind. Grabbing my wallet and phone I quickly made my way to the side elevator of my suite with Ben not far behind.
As the doors began to close I took a deep breath and said, “And so it begins.”
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lovesick-menagerie · 2 years
PAIRING: Dylan Coghlan x OC, Jake Neighbours x OC (later Nolan Patrick x OC) 18+
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SUMMARY: A mysterious woman going by the name of Lady Luck has the reputation of seducing certain NHL players. However a future messy love triangle will expose more secrets than she bargained for.
DISCLAIMER: Specific player timelines have been changed for story purposes. Also, this is overly exaggerated fiction. I’ve never met any of the named persons in this chapter.
WARNINGS: Some cursing, Mentioning of paid escorts by OC
A/N: I used my own picture above to represent L. 🫣
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The Golden Era Gala had been a hit in typical glorious Vegas fashion. My shows always were. Mingling afterwards between the various owners, sponsors, players and their wags (at least the ones who didn’t hate my guts for obvious reasons). Even getting surprised by celebrities who probably loved hockey more than their day job. (Jon Hamm)
More than half way through the night and I had already caught Cogs eyeing me three times. Hunger rippling throughout those icy blues even while talking with some blonde bunny at the bar. She being clearly interested, him clearly inflating his ego for the moment. It always amused me when he tried to make me jealous. The only man who could do that was currently on LTIR and hiding out in some cabin in the Canadian wilderness, supposedly “healing”.
A loud laugh behind me made me turn away from Dylan’s gaze.
“THERE SHE IS, the star of the night.”
Gary Bettman’s voice was unmistakable even in this crowded of a room. Like most of the NHL payroll (which oddly included myself now), the commissioner was tolerated.
“Enjoying yourself, Bettman?” I teased.
On either of his arms were two of my gorgeous girls. Also paid to tolerate him.
“You and Sin City spoil me, L!” He laughed again. I smiled at the fool as he made his way past me to the bar. Ben appeared by side, always there when I needed him to talk business. Still not sure how he does that.
“Make sure those girls get double tonight. Bettman is going to bore them to hell.” I said plainly.
“Already done.” Ben stated. He was looking over at Cogs who was still blatantly eye fucking me into oblivion.
“He’s on number three.” Ben added.
I took a deep sigh realizing how aggressive Dylan would become later. I was going to have plenty of marks tomorrow.
“Tell him it’s his last or no visit tonight. Give him his key, hopefully that will sober him up a bit. It’ll give him an hour. We will do the debrief in the elevator.” I said. Ben nodded and left to attend to the defenseman.
“L!” A deep male voice said next to me.
I turned to see Brayden Schenn smiling down at me with his lovely wife Kelsey next him beaming.
“Hello, newlyweds. I’m so happy you made it!” I said hugging both of them.
After a bit of small talk and catching up the Schenn’s, Brayden yelled over to group of younger players.
“NEIGHBS, over here.”
As the player he called walked over to us it was hard not to notice his eyes. There was a softness to him but something underneath his calm approachable demeanor made me blush. Though slightly shorter than Cogs, he was filling out his white dress shirt quite handsomely, accompanied with dark blue slacks. He smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back.
“L, this is Jake Neighbours. Our rookie left winger.” Schenn said. Jake extended his left hand.
“A lefty huh? Nice to meet you, Jake.” I said shaking his hand and lingering my finger as I pulled away. He smirked again.
“Nice to meet you too.” Jake said. Even his voice carried a distinguished weight for someone so young. It wasn’t until Ben came over to me that I realized I had been lost in Jake’s eyes during an awkward silence. I excused us and turned to Ben.
“One of the girls around Foley said he let slip a phone conversation with McPhee. Mr. Coghlan is in the mix for a trade. Also, he’s anxiously waiting for you by your door.” I sighed.
“Does he know?”
“He will be notified in the morning.”
“Hmmm, either way his contract with me will still stand. We will have to look into a compensation travel addendum to send to Bettman. Also, Ben, please give Mr. Neighbours an envelope. I’m intrigued with this one.”
He nodded, then pulled a gold and black envelope from inside his coat.
Turning back to the Schenn’s, I caught Jake staring at me, which made me blush again.
“My apologies, I have a previous engagement I must attend to. I do hope you enjoy the rest of your evening. Ben?” Ben then approached Jake with the envelope.
“Lady Luck smiles upon you, sir.” Ben said.
I was already heading through the crowd but I could feel the curious stare from Jake’s eyes on me as he watched me disappear from the room.
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