#lady maria. genichiro. and many more
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amygdalae · 9 months ago
sometimes i become sexually attracted to difficult video game bosses. I mean if im gonna get fucked this much i might as well start moaning
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ghostofashina · 11 months ago
Fanfiction about me tag meme!
Tagged by @princeparakeet <3 thanks
How many works do you have on AO3?
26. Sometimes it feels I do nothing else than write fanfictions, but I do. I swear. I play the games I write about. :D
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
214,891K. An absurd amount of smut and angst. Sorry not sorry.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Sekiro (11 works), but I write about fromsoftware games in general, except Dark Souls (I failed at playing it). Also, Baldur's Gate 3 but it's more a self-indulgence writing about my original characters. And, surprisingly, I also write about Rings of Power.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hana no Michi — Sekiro/Emma, 171. [my very first english fanfiction and the first about my otp]
An Edge of Despair — Adar/Arondir, 76.
Once Upon a Dream Now a Memory — Cal Kestis/Dagan Gera, 75. [the only star wars fanfiction i sworn to write in my entire life]
Sharp Memories of a Gentle Blade — Sekiro/Emma, Genichiro/Emma, 69.
The Scars Upon his Skin — Adar/Arondir, 43.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. Even if I take a long time to do, and sometimes I really take a long time, mostly because I'm doing something else. Sorry, by the way. Adult life just sucks, things are always constantly happening.
6. What is the fic you wrote with angstiest ending?
Ah. Could be Genichiro/Emma fic. They are very angst, I love it. But actually I think it is a Lady Maria/Eileen (Bloodborne). Every time I write about them it goes to Maria's tragic ending, so it always leaves a sour taste in the mouth. But also, I'm always writing angts stuff.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
My newest Sekiro/Emma fic, it's all fluff and tender. But I like to think that Fever Dreams (Genichiro/Emma) also has a veeeery happy ending hehe. If you know, you know.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on fics. Sekiro's fandom is really chill and I love it to death, it's really peaceful, we're just glad people are making content in the end. But, I've got some about my other pairings, especially Adar/Arondir, but never on my fics.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I do, a lot. Of any kind. I see sexual dynamics as a sort of expressions of those characters, so I'll be exploring every trait that fits them in that dynamic. So it can be very sweet or it can be very violent. It really depends on the pairing and the context. For example, I really love to write somnophilia between Emma and Genichiro because it's about control and he is all about control.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest crossover you've ever written?
Not yet, but I plan to write a Kuro and Miquella crossover fanfic when the Elden Ring DLC comes out so I can figure it out what is Miquella's deal. I think they are very similar and would have a nice dynamic to explore.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe so. My ships are mostly very unpopular. But if anyone would use a prompt of mine, I wouldn't mind. Even if its something very specific like Memory of Shura.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I translate my own fics. After all, I'm brazilian and sometimes I write in portuguese and translate to english or write in english and translate it to portuguese.
13. Have you everco-written a fic before?
No, I'm a control freak. I could never.
14. What's you all-time favorite ship?
It got to be Sekiro/Emma. I just loved their dynamic the second I put my eyes on them. It's very subtle and simple, it's implied they have far more story than its shown. They never actually interact romantically, but there's room enough for imagination to run free. I could talkabout them all day long, so I'll just shut up. But, I do also really came to love Genichiro/Emma because of those same reasons.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Gosh, so many! Hm, I have one called "Rebel, Royal Blue" it's Genichiro/Emma inspired by Pride and Prejudice, but it's a long fic, and I've had enough of writing longfics, even so I love that WIP so much, I really want to finish it. At the moment, the main goal is to finish Memory of Shura, I'm taking too damn long.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm, angst. And a free mind, which means I write about weird stuff and explore every inch of it without putting effort to make a moral compass and tell "this is wrong don't try this at home". I like to believe I'm good at dialogues, but never had any sort of confirmation, so well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
At the moment, the language barrier. I feel my writing loses power when I'm not writing in my native language and sometimes it can be very tricky or messy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's my current 24/7 job. The hardest part is context, like making a joke you thought in your native language work in your second.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Naruto. Kakashi and Yamato. Been there, done that.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It's A moment of pain, a memory suspended in time. Again, Sekiro/Emma. I loved writing and suffering every inch of its angst and violence. But gosh, who would I be if I didn't say I'm really proud of Memory of Shura? It's the union of my favorite things in the world: Sekiro and Guillermo del Toro. It's very ambitious and very hard, I've putting a lot of effort in it and I'm in love with it.
Tagging: @blackcatofsky <3
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queen-lich-dumb-bitch · 2 years ago
I mean I had to do this eventually. I won’t rank all of them because there are SO many, but here is the Top 20. Enjoy!
Top 20 Best From Software Boss Fights In Order
Malenia, Blade of Miquella- She wins. I can’t help but to put her here for a myriad of reasons. Aesthetic, difficulty, arena, moveset, rewards, the practice you need? She makes me happy for reasons the rest of this community will NEVER understand.
Sister Friede & Father Ariandel- The most stressful stamina fight you will EVER do in these games. Three consecutive boss fights that were all built to test how well you can manage your own healing with different strategies tailored to each section. Friede still scares me to this day and I love her for it.
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower- Probably the easiest boss fight I’ll put on this list, but frankly, this fight is glorious. Truly, such an entertaining fight and yet she still keeps me on my toes.
Darkeater Midir- I still maintain this as the ONLY perfect dragon fight in all of FromSoft’s entire menagerie. No one else even holds a candle to this legend. Not Fortissax, not Kalameet, not Placidusax. Midir takes their crown without even a contest.
Knight Artorias- This man STILL kicks my ass. DS1 didn’t really age well in terms of difficulty, but Artorias still demonstrates to this day that his greatsword can find its way down my throat easier than most bosses.
Slave Knight Gael- Truly one of the more satisfying wins on this list. I always feel accomplished when I beat this man at the end of DS3 and his entire story is probably one of the better lore entries in the Souls Narrative.
Dancer of the Boreal Valley- My favorite base game boss bar none. Aesthetic and difficulty and the best outfit in the game.
Sword Saint Isshin- Truly a gorgeous fight. Scale plus difficulty AND a great ending to Sekiro.
Ornstein and Smough- No explanation needed. The original gank fight and nothing has ever come close since.
Orphan of Kos- I shouldn’t like this scrawny heathen, but fuck if he’s not one of two reasons I crawl my ass back through this game time and again.
Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy-Dude says 15 words the entire game and his voice lines have been etched into my skull. Plus, his fight is cinematic as hell and he gives me serotonin.
Demon Princes-The closest FromSoft came to matching O&S in gank fights. Unique mechanic and the bosses’ design was actually super dope. Entertaining every time.
Genichiro- This man taught me how to play Sekiro single-handedly by kicking the shit out of me until I understood. Easy fight now, but he needed to be included.
Gravelord Nito- I don’t have an explanation for this one. I shouldn’t like him, but here we are.
Mohg, Lord of Blood- Very creative boss fight and his music is dope. An underrated yet VERY satisfying boss fight to win if you take him down by yourself.
Radagon of the Golden Order- Checks all of the boxes in my humble opinion. He also has great lore and his physical design is incredible to look at. Plus I gotta respect the dude for putting his hammer through my skull. Every. Single. Time.
Guardian Ape- This fucker forced me to play like Dark Souls in Sekiro. After all that work learning from Genichiro, this punk had the audacity to make me relearn everything. Respect.
Quelaag- You know why she’s here. Don’t act like you don’t. We love her and we respect her.
The Nameless King- Hours of work paid off when I learned to beat this dude. My level of play skyrocketed when I learned how to beat this guy. Everything became so much easier after I learned how to successfully kick this guy’s ass on command and I’ll forever respect him for it.
Owl (Father)- An ADHD nightmare, but one of the more satisfying victories in Sekiro. He also is a good punching bag to empty out the disdain I carry for my own father and my father can’t even throw shuriken.
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awoken-lights · 4 years ago
List your fav characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
destiny: drifter, saint, felwinter, shaxx, ghost, yor, shin, and so many more i have a problem lmao
dark souls 1: solaire! also ornstein, sif, and artorias.
dark souls 3: firekeeper, i love her
bloodborne: eileen the crow, lady maria, gilbert
sekiro shadows die twice: wolf/sekiro, kuro, genichiro ashina, emma, the divine child, and gyobu
dishonored: corvo attano, emily attano, daud.
the unsleeping city: kingston brown, ester sinclaire, la gran gata, pete the plug
fantasy high: riz gukgak!
critical role: vax’ildan, fjord tusktooth, keyleth, beauregard, calianna, and more
tolkien: merry, pippin, sam, frodo, boromir, gimli, fili, bard, sigrid, eowyn, eomer, galadriel, tauriel, and so many more, too many to count
Tagged by : @yellowfingcr (thank you!)
Tagging: @regalentempire, @fireteam-striker, @unlikelyandco, @pollaplous, @heavenscales, @arcbright, @owlsector, @cosmicdeities, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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queen-lich-dumb-bitch · 2 years ago
People tend to enjoy my Souls takes and opinions, so here’s another list.
Bloodborne Boss List (Best to Worst)
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower: This fight is incredible for many reasons. Lore significance, blood arts, the cutscene, the arena, but what really makes it good is the fact that even though it’s not the hardest fight in the game, I always enjoy it.
Orphan of Kos: This man is THE fight in Bloodborne. You know the one. This man woke up and chose violence (literally) and is going to smash your head in with it. We love him. Great fight and definitely one of the best ever.
Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos: This fight makes me nervous whenever I walk in because how the fight goes is determined by what kind of mood she’s in. Either way it’s a fun fight, but I swear she bullies me sometimes.
Gehrmann, The First Hunter: Talk about a way to end the game. Great arena and he has such a cool vibe. The music when you fight him is also gorgeous so that helps.
Father Gascoigne: Dude is Bloodborne’s first real skill check. He is like Genichiro in Sekiro. He’s here to make sure you know what your in for and he’ll beat you with experience AND his fists.
Ludwig, the Accursed/Holy Blade: Dear Lord, this dude hurts. The only reason he’s not higher is because this dude’s hit boxes can be really aggravating sometimes. And when he hits like a freaking steam train, that can make a girl salty right quick.
Mergo’s Wet Nurse: Her design is fire and she is a scary fight. Not because she’s hard, but because one wrong move will put you on the wrong end of 8 scimitars slashing you to death.
Martyr Logarius: Logarius is the only fight in the main game that makes me really put on the tryhard pants. His zoning game frustrates my aggressive style and his projectiles hit harder than they should.
Vicar Amelia: She hits me when she really shouldn’t, but her design is cool, so I like her.
Darkbeast Paarl: Cakewalk. Truly me laying the smack down on an electric bone puppy.
Moon Presence: He looks SO cool, but as the last boss in the game, he definitely fell short for me because I practically abuse this thing every time I fight it.
Cleric Beast: Easy first boss, but he’s definitely not the worst and he’s kinda fun early game.
Laurence, the First Vicar: Cleric Beast but fire type. He has some new tricks and more health, but really nothing I hadn’t seen before.
Blood-Starved Beast: Kinda the average line in this list. Really nothing special, but the poison does create a bit of a nuisance.
Witches of Hemwick: Easiest boss in the game bar none, but I don’t actively hate them.
The One Reborn: Annoying. I take a lot of random damage in this fight and I’m not really a fan.
The Living Failures: A bunch of toddlers in a garden that can call down meteors. And they hit pretty hard. A nightmare for my ADHD.
Micolash: Haunted house meets projectile spammer. Not hard, just annoying. He’s also a smug, delusional asshole, so smacking him around is really a public service.
Celestial Emissary: Worst game of Whack-a-mole ever.
Shadows of Yharnam: Worst gangbang I’ve ever been a part of. Too much range and not a ton of cover. They hit hard and eventually giant snakes spawn unless you stop them. Endlessly frustrating and definitely not a fun gank fight.
Rom, The Vacuous Spider: The only spider I’ve ever not liked. Hoards of spiders that do too much damage, insane range, and lots of meteors. Lots of damage output for a creature that doesn’t do much. Frankly, it’s not him, it’s his entourage. The mini spiders make this fight an absolute drag and I despise dropping into his arena.
Amygdala: Bad boss design. Plain and simple. What makes him the worst is his lack of consistency. His arms and head are his ONLY weak spots, but they are rarely ever in reach long enough to hit for decent damage. You can break his arms, but even still, he attacks with those. He’s not hard in the base game, but in Chalice Dungeons is where you really see the flaws in this boss’s design.
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