#ladies specialist doctor in indore
gynaecologistinindore · 7 months
Laparoscopic Surgeon Treatment: Everything You Need to Know
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Laparoscopic surgery, a minimally invasive technique, has revolutionized the field of surgery, offering numerous benefits over traditional open surgery. In Indore, where medical advancements are rapidly taking place, the demand for skilled laparoscopic surgeons is growing, making it essential for residents to be aware of this specialized form of treatment. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding laparoscopic surgery and finding the best laparoscopic surgeon.
Understanding Laparoscopic Surgery
What is Laparoscopic Surgery? Laparoscopic surgery involves the use of a tiny camera and specialized surgical instruments inserted through small incisions, allowing surgeons to perform procedures with greater precision and minimal scarring.
Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery Explore the myriad benefits of opting for laparoscopic surgery, including reduced blood loss, quicker recovery times, shorter hospital stays, and lower risks of complications compared to open surgery.
Finding the Best Laparoscopic Surgeon
Qualities of an Ideal Laparoscopic Surgeon Learn about the key qualities to look for when searching for the best laparoscopic surgeon, including expertise, experience, credentials, and a proven track record of successful surgeries.
Laparoscopic Surgeon : A renowned laparoscopic surgeon in Indore known for his/her exceptional skills and patient-centric approach. Discover how to expertise doctor has transformed the lives of numerous patients through successful laparoscopic procedures.
Role of Laparoscopic Surgery in Gynecology
Laparoscopy in Gynecology:
An Overview Understand how laparoscopic surgery is playing a pivotal role in the field of gynecology, offering effective solutions for various conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, and ovarian cysts.
Choosing the Best Gynecologist in Indore Highlighting the importance of selecting the right gynecologist in Indore, this section provides insights into finding a skilled practitioner who specializes in laparoscopic gynecological procedures, ensuring comprehensive and compassionate care for women’s health issues.
As the medical landscape in Indore continues to evolve, understanding the nuances of laparoscopic surgery and finding the best gynecologist is crucial. Prioritize your health by staying informed and making well-informed decisions when it comes to laparoscopic treatments and procedures in Indore.
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Understanding Menstrual Disorders: Advice from Gynecologists
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Vertigo Treatment in Indore - Maitry Neuro Care Centre - Dr. Indu Bhana
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Are you looking for effective vertigo treatment? Look no further than Maitry Neuro Care Centre in Indore, led by renowned specialist Dr. Indu Bhana. With a comprehensive approach to Vertigo Treatment in Indore, including advanced diagnostics and personalized therapies, patients receive expert care tailored to their needs. Say goodbye to vertigo symptoms today.
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Non-Surgical Breast Lift Surgery in Indore | Intimate Body Shaping Clinic
 Elevate your confidence with Non-Surgical Breast Lift in Indore. Call +91-9111255565 for personalized care. Experience a lifted and rejuvenated silhouette.
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gynecologistindore · 9 months
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arpithospital · 2 years
Hospital for Normal Delivery in Indore | Arpit Mutispeciality Hospital & Laparoscopy Centre
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drarchanadubey · 2 years
Best Vaginal Cosmetic Surgery in Indore | Dr Archana Dubey
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Interested in the best vaginal cosmetic surgery in Indore? Dr. Archana Dubey is a well-respected medical professional with around 20 years of experience in laparoscopic surgery. She specialises in high-risk pregnancies, painless labour, vaginal hysterectomy without regard for dignity, and laparoscopic surgeries. Visit www.drarchanadubey.com/vaginal-cosmetic-surgery-indore/
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ivfcenterinindore · 1 year
IVF after 35: What to Expect and How to Prepare
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IVF has become a popular fertility treatment option for many couples, and it can be especially beneficial for those over 35. While the success rate of IVF is lower in women over 35 than in younger women, there are still good chances of achieving pregnancy with this method. If you’re considering IVF after age 35, here’s what to expect and how to prepare.
The first step is consulting your doctor about whether or not you should pursue IVF treatment at all – there may be other options that are more suitable depending on your individual situation. Your doctor will also discuss any risks associated with having a baby as an older mother (such as increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities). Once you have decided to go ahead with the procedure, make sure that you find an experienced specialist such as one from the best IVF Centre in Indore who can provide personalized care throughout the process.
During your initial consultation appointment, they will explain exactly what happens during each stage of treatment so that you know what to expect when things get underway: from egg retrieval through embryo transfer and implantation into the uterus till birth delivery if successful. This information helps ensure that patients understand their rights before starting any medical treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Additionally, some lifestyle changes may need to take place prior to beginning fertility treatments; these could include dietary modifications or taking certain supplements recommended by doctors which help improve chances for conception. For instance - increasing the intake of folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce risk factors associated with infertility & miscarriage rates.
Also Read: Best Lady Gynaecologist in Indore
Apart from preparing physically, it's important mentally too since undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures like Intrauterine Insemination(IUI) or In vitro fertilization (IVF) can cause high levels of stress and due to the emotional rollercoaster ride involved; hence counseling sessions might prove helpful along way too! It's essential to maintain a positive attitude towards the whole process while keeping realistic expectations regarding outcomes so one doesn't feel disappointed later on if results aren't favorable. Above all else, being surrounded by supportive family members and friends makes the journey much smoother and easier!
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Navigating the Journey of Pregnancy: Tips and Advice for Expecting Mothers in Indore
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Navigating the journey of pregnancy can be an exciting and overwhelming experience for expecting mothers. From dealing with morning sickness to preparing for labor, there are many things to consider when it comes to having a healthy and happy pregnancy. Here are some tips and advice from qualified gynaecologist in Indore that can help make this special time go as smoothly as possible:
1. Make sure you get regular prenatal checkups: Regular prenatal visits with your doctor or midwife are essential during your pregnancy. These visits allow you to monitor the health of both mother and baby, receive important information about nutrition, exercise, medication safety, etc., discuss any concerns or questions you may have about your pregnancy journey, receive immunizations if needed (e.g., flu shots), obtain ultrasounds or other tests if necessary (e.g., amniocentesis).
2. Eat a well-balanced diet: Eating nutritious foods is especially important during this time since what goes into a mom’s body will ultimately affect her developing baby too! Try incorporating plenty of fruits & vegetables in addition to lean proteins such as fish & poultry; complex carbohydrates like whole grains; low-fat dairy products; omega 3-rich foods like eggs & nuts; iron-rich foods such as leafy greens & legumes; and water throughout the day - all these items should become part of an expectant mother’s daily food intake regimen! 
3. Stay active: Exercise is not only beneficial for pregnant women but also helps keep them fit before their big delivery day arrives! Low-impact activities such as walking/jogging, swimming, prenatal yoga classes, etc. are great ways to stay active while still being mindful that they don't over-exert themselves - so no heavy lifting please :). Its best always to consult with one’s doctor prior to attempting any type of physical activity routine during the pregnancy period just to ensure everything is safe and sound!
4. Get enough restful sleep: Sleep deprivation can take its toll on anyone let alone someone who carrying an unborn child inside her tummy! It's recommended aim for at least 8 hours per night however sometimes even more might required depending on how far along the woman has reached in her trimester stages ...Also using comfortable pillows to support back neck areas while sleeping provides additional comfort which leads to better quality sleep overall.
5. Take care of mental health: Pregnancy brings up a lot of emotions feelings whether it is joy anticipation anxiety worry fear depression etc...It is normal to feel a range of emotions at the same once so don't hesitate to seek professional counseling guidance from qualified gynaecologist.
About the Author:
Dr. Poonam Raikwar is the best lady gynaecologist in Indore. She is also a renowned IVF specialist and a laparoscopic surgeon dedicated to providing comprehensive and quality care for women. She is an experienced doctor with more than 20 years of medical experience. She has been actively involved in the field of infertility treatment, women’s health, laparoscopy and obstetrics.
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IVF Specialist | A Complete Solution to Your Infertility
Infertility may not come suddenly; there are many things that are directly linked to infertility like older age for both men and women, over exercise, diabetes, eating disorders, excessive use of alcohol, and smoking, environmental toxins, cancer Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), stress, obesity and underweight.
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If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for more than a year after having unprotected sex but have been unsuccessful, it means that either you or your partner or both are infertile. Having infertility doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to be a parent. Becoming a parent is possible when you go to the BEST IVF Centre in Indore.
For Ladies:
Abnormal period
Blocked fallopian tubes
Damaged fallopian tubes
Celiac disease
Pituitary Gland Disorders
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Primary ovarian insufficiency
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
For Men:
Enlarged veins in the testicles
Cystic Fibrosis
Testicular cancer
Descending testicle
No smoking anymore
Do not use drugs
Limit or quit alcohol
Get treated for an STD
Limit exposure to toxins
Don’t over exercise
Infertility Diagnosis Process
For Ladies:
Basal body temperature
Pelvic exam
Blood test
For Men:
Semen analysis
Blood test
Scrotal ultrasound
Infertility Treatment Process
For Ladies
Medications – such as fertility drugs that help stimulate ovulation
Surgery – applicable only to remove uterine fibroids and uterine polyps, to treat endometriosis, and to open blocked fallopian tubes
For Men
Medicines – which help improve hormone levels and treat erectile dysfunction
Surgery – can sometimes help make sperm healthier by opening blockages in the tubes
Infertility treatment is a bit challenging, but it is possible to conceive with the help of IVF doctors by visiting the Best Infertility Specialist in Indore. Health improvement is not a one day effort, it is a process that takes time and helps you overcome infertility forever.
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yaamiivfcenter · 2 years
 IVF Facts vs IVF Myth
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There are many myths associated with IVF. Let us bust few of them.
This is one of the commonest myths associated with IVF. IVF used to be very costly earlier, but as time has passed and with the advent of new technologies, IVF has become more and more affordable. Nowadays IVF can be done using more of tablets and less of injections, which can drastically reduce the cost of the IVF. We can avoid doing unnecessary procedures if it is not needed and that would automatically reduce the IVF cost. This can be achieved by a proper evaluation of the couple including a 3D ultrasound of the uterus. We, at Yaami fertility and IVF Center in Indore believe in making tailor made IVF treatment for each couple.
 This is another myth which many patients have asked us during their fertility consultation. Though the IVF success has gone up many folds since the time it was started but still even in the best case scenario, the IVF success reaches around 80%. There are many conditions in which the IVF success can be less than 80% , for example in cases of advanced age of the lady, low number of eggs, low quality of eggs and embryos etc. The fertility specialist in the best IVF Centre make sure to counsel the patient regarding their specific percentage chance of having a successful IVF before embarking on the IVF process yeah do make sure that you ask your fertility doctor to tell your approximate chance of IVF success. At Yaami Fertility and IVF Center in Indore the success rate of IVF is around 70-80% which is the highest amongst many IVF Centers in Indore.
The reality is that the chance of the natural pregnancy remains the same before, and after IVF treatment and IVF does not alter this chance in any manner.
 In an infertile couple, the chances of abnormality in the baby remain the same whether the couple conceives with a natural pregnancy or IUI or IVF.
The chance of twins depends on the number of embryos transferred. If one embryo is transferred, then the chance of having twins is negligible and if two Embryos are transferred and the pregnancy happens then 20% of couples will have twins and in the remaining 80%, it will be a single baby.
This is incorrect. Women who have IVF might gain around two kgs. of weight due to water retention because of hormonal medications. This weight gain reverses completely once the effect of the hormonal medicines goes off which takes maximum of few days.
 Majority of the women undergoing IVF Treatment Process will need only oral and vaginal tablets and will not require any injections either during IVF or after IVF.
This is not correct as the research has shown that bed rest could actually reduce the chance of pregnancy rather than increasing it after an embryo transfer. The simple reason behind this has made a woman who takes complete bed rest would have a lot of stress which could directly reduce the IVF success rate.
The injections used for eggs growth for IVF are given using a very thin needle which most of the patients can inject by themselves. In other words, the pain of the needle prick maybe nothing more than a small pinch on the skin.
It is said that if there are no sperms in the semen testing (azoospermia) , IVF cannot be done which is wrong . In men who do not have any sperms in semen testing, sperms can be taken out from the testis using a small surgery and ICSI can be done to make the embryos. This treatment for male infertility is available at all the leading IVF centers and has lead to many happy parenthood in many families worldwide.
Yaami Fertility and IVF Center in Indore have the Best IVF Specialist for Best Infertility Treatment, Know Your IVF Treatment Cost in Indore.
Yaami Fertility & IVF Center Indore
Location: Third floor Vidyaraj Annexe, Basant Vihar Near Satya Sai Square, Vijay Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010
Contact :  078800 07281
Visit our website- https://yaamifertility.com/ for more information.
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Understanding Fibroids Surgery: Exploring Treatment Options for Uterine Fibroids
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Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in the uterus and can cause various symptoms, including heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and reproductive issues. When conservative treatments are ineffective, fibroids surgery may be recommended. This article aims to provide an overview of fibroids surgery and the different treatment options available for managing uterine fibroids.
1. Myomectomy: Preserving the Uterus
Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing fibroids while preserving the uterus.
This option is suitable for women who wish to retain their fertility or maintain their uterus for other reasons.
Myomectomy can be performed through open surgery (abdominal myomectomy) or minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopy or robotic-assisted surgery.
2. Hysterectomy: Removing the Uterus
Hysterectomy involves the complete removal of the uterus, and it is a definitive treatment for uterine fibroids.
This surgical option is often recommended for women who no longer desire to have children or who have severe symptoms that significantly affect their quality of life.
Hysterectomy can be performed through various approaches, including abdominal, vaginal, laparoscopic, or robotic-assisted surgery.
3. Minimally Invasive Techniques: Reducing Trauma and Recovery Time
Laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgery are minimally invasive techniques used for fibroids surgery.
These approaches involve making small incisions, which result in less trauma to the surrounding tissues and reduced recovery time.
Minimally invasive techniques offer advantages such as shorter hospital stays, less postoperative pain, smaller scars, and faster return to normal activities. If you are looking for the fibroids surgery then consult the best gynecologist doctor in Indore which helps you to suggest various alternative. 
4. Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE): Non-Surgical Option
UAE is a non-surgical treatment option for fibroids that involves blocking the blood supply to the fibroids.
During the procedure, small particles are injected into the uterine arteries, causing the fibroids to shrink and alleviating symptoms.
UAE is a less invasive alternative to surgery and may be considered for women who want to avoid surgical interventions or for those who are not suitable candidates for surgery.
5. Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS): Non-Invasive Option
MRgFUS is a non-invasive treatment option that uses focused ultrasound waves to heat and destroy the fibroids.
The procedure is guided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to precisely target the fibroids while sparing surrounding healthy tissue.
MRgFUS offers a non-surgical approach with minimal risks, no incisions, and a relatively quick recovery period.
Fibroids surgery provides various treatment options for managing uterine fibroids and alleviating related symptoms. Depending on individual circumstances, myomectomy or hysterectomy may be recommended to address fibroids. Minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopy and robotic-assisted surgery, offer advantages in terms of reduced trauma and quicker recovery. Non-surgical options like UAE and MRgFUS provide alternatives for women who want to avoid surgery or are not suitable candidates for surgical interventions. It is important for women to consult doctor for fibroids surgery treatment in Indore to determine the most appropriate treatment option based on their specific condition, symptoms, and future reproductive plans.
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Male Fertility Treatments at IVF Centre
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rajeshparmar01 · 2 years
Benefits of Robotic knee Replacement
You have osteoarthritis-related knee discomfort, and your doctor has recommended the conventional surgical treatment, which entails incisions, swelling, excessive blood loss, etc. Are you worried about the risks associated with knee surgery, which may not provide a permanent solution to your knee problem?
Fear not.
The answer to your predicament is provided below. Here, we present ROBOTIC SURGERY, which can be used to replace a knee.
So, take it easy, and let this operation do its magic.
Here sharing some benefits of Robotic Knee Replacement
The ability to arrange surgeries more precisely before they are performed
Robotic knee replacement surgery, makes use of three-dimensional imagery. That way, your surgeon can tailor the procedure to your specific anatomy, increasing the likelihood that the implant will be placed at the ideal depth and orientation.
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Exceptional Accuracy
By focusing solely on the damaged part of the joint, your orthopaedic surgeon can perform a robotic-assisted knee replacement. The robotic arm ensures the surgeon stays within predetermined boundaries during the operation. This means healthy bone and tissue surrounding the injured area of the knee are not lost. In addition, more precise knee implant placement means less rubbing and wear on the new joint and fewer issues that necessitate additional revision surgery.
Improved cosmetic surgery outcomes
Having robotic surgery won't make you feel like a "bionic man" or "bionic lady." However, patients report a more natural range of motion and gait after undergoing a joint replacement procedure using this method due to its precision in aligning and placing implants. Your orthopaedic physician can plan the treatment with the help of the system's robotic arm and cutting-edge 3D software, then make any required revisions based on real-time video imaging for a more precise alignment than is achievable with a traditional partial knee replacement.
Revival Time Reduced
Robot-assisted knee surgery is preferable to conventional knee replacement due to its smaller incisions and less invasive nature. Patients recover from surgery with less discomfort and in less time, allowing them to resume their regular routines sooner. Most people who get a robotic-assisted knee replacement can go home within two days.
Extended lifespan
Robotic knee replacement reduces implant loosening and failure, leading to a longer lifespan. In addition, patients often report increased ligament and muscle support after receiving an implant because of the implant's natural feel. Longer service life for the implant is a direct effect of better results.
Additionally, studies have shown that patients who undergo robotic-assisted knee replacements had a higher rate of satisfaction with the procedure overall. This technique reduces the likelihood that the implant will loosen too quickly or cause problems with other joint parts.
Dr.  Sunil Rajan is a top Joint replacement surgeon and Knee specialist in Indore at very low cost. Are you looking the best Shoulder replacement surgeon in Indore, then meet Dr. Sunil Rajan.
For Appointment & Enquiry Call us now +91 9826200015 & Visit Online - https://www.drsunilrajan.com/
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More Post :- Myths & Facts about Robotic Joint Replacement
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gynecologistindore · 9 months
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