tonyrossmcmahon · 22 days
Oasis and the rise and fall of Laddism
In 2024 Oasis is set to reform so let's look back at its 1990s association with Laddism as Tony McMahon examines 90s youth culture
OK – I’m going to nail my musical colours to the mast first and declare that back in the 1990s, I was in the Blur army and never really warmed to Oasis. To me, and many others, they were standard bearers for a Laddism that seemed to be dragging us back to the worst aspects of the 1970s. That may be unfair. But let’s look at how Oasis and the strange phenomenon of Laddism were viewed nearly thirty…
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beautyarchive · 10 months
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Kelly Macdonald in Trainspotting (1996).
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demirbas · 2 months
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🎀she was a blokette🎀
(this oasis keychain is a bottle opener)
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starfleetwitch · 8 months
🚜✊🏼In this house we stand with the farmers ✊🏼🚜
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songtwo · 1 year
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this is crazy next thing u know common people by pulp will be tiktok's next hot song rich influencers will be dancing to
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dwarvenstrapon · 4 months
me when i try on the strap in the comfort of my own room: hehe. sexy.
me when i am in the middle of putting on the strap in front of somebody who has unambigiously told me they want to have sex with me: [anxious screeching]
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cosmoglass · 8 months
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Dexter Fletcher tries to pick up Kelly Macdonald on her way home in Tube Tales (1999) and it's exactly like Renton and Diane in Trainspotting (1996).
I've always thought that the reason why Kelly Macdonald has been cast by so many major directors like Robert Altman, The Coen Brothers and Martin Scorsese, as well as top tv showrunners, is not just because she's beautiful and a good low-key drama actress who can do accents. It's also because they all went mad for Diane the ladette and her no bullshit way of dealing with Renton when she takes him home.
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sleepnoises · 2 years
looks like pinboard is maybe also on its way out. really feeling the entropy this week lads
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likemesomesalads · 2 years
Ough! The pain of wanting to talk about OC's but not having a coherent thought in my head....
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28dayslater · 2 years
what it is about trent is that he's a prettyboy and he's also a stonecold unapologetic raging megabitch about it. won't smile when you smile at him. expects you to get out of his way automatically when he's walking by. wants to have his personal effects carried for him everywhere. don't speak to him first unless he speaks to you. no breathing his rarified air. overachieving snobby spoiled iceprincess Chanel vibes to him. refreshing in our world of dopey laddy macho cocks trying to be normies
It’s like you’re writing enemies to lovers fic in my mind bc I know we would HATE each other
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lettuceish · 4 months
happy pride earth
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This is like Ambrosia to the britpop ladettes
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whinlatter · 1 year
Obsessed with your character ask responses - that Filch one was just *chef’s kiss*
2, 19, 47 for Lily Evans please!
thank you @alohaemora! troubling that i found filch easier to write than lily… but i love a challenge, so: lily evans! 🪷
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
lily evans had a regional accent 100%. either like a midlands brummie/wolves accent, or like a nottingham midlands/northern lilt. petunia did too, for a while, and snape had a particularly pronounced one, reflecting his class position relative to the evans family. petunia and snape trained theirs out - petunia as a sign of class ascension, snape as a calculated way of people knowing as little about him as possible. lily stubbornly hung onto hers - it was part of the reason she viewed james (and sirius) with contempt for so long, hating posh boy drawl shtick. but the more she hung out with the marauders, the more her vowels started slipping, another sign of her growing distance from the life and the family she was from. (can you tell i care too much about regional representation in this series)
19. Vices/bad habits
actually love this question - saint lily is boring! let her have flaws! i could see lily enjoying a Big Night Out. i want lily evans stumbling drunk in the street with a kebab in one hand and her heels in the other trying to flag down the night bus. binge drinking ladette culture is a proud and noble tradition and at least one evans sister needs to uphold it.
47. Dream job
this was so hard. lily headcanons are so hard! criminally underserved in canon to an intensely problematic extent. people writing lily in canon compliant fic deserve medals, honestly
i suppose the one thing we know of lily’s intellectual interests, other than that she was a gifted all rounder, as that she had an instinctual and impressive grasp of potions, and i like the idea of her having an interest in discovery, a real attention to detail but also a flexibility of thought, an inventiveness and a curiosity that could push her in a lot of different career directions. i also just love a girl with an ego - that one of the things that pissed her off about james was the sense of him as an academic rival. so maybe something in magical chemical research? there’s also a part of me that just likes the idea of her dreaming of travel and exploration, particularly in the last months of her life when she was confined to the house. the letter to sirius focussed on james, frustration at being sealed in and unable to go out under his cloak, but i think that could be lily expressing a frustration she shares with james but not wanting to sound like she herself was complaining. so yeah something that lets her think and roam and comes with some prestige, because she’s got a lot to prove and a muggleborn chip on her shoulder that means she’s determined to make a name for herself. as she should!
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nerd6log · 1 year
I feel like Fanny would have (secretly) enjoyed the whole 00s cringe culture thing we had going on. The weekly tidbits of gossip about celebrities and their affairs? The scandals?
"Holding your child over a balcony like that? Such irresponsible behaviour!"
"I will not have any of this Brangelina nonsense! Brad made his vows to Jennifer; he made bed so he should very well lie in it... with Jennifer!"
"A lady with a buzzcut?"
And she would have loved watching Ladette To Lady I'm not wrong
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funny-critter-blog · 2 months
Fun Laddie Lightbolt fact!
cuz I felt like it
Laddie’s full name is Ladette Thunderanne Lightbolt.
The other critters know about her first name (I imagine CatCaper calls her Ladette when she’s getting on his nerves), but she hasn’t told any of them her middle name, because she’s actually embarrassed by it.
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