#lactate dehydrogenase test in noida
healthifyin · 2 years
LDL Test in Noida
A LDL test in Noida is recommended if your doctor suspects you have an acute or chronic medical condition that is causing tissue damage. Recommend it: Specifically, conditions affecting the heart, lungs, blood, kidneys, and liver can be assessed and monitored with the LDH test. Diagnose and monitor diseases that cause cell damage. To check the severity of certain types of cancer and monitor patients during treatment. Used to monitor abnormal fluid buildup in the body. The LDH test measures the level of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase in the blood. This enzyme is primarily involved in energy production and is found in nearly every cell in the body, with the highest levels found in cells of the intestine, liver, muscle, and kidney. released into the bloodstream. Therefore, the lactate dehydrogenase test can be a non-specific test that helps determine the presence of conditions that cause tissue damage elsewhere in the body. Additionally, tests are performed to determine the exact cause and location of these conditions. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) test is a marker of cell and tissue damage in the body. Although it is normal to have some levels of LDH in the body, high levels of LDH are associated with various diseases and conditions. 
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