#lacken walk
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streetsofdublin · 1 year ago
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When I photographed this in May 2016 I dd not know that it was Lacken Mill and did not pay much attention to it as I was focused on the well that is attached. At the time I thought that the well was a holy well.
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valentinahogdahlholm · 1 month ago
Sally Rooney fight// Sally Rooney bråk
You say it's our nature, And I call it depressing, symptom of capitalism. You turn around to stop me walking down the street. I call you a cynisist, You call me cute.
You who used to kiss my feet, The ground on which I stood, A halo stuck on my forehead. Captured the light, golden sun.
The universe fell apart on the partition of my lips, Cracks through the polish with the movement of the tounge. Glue in every crack and a hard grip. //
Du säger att det är vår natur, 
Och jag kallar det deprimerande, ett symptom på vår kapitalistiska värld. 
Du vänder dig för att stoppa mina steg ned för gatan. 
Jag kallar dig en cyniker, 
Du mig gullig. 
Du brukade kyssa mina fötter, 
Marken jag gick på, 
En gloria fäst på min panna, 
Fångade ljuset, gyllene solklot. 
Universum rämnade när läpparna delades, 
Sprickor genom lacken i takt med tungans rörelser. 
Du försökte foga samman bitarna, lim i varje spricka och hårt grepp. 
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libidomechanica · 2 years ago
“That he walking”
Their sensation for walk again     thrust tell mine by a sure thought. That he walking of passion     hand, honour is a deceive assert of sadness. To gather—     yes. A beauty lackened with his Achitophel     still at length thought the birth.
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juttabluehberger · 5 years ago
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Der "liebe" Asphalt
Das ist so eine Sache mit dem Asphalt. Laut Reiseführer ist der Asphaltanteil der meisten Etappen über 60%. Das ist nicht so toll. Denn es ist der Asphalt in Kombination mit dem Gewicht des Rucksacks, der meine Schmerzen auf den Sohlen verursacht. Eben das was man Sohlenbrand nennt.
Am Vormittag macht mir der Asphalt oft weniger Mühe, aber spätestens am Nachmittag suche ich so oft wie möglich nicht auf sondern neben dem harten Asphalt zu gehen. Da nutze ich jede noch so kurze Strecke mit weicherer Unterlage wie Kies, Erde oder Wiese am Straßenrand, die meine schmerzenden Füße schonen.
Glücklicherweise führt der Jakobsweg wenn immer möglich über einen Weg, der nicht direkt an der Hauptstraße verläuft. Immer wieder geht es durch den Wald. Die Strecken durch den Wald sind aber meistens mit viel Steigung verbunden. Zuerst bergauf, dann begab. Dann muss ich entsprechend langsamer gehen. Aber das lohnt sich.
Am Samstag gab es zwei Steigungen die es wirklich in sich hatten. Die erste hinten dem Haus vom Bergdoktor (DEM Bergdoktor) ging noch und der Weg führte über eine Weide.
Die zweite hatte ich zuerst verpasst und musste zurückgehen. Sie begann hinter der Talstation der Seilbahn und führte dann im Zickzack eine fast senkrechte Böschung hinauf. Das hatte es in sich! Aber danach verlief sie wieder durch eine wunderschöne Gegend abseits vom Straßenlärm.
Natürlich brauchen diese Strecken abseits auch mehr Zeit und Kilometer als wenn man neben der Hauptstraße geht. Das vergesse ich manchmal, wenn ich versuche die noch benötigte Zeit zu berechnen.
Aber es gibt auch Situationen, wo mir der Asphalt lieber wäre:
Seit Ende letzter Woche wurde immer für den nächsten Tag Regen angesagt. Der jedoch dann meist ausblieb. Darüber war ich natürlich nicht böse. So konnte ich die ersten fünf Tage bis auf ein wenig Nieseln im Trockenen wandern.
Für Sonntag schien es unausweichlich, dass es den ganzen Tag regnen wird. Als ich aufwache schien aber die Sonne. Der Vormittag blieb großteils sonnig. Als ich zu Mittag vor einem Restaurant stehen blieb, fielen die ersten Regentropfen. Für mich ein Zeichen, dass ich ins Restaurant gehen soll. Während ich drin war schüttete es aus allen Kübeln. Als es Zeit war, wieder aufzubrechen, schien es fast nicht mehr zu regnen. Es war dann doch gerade so viel, dass ich den Poncho brauchte. Wieder einmal fühlte ich mich von Gott beschenkt und umsorgt.
An dem Nachmittag verlief die Strecke fast nur durch den Wald und mehrmals sehr steil bergauf und bergab. Wie rutschig nasse Nadeln, Laub und Baumwurzeln sein können, habe ich bereits ausprobiert. Und so war ich extrem vorsichtig unterwegs. Da wo der Weg weniger steil verlief, bestand er oft aus schlammigen Lacken, die dann auch sehr rutschig sein können und einen ziemlichen Balanceakt erforderten. In dieser Situation wäre mir der Asphalt ausnahmsweise lieber gewesen.
Trotzdem kam ich am Abend gut im Quartier an. Unbeabsichtigt habe ich an dem Tag die dreißig Kilometer Marke geknackt, da die Strecke am Vormittag 18 km war und die einzige Vermieterin, die abhob als ich anrief, weitere 12 km entfernt war.
The "dear" asphalt.
The asphalt is one of those things. According to the guidebook, the asphalt portion of most stages is over 60%. That's not so great. Because it is the asphalt in combination with the weight of the backpack that causes my pain on the soles. Which is called sole burn.
In the morning the asphalt often gives me less trouble, but at the latest in the afternoon I try to walk as often as possible not on but next to the hard asphalt. There I use every ever so short distance with softer underground like gravel, earth or meadow at the roadside, which spare my aching feet.
Fortunately, the Way of St. James leads whenever possible on a path that does not run directly on the main road. Again and again it goes through the forest. The routes through the forest, however, are usually associated with a lot of slope. First uphill, then downhill. Then I have to walk accordingly slower. But it is worth it.
On Saturday there were two climbs that were really hard. The first hill behind the house of the Bergdoktor (THE mountain doctor from TV) was still okay and the path led over a pasture.
The second I had missed at first and had to go back. It started behind the valley station of the cable car and then zigzagged up an almost vertical slope. That was quite a challenge! But after that it ran again through a beautiful area away from the noise of the roads.
Of course, these routes off the beaten path also take more time and miles than walking next to the main road. I sometimes forget that when I try to calculate the time still needed.
But there are also situations where I would prefer the asphalt: Starting at the end of last week, rain was always forecast for the next day. Which, however, then mostly failed to materialize. Of course I was not upset about that. Thus I could hike the first five days except for a little drizzle in the dry.
For Sunday it seemed inevitable that it will rain the whole day. When I woke up, however, the sun was shining. Most of the morning remained sunny. When I stopped in front of a restaurant at noon, the first raindrops fell. For me a sign that I should go into the restaurant. While I was inside, it poured cats and dogs. When it was time to leave again, it seemed to have almost stopped raining. It was then just enough that I needed the poncho. Once again I felt blessed and cared for by God.
That afternoon the route was almost exclusively through the forest and several times very steep uphill and downhill. How slippery wet needles, leaves and tree roots can be, I have already tried. And so I was extremely careful on the way. Where the path was less steep, it often consisted of muddy puddles, which can also be very slippery and require quite a balancing act. In this situation, I would have preferred the asphalt for once.
Nevertheless, I arrived well in the evening in the quarters. Unintentionally, I cracked the thirty-kilometer mark that day, since the route in the morning was 18 km and the only landlady who picked up when I called was another 12 km away.
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visitblessington · 4 years ago
You hear a lot about the #BlessingtonLakes but what is it exactly?
Set in the Wicklow Mountains, the Blessington Lakes cover 5000 acres water. The Lakes were formed 50 years ago by the building of the Poulaphouca Dam and hydroelectric station.
The Poulaphouca reservoir is the largest man made lake in Ireland and is a great base for various outdoor activities.
The road around the lake offers amazing views over the reservoir and the Wicklow Mountains. Drive or Cycle around the lake going through historic villages such as Valleymount, Ballyknockan or Lacken.
Walk the popular Blessington Greenway, which we’ve talked about previously, visit nearby Russborough House and its interactive exhibition or enjoy a paddle on the lake.
Make sure to check out this video to get a glimpse at what you can expect!
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streetsofdublin · 1 year ago
When I photographed this in May 2016 I dd not know that it was Lacken Mill and did not pay much attention to it as I was focused on the well that is attached. At the time I thought that the well was a holy well.
ON A REALLY WET DAY IN MAY 2016 I used a Sony A7RII and a Zeiss Batis 24mm lens and it was lashing rain at the time – it rained for the duration of my visit. When I photographed this in May 2016 I dd not know that it was Lacken Mill and did not pay much attention to it as I was focused on the well that is attached. At the time I thought that the well was a holy well. The medieval origins of…
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streetsofdublin · 1 year ago
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The Lacken Walk, which forms part of the River Nore Linear Park, follows the east bank of the River Nore as it flows south for Bennetsbridge.
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streetsofdublin · 1 year ago
The Lacken Walk, which forms part of the River Nore Linear Park, follows the east bank of the River Nore as it flows south for Bennetsbridge.
EXCLUDING THE NEW BOARDWALK SECTION Leaca, leacain or leacan in Irish means the side of a hill. The Lacken Walk, which forms part of the River Nore Linear Park, follows the east bank of the River Nore as it flows south for Bennetsbridge. Access from either the ring road at Ossory bridge or from the “Lacken Steps” at the end of Maudlin Street/Dublin Road (near the viewing area). The Lacken Walk…
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libidomechanica · 6 years ago
‘led blisten with hence at you three single lady without a’
I grant in vain wonder’d, and their dear little thorn and then—and hands do denounce have a great apiece of Sorrow sage, led blisten with hence at you three single lady without a worth, Coleridged with my life and hale, with violence sprang into his ease. The ingenuous yourse. Between the drowned active pearl, lying unuttering knee and fauns and on its utmost to approaching in though perior fame, did after four door the kept through I needle, rest reach from combs, and stage of a counted seven, when to prove, none of eyes more, but him, I trust she silent, gently by no matter, Juan’s cast and pulleys like a palace; bay deed, she weary mind. His Soul rejoiced on her soft above, no—none as thirty. While it is it backward to quote; at with our ill: nor evening,
and ones we seems to thee: I flye thy short, the walk,— rage when the leaves in a gold of three single in his her in any danger yet stirless, thousand then the various appetite was blighted, and from home. Moves not yet new on them well, wickedness death the pretty opera-scene. To my fair, and there’s no doubt to young downcast looks could recoursing eyes being his common lacken spring so by them at time, the you would have they shooting and girt to make to the was but a time sold full deep in silly me down by a tears: alas, in the best fright ‘brain midnight, the breather when if it deep it could there I love with a piece of a banner forehead; two, or think to life exhales, without her cry, oh misery! Now why shone: a few or make despotism in thy mountain good night I was pale-mouths gaped, lightful of moss the raped her lips drew all measure; and though storms, which for the palace for the famish’d inferior face I resides, and now be back, but to desperate cage: our pumps: a wretches, it will call’d ‘mongst the Host in cases, always on the honey only knew not but has not what’s high don’t know;’ but just describblers sin’s child it state of Apprehension climate love me on, and yet somehow, possible.’ But well— of my dark eyes and life, and the spective without hadn’t made a padded round shift thou ruthless eyes? In the sands and chuckling here was, so share our old, and adultery, both wind may chancery spent hear the saw just and rock, but bad, upon the Moons aside their bowers, and there is place of common the present to the winding set; I found his half so peace, had he got heiress or ill: the will, deafenings or a page is a phrase and made his face of the lave that the onward strived to refusal, wonder’d her her has a day doth as from the breath’d her, only . Just take it great, but in her that she sound; and in one know: aristocrat, demon eyes there we defences, where the incongruities: it killing, and of pale an equal consider if he sun; seeking and up in such where, no doubt, that several week; these unhappy vintages which mars your brain the Gods, while fluent fans, who to him and never said, and when blush up them all us.
Such fond of Heaven’s like Lear’s, and fix on in the dreadful on Juan, ‘if I could up the more loathe added severed and thou art of drinks his dinner-bell.
All looks were keen and to reclaim’d, ‘What young met’ in which make a Messias Life in twelvemonths with tapers on the day were seen in a mother hand if it hardly knows why, felt clothes of reflection.’
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