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losergendered · 8 months ago
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ID: a set of 33 images in 16 pairs, except sunset, which has three, both an equestria girls version and a pony version along with the blank splice. each has one image of the listed my little pony character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Gallus from My Little Pony is a genderqueer marellaemo labelmasc pleonotic guy and a semi-closeted transfemmasc minboygirl julietian who defaults to he/him pronouns, but is trying out she/her pronouns with those she is closest to! She has undiagnosed BPD!
Silverstream is a hyperfem transfem, transvergent, gigglegender, cringeXDcoric, sealuminethesia, shimmetherea, eversonglexesia, friendmagithesia, whimsymagian, auresapphangelica, happysunshineic, sillyaeangender, wormglowic, sumaris, <|:0)gender, gofenian hippogriff who uses any neopronouns and nameself pronouns! Scy has chronic fatigue and ADHD!
Smolder is a carnelian transmasc, transkaxm, casualic, virpresentic, cuspmasc, minifinic, mascgirl, androvixenix, krossgender, axurllian, graffurbel, dangefmein, transmascxeninfuckoff, aeldarian, butchforic, campsungeric, hardcoric, cenisolar, stereomasc, labelfem, rosazurboy, genderfaunan, transmascflux girl, orchidboy, lesboyfuckoff dykeazurgirl omnique leoydian dragon! Wy prefers to use he/him, cae/caer, voi/void, bea/beast, grim/grims, dra/drake, jade/jade, wy/wyr, and li/lich pronouns, although cae rarely uses feminine and neutral ones!
Yona is a girlfemme, transclipse aleosxygender genderfloretan genderlaume T4T strayt bennetian girl!
Her boyfriend Sandbar is a mistnatramic abonxigender linumgender butch-femme boyfemme 🐢☕emojic oceanfearic easean oceanusolic shelsonatic T4T orchelliboy dalaen dude!
Ocellus is a genderfloret beetleshinaesic, dreamexterri identraumabandic starbutterflyic, bathynomaxic, ireniclexic, stonaturium, shynerd shapeshifterweirdo who uses fae/fear, sh>/h>r, bright/brights, flo/flor, swe/swes bo/bel, lil/lily, ado/adore, lun/luns, kyu/kyus, and flut/flutter pronouns! Fae have C-PTSD, OLD, and social anxiety!
They are the members of the Young Six and are all best friends!
Trixie Lunamoon is a flamboric lunarwizardic glamoumagic bitcommitic wtfgirlic chaoscatgender akiosexual lunarian pony!
She's in a relationship with Starlight Glimmer, a transfeminine azurgirlboss arospec omnisexual pony with NPD!
The two are friends with Sunburst, an autistic, transtidal, masc-leaning neutral-aligned bigender, gendernixie, libralotinkic, whimlibrassic, sillylittlenic, cadalgender, biblioique, velician, librainfort, sapphillean boy alpaca gaybian with anxiety and OCD!
His sister, Sunset Shimmer, is a knight femme, goldengender, stesolunar, cirrusdayic, solskinnian, cielembri, nubiluminian, calmcountrysun, solskinnian, danebloseic, azalean lesdudechick butch boygirl!
Her girlfriend SciTwi is a selian, straightbian, bisexual, a-floric, demigirl with social anxiety and autism! She has special interests in astronomy, mathematics, and science!
Maud Pie is a genderlaume, mossycryptic, darkwelestic, centoforestic, nyctylviarestic, lostarjoyic, noxsilovfearic, solabeamcloudaesic, lovkenic, aro lesbiromantic bisexual pony who uses she/her and no pronouns! This gal is autistic!
Tempest Shadow, who also goes by Fizzlepop Berrytwist, is a stone butch, villinner, transmasc nonbinary/gnc woman evenic, rainyhorric, floroucrete, domuderelic, demiromantic xenurgirl who uses he/she and they/them pronouns!
Moondancer is an intersex AMAB, atlantifluid, transfem duogender, shiftormon, genderfrith, salphrodisian, autifictowl, solaouthrine, briaxygender, artuitogender, temotiattractic, womquallian, maquallian, sapphoplatonic! She usually prefers she/her pronouns, but is moonphasepronounflux, and pronounflux, so she changes between py/pyx, hi/hem, they/them, 🌑/🌒/🌓/🌔/🌕/🌖/🌗/🌘self, and any space related neopronouns! Py are autistic and have alexithymia, anxiety, and narcolepsy!
Party Favor is a genderfree, aeurixygender, boyinflata, cirquoigender, iridesdulcic, sillyradicalthing immotman with ADHD!
Discord is an apothibinary, timenoiric, eamorsic, chaosean, tricksterbodiment, ennormisse, aureatlos, gender transcending being who rejects the idea of naming his attraction! It uses any/all masculine and beautiful neopronouns, and is married to Fluttershy!
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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genderstarbucks · 2 years ago
Is there a male counterpart of the labels you mentioned here? https://www.tumblr.com/genderstarbucks/717029983253594112/hello-i-hope-its-okay-that-im-in-anon-im
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(Boy/guy/man/male)connec is a gender in which one feels connected with the boy/guy/man/male label, but does not identify as one.
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Abxyly-girl/woman; abxyly-nonbinary (a-boy-lee) is a queer woman or nonbinary person who uses traditionally masculine terms to refer to themselves :(boy / boyfriend, husband, king, etc.) One might use these terms exclusively OR not, they might just refer to themselves as these words just for fun sometimes.
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Boylexic is a xenogender connected to the word boy and/or for people who identify as boys while not identifying as a man or with masculinity.
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Labelmasc is a term for when your gender is not male, male aligned, and/or masculine, but you’re okay with and use man aligned, male gendered, and masculine labels.
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archival-arrival · 2 years ago
list of masculine, male and boy genders
genders related to masculinity and/or the terms male/boy in some way.
made for @melodymogai
warning: some may be anti-mspec and/or anti-endo posters/coiners jic you arent comfortable with that. (one even has "fictive-only systems" in their dni)
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aboyic, agendercute boy, archeomascic,
boyfriendian, boycreature, boygender, boybeast, boydogthing, boy+, bugboyic, boynotboy, boything, boyflux+ghoulboy+xoy+paraboy+transmasc, boyick,
crossroadsprettyboyic, cuteboylovic,
demiboyvoid+demienboyvoid+demiagenderboyvoid, demiloverboy, detachedboyesque+detachedmanesque,
finalboyic, flowermonsterboyic, frogboygender, feminiboygender+boytoylexic,
loserboygender, littlefemboyic, liminalsnowmasc, littlemascgirlic, labelmasc,
magicalgirlboy, manstermonsterboyic, minecraftboyic, mascfemenigmatic+mascenigmatic, mnbfemfluxic, masc mechanica, mascaquatic,
neufairyboy, nonbinary boy+demiboy, nymboyflux, neonfluidboy,
omniboy, oldwebmonsterboyic,
prettyboygender, possumonsterboyic, perfumasc,
redmonsterboyic, rathgender,
starvalleymascic, sickboyic, sponge-boy-me-bob, sanrioboy, strawboyflavic, squirmonsterboyic, sharkboy, sunstarmascic, simongender,
transfemboy, transatprettysingic, transmascinflux, tvheadmascic,
virtualboypixic, vampirigirlboy, vitanoxic,
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plenty more can be found through searching "boy xenogender", "masc xenogender" and similar phrases here on tumblr.
feel free to mention any you'd like to be added to this list or request more! im always happy to make lists /g
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mogaiz-heaven · 4 years ago
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Labelmasc: When your gender is not male, male aligned, and/or masculine, but you’re okay with and use man aligned, male gendered, and masculine labels.
The bottom blue/purple stripes come from the masc flag, and represent masculinity, maleness, and manhood. The center white stripe represents neutrality, comfort, and gnc (gender non conforming) feelings. The top set of green stripes represent opposing gendered feelings compared to your labels, and non binary genders.
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losergendered · 8 months ago
MLP Character Hcs
Gallus is a genderqueer marellaemo labelmasc pleonotic guy and a semi-closeted transfemmasc minboygirl julietian who defaults to he/him pronouns, but is trying out she/her pronouns with those she is closest to. She has undiagnosed BPD.
Silverstream is a hyperfem transfem, transvergent, gigglegender, cringeXDcoric, sealuminethesia, shimmetherea, eversonglexesia, friendmagithesia, whimsymagian, auresapphangelica, happysunshineic, sillyaeangender, wormglowic, sumaris, <|:0)gender, gofenian Hippogriff with ADHD. Silverstream uses any/all and nameself pronouns. She has chronic fatigue.
Smolder is a carnelian transmasc, transkaxm, casualic, virpresentic, cuspmasc, minifinic, mascgirl, androvixenix, krossgender, axurllian, graffurbel, dangefmein, transmascxeninfuckoff, aeldarian, butchforic, campsungeric, hardcoric, cenisolar, stereomasc, labelfem, rosazurboy, genderfaunan, transmascflux girl, orchidboy, lesboyfuckoff dykeazurgirl omnique leoydian dragon. Wy prefers to use he/him, cae/caer, voi/void, bea/beast, grim/grims, dra/drake, jade/jade, wy/wyr, and li/lich pronouns, although cae rarely uses feminine and neutral ones.
Yona is a girlfemme, transclipse aleosxygender genderfloretan genderlaume T4T strayt bennetian girl.
Her boyfriend Sandbar is a mistnatramic abonxigender linumgender butch-femme boyfemme 🐢☕emojic oceanfearic easean oceanusolic shelsonatic T4T orchelliboy dalaen dude.
Ocellus is a genderfloret beetleshinaesic, dreamexterri identraumabandic starbutterflyic, bathynomaxic, ireniclexic, stonaturium, shynerd shapeshifterweirdo who uses fae/fear, sh>/h>r, bright/brights, flo/flor, swe/swes bo/bel, lil/lily, ado/adore, lun/luns, kyu/kyus, and flut/flutter pronouns. Fae have C-PTSD, OLD, and social anxiety.
They are the members of the Young Six and are all best friends.
Trixie Lunamoon is a flamboric lunarwizardic glamoumagic bitcommitic wtfgirlic chaoscatgender akiosexual lunarian pony.
She's in a relationship with Starlight Glimmer, a transfeminine azurgirlboss arospec omnisexual pony with NPD.
The two are friends with Sunburst, an autistic, transtidal, masc-leaning neutral-aligned bigender, gendernixie, libralotinkic, whimlibrassic, sillylittlenic, cadalgender, biblioique, velician, librainfort, sapphillean boy alpaca gaybian with anxiety and OCD.
His sister, Sunset Shimmer, is a Knight Femme, goldengender, stesolunar, cirrusdayic, solskinnian, cielembri, nubiluminian, calmcountrysun, solskinnian, danebloseic, azalean lesdudechick butch boygirl.
Her girlfriend SciTwi is a selian straightbian bisexual a-floric demigirl with social anxiety and autism. She has special interests in Astronomy, Mathematics, and Science.
Maud Pie is a genderlaume mossycryptic darkwelestic centoforestic nyctylviarestic lostarjoyic noxsilovfearic solabeamcloudaesic lovkenic aro lesbiromantic bisexual pony who uses she/her and nameself pronouns. Maud is autistic.
Tempest Shadow, who also goes by Fizzlepop Berrytwist, is a stone butch, villinner, transmasc nonbinary/gnc woman evenic, rainyhorric, floroucrete, domuderelic, demiromantic xenurgirl who uses he/she and they/them pronouns.
Moondancer is an intersex AMAB, atlantifluid, transfem duogender, shiftormon, genderfrith, salphrodisian, autifictowl, solaouthrine, briaxygender, artuitogender, temotiattractic, womquallian, maquallian, sapphoplatonic. She usually prefers she/her pronouns, but is moonphasepronounflux, and pronounflux, so she changes between py/pyx, hi/hem, they/them, 🌑/🌒/🌓/🌔/🌕/🌖/🌗/🌘self, and any space related neopronouns. Py are autistic and have alexithymia, anxiety, and narcolepsy.
Party Favor is a genderfree aeurixygender boyinflata cirquoigender iridesdulcic sillyradicalthing immotman. He has ADHD.
Discord is an apothibinary timenoiric eamorsic chaosean tricksterbodiment ennormisse aureatlos Gender Transcending being who uses any/all pronouns. It is married to Fluttershy.
(could you use the pony and human counterparts for Sunset please and ty!!)
🌖☄️ anon
posted! (along with your changes, dw!)
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