#la strada (rika)
persimmontea · 5 years
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Favorite skaters ~ Rika Kihira
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Rika Kihira skating to La Strada for her free program at the 2017 Japanese Nationals and 2017 Junior Grand Prix Final.
(Sources: Zimbio and Maria Kateshova)
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rika-kihira · 7 years
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Rika Kihira lands a 3A-3T combination and a solo 3A in her free program at Japanese Nationals. She landed a total of 8 triples to win bronze! Congrats Rika Chan!
Her TES was the highest of the night and she is the first lady to land two triple axels in the FP since Mao Asada!
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teeny-human · 7 years
Some gems from Asian Open 2017
1. The hilariously terrible rink acoustics/ livestream audio recording that completely destroyed some programmes with unnecessary dissonance and made the announcer sound like Satan rising from the depths of hell 2. Whoever was in charge of switching camera angles just couldn't make up their goddamn mind like the fairy godmothers in sleeping beauty fighting over whether they want the dress to be pink or blue 3. The tiny fucking podium that almost claimed some of the junior men's lives 4. P E P P E R L U N C H and C O C O I C H I B A N Y A
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beautifulstorms · 3 years
Rika Kihira!
favourite program: a beautiful storm, probably my favourite ladies free program of the entire last quad! it just has this undercurrent of power that ties everything together, and builds so well to the choreo sequence + 3s. rika has such great flow and speed in everything that she does, and this program is all about that! chills down my spine every time <3
(I remember rushing to gif it after every single time she skated it being like "oh my god. I think i'm shaking?" like there's at least 3 gifsets of it on this blog... i was obsessed)
least favourite program: her la strada fp, which to be fair, has its moments. but I kinda feel about it the same way I feel about junliet: she's not really selling it enough? I feel like la strada is supposed to be a little ridiculous and mime-y and unhinged fun (think dai's fp, or alysa's from this year) and I just don't think rika's performance style is suited for that.
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stormskates · 5 years
Rika Kihira - International Angel of Peace | Program Review
Choreography by Tom Dickson
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The Concept
International Angel of Peace tells the story of an angel on a mission to end war and conflict between different religions of the world and unite them in peace. This concept is reflected in multiple facets of the program, such as:
the music, which is a medley of different pieces to represent and allude to a diversity of places, religions, and cultures
the choreography, which builds on the inspiration of the music and depicts varying expressions from faith to anger to joy and triumph
the costume, tailored by Satomi Ito, which has gold embellishments reminiscent of gilded sculptures, a common art form found across multiple cultures and religions 
Unlike her previous programs, International Angel of Peace isn’t an interpretation of a pre-existing text. This isn’t choreographed to a single piece of music (e.g. Breakfast in Baghdad, Kung Fu Piano, Beautiful Storm, Claire de Lune, Rhapsody in Blue, Tzigane) or songs tied already by a theme (e.g. La Strada). While drawing inspiration from various sources, everything from the medley of songs and the story that accompanies it results to the creation of an entirely new text. This makes it distinguished and incomparable.
I’m a big fan of how layered and substantive this program is. As I especially appreciate it when the choreography goes above and beyond expectations, I thought I’d write this up.
Pardon the inconsistent and poor quality of GIFs as these are from various performances and sources. Some are mine but some are also from: @rika-kihira​ | @chibihao​ | @reimz​
The Program
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International Angel of Peace begins with the sound of a bell being rung, which is matched by arm movements that depict the opening of a dance. The choreography that follows, now as the music plays a beautiful cello cover of O Virtus Sapientiae (composed by German Benedictine abbess Hildegard von Bingen), also portray a gentle awakening. She circles twice before opening her chest, like so:
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The tempo in O Virtus Sapientiae is slow, giving her ample time for her opening jumps. For the duration of the song, she’s allowed to focus on jumping and landing her highest scoring jumps, the 4S and 3A2T. (Note that as of this writing, she has yet to perform both jumps to avoid aggravating her ankle injury.)
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The music then picks up, shifting to the slightly more upbeat, thrill-inducing Beirut Taxi (composed by Alexandre Desplat for the movie Syriana) as she does a series of transitions into her 3Lz. Serious, grim expressions of the face and body complement those steps — the angel in this story is gearing up as she sets forth to accomplish her mission.
After the jump, she wastes no more time getting into her combination camel spin, matching the beat of the music. As she ends the spin, the music fades to the next song, Wings of the Eagle (composed by Uttara-kuru). The music invokes less combative emotions and harks back to traditional Japanese sounds. The image of a Japanese garden comes to mind, but we aren’t allowed to gaze at the flowers for long as the music doesn’t take long to shift again - this time to Caravans on the Move (composed by Mike Batt) - and the angel comes across the war.
Rika jumps her second 3A and transitions directly into the step sequence, the first part of which is set to the music, Mother Tongue (composed by Dead Can Dance). The tempo is faster, demanding her to perform quicker, sharper movements. In no way, however, does this sacrifice her fluidity and motion on the ice. She makes use of the size of the rink, covering as much ice as there is available. Just watch her go (and the camera follow her):
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The first part of the step sequence ends with a brief but decisive halt. The battle stops for a moment, and the angel puts on a smile.
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The tempo slows down, but we still see hints of truculent stances throughout the choreography before it mellows down completely. 
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This part is rather brilliant imo: there is scarcely a war in history where the parties involved do not still encounter hiccups in negotiations and compromises for peace, and this portrays that period pretty well.
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When the step sequence ends, the music shifts to Sacred Stones (a world music-style rendition of a Sanskrit chant by Sheila Chandra). Rika takes a breath and gathers speed again for her 3Lz3T (x) and transitions out of them to this choreography:
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Personally (and this is probably an unpopular opinion), I’m a bit perplexed by the takes about how controversial the arm movements are in this part. The position is popularly credited to Egyptian style dance, but there are also strong similarities in even just the first video you see when you search up traditional Indian dance in Youtube (e.g. the positions in 1:47-1:51 in this). Not for me to deny how others felt about this part of the choreography, but it doesn’t strike as appropriative when the exact music used doesn’t appear to be used in actual prayers (and is performed by a woman of Indian descent) and the choreography doesn’t appear to demean or devalue the culture it draws inspiration from.
If anything, this is the most solemn part of the program. The war has ended, the people are in a state of rebuilding, and the angel is praying for continued peace. At this point in the program, the hymn evokes feelings of hope and faith, which I find beautiful.
Moving on, Rika jumps her last combo, the 3F-Eu-3S (x), and swings right into her combination I-spin as the hymn fades and transitions into the last piece of music, In A Moment of Greatness (composed by Larry Groupé). The title speaks for itself: the Angel of Peace has accomplished her mission, and the last three elements evoke that triumph.
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In the choreographic sequence alone, we watch the angel express her joy with a beautiful, victorious Ina Bauer to a gleeful stag jump. I also really like these arm movements in between, as they're expressing this ‘opening up’ — a recurring theme in the entire element. Her arms rarely take a break and are not held sloppily, as you can see:
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After the choreographic sequence, Rika does a cross-grab spiral before her last jump, the 3Lo (x), directly transitioning into the final element and her best spin, the layback — a mere ten seconds away from the end of the program. This part of the choreography is not only difficult to execute, but also complements the music really well.
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Her end pose is, of course, of a triumphant fashion. Her posture is impeccable, so even a simple pose like this looks elegant and beautiful. I also like thinking of this as the part where the angel finally spreads out and shows off her wings.
Further Thoughts
Putting her varying jump layout aside (the ones I’ve labelled here is from the original plan, which is more ambitious than what she’s performed so far), I thought the program itself is pretty solid from concept to execution.
On skating skills: The program highlights Rika’s strengths very well, showcasing her varying use of speed, ease of flow and acceleration acquisition between elements, wide range of body movement, clear edge control, and skills in multi-directional and one-footed skating. Her skating skills have visibly improved since last season.
On transitions: The transitions between elements (jumps, spins, sequences) are smooth and complex. Three of her jumps (3Lz, 3F-Eu-3Sx, and 3Lox) exit into spins, one jump exits into the step sequence. There are steps before her combos and the solo 3Lz. All the transitions also match the music overall, as I’ve elaborated above.
On composition: The program demonstrates a clear concept, matching plot and choreography to music and maximising the space of rink. There’s more to this than being another angel program. The points of the plot are defined, and the details of the concept (i.e. how this is meant to evoke a diverse set of cultures, religions) are sprinkled in different ways (music, choreography, even the warrior-like costume) throughout the program. 
On interpretation of the music: Rika is one of the few skaters I know who match their movements to the music. The music is a medley and by its very nature demands the portrayal of multiple emotions, which is an expectation I think the choreography and performance meets. The movements here are nuanced and expressive, enough for the attentive viewer to grasp the story being told even if you’re seated far.
On performance: While I do think we have yet to see this program in full form and performed with a similar ferocity that Rika showed in NHK+GPF2018, it’d be unfair not to give credit to her lines, carriage, posture, and expression in movement, not to mention performing this cleanly so far even under immense pressure.
There is so, so much potential in this program and it’s really quite a lot more meticulous, structured, and difficult than most people give it credit for. 
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yonkaitens · 7 years
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Rika Kihira || La Strada
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eggplantgifs · 7 years
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Rika Kihira, La Strada || 2017 Japanese Nationals
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woodwind-sensei · 7 years
Junior Worlds Preview: Ladies Singles
After the absolute high that was the 2018 Olympic Games, the figure skating world moves on to the next competition, which will be the World Junior Figure Skating Championships in Sofia, Bulgaria. Though many of these skaters will not move to the senior level for a while, there are still a few to watch for the 2022 Olympics in Beijing. The ladies event is especially filled with some bright new faces that could shake up the international rankings in the years to come.
Alena Kostornaia (RUS) - Eteri Tutberidze keeps on coming to the table with some incredible skaters. Kostornaia may be the second ranked junior skater from Russia, but she is probably the most well-rounded of the Russian juniors coming to Junior Worlds this year. She has wonderful presence on the ice and is able to hit so many interesting positions in the span of four minutes. She does backload, but I’m not so distracted by it (like I am with Zagitova), since some of the steps in between are super fascinating to watch.
Alexandra Trusova (RUS)- Another Eteri student, Trusova turned a lot of heads at the Junior Grand Prix Final when she chucked a quad salchow, a jump that she has allegedly been prepping for some time now. As much as I want to join this bandwagon of admiration, I have to be realistic. This is not the direction in which she should be going at this point in time. Rather than upping her technical content, she really needs to work on perfecting a solid repertoire of jumps, spins, and steps. Her overall packaging is quite awful at the moment. Also, if the quad goes wrong, her career could be over in a nanosecond. 
Rika Kihira (JPN) - The 2nd youngest lady to land a triple axel in international competition (Mao Asada was a couple of months younger than Kihira when she landed her first successful triple axel), Kihira made history by becoming the first lady, junior or senior, to land a triple axel-triple toe loop combination. Her presentation skills have improved a lot over this past year, and her free skate to “La Strada” fits her lyrical style quite well. She could really be a star on the rise if she continues to grow in terms of technical and artistic perfection.
Lim Eunsoo (KOR)- ever since the retirement of Kim Yu-Na, South Korea’s prospects of Olympic glory seemed to be on the decline. However, considering that Yu-Na won her first gold in 2010, when there was seemingly no other skater, it only makes sense that the main charge of Korean athletes is about to hit the world stage in a big way. They have four or five junior ladies who are already doing triple-triples with their arms shot straight by their ears, and with the spectacular performances by Choi da-Bin and Kim Ha-Nul, South Korea is taking aim at becoming the next great superpower in figure skating. The best of these juniors is Lim Eunsoo, who finished 4th at last year’s Junior Worlds. She’s got some great qualities, but her choreography and packaging is atrocious. The music is way too heavy and jazzy for someone with such delicate skating. 
You Young (KOR)- You Young was long hyped to be the next Yu-Na after winning her first National Championships at the age of 11. She has dropped the ball as of late, with Lim Eunsoo kind of taking her place as the Korean junior skater to beat. There is clear potential for Young to bounce back: there are videos of her training triple axels, which would be a first for Korean skating. If anything, she should really be taking from a coach like Tracy Wilson, because her skating is extremely heavy and doesn’t have the lightness of Lim Eunsoo. Given Tracy’s ice dance background, she could improve You Young’s basic set of skating skills.
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elfilibusterismo · 7 years
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Rika Kihira, La Strada | Junior Grand Prix Final 2017 (x)
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mostlytiredoffs · 7 years
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Rika Kihira - La Strada - Japanese Junior Nationals 2017 (x)
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wakabond-blog · 7 years
GPF 2017 Junior Ladies
Rika looks good in the warm-up, solid 3Lz-3T but no visible 3A from the official livestream; Daria Panenkova up first w/non me quitte pas
Daria: Solid solid SOLID jumps with her rippons, great set of spins too but stsq was only a level 3. I get that some folks think her artistry isn’t entirely there yet, but hey I’m totally here for that lipstick-smudging sass. Everything looks fully rotated and Ted Barton’s being very complimentary as usual: “look at that detail face expression hand movement.” And she gets a 70.66+54.85=125.51 for a 191.56 total great start to the comp
RIKA KIHIRA omo my heart: lil’ prayer with Mie Hamada and La Strada begins. I’m literally huddled under a towel in the dark please please OH MY GOD FIRST TRIPLE AXEL TRIPLE TOE EVER LANDED BY A LADY HOLY!!!!!!!! 14.80 POINTS FOR A SINGLE ELEMENT! OKAY OKAY SECOND TRIPLE AXEL ahhh popped into a single. That’s alright, she’s got a lot of tech ammunition left. 3F(t) low GOE (slightly ur?). 3Lz+2T(t), 3Lz(t)+2T+2Lo, 3Lo, 3S all landed cleanly. YAS QUEEN LEVEL 4 STSQ AND SPINS ALL GREAT. Ted B: “Well folks, you’ve just witnessed history. 3A+3T never done before, but today is the day.”
~cue Rika almost tripping on the way out of the rink~ Replay on the huge combo looks amazingly clean esp the 3T and Mie Hamada going crazy like the rest of us. 67.12+58.51=125.63 Total 192.45 (currently 1st) :/ I’ll just find solace at her historical move tonight <3
Sofia Samodurova: gosh love this tango style music, 3Lz a little wonky, looks down at the ice, more expressive than Daria in the stsq but edges aren’t as deep as Rika’s. Beautiful 3S(t) and 3Lo(t) as the second half starts. 3Lz(r)+2T+2Lo(t), 2A+3T(t), 3F(t)+2A(t)+SEQ, final 3F(t) all clean. She looks a little disappointed heading towards her bows but what a wonderful program. Coming into the free in 6th place (but by a mere few points off the podium) she has a shot to climb up...but I don’t see her taking over Rika with that program. Scores 67.12+55.61=122.73 Total 187.74 (3rd currently)
also did she just kiss alexei mishin on the mouth
Anastasia Tarankova: let’s go long-limbs what chu got. 3Lz(r)+3T (hella extension on that exit) clean and now the 2 minute wait for the next series of jumps. 3Lz(r)+Lo+3S, 3F+2T(t), 3Lo, 3F, 2A, 2A all clean wow she’s really picking hard into the ice and attacking.
Shoma would be proud. Great fist-pump at the end to celebrate. Ted: “I feel like I’m watching history here...because of the remarkable skill of all of these athletes” I totally agree that skating’s only going to get more exciting from here on out. Scores: 72.99+58.75=131.74 Total 199.64 vaults into 1st currently (BRONZE)
Alena Kostornaia: I initially put my bets on Alena to win— starting off with a combo spin, eee a sliding move I’m into it, nice edges too, great position and height on her flying spin. 3Lz, 3F+3T(r) backend a little lean, 3F+2T(t)+2T, 3S+3T(r), 3Lo, 2A, 2A all clean. The pressure is definitely showing on everyone’s faces even after these clean performances, and it’s so nice to see them happy in the K&C.
I love how she doesn’t pull the bent-arm tanos and instead has this amazing posture and stature with her rippons. Although she’s not the eldest or tallest junior in the field she has this air of maturity that none of the others has. Ted: “reads a little bit like an angel” I concur 72.89+60.04=132.93 Total 204.58 (1st currently, SILVER)
Alexandra Trusova: looks real chill and confident heading into the program ahhhh fall on the QUAD salchow, still gets 6.50 points for it as well as full rotation. 3Lz(r)+3T no flow on landing and hops to hold steady, 3F+2T+2T good, 3Lz(r)+3T, 3F(r), 3S, delayed 2A, all clean. Omg the arms in the donut spin are timed perfectly to the music it’s kinda gimmicky, but I’m here for it. Tech score currently nearing 76 points despite the fall early on. Ted: “To put this in perspective of the 100 elements performed by these girls in the short and long there was only one mistake, and that was by a 13-year-old on a quad salchow”
lol at eteri like “there goes your sQuad membership” 73.72+59.64+132.36 Total 205.61 (1st Place, GOLD)
Oh my gosh this entire Junior Ladies comp is cleaner than anything I’ve seen this Olympic cycle. Only CoC this year could even compare. Still reeling from the 3A+3T—and that concludes my 1AM foray into skating commentary. G’night.
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rika-kihira · 7 years
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Rika Kihira - 2017/2018 programs: Kung Fu Piano, La Strada, Symphony
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nottestelatas · 7 years
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Rika Kihira JGP Riga 2017 FS - La Strada
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magicaleggplant · 7 years
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Team Hamada at the 2017 Kansai University 70th Anniversary Show. Programs for the new season:
Satoko Miyahara
FS: Madama Butterfly, choreo. by Tom Dickson
Marin Honda
SP: La Cumparsita/Tango Jalousie, choreo. by Jeffrey Buttle
FS: Turandot, choreo. by David Wilson
Rika Kihira
SP: Kung Fu Piano by The Piano Guys
FS: La Strada
Yuna Shiraiwa
SP: The Girl With the Flaxen Hair
FS: Pictures at an Exhibition
Photo sources: 1, 2, 3, 4
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newsintheshell · 5 years
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