#l6 era
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N°9 Peter Walker and Tony Rolt - ERA E ERA 1.5 L6s - N°17 Eugène Martin - Talbot-Lago T26C-DA Talbot 23CV 4.5 L6 - Grand Prix de Grande Bretagne - Silverstone 1950. - source F1 Old and New.
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im not a big lover of namjoon or anything but as a queer muslim i can assure u there wasnt anything wrong with that song and it’s definitely not mockery it’s a metaphor about completely devoting urself to someone and them still not thinking u’re good enough (like god) as well as perhaps religious trauma plus it’s quite literally just a song from a decade ago i don’t understand why namjoon of all ppl is catching flames for it. anyways frank ocean’s criticism of organized religion is pretty justified honestly cause religion specifically abrahamic religions have scarred so many queer ppl irreparably. but i guess we’re in an era where everyone is kind of sensitive abt everything and white ppl feel like they have a savior complex towards muslims or something? so maybe namjoon should have strayed away from a song with muslim phrases since white ppl think it’s their duty to speak on us and for us lmao
here’s another muslim explaining it
Since you've opened the gates... (ba dum tss).
My thoughts are the same as yours, and while I still think it sounds like mockery, for me it's more about the social perspective because of the prejudice and the hate but I couldn't care less about the creed part of it all, if it's blasphemy or not. I just don't care about religion like that.
Apart from that, I think the most important part that everyone's leaving out is that Namjoon didn't even share that exact verse, he just shared the song. I just didn't want to say anything because when it comes to these things people have a problem if you take a side and if you don't take a side, they will have a problem anyways; everyone's suddenly the most morally superior being that keyboard warriors on the internet so I just left it at I don't care about religion like that, because that's really all it comes down to.
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The International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Illustrazione di Virginia Cabras alias Alagon
I l6 febbraio è la Giornata Internazionale contro le Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili (MGF).
Le Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili sono una forma di violenza che calpesta i diritti di bambine e giovani donne, mettendo a rischio la loro salute fisica e psicologica e che deve vedere tutti quanti noi impegnati in una battaglia che non riguarda solo le donne ma ha a che fare con lo sviluppo dell’intero genere umano.
Almeno 200 milioni di ragazze e donne vivono oggi nel mondo con le cicatrici di qualche forma di mutilazione genitale subita nel corso della propria vita. Le mutilazioni genitali vengono praticate principalmente su bambine tra i 4 e i 14 anni di età.
Tuttavia, in alcuni Paesi vengono operate bambine con meno di un anno di vita, come accade nel 44% dei casi in Eritrea e nel 29% dei casi nel Mali, o persino neonate di pochi giorni come nello Yemen.
La pratica può causare complicanze a breve, medio e lungo termine, tra cui dolore cronico, infezioni, aumento del rischio di trasmissione dell’HIV, ansia e depressione, complicazioni al momento del parto, infertilità e, nei casi peggiori, la morte.
L’UNICEF ha stimato che altri 68 milioni di ragazze subiranno mutilazioni genitali da qui al 2030 se non vi sarà una forte accelerazione nell'impegno per porre fine a questa pratica aberrante. In Italia, dove è in vigore la legge 7/2006 per prevenire e contrastare le pratiche di mutilazione genitali femminili, il numero di donne che hanno già subito una mutilazione genitale si stima sia compreso tra 61.000 e 81.000.
Ad eseguire le mutilazioni sono essenzialmente donne: levatrici tradizionali o le stesse madri. Ma è impressionante rilevare che oltre 20 milioni in 7 Stati (Egitto, Sudan, Guinea, Gibuti, Kenya, Yemen e Nigeria) sono state sottoposte a questa pratica per mano di un operatore sanitario. Una Risoluzione del Parlamento europeo del 2018 invita a vietare esplicitamente la medicalizzazione".
I governi degli Stati in cui le Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili sono ancora diffuse devono sviluppare Piani di azione nazionali per porre fine a questa pratica. Ma per essere efficaci, questi piani devono prevedere risorse di bilancio dedicate ai servizi per la salute sessuale e riproduttiva, all’istruzione femminile, al welfare e ai servizi legali.
Oltre al contrasto della pratica delle mutilazioni genitali femminili e alla realizzazione di un'attività di prevenzione, assistenza e riabilitazione delle donne e delle bambine già sottoposte a tali pratiche, la Legge 7/2006 prevede lo stanziamento di fondi per la formazione del personale sanitario. Fino al 2009 lo stanziamento era pari a 2,5 milioni di euro annui, scesi fino a circa 174.463 euro nel 2018. Un'integrazione delle risorse ha consentito di riportare lo stanziamento annuale a 500.000 euro. L'impegno come Ministero della Salute dovrebbe essere però quello di prevedere maggiori risorse dedicate nelle prossime leggi di bilancio.
Per eradicare questa efferata forma di violenza sulle donne bisogna agire senza sosta se si vuole che questo impegno si traduca in risultati concreti, duraturi e irreversibili.
Si tratta di un percorso ancora lungo e non lineare, ma è la sfida cui siamo tutti chiamati a concorrere.
Bisogna creare una vera alleanza tra politica, istituzioni pubbliche, associazioni nazionali e internazionali promuovendo condivisione, momenti formativi, intensificando azioni sanitarie e sviluppando solidarietà tra donne di diversi paesi di provenienza nel Paese di approdo. Solo così si potrà vincere questa battaglia.
#mutilazioni genitali#The International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)#alagon
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#lady gaga#lg6#l6 era#iconic#supermodel#female model#beauty#gaga#asib#a star is born#bradley cooper#grammys#academy awards#oscars#hot af#female#fashion#hairgoals#hair#hairstyle
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“Lost Letters from Lesbos” is 1902 fanfic in which newly-discovered letters by Sappho are published. These love letters are purportedly addressed to a man. But! The Victorian era is when “lesbian” and “sapphist” were first commonly used to refer to women who loved other women. We can’t possibly know how Lucy McDowell Milburn would have identified if she were alive in 2021, but when she wrote this in 1902, she was probably aware of Sappho’s homoerotic/homoromantic reputation. So, keeping historical context in mind, we can draw our own conclusions from the text and paratext.
Further reading:
Faderman, Lillian. Surpassing the Love of Men. 2001. (Book)
“The Fascinating History of ‘Lesbian’.” Intomore.com, 2017 (article)
[Cairns. PS 3525 I47 L6 1902. Milburn, Lucy McDowell. Lost Letters from Lesbos. Chicago, 1902.]
-Samantha (graduate student employee)
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Hi. :) I like reading your posts about characters of ultra-universe. And I wonder what you can tell about Ultraman Ken? His relationship with friends and family, at what cost he received the status of Father of Ultra. What can you tell about his older brother? (Sorry for my english - I'm not very good at it.)
I appreciate the compliment! And no worries mate, I can understand you very well!
So for your first question about Ken and his relationship with his friends and family
So tbh, one of the only ‘friends’ we know Ken has (or had in this case) was Belial as they both fought together during the Great Ultra War. Based on how hurt Belial felt when Ken was chosen to be the Supreme Commander instead of him, and how Ken conversed with Belial during the first zero movie about how he has ‘lost the Ultra spirit’, it seems that both of them were very close previously as they fought as brothers-in-arms for probably like more than 100 000 years?
And considering that Belial was considered by Reiblood himself to be ‘one of the best’, it also hints that both Belial and Ken were prodigies of their time as well, which I suppose adds on to the exclusive ‘closeness’ of the two perhaps also had a friendly rivalry going on prior to the former’s defection
And that might also, in response to your the third question, the cost of being chosen as the Supreme Commander in that sense led to Belial’s defection
Also he adopted Ace, the son of his friends who died in that war, really goes to show that he had a close circle of friends and he himself demonstrated such loyalty and compassion towards them
As for his relationships with his family specifically, with Marie, as both are heads of their respective organizations, being the Space Garrison and the Silver Cross respectively. But of course character development of the Ultras of the Showa Era is by all intents and purposes, non-existent. So with that being said, even based on what we’ve seen, at the most, we see them supporting each other and Ken showing concern to Marie when she got beat down by Belial and demonstrating pride and hope as their son, Taro risked his life to protect the last light of the Plasma Spark
With Taro, Ken uses the ‘tough love’ approach to educate Taro since he was a child and often leaves Taro alone to figure out his own path but overall, still with the best interests of Taro in mind. As even Marie said to Taro that Ken does not want Taro to be like him as he understands that everyone is unique but more importantly, he wanted Taro to surpass him. Which sort of explains why Ken largely left Taro alone to figure out stuff by himself and only guided him along the way, it’s for Taro to forge his own identity instead of just being a shadow of himself
Taro demonstrated this understanding once he truly understood what Ken was trying to do all along which he pointed out recently in Taiga ep 0 as we also see Taro more or less also using the same parenting principle to educate Taiga
For your last question about Ken’s older brother Jack, tbh, although I heard of him years ago, I don’t know much about him cause he isn’t really canon as far as I know, and his appearance was only limited to the 1979 Ultra Brothers Manga. So my knowledge is literally only limited to the Ultrawiki page on him lol
So in summary, it sort of went something very similar to what happened with Belial, that Jack was jealous of Ken being chosen by King to be the Supreme Commander and decided to create a totally separate Space Garrison called the ‘New Space Garrison’ which he made himself the ‘Great Commander’ which is basically a regime carrying out ‘absolute justice’ as well as a dictatorship which targets any being that Jack considers to be evil or just anyone that pisses him off in some way or another
Never seen the manga but somehow Seven managed to kill him. Yeah no wonder it isn’t canon cause L6 beating an L8 Ultra? Yeah sure
With that being said, Ken is literally in a league of his own, both in terms of sheer power and character as I referenced recently, the characters around his level of even slightly below him are not even explored in any way in the ultra canon thus far which can only allow us to speculate on a lot of things regarding their character and interpersonal relations which I hope TsuPro does get into someday as there’s a lot of potential and ground to cover in that aspect
Thanks for the question!
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Las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo carretera
Quizás uno de los objetivos mas importantes del ciclista de carretera es encontrar las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo carretera, es el punto de contacto clave entre la bicicleta y los pies, desde 1970 algunas compañías como Look y Cinelli crearon los primeros pedales para bicicleta de carretera. El punto principal era que las zapatillas de carretera se engancharan sin la necesidad del clip, en la actualidad es totalmente diferente, los estudios de las grandes marcas de ciclismo han mejorado la eficiencia del pedaleo debido a las suelas rígidas de carbono y las zapatillas a medida que fabrican marcas como Luck o Bont, por mencionar algunas. ¿Como escoger las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo carretera? Encontrar las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo carretera puede ser un proceso difícil, pero si esto se realiza correctamente puede tener grandes beneficios para mejorar el rendimiento. Las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo están diseñadas para ser ligeras y rígidas para producir un pedaleo eficiente, a menudo cuentan con paneles de malla para mantener los pies frescos en el verano y con una suela diseñada para ser compatible con un taco de pedal sin clip. Un pequeño taco de metal o plástico está unido a la suela del zapato con dos, tres o cuatro tornillos y se engancha con el pedal específico cuando lo pisa. Esto le permite transferir mejor la potencia y mantiene su pie en la posición óptima en términos de ergonomía. Selección las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo actuales Giro Empire SLX Se posicionan entre una de las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo debido a que están construidas con una parte superior de microfibra Teijin Evofibre SL de una pieza con un forro de malla transpirable unido al interior. Esto, junto con un montón de perforaciones, asegura que mantengan tus pies lo más frescos posible cuando conduces en el calor. Fizik R1 Infinit Muchas de las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo de carretera usan un forro interior o acolchado más grueso para forzar su comodidad, pero Fi'zi: k produjo una de las mejores zapatillas de bicicleta de carretera al trabajar para mejorar el ajuste general. Sidi Shot Las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo Sidi Shot son la oferta premium más nueva del fabricante italiano de zapatos y cuentan con un nuevo sistema de cierre que brinda una pequeña mejora en la comodidad con respecto a los modelos Wire Air. Specialized S-Works 7 Para el S-Works 7, Specialized relajó el cono del talón externo PadLock para que no se apretara tan radicalmente como antes. Mientras tanto, un nuevo material de malla Dyneema todavía limita el estiramiento alrededor del tobillo, pero ahora da un poco a lo largo del pie. Shimano S-Phyre RC9 La parte superior de microfibra Teijin Avail es de una sola pieza, flexible y resistente, con un estilo envolvente y un cómodo acolchado alrededor del tobillo. Sidi Wire 2 Las Sidi Wire se catalogan como una de las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo debido a sus perforaciones en la parte superior, la suela carbono tambien tiene algunos respiraderos generosos, el sistema de cierre ha sido refinado. Ballista Bontrager Su diseño elegante y aerodinamico permite que sean catalogadas como unas zapatillas de gama alta, las Ballistas se centran en ser livianos en lugar de ultra rígidos. Giro Savix Con un solo dial y una correa frontal para configurar y olvidar, puede ponerse rápidamente en sus zapatos y salir a la carretera. El dial BOA® L6 ofrece incrementos de ajuste de 1 mm al apretar y una función de macro-liberación para salir del zapato. La suela de nailon universal 3/2 te permite montar tacos de bicicleta de montaña o de carretera según tus preferencias de pedal. Giro Savix, una de las mejores zapatillas de ciclismo calidad-precio Spiuk Aldama Sabes de la importancia de una buena sujeción. Es la base para un pedaleo confortable y eficaz. Los diseñadores de Spiuk así lo entendienden. Por eso la Aldama incluye el Boa® fit system. Incluso siendo el sistema de ajuste por excelencia, logrará sorprenderte: sencillo de usar, suave al manipular e insuperable estabilidad. La abertura asimétrica que han diseñado en la cubierta está pensada para repartir de forma equilibrada el esfuerzo. Tus pies lo agradecerán. Mavic Cosmic Elite El modelo Cosmic Elite SL está enfocado a un ciclista de alto nivel: en busca de una mayor eficacia, Mavic incorpora una carcasa sin costuras y una cantidad interesante de zonas de ventilación para ofrecer una gran capacidad de transpiración a nuestro pie. Nos encontramos en un escalón superior, donde el cierre BOA y la suela de carbono son indispensables para que el ciclista encuentre en sus largas salidas lo que busca. Bont Riot Road+ Boa Con sus suelas de carbono extremadamente rígidas y termomoldeables, las zapatillas Riot Road+ Boa llevan la filosofía de diseño distintiva de Bont a un precio más bajo. Las suelas de carbono en forma de bañera son extremadamente rígidas, lo que las convierte en una plataforma de pedaleo sorprendentemente eficiente y de apoyo. Bont afirma que ofrece un ajuste más anatómico desde el primer momento, en comparación con otras zapatillas de ciclismo. Pero ese calce se puede personalizar completamente en casa simplemente metiéndolos en el horno durante 20 minutos a 70°C/160°F, antes de ponérselos y apretarlos. DMT Diamant Road DMT fue el innovador original de las partes superiores de tejido completo y estos zapatos KR3 utilizan esta tecnología para crear un calzado gloriosamente cómodo. El ajuste de estos zapatos es excelente. El diseño de punto se adapta perfectamente a la forma de tu pie y el dial Boa se ocupa de la tensión en la parte delantera del pie. La suela de carbono proporciona la mejor estabilidad posible y es bastante rígida. Vale la pena señalar que estos son definitivamente zapatos para montar en verano. Estos son zapatos transpirables y bien ventilados. Si bien hay un material de polímero fusionado con el tejido de punto principal para brindar protección contra los elementos, no recomendaríamos los KR3 para condiciones de lluvia. Read the full article
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Meaning : An important period/time in history or an era of a person's life.
Example : The discovery of oil and gas marked an important epoch in Brunei's economy.
-Elfa Elfeeza , L6-5
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La CARICA di POLOJ (CROAZIA) è un episodio bellico consumatosi durante il secondo conflitto mondiale nel FRONTE JUGOSLAVO il 17 ottobre 1942, passato alla storia come ultima carica posta in essere da truppe militari regolari.
L'episodio ha visto come protagonisti da una parte il Regio Esercito, con il Reggimento "Cavalleggeri di Alessandria (14°)” e dall'altra l'Esercito popolare di liberazione della JUGOSLAVIA.
Dopo l'invasione della JUGOSLAVIA nel 1941 e la conseguente spartizione dei territori occupati voluta dalla GERMANIA NAZISTA, il REGNO D'ITALIA era presente a ZARA, in una parte della SLOVENIA (Provincia italiana di LUBIANA), nella parte nord-occidentale della BANOVINA di CROAZIA (congiunta alla Provincia di FIUME), in una parte della DALMAZIA e nella zona della BOCCHE DI CATTARO (Governatorato di DALMAZIA).
L'ITALIA assicurava i propri confini con diverse Divisioni, stanziate in basi nel FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA, nell'ISTRIA, in ZARA, e in ALBANIA.
Con il crescere del malcontento popolare causato dall'occupazione dell'Asse, nell'ex Regno di JUGOSLAVIA prendeva sempre più piede un movimento armato filocomunista di opposizione, chiamato ufficialmente Armata popolare di liberazione della JUGOSLAVIA.
I Reparti jugoslavi seguivano, a grandi linee, le direttive del loro autoproclamato Generale Josip Broz Tito, che sarebbe poi diventato, con l'instaurarsi del Comunismo nella regione, primo Presidente della Repubblica Socialista Federale di JUGOSLAVIA.
I primi scontri si svolsero già nei primi giorni dell'invasione, per poi continuare durante tutta l'occupazione, principalmente sotto forma di azioni di guerriglia, di sabotaggio e di disturbo.
I "Cavalleggeri di Alessandria (14°)" era uno dei Reggimenti italiani presenti nei territori occupati in cui le truppe erano prevalentemente a cavallo: era di sicuro il Reggimento con la più alta mobilità tra tutti quelli nella zona. Il Reggimento, inquadrato nella 1ª Divisione Celere "Eugenio di Savoia", compiva azioni di pattugliamento e controllo del territorio e gli scontri con i partigiani erano frequenti.
Al sorger del sole del 17 ottobre 1942, il Reggimento, guidato dal Colonnello Antonio Ajmone Cat e supportato da una colonna di artiglieria ippotrainata, il 3º squadrone carri basato su carri L6/40 ed il battaglione Camicie Nere divisionale (81°), muoveva verso PRIMISLJE in una normale operazione di controllo quando, nelle prossimità del FIUME KORANA, un manipolo di partigiani Jugoslavi esplosero dei colpi dalle alture circostanti, uccidendo subito un Ufficiale e un Cavalleggero e ferendo diversi uomini e cavalli.
Il 14° effettuò un breve ripiegamento che diede tempo ai partigiani di riorganizzarsi e di appostarsi nelle alture vicine. Alle 13.00, il Reggimento si mosse in formazione a losanga, rinforzato dallo Squadrone di supporto con carri e pezzi d'artiglieria.
Alle 14.30, questo raggiunse POLOJ e si schierò nella valle in ordine di combattimento, poiché le alture erano tenute dai partigiani, e subito iniziò un violento scontro a fuoco.
Alle 17.00 si accentuò la pressione avversaria. Vista la difficoltà di manovrare con i cavalli, ed il pericolo di un nemico schierato su posizioni dominanti, il Comandante del Reggimento, Colonnello Antonio Ajmone Cat, valutata la situazione e l’approssimarsi del buio, decise di attestarsi a difesa su alcune modeste alture per conseguire un vantaggio tattico e costringere il nemico a scoprirsi.
Il caso volle che alla colonna del Colonnello Cat si fosse aggiunto il Generale Mario Federico Mazza, Vicecomandante della Divisione, che, d’accordo con il Generale Cesare Lomaglio, Comandante della Divisione, ordinarono ai “Cavalleggeri di Alessandria” di proseguire verso PRIMISLJE, nonostante l’operazione apparisse rischiosa a causa dell’oscurità e della presenza del nemico bene appostato.
Il Generale Lomaglio, col far del buio, decise di far ritirare le forze a PERJASICA, ma ormai i partigiani aspettavano questa mossa.
Alle 18.30 le truppe italiane iniziarono a muoversi, ma dopo pochi chilometri furono attaccate nuovamente da un violento fuoco di armi automatiche e di bombe a mano.
Il Colonnello Cat mandò in scoperta il 1° Squadrone del Capitano Antonio Petroni con lo Squadrone comando e quello dei mitraglieri.
Nel frattempo il 3° Squadrone, sfoderate le sciabole, si lanciò alla carica sui partigiani che scendevano dalle alture a sinistra, mentre il 2° Squadrone faceva lo stesso dal lato opposto; in retroguardia il 4° Squadrone del Capitano Vinaccia caricò ripetutamente per coprire la ritirata dell'artiglieria e degli automezzi: il Capitano Vinaccia cadde nello scontro, ma le perdite partigiane furono nettamente superiori. I pochi partigiani rimasti, a questo punto, decisero di organizzare un terzo sbarramento, ma una poderosa carica di sciabole riuscì a spezzare l'accerchiamento formatosi e a metterli in fuga.
A fine battaglia, in tarda serata, i "Cavalleggeri di Alessandria (14°)" contavano 2 ufficiali dispersi, deceduti ma i cui corpi non poterono essere recuperati, 1 ufficiale morto, 5 feriti, 10 morti, 56 feriti e 50 dispersi fra Sottufficiali e Cavalleggeri. I cavalli perduti furono 109, quelli feriti 60.
Le perdite partigiane non vennero mai confermate ufficialmente anche se presumibilmente il loro numero fu abbastanza elevato da determinare per le armi italiane almeno la vittoria tattica.
Nelle ripetute cariche era andato perso lo Stendardo che però, il mattino seguente, il Capitano Fabio Martucci Comandante dello Squadrone Mitraglieri con il suo attendente Morgan Ferrari, venne ritrovato impigliato al ramo di un albero e fu così recuperato.
Il 18 e 19 ottobre 1942 il Reggimento sostò a PERJASICA, a disposizione del Comando Divisione “Lombardia”.
Già all’indomani della battaglia c’era, negli alti comandi italiani, la voglia di cancellare l’episodio.
La Carica di POLOJ fu certamente un’azione coraggiosa compiuta in maniera esemplare dai Cavalleggeri italiani, in cui rifulsero diversi atti di eroismo individuali, che valsero loro 12 Medaglie d'Argento al Valor Militare, altre di Bronzo e Croci di Guerra ad ognuno.
Però l’azione militare era scaturita da ordini superiori avventati e non aderenti alla situazione tattica sul terreno.
L’inettitudine dei Generali Lomaglio e Mazza venne prontamente taciuta, non tanto per non screditare i due alti Ufficiali, ma per non far trapelare quella che era la generale impreparazione di tutto il sistema militare italiano a contrastare efficacemente la guerra partigiana nei BALCANI.
Ironia della sorte il Colonnello Ajmone Cat venne presto allontanato dal comando del Reggimento e gli fu negato un qualsiasi riconoscimento ufficiale per la sua azione di comando nella battaglia di POLOJ.
Nel secondo dopoguerra la crisi tra ITALIA e JUGOSLAVIA sul territorio di TRIESTE e la condotta tenuta dagli italiani durante l’occupazione dei Balcani non aiutarono certo a rendere il giusto merito alla CARICA di POLOJ.
Su tutto cadde il silenzio delle Istituzioni italiane e per decenni l’intero episodio venne pressoché dimenticato.
Il Reggimento “Cavalleggeri di Alessandria (14°)” è stato sciolto il 30 giugno 1979 senza aver mai ricevuto una ricompensa allo Stendardo per i fatti dell’ottobre 1942.
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Stasera riprendiamo i nostri autoblindo. Questo è un po' una forzatura chiamarlo tale. Si tratta della cingoletta per trasporto truppe Fiat 2800 o CVP-4. Il Regio Esercito era entrato in guerra nel 1940 privo di veicoli blindati per il trasporto ed il combattimento delle fanterie. Solo dopo l'inizio delle ostilità si tentò di porre riparo ma con scarsi risultati, viste la priorità assegnata allo sviluppo di adeguati carri armati. L'esercito era rimasto impressionato dalle prestazioni delle cosiddette "cingolette" Vickers inglesi, ovvero mezzi cingolati derivati dallo scafo di carri armati leggeri impiegate per il trasporto dei fanti e come piattaforme per mitragliatrici, mortai, lanciafiamme. Vennero così avviati due progetti: la Ansaldo propose la L40, derivata dal carro leggero L6/40. La Fiat invece realizzò la Cingoletta 2800, anche detta CVP-4 (dal peso in tonnellate), come copia esatta delle Universal Carrier catturate. #storie #storieefoto #vespa #fiat #ww2 #history #archeology #military #worldwartwo #worldwar #tank #italian #fascism #fascist #nazi #artillery #army #spa https://www.instagram.com/p/Burdt7dnPRK/?igshid=5fm3c4nap7nj
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SEJA BEM VINDO, @PX91TK. ㅡ Aqui está seu novo crachá.
O que, você está dizendo que não conhece Timotheo Kang? Ele está na Arcan Corporation desde julho de 2016, trabalhando como físico no Departamento de Engenharia. Veio de Sydney, Austrália e dizem as más línguas que ele se parece com Hong Dabin (DPR LIVE) – mas, cá entre nós, esse outro deve ser só um androide mal feito. Para acompanhar seu trabalho, não esqueça de segui-lo em seu twitter e tumblr.
Graduação: Bacharelado em Ciência e extensão em Física (2009-2013, degree + master, cinco anos), Engenharia eletrônica (2013 - 2015, diploma, um ano e meio)
Australiano e fluente em inglês, também tem coreano no nível avançado (TOPIK L6) e japonês iniciante (JLPT N2).
Tornou-se tutor de ciência e espaço dos cursos de ciência em freshman year (2010-2014).
Entrou para Unimelb por bolsa mérito e como parte de seus feitos tem o projeto de acessibilidade da universidade (em funcionamento desde 2014) e a base de cálculo geral no departamento de engenharia.
As cartas de recomendação são assinadas por Allan Myers (chanceler) e pela AAS (Australian Academy of Science).
Experiências passadas:
Pesquisador e engenheiro projetor - Laboratório de Ciência da Unimelb (2014-2015)
Membro e colaborador - AAS (2014-2015)
Ambições: Crescer junto à empresa e tornar-se membro e contribuidor fixo do KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology).
Se você pudesse ser qualquer animal do mundo, qual seria e por que? Uma coruja. Adaptável, observadora, noturna e enxerga bem quando a maioria das pessoas (e outros animais) não conseguem enxergar.
Que cor você seria em uma caixa de giz de cera? Preto. Essencial; que credibilidade tem uma paleta de colorir sem a cor preta? Do contorno ao preenchimento, a cor preta é utilizada para dar consistência aos traços que pareciam não finalizados. E não importa por qual tonalidade esteja passando, ela sempre será o fim da sua paleta (ou da sua caixa).
Faz de conta que você é CEO por um dia. Que tipo de problema na empresa te manteria acordado de noite? Com certeza, algum erro em toda uma saída de produtos. Um só produto já seria suficiente para me deixar angustiado, mas toda uma linha com erros de codificação e funcionamento me prenderia por uma madrugada ou mais trabalhando. Não descansaria até encontrar o erro, codificar novamente e testar tudo outra vez.
Se você não conseguir esse emprego, qual seu plano número dois? Na minha vida, só me disponho a fazer as coisas quais quero demais. Portanto, meus planos de um a dez são sempre baseados em continuar tentando, apenas. Física e Engenharia são o resumo do que sou, então seja aqui ou debaixo duma ponte, eu continuaria trabalhando nas minhas fórmulas e cálculos até me tornar melhor. Porém, existem inúmeras razões pelas quais escolhi a Arcan como um futuro ambiente de trabalho e certamente não desistiria na primeira tentativa - nem numa segunda.
Como você descreveria a cor amarelo para alguém cego? Tudo que é bonito e caloroso é amarelo. Ir ao sol e voltar, se bronzear de manhã cedo, pegar um punhadinho de areia e passar hidratante labial. Cheirar girassóis é amarelo, sorrir bem largo também é amarelo, que nem os óculos de marcação redonda dos anos 90 e o álbum do Foster The People. Qualquer lembrança que sirva para de aquecer nos dias mais frios - seja dentro ou fora.
Moradia: Um apartamento em Jeonpo-dong, no distrito de Busanjin-gu, Busan.
"one day that mask will be your face" era o que sempre ouvia de Samantha, sua irmã. O medo de sair da própria bolha fazia o duradouro soar impossível e o esquecimento um tanto quanto inevitável. Timotheo a princípio vende tudo o que qualquer pessoa gostaria de ter como companhia: simpatia, algumas piadas ruins, além de ser um ouvinte hipoteticamente disponível, sempre. Entretanto, quando suas novas conexões tendem a se aprofundar, o australiano é o primeiro a dar para trás. Confessa sem qualquer orgulho que não entende muito do mundo e das pessoas, porque sempre esteve interessado em outras coisas. E justamente por essa falta de tato, sente que não é suficiente para alcançar uma segunda semana de conversa com alguém - o que não o impede de tentar, mas muito raramente.
Reprimir sua sexualidade por tanto tempo também o deixou um pouco traumatizado. As experiências com o primeiro e único relacionamento foram desastrosas e dali guardava a lembrança mais dolorosa de como essa repressão influenciou o seu comportamento já recluso demais. Somando isso aos problemas de sono e ansiedade, temos um homem com problemas nas relações interpessoais e com medo de uma experiência duradoura que na realidade, nunca teve.
O físico não é tão tímido quanto parece e suas piadas não se resumem à nerdices e ciência, tendo um humor bem sarcástico quando vê a oportunidade. No entanto, tem os seus momentos e é facilmente intimidado quando o assunto tem cunho inapropriado (dentro da sua perspectiva), podendo ser motivo de chacotas rápidas pelo comportamento meio tolo. Que o seu tamanho e silêncio não sejam suficientes para enganar quem quer que seja; Timotheo tem o pulso muito firme. Suas habilidades com as pessoas podem ser vergonhosas, mas não faz feio no básico cotidiano.
É um bom aluno e profissional, além de conseguir trabalhar muito bem em equipe e se aproximar dos seus colegas (desde que não ultrapasse a linha da necessidade). Só baixou a cabeça uma vez na vida e foi para a sua família, mas isso foi dali para nunca mais. Confia na sua inteligência e caráter, então qualquer um que tente diminui-lo por alguma razão, que não escolha essas duas. Em suma, é um CDF de 26 anos, que sobrevive de física, música e do amor pelo cachorro. Teve poucas oportunidades com pessoas realmente dispostas a ouvi-lo e entendê-lo, talvez por isso tenha perdido o interesse em cativar novos vínculos, mas isso nunca exclui a possibilidade; reciprocidade é o nome e ele não experimentou ainda.
Vem de um berço capaz de resolver fórmulas complexas e construir os mais eficientes processadores, mas que até hoje não entendeu o que é necessário para ter-se um lar. E para que isso não soe injusto, até tiveram um ambiente minimamente saudável para conviver durante os primeiros anos de sua infância, sendo a vinda da sua irmã (que é dois anos mais nova) uma peça chave para que não perdesse a cabeça nesse meio tempo até à sua adolescência. A casa era composta por sua mãe, uma japonesa, o pai, coreano e a irmã, nascida tam´bém em Sydney e com uma mistura de influências tão forte quanto às suas. Ah, posteriormente os irmãos também adotaram um gato, Einstein, e ninguém foi contra o nome escolhido por Timotheo porque todos ali s��o loucos por física.
Apesar de terem passado toda uma vida na Austrália e da Ásia ser solicitada apenas como destino durante as férias, os costumes sempre se fizeram muito presentes em alguns aspectos, ainda que tudo soasse um tanto bagunçado, pois os pais não entravam num consenso sobre a educação dos filhos. Todos ali eram engenheiros, alguns já formados e outros futuros profissionais, por isso a longa jornada de estudos começou desde muito cedo. E conforme as crianças seguiam o caminho completamente influenciado pelos pais, a pressão aumentava e todos se distanciavam uns dos outros. Não que anteriormente fossem próximos, mas isso serviu para que os progenitores tivessem pouco controle sobre a vida e saúde mental dos filhos. Samantha era a irmã mais nova de Timotheo e também sua melhor amiga; e ela era uma figura completamente oposta: extrovertida, maliciosa e bastante problemática. Timmy, no entanto, era quieto (até demais), calado e pouco se sabia sobre a mente tão genial. Os pais gabavam-se constantemente sobre o quão inteligentes eram os filhos e isso facilmente virava pauta dos jantares em família; mas conforme a adolescência era vivida, essa figura começa a mudar.
O físico não teve muitas descobertas até a fase adulta, mas com certeza passar a compreender os sinais da sua sexualidade foi a mais marcante delas. Sabia que aquilo não se tratava de um assunto facilmente discutível, não naquela família (e em muitas outras), sendo Sam a única pessoa a saber que o irmão era gay, ainda que não conversassem tanto sobre. No entanto, o tempo tornou alguns sinais mais óbvios e isso se fez mais óbvio ainda quando a mãe o encontrou se masturbando ao assistir um vídeo de JGP no seu quarto durante o horário determinado para os estudos. A cena vergonhosa e traumática foi, de forma muito suspeita, mantida em segredo. Sucedendo essa descoberta, Samantha contou à família que não planejava seguir a carreira de engenharia, e foi a partir daí que sua mãe sentiu os alicerces da família sendo atacados. Quando o ano letivo recomeçou, Sam foi matriculada num curso integral de cálculo e Timotheo foi forçado a passar seis meses sem conviver com a irmã. Essa quebra no principal apoio do rapaz o deixou duas vezes mais vulnerável às tentativas da sua mãe em fazê-lo namorar com a filha de uma amiga da família - ele sabia que aquele silêncio não saíria de graça. O resultado das tentativas foi o australiano namorando Brittany, uma australiana nata e que, apesar do nome detestável e da voz esquisita, era uma garota muito legal. Eles acabaram transando algumas vezes e se forçando a algumas experiências esquisitas, mas a falta de química denunciava tudo e Brittany acabou tornando-se uma amiga - surpreendentemente interessada em outro rapaz e naquele relacionamento por igual pressão familiar. A situação durou oito meses e era o seu último ano de pesquisas na Universidade de Melbourne. Sua irmã havia concluído o curso recentemente, e o último mês daquela situação complicada resumiu-se aos encontros com Brittany e o rapaz que verdadeiramente gostava + os irmãos crânios de ferro jogando ou fazendo qualquer estupidez. No mesmo ano, foi incentivado pelos três a assumir-se abertamente para toda a família. E foi exatamente o que fez - depois de certificar-se que tinha boas recomendações em mãos e recursos para viver em outro país. Formado e em posse de suas decisões, focou apenas nos que os apoiava e deixou a Austrália com destino à Busan, Coreia do Sul.
Algumas coisas não haviam sido esclarecidas no continente-ilha, como o fato de que as poucas vezes em que se relacionou com Brittany acabou resultando numa gravidez de quase três meses que ambos não haviam descoberto. Crente de que não havia deixado nada para trás além dos seus pais, irmã e um gato, começou sua vida na Ásia Oriental, preparado para uma experiência completamente nova. Foi aceito na empresa que desejava poucos meses depois de conseguir estabilizar-se no país e achou um apartamento razoavelmente em conta para viver. Sua vida tornou-se ainda mais solitária, mas ao menos conseguiu um pouco de paz de espírito, além de ter um espaço só para si. Continua ajudando a irmã com os cálculos que ela não sabe fazer, estudando como louco e bebendo muito café. Na tentativa de tornar-se menos sozinho, adotou um Shiba Inu chamado Schrödinger, qual às vezes carinhosamente chama de filho; e segue sem a mínima noção de que na verdade, é mesmo pai, só que não dum cachorro.
Ama comida apimentada.
Criava um gato chamado ‘Einstein’ junto à sua irmã mais nova, e como não pôde levá-lo à Coreia, seu novo companheiro é um Shiba Inu chamado ‘Schrödinger’ e está com ele há alguns meses.
O único idioma que fala com 100% de segurança é o inglês. Sua casa sempre foi uma grande confusão, já que era composta por três idiomas diferentes, ainda que o coreano fosse priorizado. Fala coreano bem, mas não conhece tantas estruturas informais e gírias, então soa um pouco sério, às vezes. E seu japonês é um pequeno desastre, a mãe que o perdoe.
Gosta muito do frio e dos dias chuvosos. Apesar de por vezes deixá-lo mais depressivo que o normal, sente-se tudo mais quieto em dias assim, o ajudando a concentrar. Calor o fadiga e agoniza.
É um grande fã de rock em geral, sobretudo o punk e alternativo. Old school rap e Vijuaru Kei também caem bem no seu gosto.
É um desajeitado com tudo e qualquer coisa que não envolva engenharia e/ou física. Passa muito tempo se dedicando às suas fórmulas, então não aproveita muito da vida, além de ser sozinho na Coreia, não tendo de fato com quem conversar.
Seu único relacionamento foi um total desastre por várias razões; não só por ter sido forçado a assumir uma sexualidade que não corresponde à sua, mas também por ser um zero à esquerda no quesito flertar e relacionar-se com os outros, sobretudo fisicamente. Sua melhor amiga é a irmã, Samantha, e basicamente a única.
Apesar de ser muito “crânio de ferro”, foi incentivado ao estudo pesado desde muito novo. O tempo no ocidente não tirou da família parte da tradição coreano-nipônica em relação à rotina acadêmica e tratando-se duma família de engenheiros, menos ainda. As noites em claro estudando são uma das razões para sua forte insônia. A mente de Timotheo não para.
Sofre de distimia (TDP) e paralisia do sono; viver sozinho acaba tornando a situação pior. Quando não passa noites acordado, acorda assustado ou várias vezes durante o sono.
É um rapaz muito simpático e divertido, tem um humor meio nerd e é bastante flexível. Entretanto, conhecê-lo a fundo pode ser difícil, uma vez que ele se esquiva sempre que o assunto for ele mesmo. Vai te ouvir e até querer te conhecer, e mesmo tendo noção de que isto é injusto, o contrário não acontece facilmente.
2 notes
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Twenty years ago, I wrote a commentary on an intriguing set of codex-style vessels known as the Dynastic Vases (Martin 1997). Twelve in number, each of these cylindrical pots is painted with the same list of kings from the kaanul “Snake[-Place]” dynasty, supplying names, titles, and dates for their elevation to power.[1] The length of the sequence varies from vessel to vessel depending on its size, with the fullest version of 19 rulers appearing on the example labeled K6751 in the Kerr Archive (www.mayavase.com) and now to be found in the collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Figure 1). At least seven of their names match those seen on carved monuments, offering clear potential to draw alignments between the two sources. Indeed, beginning with a “founder” figure, the Dynastic Vases hold out the prospect of unlocking the entire early sequence of this important kingdom, constituting a record as important as the Temple of Cross Tablet has been for understanding the royal line of Palenque, or Altar Q and the Temple 26 Hieroglyphic Stairway for the sequence at Copan.
Figure 1. Roll-out image of K6751 (photograph by Justin Kerr).
As the earliest researchers to work on the Dynastic Vases realized, the chronology of the text, consisting only of Calendar Round dates without a tie to the Long Count, is flawed (Robicsek and Hales 1981:157-159). Day- and month-names are consistent, but variations in their coefficients produce a number of impossible combinations—some arising from the inventions of modern restorers, but others plainly the work of ancient scribes. Not only do coefficients for the same date vary from one vase to the next, they even differ on vases decorated by the same painter (for the identification of four such painters see Martin 1997:849-850). Corrections can be attempted, but the true value always remains in doubt. All this made it impossible to pin down an “original” error-free scheme in 1997— but the difficulties ran even deeper. Where we knew of accession dates for the kings on monuments they did not correspond to those on the vessels. Indeed, dates conflicted to such a degree in some cases that they could not be placed at any point within their respective reigns. Even worse, the kings on the vases did not appear in anything like their expected order, with two attested Snake rulers from the Early Classic missing altogether. Incomplete, scrambled, and adrift in time, there seemed to be no possibility of reconciling the painted and carved versions. There was little choice but to project the list into a deeply archaic, or even legendary, past that far predated the historical one. Of the familiar names seen on the vessels not one of them would be a character we knew, all instead forebears from which later kings took their names.
Yet, despite two decades of pessimism on the matter, I am now sure that the Dynastic Vase sequence is a historical one, and that the timeframe covered by those 19 reigns falls within the Early Classic period. This paper explains how this change of heart came about, and why the painted king list is still a long way from giving up all its secrets.
There was always one feature on K6751 that kept a potential link to the historical kings alive. Towards the end of the text, filling the positions M2-M4, there is a Distance Number that counts forward a little over 104 years to the date 2 Akbal 11 Uo (Martin 1997:862-863).[2] This count can only realistically connect the accession of Ruler 19 on 9 Imix 9 Yaxkin (K5-L5)—an event expressed, like all others, as (u)-CH’AM[K’AWIIL]-wa uch’amaw k’awiil “he takes/receives K’awiil”—to a new event given at N4. There we find what appears to be OCH-HA’[bi]-hi ochha’bih “water (and) road-enters”—a conjoined form of the metaphors for death we otherwise see as ochbih or ochha’. Yet this verb has no subject. Where we would expect to find one we encounter the common term yu-k’i-bi yuk’ib “his drinking vessel,” followed by a personal name. If someone dies who is it? The long DN presumably rules out Ruler 19, meaning that the deceased person either goes unstated, is meant to be a reference to the vessel as a tomb offering, or refers to the vessel owner himself. As an aside, we find that person’s name on another codex-style vessel, K6754 (which has a very different narrative scene), suggesting that both pots may have come from the same looted burial.
Like all our dates, 2 Akbal 11 Uo is untethered in the Long Count. However, we might suspect that the purpose of the extended Distance Number is to connect the past with contemporary time. If so, the best fit would be in 696, since this is the era in which codex-style ware was in production. While the 104-year tally does not link the two Calendar Rounds correctly, if we use it to count backwards from 696 we reach 592, which is one of the years in which 9 Imix 9 Yaxkin can be placed. The 592 date is interesting because it falls within the reign of Scroll Serpent, a Snake king with the same name as Ruler 19, seen at L6. While this whole section is far from transparent, it does give some slim suggestion that Ruler 19 might be the historical Scroll Serpent.
So the matter rested for two decades. It was not to see change until widely dispersed finds at El Peru, Naranjo, Uaxactun, and Calakmul allowed Dmitri Beliaev and myself to identify a hitherto unknown Snake king called K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ Aj Saakil (Martin and Beliaev 2017). K6751 made an early contribution here, since Ruler 16 from the list (K1b) has a matching K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ name, demonstrating that this was a form used by the Kaanul dynasty. Elsewhere, Naranjo Stela 47 tells us that K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’—there under the name Aj Saakil—directly preceded the king known as Sky Witness (Martin et al. 2016) (see Figure 6). This is fully consistent with the historical dates we have, since K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ was active in 556, while references to Sky Witness’s reign appear between 561 and 572. The relevance of all this is that the name of Sky Witness matches that of Ruler 17 (K2b). With the known dates for Scroll Serpent falling between 579 and 611, and the sure knowledge of a different Snake king ruling before him in 573 (Martin and Grube 2000:104), we can see that Rulers 16, 17, and 19 correctly follow the sequence on the monuments (Figure 2). By now there was cause to wonder, might the painted king list be historical after all?
Figure 2. Comparison of names on K6751 with those from the monumental record (drawings by Simon Martin).
The complex story of the Snake kingdom, in which its Early Classic capital at Dzibanche (Velásquez 2004a, 2008a) shifted to one at Calakmul in the Late Classic (Martin 2005), has recently come into much greater focus. Thanks to the identification of Kaanul as a toponym at Dzibanche (Martin and Velásquez 2016:27-30) and the discovery of two remarkable texts at Xunantunich that explain the shift as the result of civil war (Helmke and Awe 2016a, 2016b), we can talk with more confidence about where the dynasty arose and why its transfer took place. If K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ Aj Saakil was ruling at Dzibanche in 556—which all the circumstantial evidence would lead us to believe—then we are compelled to investigate Building VI Lintel 3 at the site (Martin and Beliaev 2017:5-6, Table 1). Carrying one of only two firm dates at Dzibanche, Lintel 3 records the Period Ending of, which took place in 554 (Figure 3). Unfortunately, it does not name its protagonist, who would have appeared on one or both of the preceding lintels, which are badly damaged in one case and destroyed in the other. However, it does record the king’s accession as a CHUM[*mu]-la-ji-ya KAL[*TE’]-ma-*li “seated into kaloomte’[-ship]”. This marks the subject’s elevation into the highest status ascribed to Classic Maya rulers, entirely in keeping with the powerful political position the Snake kingdom enjoyed at this time.
Figure 3. Dzibanche Building VI Lintel 3 (photograph by Peter Harrison).
The syntax on Lintel 3 is not entirely straightforward and this, together with the less-than-perfect preservation of the wood into which it is carved, means that there are different ways to reconstruct the two Distance Numbers that fix the accession in time. After accounting for shrinkage and erosion to the three beams I made a relatively small, seemingly unimportant, amendment of 100 days to the chronology that placed the accession to the Long Count position in 550.[3] Any setting in this general timeframe would make K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ a viable candidate, but the true significance of this date emerges only after comparing its Calendar Round with the one given for the accession of Ruler 16 on K6751, since both are 7 Lamat 6 Uo (Figure 4). This cannot be coincidental and demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt that Ruler 16 and K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ are not namesakes but one-in-the-same person. It would follow that Ruler 17 is the Sky Witness we see on monuments at Los Alacranes, Naranjo, Caracol, Yo’okop, Dzibanche, Resbalon, and Pol Box, and Ruler 19 the Scroll Serpent who appears at Calakmul, Palenque, Naranjo, and Caracol.[4] This allows me to say something that I could not in 1997—that the vase text does include rulers known from inscribed monuments and that the entire painted king list fits within historical time. What are the implications of this turnaround? Can the outstanding, not inconsiderable, problems be resolved?
Figure 4. 7 Lamat 6 Uo at J6 and (u)ch’am(aw) k’awiil k’ahk’ ti’ ch’ich’ at K1 on K6751 (conjoined image from a photograph courtesy of Los Angeles County Museum).
True codex-style wares were produced in the heart of the central southern lowlands, at a site in the domain of a k’uhul chatahn winik—a lordly title with deep roots in this region—which was under the direct influence of Calakmul. Three Dynastic Vase sherds have been found at Calakmul itself, demonstrating that the listing was directly pertinent to the regime there, doubtless naming the ancestors to which its kings traced their origin and legitimacy (Delvendahl 2005; Martin 2008a, 2012:140; García Barrios 2012:85-87). This is important when we think about the meaning of these lists to a contemporary audience. Their primary purpose was not documentation so much as lending special value and prestige to the pot, and the somewhat careless treatment of the dates must be seen in this light. The presence of at least one correct date could indicate that the Ur-text was accurate, and only garbled in the process of copying and re-copying over time.[5] We can now highlight the three major difficulties that stand between us and any comprehensive understanding of the Dynastic Vases, all arising from the divergences between painted and carved sources: (1) conflicts in the sequence, (2) missing kings, and (3) dating discrepancies. From here on we enter speculative terrain.
The scrambled order of kings on the Dynastic Vases once seemed like a significant obstacle, yet it is overcome with ease if Ruler 10 (Yuknoom Ch’een), Ruler 13 (Yuknoom Yich’aak K’ahk’), Ruler 15 (Tajoom Uk’ab K’ahk’), and Ruler 18 (Yuknoom Ti’ Chan) were not the seventh century kings we know by those names but earlier namesakes instead. Indeed, the now-established sequence of Rulers 16, 17, and 19 requires that they be so. Moreover, we probably know the first of these characters, since a ruler called Yuknoom Ch’een—a predecessor to the great Late Classic king of that name—is the protagonist of the Dzibanche Captive Stairway (Nalda 2004; Velásquez 2004b, 2005) (Figure 5).[6] This monument cannot be dated with certainty, but it is appropriately early in terms of style. This is most evident in the large identifying name-glyphs the prisoners wear on the back of their belts and their unusual wavy hair, for which the closest parallel is a captive pictured on Uaxactun Stela 19, dating to 357 (Martin 2009; see Graham 1986:177-178).[7]
Figure 5. Names of the earlier and later kings using the name of Yuknoom Ch’een: a) Ruler 10, K6751 (H5); b) Yuknoom Ch’een I, Dzibanche M.5 (A3); c) Yuknoom Ch’een II, codex-style vase from Tomb 4, Calakmul Structure II; d) Yuknoom Ch’een II, Dos Pilas Hieroglyphic Stairway 2 East (photographs provided by the Los Angeles County Museum and Dorie Reents-Budet, drawings by Simon Martin).
If this problem has evaporated an important one remains, and it is our second major difficulty. The positions in the sequence occupied by Rulers 15 and 18 are precisely those where we would expect to find our missing kings Tuun K’ab Hix (537-546) and Yax Yopaat (573). Explaining their absence is a trickier proposition.
Naranjo Stela 47 explicitly describes Tuun K’ab Hix, K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ Aj Saakil, Sky Witness, and Scroll Serpent as the chan tz’akbu(ul) k’uhul kaanul ajaw “four holy Snake[-Place] kings in order” (Martin et al. 2016:617) (Figure 6). It will be noted that there is no mention of an intervening ruler between Sky Witness and Scroll Serpent—a position taken at Dzibanche by Yax Yopaat and on K6751 by Yuknoom Ti’ Chan. This suggests that Stela 47 refers less to a strict list of successors than it does to the four overlords who directly supervised the Naranjo king during his long reign. The 18th king, whatever his identity, may not have ruled long enough to consolidate his power and for this, or some other reason, was not acknowledged as an overlord by Naranjo.
Figure 6. Four Snake kings on Naranjo Stela 47: Tuun K’ab Hix (A3b), Aj Saakil (A4a), Sky Witness (A4b), and Scroll Serpent (A5a) (drawing by Alexandre Tokovinine).
The absence of Tuun K’ab Hix is a bigger issue, since he was clearly a substantial figure who, in addition to installing that same Naranjo king in 546, lost a subordinate in a conflict with Yaxchilan in 537 and sent a daughter to marry the ruler of La Corona in 520 (Martin 2008b:4). The Dynastic Vase sequence cannot claim to represent the greatest kings of the Snake dynasty if he is omitted. A possible explanation here is that the Kaanul regime contained more than one lineage, perhaps even parallel lines that ruled from different centers (Marc Zender, pers. comm. 2017). The latter has a certain appeal because of the appearance of non-Kaanul toponym with Scroll Serpent in 593, raising the possibility of greater locational complexity to the kingdom’s history (Martin 2005:7; Martin and Velásquez 2016:26). If more than one lineage were involved, then the Dynastic Vases might represent only the branch from which the Calakmul kings claimed descent. Tuun K’ab Hix and Yax Yopaat would belong to a different patriline and be of no interest to the scribe who composed the master text of the vases. While this idea has its attractions, the twin royal seats portion of it is weakened by the appearance of Yax Yopaat at Dzibanche, where we also find evidence for K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’, Sky Witness, and Yuknoom Ch’een I. But another option is available to us. Although K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ Aj Saakil is sometimes represented by his full name, he is more commonly identified by one or the other of its two parts—which effectively serve as alternates. The same dual-naming practice recurs in the eighth century at Calakmul, where Yuknoom Took’ K’awiil is called by a different appellative outside the city and its closest affiliates. If this were a feature repeated on the painted king list then both our missing kings might be present on K6751, but masked under different names. In this scenario Tajoom Uk’ab K’ahk’ (Ruler 15 at J5b-I6) would be another name for Tuun K’ab Hix and Yuknoom Ti’ Chan (Ruler 18 at K4) an alternative moniker for Yax Yopaat. Without a way to confirm or contradict either option the question must remain in abeyance for the present, with the missing kings left unexplained.
This brings us to the third major difficulty, the chronological divergences between the painted and inscribed sequences. Two instances are now particularly salient. After the accession of K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ the K6751 text moves to that of Sky Witness, an event that it assigns to the Calendar Round 10 Caban 10 Pop. However, this combination does not occur within the 561-572 span we currently have for that king, with the two closest placements falling either much too early in 543 or much too late in 595. A second case comes where K6751 puts the accession of Scroll Serpent to the previously noted 9 Imix 9 Yaxkin, whereas Calakmul Stela 33 clearly states that he became an ajaw on 11 Caban 10 Ch’en (Martin 1997:862). The latter is fixed to (579), while the closest point the painted version can be placed is (592), some 13 years later. For the inauguration date of K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’ to be entirely correct and others not simply awry, but wildly so, must give us pause.
Are we, in fact, asking the right question of the data? As we have seen, K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’s accession was not into the standard status of ajaw, but specifically into that of kaloomte’ (Figure 7a). As my colleagues David Stuart and Marc Zender (pers. comms. 2017) have urged me to consider, might these ill-fitting dates refer to separate ceremonies that mark progress to that exalted rank? This kind of statement is extremely rare and otherwise only known from Tikal, where it occurs in the inaugurations of the kings Jasaw Chan K’awiil in 682, Yik’in Chan K’awiil in 734, and Yax Nuun Ahiin II in 768 (Figure 7b). One further instance at Palenque, a differently phrased back-reference to the accession of K’inich Kan Bahlam II in 684, exhausts the list. That Dzibanche, Tikal, and Palenque were all powerful hegemons when these phrases appear gives ample reason to see this expression as indicative of special power and authority. In the case of Yik’in Chan K’awiil and K’inich Kan Bahlam, at least, other inaugural statements make clear that they became an ajaw on the same day as they acquired kaloomte’ status—there was no delayed ceremony in their cases.
Figure 7. Seating into kaloomte’[-ship]: a) Dzibanche Building IV Lintel 3 (pI2-J2a); a) Tikal Stela 21 (B10-A11) (photographs by Peter Harrison and William Coe
Nevertheless, we do have an interesting parallel elsewhere, though to find it we must travel far from the central lowlands to the eastern periphery of the Maya world. In 724 K’ahk’ Tiliw Chan Yopaat became the king of Quirigua under the auspices of Waxaklajuun Ubaah K’awiil of Copan—an event expressed by means a selection of different verbs, including uch’am(aw) k’awiil “he receives/takes K’awiil” (Looper 2003:Fig.2.1a). But 14 years later, in 738, he seized his overlord and beheaded him. At this point he underwent a second uch’amaw k’awiil event and, although the relevant text on Stela J (H5-G6) does not say so directly, it must be at this point he begins to use the kaloomte’ title that, as a vassal, would previously have been denied to him.[8] Here is a better precedent for what could be happening on the Dynastic Vases, if under very different circumstances.
It is certainly possible that Scroll Serpent became an ajaw in 579, but a kaloomte’ only in 592—perhaps after some notable political or military accomplishment. This might also motivate the inclusion of the kaloomte’ title in his short identifying phrase on K6751, a feature only otherwise associated with Ruler 2.[9] When it comes to Sky Witness, it is clearly much harder to argue that he acquired the highest title in 595. It is true that his name appears as the protagonist of an attack on Palenque in 599, which has long been enigmatic, and conceivably the two dates are related in some way (though see Note 13). But at least until that anomaly can be explained, it is easier to interpret 10 Caban 10 Pop as a straightforward copying error.[10]
A further idea, developed from other evidence, is that at certain places and times the Classic Maya operated a system of dual-rulership, consisting of a senior and junior king. We have a number of occasions on which two contemporary characters carry full emblem glyphs, whether as father and son, or as brothers. Rather than an honorific paving the way to future power, these shared titles could indicate joint governmental responsibilities (Houston 2012:171), especially at powerful centers where administrative workloads may have been higher than most, and a greater-than-normal emphasis put on unquestioned succession.
A good example turns up at Calakmul itself, where the reigning king Yuknoom Ch’een II elevates his presumed son, Yuknoom Yich’aak K’ahk’ II, to full k’uhul kaanul ajaw status by 662, when he was just 14 years of age (Martin 2009, 2014:356). Yuknoom Ch’een, almost 62 at the time and perhaps not expecting to live too much longer, seems here to be establishing not an heir-apparency but a junior kingship. But even for co-kings closer in age one key distinction would remain: only the senior figure would carry the kaloomte’ title. On Ucanal Stela 4 we see two lords, one identified as a k’uhul k’anwitznal kaloomte’, the other as a k’uhul k’anwitznal ajaw (Martin 2014:76). Though this is a late monument, this might not be a new system but an existing one newly brought to the fore. Similarly, at Motul de San José a long-established monarch is joined by a younger partner with a full emblem glyph, someone who acquires the kaloomte’ title only after the senior king’s death (Tokovinine and Zender 2012:46). The same might be said for the young lords bearing emblems who perform on the Bonampak Murals (Houston 2012:167). All were ranked beneath the true king and kaloomte’ holder. A further instance could be relevant and lend still more credence to this scenario, since it comes from a fragment of inscribed vessel discovered at Dzibanche (Velásquez and Balanzario 2016). It names a k’uhul kaanul ajaw who is also a sukuwinik ch’ok kaloomte’ “Older Brother Prince, Kaloomte’”. We know from comparable cases at Palenque and La Corona that statements of age-seniority such as this signify that there are two brothers—one the ruler, the other the baah ch’ok destined to succeed him. In a kaloomte’-bearing kingdom that junior person would likely also be an emblem-carrying k’uhul ajaw. We find precisely this dual status held by Upakal K’inich, the younger brother and heir of K’inich Ahkal Mo’ Nahb III of Palenque, who might better be considered his junior co-king (Miller and Martin 2004:232; Stuart 2005:40, 189).[11]
These features find an interesting and potentially important parallel in the Postclassic Maya highlands. Bartolomé de Las Casas (1909:615-617) describes an intricate structure of governance for the K’iche’ polity based at Utatlan: consisting of a supreme king as well as a king-elect, each from a separate lineage, whose sons held the ranks of major and minor “captain,” presumably a military command.[12] Each lord would advance in turn from one position to the next up the hierarchical chain (though if they were judged insufficiently capable they could be passed over). This system ensured that whoever reached ultimate power would have served in all the lower offices, and therefore have both maturity and experience in governing as well as in leading armies. Postclassic Maya kingship has always been set apart from its predecessor, but perhaps this practice had deeper roots in the culture. It might not have been a ubiquitous practice for the Classic Maya but, rather a situational strategy that met the needs of particular times and circumstances.
Whether this has any relevance at all to the conundrums of Dynastic Vases remains unclear, but it is one of the few ways that the seemingly aberrant dates of K6751 might be intentional and, more or less, correct. Conceivably, their mismatched positions allude to a senior-junior kingship system for the Snake dynasty at Dzibanche—in which, after the death of the standing kaloomte’ the title passed to the current ajaw, and a new candidate was drawn into that status. The hypothesis allows for a delayed, enhanced accession, but also makes it possible that this powerful polity was continuously ruled by a monarch of the highest rank, without the lacuna that is otherwise implied by a new solo king working his way toward kaloomte’ status.[13]
But before we get too enthusiastic about this scenario, we would do well to acknowledge an impediment that might be enough to dissuade us from it—in this case at least. We must accept, for example, that junior kings could perform Period Endings, as Scroll Serpent does for (583) in the retrospective text on Calakmul Stela 33 (Martin 1996). More significantly, the same inscription moves on to the (593) ceremony, without mentioning the supposedly key date 9 Imix 9 Yaxkin date we have on K6751. Whether relevant or not, it should also be noted that he carries no kaloomte’ title here, or in another inscription recalling of the 593 commemoration on Calakmul Stela 8.[14]
* * *
With the 550 date now in hand, one might attempt a reconstruction of the chronology for the Dynastic Vases (though I confess some reluctance to do so, given the continuing uncertainties). The scheme set out in Table 1 works its way back in time using the minimum number of required corrections, alighting on the next available Calendar Round position in each case.[15] Since any reign longer than 52 years will slip through such a calculation, additional columns have been introduced at two points where a very long reign seems possible (there may be one other). A dating scheme without longer reigns puts the accession of the dynastic founder Skyraiser to the year 232. This is probably too conservative. If we instead count back from 550 using an average reign-length of 22.5 years—which is derived from the Copan and Palenque sequences, as well as 881 years of English and British history (Martin 1997:853-854)—we reach the year 212. Doing the same calculation from 592, the best date available for Ruler 19, would put the origin of the dynasty still earlier, to about 187. Interestingly, all of these estimates would make the Kaanul line of Dzibanche less ancient than its great rival, the Mutul dynasty of Tikal. Similar calculations performed on Tikal’s count of kings put its founding before 100 (Martin 2003:5, n.6). This differential is clear when we consider that K’ahk’ Ti’ Ch’ich’s reign as the 16th king of Dzibanche overlapped with that of Wak Chan K’awiil, who was 21st in the Tikal line.
To conclude, the Dynastic Vase sequence, against the odds and despite all its errors and unexplained anomalies, has a basis in history and presents the first 19 kings of the Snake dynasty. The texts that seemed so deficient at one time, have begun to suggest that only our understanding of them is inadequate. The direct link between this sequence and a monument at Dzibanche gives us added confidence that this city was indeed the capital of the Early Classic Snake kings, in line with the evidence of names, titles, and a Snake toponym already uncovered there. Though other options have found favor, this is good evidence that the origins of this important dynasty were in modern-day Quintana Roo, Mexico. If we can fathom the puzzles that remain—rather than be bamboozled by numerous chak chay[16]—we might yet cast some light on the structure of the Snake kingdom in its first incarnation. We must hope that future epigraphic finds, from Dzibanche and elsewhere, will ultimately unravel its secrets. If the history of research thus far is anything to go by, there will be more surprises ahead, and yet more opportunities to rethink the “Serpent State.”
[Note 1] The ending on toponyms spelled by a la suffix is as yet unknown and should properly be rendered –Vl. However, in line with recent publications this paper will from here on use Kaanul, with no implication that this is correct.
[Note 2] Here the winikhaab or “K’atun” unit has been suppressed or obscured by the i-u-ti-ya i uhtiiy “then (it) happened” verb. The spelling of the month Uo here receives the unique spelling of wo-hi woh, the form in use in Yucatan when the Spanish arrived in the sixteenth century (Martin 1997:854). An alternative to the Classic form IHK’-AT ihk’at that we see in other spellings in the inscriptions—even elsewhere on the Dynastic Vases (see K6751 J6b)—the terms presumably coexisted, but woh may have been the vernacular form for the vase painters. The strangeness of this section is increased by the proportions and alignment of the glyphs, which have the awkward task of filling the skewed remaining space at the end of the text. The painter seems to have stopped and restarted his work, possibly adding some part—the possessed vase and name phrase in particular—on a later occasion.
[Note 3] This scheme reconstructs a base-date of, 6 Ik 10 Kankin (552) from a Distance Number of 1.4.18 that counts from there to the Period Ending, 9 Ahau 3 Uayeb (554). A second Distance Number of 2.12.14 links the base-date (which likely marks the building’s dedication) to the preceding accession event on, 7 Lamat 6 Uo (550) (Martin and Beliaev 2017:Table 1).
[Note 4] This finding suggests that we take a fresh look at the Snake royal names from the Dzibanche region and specifically the potential versions of Sky Witness’s moniker. Blocks CX15-CX17 of the Resbalon Hieroglyphic Stairway, associated with a Snake emblem glyph, provide the core elements of his name in the form u-?UT[T650] CHAN-na (Martin 1997:861). Stela 3 at Pol Box gives a closely related version, with the addition of a hand-based compound that can also be recognized on Block CX14 from Resbalon (Esparza and Pérez 2009:9-10). Octavio Esparza proposed that the hand was a later-disused YUK logogram, elaborated with no and ma to represent yuknoom. The case for this is much strengthened by an inscribed bone recovered from an important burial in the Temple of the Cormorants at Dzibanche (Velásquez 2008b). This also appears to have a Sky Witness name, this time introduced by a clear yuknoom: yu[ku]-no-ma ?UT-tu[T650-CHAN]-na. Returning to Resbalon, we can now say that the fullest name appears there as ?YUK-no-ma u-?UT[T650]-CHAN K’AHK’-BAHLAM?. As Erik Velásquez (2008b) suggests, the tomb of Sky Witness—richly equipped with jade—has surely been found at Dzibanche.
[Note 5] See Carter (2016:350-351) for a discussion of some of the copying errors on the Dynastic Vases.
[Note 6] The value ?CH’EEN is represented by two logograms, one a bird’s head, the other a more variable sign that focuses on bones and dark places (Vogt and Stuart 2005:157-163). Originally, the bird was distinguished by a tri-lobed eyelid and what often looks like a bundle of sticks on its facing left-side. However, by Late Classic times both features could be dispensed with and a pared down raptor-head suffices to spell the word. Nevertheless, Figure 5c shows two faint strokes through the eye that may allude to the lobed form.
[Note 7] Several of the component blocks from this stairway carry Calendar Round dates, the clearest being 5 Chicchan 3 Yaxkin (seen twice), 6 Men 18 Pax, and perhaps 10 Chicchan? 18 Xul (see Velásquez 2004b). Even without a tie to the Long Count, calculation shows that if these positions are correct they are quite widely spaced in time, spanning in excess of 20 years. The Long Count counterparts that fit a projected reign for Ruler 10, as well as meshing with the style parameters offered by Uaxactun Stela 19, fall into the second column of potential correlations in Table 1 of this posting.
[Note 8] Altar M is the earliest known product of K’ahk’ Tiliw Chan Yopaat’s reign and carries a text describing its own making in 734, four years prior to the conflict with Copan (Looper 2003:59-61). Oddly, it is owned by some other person (an ancestor or father?) and the king supervises its dedication. His titles are damaged, but appear to include the nohol kaloomte’ “South Kaloomte’” epithet he bears on Stela J (C14-D14). Nevertheless, I am reluctant to see this as evidence for his use of this high status prior to the split with Copan. Either this monument is deliberately retrospective, or indicates that K’ahk’ Tiliw had politically detached himself prior to the decisive clash.
[Note 9] We have no knowledge of this early period, but ascribing the kaloomte’ epithet to Ruler 2 (a feature of most Dynastic Vases) may serve to distinguish him from the founder as the first king to claim or be ascribed that rank.
[Note 10] The easiest amendment would be to the initial coefficient, and a number of alternatives fall within the required 556-582 range: *3 Caban 10 Pop for (575), *4 Caban 10 Pop for (563), *7 Caban 10 Pop for (579), *8 Caban 10 Pop for (567), *12 Caban 10 Pop for (571), and *13 Caban 10 Pop for (559). Selecting an alternative coefficient for Pop (0, 5, or 15), while keeping 10 Caban, produces no eligible results. In Table 1, I use *12 Caban for the arbitrary reason that it is the simplest copying error for 10 Caban available.
[Note 11] Additionally, there is the case presented by Naranjo Stelae 18 and 46, in which two ch’ok—certainly brothers, perhaps even twins—were promoted during the reign of their presumed father K’ahk’ Tiliw Chan Chaahk (Martin et al. in press). The manner in which the order of their names is reversed on each monument, as if to avoid prioritizing one over the other, suggests that they were equals intended to be future co-rulers of some kind.
[Note 12] I am indebted to Frauke Sachse (pers. comm. 2017) for pointing out this parallel.
[Note 13] This system might also offer a way of understanding the 599 date for Sky Witness at Palenque. Theoretically, this character could be a later namesake of the 17th ruler, a sub-king of Scroll Serpent who we otherwise have no record of.
[Note 14] The later interest in Scroll Serpent could well be motivated because he was the father of Yuknoom Ch’een II, the first Snake king to rule at Calakmul (Martin and Grube 2000:106). A damaged Distance Number on Stela 33 might connect to the birth of Yuknoom Ch’een on (600), the king who commissioned this monument in 657. It could also be significant that Scroll Serpent completes the K6751 list. Although patently not the last Snake king before the reign of Yuknoom Ch’een II, the painted king list may nevertheless draw attentional attention to this putative father.
[Note 15] Amendments were made by comparing the full range of vases in search of workable combinations (although several are so overpainted as to be worthless for this exercise), or identifying coefficients that can be considered canonical rather than exceptional. At times the process amounts to no more than guesswork. It is noticeable that necessary corrections cluster toward the early part of the sequence (i.e. Rulers 1-6 in Table 1), possibly a hint that later dates are more reliable.
[Note 16] A close relative of the herring.
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Here's the second chapter of Grey Pearl: Walking the Line
Chapter 2: Meeting Blue Peridot Grey Pearl noticed the other gems staring at her while she trained. She saw their shocked, disgusted, or smirking faces, she just didn’t care. While waiting for her next training dummy, an interesting gem caught her eye. She at first thought it was a Peridot, but the blue skin made her rethink her conclusion. Her outfit resembled any other era 2 Peridot but had a small see through skirt much like many pearls in Blue Diamond’s had. Grey Pearl could see that her gem was on her naval through the skirt. She decided instead of thinking of what gem they could be, Grey Pearl went over to where the new gem was working. They seemed to be worrying about the machine in front of them.
“Oh no oh no oh no oh no I don’t understand, this machine is working perfectly well! Wh-why did they call me here?!” The gem whispered worriedly until she noticed the pearl next to her. She squeaked and made a diamond salute. “I-I am sorry for the inconvience b-but please tell your o-owner that the machine shall be functioning s-soon.” The gem stuttered and gulped before flinching as Grey Pearl crouched down and stared at her. “What gem are you? You look like a Peridot but, you’re blue.” Grey Pearl asked and the gem blushed. “I-I am a Peridot I’m just defective a bit.” The Peridot said shyly. Suddenly, laughter was heard as two other Peridots rested their arms on the blue Peridot. Grey Pearl watched as the new gulped and did her diamond salute to her fellow Peridots.
“Oi Periwinkle! Have you finished this menial task yet?” One Peridot with a gem on her eye sneered and lifted her head up to force Blue Peridot to look up. “Now now, where are your manners~? We should be nice to Lady Peridot~” The other Peridot chuckled and pinched her cheek. “Pl-Please guys, there’s nothing wrong with this machine. I don’t see why I was stationed here..” Blue Peridot said softly and her collegues laughed. “We just wanted to see how you liked working in your true court.” The eye gem Peridot teased and flicked Blue Peridot before leaving with the other Peridot. Blue Peridot whimpered from the flick and sighed, closing the machine before getting up.
“What do they mean by your true court? You’re a Peridot, you work where you’re needed.” Grey Pearl asked. Blue Peridot sighed and rubbed her arm “W-Well, I’m usually in Blue Diamond’s court because of my color and personality. The other Peridots always tease me and gave me the nickname Periwinkle. I happen to like the nickname but, not the way they use it.” She said a bit sadly. Grey Pearl felt for this gem “It’s okay Periwinkle! You can relax with me.” She said happily. Perwinkle looked very confused. “What is this re-lax you speak of?” She asked and smiled nervously when Grey Pearl laughed. “Man! You’re hilarious! We’re gonna be great friends.” She exclaimed excitedly. “Also I love your color! You’re so unique and that’s what makes you the best!” Periwinkle smiled shyly at the Pearl’s compliments until they heard Grey Topaz call for Grey Pearl. “Oh! That’s my que to leave! Bye Periwinkle!” She said while waving and running to her owner. Periwinkle smiled until she heard her superior call for her and she left the room.
“Good. You’re done. You will be stationed as the personal technician of Purple Sapphire in facet R-L6” Her superior commanded. Periwinkle gulped and nodded secrectly hating life. She had a personal fear of sapphire ever since she started working in Blue Diamond’s court. Not only were the Sapphire relentless in their snobbery and teasing she was also given a false shatter date for herself and was left scared for 200 years before finding out it was fake. “Today Periwinkle! Today! My pearl shall escort you to her facet.” Her superior barked and Periwinkle squeaked before saluting and quickly following the light green pearl into the portal area. The pearl couldn’t help giggling as she saw Periwinkle giving herself a pep talk.
“Are you scared? You’re so weird Periwinkle.” The pearl teased and Periwinkle looked away and blushed. She couldn’t help being different from other peridots. “We’re here you weirdo. Don’t creep her grand clarity. Remember, your superior will hear about your progress.” Green Pearl reminded and left Periwinkle outside the facet door. Periwinkle hesitated and whimpered, what if the Pearl was right? Maybe she was weird. Suddenly she thought of Grey Pearl “You’re so unique and that’s what makes you the best!” her words rang in her ears causing the Peridot to smile. “No matter what, I have someone who likes who I am.” Periwinkle said softly rang the bell to alert the escort inside.
6 notes
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Recuerdo que cuando era pequeña, anehelaba tener l6 años, suponia que era tu mejor etapa para salir, conocer personas, experimentar , vivir, tener un amor y disfrutar. Y ahora que tengo esta edad, me doy cuenta que es la etapa llena de inseguridades, de depresiones y ansiedades. La mayoría de mi tiempo nunca salgo, mis padres no me dejan. Aunque tenga un promedio de excelencia de lO me lo prohíben. Cada noche lloro por no saber que me falta para ser la hija que quieren que sea, pero también me pregunto el por qué son así. Al estar siempre en mi casa, me dan bajones emocionales terribles, estoy acostada y de la nada lloro, viendo las historias de fb de mis amigos como salen a la plaza, van al cine, a fiestas, y yo solo en mi borbuja de sociedad en donde nadie entra y nadie sale, estoy arta, ya no se que hacer, ya no se como vivir bien.
0 notes
[棒球] 我真的不想找你去警察局
新發財情報已發佈到 http://black66.com/2553/
[棒球] 我真的不想找你去警察局
[棒球] 我真的不想找你去警察局
作者fwiller (府威樂)
標題[棒球] 我真的不想找你去警察局
時間Tue Aug 27 23:42:04 2019
晚上好 星知弥 ERA 8.49 11.2局 掉11分 面對打者 59人!!!!!!!!!! 你真的厲害 不是我想講 想找你去警察局喝茶
還有阿 你到底想怎樣啊 一直在推文吵 還跑來我的推牌吵 到底哪裡礙到你啊? 三過二還被噓 我甘願~~ 沒過都我的錯 我最近20篇文章 只有你噓我欸? 我欠你啥了嗎
我飲料抽獎不公平嗎? 我真的公正只按一次 沒抽到你 真的是你衰阿 我也很少抽到重複的人 沒發文的人一堆人 我好歹發了快三百杯飲料了吧 .. 多的是感謝 多的是祝福 就你寄信威脅我 都沒有人靠邀我不公平 就你? 你到底是多渴阿.. 我不懂你耶
那我們一起去警察局抽怎麼樣 求警察來個當面公正 抽十杯抽二十杯 全部送你 當場請你喝光再走 那麼想喝讓你喝個夠阿 還是你要吃漢堡幫你問千毅哥 全部包包軌~~~
你在跟別人要錢可以 你家的事 但你不要跟我朋友要錢啊!!!!! 好死不死 你就寄到我兩個朋友要錢 還被我知道 就開始寄信威脅我? 要我走著瞧 ????????? 我都想問金庸大你是不是也有寄他了 他不給你錢 你是不是也要他走著瞧 有多少人被你要錢都要挖出來是不是~~
我真的不想在這吵架 也很少跟人吵架 這裡是大家賺錢的地方 但你真的要鬧 那我們找個公開的場合鬧個夠 就這樣 然後開直播 來看你喝奶茶
你不要再給我寄道歉信來了 看到就煩 你寄去給版主好了 還是誰可以幫我收信..
要我去警察局請警察幫我發P 也行!夠公正嗎?
我這樣可以徵文嗎? 被嗆技巧攻略文 *飲料抽不到 就來該該叫*
我真的很想抽到各位沒抽過的 但沒辦法 我以前也很少中 直到我當了工讀 我可以無償 但我幹嘛要貪圖一杯飲料花十幾分鐘寫給大家信 自己買就好啦 XD 喜歡大家溫暖的感謝 比中獎還爽
雙城讓 2.05 又到了雙城洗白襪時間
洋基讓 1.6 打爆菊池時間 …
巨人場大 還沒開 ~ 但這兩隊真D鬧
3 X 1 X 300
全過隨機三位 168P 隨機飲料三位
謝謝大家勉為其難的收看 讓大家見笑了 有喜歡再買~ 賽事無絕對
你是不是姓 星?
View post on imgur.com
— ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SportLottery/M.1566920527.A.7F7.html
推 c1027ool : 推 08/27 23:43
推 etugood : 推推 08/27 23:43
推 ooooloooo : 推 08/27 23:43
推 lovealgebra : 推 08/27 23:44
推 yms12709 : 先推等等看文 08/27 23:44
推 yim89113 : 推 08/27 23:45
推 s9601469 : 推 喝過f大的飲料 感謝f大 08/27 23:45
不客氣 是你好運
推 choi026 : 推一個 08/27 23:45
→ yms12709 : 講到星三小彌的就噁心 幹 噁爛人 看到他上中繼就是 08/27 23:45
→ yms12709 : 多多準備死掉的時候 08/27 23:45
推 Ronniecf : 哈哈 好氣 HR消氣 08/27 23:45
推 orz0018 : 推 08/27 23:46
推 inhumanq : 推 08/27 23:46
推 zxc02203 : 推 08/27 23:47
推 osen840620 : 推 08/27 23:48
推 fly0408 : 推 08/27 23:48
推 gyhua : 推 哈哈 08/27 23:48
推 saint01 : 推 08/27 23:48
推 shunhahahaha: 推 但這樣太扯了吧 08/27 23:48
推 chin1105 : 加油 08/27 23:48
推 nimlbank : XDDDDD 777777 08/27 23:49
→ michael71230: 你很棒了,明天尻剛消火^^ 08/27 23:49
推 hondawht : 推 08/27 23:49
推 zzogdoll : F大辛苦了! 08/27 23:51
推 asdasd300 : ㄊㄨㄟ 08/27 23:51
→ triff : 哇噻,沒抽到是欠的?真的長知識了 08/27 23:51
推 a2671 : 推! 08/27 23:52
推 sina776133 : 推 08/27 23:52
推 wumuhsen : 推 雖然霧裡看花 08/27 23:52
→ wumuhsen : 今天終於知道 星的威力 淦 就倒這關 08/27 23:54
推 seenbox : 你們到底有什麼過結啊 08/27 23:55
無 但他想跟我過中秋節?
推 from314 : 推 辛苦了 08/27 23:56
推 z36856 : 天 08/27 23:56
推 Basacar : 同為星受害者 嗚嗚 08/27 23:56
推 cangyisu : F大拍拍 不過我也想請星知彌來警察局泡茶 真的爛的 08/27 23:56
→ cangyisu : 可以… 08/27 23:56
走了拉 星知弥過來!!!
推 gtvbsg : 推轟 08/27 23:57
推 haodark : 推 08/27 23:58
推 kobe7477 : 推 08/28 00:00
推 a257234775 : 推 08/28 00:00
推 lb571 : 推 辛苦惹 08/28 00:00
推 a461204a : 辛苦了 08/28 00:01
推 lotterywin : 只能說多多監督真的很棒….鬼月沒過鬼調度 08/28 00:01
多多監督: 突破僵局 突破僵局
推 benrun : 抽飲料沒抽到也能怪喔 這世界怎麼了 08/28 00:01
→ lotterywin : 如果因為飲料抽不抽的到而鬧成這樣真的不必要 08/28 00:02
王菲 – 我也不想這樣 https://youtu.be/L6-crgqJiRk
→ lotterywin : 一杯飲料真的沒多少錢,那只是給大家沾沾喜的東西 08/28 00:02
→ lotterywin : 就跟打麻將一將沒胡…拿個600紅包沖喜一樣QQ 08/28 00:03
推 colorland : 推 08/28 00:04
推 directorate : 推 08/28 00:05
推 hp5566 : 我只能說抽飲料真的緣分呀,還好我沒被威脅qq 08/28 00:07
HP大混黑道 他哪敢 (咦
推 wumuhsen : 推 一將沒胡拿600 XDD 08/28 00:08
推 kawata327 : 推 08/28 00:08
推 LaserLi : 被毒多害死+1,今天也是無腦跟律師大的牌 08/28 00:09
最毒多多 氣球西武 單場巨人
推 Pinohsin : F大加油 3過2很不錯了 我最近狂RH 哈哈 08/28 00:12
P大加油 月底難抓
推 Tim0303 : 推 08/28 00:13
推 plus1211 : 可以尻一下嗎?push 08/28 00:13
推 hanksocute : 推 08/28 00:14
推 wade0514 : 推 08/28 00:16
推 plus1211 : 上上推!打成問號了!可以尻一下讓他們看看了 08/28 00:16
推 lichiayang : 推 08/28 00:20
推 fragileangel: 推 08/28 00:20
推 WadeWen : 搞成這樣到時候沒人分享喜悅有什麼好處? 沒抽到就 08/28 00:22
→ WadeWen : 下次再來啊!你會再買下期還是要台彩改號碼給你中 08/28 00:22
→ WadeWen : 獎?哪裏有問題啊…… 08/28 00:22
他就自爽就好 別人都被他弄不爽
推 Lin82219 : 推推 f大 大人有大量別理他 08/28 00:25
我已經盡量不理了 再過來 一起走
推 patrick123 : 我有發過文也很久才被抽一次但很感謝 這個人激動屁 08/28 00:26
幾百個抽十個 要多幸運真的難~~
推 amo0717 : 推 08/28 00:29
推 lion3306 : f大加油,力挺您到底! 08/28 00:29
謝Lion大! 有你真好~~ 但我們時常不同路XD
推 spiderway : 推 08/28 00:32
推 sukida : 和氣生財 推f大 08/28 00:35
他不想跟我和氣 我幹嘛要跟他和
推 kira17218 : 推 08/28 00:35
推 lotterywin : https://i.imgur.com/bP7JOuV.jpg 相貌堂堂 08/28 00:36
→ lotterywin : 為何執意要當投手?去當牛郎應該也有一片天ㄚ 08/28 00:36
推 kocw : 推 08/28 00:37
推 His1227 : 律師大你真的很綜藝哈哈哈 08/28 00:40
推 lock870501 : 推 08/28 00:40
推 lotterywin : https://i.imgur.com/Gf7ny55.jpg 又不是西武的海 08/28 00:42
→ lotterywin : 馬 08/28 00:42
推 mi324 : 推 08/28 00:42
推 dog54317 : 推 f大 今天 多多的 奎二今天頭的不錯 可惜牛放火 08/28 00:43
推 cc001225 : 太扯了吧Zzz 08/28 00:46
推 chun0303 : 推 08/28 00:48
推 nashieh : 星知彌之前兩年勉強算堪用 今年就很慘了 08/28 00:48
推 lotterywin : 以前還沒這麼爛…今年真的爛 08/28 00:49
推 cokeoz : 推,送飲料是好心,不是一定要的,今天抽到不想送出 08/28 00:50
→ cokeoz : 也是可以的 08/28 00:50
推 nashieh : 話說毒多 近幾年根本沒有養成能用的先發… 08/28 00:51
推 qpqp1 : 主要是控球超悲劇,下去跟藤浪作伴好嗎 08/28 00:51
→ nashieh : 勉強能算的話 就只有原樹理 08/28 00:51
→ nashieh : 唯一可以慶幸的是 原本毒多打線老化的危機… 08/28 00:53
→ nashieh : 最近看來至少幾個能打的新秀補上位置 08/28 00:53
推 maxlove0152 : 這個板就各種奇葩小丑都有 大概輸錢輸到腦壞掉 08/28 00:54
推 lotterywin : 原樹里今年也是慘到一個極點 08/28 00:54
→ fwiller : 大竹 海馬 星知 公文 記起來!! 08/28 00:55
推 qpqp1 : https://i.imgur.com/2sklxdY.jpg 這數據還能在一軍 08/28 00:56
→ qpqp1 : 也是世界奇觀 08/28 00:56
推 qpqp1 : 他上去就像是突破僵局制的概念 08/28 00:59
推 EricEric0212: 推F大 08/28 01:02
推 julian1209 : 推推 08/28 01:02
推 kungyilin : 推 08/28 01:02
推 lotterywin : 其實多多後面守得不錯了…可惜沒抓到跑者而已 08/28 01:05
推 Milktea228 : 推 08/28 01:05
推 CLkenzo : 倒多多真的氣QQ 08/28 01:06
推 nashieh : 毒多感覺還是要看石川跟小川繼續撐了 08/28 01:07
→ nashieh : 不過多多這幾年投手都亂選…得到報應了 08/28 01:08
推 justin1002 : 推 08/28 01:11
推 qpqp1 : https://i.imgur.com/rEdwNZW.jpg 今天就監督最垃 08/28 01:11
→ qpqp1 : 圾,真的不懂6局平手派他上,你都把高梨先發底的拿 08/28 01:11
→ qpqp1 : 來投第8局了,那幹嘛不平手先讓他上 08/28 01:11
先派最爆 再派穩的
推 spiderway : 幹你娘想到阿彌就賭爛 08/28 01:13
推 jimm : 推 08/28 01:17
推 spiderway : 星之彌還有一點羞恥心就退役 08/28 01:17
推 lotterywin : https://i.imgur.com/nGnWams.jpg好像都很可怕 08/28 01:18
推 winner0940 : 推 08/28 01:18
→ lotterywin : https://i.imgur.com/nGnWams.jpg 08/28 01:18
沒一個可以 ..
推 icoann : 推 08/28 01:22
推 asdfgzxc : 推 08/28 01:25
推 kido183 : 推推 08/28 01:27
推 kmudfront : Push 08/28 01:31
推 wl02061274 : 推推 08/28 01:34
推 chill0831 : 推 08/28 01:46
推 NIKOGAKU : 推 08/28 01:51
推 wjh1030 : 推 辛苦了 08/28 01:58
推 iamtasichick: 推 08/28 02:00
推 peterchen200: 推 08/28 02:01
推 jakeblue : 推辛苦了 08/28 02:08
推 harrybbs : 推 08/28 02:09
推 ytcc : 推 08/28 02:20
推 slutyboy : 推 08/28 02:24
推 mogeeby : 推 08/28 02:47
推 x00135 : 推~ 08/28 02:52
推 howard728 : 推 08/28 03:06
推 tt28281 : 推 08/28 03:42
推 ayay2056789 : 推 08/28 03:47
推 MeaL123 : 推 08/28 03:53
推 supercrazy : 推 08/28 04:10
推 andrewaw : 推 08/28 04:24
推 scent15 : 玩運彩遇到囉嗦的真的很煩 08/28 06:32
推 s09487 : 推 08/28 06:33
推 wintowin : 推 08/28 06:50
推 iversonya : 推,這世上什麼人都有,加油 08/28 06:58
推 smallrainy : 推推 08/28 07:02
推 goddamnitt : 推。 08/28 07:03
推 KOFKOF : 推 08/28 07:13
推 she0621 : 誰 08/28 07:15
→ iversonya : 之前律師抽奶茶, 08/28 07:25
→ iversonya : 我每次都沒抽到,當時也很崩潰, 08/28 07:25
→ iversonya : 不過陸陸續續也在其他網友抽飲 08/28 07:25
→ iversonya : 料有抽到,沒抽到是因為網友 08/28 07:25
→ iversonya : 真的太多了! 08/28 07:25
→ iversonya : 抽到是運氣好,沒抽到是正常 08/28 07:25
→ iversonya : 去靠北送飲料的網友,失去尊重 08/28 07:26
推 q789p456123 : 推推 08/28 07:36
推 aching882000: 感謝分享啊~ 08/28 08:16
推 bugbowbow : 推 08/28 08:16
推 chen338 : 推 08/28 08:23
推 titzlika : 扯 08/28 08:28
推 gourwhite : 好險我被要錢沒理他…根本來亂的… 08/28 08:31
推 move08155 : 推 08/28 08:33
推 UJM1 : 推 08/28 08:35
※ 編輯: fwiller ( 臺灣), 08/28/2019 08:59:12
推 Daniel0712 : 推 有拿過大大的飲料 謝謝f 大 08/28 09:03
推 wei880222 : 推 08/28 09:26
推 Hongmike : 推!! 08/28 09:34
推 franck : 推 08/28 10:11
推 hao19961216 : Push 加油 08/28 10:21
推 wsx9854645 : ㄊ 08/28 10:29
推 V9911014 : 來這的大多是成年人不是屁孩吧那麼該怎麼辦就怎麼 08/28 10:42
→ V9911014 : 辦送他去警局也好讓他有個案底 08/28 10:43
→ V9911014 : 這樣他才會能理解人與人的尊重怎麼寫 08/28 10:43
→ fwiller : 謝謝V大建議 08/28 10:48
推 Tbeck : 推啦! 08/28 11:03
推 gshin213 : 推推 08/28 11:06
推 s25219 : 推 08/28 11:23
推 bl00190 : 推推 08/28 11:28
推 oldmangoes : 推 08/28 11:29
推 yuchi0813 : 推 08/28 12:04
推 gary20801 : 推 08/28 12:07
推 INeverSmile : 推 08/28 13:28
推 cwcbank : 推啦 08/28 14:06
推 andremusic : 推推 08/28 14:15
推 kevinl : 拜拖 又不是欠他的 莫名其妙 08/28 14:21
→ richerrose : 推 08/28 18:49
→ fwiller : 明天我會回應這篇 順邊抽~ 09/02 00:11
0 notes
«Abbiamo avuto l’onore di scontrarci con i Cavalleggeri di Alessandria»
questo il commento in tono ammirato del maresciallo Tito a proposito dei fatti d’arme che tratteremo in questo post.
Ancora adesso a oltre 75 anni da questi fatti, molti conoscono come ultima carica della cavalleria della seconda guerra mondiale e forse dell’intera storia bellica mondiale, quella del «Savoia Cavalleria» avvenuta il 24 agosto 1942 a Isbuscenskij in Russia. Un attacco alla sciabola che permise di rompere l’accerchiamento dei nemici ed evitare una disfatta. Un misto di capacità di manovra, tattica ed eroismo da far esclamare agli sbalorditi tedeschi, solitamente parchi di complimenti, «Noi queste cose non sappiamo più farle».
In realtà l’ultima battaglia di un reggimento a cavallo si svolse un paio di mesi dopo, il 17 ottobre 1942, a Poloj in Croazia, e fu proprio questa l’ultima carica della cavalleria nel corso del secondo conflitto mondiale. Un attacco reso necessario da una serie di errori dell’alto comando, che preferirono per questo far cadere una sorta di «velo d’oblio» sul sacrificio dei cavalleggeri del 14° Cavalleggeri d’Alessandria.
L’episodio si inserisce in un ciclo di operazioni, iniziato il 1° ottobre contro le formazioni partigiane operanti nella zona, che dura sino al 23 ottobre. Non stiamo a dilungarci sulle operazioni che ai svolsero quei giorni e andiamo dritto al 17 ottobre 1942 tema del presente post.
In quei giorni il 14º Cavalleggeri di Alessandria era inquadrato nella 1^ divisione celere “Eugenio di Savoia”, composta oltre che dal 14°, dal reggimento “Cavalleggeri di Saluzzo”, dallo squadrone carri L ” S. Giusto ” e rinforzato da una sezione di artiglieria ippotrainata da 75/27 della divisione “Re”. La divisione era costituita dai seguenti reparti:
L’organico del reggimento era il seguente: Squadrone Comando 3 Squadroni Cavalleggeri di Alessandria 1 Squadrone Cavalleggeri di Lodi 5° Squadrone mitraglieri XII Gr. app. Cavalleggeri di Alessandria XIII Gr. smv. controcarro da 47/32 Cavalleggeri di Alessandria VII e XII Btg. Movimento stradale Cavalleggeri di Alessandria III Gr. Carri L6 Cavalleggeri di Alessandria IV Gr. Carri L6 Cavalleggeri di Alessandria
Al sorger del sole del 17 di ottobre 1942, il 14º reggimento, guidato dal colonnello Antonio Ajmone Cat con una colonna di artiglieria ippotrainata, il 3º squadrone carri su L6/40 e l’ 81° battaglione Camicie Nere divisionale, muoveva verso Primislje in una normale operazione di controllo quando, nelle prossimità del fiume Korana, un manipolo di partigiani Jugoslavi esplosero dei colpi di grosso calibro dalle alture circostanti, uccidendo subito un ufficiale e un cavalleggero e ferendo diversi uomini e cavalli.
Dopo un leggero ripiegamento del 14°, che però ha dato tempo ai partigiani di riorganizzarsi e di appostarsi nelle alture vicine, alle 13.00, il reggimento si mosse in formazione a losanga, rinforzato dal 40º squadrone di supporto con carri e pezzi d’artiglieria. Alle 14.30, questo raggiunse Poloj e si schierò nella valle in ordine di combattimento, poiché le alture erano tenute dai partigiani, e subito iniziò un violento scontro a fuoco.
Alle 17.00 si accentuò la pressione avversaria, così il generale Lomaglio, comandante della 1ª Divisione Celere “Eugenio di Savoia”, ordinò dal comando di proseguire per Primislje e mandò sul posto il generale Mazza, vicecomandante la divisione. Alle 18:30 Lomaglio, col far del buio, decise di far ritirare le forze a Perjasica, ma ormai i partigiani aspettavano questa mossa. Il colonnello Cat mandò in scoperta il primo squadrone del capitano Antonio Petroni con lo squadrone comando e quello dei mitraglieri.
Nel frattempo il terzo squadrone, sfoderate le sciabole, si lanciò alla carica dei partigiani che scendevano dalle alture a sinistra, mentre il secondo faceva lo stesso dal lato opposto; in retro guardia il quarto squadrone del capitano Vinaccia caricò ripetutamente per coprire la ritirata dell’artiglieria e degli automezzi: il capitano cadde nello scontro, ma le perdite partigiane furono nettamente superiori. I pochi partigiani rimasti, a questo punto, decisero di organizzare un terzo sbarramento, ma una poderosa carica di sciabole riuscì a spezzare l’accerchiamento formatosi e a metterli in fuga.
L’impeto, la decisione e la rapidità dell’azione sconvolse i piani dell’ avversario e fece in modo che le truppe che seguivano il Reggimento non avessero perdite. A fine battaglia, in tarda serata, il 14º Cavalleggeri contava 129 caduti, 9 ufficiali, 4 sottufficiali, 116 soldati e 160 cavalli e una settantina di feriti, pesantissime le perdite partigiane Per il Regio Esercito non fu solo una vittoria strategica ma anche tattica.
I cavalleggeri rientrarono vittoriosi la mattina del 18 ottobre a Perjasica, accolti dagli alti comandi con tutte le glorie, nonostante l’amarezza per aver perduto nello scontro il regio stendardo che accompagnò quel reparto durante tutta la sua storia. I tanti atti di valore individuali sono ricompensati con 12 Medaglie d’Argento al Valor Militare, altre di Bronzo e Croci di Guerra.
I caduti furono, per ordine dei partigiani ai civili del luogo, subito seppelliti, onde evitare possibili epidemie. In fosse affrettatamente scavate furono calati, insieme, partigiani, soldati italiani e cavalli. Tutti i caduti italiani furono privati, delle uniformi, delle armi, delle munizioni e dell’equipaggiamento; impossibile, quindi ogni successivo riconoscimento di salme. Si é potuto capire che tutti i prigionieri vennero uccisi e le camice nere anche seviziate.
La carica di Poloj fu una azione di grande importanza, in tutti gli aspetti, pur non essendo scaturita dalla autonoma decisione del suo comandante ma quasi imposta dall’alto, per eseguire un ordine; eseguita in maniera esemplare dai soldati italiani. Secondo analisti militari e strateghi, le alte perdite avrebbero potuto essere evitate o quantomeno ridotte se il combattimento fosse stato condotto liberamente dal comandante sul campo.
Difatti su questa carica, dopo un galvanizzamento generale, venne quasi immediatamente steso un velo di imbarazzato silenzio. Divulgare completamente le circostanze in cui avvenne avrebbe messo in luce le manchevolezze dei comandi e la leggerezza con cui venivano impartiti gli ordini. Si preferì pertanto continuare a parlare della carica del «Savoia Cavalleria» a Isbuscenskij come dell’ultima carica e fare calare il silenzio sull’episodio di Poloj.
La bandiera del reggimento, che dopo lo scioglimento nel 1979 è conservata nel museo del Vittoriano, aspetta ancora quella medaglia d’oro che solo il presidente della Repubblica, motu proprio, potrebbe conferire. La burocrazia cieca, le tante delusioni e le omissioni sospette non hanno piegato ancora i reduci che, hanno anche restaurato a loro spese la chiesetta di Poloj, dove sono sepolti i caduti. Sarà una battaglia dura, ma chi ha sostenuto una carica di cavalleria (e poi, dopo l’armistizio, il calvario nei campi di prigionia tedeschi) ce la può fare.
«Abbiamo avuto l’onore di scontrarci con i Cavalleggeri di Alessandria» «Abbiamo avuto l'onore di scontrarci con i Cavalleggeri di Alessandria» questo il commento in tono ammirato del maresciallo Tito a proposito dei fatti d'arme che tratteremo in questo post.
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