Explore tagged Tumblr posts
kaizzzi · 7 years ago
kyungception replied to your post: y’all better prepare for my other video edit, it’s...
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tagakblog · 7 years ago
i got tagged by a few people and i really feel grateful :3 i'm going to tag intokai, brbcrawlingtokorea, kyungception, sefuns, ohhsenshine, sehunoh, baehkkyun, dulcetyeoll && jonginence :3
@intokai @brbcrawlingtokorea @kyungception @sefuns @ohhsenshine @sehunoh @baehkkyun @dulcetyeoll @jonginence
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vogueksoo · 7 years ago
happy birthday!! 🎂🎉🎈
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exoxofics · 8 years ago
A collection of kaisoo fluff drabbles.
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kjdemon · 6 years ago
hello! can you please suggest me some kjd/exo blogs? i really love yours and im sort of new to this group
well hello welcome please take a seat, tysm and i hope you stay with us for a long time! 
some of my fave chen blogs are @suchently, @happykjd, @chenrrerorocher, @ghouldae, @jongwaedae, @chenosaurr, @chen-suality, @overnightprincess, @kijeondae, @chentric, @chenpire, and @spookyjongdaes and @dayafterdae who have recommended a bunch of other great kjd biased blogs here and here!
as for all other exo blogs (former member biased blogs included): @theseoks, @baekhyunsama, @baeksilisk, @ohsehuns, @puppyeoll, @heterosexyeol, @dazzlingkai, @sefuns, @shypcy, @silencesneeze, @kyungception, @taonsil, @xiundeer, @sehurn, @phd4suho, @angelaeri, @wendeer, @ztaohs, @selectclosedcaptioning, @baeksooh, @krisinsanity, @dodyo, @baekhnyn, @ohhunism, @divinekai, @kaillusive, @elaysium, @laygion, @cbxstuff, @wubulge, @subaek, @zsitao, @huangzts, @ztaohs, @bulletprooftao, @xiao-saseum
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lovinthesoo · 7 years ago
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I hit my goal recently so here’s my second follow forever!! I was gonna make one before 2017 ended but just decided to make it when I hit my next goal. Anyway, thank you for always blessing my dash with wonderful stuff. ♥ I love each and everyone of you!! You all are amazing!! I hope 2018 will be a better year for all of us :)
bold - mutuals heart - i love you! ( i mean i love you all, you’re a little bit special ;) )
@dohkyungcutie @saintksoo @v-dyo @ilsanshulk @byunvoyage @baekhyuh @squishymyungsoo @duckhymne @myungsussi @chanyeolandkyungsoo @besternatexo @kyungbooo @penguinsoo0112 ♥ @kyvngsoo @sunshineyeols @elluts @dyodorant @stardustksoo ♥ @kahaengchu @dyokyuu @kaizzzi ♥♥ @topfied ♥♥ @woohyns @peachykaix @byunparks ♥ @cytaoplasm @dyorable @asleepykid ♥ @mongdo @loafsoo @adoringdo @ksoosheaux @kyungsooyah @sweet-soo @hunniedae @sunshiningdae @mochichans @exotic-by-night @notweirdbutunique ♥ @kyungkong ♥ @baekphia @sweater-soo @sechens ♥ @brbcrawlingtokorea @bigspoonkyungsoo @chanhyun @chanshine @sehunsi @yeolhighness @yeolology @kimmidokyu @cyberksoo @luzdelunas @sehunsbff @dksalbum @kyungsoo ♥ @bobohu @dokyungsu ♥ @seulgiofmylife @ksoo-l @electricsoo @kyunnsoo ♥ @byunchen @key-oung ♥ @exoistheuniverse ♥ @soobear @ilysoo @co-kai-ne @sehunned @intokai @iyeolie @chanyoel @kingdyo @royalyeol @myeoneandonly ♥♥ @yixingmetosleep @smileysoo @baeklights ♥ @dyoful @kyungsoo-in-love @kyungsoobday ♥ @wolfbyexosavedkpop @kyunseu @deararchimedes @squishyssoo @peachboydyo ♥ @angel-in-slow-motion ♥ @kyunmyeon ♥ @chanssoo @doitlikethis123 @baekhyuntella @littlechefsoo @dyo-alone @imgonnasooyou @sefuns ♥ @kyungsoo-thirst @slayeol @loveshunnie88 ♥ @daenso @soonowflakes ♥ @galaxychen @prince-chanyeol @kyungsohs @lawlliets @untouchabyeolman ♥ @dorkyksoo @happybdaysoo ♥ @darklordkyungsoo @jonginssoo @chanyoelpark @shypcy @baekhyunlipchain @byunlucid @sehunoh @dyodyo-kyungsoo @zayn-jmalik @baekshitbyun ♥ @porkdo-bi @irpsychotic @kyungsuhos @kyungception @iluvpcy @kyungso @prkchaeyoung @sekaisoosgirl ♥ @parkkchanyeoll @squynhty ♥ @sungyours @sungyeolsrap @woohyunbiased @myungsooismydestiny @sehuntiful @suhosheaven @sweetmoonlightdreams @foolmp3 @kyungrier @zcinab @flowerprincesoo @baekhyunsama @berrisu @veriloquentmind @ohsehunpai ♥ @monkeecamsie @yupkyungsoo @amopcy ♥ @kyungsuoo ♥ @dohlicious @parkchanye-ol @mochibaeks ♥♥ @dayafterdae @ksoosgf @lovedo-3 @bunmyun 
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dokyungsu · 7 years ago
Since you’re reccing bbh-l, what are some good ksoo-l blogs? :)
@@exoistheuniverse @littlechefsoo @vogueksoo @ksoosheaux @kyungjongin @soos-l (she’s actually a jaehyun stan but 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ ) @cyberksoo @key-oung @ksoo-l@soosgorl @kyungsou @sooshis @kyungusoo @kiungsoo@kyungsooslatinagf @eggsoo-l @loafsoo @kyunmyeon @dyoahhae @kyungsuhos @roses4ksoo @bigspoonkyungsoo @lovinthesoo @stardustksoo @ksooya @dokyungsoo @kyungception @sekaisoosgirl @kyunseu @kyungsohs @chestnutsoo @kyungbooo @adoringdo @dohkyungcutie @kyungsuoo @electricsoo @v-dyo @kyungso
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kronggu · 7 years ago
alphabet tag
recently tagged by lovely @kaifection so thank you pal ;;-)
(a)ge: 18! (lmaoo am i too fetusy gahhhh)
(b)irthplace: aaaaustralia!
(c)urrent time: 10:29pm!
(d)rink you had last: wattterrr
(e)asiest person to talk to: ma sister!
(f)avorite song: pOWEr is so good ohmygod but i love every exo song tbh like goddam el dorado, hurt, history, machine, lucky one- it’s endless.
(g)rossest memory: honestly the thought of year seven or before that gets me everytime lmao
(h)ogwarts house: I dont really know tbh, but apparently im hufflepuff
(i)n love: hahaha single as a pringle
(j)ealous of people: mmm ya? kindof?;; i try not to tho since i shouldn’t ahh
(k)illed someone:  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) no
(l)ove at first sight: appearances are nice, but learning one's personality is certainly better!
(m)iddle name: Lily!
(n)umber of siblings: 3 siblings
(o)ne wish: To live happily ;’)
(p)lace you want to live: Not sure on this one. I might want to travel around when I’m older.
®easons to smile: many reasons! (coOUHGHSss EXOOoOOO)
(s)ong you sang last: i’m guilty of singing “me, myself and i” by YOSE SOUND and zach aka the song from the levi x kai campaign LMAO
(t)ime you woke up: 9am! im pretty proud of myself haha
(u)nderwear color: always black ehheh
(v)acation destination: I would like to visit hawaii, canada or somewhere in europe since i’ve never been there!
(w)orst habit: overthinking euhhghgh
(x)rays: got a broken ankle before so yaaaa;;
(y)our favorite food: bread tbh lmao i love it
(z)odiac: sagittarius hehhuh
tagging: @kyungception, @imgonnasooyou, @kaysai, @studikai and @kimdomic on this one (if u want to do it no pressure)!
have a lovely day ma homies
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kaizzzi · 8 years ago
kyungception replied to your post: my reposter who reposted my entire magazine cover...
when you see reposts of your stuff, honestly, just report it. I find it’s really the best way to deal with it since reposters almost never respond and it they do they often argue bc they just don’t get it… tumblr usually removes it in a few days if you report it and it’ll remove the reblogs as well, while if the reposter deletes it themselves, the reblogs will still be there so it could still be getting notes and going around.
thank you for this advice. idk if it will work the same in twitter (since it was posted as a Thread) reposters are so ugly they should just reflect on the meaning of life
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elluts · 6 years ago
Top 5 favorite blogs on Tumblr and why?
@jonginssoo Her gifs are always so good. Sometimes when photos of jongin come out, like from a photoshoot or something, I wait to reblog them until I’ve seen her edits because I know they’ll be so nice. And I always love her gifsets so much too.
@sefuns She makes such amazing gifs. I admire everyone who make gifs so much, I’ve tried and I cry everytime. How do you get along so well with photoshop, I’ll never know.
@kyungception Lisa is like what tumblr is to me, and I say that in a very loving way, I don’t mean she’s lagging photos and sucky video players, I mean she’s one of the blogs I looked at before getting my own and she’s the first one I really talked to here. She makes gifs and pretty edits, and whenever I’ve worked all day or been away for a longer time I always go to her blog to see if something has happened first. Her tags always makes me smile too, she’s funny
@kaiternity I’ve just noticed I really like seeing her on my dash and I like reading her tags. I think I’m pretty picky with blogs I follow and I don’t follow many blogs so it’s nice when you find ones that you feel fit your dash perfectly
Also @exosdancingqueen, @soohoesgf and @kpopandlock. We live in different time zones and sometimes I’m not the best at talking to people or keeping in touch and then it’s just nice to read their tags and see them here. they make tumblr feel homey
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tagakblog · 7 years ago
i'm sorry this is soooo late but i got tagged by @kyungception, @lovinthesoo, and @nunbuchen (thank you sweeties jahsdajk) i'm tagging the people whom i love so so so so much @myeoneandonly @topfied @mochibaeks @asleepykid @kahaengchu and @silencesneeze ILY ALL SO MUCH!!!
@kyungception, @lovinthesoo, @nunbuchen @myeoneandonly @topfied @mochibaeks @asleepykid @kahaengchu @silencesneeze
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kaiternity · 8 years ago
can you give us a comprehensive list of all of jongin's body parts you've given names to?
Names listed as following:
Nipples: Sergio (Left) & Diego (Right)
Legs: Juan (Left) & Javier (Right)
Arms: Alejandro (Left) & Fernando (Right)
Tummy: Tulio
Bum: Miguel Emanuel Segundo
Further body part names will be provided in the near future :)
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kyunmyeon · 7 years ago
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🌿🌸 pictures of 2017🌸🌿
So I was tagged for the “7 selfies of 2017″ but I decided to make it 9 and also pictures in general cause I don’t take that many selfies ^^ tagged by : @sooweetlies @lovinthesoo @vogueksoo @eggsoo-l @captain-junmyeon (you all are a bunch of cuties and I’m so thankful we are mutuals 😘)
I’m tagging: @bulba-suho-r @tipannies @intokai @littlechefsoo @irpsychotic @jonmyecn @saintksoo @reservoir-idol @kaizzzi @asleepykid @baekshitbyun @peachboydyo @kyungception @sefuns @whenxoxosmilesunshines @whosexo @loey-daddy @dayafterdae @bobohu (ofc you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! 💖)
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luna-lina · 7 years ago
Hi, do you have any recs for ksoo blogs? There's seriously a lack of ksoo on my dash ;-;
Hi! I can recommend you some that I follow :)
@dio-es-hermosoo @dyo-alone @dokyungsu @sweet-soo @curlyheaux @daebaksoo @dksalbum @curlybread @kyungso @kyungception @kyunseu @kyungsohs @kyungsooyah @kyungsoosoftgf @kyunnsoo @ksoosluv @ksoosbitch @sooshis @sooing @kyungsoo @cyberksoo @glorious-soobooty @imgonnasooyou @dyodyo-kyungsoo @dyoful @dyorable @dyostan @over-do-kyungsoo @girlsoo @kinqsoo @kiungsoo @loafsoo @littlechefsoo @sweetsoo @sweaterkyungsoo 
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kaisooficrec · 7 years ago
Favorite authors??
this is a very hard question to answer because there are LOTS of incredible writers out there, so we’ve decided to name the ones we like but also feel are new and/ or super underrappreciated/underrated! this is not to mean the authors not on this list don’t deserve love and recognition because everyone does! 
Admin I:
hanjoooo (purple macarons) - i’m speechless? the writing is so emotive and raw, the build up of tension in the fics is just stunning. i highly recommend this author!
kaisoochateau (Heart on Your Sleeve, Running Home) - screams one of my favourite new writers!! i love the creativity, the descriptions and just, everything! guaranteed feels :>
hojichadust (The Third Path) - if hojichadust seNPAI doesn’t end up writing actual novels, then the sky isn’t fucking blue. suuuuuper underrated and underappreciated! 
xiseoks (Point Zero, Dust to Dust) - definitely the most underrated writer in all of ficdom imo, her talent is really unparalleled! some people are born to write, and xiseoks is one of those people c:
alicelittle (a rose by any name) - gorgeous writing like whoa, my jaw drops every time! the ongoing royal!au is just.. incredible 
minty-pixie (Mirrors) - another really amazing writer who deserves so much more love ;; more fun and lighthearted writing :>
at1stsight (Waxing and Waning: Two Moons) - relatively new writer, with super witty writing. the actual queen of non-au!
_ksps_ (The Good the Bad and the Fluffy) - really, really good fluff writer! just something i personally like, their kissing scenes? wow? i actually feel my toes curl!
whisperlucifer (Cosmic Fire) - so talented! the worldbuilding is so amazing!
crownjules (The Apocalypse Killed the Video Star) - THE QUEEN OF FLUFF!! every single one of her fics are amazing, and i treasure them a lot. GUARANTEED TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR DAY and make you DIE bc of the tooth-rotting fluff. 
nignojmik (Dianthus Boy, priceless) - QUEEN OF FLUFF 2.0 also just, really gorgeous writing that will genuinely move you 
aistehtik (Goodbye to a World) - another super underrated author! her writing style is very unique, and it just flows like water (mixed with a lil magic glitter). truly insane talent *cries*
Admin O:  
indigomini - so creative but also that versatile kaisoo + everyone has a thing for kyungsoo’s bum help [also size queen!soo is snuck into every thing istg yessss]
at1stsight - the wit, i can’t. she’s also mini’s beta and i just, can i be the little sister who follows them around everywhere? THEY’RE WRITING A FIC TOGETHER DREAMS DO COME TRUE.
kaisoochateau - i love writing like this, it’s so comfortable and tangible, like i could reach out and touch sometimes. 
dokyan - the cute. help. i want to die drowning in this cute. bearnini and penguinsoo are my life.
hanjoooo - everything. all of it. this is what i live for. the feels. ㅠㅠ
Copperkitty359 - i feel like she should count, i know she has tons of subscribers now but i feel she’s still relatively new? or, am i just trying to find an excuse to tell everyone how much i love her. hmm. is she the first in this list i did that for? probably not.
jongdaesang - I JUST FOUND YOU AND I NEED YOU TO LET ME LOVE YOU FOREVER. oh god. every single fic. the characterization is so sweet, so precious. from the cute fluff, to the sexy strippers, to the beautiful gods, someone please help me i am in love. speaking of, anyone know where i can take a crash course on tagalog?
fanserviced - you. writer of Juice Pouch. where are you. let me write you love letters. let. me. i think the other admins know lots about you but you are new to me and i just asdfghjkl.
[also i’d marry flowergirl if 1. she’d have me and 2. ma chéri[e] wouldn’t kill me for it. 
i got progressively more wordy i’m so sorry. ㅠㅠ the longer we have this ask the longer my list gets asdfghjkl.
Admin R:  
Supervium - praise kink fic ended me and omg such amazing writing
johnwick - one of the best writers of our generation, tunnel vision is such a beautiful fic I highly rec. Also funny and cute and precious everyone needs to cuddle johnwick. 
kyungception -  has great fluffy and smutty fics, the perfect balance 
kairousels - I’ve read their space au like 50 times someone help me ;; such a quality author
Dyominateyou - topsoo central, what more could you need
InariChi - ok I literally love them so much?? all of their fics are amazing I want to cry. They’re not super underrated because SENPAI but they just need all the love and appreciation in the world ok everyone go read their fics please.
kaisoochateau - they’re everyones new fav author but omg it’s super well deserved. I love their Catfish fic so much I think about it all the time asnjnrfuthr also they seem like just the cutest person? I want to snuggle them ;;
_ksps_ - literally have the ability to suck you into a story and keep you there omg their writing is so addicting. Literally dying over the good the bad and the fluffy for days, one of my current fav fics.
unfinishedpages - omg ok admist antenuptials and elevator kisses took over my life ;; I pulled an all nighter reading it I couldn’t stop reading, it was everything I could ever want in a fic. I can’t wait for them to keep writing and growing and getting all the appreciation they deserve
CopperKitty359 - omg their kitty hybrid au is also one of my recent fav fics, like, I love it so much. Also the way they write is so perfect like how?? And they’re kinky hello let me love you.
Admin J:   
all the admins’ picks are my faves as well but this would get rly long so i’m basically ctrl+c ctrl+v the list here :p
kaisooxxx - soulmate au queen, many this author has amazing fest fics that r so good yet underrated af (in my dreams, there is you, by the power of love, chase the sun and many more)
tokiio - very good at smut i’m shookt???? (Receive My Ball(s), Maybe?, Ma-Ma-Machine) 
yukisooba - has many great fics so don’t sleep on this author yall (Come On Home With Me (baby, let it loose), The Friend Zone)
oxygenlove - my friend and one of the most talente and underrated authors of kaisoo authors ;; her writing is so so stunning and i can’t help but fall in love with her characters. readHow We Love, Summer Rai, Free Fallin’ and you’ll understand 
also look here for our favourite authors! we looooove them all very much ;u;
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hopesunkissed · 7 years ago
30 Questions Tag 💞
I was tagged by @hobiboutthat to do this! Tha m you for the tag! ☺️
Rule: answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs to do it :)
1. nickname: Espie and sometimes just E
2. gender: female
3. ⭐ sign: Libra
4. height: 5′4
5. time: 10:24am
6. 🎂: October 1st
7. favourite band(s) (not kpop): Imagine Dragons, prettymuch, and Coldplay
8. favourite solo artist: Demi Lovato, Charlie Puth, Shawn Mendes, Ariana Grande, NF
9. song stuck in my head: DDD by EXID
10. last movie 👀: The Cheetah Girls
11. last show 👀: Grey’s Anatomy and The 100
12. when did i create my blog: I really don’t remember
13. what do i post: BTS and sometimes a lot of Hoseok
14. last thing i googled: Drawings
15. do you have other blogs: no, but I would like to make another. Anything you guys would like to see me post more of??
16. do you get asks: hardly
17. why did you choose your url: i think my url is the same as my twitter, that’s why I picked it…
18. following: 3,184 wow didn’t know I was following that much people
19. followers: 3,139 and I thank you for following me it makes me happy and I love you all so much!! 💕
20. favourite colour(s): purple and black
21. average hours of 💤: 5-6
22. lucky number: 7 or 10
23. instruments: don’t play any but want to learn the piano
24. what am i wearing: joggers and T-shirt
25. how many blankets i 💤 with: 2
26. dream job: a chef or counselor
27. dream trip: South Korea, New York, New Zealand, London, Canada
28. favourite food: PIZZA 🍕
29. nationality: Hispanic, American, and like 5% Italian
30. favourite song now: No Name by NF
you should try it out next:
@aestheticspacekid @bangtan-tv @coco-jae @defwang @everything-kpop-trash @fy-got7 @got7 @hoseokayo @inables @jonginssoo @kyungception @luckyjimin @markjin @nyeongificent @ohmybangtanboys @perfect-prince-kai @quirkyfuck @sebaeked @taetaes @umma-jy
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