#kys alpha cross
cherrio-krispz · 1 year
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gear-project · 5 years
ARCLive GP Notes!
L1 is roman cancel, L2 is taunt
P,K,S,H (PlayStation Face buttons)
Dust is R1 (You have to be in Neutral to use Dust, otherwise Throw input or air throw input will come out)
Dash is 66 or 6+L3 (Instant Airdash Macro like BBTAG)
Roman Cancel is still P+K+S (not sure if other RC configurations are possible, but probably any 3 buttons except Dust?)
Psyche Burst is H+Dust (not sure how it works with directionals held, still air throwable), Gold Burst/Blue Burst work the same as before
Blitzshield is Gone ( @dvd2heart)
Dead Angle is Gone (replaced with Roman Cancel on Block)
Roman Cancel does different things in different situations (has a clock timer indicator), can also dodge attacks or create airdash options?), YRC and PRC also returned for various situations.
Stats Menu for character attributes in Character Select (has a Chimaki animation easter egg)
Button Settings/Button Check can be tested at Character select menu
Dust Attacks launch on hit but cannot be combo’d from unless it’s a Counterhit (i.e. player is caught pushing buttons or has a high Risk Gauge), 
Faultless Defense (meant to alleviate Risk Gauge) at cost of Tension, otherwise everything is blockable now in mid-air (not sure about crossups yet)
Risk Gauge seems to rise faster than previous games under different circumstances (more emphasis on counters and risky attacks).
Slash attack is considered a universal Gatling starter for combos (but mostly in corner situations or counter launched combos)
Punch and Kick are meant for neutral pokes with low reward (don’t get many combos off them anymore, Self cancellable or shift in to anti-air or other unique character-specific functions) in exchange, they come out easier/faster (reminds me of Samurai Shodown neutral game actually)
Zepp-like Winter Stage (with a Blizzard)
Sol Badguy:
Air Bandit Bringer (seems to replace Breakdown dive kick?)
Fafnir unchanged relatively
Ground Viper Night Raid Vortex (seems to be based on Accent Core Ground Viper Clean Hit launcher?), not sure if other followups are going to be added to it (why call it a Vortex otherwise? lol)
Ky Kiske:
New 6H animation (3H appears to be gone/not added yet)
Stun Edge/Stun Edge Charge Attack/Sacred Edge all look different but still function the same.
Nameless move appears to be Needle Spike (might get a different name later, also appears to be air-useable)
Dire Eclat (214+S) Lightning Slash debuff boosts Risk guage (Lightning debuff seems to work on block on characters, effectively increasing Ky’s advantage over time)
It appears that Counterhits can strike at mid-screen and still launch you in to a new section of a stage even if you weren’t hit from the corner.
Announcer says something vague “Positive ____” (I can’t make out the rest, might be something similar to Active Flow in the BlazBlue games)????
Negative Penalty still exists.
Game analyzes your playstyle post-match (not sure if this will be shown during single player matches or not, but it would be nice).
New 6K Overhead animation
New Overhead Kiss Animation (bounce state)
Mister Seal (ball tail spike) is currently “nameless” and will be added later.
Mr. Five Rivers (Goshogawara-san) is May’s new “Reversal Overdrive” (seems to replace Ultimate Whiner)
Axl Low:
Sickle Flash has a new Explosion Followup*
(Moves still do chip damage, but can’t chip K.O. yet)
Rashousen (Spindle Spinner) is the Clothesline animation
Nameless 214+H appears to launch on hit (looks like Dototsu? Dust move?)
214+S appears to behave like Air Chain (Kokuugeki) but is an evasion move.
Sickle Storm has new animation/input (236236H)
(Seems every character has their own vocal theme and new battle stances for everybody.)
Chipp Zanuff:
Alpha Blade crosses behind if he’s nearby
New Alpha Plus Followups (Horizontal/Diagonal), not sure if they’re replacing Invisibility or Teleport moves (they don’t appear to be present in his current build)
Gamma Blade acts like a Shadow Clone (not sure if it has any other properties besides taking damage when someone hits it), might get variants in the future.
New Misty Illusion Slash (Genrouzan) Animation
Has a new Corner Wall Run with different followups (not sure if it has wall stick or wall jump properties for overheads or not)
New Overdrive Animations for Banki Messai (Thousand Ogre Destruction) and Zansei Rouga (Star Slash Wolf Fang)
6K causes knockback/roll on hit (not sure what it does on counterhits, if you can grab from counters)
Potemkin Buster looks bulkier/slower on activation? (Still the same monster damage though.)
Heat Knuckle can be blocked in the air (despite behaving like a grab), but it’s plus frames on block.
Slide Head has Armor now (behaves more closely to old Graviton in animation effect).
FDB projectile is faster on reflected projectiles.
214+H is an Unblockable (1-inch punch move, similar to K’ or SSGSS Goku)
Heavenly Potemkin Buster is still air unblockable.
ICPM and Trishula appear to be missing.
Giganter Kai is different (hits 3 times like Aegis Reflector), not sure of other properties (might reflect projectiles even???)
Not sure if Giganter Kai has a rush followup either.
Overall Potemkin feels bulky but doesn’t have a lot of range in his normals (or so it looked to me).
Gratuitous Fonts (Beat Gauge is weird, very neo-futurist)... HUD may change in the final game hopefully.
Counterhit text fills up the WHOLE SCREEN (seems distracting but isn’t???)
Movelist has video demonstrations (nice for beginners)
No Air Techs (Knockdowns automatic when a combo drops)
Less Okizeme/Set Play (Universal Wakeup animations)
Throws take less priority over attacks (1 frame instead of 0, have wiff animations similar to BlazBlue)
Danger Time is also gone (not needed when revising)
No Stun/Stagger as yet.
More emphasis on Corner combos (not sure if I like this feature)
No Crossplay or GGPO yet (take it easy on the Developers, cut them some slack guys!)
“Mankind knew that they could not change Society, so instead of reflecting upon themselves, they blamed the Beasts.  Heaven or Hell: Duel 1: Let’s Rock!”
(Very text heavy, has a very Under Night In-Birth feel to it for an intro.)
Song “Smell of the Game” will be on Spotify very soon (someone get me this, as I don’t have Spotify account)
Much of these notes are in early stages, and pending feedback (AND THERE BETTER BE LOTS OF IT).
Octopimp is said to be doing an exhibition match during ARCRevo events later too.
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solohux · 6 years
Prompt; Omega Hux gets severely injured during an attack on a f.o base he is stationed at. Kylo is away but returns immediately when he hears the news. A medic pulls him aside, saying they will try to save both Hux and the baby. Kylo didn't even know hux was pregnant.
The report in Kylo’s hand details the events that led tothe destruction of Firecracker Base.
It had been one of the First Order’s smaller bases, usedmainly for strategic-planning purposes and holding a plethora of the Empire’srecords on battle plans. It was one of Hux’s favourite bases to visit; Kylorecalls him talking about the peace and quiet there, the tranquillity ofsitting amongst documents upon documents for hours with no disruptions andnothing else to think about but the First Order’s impending victories. Kyloremembers making a comment about how Hux was a typical omega; seeking quiet after spending time with so manyobnoxious alphas. Hux had quipped that he was mated to the most obnoxious alphaof all before smiling and ending their holocall.
But somehow, the Resistance had learned of the Base’s locationand felt the need to destroy it andthe Empire’s documented history of its own victorious battles.
Kylo supposes that he should be grateful that his mate’sname isn’t among the list of fatalities but as he stands outside of one of theoperating theatres on the Finalizer, Kylocan’t find it in himself to do anything but think of how close he’s come tolosing Hux. Their bond had flared painfully just moments before
“Uh, Master Ren?”
Kylo turns around quickly, coming face-to-face with a medicdressed in all-white uniform, a little medical droid hovering next to him witha datapad in its robotic arm.
“How is he?” Kylo asks, chest clenched.
“General Hux is still unconscious, sir. He’s being preppedfor surgery as we speak,” the medic says, and the droid whirrs sadly. “With badfractures to both his tibia and his fibula, surgery is necessary to ensure they’realigned properly for them to heal. But the most worrying part is his cranialinjury too, sir. If there is a fracture to his skull or a bleed on the brain—well.We shall cross that bridge when—if­—wecome to it.”
“I see,” Kylo says, palms already trembling.
The medic bows, “He is in good hands, Master Ren. The baby’svitals remain steady and we’re confident that we’ll be able to save them both.We have hope.”
The medic and the droid leave then, walking back throughthe swinging door of the operating theatre where Hux lies, but Kylo doesn’thear them leave, he doesn’t hear the swing of the door. He lowers himself intoa nearby chair, staring at the floor, letting the datapad slide out of his palm to clatter onto the floor.
Baby. What baby? Hux…can’t be pregnant. He wouldhave told Kylo, surely. Kylo wouldhave been able to sense Hux’s change in scent, he would have seen the bump that adorns Hux’s belly—
No. The pair have been apart for 5 months; Hux onFirecracker Base and Kylo jumping back and forth between whatever missions theSupreme Leader sends him on. The holocalls that they’ve shared have only everbeen from the chest upwards. It’s agony for Kylo to think about, that Hux haskept his pregnancy from him. And now, Kylo risks losing them both.
It’s another three hours before Hux’s surgery is finishedand he’s placed in a private room in the medical wing for healing. The medicshad suggested a bacta tank but Kylo had argued; with Hux being afraid of bothwater and small spaces, waking up in a bacta tank would do more harm than good.Instead, Hux lies still and pale in a large bed, dwarfed by its size, withvarious IV lines into his hands, life-sign machines beeping all around him. Bruisinglitters his pale face, giving him a black eye whilst thick, white bandaging iswrapped around his head, his bright red hair matting to his forehead underneathit.  Kylo stands at the foot of the omega’sbed, eyes locked on the large bump of Hux’s belly covered by the medbayblankets.
“—bones will heal with time, Master Ren,” the medic says. “Though,I’m certain the cast on his leg will annoy the General somewhat. We know how helikes to walk around the bridge! Ahem. Andthe unborn child, sir, it’s healthy and unharmed. A little fighter, I’d say. Awriggler too! Didn’t stop fussing throughout its mother’s surgery. I’ll…I’llleave you now, sir. I’m sure you’d like some time alone with your mate.”
Kylo says nothing as the medic leaves, closing the door veryquietly behind him, leaving the alpha alone with his omega, the first time they’vebeen in the flesh in five months. Despite the consistent beeping of thelife-sign machines, Kylo doesn’t feel reassured that Hux is even alive. He’spale beneath the white sheets of the bed, his arms resting on top of theblanket. As Kylo moves to sit in the chair that’s been placed at the top of thebed, he can’t draw his gaze away from the gentle curve of Hux’s abdomen. Herubs his hand over his eyes and sighs.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kylo says, hesitating to take Hux’shand. “Why didn’t you tell me, Hux?”
The omega doesn’t move, not even when Kylo finally buildsup the courage to entwine his and Hux’s fingers together, and leans in to planta desperate kiss on Hux’s forehead, mindful of the bruising that litters hisface and the bandaging around the top of his head. Kylo can’t bear to pullaway, leaving his lips pressed against his mate’s skin before moving away topress their foreheads together, willing his omega to return to him. He feelstheir bond getting brighter in his mind as though Hux is trying to push throughhis unconsciousness to reach Kylo’s mind.
“I’m here, gingerbell,” Kylo says, hoping that the use ofHux’s nickname will aid his fight against the shadows in his mind. “Come backto me. Please.”
Kylo’s eyes widen a little at the small whine that Huxmakes beneath him, watching him shift in the sheets.
“Ky…lo.” Hux’s eyes remain closed though he moves his headto the opposite side, leaning his temple against Kylo’s forehead as he exhales.
“I’m here, Hux,” Kylo says, whispering. “I’m not going toleave you. Never again.”
Kylo sees a small smile paint its way across Hux’s lips,something that neither of them have done since they were parted. The omega’seyes move rapidly underneath his eyelids before they flutter open, taking amoment to focus before landing on Kylo’s worried face. Sighing, Kylo feelsrelief wash over him as his mind reconnects to his lover’s, stronger now thatthey’re reunited.
“Ren,” Hux breathes. “My head. Ah. It hurts.” Suddenly, pure worry consumes his expression. “No, the baby!”
When Hux sits up, Kylo is quick to hold him, wrapping hisarms around him to ease him back down to the pillows, hearing Hux groan in painas he’s moved.
“Shh,” Kylo says, cupping Hux’s cheek as he sits down onthe bed, being careful of Hux’s broken leg. “The baby is fine. You both are.”
Hux frowns worriedly, seemingly cowering away from Kylo’sgaze for a moment before looking back up at him with sad eyes.
“You know about it.”
Kylo looks to the bump, seeing Hux’s hand is alreadyrubbing over its curve protectively.
“The medic told me about it when you were first brought in.There’s no hiding it now, Hux.”
“Are you…Are you angry?”
“Wouldn’t you beangry if I kept something like that from you?” Kylo raises his eyebrows.
“Well,” Hux says. “I’d be shocked, I think, that an alphahas managed to get pregnant—”
“You know what I meant. How could you have kept somethinglike this a secret? And for so long. You’re at least 5 months. Why didn’t youtell me?”
“Because,” Huxsays, turning his head away, scrunching a handful of blanket in his palm. “Iknew you’d tell me to get rid of it. You’re a Knight, a warrior. Hardly the kind to want to settle down and raisea pup. You’ve even said that you don’t want pups. I was afraid of yourreaction, Ren. I want to keep it. And…And I’m 6 months along. I was already amonth gone by the time I left for Firecracker, actually.”
Kylo’s heart sinks. Is Hux afraid of him? He may have mentioned one or two things about notwanting pups until much later but hisentire being feels as though he’s trembling, on the verge of collapse.
“Hux,” Kylo says,standing from his seated position on the bed to kneel on the floor, Hux’s handstill held in his own. “I said that I didn’t want pups at this moment, not thatI’d never want them, but if we’ve conceived, then it is the will of the Force.It’s meant to be. I want this pup too, I promise. I don’t want you to be afraidof me.”
“Afraid of you? Hardly,” Hux says, reaching out with hisfree hand to brush his hand through Kylo’s hair. “More like, afraid of losingyou. I thought telling you of our baby would push you away from me.”
“You never have to worry about that, Armitage,” Kylo sayssoftly. “I promise. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep the both of you safe.”
Kylo is aboutto lean in for a kiss when the omega gasps suddenly and Kylo sees his handmoving under the blankets to touch his stomach.
“What is it?” Kyloasks, sounding frightfully worried. “Should I get the medic?”
“No, it’s–,” Huxgasps again and sits up a little, his teeth gritted, fighting against the pain.“Come here.”
He grabs Kylo’sleft hand and pulls it towards the bump of his belly, placing Kylo’s hand downupon it, covering Kylo’s hand with his own.
Kylo frowns. “Hux,I don’t–“
And suddenly,there’s a glorious sensation against his palm. The baby kicks hard against hishand and Kylo looks up at Hux, who’s staring at him with a slight twinkle inhis dark eyes. Hux feels a wave of elation rush over him and he’s unable todistinguish whether the feeling is his or Ren’s. He leans across, finally, andkisses Hux, their fingers entwining on the omega’s pregnant stomach.
Kylo breaks thekiss, watching Hux’s pale eyes open slowly.
“She’s kicking because she’s happy,” Hux says, smiling.
“She?” Kylo gasps.
Hux shrugs, “Just a hunch.”
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hopbrewco · 3 years
4th Annual Brews for the Brave 2021
The Fort Campbell Steel Mags Chapter is hosting the 4th Annual Brews for the Brave to benefit the Green Beret Foundation (GBF). In 2019 we hosted a single night event and in 2020, we made it into a weeklong brew-crawl. We loved both so much, this year we’ve decided to do both!
Please join us at our participating local breweries for the NO TICKETS REQUIRED brew-crawl from August 15th – 20th. Everyone is invited to grab a brew or two at each brewery throughout the week to support our hardworking, local brewers. Each participating brewery is donating a portion of the weeklong sale of an identified brew to benefit the GBF. Have your Brew Hop tracking card, available at all participating breweries, signed by all of the brewers by August 20th to be entered into a no purchase necessary drawing for some awesome prizes! Names will be drawn at the ticketed event on Saturday August 21st (you do not need to be in attendance to win).
On August 21st, join us at Ruby Cora Event Center from 5pm-9pm. This portion of our event does REQUIRE TICKETS. Come and enjoy local brews, live music, and heavy appetizers all included with your ticket! While you're sipping on local flavor, take the opportunity to bid on incredible silent auction items. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the Green Beret Foundation (GBF). Please bring a copy of your ticket/receipt as well as an ID. You must be 21 or older to gain entry to the event. Tickets may be purchased, or donation may be made, by following the link:
Also, please continue to follow our Facebook page for updates about our generous sponsors as well as details about the silent auction items that will be offered.
*The Steel Mags is a national program established by the GBF and has a chapter located here at Fort Campbell, KY. We serve the U.S. Army’s Special Forces, our nation’s most elite soldiers, by connecting them and their families with the resources they need to succeed in their next mission. We provide direct and continuous support to the Green Beret community and their families. This support includes raising funds for the GBF enabling them to assist those who sustain wounds in combat, illnesses, and injuries from numerous deployments. The GBF also provides scholarships to spouses, children, and dependents of Green Berets and provides transition assistance for Green Berets leaving the military. The Steel Mags believe that supporting the GBF, as well as community outreach, is of the utmost importance and we accomplish this through community service activities, fundraising, and peer-to-peer mentorships.
OUR BREWERIES: Evill Nash Brewing Company Flytes Brewhouse Gladiator Brewing Company Hopkinsville Brewing Company Marrowbone Creek Brewing Co. Tennessee Valley Brewing Company
FOOD SPONSOR: Simply Catering by Lisa
OUR SPONSORS: Alpha Dental Bird Dog Realty Group/Keller Williams Crossed Arrows Engraving Emerald City CBD F&M Bank Forensic Training Group Gerald Printing Intentionally Healed LLC Jenkins and Wynne Level 10 Technology Oak Grove Gaming Steers Nutrition Total Obstacle Fitness Valhalla's Gate West Side Liquors
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char27martin · 7 years
W Is for Writer: A 2010 Interview with Sue Grafton (1940-2017)
This interview from the February 2010 issue of Writer’s Digest is posted in fond memory of the late Sue Grafton, who passed away on December 28, 2017, at the age of 77.
Five books from the end of her alphabet series, Sue Grafton says it doesn’t get any easier—and there’s always another lesson to learn about the ABCs of writing.
What was I thinking? I ask myself that to this day,” says Sue Grafton, her Southern lilt wrapped inside a laugh, of her 26-book alpha-murder mystery series-in-progress. Having begun with A Is for Alibi in 1982, and averaging a book every two years, she’s now five letters away from the culmination, likely to be titled Z Is for Zero. Born in Louisville, Ky., Grafton is the daughter of attorney and novelist C.W. Grafton. She began her professional life as a screenwriter for TV movies—until somebody told her agent she knew how to write character but not plot. Grafton was furious. “I said to myself, ‘Oh, you want plot? I will teach myself how to plot.’” She decided the mystery novel was the best avenue.
The birth of the series was further fueled by the contentious divorce in which she was embroiled for six years. She’s famously said that during the process, she kept imagining ways to murder her husband—and suddenly found herself with no shortage of premises.
Nearly three successful decades later, December marked the release of the latest installment, U Is for Undertow. The book centers on a young man known to have a loose relationship with the truth who tells Grafton’s iconic series protagonist, private investigator Kinsey Millhone, that he witnessed two men burying an abducted child. Grafton’s conversation with Writer’s Digest proves the dry wit that helped begin it all is still intact today.
[Sue Grafton’s Advice for Writers: Put in the Time]
Many years ago, you predicted you’d reach the letter Z when you were 109 and crossing the country in a paramedic van. How does it feel to be nearing the end of the series now?
The books are getting harder, to my great dismay … and I’m thinking I do not want to write if the juice is gone. I’ve seen writers who go on when they should have been put out to pasture. So, when I start a new book and I’m dismayed and distressed and can’t find the story line, I’m always thinking, “Uh oh—maybe the juice is gone, and that’s why this is so hard.”
Now, I went through this with S Is for Silence and T Is for Trespass, and I should know by now that it’s going to be harder than I thought, but I just can’t learn the lesson. One of my sayings is trust the process, and I just can’t do that, because I keep thinking it’s over, and nobody’s told me. These books are a real struggle for me, and the universe owes me an easy one. I’m waiting for it.
You’ve also said you’ll always write, so what does that mean about possible retirement?
I can’t wait to retire! Everybody I know is retired, and they go on these lovely trips, and I have to sit here struggling with the next book. When I get to Z Is for Zero, I’m just going to see what needs to be done. … It’ll be a good adventure to see what comes next. It’s been taking me two years per book, so two times five books, and I am currently 69, so add 10 years, and I’m going to be 80. Now that’s ridiculous.
Do you have a sense of what’s going to happen to Kinsey when you hit Z?
No. You have to understand, this is a form of mental illness. I fully own it. In my mind, I am only privileged to know what she chooses to share, and she assures me that someb things are just not my business, thank you. I don’t tell her. She tells me. I discover things about her in the process of writing. I don’t have a great scheme afoot. I try to keep honest, I try not to repeat myself. I try to let her evolve as she will, not according to my dictates. It’s a very odd process.
What have you learned in writing the series?
I’m learning the same lesson every single time. I’m learning to trust the process. I’m trying to remember that writing should be a form of play. I keep saying the fate of the free world does not hang in the balance. Even if I write a book that fails, nothing will happen. I’ll be mortified and embarrassed, but lives will not be lost over this. I take writing terribly seriously, and sometimes that just gets in my way. Writing is about the Shadow, which is about play. I just have to learn that again. And, in my own life, it’s like I can’t learn that I’ll rise to the occasion. I do rise to the occasion, but I’m never sure that’s going to happen. I keep thinking, Uh-oh, this is going to be the book that does me in. So that frightens me so desperately that I get into a panic when I should shut my mouth and get on with it.
Your readers would never expect that you struggle so much with the writing.
I know. I read other writers [and] I think, she does it the easy way, or he does it. It couldn’t be hard for him, for her. And I just think it’s good for people to know it’s always hard, at least for me, partly because I’ve never figured out how to do it quicker. I’m slow and I’m meticulous, and that’s just my nature. I don’t know how I’ll get through the next five books, but I’m not going to worry about it. I’m like Scarlett O’Hara: I’ll just worry about that tomorrow.
What’s your process?
I write a journal for each of the novels. I usually keep the journals about 50 pages long, and create as many as I need. So with S Is for Silence, I think the journals were 300–400 single-spaced pages, and the manuscript itself was only 500 and some. I call it a long, whiney conversation I have with myself about what I’m doing. It’s just self-talk—what have I done, what am I thinking about doing, what do I imagine will work, what can I do, what can I not do—and I just chase myself from page to page, hoping inspiration will strike. It takes forever. I throw away so many ideas, you would not believe it. And they’re never workable.
What about this voice you talk about, the Shadow?
My problem is I can’t get out of my own way. Shadow knows how to write books. Ego does not. So when I’m trying to put together a book, Ego is the one saying, “I’ll do it, I’ll do it, I’ll do it.” And I’m going, “No you won’t. You don’t know what you’re doing.” Shadow is just that still, quiet voice in your soul that tells you if you’re on track or off track.
At which letter did you feel the series really caught on? And when were you sure that Kinsey could carry it for 26 books?
I sold A Is for Alibi on the basis of the first 65 pages. My advance was $10,000, which, by Hollywood standards, was paltry. The good news was that I was writing solo instead of by committee, and that felt great. A sold maybe 4,000 or 5,000 copies. I’ve never seen the early numbers. But I did write and sell B Is for Burglar, and then C. By the time F Is for Fugitive came out in paperback and G Is for Gumshoe came out in hardback, both books hit the bestsellers list in the same season. That was heady stuff.
Early in the series, I’d lose track of Kinsey’s “voice,” and I’d have to go back and read the earlier books to remind myself what she sounded like and how her mind worked. I’d have to guess that by G, I felt connected to her in an easy and natural way. A is still in print and still selling, by the way—as are all the other books up and down the line. I don’t take anything for granted. The next book—each new book—always feels like the first.
Where did Kinsey come from?
I am Kinsey Millhone. But she is my unlived life. I got married for the first time when I was 18, the second time when I was 23. Then, I married for good and for all to my beloved Steven Humphrey when I was 37. So, she is the adventures I’ve never had. Since she only knows what I know, it means I have to learn many, many things so she can be an expert, and that’s very odd. I’ve taken classes in self-defense, learned to shoot a handgun, I’ve taken classes in law—not that I would ever be a lawyer—but just so I know enough to fake it out here. Without her, there are many things I never would have done.
U Is for Undertow is essentially about a boy who cries wolf.
Part of the story is about credibility—what happens if your credibility is gone and you know something. Who’s going to believe you? It just interested me to play with the issue of believability.
What’s your best hope for your body of work?
I would hope that the books survive time. Early in the series, I tried to make no time references, because I didn’t want them attached to world events or politics or movies or anything of the sort. Now I use some cultural references to help orient the reader. Obviously, I’m writing in 1988 in [U Is for Undertow]. Some readers don’t get that, so I try to lay in some indication so that they know where they are in time and space.
My prime interest is in the psychology of crime, not the economics of it, or whatever else people consider relevant. I have no ax to grind. I am not trying to persuade anybody of anything. What I’m looking at is the dark side of human nature, and that exists regardless of your standards or your values or your economic status.
In T Is for Trespass, Kinsey says she believes in the good in people, even though the headlines are full of evildoers. What’s your belief?
I believe in the good in people, and I am dismayed on a daily basis to discover the skunks among us. However, most of the people I know are just wonderful. I do trust that the good will prevail.
What has made you so successful?
I hope it is because I try to be honest, and I try not to sell anything. I just try to let the work take care of itself. I try to keep it fresh. I will not cheat. I will not take the lazy way out. I just won’t. That isn’t going to be fun for any of us if I get lazy. Maybe that’s part of why it’s so hard for me.
But you get joy out of being an author?
I do when it’s going well. Now, [my husband] Steve is a better observer of this than I am. He said there were months in writing U Is for Undertow when I was just happy. This is his favorite book. He’s always my first reader, and he loves this book.
I don’t think of myself as an author. I think of myself as a writer, because writing is what I do. I’m always taken aback when others refer to me as “famous” or a “celebrity.” What a weird idea. The concept has no real application. It doesn’t serve a writer to start thinking of herself in those terms because it interferes with the work. Writing is an internal process. Success is external and not something we can control in any event. I foster that disconnect because it keeps me grounded. Also humble, lovable and grateful. I am blessed.
What advice do you have for newer writers?
My big gripe about newer writers is they’re not willing to put the time in. Somebody’ll write one book and they’re asking me who my agent and my editor are, and I’m thinking, Don’t you worry, sweetheart, you’re not any good yet. Give yourself time to get better. Writing is really hard to master. You learn by failing over and over, but a lot of people don’t care for that, thanks. I always wish new writers the greatest good fortune. It’s a helluva journey—I’ll tell you that.
Reading Recommendations from Sue Grafton:
Double Indemnity and The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain
I love James M. Cain.
The Speed Queen by Stewart O’Nan
That’s a book [that makes me] think, Dammit—why didn’t I think of that? It’s just a wonderful book, very odd. Cracks me up. Here’s the premise: There’s a woman on death row for some hideous crime, you know not what, and she has sold the rights to her story about this murder to [an unnamed version of] Stephen King, who has sent her questions, and she is waiting to be executed. It’s told from her point of view. And you don’t know what the questions are. It’s just hysterical. He never breaks stride. He never misses a beat.
Void Moon by Michael Connelly
I like just about anything by Michael Connelly. [Void Moon is] some kind of caper. It’s a strong female character, and he just pulls it off. You never quite know why you get taken with a book.
My favorite writer is Elmore Leonard.
I love his work. I think he has such a sense of the way criminals think and the way they behave, and he has a fabulous ear for the way they talk. He himself is probably in his 80s, but his novels are just as fresh and clear. And that’s just good. You want people who have their own voice, and who just go about their business doing a fabulous job, and paying no attention to the rest of us.
Demolition Angel by Robert Crais
It’s got a strong woman character, and he’s writing about the L.A. bomb squad, so it’s nitty-gritty. It’s tough. It’s a good character and a good story. It’s one that just carries you along. I thought he did a fabulous job.
DIANA PAGE JORDAN (dianapagejordan.com) interviews writers for radio, TV, the Web and print publications. She’s a radio and TV anchor in Portland, Ore.
Writer’s Digest Digital Archive Collection: Iconic Women Writers
For nearly 100 years, Writer’s Digest magazine has been the leading authority for writers of all genres and career levels. And now, for the first time ever, we’ve digitized decades of issues from our prestigious archives to share with the world. In this, the first of our series of archive collections, discover exclusive historic interviews with classic women authors including Maya Angelou, Pearl S. Buck, Margaret Atwood, Joyce Carol Oates and Joan Didion—and much, much more. Featuring five stunning issues spanning more than 60 years, this collection is perfect for writers, literary enthusiasts, educators and historians. Explore what’s inside.
The post W Is for Writer: A 2010 Interview with Sue Grafton (1940-2017) appeared first on WritersDigest.com.
from Writing Editor Blogs – WritersDigest.com http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/there-are-no-rules/interviews/w-writer-2010-interview-sue-grafton-writers-digest
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leadersdontrun · 7 years
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vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ GROUP ﹚quote.❜ ✧・゚:*
AA┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚quote.❜ ✧・゚:*
AA﹠SM┇*:・゚✧﹙ DYN ﹚quote.❜ ✧・゚:*
tag drop; groups // characters // dynamics ﹙ 1/7 ﹚
mccall pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MCCALL PACK ﹚beacon hills would burn to the ground without us.❜ ✧・゚:*
mccall fam - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MCCALL FAM ﹚this house is full of accidents.❜ ✧・゚:*
alpha pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ALPHA PACK ﹚they're werewolves; not bond villains.❜ ✧・゚:*
argent fam - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ARGENT FAM ﹚i know what they are… they’re reinforcements.❜ ✧・゚:*
assassins - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ASSASSINS ﹚they get to be a name on our deadpool.❜ ✧・゚:*
calaveras - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CALAVERAS ﹚cross your border and come knocking at your door.❜ ✧・゚:*
chimera pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CHIMERA PACK ﹚had to have been made.❜ ✧・゚:*
chimeras - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CHIMERAS ﹚personally; i call it terrifying.❜ ✧・゚:*
citizens of beacon hills - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CITIZENS ﹚dude; it’s beacon hills.❜ ✧・゚:*
dread doctors- vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ DREAD DOCTORS ﹚managing to blur the lines between science and the supernatural.❜ ✧・゚:*
ghost riders - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ WILD HUNT ﹚ should just really remain a nightmare.❜ ✧・゚:*
hale family - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ HALE FAM ﹚i'm a predator; i don't have to be a killer.❜ ✧・゚:*
hale pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ HALE PACK ﹚the bite is a gift.❜ ✧・゚:*
primal pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ PRIMAL ﹚gave up everything that makes them human.❜ ✧・゚:*
satomi pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SATOMI PACK ﹚the mantra helps us subdue our nature.❜ ✧・゚:*
sheriffs department - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT ﹚do you know why there were openings?❜ ✧・゚:*
skinwalkers - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SKINWALKERS ﹚walk with us under the sun through the dust.❜ ✧・゚:*
stilinski fam - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ STILINKSI FAM ﹚at the center of this whole mess.❜ ✧・゚:*
tamora followers - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MONROE ﹚it's their turn to be afraid; their turn to hide; their turn to be alone; their turn to run; their turn to be hunted.❜ ✧・゚:*
allison argent - AA┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚she knows.❜ ✧・゚:*
stiles stilinski - MS┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚the plan is to save you.❜ ✧・゚:*
nogitsune - N┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚they call it void.❜ ✧・゚:*
lydia martin -  LM┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚would never run and hide.❜ ✧・゚:*
kira yukimura - KY┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚it's no measure of your strength.❜ ✧・゚:*
malia tate - MT┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you can talk to me.❜ ✧・゚:*
liam dunbar - LD┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you’re strong because you endure.❜ ✧・゚:*
hayden romero - HR┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚it’s your choice.❜ ✧・゚:*
mason hewitt - MH┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚except for you.❜ ✧・゚:*
corey bryant - CB┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you’ll be alright; you’ll heal.❜ ✧・゚:*
#i.┇*:・゚✧﹙ TAG DROP ﹚drop some of the dead weight in my life.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MCCALL PACK ﹚beacon hills would burn to the ground without us.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MCCALL FAM ﹚this house is full of accidents.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ALPHA PACK ﹚they're werewolves; not bond villains.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ARGENT FAM ﹚i know what they are… they’re reinforcements.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ASSASSINS ﹚they get to be a name on our deadpool.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CALAVERAS ﹚cross your border and come knocking at your door.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CHIMERA PACK ﹚had to have been made.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CHIMERAS ﹚personally; i call it terrifying.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CITIZENS ﹚dude; it’s beacon hills.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ DREAD DOCTORS ﹚managing to blur the lines between science and the supernatural.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ WILD HUNT ﹚ should just really remain a nightmare.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ HALE FAM ﹚i'm a predator; i don't have to be a killer.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ HALE PACK ﹚the bite is a gift.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ PRIMAL ﹚gave up everything that makes them human.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SATOMI PACK ﹚the mantra helps us subdue our nature.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT ﹚do you know why there were openings?❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MONROE ﹚it's their turn to be afraid; their turn to hide; their turn to be alone; their turn to run; their turn to be hunted.❜ ✧・#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ STILINKSI FAM ﹚at the center of this whole mess.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SKINWALKERS ﹚walk with us under the sun through the dust.❜ ✧・゚:*#AA┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚she knows.❜ ✧・゚:*#MS┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚the plan is to save you.❜ ✧・゚:*#N┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚they call it void.❜ ✧・゚:*#LM┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚would never run and hide.❜ ✧・゚:*#KY┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚it's no measure of your strength.❜ ✧・゚:*#MT┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you can talk to me.❜ ✧・゚:*#LD┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you’re strong because you endure.❜ ✧・゚:*#HR┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚it’s your choice.❜ ✧・゚:*#MH┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚except for you.❜ ✧・゚:*#CB┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you’ll be alright; you’ll heal.❜ ✧・゚:*
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momscookingthebooks · 7 years
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Release Blitz & Book Review
Title:  Havoc
Series: Moonshine Task Force #3
Author:  Laramie Briscoe
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date:  August 18, 2017
Cliff Hanger: No
4 Stars
*This story is for mature audiences only. Contains explicit scenes and language intended for adults 18+
When a marriage of convenience turns into the passion of a lifetime….. Holden “Havoc” Thompson My job as the leader of the Moonshine Task Force is my life. I eat, breathe, and sleep it. The men under my command mean the world to me. Knowing they count on my guidance has kept my demons at bay for longer than I care to admit.  The control I have over myself is an iron fist that sometimes threatens to squeeze the life out of me. What I want more than anything is to live again – let go of the hurt smothering every bit of light I have in this darkness. I don’t expect it to come in the form of a Moonshiner’s daughter needing my protection. Leighton Strather My whole life has been defined by who my family is. In the state of Alabama, we’re number one with a target on our backs. The danger and prestige isn’t for me. I don’t care about the money, and I care too much about the families we’ve ruined.  My brother and my dad are proud of it. They wear their arrest records like a badge of honor. Me? I want as far away from the lifestyle as I can get. It’s the only reason I ask Holden to marry me.  I never expect his whispered yes to cause such upheaval in my life. Even though I resist, I learn some havoc is good – and this one? It’s a whirlwind of lust, hope, and love and all I can do is let it sweep me away.
My Thoughts:
Havoc is the third book in the Moonshine Task Force (MTF) series and it just keeps getting better. This book has the older man younger woman trope with a little hint of forbidden love written in, as Holden is the leader of MTF and Leighton is the daughter of the most wanted moonshiner in the state.
Leighton grew up the only daughter in a family with a moonshine legacy. Their family of all males are abusive, cold, ruthless and only have one thing that’s important to them and that’s the moonshine and what they can profit out of it. Leighton was very close to her younger brother growing up, but that bond is tested when he goes to jail for causing the accident that almost killed Tank in book two. Their father drilled into their heads that their mother ran off when they were young because they were terrible kids and she didn’t want to be a mother. Leighton longed to have a caring mother to take care of her and her brother and always wondered where she was. Will she ever find out what really happened?
Holden met Leighton when he came to their home to talk with their father when Leighton was just a teenager. Leighton was smitten with the handsome and rugged law man. Years later their paths cross again in a bar when Leighton’s friends give her a dare to kiss the first man that walks through the door. Leighton took the bet and fate would have it that Holden was the first one through that door. She walked up to him and laid an amazing kiss on him that neither one could forget.
Leighton hated being a part of their family’s moonshine business and wanted to escape and make something of her life. She worked on the family’s books because she was good with numbers and was able to squirrel away money hiding it in the ledgers until one day her father caught on. He beat her up and she was able to escape and vowed never to return. Blaze saw her and treated her for her injuries, but Blaze also called Holden so he was aware of the situation. Holden arrived and after they discussed what happened he offered Leighton to take her home and live with him, under his protection until they figured something out. That turned out to be a marriage of convenience, that really wasn’t so convenient, if you get my drift. The attraction was already there.
I won’t give away any more of the story. This is my favorite so far in the MTF. I loved Holden and Leighton’s characters and their development throughout the story. There was a lot of sexual tension and slow build to their relationship. Their chemistry was off the charts! The secondary characters were strong and provided great support for the couple. There was a terrific mystery going on with the moonshine and with new characters that were introduced. The pace and flow of the book was on point. This book can be read as a standalone, but to really enjoy the richness of the characters, start from the beginning! I can’t wait for the next book!
ARC kindly provided by Give Me Books for an honest review.
Goodreads Links: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29542373-havoc   Purchase Links: Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2staj1W Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2styv48 Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/2s8CQKA Amazon AU: http://amzn.to/2t81xZf B&N: http://bit.ly/2trqKQF Kobo: http://bit.ly/2t7yGnJ iBooks: http://apple.co/2twEwBW Google Play: http://bit.ly/2twK9QR   Also Available:   Both free in Kindle Unlimited   #1 Renegade  
Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29542247-renegade
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2kIFC8D Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2khlIB6 Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/2le9Qxq Amazon AU: http://amzn.to/2let2M3   #2 Tank 
Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29542371-tank
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2p9wopr Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2pPBplv Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/2pjvAJX Amazon AU: http://amzn.to/2pneMlT   Author Bio:   Laramie Briscoe is the best-selling author of the Heaven Hill Series & the Rockin' Country Series. Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie Briscoe has published over 10 books. She's appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on iBooks, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. She's been called "a very young Maya Banks" (Amazon reviewer) and her books have been accused of being "sexy, family-oriented, romances with heart". When she's not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on her DVR. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband (the Travel Coordinator) and a sometimes crazy cat named Beau.   Author Links:   Website: http://www.laramiebriscoe.net/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorLaramieBriscoe Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaramieBriscoe Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/laramiebriscoe/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/laramie_briscoe Substance B: http://substance-b.com/LaramieBriscoe.html Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/Fi4N9 Email: [email protected]
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A group of Alphas tried to follow me home today. -Darkslain
A/B/O sentences ; Always accepting
Kylo Ren frowned, turning to Ky from his position at the changing table. "The fault is mine. I was certain that I had managed to rid our area of undesirables." he replied and lifted their blonde pup into his arms. He crossed the room and took his mate's hand, "I'm just relieved that you are alright."
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
gives this to alpha cross
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no stop why are u spoiling him now/silly/lh
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
Debating voice claims for ALPHA CROSS!!!!!
btw yah he is going to have a russian accent🫶
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
What if alpha cross had a feathered boa
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
buying alpha cross take out food because i know he eats nothing but instant noodles probably eat yoUR GREENS IDIOT!!!!!!!! (explodes)
also hiiiiiii :3 hows ur dayyyyyy
im doing swell !!! Making a cross skully skull but sadly had to stop early cuz of a storm 💔
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
I feel like Alpha is a virgin(and would take forever to process if he actually ended up doing it)
bro that's so true
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
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Guys.. I just met Alpha on discord☠️
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
the lgbtq+ community does not claim alpha cross
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he is canonically wolfgender /hj ok but he is bisexual/abrosexual
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
why did I make this
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he keeps on being flirted with hel p💔 (he'd be so angry if this happened cuz he has to stick to being an alpha sigma male wolf, beetles)
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