#kyoujuro rengouko
shelly-ya · 1 year
Burnt food
There are no warnings...
Oh no you finally did it. Your father in law was too drunk to care probably would eat out. But you still had to feed your brother in law and husband. Said husband was almost home you know this cause he sent his messenger crow earlier saying he was eager for a home cooked meal. Now you and senjuro were looking at the pots with burnt food.
"Oh senjuro what are we gonna do rengoku will be home soon?"
"I could run to the restaurant and get some food there and bring it back in a flash" he said setting his broom to lean on a nearby wall.
"Oh yes please I will welcome your brother home as he arrives home" you whispered covering the pots as senjuro ran to the nearest restaurant. You removed your apron and hung it on the nail rengoku pounded into the wall before he left.
Rushing to fix your clothing and hair you could sense his overpowering aura approaching the family home. The sliding door opening and him stopping to remove his shoes.
"My flame? Senjuro? Father? I am home" his boisterous voice boomed through the house rushing to great him. You ran straight into his arms.
"Welcome home my love" he grunted at the impact but remained rooted to the ground.
"What a wonderful welcome my flame" he whispered pushing on your shoulder for you to stand straight and look at him. He caressed your cheek and passed his thumb on your lower lip. You needed to make a distraction until senjuro came back with the food. Grabbing his hand and pulling him forward in a haste he almost stumbled. Hurrying through the halls you pulled the protesting hashira behind you. "My flame what's the matter?"
"Need you now" you urged him into your shared room. Closing the door behind you. Not glancing to him you unfurled your shared futon pulling the blanket away setting your pillows for you both to lie down. Finally glancing to your husband he had an amused look as he carefully placed his nichirin sword down. He removed his haori folding and placing it on the chair.
"My flame is very eager for me" he whispered coming closer to you "although I do wish I could have some of your home cooked meals right now. I as a husband, as your husband I must oblige my wife's desires." Untying his obi he let his garments fall from his figure. Carefully laying you back onto the futon he passionately started kissing you.
Senjuro returns
"Nee san I'm home ..." He ran in with bundles filled with bentos. Stopping he noticed the shoes at the entrance. "Oh damn he is home" senjuro whispered rushing to the kitchen to stop his normal cheerful brother from doing something stupid. However, the kitchen was empty. "I wonder where they are?" Searching through the house the only place they could be is their room he thought mindlessly wandering towards your door. Hearing the floor boards squeaking to a rhythm and hearing you giggle a little he did a roundabout turn back to the kitchen. After some time he decided he would eat his bento and go take a nap.
Rengoku and you were finished with your love making. With you currently exhausted and sleeping in pure bliss. Rengoku still felt hungry so he.put on his home kimono and headed to the kitchen to see what you have prepared. However, he was greeted with bento boxes and your pots still covered over the cold fireplace. Curious he opened the lids of the pots and to his surprise there was food in it. *Why would they buy bento?* he thought to himself. Upon closer inspection he saw the food was burnt at the bottom of the pot.
*ah I see* grabbing a plate he spooned the burnt food on it. Mindful to not take the too burnt bits. He made his way to the dinning table sitting in his assigned cushion he used his chopsticks to shovel the food into his mouth.
"Tasty!" Was being shouted with each mouthful. Upon hearing your husband shout tasty throughout the house. You shut up quickly. Looking around you realised you failed at keeping him busy. Dropping the blanket that was covering you. You stood up and put on your kimono quickly rushing through the house to the dinning area. Upon arriving you saw it the plate of burnt food that you made. As a shoveled some In his mouth again.
"Tasty" you dropped to the floor. Tears began to flow.
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to burn the food." Rengoku stopped eating to rush to your side.
"My flame there is no worry about the food. I don't mind honestly I'm happy to get a home cooked meal. I honestly am tired of those bento boxes. I feel at home with your cooking perfect or not" he whispered wiping the tears away. "Is this why you dragged me to our room as I arrived? To give senjuro time to buy those store bought boxes?"
Nodding placing your head on his chest.
"In that case you deserve punishment for keeping me from such wonderful food" he said pecking your lips. "But first let me finish my dinner. Tasty" as he continued to praise every burnt grain of food on his plate.
The end
Could continue with the punishment depend on you guys
Requests are open
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