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jediminddicks1000 · 5 years ago
The rise of Draconis
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Part 3 of Draconis series.
Word count: 2111
Summary: Kylo isn’t able to protect G and that scares him more than anything.
Trigger warning. Some content contains sexual assault as well as rape. Viewers Desertion is advised.
Gorginna POV
I woke to the slight thud of our ship landing in the hanger of the supremacy. Kylo turned and faced me.  He smiled seeing me awake. 
"Did you nap well?" He asked sweetly.
I nodded sitting up gently. 
"I have a few things to do before hand. Would you like to warm up our resistance prisoner for me?"  He said as he made his way off the ship.
"Of course commander ren." I replied smiling wide.
I made my way through the hanger to the far end and entered the long corridors. Lucky enough I had been here for sometime that I at lest had a good idea of where things were. I eventually turned the corner to the interrogation hall. Several metal doors lined the wall. Only one however had two stormtroopers guarding it. I walked up to the door and with out hesitation they stepped aside for me. The doors opened with a hisss and closed quickly behind me. 
The room it's self was a half lit room with a half slanted table in the middle. I walked around the table  to face our rebel scum.  To my happily surprise stood Poe Dameron. He was strapped down with metal cuffs. His head lopsided from being passed out. His shoulder stained with blood from his wound. The great resistance. Those who had grown up believing  whole hardly in the cause. The same resistance  who my parents happily chose over me.  I had one of their greatest pilots. One who from last I checked is a utter asshole. I smiled. I for one was going to enjoy this.    
I took a step closer towards him. His face was slightly bruised, his hair devilish.  Without wasting another moment I reeled my arm back a punched him with all my might.
He groaned on the impact.
"Good afternoon sunshine." I sang happily. Landing another punch with my other arm. 
He smiled showing blood coming from his mouth. "Miss me?" He mocked.
I swung my left again hitting him in his injured shoulder. He loudly let out many profane words. I swung one more time towards his face. 
"Fuck." I whispered to my own self. 
I could feel the blood on my side began to seep out from my bandages. 
Gorginna stop.
    I heard in my head as I reeled my arm back again. I turned around to seen Kylo had walked in.
Don't hurt yourself anymore than you already have. He spoke softly in my head. Go to the infirmary and then go rest. 
I nodded and walked out of then room. Leaving Kylo alone with the rebel poe. I began walking down the corridor towards the infirmary. I lifted my shirt and noticed that I was bleeding far more than I should be. Blood began dripping down my leg. I pressed my hands against my side. Where the hell is the infirmary? The halls began to sway. My head became lightheaded. My vision began to blur. I used my hand to support myself against the wall. Only to miss and come crashing down on the cold hard floors.  Quickly things went dark.
   "She is dead?"
"I don't think so." 
"mmmm. Well boys. Why should we let this go to waste?" 
I felt my body being turned over. My head felt to dizzy to was hard to keep awake.
"Kylo?" I asked.
I heard laughter. My eyes to heavy to open. My legs felt restricted. My arms were pulled above my head. I tried to hard to get up. But the weight holding me in place in my already unbalanced state were to much. I felt hands roaming my body. I could hear tearing, the cool air hit my legs. 
"Sto...stop." I tried to say. 
Pulling with everything I could against my attackers.
  "I said hold her steady." I heard one say.
"no." I said coming in and out of darkness. 
I felt a man enter me. I groaned in pain only to be meet with a hard punch to the face. Yet again darkness took me.
Kylo ren POV
I stepped out of the interrogation room, finally some what satisfied with my discovery. I turned towards one of the stormtroopers.
"Inform Gernal Hux that the resistance is located on D'Qar. Tell him to prepare for attack."
"Yes commander." He answered while turning down the hall towards the command center. 
I left the other trooper guarding the door. I myself headed towards the infirmary. Knowing Gorginna she most likely is vocally abusing a poor medical droid. I chuckled at the thought. I turned the corner and stopped. My blood ran cold. Gorginna laid there passed out. Her faced was bruised. A small puddle of blood had formed around her side. Her pants where torn leaving her completely exposed. Small bits of blood could be seen between her legs. 
"Gorginna? G can you hear me?" I asked worriedly. 
I unclasped my cape draping it over her bloodedly battered body. Her chest lifted slightly. She was breathing. I lifted her and began running down the hall towards the infirmary.
"It's alright G I'm here." I spoke as we entered the medical wing.
"Quickly someone!" I yelled. "Commander Dracnois desperately needs attention!"
Several people in white medical coats hurried to us. A few droids followed them. 
"Placed her here commander." One spoke.
I placed her down as gently as I could. A hand touched my shoulder.
"Commander, We are going to have to ask you to leave."
I stood not wanting to leave her.
"Commander, please she's in good hands now. It's clear that she was sexually attacked. We will need to exam her. We promise to be careful."  
I nodded. I knew I wouldn't be much help here. I turned and headed towards the command center. Someone did this. And they would pay for it. Anger swelled inside me as I walked away from her. Stormtrooper and officers quickly avoided me as I entered the command room.
"Ren? Are you alright?" Hux annoyingly asked.  
I turned towards a worker near a computer screen. 
"You!" I said pointing at them. "Bring up the video recording for corridor A32." 
He nodded and began tapping the key board. Hux stood behind me as I watched the screen. It was black.
"Rewind it you idiot!" I yelled.
The screen twirled. Images swirled. 
"Stop! There play it forwards."
"What on force are you doing ren?" Hux asked.
I ignored him and continued to watch the screen. I could seen Gorginna turn towards the hall facing the camera. Her skin had come white and pale. Blood was running down her side. She staggered as she walked. Her bloodly hand came out to try and catch herself but she landed on the floor unconscious. 
"What the hell happened to her?" Hux asked.
"SHH." I said. 
Before I could say anything else someone reached up and blocked the camera. But we could hear the sounds of her struggling against several people as they talked. The sound of her voice saying my name asking for me made die internally. Her attempts to yell no's, as her attackers laughed. I could hear a thud sound. Gorginna had stopped making a sound. The only sound left was grunts of men as they pleasured themselves with her unconscious body. 
I couldn't stand hearing it anymore. Threw a burst of anger I slashed the screen with my lightsaber. Destroying every bit in front of me. After a moment I stopped. Heaving heavily trying to catch my breath. I turned towards hux.
" Do you have any idea who did this?" I practically yelled towards hux. 
He stood dumfounded. Shocked even. 
"I...I can't even.." He mumbled.
"NS-258!" Hux yelled as a stormtrooper walked up to us.
"Yes General?" The trooper said.
"Cover the grounds. who ever did this is mostly likely to have commander Draconis blood. Find them and bring them to me" I said interrupting hux. 
"Someone look at the cameras surrounding the hall of A32."I yelled towards the workers near the computers. 
Hux nodded. Agreeing with me.
"Yes sir!" The trooper said. He quickly walked out taking his fellow men with him.
"Is commander Dracnois alright ren?"  Hux asked concerned.
"I found her and took her to the infirmary." I answered back. 
Hux nodded again. " We should inform The Supreme leader." 
"Yes." I said. "I'll go check on her general. You inform Snoke."
I walked out of the room quickly without giving him a chance to argue. I entered the infirmary and fear began to fill me. I couldn't seen her anywhere. I began to panic. 
"Commander ren?" I turned around to see a small old woman.
"We placed Commander Dracnois in her own room for her own safely and privacy." She continued. 
"Yes. thank you." I said. 
Without hesitation I headed towards our floor. As I made my way towards her room guilt and anger build up inside of me. This was my fault. I shouldn't have let her go by herself. She was injured. I should have known better. I let the idea of discovering  the resistance cloud my thinking. Finally I arrived on our floor. Two troopers stood guard outside her door. They let me through with no problem. 
A young woman sat next to Gorginna. Who laid almost peacefully on her bed. 
"Commander."  The woman said. "She's been in and out of it. She had lost a lot of blood on top of.." She paused. 
"Is she well medicated for pain?" I asked.
"Yes sir." She answered.
"Leave us for a moment." I said waving her in dismissal.
Reluctantly she stood and left the room. The doors Hiss shut behind her. I reached up and unlatched my helmet I sat it gently at the foot of the bed. I sat in the chair pulling it close to G. She laid there, her face bruised. She was tucked neatly into her sheets. Her arms at her side above the covers. I reached up and held her hand. Her features softened at my touch. 
"I'm sorry Gorginna." I spoke softly.                                 
I stroked her hand with my thumb. Her long brown hair laid over her shoulder. I had never seen her hair down. She looked beautiful. If you didn't know what she had been through hours before she would have looks peaceful. I reached up and brushed her hair behind her ear. She smiled and her eyes fluttered open for a moment.
"Kylo." She said sheepishly. "You came."
"Of course I did." I said.
Her eyes closed again. 
"Will you stay with me?" She asked.
"mhmm." I hummed.
"Will you hold me Kylo?" She asked opening her eyes to look at me.
"I don't... I don't think I should." I wanted desperately to hold her. To feel her soft skin against mine. Make her feel safe and maybe even cared for... 
"Please Ren?" Her voice soft and sweet.
"Alright." I said. 
I stood and kicked off my boots lightly placing them on the floor. I walked to the to the other side on the bed and sat down gently as possible. I laid back slowly afraid I would hurt her even more. 
"Thank you." She spoke sleepily.
She slowly turned towards me and buried her face in my chest. Her arm wrapped tightly around me holding me in place. I felt her relax and drift off to sleep again. I laid stiff as a board for a moment. After a while my body to relaxed. I put my arm gently around her, carful of her side. I rested my head against the top of hers. I sighed. Never have I ever cuddled or held someone so tenderly. I enjoyed it. 
This girl. This woman. Had stirred feeling within me that I had no idea I had. She made me feel stronger. But every time she looked at me and smiled. I could feel my heart melt. I yearned for her. I think maybe even I love her. I will revenge her. She didn't deserve this. I will do everything in my power to help her. When ever I find out who has done this to her I will hurt them deeply. But until then I'll hold her and give her the support she needs. 
She stirred. Placing her hand on my chest above my heart. I felt my heart quicken at her touch. I smiled and placed my own hand on hers. I felt my own eyes grow heavy. I drifted off to sleep with her in my arms. Content for the fist time in my life.
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