#kylo x reader x hux
sweettee18 · 1 year
Star Wars Imagines #5
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Keep Your Heart Beating
Kylo x Friend Reader x Hux
Ophelia has been with the First Order for seven years, who is Kylo Ren’s best friend/apprentice. But when she tells him of her health condition, unbeknown to them, Hux was nearby overhearing the conversation and her future plans she had made further down the line once treated.
Kylo Ren knew that he had to be gentle with his best friend/apprentice, Ophelia, who has been his friend since they were 17 years old. Ophelia is the opposite of Ren: slow to anger, but very patient. Of course, everyone in the First Order grew to like her because she was the only person that was able to calm down her master when it comes to plans that did not go the way they should, and also General Hux getting him into trouble with supreme leader Snoke.
Now, that he is the new supreme leader, he believed with her by his side as his right hand, they will be unstoppable to take down the Resistance. Over the next few years, things have calm down until one day, during the training routine of sparring light sabers, Ophelias’ hand flew straight for her chest, clutching it, as if she were having a heart attack. Her body begin to shake, and her sight began to become blurry.
She drops her light saber and I she was falling, she felt strong arms catch her before she hit the floor and noticed the figure with dark hair hovering over her before everything went dark. Minutes felt like hours as she regained conscious. She opened her eyes, and she had to squint her eyes for the light above her was so bright that she had to hold her hand over her face. Ophelia sat up on her elbows and looked around and over to her right, she saw Kylo, leaning on his hand sleeping.
She gently called out to him, “Ren?” Almost immediately he opened his eyes looked over to see that Ophelia has awoken from her slumber. He got it from his chair and walked over to her side, held her hand and looked at her.“You gave me quite a scare. I was told you may have been exhausted…” He said with concern in his eyes as he gave her hand a squeeze. “… The medical droid will come back with the results soon.”
As soon as he said this, as if on cue, the medical droid called F1-799, appeared in the room with them datapad in his hand. He said to Ophelia, “I’m glad that you are awake for you should prepare yourself for I’m about to tell you….”
Kylo did his best to not show any emotion in front of the droid as he squeezed Ophelias’ hand. “It appears your heart condition has gotten worse and it would be best that you make preparations to come to a decision.…” “Wait, what heart condition?“ Kylo interrupted. “It’s all right F1–799 I will tell him.” Ophelia said, as tears begin to fill up in her eyes she looked at her friend. “Leave us.” he commanded, and the droid left.
“What condition is he talking about?” Ophelia looked at Kylo and said, as tears rolled down her cheeks, “The reason I would be out of breath most of the time and would not be able to train as much as I used to…” She said, as she was doing her best to hold in her sobs and she felt her voice was about to break. “I have what you call CHF or the long word for this condition: Congestional Heart Failure.” Kylo eyes grew wide at the news Ophelia told him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about this before. I told you about my future plans of having children one day and I was told the only way to cure this condition is to have surgery or instead, I could check myself into hospice care on the vessel…” Before she could say more, Kylo pulled her into a hug and said in her ear, “I’m going to help you get through this. You will get better.” He begin to squeeze her tighter and she returned the hug. Then he said, “Just promise me you’ll keep your heart beating.”
And Ophelia replied, “I promise.” As this was happening, Hux stood around the corner, observing from afar as he just heard of the situation.
Ophelia entered her livingquarters and was getting herself ready for bed. As she was doing so, she heard a small knock on her front door. “Now, who could that be at this time? I’m pretty sure I wasn’t expecting anyone.” She thought, as she approached the door. The doors swooshed open to reveal that it was no other than General Hux.” I hope I’m not interrupting anything…” He said as he stepped into headquarters. “No, I was just about to get ready for bed.” She replied, as she stepped back.
After about five seconds of silence, Ophelia asked, “What brings you here at this time of the night?” Hux replied, “My apologies, for I was informed that you have a heart condition.” Ophelia never told Hux or anyone about her heart condition besides Kylo. “How did you…?” Before she can finish the question, Hux threw himself at her, surprisingly hugging her. Ophelia was stunned and frozed where she stood, for she had never seen this side of Hux before.
He breaks away from the hug with his hands still on her sides of her arms and said, “The reason why I came here not only that I heard of your heart condition…” She asked, “Then, why are you here?” he replied, as Ophelia noticed he had tears in his eyes, “I could not just let you go into surgery without telling you that I have feelings for you.” Ophelia was shocked beyond belief that she didn’t know that Hux liked her. “ I understand that you and Kylo are together.…” Hold on, who said anything about me and Ren being together?” She asked in confusion.
Hux too was shocked that he assumed that they were together. “Wait… I thought you two were…” she replied, “Me and Ren are best friends. I see him as a brother figure. A brother that I never had since I am the only child in my family, I don’t have any siblings.“ Hux wanted to let out a sigh of relief, but looked at her and said, “If you do happen to survive the surgery, is there any chance that me and you get to know each other better?”
Ophelia felt the heart skip a beat. She thought about it for 10 seconds and replied, “If I do survive the surgery, I would give it a shot.” As soon as she said this, Kylo walked right in and looked at the both of them. He walked up to Hux and said with a warning hinted in his voice, “ You break her heart, I will not hesitate to rip yours out.” Hux immediately nodded his head in agreement to Kylos’ warning as he walked over to Ophelia and hugged her and said, “I wish you all of happiness. Just remember to keep your promise. I’ll always be here, no matter what.”
They stayed in the hugging position for a little while, and, of course, Hux couldn’t help but to join in, which Kylo found very awkward.
Two days later…
It has been a while since Ophelia had her surgery. Now in recovery, she opened her eyes only to see not only Kylo and Hux standing before her, but some of the crew members were also there in the room she was recovering in to welcome her back.
“Welcome back, Ophelia.” F1-799 said as he approached her. “ I must inform you that you did flatline for 25 seconds during the procedure…..” Ophelias’ eyes grew wide at this. “Don’t worry, we were able to resuscitate you and furthermore, your surgery was successful.” She let out a sigh of relief as laid back down. “ But..” Then she lifted her head up from the pillow, “…you must wait a while before you can continue with your training and of course, starting a family down the line. So until then, you must have complete rest.” Ophelia rolled her eyes and agreed in annoyance as the droid left the room.
As everyone left the room, one of the officers, who happened to be her friend, Lusica Stynnix, walked up to her and asked, “How are you feeling?” “Groggy.”Ophelia replied as laid herself back down on the bed. “You gave us quite a scare when you went into surgery, but I’m glad that you’re OK.” She said that she squeeze her hand and she left. All that was left in the room was Hux and Kylo.
“I will leave the two of you alone.” Kylo said as he walked out. Hux walked to her side and asked her, “are you sure you’re all right?” Ophelia looked up at him and replied, “Yes I am fine. I’m just very sleepy.” Hux placed his hand over her head as his fingers combed through her hair. “Then I suggest you you close those beautiful eyes and rest as much as you need, for you have a long road ahead of you.” Hux said as he bent over and kissed her on her for head
Then he bent over and whispered in her ear,“I’ll be looking forward to spend every last minute with you.” And as he walked out of the room to let Ophelia rest, he couldn’t help but look over his shoulder and he saw a smile appear on Ophelias’ lips as she had heard what he said to her before falling into a deep sleep.
Somehow, both Kylo Ren ( Now known as Ben Solo) and Rey were able to defeat Palpatine and his new army and made peace with the resistance, despite his past crimes, the people were able to find it in their hearts to forgive him and welcome him back into society, since he had redeemed himself. ( Hux Survives)
Hux and Ophelia eventually married later on as soon as she recovered. And together, they build a temple to teach those who are force-sensitive, becoming a new order of Jedis under both Ophelia, Ben an Reys’ supervision.
Of course, Ben and Rey also married the same day as Hux and Ophelia.
Hux and Ophelia had four children. Two boys and two girls. (Alexander, Olivia, Armitage and Anastasia)
Rey and Ben had three children. Two boys and one girl.(Hans, Leia and Luke)
I hope you guys enjoy the story. Don’t forget to like, comment and follow. Have a great day. 😊
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generalkenobee · 2 years
Kylo Ren headcannons
This short story includes NSFW headcannons and SFW
There's a bit of angst
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~ He's possessive, very. If you think you can just have a conversation with general Hux like a normal person you're sadly mistaken
~ He towers over you
~ he always has his hands on you, your thighs, around your shoulder, your hand resting in his. I feel like he needs that extra reminder that you're here with him
~ Kylo won't show public affection, if you're being stared down by a certain stormtrooper he'll take pursuit but if it's just holding hands in public it's kind of a big no no
~ he has scars everywhere, his chest, back of his thighs, knees, everywhere. When you first ran your hands over them he was embarrassed and confused, but now he knows it's just a form of you showing your affection for him
~ if you're arguing he won't say sorry first when you first get together. It takes him time to understand how to work together in a relationship
~ little glances from under his helmet, no one can see where his eyes are going.. including you
~ his dark secret is he loves when you play with his thick black hair, it lulls him to sleep
~ Kylo really has beautiful hair, that's the only way to explain it. The way it swings while lightsaber training, how it falls on his pillow during sleep, it fluffs up sometimes and when it does...oh my god
~you're the only person allowed to call him Ben
~you told him he was pretty in the first month or so you were together and he got confused
~there was a time when you got jealous of Rey and the attention she was getting and Kylo had to remind you that he only wants you
~his gorgeous full lips, they feel so good everywhere
~ I think that he can be pretty sensual during sex
~please tell him he's doing good
~his voice is just so pretty he doesn't moan often but when he does it's like a little surprise for you
~call him sir if he's feeling dominant, if it's slow sensual call him Ben
~mask on during dominant sex-
~I shouldn't even be saying this because it's so obvious but size kink HUGE size kink. Everything about him is big, dick, height, muscles, hands. If you express how you like how big he is he puts it to action in the bedroom
~I think he's really good at eating pussy (big noses😩)
~you couldn't fit him all the way in the first time
~use your pointer finger and thumb to rub his tip
~his tip is definitely a red shade. His cock gives off angry vibes
~this man's sex drive is insane, same with stamina
~Hux walked in one time and Kylo just kept thrusting harder, maybe it was to make Hux jealous, or maybe because he just doesn't care whose watching
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kingdomhate · 11 months
Calling Them Cute Scenarios!
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Kylo Ren: He smiled and brought himself closer to you, intimately wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a cozy hug. "I think you're adorable," Kylo raised your chin gently to look into your eyes. "And so, so precious." He leaned down and kissed you with an unspoken devotion. The act making your heart pound and a soft pink hue spread lightly across your cheeks. Kylo reaches for your hand, intertwining them as he deepens the kiss, steadily increasing his passion. His black leather gloves, deliciously cold in stark contrast to the heated kiss you both shared in the intimate moment.
As he pulled away, his eyes flutter open to meet yours, and his head spins. You are so pretty to him. He feels a surge of protectiveness wash over him as he embraces you again, resting your head against his chest.
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Armitage Hux: Armitage stared down at you, his nose wrinkling at the thought. Him, cute? "Pardon me?! I am not cute, I am powerful! I am the brains of the First Order!" He spits. "You're adorable." You coo, touching his cheek. Despite his efforts to remain in control, he softens. Weak under your touch, under the influence of your words. He sighs and looks at you, the look in his eyes resembles deep affection and tender love. "I love you." He whispers to you, as you place a kiss to his forehead and lips. The kiss is tender, reassuring. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist, leaning you down slightly.
"You're so special," You utter into his ear, making his breath hitch. "I love you too."
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi smiles and blushes, hiding his face a bit. Once he has your composure, he turns back to you. "That title belongs to you, my dear. Just you." You smile and approach him, your hands going onto either of his cheeks. "Is that so? How adorable." You lean in to give him a kiss. Obi-Wan engulfs you in a warm, soothing embrace, reminding you of his endless love. "Yes, my love. Nothing short of it." He leans in to kiss you once more, holding you close, wrapping you in his brown Jedi robes, you welcomed the affection and giggled.
Resting his head against yours, he gazed into your eyes. His jade eyes boring into yours, more than ever, you feel like you could get lost in them. Would you be upset if you did? No. What a perfect paradise. "I adore you, Obi." You pull him closer, wanting nothing but the feeling of his skin against yours. "As do I, my love. As do I."
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Luke Skywalker: Luke grins sheepishly at your compliment, was he really? Bashfully, he shied away from your eyes, and you playfully nudged him. "Do you think you aren't?" You asked, gazing at his blushing figure. "I-I do," He turns shyly to look at you. "Just- it sounds weird when you say it aloud." You tilt your head. "What? Why?" Luke rubs the back of his neck, seemingly nervous. "It's lovey-dovey." You cross your arms. "You love it." You tease. Luke turns away dismissively. "N-no! I don't.." You could practically see the blush in his words, as he spoke dismissively. You smirk. "Yes, you do!" You spin him to make him look at you and you plant a sweet kiss on his lips.
"It's fine if you don't, you know?" You assure him, sitting next to him. He nods. "No, I like it!" Luke insists, taking your hand in his, giving you a reassuring squeeze. "Really?" A smug smirk begins forming on your lips. "I love you, my cute boy." You press your lips to his again.
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Anakin Skywalker: He grins at you. "I am, aren't I?" He says smugly, and you giggle. "Of course you are." He goes over to you and looks at you, still grinning. "But you're adorable, so monumental." You blush at the sudden compliment and playfully shove him. "Aren't you a tease?" Anakin smirks at you, laughing a bit. "But you love it." You couldn't help but nod. "Duh." He wraps his arms around you, pulling you to his chest. "God, I love you." He admits, resting his he chin atop your head. Lightly caressing his hair with his mechanical hand and holding you with his normal one. "I don't know what I would do without you."
His words send affection straight to your hand, and you you smile uncontrollably. "Me neither. I love you more than I could ever describe, sweetie." You lean back, touching his cheek. "I live for you, my love. You are my purpose." You melt, his words causing small tears to prickle your eyes as you quickly wipe them away. "I love you so much, Ani."
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charliedawn · 2 years
Alright alright, I worked up the courage to ask about Star Wars. Can I get a How they would kiss you preference for Star Wars? Aniken and Han Solo and any characters you might want.
Anakin :
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The first time you kissed Ani, it was on the return of one of his missions and someone had told you that he had been hurt during said mission. You hadn't wasted a single second before climbing aboard ship before it even reached the ground, praying that Anakin was alright.
You found him in the medical bay, laid down on a bed and your heart missed a beat. You stepped forward to hold his hand and stroked the back of his hand with your thumb.
"Come on, Ani...Wake up. For me. Please."
You then kissed him, unaware of what was going on in Anakin's head—since you weren't force sensitive.
In Anakin's head :
'Play unconscious. Play unconscious. Play unconscious. Don't laugh. Don't freak out. It's not like Y/N is kissing you right now. They're going to be so mad when they discover it was a prank.'
And then, as if the force itself had summoned him, Obi-Wan stepped in and stopped dead in his tracks before eyeing the both of you suspiciously.
"What are you doing ?", he asked before folding his arms over his chest in disapproval. You suddenly took a step back and threw your hands in the air.
"It's...It's not what it looks like !", you tried to defend yourself—but Obi-Wan shook his head before looking straight at Anakin.
"Not you. You. Get up, Anakin.", he told him and you frowned in incomprehension, until Anakin started talking that is.
"Can't, master. I'm playing dead."
Your eyes grew wide and you were seriously debating on whether to be overjoyed by the fact that he was alright, or kill him yourself.
"No, you're playing the idiot. Now, get up.", Obi-Wan said knowingly and Anakin rolled his eyes before finally sitting up.
Obi-Wan sighed before walking away.
"You have five minutes."
The moment he was out, you glared at Anakin who addressed you a cheeky wink before asking.
"Sooo...You were worried, huh ?"
You restrained an eye roll before wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Ani...You are the biggest jerk in all the galaxy. And I'm mad at you. And it doesn't make any sense. But, I still love you."
You then kissed him again and he smiled at your words. He knew he was a fool, but it felt so good to be your fool—he would gladly spent an eternity being yours.
"If that's how you kiss all jerks, I'll gladly be the king of jerks."
You shook your head in disbelief before hitting his chest playfully. You then both burst into laughter and he took your hand before you left the ship to go home.
Anakin is passionate and playful. He'd do anything for a smile. And even when you're mad at him, he'd find a way to make you laugh and indulge into giving him what he wants.
He would have his kiss, no matter what.
Han Solo :
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You were one of the Rebel fighters and had met Han Solo when he was trapped on wookie territory. The Rebellion had sent you on a rescue mission and boy, were you skillful with a blaster.
He immediately noticed you and since then, had been unable to stay away.
Finally, he confessed his love for you just as he was on a mission to go stop Darth Vader.
"Hey, Y/N...I might not make it. So...Just wanted to let you know that I love you and try not to cry too hard if I..."
He wanted to reassure you, but he knew that the mission would be dangerous and decided to be honest with you. But, he didn't plan on you—grabbing him by the back of the neck to kiss him before he could utter another word. Not that he was complaining. But, he was actually trying to be a gentleman.
"Make sure you do.", you told him and Han blinked twice before chuckling nervously.
"Yeah...I'll do that."
He then went aboard his ship and you smiled before grabbing Chewbacca's hand before he also went inside after him.
"Bring our Han back in one piece, alright ?"
Chewbacca let out a loud roar in agreement before pulling you into a hug and you smiled—hiding your tears into his fur. You knew the mission would be dangerous, you weren't delusional. But, you were certain Han would be back. He had promised you afterall and Chewbacca seemed to believe the same. You stayed there until the Millennium Falcon was out of sight before returning to your duties.
A few days later :
When they returned, you ran into Han's arms and he gratefully accepted the rain of kisses you had in store for him. He had missed you too. He was so glad he could come back to you and blinked his tears away. He didn't think he would make it, but damn...He was mighty glad he did.
Han is into long and deeply heart-felt kisses. He may seem like the flirtatious and quick kisses type of man. But, he likes knowing someone is waiting for him. Once he has accepted you in his heart, he's not leaving your side and would spend hours kissing you if he could.
Poe Dameron :
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Poe had been held captive for so long, it was a shock when he suddenly reappeared and you dropped everything to run and wrap your arms around him. He chuckled and held you even closer while he peppered your face with kisses, trying to stop your tears.
"Ssh...I'm here. I'm here."
You had been so afraid he'd be gone for good this time, your legs gave under you, but Poe kept you steady. He cupped the back of your head and kept you close to him while he thanked his luck star he got another moment with you.
Poe is a pretty passionate guy. He is also often on a ship, flying into danger. So, every moment counts. He wouldn't lose any time and kiss you and embrace you every chance he gets—knowing it might be his last.
Kylo Ren :
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"You...wish to kiss me ?", Kylo Ren suddenly stated when you were both alone—reading your mind easily.
You sighed. Of course...
"Is that wrong ?", you asked—completely unashamed. It wasn't like you could hide anything from him. You thought he was a good leader in his good days (an awful one on his bad ones) and didn't see the point in trying to hide it. He seemed almost surprised for a second before answering you.
"Not to my knowledge. The human body has very unpredictable needs and I recall that the act of kissing is one of them...However...", he frowned slightly before adding. "I also recall that the act is to show affection to loved ones. So, why would you wish to partake in such an activity with me ?"
You shrugged.
"Because you are the only one who wouldn't be disgusted by the scars."
He tilted his head quizzically at you before you sighed and removed your helmet—showing him your old battle scars.
"Crenian acid. The Crenians can be quite creative with their torture methods. The acid slipped through my armor and disfigured me for life."
Kylo stayed silent while examining your features with attention. You did have red angry scars almost identical to his...but far numerous and even though he knew better than to judge, you wouldn't be considered pretty in any beauty standards he knew of.
But, he smiled.
Good. Because, he didn't like pretty.
He took a step forward and slowly reached for your chin to raise it in order for your eyes to meet. You eyes were a sight to behold though...Dark and magnetic. He could easily read your mind, but even if he did...There was always something he would miss—something he couldn't quite grasp.
"Do you really want this ?", he asked—even though you had thought about it for a long time and you nodded.
That's all the encouragement he needed.
He crashed his lips onto yours and muffled all sounds you could have made. He swallowed them and took pride in taking you by surprise.
Kylo Ren is possessive and quite violent in his kisses. He's not nice or sweet. But, he can be when he wants to...which is almost never. But sometimes, Ben would resurface and kiss you sweetly when he knows that you can't handle the other one. There'd be a constant battle within him and not only about the force—but about you as well.
Armitage Hux :
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"What do you want, soldier ?! Why call me to this floor when there are so many officers that could..?!"
"General Hux...I believe I want to kiss you.", you interrupted him and general Hux' eyes grew wide in shock. You had been close at the academy...But, he never thought...
"What ?"
"I want to kiss you.", you repeated and general Hux's jaw went slack in disbelief for a couple of seconds before he shook his head to regain his composure.
"You want to kiss me so badly, you'd really risk losing your life ?", he finally asked and you replied with a daring smirk—even though you were terrified inside.
"And what if I am ?"
He huffed a mocking laugh before shaking his head again.
"Then, you are insane. You are a stormtrooper. You shouldn't desire anything.", he reasoned and turned around to step away.
"Then, tell me, general...How come I desire you ?", you shot back.
He stopped dead in his tracks and gave you a quizzical side glance. You smiled and reached forward for his hand before wrapping it around your wrist and positioning his thumb above your pulse point. You wanted him to feel it...feel what you've always felt around him.
"How come...general ?", you repeated softly—but with more insistance this time around as he seemed genuinely puzzled. He raised his other hand to wrap his fingers around your throat and feel the pulse there too...As if trying to decipher if you were being serious, or just tricking him into believing someone could ever want him...
"A default in your programming. A mere illusion that you are playing yourself to comfort your lonely nights..."
But, he didn't pull away. Seems like someone did have lonely nights as well...You leaned forward and he didn't stop you. When you lips touched, he let out a small gasp before holding you tightly against him. There was no logical explanation, no possible reasoning, none whatsoever as to why Hux suddenly felt the need to hold you...But, he did.
And, when you were the one who pulled back, you could see the flicker of disappointment in his eyes. But, he quickly got back his composure and stood up straight—a single strand of his red hair out of place the only proof of what you had just done.
He had trouble uttering the command and you smiled before finally agreeing. You wouldn't tell him how your heart was thrashing in your chest, threatening to jump out of your ribcage. He probably already knew from the moment you kissed, hence the small gasp of surprise.
What you didn't know was how general Hux himself became red in the face the moment you were out and tried to cover it—stabilizing himself by supporting himself on the back of a chair. One more minute and he would have melted right in front of you.
General Hux hides his emotions from sight, it doesn't mean he doesn't have any. He'd give you quick and sweet kisses when no one is looking and give you smiles only you could witness.
Obi-Wan Kenobi :
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To be honest, you weren't prepared for the first time you kissed Obi-Wan. He had pulled you from the crowd because he needed a native to escape the many stormtroopers and you had agreed to pretend being his wife/husband for a while—not to raise suspicion. You were an ally to the jedi cause and had tried to help him the best you could.
However, a stormtrooper had eventually cornered you in a dark alley and with no exit. He had asked you for your papers, but Obi-Wan didn't have any. Thankfully, your papers could suffice if you were considered family,but the stormtrooper was suspicious and refused to just drop it. You saw Obi-Wan touch the handle of his lightsaber. But, instead of alerting the others of your presence by killing the stormtrooper—you had another idea and suddenly pulled Obi-Wan by the collar to clash your lips against his.
The stormtrooper wanted to speak, but Obi-Wan raised a finger—as if asking him to wait for a minute while he kissed you back. The stormtrooper coughed and looked away. He really hadn't expected it and you smirked. At least now, he had proof you were together and you wiped your lips with a cheeky wink at the soldier before walking past him.
"That's my wife/husband.", Obi-Wan uttered with a dreamy smile—a slight note of disbelief in his tone before the stormtrooper let out a small snort at his words.
"....Lucky you."
Obi-Wan nodded in agreement before attempting to comb his hair back with his fingers. He then walked past the stormtrooper as well and that was how you succeeded in escaping inspection...and you became Obi-Wan's partner.
It is against the Jedi code to form such romantic attachments, but Obi-Wan was ready to bend the rules for you. You made him want to brave the Jedi council and anyone who would dare say that your love wasn't right.
His kisses would be the symbol of that, genuine, true and open. You wouldn't try to hide your love, no matter what...Because it is pure and beautiful.
Darth Vader :
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It was at a time when you thought you could bring back your old Anakin. You had followed Darth Vader in an attempt to make him see reason, but the day he decided to kill the children...that was the day you decided enough was enough.
You stood in his way and gave him an ultimatum.
If he was to hurt them, he would have to step over your cold dead body. You loved him and you knew better than to side with the jedi, but you wouldn't let him kill the kids. It didn't feel right. But, you didn't expect it when he lit his lightsaber and the terrible red hue made the children scream in terror behind you. You stayed put while Darth Vader wondered what he should do with you. Anakin used to be so fond of you, but there was no place for such affection in his heart no longer.
But, you still wanted to try.
You took a step forward and pleaded with tears in your eyes.
"Please, Ani...Don't do this. I love you."
The words he had dreamt of hearing so many times before—mere buzzing in the background of this uncontrollable anger he felt growing inside of him now. You knew words wouldn't be enough, so you raised your hands to gently cup his cheeks and place a tender kiss on his lips. You thought it would be enough, that he would feel your love in this kiss...And, maybe he did.
But, it was far from enough.
"...How dare you ?"
His words cut your breath short as he pushed you away with the force and you landed on the floor, your whole body shaking in pain as he screamed.
He raised his hand towards the children huddled together in a corner and you forced yourself to stand up again and stand in front of them.
"They are only children, Ani...Please..."
He saw the desperation in your gaze, but shook his head.
"It's too late, Y/N. You are too late.", he told you and your eyes widened at the clear accusation in his words. He was holding you as responsible for what he had become than the rest. And when his lightsaber raised in the air, you uttered a loud scream of frustration before drawing out your own lightsaber—your two weapons clashed against each other and showed you each other's faces.
You were scared of what you saw in his eyes, and so did he. His eyes softened for just a second at your tear-strained face and the hatred there. You hated that you loved him, you hated that it was too late and most of all, you hated your own powerlessness as you could only watch the love of your life fall into a pit of darkness without you...You wished your heart couldn't see right from wrong, but it did. And this...this was wrong.
"A—!" You tried to talk again, but he turned his head away. Anakin was dead. You should know that. So, why ? Why do you keep holding on to a memory ? But he took a step back and only glared at the children behind you before sighing in defeat.
"Go. Take the children with you. Before I do something I regret."
His voice was cold and commanding. You held back your tears before walking away. You couldn't stay, not if you wanted the children to survive.
"I'll come back for you.", you whispered.
Another empty promise that you both knew there was no way you could hold. But, he still gave you a weak smile and nodded knowingly before the door closed behind you.
"No. You won't..."
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valaryswrites · 1 year
🪐 where kylo calls hux and order him to fuck you while he watches (and he loves it)
warnings: smut & english is not my first language
The idea sounded exquisite to you. For some reason, it was Kylo Ren who brought it up. He was a man that could never share, unless he really wanted to. And god, he really wanted to this time.
"Your request caught me by surprise, Ren." Hux said, unbuttoning his uniform, standing right next to the bed where you were laying, already naked. "But I'm quite excited for it, I must say."
"Mhm." Kylo nodded, sitting in a chair next to the bed, watching you realize what was going to happen. "I'll be watching you." He said to you, almost in a whisper. "Every touch, every word, every look you give him. I'll be envious. Jealous." He swore. "Enjoying it."
"Any rules, Ren? Before we start?" Hux asked, taking off his belt.
"I won't give you any orders, General. I want you to use your best judgement. Use her."
"Use?" You asked, quite surprised to hear that word.
"Yes. To use." Kylo said, with a grin. "You're a toy tonight."
Hux laughed a little, and you notice how hard he was under his uniform trousers. He lean in, giving you a kiss. A passionate kiss. His tongue was in your mouth, dancing with yours. And Kylo watched, eyes locked on the two of you.
It felt weird to kiss another mouth, but it felt exquisite too.
"That's it, General..." Ren said, adjusting himself in the chair next to the bed. "Show me how much you desire her. I've seen you watching her in meetings. Show me, and do anything and everything you wish. But..." He said, and Hux stopped kissing you, breathing heavily, to look at him. "... Don't forget to bring her back to me in one piece. She is still mine, after all."
Those words made you feel a desperate warmth all over your body. Hux smiled and continued, kissing your neck and stroking your hair a little. He went further, biting your collarbone and even leaving some marks. You tought Kylo would get mad, but he didn't. You pictured your Master caressing himself over his trousers. Teasing himself, slowly.
"Good, General." Kylo said, breathing heavily, but still sounding demanding. "You really know how to worship a woman's body, don't you?" Hux nodded, but without talking; his mouth was wondering all over your breasts. "You have to be gentle with her. But firm. Very firm." As he speaks, he keeps touching himself over his uniform.
"Your woman is delicious, Ren." Hux said, going down on you and leaving traces of saliva everywhere.
"She's more than that, General. She's the finest piece of flesh you've ever touched." Kylo smiles, looking at your face. "Remember to be firm with her. Don't hold back. Use all of that strength, energy and desire I know you have. Let her feel it."
After that order, Hux knew he had to obey. He wanted to obey. While eating you, as if you were a plate of food to a hungry man, he spanked you. And you groaned in pleasure.
The more exciting part, was turning your head to Kylo and see him stroking his cock freely now. Still wearing his leather gloves, now covered in his own saliva. He smirked before talking to the General, without taking his eyes off you.
"She likes that, General." He said. "I think it's time for you to give her what she really wants. Don't hold back just because you're sharing her with me."
Hux lifted up his face, licking his lips and teeth like an animal. Without any warning, he grabbed you by your waist and moved you even nearer to him, caressing your entrance with the tip of his cock.
Kylo stood up and walked towards you, kneeling next to bed, with his head next to yours.
"Tell the General what you want, baby." He whispered in your ear, and you could listen the sound of his leather gloves wrapping and moving up and down around his cock.
You tried to speak, but the stimulation was too much.
"Use your words." Ren said, demanding.
"For god's sake, fu-fuck me, General..." You managed to speak, and some laughter came out from the throats of the two men around you.
"Lord, she feels fantastic..." Hux said, after finally sliding himself into you. "I envy you... Getting to f-fuck her every... single... day..." He said between harder thrusts.
"Give me a good show, General." Kylo ordered. "She likes what you're doing to her, so keep using her." You were unable to speak. "But... she can also do some convincing. She know exactly what to say to get you to do whatever she wants."
"Then tell me..." Hux begged, trying not to cum all over you already.
"Go fast... faster." You thought it was impossible to use your words, but you did. This lust was something you've never experienced.
"Come on, baby..." Kylo whispered in your ear, still stroking himself but this time even faster. "Say it louder to the General."
"Faster!" You said in a scream, knowing for sure that the Knights of Ren heard you from the other side of the door.
And Hux delivered without any problem. His orange hair was dripping wet and looking so messy, you never thought you would see the General like this. So desperate, without the good manners he usually has towards you.
"Isn't she a lovely sight, General? Don't hold back, you can be harder than that. I want you to be harder." Kylo demanded, as he grabbed you by your hair and forced you to look at him. "Look at me, baby..." He whispered between some groaning. "I'm fucking my hand wishing it was you... Watching how another takes you... In-Infront of me..." You opened your mouth and instead of a word, it was only a loud moan what came out. Hux hit a good spot in a rough way.
"She's a noisy one, General." Kylo said, looking at the redhead now, who was already smiling.
"I'm not sure... I'm not sure I can't hold it any longer, Lord..." Hux said, struggling to speak.
"You can't go yet, General." Kylo denied, and then whispered in your ear. "Turn around." He ordered you. "Let him cum by taking you in all fours. And you'll watch me." Ren was totally lost in pleasure, sounding so mean and desperate it could only make you feel even more aroused.
You didn't even have to move, they did it for you and you end up in all fours, with your head looking directly at the chair where Kylo sit again. His stomach was covered in cum, and that's how you knew that Kylo was having fun, and fucking himself for the second time now.
While Hux kept fucking you, you tried your best to keep your eyes opened.
The sight was beautiful; Kylo Ren, a man respected and feared all over the galaxy, playing with his own cock while his General was using you. Looking directly at your eyes. And while doing so, he spoke.
"Cum already, General." Ordered. "All over her. I don't care. She doesn't care either. But you, my love..." He now said to you. "You don't get to finish. You'll hold it in for me." The moment he said that, Hux couldn't help but cum inside you. The man was exhausted. "Because after the General leaves, I'm going to fuck you again, and again, and again... And I'll be the one to make you cum."
After saying those words, Kylo finished in his leather covered hands once again. And you were just there, breathing heavily in the bed, while Hux was dressing himself.
"It was a pleasure, Ren." The General said, right next to the door. Kylo approached him, taking his gloves off.
"You did good, General." Kylo said, stretching out his hand to shake Hux's. "I might call you soon, again." You heard him say, and you couldn't help but let go a mischievous smile. It was Kylo's turn now.
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moonlightshaiku · 1 year
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Kissing Hux
In everything Hux does he goes for the jugular, and kissing is no different.
He loves giving special attention to your neck, so much so, that you have to be on guard lest anything is left in his wake.
He's less sweet and more "begrudgingly and tiredly affectionate", so anything that's sweet and/or soft is probably prior to caf or in the name of comfort.
He usually kisses close-mouthed. Biting occasionally, but he'll never use his tongue unless his partner initiates.
He'll hold on to your face or shoulders in a stern grip, pressing his body to yours. Hux runs rather cold, but due to his uniform layers, is warm to the touch. His neck is always warm and ruddy, hands cold and pale.
As soon as Hux steps out of the shuttle, hair mussed, he's in front of you. It's night, and the hangar is relatively empty, so he gathers your face in his hands.
Kylo climbs out of the shuttle behind him, ragged and dirt-covered, mask off. He rolls his eyes, boots clicking on the ground as he steps away from you both, giving you privacy.
As soon as Kylo is out of sight, Hux breathes. "Maker." He presses a kiss to your jaw, then to the corner of your lips.
You interrupt the inevitable, "I missed you," with your lips, and he reciprocates eagerly. He pulls himself closer to you as you kiss, he smells like sweat and his cologne. He's a bit too warm, you wonder why.
Once he's pressed firmly to you, he grabs your hair, pulling your head back slowly. He presses a kiss to your neck over your uniform, breath hot on the underside of your chin.
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magicbystarlight · 17 days
Star Crossed — Prologue
Hux x Reader, Ren x Reader
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Summary: Years after leaving behind your life as a Jedi, an unexpected encounter forces you to confront the past you wanted to forget. Divider.
Warnings: 18+, canon-typical violence, sexually explicit scenes later, additional warnings as needed. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 1.1k
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Lieutenant Atrox stalks through the halls, his face pulled taut with displeasure. It’s an expression you've grown familiar with in these last three months. You’re on his heels, nonetheless, with a datapad clutched tightly to your chest.
The Lieutenant and yourself had only arrived on board the Finalizer the night before from the Exheres System. He had spent the the time drunk while you spent it combing through three years worth of trade routes, ship manifests, store inventories, and planetary exports. It had been to quell the nagging feeling you’d gotten during a review of the last audit of an inconsequential clothing shop on an inconsequential planet, but it had paid off.
"Please, sir, if you would just listen I can—"
"I don’t have time for your theories. Ren will be here at any moment."
An unnecessary reminder. The headache that plagues you is evidence enough that the Sith had already boarded and subjected some poor soul to the Force. A day early of his expected arrival. Normally, you'd have found sanctuary far from any Force User. Twice before you'd been on the same vessel as Kylo Ren and twice before you'd shoved yourself into a dark corner far, far away. But this is important.
You hope.
"But I found it, sir. There's a bimonthly shipment of polyfibe that—“
“Polyfibe is the most common fabric in the galaxy.”
The hallway ends at two large doors. They open with a whoosh, revealing a room with a long table. It’s thankfully still empty. “It is, but it can’t be made on Sentrena which is where the shipments originate. Or any of the planets in that star system. They don’t have the proper resources or machinery.”
His steps came to a halt with a defeated sigh as the doors shut. “Could it be imported and shipped from there?”
“If they wanted the price quintupled.”
“Some people are stupid with their money.”
“Yes, but,” the datapad lit up as your fingers work deftly to bring up the list, “there’s no inventory of polyfibe or anything made of polyfibe in the shop.”
He takes the offered tablet, eyes roving over the list. His brows scrunch and he shoves it back into your hands. "When is the next shipment?”
“Send a squad to intercept.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant.”
His fingers grip your upper arm, pulling you back harshly as you try to turn. “You better be right about this or you’ll find yourself shoveling shit somewhere for wasting my time.”
A nod in understanding is all you muster before he releases his grip. Scurrying away, the door barely opens in time for you to squeeze through. Or at least, you thought you had before you collided with a solid surface.
With a glance up, you meet the icy gaze of General Armitage Hux. A scowl adorns his face as it has in every hologram you've ever seen of him. “Watch where you’re going.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”
You can hear the sneer in his voice as you continue past him. "I'll never understand why we use civilians for secretaries."
The hologram of Sergeant Eviena is shaky, but her voice comes through clear. "Yes. It appears they were making suits of it."
You nod, pacing the small, sterile office. “For camouflage. Stealth suits.” Chromafiber is expensive and difficult to work with in unskilled hands. "The best money could buy. Who are they for?"
"They wouldn’t say, but" she reaches into her pocket and produces what appears to be a clothing patch with a familiar, flame-like insignia, "we found a batch of these hidden away."
It’s the worst case scenario. You expected smuggling of some sort, perhaps avoiding taxes or bringing in some other outlawed substance. But they’ve been providing a lethal advantage to the Resistance, possibly for years. “Detain them. Send me every file you find. On the ship, in the shop, on any droid. Everything."
Despite you having no authority to give such commands, Evenia nods. “Yes ma’am.”
The hologram dissolves and you’re left alone once more. You don’t linger to soak in the victory, retracing your steps across the ship to where the meeting had been taking place. It’s been nearly two hours since you left and you've heard nothing on comms about them being finished. By the closed doors and the sweating lower officers waiting just beside them, it’s safe to assume the meeting continued. The pain in your head is dull. A good sign. Perhaps Atrox will be in a decent mood for once.
You wait, leaning against a wall further down a hallway that leads the opposite way of the docks. Two dozen reports have already chimed on your datapad. They’re easy enough to run through the programs you’d created to find key phrases, locations, names, patterns, etc. There’s nothing the programs recognize in them, but names pop out to you as you skim. They’re all common names. Too common.
Fake names designed to be overlooked. You’ll have to consider adding a program to make sure something like this isn’t missed again. You pull information aside as you continue to scroll, letting it drop in a new document for later review. No matter how well they hid their connections, there was always a trace left behind.
A commotion has you looking up. The doors open and the sounds of someone in hysterics floods the corridor. A man backs out of the room, pleading. Only one person inflicts that sort of fear. You don’t have time to flee.
Pain erupts in your skull. Blinding, burning white pushes from every corner. Something cracks. You try to resist, to push back against the Force, but it’s too much, too close, too late. A locked door that had held for more than a decade splinters and explodes beneath the pressure. The pain disapperates, but it’s no relief. Every part of the world around you turns bright and vibrant, connected and overwhelming. A sense suppressed for so long snapped back like a rubberband.
There’s a hand on your face. Green eyes boring into yours. "I love you." Brown Eyes. "Stay with me." Yellow eyes. Blinding red.
Gasping, ragged breaths drag air back into your deprived lungs. Cold seeps through the gloves. Your hands are on the floor. Shattered datapad between them. Black boots behind it.
He sinks to his knees. “You’re alive.” The robotic overlay can’t hide his surprise. Fingers on your chin make you stare into the abyss of a mask. Kylo Ren. But beneath the mask you feel him. A twisted, darker version, but still him. Alive.
Ben Solo is alive.
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Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader Queen Charlotte Au
You are Charlotte, he is George
There are elements of "magic"/the force, hope it's not awful. I don't usually write for Kylo
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It had been months. Almost seven months since you had the pleasure of seeing your husband. You two were an arranged marriage and by all accounts the separation should've been blissful, except it wasn't. You missed him. He was dark and broody but he was kind to you. He treated you with such devotion that you couldn't have stopped the growing feelings.  
Your mind often wandered, imagining what he could possibly be doing. What that slimy advisor Snoke would be forcing him to do. Snoke was ancient and you suspected that had something to do with the dark magic he practised. The man was powerful but nothing compared to Kylo’s potential.
You supported the pursuit of knowledge and would never deprive your husband of his calling however you had told him to steer clear of the dark side. It was basic knowledge, blood magics and dark spells took a toll and you just so happened to enjoy Kylo's company. You would be distraught if anything was to happen to him. 
You'd find out what was going on soon enough. Having ordered Hux to take you to him after you both rolled your eyes at another excuse, both suspicious and annoyed at the blatant lies they were feeding their Queen. Hux, bless him, had tried to get any information he could for you and he had actually become something of a companion in your lonesome months. 
The estate came into view and you had to force your body still. Eager enough to see your King that you could tear the carriage door open and sprint to him. It was a testament to your upbringing that you didn't, instead just bouncing one leg as the horses leisurely trotted up to the entrance. 
Staff had seen you arrive and were waiting to greet their Queen with apprehensive, almost frightened expressions.
Your door was opened and you stepped out of the cart with ease being led a few paces to a man who you vaguely recognised as the King's Secretary. 
“Your Majesty, what a pleasant surprise.” He bowed. “Do forgive us, we weren't expecting company.” 
You were never a fan of this man, he was cold to you (as most were) in the beginning and you couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't looking out for the King's best interest. He cared for the monarchy, yes, but not for Kylo. Perhaps that was why you responded sarcastically, “I didn't realise I needed an invitation to my own estate.”
The man’s smile tightened and you could see his jaw flex. “Of course not, shall we prepare some tea to relax you from your long journey?” He gestured to the entrance stairs. 
You shook your head. “I am here for my husband.” 
That visibly changed all of the staff's posture. Everyone stiffened; everyone's eyes widened displaying pity. The man in front of you was no different but he had the unfortunate task of addressing the Queen. “H-he is training at this present moment. I don't think it is wise to-”
“Hux?” You interrupted. “Did we come all this way for tea?” 
“No, your Majesty.” Hux responded. He was just as tired as you. Why were they stalling your meeting? What had become of Kylo during these months? Was he harmed? Was he distant? 
“Then I suggest we find my husband.” You hiked up your skirts and strode, past everyone, up the stairs. 
This house was one of the largest and you had only been here twice so suffice to say you were lost without guidance but you kept your head held high and made it your mission to find a study. Where else would the training be? Perhaps outside but you would search the gardens after you'd finished inside. 
You entered and exited countless empty rooms, they were decorated but void of life. As though they hadn't been touched in years, of course they were dusted and kept fresh but you knew your husband hadn't been in them. You could tell.
“Hux, am I going mad?” You sighed. “Have we been going in circles?” 
“No, we haven't.” Your shadow replied. “Pryde. Are you intentionally vexing your Queen?” 
The other man was clearly uncomfortable. “I am trying to spare her.” 
“What does that mean?” You frowned. What was he sparing you from? Why would he feel the need? “Elaborate!”
Pryde’s mouth opened and closed before he relented. “I will take you to the King, but do remember Snoke has deemed this necessary and sworn us to secrecy.” 
You were frantically nodding and motioned for him to lead the way. Pryde led you to a set of stairs and descended down to what you assumed was the servants quarters. It was refreshing to see a space that was lived in but worrisome that the King was not present upstairs. Pryde walked even further down and brought you and Hux into a cavaness pathway. It was dark and dank and smelt awful but you pushed on. 
Hux was quick to steady you as you walked on uneven rocks, one arm under yours and the other on top. Your anxiety was through the roof and in the moment you didn't care, your fingers weaved through his and you squeezed his hand for support. 
You were holding hands before you heard the scream. 
“Is that-?” Your words were cut off by another louder howl. You noticed Pryde had paled when he gave you a nod. 
The nod was all you needed to sprint. You'd dropped Hux’s hand in order to hold your skirts and you bolted (as fast as one could in a corseted gown) towards the noise. 
The screaming hadn't ceased but it was less frequent as you stumbled towards a now visible door. 
“Open it!” You demanded and Pryde's shaky hands found the key chain but could not stay still enough to pick the correct one. You snatched the metal from his hand and tried two before the third unlocked the bulky door.
Two guards were quick to step back as you forced your way into the room. 
“I am not to be interrupted!” Snoke yelled at the door. He was facing away from you, staring at the pathetic body strapped to a chair. Your heart lurched when you saw the body for who it was. Your husband was chained to the chair, his body convulsing and muttering.
“UNCHAIN HIM!” Your voice demanded.  
Snoke jumped at your voice and quickly gave you a bow. “My Qu-” 
“What are you waiting for? Unchain the King!” You didn't know your voice could get that loud, that angry, but it had the desired effect. Two servants undid his shackles and stared at you awaiting their next order. “Get. Out.”
The words juxtaposed the previous shout. They were quiet, still full of venom but barely a whisper. Despite this the five men in the room heard them and they were quick to make their exits. 
Now you and Hux stood in the dark room, both scanning your husband trying to keep your eyes on him and not the room. There were candles lighting shelves of books, there were doctors tools on an unsanitary side table, large weapons attached to the wall, dark stains on the floors and walls and an obscene amount of shackles.
“Kylo.” You whispered, taking slow steps towards him. 
Your husband didn't respond. He didn't even look at you. He was physically in the room but you could tell mentally he was elsewhere. 
You steeled yourself and forced the tremors in your hands to cease before delicately reaching out to his left cheek - a scar that looked painful adorned his right. The pads of your fingers barely made contact when Kylo jerked away. His eyes landed on you but there was no recognition. 
“K-Kylo?” You tried again and this time he let you touch him. “Ben?” There was a spark behind his dark eyes but as soon as it appeared it vanished. 
What had gone on in this room? What happened to your love? 
Putting on the calmest, soothing voice you asked, “Ben, can you sit up?” 
The man didn't respond - could he? - but he did as you asked. There were a few winces as he sat upright but otherwise he made no complaint. 
“I'm going to put a hand on your back.” You let him know your actions beforehand and he didn't jolt at the touch. “And I'm going to bring you forward.” Kylo allowed you to guide him towards you. Letting you rest his head on your chest. 
You remember when you'd first realised he was just slightly shorter than you when sitting. It was a fond memory, one that ended in shared laughter and passionate kissing. But now the memory would be tainted. Now you could only see how small he was. He wasn't an imposing figure, merely a hurt man. 
With the hand that rested on his back you traced nonsensical shapes and patterns. The other hand found itself untangling his hair. It had gotten longer, left unbrushed and uncut. 
“It's okay Ben.” You repeated the words to him, laying your cheek on top of his head. It didn't matter that he didn't recognise you, nor that he wasn't hugging you back, the only thing that did matter was that he was okay. That he was calm enough to leave this place. 
You had no idea how long you stood there kissing his crown and promising things were okay. No idea how long Hux, forever your shadow, watched you both. 
You'd taken to humming and tracing ‘I love you's on his spine when the King pulled away from your embrace. He was present in the room, you could tell immediately from his eyes. 
The same eyes that were staring into your soul. Eyebrows pinches and mouth agape. He muttered your name before croaking, “are you real?”
The implications being that he had seen a false vision of you stung your heart. “Of course I'm real, love.” 
Kylo's hands left his side and found themselves on your hips. You could see his wrists were cut and bruised from being chained but forced your gaze elsewhere. He took a deep breath before nodding to himself. “Yes, you are.” 
“I missed you.” You caressed his cheek. “And I love you.” 
The words had hardly left your lips when he was responding. “I love you.” It was desperate. He needed you to know. 
You both embraced each other fully. His face in the crook of your neck as you hunched to hug him. His trembling fingers clutched the fabric of your dress on your spine, barely grazing your nape. There were a few sniffles but no tears fell, you made sure to check; being as careful as you could to swipe under each eye.
“How are you here?” Kylo's voice was less hoarse now, clearer as you imagine was his mind. 
“I missed you and I forced Hux to bring me.” Your fingers carded through his locks. “I wish I came sooner.” 
“No, this- this is necessary.” He looked ashamed. “Snoke said this was needed to be a great ruler.” 
“I think it is time we stopped listening to that dinosaur.” The first syllable of your name formed on his lips but you shook your head. “Shh, we can discuss that later.” You glanced over your shoulder at Hux in the doorway. “How long was the walk here?”
“Fifteen or twenty minutes?” Hux shrugged one shoulder. “It felt longer.”
“Right, love.” You held Kylo's chin. “Are you able to stand?” 
Kylo considered your question, doubt splattered across his whole being. His eyes scanned your face before they met Hux over your shoulder. He nodded. “Of course. I may need help.” 
Hux was immediately at his side. You scooted your skirts out of Kylo's way and propped an arm under his. You and Hux, together, hoisted Kylo upright. His legs were wobbly from disuse but he forced himself to be strong. He didn't want you to see him in this pathetic state, the least he could do was walk in a semi-straight line. 
The height difference did interfere with you helping but Kylo placed a sturdy hand on your shoulder and allowed you to take what weight Hux wasn't holding up. 
If walking to the torture room was hard walking from it was impossible. Your heels caught and ankles twisted, Kylo's winces echoed through the cavern and Hux slipped on what you sincerely hoped was water. The three of you eventually emerged from the hallway after several breaks and you'd never been happier to see servants quarters. 
A pink Hux puffed out a breath, leaning his palm on his thigh. “Sorry, your Majesty.” 
“It's completely fine.” You dismissed the apology, out of breath yourself. “My husband is pure muscle.” A hand met his peck and you smiled up to him. 
Kylo smirked down at you and fixed your hair. He must have knocked your headpiece askew when in the dark. “You're beautiful.” 
The conviction in which he spoke always had you bashful. “Stop.” 
“It's true.” 
“Kylo, come on.” 
“I love you.” 
“And I you.” 
His smile widened, pulling at the edge of his scar. He didn't let that dampen the mood but you could see the pain behind his eyes. 
“Hux?” You tore your gaze away from the King. “Can you draw a bath for the King? And have a room prepared, I will need my things brought as we will be moving here until the King is better.” 
Hux nodded once and left to fulfil the tasks. 
Kylo spoke once Hux’s footsteps had stopped, “you don't have to move here.” 
“Of course, I do.” You spoke, leaving no room for arguments. “Once you're better we can decide where to live but before I will stay by your side.” 
“I can only get better by doing what we were in that room.” His eyes flickered back at the door you'd just closed. 
“No. No more of that.” 
“No Kylo. I refuse that.” Your head shook. “I will not allow that.” 
“But Sno-” 
“Snoke doesn't matter.” 
“He helps-” 
But you refused to have that creature defended. Snoke was a disease that should be eradicated. “If you do one thing for me in this marriage. Just one. It is to leave that behind. You don't need magic to be a good ruler, you are one.” You plead. “I will do anything you ask if you leave those - that torture - behind.” 
“He-” Kylo bit his cheek, the words leaving him in stuttered half sentences. “He said you'd- said you'd get hurt. You'd-” 
“Kylo, please. You can't believe that.” 
“I don't know.” His eyes found the floor. 
You captured his hands in yours and plastered a bright smile on your face. “Look, we will talk more about this after your bath, after arrangements are made and when we are settled in bed.” 
The two of you steadily made your way to your allocated bedroom. There was a tub that had been filled and luckily was devoid of any oils or soaps. You were loath to find out if the scarring ran underneath his sweat stained clothes, you couldn't handle causing him any more pain. 
“Right, love, are you ready for a bath?”
Kylo gave you a nonverbal nod. 
You grinned at him and helped him out of the tunic. He had no cuts or scars but there were bruises along his ribs and, once the trousers were off, his hip. 
“Are you able to get into the tub?” 
He merely nodded again and eased himself in the water. 
You helped him by washing his back and shoulders. Scrubbing his nails and cleaning his chest. It didn't matter that the front of your dress was damp and your corset wasn't made for you to bend in this fashion. Kylo leaned his head back and let his hair fan out in the water.
He looked so peaceful. 
Like he had when you first met him. 
His eyes were shut and the shadow his lashes created hid the dark spots under each eye. You had carefully cleaned his scar and it looked a lot better now there was no dried blood. 
He looked at ease. 
“My love.” You hummed, tracing his facial features. 
“Yes?” He cracked open a tired eye. 
“I'm so happy to be with you again.” You bent to kiss the tip of his nose. 
He angled his face and captured your lips instead. A gasp left you and you allowed him to lead the kiss until a yawn erupted from him. 
“Come on, let's get you to bed.” You rose from the side of the tub and helped him out of the dirty water. You wrapped a towel around his midsection and pointed him towards your shared bed. 
He noted your pause as he sat on the mattress. “Are you not joining me?” 
“I am, although, I do just want to make sure Hux has everything in order before I settle.” 
Kylo looked visibly distressed at the mere idea you were leaving. 
“I promise I will be back.” He didn't look relieved. “Here-” you took your ring off and handed it to him. “-I will be back for that.”
“Your mother's ring.” Kylo held the metal as though it was a baby bird, it was so very precious he was afraid of breaking it. 
“You know I'd do anything for that ring.” You kissed his crown. “I will be back for it.” 
Leaving Kylo was very hard. You didn't want to and you knew he was anxious for your return but you had to see Hux. You needed to know everything would be okay before you relaxed. 
Your secretary was having a hushed discussion with Pryde. Each party looked unamused. 
“Hux.” You announced your entrance. “My things?” 
“On route, your Majesty.” 
“And Snoke?” 
“He is still on the premises. He's in the study.” 
“Pryde.” The other man straightened. “I will let you stay for now but the second my husband is uncomfortable with you, you are gone.” 
He nodded and you turned on your heel to deal with the creature. 
“Your Majesty.” Snoke addressed you. “Allow me to explain my methods.” 
He raised his non-eyebrow. “But if you would just listen.” 
“I have allowed you to corrupt and harm my husband for too long. You are to leave and never return. If I could order you to be destroyed without corrupting my soul I would, but I can't. I wish you the life you deserve.” You glanced at Hux. “Make sure he leaves.” 
With that you returned to Kylo. On route you caught a maid and asked her to loosen your dress. Blessedly, she did it with ease and the bodice was off with no problem. Once that was off you undid your top skirt and stepped out of it. You untied the hoop skirt and left that on the floor too with your undershirt and stockings. You placed the crown on a side table and unpinned your locks. Arriving at the door naked you slipped into the room and smiled at his dozing body. 
He had fallen asleep sitting up awaiting your arrival. Your ring was still clutched in his hand and you just took him in. He was so handsome. You'd never tire of his appearance. 
You sat yourself on the side of the bed and plucked your ring from him, sliding it back onto your right hand. 
“Kylo, darling, let's lay down.” You shuffled him down into a more comfortable position. One eye cracked open and he pulled you in close. 
“Love you.” He muttered into your ear. 
“I love you, more."
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So....I saw this earlier today. Apparently this is Kylo Ren's quarters and it's just.....so freaking sad! 😢
That being said, I had an idea: What if Kylo's apprentice, who works for/with Hux and is paid a hefty wage, buys him a new bed and other comforts?
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Kylo Ren X General Hux X Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Kylo Ren's apprentice worries about him.
Tags: @kylorenny @jaynesilver @lifeofroos @knightsofladyren
(I tagged some of you cuz I thought you'd like this. Lemme know if you don't wanna be tagged in any more 😅)
. Your master was away on yet another solo mission, the directive unknown to you. While he was away, you were back to working for Hux as his assistant. Things were running smoothly, and with Kylo gone, Armitage seemed a little more at ease. Either it was that tea he was sipping once again, or the absence of your master, but he was smiling more and was generally more relaxed. That morning, or rather, the start of your rotation, was no different. You were busy filling in data into your data pad when he walked over to you and rested his hand on your shoulder, a gesture which was rare but welcome. "How's the report coming along, Y/n?"
You flashed him a startled smile, his action shocking you out of your thoughts momentarily. "It's going fairly decent, General. Everything is accounted for and the updates from our suppliers just arrived. Is there anything we need, aside from rations and weapons?"
Hux thought for a moment, reading what was on your data pad over your shoulder. After a moment, something seemed to click in his head. "You have everything listed, but Lord Ren has...certain preferances in regards to rations."
"He's a picky eater?" you asked in jest, glancing over your shoulder at the ginger general. Hux snorted "I wish it were that, but no. He's on a strict diet, at least that's what he's mentioned."
"Do you know what he prefers? He hasn't told me much about his...personal habits." you replied, opening a new tab on your pad so you can jot down any notes or suggestions Hux had. But Hux shook his head. "I haven't the faintest of clues as to what that man likes or doesn't."
"Fair enough."
A moment passed as Hux thought of a solution. "He may have some products in his quarters that may clue us in as to what he eats." he retrieved his own data pad and swiped the screen a few times before he pulled up a pass code and sent the set of numbers to you.
"What's this?" you asked as you stared at the lengthy line of numbers.
"That is Kylo Ren's pass code to his quarters. He's an extremely secretive and private man and it was a pain to figure this out."
You tried to hide the smirk on your face. "And why, General, would you want to enter his quarters?"
Hux flicked the tip of your ear, a tiny playful gesture. "We have regulations here aboard this ship, and those regulations require a certain level of tidiness. Kylo has very little time, it seems, to keep his quarters neat. The pass code is for service droids to clear up any...messes he leaves." The General was, of course, referring to the times when Kylo vented his rage on anything within reach, often destroying furniture or consoles. Hux, as always, had to either pay for the damages himself or clean up the debris.
"Ooooooh, oh I get." You said, still flashing him a cheeky smirk, a smirk which he returned moments before he took another sip from the mug he was holding.
"Well, in that case, I'll go take inventory of what he has and get back to you on that." With that, you gave him a tiny salute and headed towards your master's quarters.
As the doors whooshed open, you were greeted with a cold, stark sight. The room was entirely black, it's lights a cold white. The table was empty, the bed that was against the wall was entirely too small for your master. The room was devoid of comfort and warmth, at least the kind of warmth that a man with such status should have. There was no furniture whatsoever, aside from the one chair that was near the table. You walked in and immediately shivered. It would appear that not even the heat was on in this room. "How can a man live like this?" you mumbled, feeling pity for your master as you walked towards the cupboards.
The cupboards, which were also a smooth, obsidian hue, were situated on the opposite side of the room, near what you assumed was a sink. You opened one of the cupboards and found...absolutely nothing. His shelves were empty save for a few dust bunnies. The sight concerned you. "How the fuck does he eat or sleep? No, no, this isn't good. Screw it," you shut the cupboard quite forcefully. "He's getting fed and sleeping when he gets back, I don't care how mad he gets."
With that, you swiftly left the room with plans and a grand scheme.
"You want me to do what???" Hux choked out after he spat out his tea in shock when I informed him of my plan.
"You don't have to pay for anything, I'll use my own credits, but I think he needs this." you said again. You showed Hux the list you made, as well as the already filled out request papers you had signed. He scrolled through the data pad, reviewing everything you had requested, brows furrowed in concern. "You sure about this, Y/n?" his grey green eyes looking back at yours. You nodded, not changing your mind. This had to be done. Hux sighed. "Fine. I'll have these sent. Everything should arrive before he returns."
You smiled and gave him a hug, earning a surprised "oh!" from him. "Thank you, Armitage!" you said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Hux cleared his throat a little, trying to hide the blush that was making it's way onto his face. "Alright, alright, don't get used to it. I'm not in the business of granting everyone's requests. This is a one time deal, since you are paying for everything."
You chuckled and nodded. "Very well, General."
The mission had been brutal and Kylo was battered and bruised all over. But when he exited his ship, he walked with his masked head held high. His confident stride, however, held a bit of a slight limp. A shot from a blaster had grazed his calf, leaving him wounded. He tried to ignore the pain, but the could already feel that the bandage his leg was bound with was starting to leak, blood dampening his trousers. Exhausted, he made his way to his quarters, ordering a passing officer to send a medical droid to his room.
Unlike most who returned from battles, looking forward to whatever comfort they had, Kylo knew he had nothing to feel good about returning to. At least, comfort wise. He almost grimaced when he envisioned his baron room, knowing that rest and recovery was not an option. Or so he thought.
When the doors opened, his eyes widened beneath his mask. "What the-"
Kylo walked into the room, looking around in confusion. 'Did I walk into the wrong room?' he asked himself. He turned around for any telltale signs of his presence, and sure enough, there, to the left of the door, was a burnt gash where he had slashed his saber across the metal.
He turned back to the interior of the room, and stared at his new surroundings. The table was no longer empty, but had some bottles of sweet beverages and crisp water on top of it's smooth surface, and there was also a bowl filled with fruits. But that was not all. The tiny bed that Kylo once had, was now replaced with a lavish looking one. The frame appeared to be made from metal materials found and mined from Cantobight or somewhere from that planet's region. The bed posts were tall and had what appeared to be hooks on them, for holding/hanging articles of clothing. Kylo approached the bed and placed his hand on top of the black comforter that covered the bed. All his life, he never had anything quite as nice or comfortable. In fact, he felt he never deserved anything quite like this.
He took his mask off and placed it on the nightstand beside the bed. When he did, he saw a little piece of paper poking out from under one of the pillows. He reached over and pulled it out, recognizing your handwriting right away. As he read your little note, he felt a small smile spread across his weary face. When he was done reading it, he tucked it into his pocket.
That sleep rotation, after the droid had left and gave him the usual programmed "You need to rest" speech, he pulled back the covers, curled up, and for the first time in years, he slept, resting both his body and soul.
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paganprankster · 8 months
Chance Encounters (Kylo Ren x GN!reader) (SFW)
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(Y/N) is one of the highest-ranking officials employed for the overseeing of the Death Star construction- a plan ordered by Kylo Ren. They stayed clear of him but could no longer as a sudden breach of an Imperial force supply base was reported- resulting in their paths crossing for the first time.
In the distant future, humanity has expanded its reach across the galaxy, eventually forming a vast alliance known as the Imperial Forces. This alliance occupies a variety of planets, with their influence reaching the farthest edges of the galaxy. Each planet was accompanied by its unique cultures, technologies, and species. However, the Imperial Forces rule was threatened when a military force- known as the Rebellion- began to rise in (population). They were in direct opposition to the Imperial forces, often trying to (ruin) technological research in response to the rumor that they were attempting to recreate the infamous Death Star. Should they succeed through their trials and tribulations, it would be the end of the Rebellion. Wherever the resistance has influence, the planet would be eradicated immediately without remorse- simultaneously serving as a reminder for the rest of the galaxy to never show resistance against the Imperial Forces.
 (Y/N) took another glance at the holographic map in front of them, slowly circling and analyzing the data concerning a recent attack on the Imdaar galactic supply base. To hide progress made on the Death Star, the blueprints were stored safely on the Finalizer under guard of thousands of imperial employees- making it near impossible for spies to find and successfully steal. The supplies used in the construction were scattered throughout most Imperial bases to hide them. The most valuable of which, the near indestructible Quandanium Steel and its alloys, were concealed within the confines of the Imdaar base; and now, they were destroyed. (Y/N)’s face conformed into a scowl. “Who knows how much money we lost in this attack,” they quickly used their fingers to zoom out of the base’s location and onto the nearby regions, “Do we know where they attacked from?” General Hux appeared beside them. “The stormtroopers on site didn't give any information that was useful,” he began, “After the bombing after the battle of Yavin, you would expect that our defenses there would be near impenetrable after it was rebuilt. But here we are-” Hux let out a halfhearted chuckle. (Y/N)’s eyes did not leave the map. They could feel the sensation of Hux’s eyes on them- following their movements- but they paid no mind. Being one of the highest-ranking officials employed for the overseeing of the Death Star construction, it was your job to help recoup after this loss. “General Hux, we are going to need a team to get together and survey the area- see where the infiltration may have occurred and see what may remain. The material there is essential to our project- and if nothing remains in the rubble, we will need proper funding to build from scratch. Another Imperial officer, part of (Y/N)’s operation team, nervously cleared his throat to garner attention.
“We will need to inform Master Ren about this-” he said, and immediately General Hux turned to face him, striking a fear into your poor coworker's body, and silencing him. “You’re overstepping your authority- and by informing Ren,” informally using his name, “Will only create a larger problem than we already have.”
“With all due respect, General,” (Y/N)’s voice cut through the growing tensions in the room, “Not informing him would warrant a bigger problem. We need a team, and funding- It will be impossible without the support of Master Ren.”
General Hux turned to face you, focusing his eyes onto yours. You watched as your coworker gave a small sigh of relief and returned to documenting the net loss of the attack with the rest of his group a safe distance away from Hux. General Hux is notorious for the need to be in control; Rarely anyone defies his orders, and if they do, they suffer the consequences. (Y/N) confidently stood their ground, maintaining their unwavering eye contact. (Y/N) straightened their posture, challengingly. Hux’s eyes searched theirs, not used any show of defiance.
“Listen to them, if you know what’s good for you.”  
All heads swiveled towards the location of the robotic-like voice- a voice unmistakable. At the door to the meeting room stood Kylo Ren, donning his black mask and matching robes. Quickly, everyone in the room lowered their heads as a show of respect. Only Hux, and (Y/N) raised their heads again. (Y/N) smirked upon noticing the red look creeping its way onto Hux’s face. Whether it be from embarrassment, or anger, they were unsure. The smirk quickly left as they gazed back at Kylo Ren and met where his eyes would be- obscured by his mask. A chill went down their spine, simultaneously breaking eye contact upon noticing the closed fists of Kylo Ren shaking in anger. ‘Shit,’ they thought, ‘Hux has him pissed.’  If Hux’s comments had not pissed him off enough, the news about the attack on Imdaar would surely be his last straw. (Y/N) was the first to break this silence. “Master Ren, there’s been an attack on the supplies base on Imdaar-” nearly immediately, Kylo Rens murderous aura filled the room. He briskly walked to the holo-map that displayed the areas of damage.
“What did we lose?” he asked, turning towards one of the officers on your squad. Terrified, the officer began anxiously scanning the data on his holo-pad. “N-nearly 5.6 million credits worth of damage to the base. Certain areas of the base remain... but all the Quandanium steel has been destroyed. If there are any that remains in the rubble,” He shook his head, “It would be severely damaged and unusable.”
The silence filled the room, save for the increasingly heavy breathing emanating from Kylo Ren. In a rage, he wielded his lightsaber, illuminating the room with a blinding red glow. He angrily brought it down on the meeting room table, quickly splitting it in half, causing the table to collapse on itself and the holo-map to shut down. Everyone recoiled in fear and shuffled closer to the door leading to the halls of the Finalizer- their escape. Sweat began to drip down General Hux’s face as he readjusted his uniform out of nervousness.
“Get out.” Ren commanded. (Y/N)’s squad quickly left the room, hastily handing them the holo-pad displaying the analyzed data of the supply base attack. They would not need to be told twice- observing the anger of Ren was terrifying enough; delaying a response to his orders would be a death sentence. “Including you, general,” He hissed. General Hux held a scowl, before bowing his head and leaving the room. You followed behind, only for the door to be slammed shut before you could pass through. Was that the use of the force?
“Not you- I need you to debrief this attack.”  he said while re-holstering his saber.
(Y/N) took a sharp inhale due to their growing anxiety. Alone with the leader infamous for his anger, they thought, and I must disclose the carelessness behind our defenses that day. (Y/N) cleared their throats before making their way to the (now broken) meeting table. “Well,” they began, placing their teams holo-pad onto a nearby chair and displaying the map of the base that day, “when asking the stormtroopers deployed there, they were unable to give any information about things that may have seemed amiss.” (Y/N) pressed a few buttons to reveal the entirety of the base and pointed to three locations. “When this base was rebuilt, it was rebuilt with strengthened building materials with the previously flawed architectural decisions kept in mind. These locations were considered more vulnerable to attacks,” (Y/N) slightly shook their head, “but surveillance of the area pre-breach didn't show anything out of the ordinary-”
Ren approached and stood directly in front of (Y/N), looking down at them due to their height difference.
“If you can maintain eye contact with Hux,” Kylo ren nearly spat, “Then I expect the same for me.”
Shit, they thought, was my avoidance that noticeable? (Y/N)’s eyes shifted before locking eyes onto Kylo Ren’s mask- where his eyes (assumedly) would be. In an instant, a cold chill traversed through their spine, hairs on the back of their neck standing on edge. A few moments of silence brought the room to a standstill, before (Y/N) cleared their throat before responding, “Y-Yes, sir.” They cringed internally upon hearing the crack in their voice- a betrayal of their body.
Kylo Ren tilted his head slightly- analyzing the person before him. Upon hearing their response, he let out a gruff “Good ... and what have you deduced from this attack?”
(Y/N) maintained their eye contact and nervously fidgeted. No matter the performance, their anxiety would always show through. “...It means there must have been an internal breach. There are spies within our ranks and informed the resistance- at least about the materials. I am unsure if more classified information was leaked.”
Kylo Ren tensed before them, infuriation growing by the second. “Spies?”  His hands closed into fists again, with increasing shaking. He furiously turned, gesturing towards the holo-pad with his hand and used the force to fling it into the wall, causing it to shatter upon impact. (Y/N) jolted in response.
“Get out.” he murmured, back now turned to them. He re-ignited his saber.
I live to see another day, (Y/N) thought, and quickly stumbled over to the meeting room door and opened it via fingerprint. Before exiting the room, they gave a quick bow to Ren, and stammered: “We can discuss further plans at a later time.” (Y/N) hesitated for a moment. “Look after yourself,”
(Y/N) quickly left the room, hesitating no longer without waiting for a response. The door shut behind them, and they could hear the muffled sounds of breaking equipment and furniture from within. (Y/N) began to briskly walk away from the room, heart racing as the anxiety began to overflow.
(Y/N) cursed aloud and began biting their nails. Look after yourself, they mocked themselves in their subconscious.  What overcame me? They let out a heavy sigh. This was the first-time meeting Kylo Ren. And it was certainly not the last.
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cemeteryry · 1 year
star wars
⭑ kylo ren x male reader part 1 you’re on my mind (and in my head)
⭑ poe dameron headcanons
⭑ miguel o’hara x tall male reader headcanons
⭑ miguel o’hara x trans masc reader caught in the act
⭑ miguel o’hara x male reader don’t want you getting hurt
⭑ jealous miguel o’hara x flirty male reader headcanons
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anatee · 1 year
INSUFFERABLE | General Hux x Reader | pt. 5
INSUFFERABLE | General Hux x Reader Smut. 18+. MINORS DNI. This is a direct continuation. I’m never getting tired of writing this.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
Word count: 10.1K
Content warning: fem!reader x Hux; Force Awakens plot but everything happens a bit slower; soft Hux with feelings appears; a few curse words; smut: fingering, masturbation, vibrator use, semi-public smut, piv (unprotected)
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"It's in a droid. A BB unit," Kylo said right after exitting the questioning.
"That would be right. I heard Dameron had a droid with him, but I didn't see it," Y/N replied.
"Well then. If it's on Jakku, we'll soon have it," Hux added.
"I leave that to you," Kylo grunted at him, then softened his voice just a notch to speak to the girl. "Y/N, I will need to talk to you soon."
"You know where to find me," she replied, earning an expression of utter disbelief from Hux. The moment Ren left, she looked at the General with a bit of annoyance.
"Oh, come on. It's better to be on his good side."
"If he's that interested in you all of sudden... It can't be good."
"Good thing I'm only interested in..." she began, then caught herself as a jerk of Hux's head reminded her there were Stormtroopers not far behind them. "I'll resume my duties at once, General," she added all of sudden, clearing her throat.
"You'd better."
She sent him one last smile before walking back to her station, and he gladly followed suit. They both came back to work as usual, but the day was just about to provide them with more surprises.
Dameron escaped with the help of one of the Stormtroopers, and other soldiers failed to retrieve the droid from Jakku. Both Hux and Kylo seemed furious because of it the former a bit less than the latter, but it was the General whose stress was to be relieved the very same day.
"Where are you headed, Lieutenant?" he asked Y/N sharply as he saw her standing up from her console he had been circling for the past few minutes so as not to miss her walking out.
It was hard for her to suppress a smile.
"To my quarters, sir. I have finished my shift."
"To your quarters?" he replied, approaching her with his hands on his back. "I don't think that's where you should be going."
"Where else then, General?"
His face was as stone cold as it could be, but she could tell he wanted to smile. He lowered his voice and spoke so quietly only she could hear him:
"You know the passwords. I'll join you in two hours, maybe less."
She bowed her head immediately. "Understood, sir."
Y/N was careful not to be seen when she was typing in the password to Hux's quarters. It was yet another piece of proof of how much he trusted her. On the other hand, he was still her superior and had the power to make her life miserable if he wanted, so maybe it wasn't really the only factor... But at the same time, nobody would let in someone into their private chambers without having at least some trust in them.
Y/N's own wardrobe was there as always, fully stocked, all the clothes inside fresh from the laundry. She got herself a black bathrobe and a towel, then went to the bathroom for a long-awaited shower.
Settling underneath the sheets on Hux's large bed was an indescribably comfortable feeling. Exhaustion finally took over; she didn't even know when she fell asleep, hugging the sheets as if they were a person.
Hux came back to his quarters even more than two hours later, overworked, exhausted and still upset because of Kylo, because of Dameron's escape, because of the betrayal of a Stormtrooper... All in all, the presence of the only person that could make him smile instantly was very much needed.
He was already in a better mood when he was typing in the password to his bedroom, knowing very well who was behind them. The door slid open and he entered immediately.
"So, what do you want for din..." He trailed off as he noticed the bed. Y/N was there, breathing steadily, looking as innocent as ever, although he knew she was not that pure.
A soft, genuine smile appeared on his face, an extremely rare one, since he didn't have to hide it from anyone. It was such a relief to see her there, so peaceful... So different from the life he experienced on a daily basis. She was his ray of light in the darkness of the war, and he could practically feel happiness fill him up as he watched her. Had he not met her, he would have never believed someone could give him this much joy.
Was this what love was?
He turned off all the lights in the bedroom so she could sleep peacefully, then almost tiptoed to the bathroom. He decided that there was nothing better to do than to settle himself next to her, especially since he had an inkling he would not be able to fall asleep too fast. It was always hard when nerves got to him, and that was definitely one of these nights when they did.
Having taken a shower, he climbed onto the bed as quietly as possible, then watched her for a moment as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. To him, she was beautiful, make-up on or not. He wanted to kiss her - it would be such a bliss, a perfect remedy to that awful day - but he did not wish to break her sleep, so he just watched her for a moment before grabbing his datapad. There were two, if not a few more things he wanted to order...
One hour later, Hux was still unable to sleep. His datapad was turned off, and so were all the lights in the room, leaving him staring at the ceiling with a soft buzz of electronics in the background.
He looked at Y/N's sleeping figure once again, barely able to make out her face features in the dark. He noticed her hair got to her face, and this time he could not stop himself; he had to move it away with all the affection he could muster, smiling as he did... And then he immediately regretted it, since the sudden touch caused her to stir awake.
"What's going on?" she asked, lifting her head slightly, eyelids hooded. "What... What time is it?"
He hated himself for waking her up, and was worried about her confusion. "Shhh. It's the middle of the night."
She rubbed her eye and looked at him, trying to figure out how she got to the place she was in. And then it clicked - she was supposed to wait for him...
"Kriff... I don't even know when I fell asleep, Armitage, I'm sorry..."
"Don't, don't worry," he insisted quietly.
"But... Is something happening?"
"No. You can sleep."
She fell silent for a moment, her brow furrowed as it was quite hard to think while still half-asleep.
"Then why... Why aren't you sleeping?"
He let out a small sigh. "I have trouble sleeping. A lot. But you sleep, I'll just..."
"How can I help you?" she asked immediately, catching him off guard. He didn't expect her to be this ready to act, especially given the circumstances.
"You're already helping," he confessed. He quickly realised talking to her like this, in the darkness, was much easier than anywhere else... And he allowed himself to be a bit vulnerable. "Every time you're here with me, I... I feel calmer than I have ever felt in my life. And one needs... Calmness to sleep."
"Then why aren't you?" she kept on asking, and he sighed again, wondering how she even got him to talk about these things.
"I guess because... A part of me fears losing you. And because of that I'm stressed again and... The circle continues. If I have worse days..."
"So I'm not helping," she cut him off, then began searching for his hands, the sheets rustling softly with her movements. "Armitage, I'm not going anywhere. And if you want to talk, you can talk to me. Even right now."
"I don't, I just... I want..." He trailed off as he didn't even know exactly what he wanted. Maybe just some assurance that she was there, real, and will continue to be? Maybe some hope that with time this relationship will only get better, even if there were so many obstacles? Maybe someone to tell him if what he was feeling was really love? And, if so, how to express it openly?
"What is it?" she asked in a whisper, moving closer to him. "I won't judge you whatever it is."
At that moment, he trusted his instincts, and allowed himself to wish for something he had been dreaming for the last few hours.
"Kiss me."
He didn't need to encourage her any further. She brought her hands to his face and placed a chaste kiss on his lips, one that clearly wasn't enough, because he quickly pulled her in for one more. It quickly turned out kisses exchanged like this, in complete darkness, with the rest of the universe gone, felt more intimate and touching than ever before. He could practically feel the tension evaporate as she snuggled into his side after few more kisses.
"If that was what you wanted, you could've woken me up sooner." She giggled and this sound alone allowed him to bathe in bliss. "But I understand you. I do have fears and doubts, too..."
"What fears?" he asked immediately with clear concern in his voice.
"I do fear you might... Change your mind one day." She sighed, her voice trembling slightly. "It's not that I don't trust you, but... Come on, you could have any woman in this galaxy with the power you have... So why me?"
Hux almost could feel his heart break at these words. How come she still had doubts?
And then, on the other hand... He also had them, so how to blame her...
But still, he was determined to show her that he will not be choosing any other woman. He couldn't even imagine one being half as perfect for him as she was...
"Don't ever say that, don't even think that I'm interested in any other woman," he whispered. "I've already told you this, but... You're really my cure, Y/N," he muttered the bravest confession he was capable of at the moment, and she accepted it. She didn't go into any further detail; her heart beating faster was all she needed to believe him at that moment.
"And you're mine," she whispered back, then snuggled into his side with one hand over his body. "If I stay like this... Would it be at least a bit easier to sleep?"
He took a deep breath. "You know the answer."
After that, he brought her even closer to himself, adjusting the duvet. "One day, when we'll be ruling the galaxy... You'll be at my side for everyone to see. Not hidden in here like this."
She smiled, and with that smile, fell into a peaceful slumber.
The next day, however, forced them to part again. The mission was not finished; Dameron escaped, and the First Order still didn't have the droid with the map they desired... Or at least Kylo did.
It was yet another day of work and trying not to look at the other, a game that was slowly driving them both insane, yet arousing them at the same time. The longing and the secret did make that relationship more interesting...
That evening Y/N went to her quarters for safety, but she did not it was going to be a usual one. There, on her bed, was a sealed box she did not remember being there in the morning.
"A gift?" she asked herself, plopping down onto the bed next to it. "Come on, Armitage... Is it you? Are you spoiling me again?"
She tried to unlock it with his password, and bingo. It was a confirmation that it was him who sent this, making her heart race.
She quickly noticed there were some clothes inside. Excited, she took them out to realise it was a dress... A very revealing dress.
"Oh, but this is..." She stood up and held it in front of herself.
The upper part of the dress was technically just a push-up bra. It was made of black and grey stripes, and they connected it with the skirt, two long pieces of black material covering only the front and the back - she could already see her hips would stay uncovered.
Back in the box, there was a message left.
I would love to see you in this.
And she would love to wear it for him, but it was not like she could put it on and just march into his quarters.
She did know all his quarters passwords. She could just sneak into his bedroom while he was busy and wait for him there... She only needed a perfect occasion.
And the occasion presented itself when they landed on Starkiller. Y/N took just a few minute long bathroom break and when she came out, everyone at the base was running, rushing somewhere, most soldiers were throwing on their coats... In that chaos, she found Malia, and she explained to her what was going on.
The weapon was being finally charged and Hux wanted everyone outside.
What a breathtaking view it was, when minutes later she stood next to the other officers, and Hux was a few meters ahead of them, speaking to crowds of Stormtroopers and other soldiers.
"Today is the end of the Republic," Hux began, his voice seemingly echoing against the entire planet. "The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder."
His voice was firm and frightening, even more so when one remembered he had the most deadly weapon in the galaxy at his disposal.
"I sometimes forget how scary Hux can get," Marlen whispered, leaning in so Y/N could hear him. She swallowed, nodding her head.
To her, his words were inspiring and arousing at the same time. She loved his commanding side, both in work and in bed, especially when she knew she would not suffer any negative consequences. Listening to him, she felt extremely proud; she knew how much it meant to him, how much time he spent on perfecting it and that it could bring him one step closer to conquering the galaxy just like he dreamed.
"He's really into it, isn't he?" Malia whispered as Hux continued, causing both herself and Marlen to chuckle. Y/N shot them an irritated look.
"He's just passionate about it," she said, then swallowed, realising she might have revealed too much. "As we all should be."
They looked at Y/N weirdly, but she rescued herself once again.
"What? This is why I'm a Lieutenant and you are not." She smiled proudly, then focused on listening to Hux again.
"All remaining systems will bow to the First Order!" Hux roared out and Y/N saw some officers take a step back out of intimidation. "And will remember this... As the last day of the Republic!"
Y/N got goosebumps and, judging by the looks on others' faces, she was not the only one. She never heard Hux speak with as much passion and power as at that moment. Stars, how was it possible to get even more attracted to him? And in a situation when she should be frightened?
"Fire!" The General roared and soon, the sky turned red. An enormous, red laser beam shot out of the planet, with so much power the wind it created caused all the nearby trees to collapse.
Hux was looking at it all with pride, and almost with tears in his eyes. It was the most successful moment of his military career, happening for the entire galaxy to see. His weapon, his big plan was being carried out... Could he be any happier?
And then he realised he could. A few meters behind him, there was the woman he adored just as much as the military. He wished she were at his side at that moment, watching the beauty of destruction with him as he watched hers...
He could not lose this opportunity, not when it was so special. Ren was on the ship, so nobody could read his thoughts... And no subordinate could question him.
He turned his head to the side. "Lieutenant Y/L/N."
"Yes, sir," she replied, breathless as she watched him bathed in the red light.
"Come here."
Nobody batted an eye at his command, not when almost everyone found him more frightening than ever before at the moment. Y/N approached him, pretending to be scared as well, then stood at his side - just like he wished.
"How can I help you, General?" she asked, but the answer was there, in his eyes. He did not dare smile at her in front of all the soldiers, and it took every ounce of willpower in him not to wrap his hand around her waist. One way or another, it was already brave for him to call her with everyone to see.
"Watch," he said simply, and she suppressed a smile as she turned towards the laser again.
He bathed in the bliss of the moment with her next to him before he had to send her away again, pretending he merely gave her an order.
They both felt they needed and wanted more. It was such a pity they could barely look at each other... That was why Y/N decided it would be best to do it that night, the night of his triumph.
She was sneaking into his quarters. Without his permission.
This could go both perfectly or completely wrong, but she hoped that even if he didn't want her company that night, he would at least appreciate the dress. She packed back into the box she received it in, and then, right after her shift, she quickly went into her quarters to grab it and then begin her plan.
Judging by what Hux was doing, she guessed she had at least one hour before he would come back to his bedroom. It was only a rough estimate and, of course, he could come much faster or much later, but she did decide to rush anyway. Her wardrobe was full of fresh supplies as always, so she took a quick shower, made sure her skin was as smooth as possible, untied her hair and brushed it, and then put on the dress.
Her breasts appeared to be bigger and so did her hips, completely uncovered. She did feel attractive in it, and quite excited about getting all dressed up for her lover, but still a bit worried about his reaction. After all, it was the first time she entered his quarters without any permission nor invitation, but on the other hand... He didn't give her his passwords for nothing, did he?
She decided that while she still had time, she'd try to put some make-up on, too. He loved it the last time she she dressed up, so why not do it again? After what he'd achieved, she decided he deserved the biggest prizes. As a mere soldier, she couldn't give him material things, or at least nothing he couldn't have at the snap of his fingers.
But herself...? He was the only one who could have her.
She was laying on his bed comfortably, all dressed up and scrolling through her datapad, waiting for him to come.
Hux didn't suspect a thing. He did intend to meet with her to celebrate, but not on that particular day, just to be safe. He knew that talking to her in front of everyone was already risky, but at the same time, she was a soldier like everyone else, just receiving duties. One way or another, when he was finally about to retire to his quarters after that glorious day, he did not expect to see what he saw.
The door to his bedroom opened right before his mouth. Y/N was sitting on the edge of his bed, smiling smugly. She looked stunning, and so different from her usual appearance, that for a moment he didn't recognise her at first glance. But when he did, it was difficult not to smile.
Could that day get any better?
"What are you doing here, Lieutenant?" he asked, as emotionless as he could be.
Y/N didn't get scared. She knew him already; everything was right there, in his eyes, and she felt she hit the jackpot.
"I came to congratulate you, General." She smiled again, straightening up so her chest would be even more visible. "And to carry out the duty you gave me... To see me in this, sir."
He closed the door, then walked slowly towards the wardrobe, taking off his gloves, his eyes never leaving her. She looked better than he had imagined and he couldn't even pretend to be mad at her for sneaking in. Stars, she could do that more often; he would certainly enjoy coming back to his quarters more.
"I can appreciate obeying my duties," he said, leaving his gloves on the wardrobe. He didn't have his coat nor his hat on, just the most basic uniform she adored him the most in.
"You're the ruler of the galaxy tonight," she continued, watching him unbuckle the belt around his waist. "That's why I want you to have a ruler-worthy celebration..."
She moved the piece of the skirt's material aside, then spread her legs, baring herself in front of him.
Hux's breath caught in his throat. Again, he didn't even scold her for having no underwear on as shivers went down his body. It would be a lie to say he had not been craving her ever since his speech, and there she was, inviting him in... And he knew exactly what he wanted to do.
He put his belt on the wardrobe, then turned to her fully. "Do I still have your permission to do new things?"
She restrained a squeal of excitement. "Yes... You can do whatever you want. Especially tonight."
It was the first time he allowed himself a smile, a smug one at that. He bent down to open a drawer and took out a black, shiny box out of it, causing Y/N to crane her neck as she tried to catch a glimpse of it.
"I do have something interesting I've been meaning to try out on you." He opened the box. "I was trying to find the suitable occasion... And look at you now." He smirked, indicating her still spread legs.
"What is it?" she asked with both curiosity and excitement as he took something out of the box. It was a black, egg-shaped device with a wire attached to it.
"Something to give you pleasure," he said smugly, approaching her slowly, "and pleasure only."
Before she could ask anything else, he turned on the device and pressed it against her clit before moving it down.
"Oh," she breathed out as he slid it inside her without much problem since she was already getting wet, kissing her lips in the process. "Oh."
"You look stunning," he whispered, stealing yet another kiss from her.
She beamed. "So I'm not getting discharged for sneaking in?"
"Oh, not discharged, but I can't leave that without a punishment." He took a step back. "You know this tiny little device," he slid his finger inside her, pushing it even further as she let out a gasp, "is connected to my datapad. So right now I can sit back..." He walked towards the armchair in front of the bed and picked up his datapad from it. "And enjoy the show."
She watched in shock as he sat down with pride, holding the datapad like a prize. She knew he now had complete control over her... But was that scary or exciting?
"You're unbelievable."
He chuckled, crossing his legs and solidifying his "ruler" aura. He did not expect to spend the evening that way, but stars, was that a much better plan than celebrating by himself.
"Oh, am I?" He raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you say I'm the ruler of the galaxy tonight?" He touched the datapad and slid his finger and it pulled a gasp out of her as the device began vibrating. It caught her by surprise, and even more when he turned it up.
"Fuck, Armitage," she breathed out, grabbing onto the sheets.
"What is it?" He laughed, watching her chest raise and fall quickly. "I've barely turned it on, love."
He had never called her this before and it worked wonders. At that point, she would give anything to hear it again, but the warmth and pleasure spreading from between her legs cut her off from any rational thinking. The fact that Armitage was watching all of this made her even more turned on.
When he noticed her cheeks got reddish, he decided it was a moment to go even further and turned up the power. Y/N's back fell against the mattress as she kept a tight grip on the sheets, curling her toes.
"Oh, fuck, fuck," she moaned as the vibrations became more intense. "A-Armitage..."
"Come on, this isn't even the highest setting... I know you can take more." He said, enjoying every second. "You're not innocent, are you, Lieutenant? You know what you came here for with no underwear on..."
She wasn't able to answer. Pleasure flowing through her, she writhed on the bed as he watched, his pants becoming tighter on him. He unzipped them to take out his erection, then began moving his hand along it. Never before had he masturbated to such a view, and never before had he felt this much arousal from the simplest movements.
He couldn't resist it. He turned on the highest setting, earning a moan so loud he was glad his quarters were soundproof. His breathing was growing faster as she arched her entire body, baring her throbbing clit before him.
Her breathing was growing faster and moaning louder; he sped up, too, but then suddenly turned everything off.
"No... How could you." Y/N propped herself up on her elbows, shooting him a disappointed look. "I was about to..."
"I'm not letting some vibrator take this from me," he rasped out, raising from his seat.
With shivers coming down her spine, she saw him approach with determination on his face. He pulled the vibrator out of her with a gasp, sending her wetness flowing down her thigh. He used one hand to grab raise her right leg and let her rest in on his shoulder, then did the same with the other. She soon felt his penis against her skin, and it caused her to gulp.
"I'll make sure you can't walk," he whispered before sliding into her with ease.
He began thrusting into her with more power than ever before, drunk on his success, his control, the triumph of the First Order... And she could only whimper and gasp for air in response as he hit all the right spots, filling her up completely.
His pace was growing rapidly, and he was ramming her into the mattress while the angle of her legs so high up drove them both crazy. She heard him grunt a few times and, as if all the other sensations weren't enough, it brought her to the edge.
He saw that, so he leaned it to kiss her before hearing the scream of her orgasm against his lips. He finished just seconds later, cumming inside her with pleasure, his fingers sinking into the skin of her legs. The pressure of the day evaporated at once, allowing both of them to bathe in complete bliss.
Hux left a chaste kiss on her cheek. She was panting and covered in sweat, her lipstick smudged and hairstyle ruined, but damn, was she happy. She gave him a sincere smile, which he returned before taking a step back to adore what he had created. The sight of his cum dripping out of her, onto the sheets, made him feel just as satisfied as when he watched the Starkiller weapon being fired.
"After that call you received..." she began breathing out, "and the handcuffs... I didn't know I could... Feel even better."
He smiled smugly, zipping his pants back. "Then do not underestimate me, Lieutenant."
"And that was a nice toy you gave me." She indicated the vibrator left next to her, sitting up. "I was never allowed that during my training..."
"I have a few more." He walked back to her, then put his hand under her chin. "But we'll get to them... Gradually." He kissed her again, this time allowing her to respond eagerly, throwing her hands around his neck.
"I'm so proud of you," she whispered after they parted for breath, cupping his face in her hands. "Your speech... It was... I couldn't stop marvelling."
He raised an eyebrow. "Ass-licking?"
She smirked. "If you're in for round two."
He shook his head before stealing yet another kiss. "I wished you were standing there with me."
"Well, you kind of made it happen." She shrugged, then smiled teasingly. "I see you've become a little daredevil lately, Armitage."
He sighed, unable to disagree. "Look what you made me do."
She giggled, and he adored that giggle so much, the sound so innocent he had never thought he'd come to love it. He could only kiss her again, simply unable to break away from her that day. That was just the cure he needed...
"Well, we both need a shower." He looked down at between her legs, where the cum was still flowing down. "And my sheets need laundry. Again."
She shrugged as she looked down, too. "Maybe next time you'll prepare better..."
"Me?" He snorted. "You are the one who came here uninvited. And with no underwear on," he said as if he didn't enjoy every moment of it.
"Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I should uninvite myself now..." He grabbed her by the wrists before she could even try to slide off the bed. "And next time I'll come with a Stormtrooper armour on."
"Don't play with me, love."
She took a deep breath. "You call me that one more time and I'll be a puddle."
Hux let go of her wrists and stood up, smiling triumphantly as he glanced between her legs one more time.
"You already are."
He began walking towards the bathroom while she was considering whether to follow him. After all, it would be a shame to lose a shower with him, but on the other hand...
"I got all dressed up for you just to get my lipstick smudged and take this off after less than an hour?" She crossed her arms. "No way."
He turned his head towards her, then grabbed his datapad from where he left it and gave it to her.
"Then take this. Order whatever you want for dinner... I'll take a shower."
He picked up the vibrator, too, and disappeared in the bathroom, leaving her with a smile. She ordered dinner and then, finally able to breathe normally again, walked up to the wardrobe and took out a box of wipes and a towel to clean herself up - and a part of his bed, too. Freshened up, she almost didn't look like having been rammed into the mattress ten minutes earlier.
Less than another ten minutes later they were both sitting on his bed, beginning to eat dinner - Hux didn't mind eating there again since he was already going to send the sheets to the laundry. Besides, he didn't want some table or any other piece of furniture to keep him away from her. At that point he wasn't sure if she hadn't put any spell of him with how infatuated he was that day.
He was shirtless, just in loose, black pants. Not so long ago, he would have never bared himself like that, but with her? He could do anything, and he knew she wouldn't judge him.
"What?" she asked when she caught him staring at her instead of the food. "You like the dress, huh?" She pulled up the bra to make her breasts look better, and he did notice that.
"Of course I do. I've chosen it personally."
"I'm starting to think you chose it more for yourself than for me."
"The benefits go both ways." He smirked. "Besides, if you want anything at all, you just need to say the word. Do you want another dress?"
"No, no, that's not what I meant, Armitage. I don't want you to think I'm with you for the benefits," she said quickly, then reached for his hand. "I'm with you for you. I hope you know that."
Their eyes met. He believed just the words, but he could also see the sincerity in her eyes.
"I do." He squeezed her hand. "But at the same time, I have no problem in getting gifts for you. Who else am I supposed to give them to?"
Her heart began beating faster. She leaned in to kiss him again, with all the passion she could muster, what made him feel more than elated.
"Did I mention how proud of you I am?" she whispered against his lips. "And I already know how to make you feel even better. But let's eat first."
"You've already made me feel wonderful," he admitted, but she shook her head.
"Tonight we're celebrating your success. You're getting all the perks." She pecked him, then returned to eating. "Tell me all about it."
Hux was more than eager to do so, including telling her everything about his future plans, weapons, and technologies. She listened with sincere interest, and that was really everything he needed. Someone who cared, who listened, and who supported him regardless of any doubts or weak points his plans might have.
After they finished dinner, Y/N told him to lie down comfortably on the bed. She then found her good, old friend - a scented oil - and proceeded to settle herself on his thighs to gave him the best massage she could.
She was good at it, he already knew that, but at that moment her skills didn't matter. It was just her touch, firm and gentle at the same time, making his whole body burn with pleasure. Her hands were sliding along his skin with passion and for that moment of bliss, he truly felt like the king of the entire galaxy. He was about to comment how she began grinding her body - still with no underwear on - against him, when she suddenly stopped doing anything. Before he could ask what was happening, she laid her body against his warm, bare back and hugged him.
It was pleasurable, but nothing could have prepared him for what came next. Y/N stayed like this for a moment before whispering:
"Armitage... I love you."
He froze. He was glad she could not see his face, for his expression was nothing but pure shock. Indescribable were the emotions flowing through him: the surprise, the happiness, but also sadness... It was the first time someone has ever said that to him, and he never knew how incredible it could feel. Something got stuck in his throat as he tried to comprehend that someone cared about him this much. Someone he cared deeply for, too, but didn't have enough courage to express it openly.
So this is what love is.
"I've never heard that... In my life," he replied eventually, having no idea what to reply.
"I... You know I've been falling for you for a while. But now... Now I'm sure of it. That's why I'm telling you. And if I ever lost you..."
"Don't say that, Y/N." He raised slightly, causing her to move. She climbed off of him as he pulled her into his arms.
"You are not going to lose me. I am not leaving you, did I say that?" He cupped her face and noticed she was on the verge of tears; it pulled at his heartstrings, and that was another new sensation for him.
"I'm just..." She swallowed. "After success often comes a failure. Today, when I saw you leading all of us, I realised how much is at stake... I realised I'm afraid all of this is too good to be true. And I love you. With all I have. I don't want to lose any of it."
"You won't lose it, I promise. Y/N," he turned her to look at him, to make sure she understood every word, "I know I don't say much about things like this, but..."
He froze, his eyes fixed on her. He was such a coward; he indirectly murdered thousands, if not more beings that day, but he was unable to confess his true feelings to the only person he cared about. But at that moment, he promised himself he would tell her.
Soon. In best circumstances, like she deserved. It was high time she got some confirmation of his their relationship... But not at that moment, because he himself was too paralysed.
"You're the most important person to me," he admitted eventually. "Or probably the only important person I have in my life. I do not care about anyone else. And you have my word," he grabbed her hand, then brought it to his lips to kiss it, "we'll be safe. You and I."
"Thank you," she whispered, holding back tears. He wiped them with his thumbs before going in for a kiss; a sincere kiss full of love that he did not confess to her. Y/N did feel a little sting of disappointment after not hearing him say it back, but at the same time, she knew it was something new for him.
"Come," he kissed her on the forehead, "I'll throw the sheets to the laundry, take new ones, and we can both go to sleep."
"But what about the celebration? And your massage? And..."
"We both had enough emotions for today," he cut her off, just before giving her one more kiss to make sure she felt better.
While both of them were preparing to sleep, the General's sheets landed in the room where two Stormtroopers sorted the laundry. They were both without their helmets, groaning at the sight of new work.
"Not again," the first one, a blonde guy, shook his head.
"What is it?" the other, a redhead, asked him.
"Hux's sheets," the blonde replied.
"How do you know they're his?"
"Because they're large. And he sends them here too often, clean freak," he explained, then snorted. "And they're stained again."
The red-headed Stromtrooper approached to investigate, curious. He looked at the sheets and his eyes widened.
"Isn't this... Cum?" he asked in shocked, but the other seemed unbothered.
"You're new here, but this is not for the first time. He must be getting it recently. It's never happened before."
"But with whom?" The other wondered. "Because I don't think he would stain it this much if he were alone... Prostitutes maybe?"
"Maybe, although I doubt he would allow one on the Starkiller..."
"Then maybe it's one of the female soldiers! We gotta find out who that is. Maybe Phasma?!"
"No, that would be..." Their eyes met. " You know what, we have to find out."
Y/N spent the night in her lover's arms. Without a direct confession from him, but still happy and secure, she woke up with a disappointment when she realised he wasn't there. To her relief, she found him in front of the bed, buttoning his shirt up.
She beamed, stretching like a cat when he noticed her, and a little smile crawled upon his face, too.
"Well, good morning. How did you sleep?"
"I always sleep well with you. And on this bed, for that matter," she replied with no hesitation, rubbing her eyes. "Where are you going?"
"I have to start earlier today. Ren is already fuming," he said, making sure his belt was adjusted well. "He is looking for some scavenger girl now. Apparently the droid showed the map to her."
Y/N groaned, sitting up. "So what? Why can't Kylo just find her and take it out of her mind like he always does? We have allies throughout the galaxy, she can't hide for long."
Hux sighed, looking just as resigned. "You tell me."
"Wait, I'll go with you." Y/N jumped off of the bed, then walked up to him to fix the hair he didn't have the time to style yet. She loved it when if was this messy, with no gel or anything else in it yet.
"You can stay here today if you want to," he blurted out, but it was an instinct. He couldn't stop thinking about her confession, knowing that right now, he was really ready to do anything for her... Even at the expense of his power.
"No, no. I bet Kylo will want to see me for some reason, too. I have duties."
"I would like to remind you I am the one who gives you duties," he said matter-of-factly. "Well... But I do have an idea how to make that day a bit more exciting for both of us."
She knew his ideas already, that's why her eyes lit up. "What are you suggesting?"
He smiled mischievously, then walked towards her wardrobe. He took out the same device from the night before, one he cleaned himself, then held it out on his palm in front of her.
"Why don't you take this again... And I'll control it. Let's see how long you'll last."
She snorted. "You think I can't last all day without any big reaction to it?"
He smirked, almost laughing. "Judging by your reactions from yesterday, yes, that's what I think."
Damn it. He had a point, but she didn't want to give up that easily. She could do it...
"I bet I can."
"Then we bet," he said firmly, offering her his free hand. "If you win, I will get you a gift. If I win, you will get a punishment. A real one, I promise you that."
"Deal, Hux," she replied, shaking his hand as he raised his eyebrows.
"Hux? Now that's not the way to talk to your superior." He pulled her by the hand to make their faces be even closer to each other. "Oh, and no touching yourself."
"You wouldn't even know if I did."
"Is that so?" He leaned in to whisper into her ear. "I have eyes everywhere on this base. Do not try it or I will take it as a walk-over win."
Hairs stood on her entire body when she heard that. Kriff, he was the only man with the ability to make her aroused with mere words.
He passed her the vibrator, then came back to armchair where his gloves were and began putting them on.
She watched his hands closely. They were large and as clean as they could be, and many of his veins were showing as he adjusted the first glove he put on. He took the leather between his fingers and pulled slightly, and that movement made her swallow. Then he put on the second glove ever so swiftly, leaving just a bit of a gap between the leather and his uniform for his wrist.
She had never focused on someone's hands this much, but they were captivating. It was like almost every time she looked at him she found something new to be attracted to. Now, more than ever, she longed for his hands on her. Anywhere he wanted.
She decided to take a risk, even if they were scrapped for time.
"Can you... Use your hands?"
He looked up at her with confusion. "What do you mean?"
"On me." She swallowed hard, feeling pierced by his gaze. "Anywhere."
He seemed both surprised and intrigued because of her boldness, but he didn't mind it one bit.
She shrugged, swallowing hard again.
"Not my fault you put these gloves on... Like this."
A smirk appeared on his face, and he seemed eager to make her request come true, but he stopped himself at the last minute. Instead, he walked up to her a little too close, then put his hand under her chin.
"Let's say... If you win our little bet, I'll make sure to use my hands everywhere."
She felt shivers down her spine. There was truly lust in his eyes, the kind of she had never seen before in him. It seemed like something switched in him, making him desire her even more.
"And if I lose?" she asked in a high-pitched voice.
"I don't know. Maybe you'll have to beg for it."
This was enough to keep her heart racing. She didn't even ask about anything else; but at that point, she only knew she craved him even more.
"Now," he indicated the vibrator, "should we put this in place?"
She found her opportunity to force him to at least touch her in some way. She shoved the vibrator back into his hand and then plopped down onto the bed before spreading her legs. She lifted the material of the black nightgown, showing him nothing but her naked body underneath.
"Please do."
He couldn't deny her, and she knew that. He cleared his throat as if it didn't have any effect on him, but when he bent to put the vibrator next to her clit, a visible shiver went through him.
He did have little time, but could not waste the opportunity. He turned on the vibrator, catching her by surprise as she gasped.
"Oh, kriff!"
"I'll let that slide... Because it's not truly in yet." He smirked, clearly satisfied with her reaction. "I can't put it in with no preparation, can I?"
"If you keep it there..." She panted as he kept the vibrator on her clit, making her tremble. "I might come as we speak..."
"Well, why not?" He smiled smugly, enjoying the view a bit more than he should. He could get addicted to starting his mornings this way.
"Armitage..." She was breathing heavily, her nails digging into the sheets. "Oh, this feels so..."
Her toes curled, and he quickly noticed she was already wet. With that, he swiftly pushed the vibrator inside her, earning another moan.
"Oh... Oh, fuck..."
"It's on the lowest setting," he smirked as she adjusted the device between her legs, still panting. He picked up his datapad and turned off the vibrator. "If that's how you react to the lowest level, I don't see a victory for you..."
"I wasn't prepared," she argued. "But now I am."
She stood up and walked slowly - so as not to lose the vibrator - towards her wardrobe to find fresh underwear. Soon, she was in her uniform and ready to leave as well.
"No touching."
"Don't worry about tha... Fuck!" she screamed suddenly when he grabbed the datapad again, turning the vibrator back on.
"And no swearing on duty." He grabbed her by the collar playfully, making her open her mouth in disbelief.
"You're unbelievable."
"And you're insufferable," he replied as if it were obvious. "We're tied."
When she was sitting down by a console that day, she knew he would be on his watch all the time. She also realised she could anticipate his little device coming to life at any given moment, and she kept on reminding herself to stay alert.
For the first hour, absolutely nothing happened. Hux was nowhere to be seen and for a moment, she was so focused on her work she almost forgot about the device inside her.
And then she leaned towards the soldier on her right, Fando, just to hear his question better.
"Are you checking the last supply delivery?" he asked her and she nodded.
"Yes, I am... Oh...!" She gasped and her whole body tensed up as she felt the vibrator come to life. And it felt so good, but she wasn't allowed to react...
Fando raised an eyebrow at her sudden reaction.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, yes, I'm sorry." She cleared her throat, keeping her legs together as the device kept vibrating. "I am checking the delivery, yeah..." She breathed heavily, making Fando even more confused.
"Could you check if they delivered the new blasters? General Hux sent in a request."
That little bastard... Y/N thought to herself, realising it was Hux himself who arranged this entire situation. She couldn't see him anywhere near, but she knew he was watching one way or another... So she had to compose herself.
"Yes, just give me a moment..." She turned back to her screen, clearing her throat.
She began looking for the "blasters" position in the delivery logs, slowly getting used to the burning in her abdomen...
And then, suddenly, the intensity began growing. She didn't control it as she bent slightly, feeling more and more wetness in between her legs.
"You're... You're sure you're okay?" Fando asked again, seeing her bite her lip in order not to react. "Maybe I should call a medic?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine." She coughed, her eyes still focused on the screen. "Just some training soreness."
She was doing all in her might not to buckle her hips as she searched for the logs. Finally, she found them, and turned to Fando with her cheeks flushed...
And suddenly, the vibrator stopped, leaving her with both relief and disappointment at the same time. She took a deep breath, adrenaline still pulsing in her veins.
"Yes, the blasters were delivered," she said to Fando, "I will send the information to the General."
"Thank you." Fando nodded before turning back to his work.
Y/N indeed opened the communication channel to send a message to Hux, but it certainly wasn't about the delivery.
Blasters my ass.
Hux couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he read that message on his datapad. He was in a different part of the base, but he could watch all the security cameras from his datapad, and he thoroughly enjoyed the little show she gave him just moments before. She didn't quite break, but he knew it was only a matter of time. He was enjoying this game more than he could say.
Is that an official message, Lieutenant Y/L/N? No swearing on duty.
Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at the message, taking a deep breath. He was unbelievable, but hell, wasn't that a part of why she fell for him? He never let her stay bored...
Officially, new blasters have been delivered, sir. Unofficially, you are unbelievable, bastard.
Hux had to stop himself from smiling among his soldiers as he read that message. The things this girl made him feel were among emotions he never thought he was capable of experiencing. Never had he ever been this happy.
I am expecting the best performance from you today, Lieutenant.
The double meaning was very clear in this message. She sighed then got back to her work, knowing that it was just the beginning.
For more than an hour, everything was calm... Until Y/N met Malia and they were walking together for a dinner break. They barely sat down at the table when the vibrator came to life again. It was so sudden Y/N let out a gasp, one that caught Malia off guard.
"What?" Malia glanced behind herself. "What did you see?"
"Nothing." Y/N gulped. "Just felt some soreness from the training..." Her voice faltered slightly as the intensity of the vibrations increased. This time, to her already soaked clit, it was much more pleasurable than before... And she was afraid the vibrator will soon slide out, considering how wet she was.
Just for a second, she rocked her hips to move along with the vibrator, pretending to adjust her sitting position... And Maker, it felt so good, but she didn't dare put her hand anywhere near between her legs. She knew Armitage was watching, and she wasn't about to let him just win their little bet.
"You were training again?"
"Yeah," Y/N said breathily, pulling the tray with her dinner in front of herself as the vibrator didn't stop. "Gotta stay sharp, huh?"
She was suppressing any kind of reaction she could, but she couldn't help the blood that was rushing to her cheeks. She wasn't, however, quite sure whether she would be able to eat without choking on anything.
Suddenly, the vibrations stopped completely, and she smiled to herself. She wondered if Hux did it because he could see she wasn't reacting in any way, and so she began eating freely, chatting with Malia as she went. Little did she know it was just calm before the storm...
The real torture began just minutes later. The vibrator came back to life on the highest setting for a few seconds, stopped for a few more, and then again, and the cycle kept on repeating itself, driving her insane.
Her body was begging for a release as waves of pleasures kept on coming and disappearing just as quickly. Armitage knew exactly what he was doing, and his knowledge of her needs was shocking yet exciting at the same time. Every time she thought she would get that final moment of bliss, he stopped, almost as if he could sense her emotions through the cameras.
She was cursing him in his mind and, at the same time, fantasizing about going back to his quarters and letting him watch her again as she writhed and whimpered on the bed. The thought itself turned her on greatly, but was she going to get what she wanted if she lost the bet...? She knew he would do exactly the opposite of that, to drive her crazy.
Hence, no matter how pleasurable it was, no matter how much her clit was pulsing and aching, she focused on talking to Malia, not allowing to give him any satisfaction.
The tortures came back a few more times that day, but despite everything, Y/N didn't break except for a few gasps and sudden bends of her body. By the end of the day, her clit was completely soaked and swollen, her body overwhelmed with need for a release... But the bet was hers.
It was already late when she was beginning to gather her things from her console, preparing it for the soldier that was about to come for the next shift... When she felt someone's presence right behind her.
"My office. Immediately."
Hux's voice was harsh and cold, making a few of the nearby soldiers glance at Y/N with worry. They all scattered, pretending to be busy with just about anything before his visible rage could reach them.
Y/N, on the other hand, had to stop herself from smiling. She wondered whether his anger was just for show or because he was genuinely mad he didn't manage to win.
"Yes, General," she replied, staying emotionless, and then followed him into his office.
The moment the door closed behind them, Armitage made sure to lock it before walking to his desk. His gaze was still cold as the ice outside when he looked into her eyes, but she didn't bat an eye.
"What?" She crossed her arms, smirking at him. "Mad you didn't win, General?"
He took a deep breath. "Onto the desk."
His tone was still harsh, catching her off guard, but at the same time... She enjoyed it when he had the upper hand.
"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. "Well, in that case... Of course, sir."
She sat on his desk, waiting for what's to come as anticipation rose inside her.
"On all fours."
Another order took her by surprise, but she obeyed, feeling more and more excited by the minute. He meant business as she saw true authority in his eyes, one she knew best from the time they weren't close... He approached her from behind, then began slowly unbuckling her belt.
"You're saying I lost? I do have your reactions recorded... And there certainly are some..."
"It's not like I could not react at all... When you turned it on unexpectedly."
"Oh, but wasn't that part of the deal?" He smirked as he slowly began pulling her pants down.
She sighed. "I kept composure."
"But you did rock your hips a few times. I've seen it."
She just groaned in response. She didn't expect him to notice that... But he must have been watching her much more closely than she thought.
"I still think I win," she said eventually.
"And I think I win."
She let out a sigh. "And what now? A tie? Because there is no one who could judge..."
"Now, Lieutenant..." He quickly pulled down her panties, then easily pulled the vibrator out of her right with a sigh. "We'll take care of your little problem here... Tsk, staining the uniform on duty..."
"You snake..."
He smirked again. "I believe my title is the General."
He took off his gloves, then ran his fingers along her swollen clit, earning a gasp out of her. At that point, she was so sensitive any type of touch was lethal, and he knew that all too well.
"Sensitive, are we?" he asked, clearly enjoying the entire ordeal. The view itself made him feel hotter; he never had the chance to take such a thorough look... The lust was slowly beginning to devour him.
"Guess whose fault is this..."
"I'll tell you the truth, Y/N," Hux began, speaking slightly quieter than before as he walked back to face her. "All day I couldn't stop thinking... About what you said in the morning."
"About you wanting me..." his tone became hushed "...to use my hands on you."
A shiver went down her spine as he said that, making her feel even more excited than before.
She swallowed hard. "And...?"
"And fuck the bet," he said firmly, stunning her as he leaned in to whisper into her ear. "I am going to use my hands on you right here and right now."
Before she could take in what he actually meant, he was behind her again, and his two fingers were sliding in with no warning. It was almost too easy...
He gave her no time to breath before beginning to pump fingers in and out with as much force as he could muster. She began panting slightly, grabbing the edges of the polished desk, but Hux was nowhere near done. He used his other hand to rub her clit, quickly making her lose her balance.
"Oh, fuck...!" she hissed and he didn't even scold her, too focused on his handiwork. He found himself getting aroused just by the view, just by her little pants and moans, and that day, he was impatient.
With no warning, he grabbed her hips firmly and then made her stand on the floor as she kept her hands on the desk. She didn't even ask what he was doing - she only smiled as she heard him unbuckle his belt right behind her.
He slid it easily, then began moving with more power than he ever had. He was pounding into her, not restraining himself at all as she held onto the desk for dear life. It was like a fury, like he became another person filled with some animalistic kind of desire, and she gasped in a bit of pain when his fingers dug into her hips with so much strength she was sure he would leave marks on her. But she did not complain; after this long day of waiting, she was glad he did not suppress himself one bit.
They reached their bliss together, grunting and moaning as she got the release she had wished for... And somehow felt he needed it just as much.
He pulled out and Y/N turned to face him, panting but smiling as his cum began slowly dripping down her body. There was a clear expression of relief on his face, but she could see he did not lose his harsh demeanour from before.
"Why do I feel like you... Fucked out... Just a bit of your anger?" she asked between heavy breaths, studying his face curiously.
"It's Ren," he hissed in response, breathing heavily, his eyes still burning with rage.
"Just as I figured." She chuckled, then gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "But if that's how it ends... Then I might ask him to make you mad more often."
"You liked it?" he asked as he pulled his pants back on with a hint of genuine curiosity in his voice.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Yeah... Why?"
He leaned in, lowering his voice as he spoke into her ear. "Because next time... I want to try it even rougher with you... If you're up for it."
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generalkenobee · 1 year
"you can do it"
Warnings: SMUT, cock warming, riding, pinv penetration, FEM! Reader, praise, service dom! Kylo, sub! Reader, language, hair pulling, dumbafacation(idk how to spell that shit😭), let me know if I missed anything:)
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"Kylo please..please move just-just a little please" you felt your stomach tighten and your walls clench down on his length
Kylo's lips rested on your neck "shh, calm down and watch your movie baby"
You let out a sigh caused by his response bringing your head off his shoulder to look at him, resting a hand on the side of his face, you kissed his plush lips softly "want you to sit here till my cock is nice and warm"
You groaned, you didn't know if you could do it..just sit here and not bounce up and down on him. Kylo thrusted up into you, bringing the blanket closer and let out a surprised moan
"sorry baby, just had to get comfortable" he smiled at you while lying
You tried your best not to hump him but you couldn't. You felt so full and content, it was so peaceful
Kylo let you pick the movie so you could lay in his lap while you watched your movie. You sat there, stuffed full of his cock watching a movie that you were looking forward to seeing but now couldn't care less about
"baby, it's barely been 20 minutes you can do it"
You looked back at the screen resting on him "feel s' full.."
"I know you need me, you just couldn't get along without me "
He was right. You quite literally couldn't, there was no point in ever masterbating because your fingers were too small and didn't fill you the way he did. There were certain things you literally couldn't do without him
You couldn't ever pick out what you were going to wear, Kylo was there to tell you which outfit looked cuter on you. He was there to help you clean up the house and make dinner
And now you were here impaled on his cock, getting wetter by the minute.
Kylo's hips rutted up into you causing your whole body to be thrown up and back down"
"fuck..you were so good baby..can't take it anymore"
"mm Kylo please"
His hand went down to your pretty pearl drawing quick circles and your hands flew up to his hair pulling on it
"gonna be a good girl and cum for me?"
Idk this was kinda shit but I had to put something else out to show I'm not dead💖
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kingdomhate · 11 months
Accidently Hurting You Scenarios!
Kylo Ren: You both were in a heated argument, about how Kylo needed to take more time for himself. At first, he seemed calm and gentle about it, but he progressively got more and more impatient, eventually raising his voice at you. But were you frightened? No. Not even close. You were determined to get him to see your side and you were going to do that by any means necessary.
However, as he got more aggressive and demanding, you had barely any time to react before he pushed you. You yelp slightly, and fall backward. Squeezing your eyes shut and attempting to break your fall. But as your head hit the tile and Kylo finally realized what he had done... he was terrified. Apologetic, regretful. He picked you up in his arms and held you to his chest while cursing himself vigorously as he used the bond between you two to sense if you were alright. Once he was a thousand percent you were alright, he laid you down and let you rest. Cuddling very close to you, peppering your neck, check and whatever else he can reach with slow, apologetic and gentle kisses.
Armitage Hux: He was mad, what could he say? He was not in control, he was overcome with rage, practically radiating energy that screamed he was capable of killing anyone, you could barely comprehend it. But alas, you approached him. Why? Because you loved him. You had asked him twice what the problem was and he ignored you. Dismissing you as if you were a mere fly.
And now, in the shared quarters of his and yours, you decided to actually bring it up. Your words were sweet, coaxing and motherly, as if speaking to a child. Of course, Armitage was more keen to being spoken to as an adult, a superior. And that must've been the reason why he let you fall after jerking his arm away from you a little too fast, warranting you to lose balance and fall. Letting out a pained screech as you fell directly on your arm, resulting in the uneasy and blood-curdling sound of bones either breaking or chipping. That immediately changed his mood, as he recognized it was you, his angel. Instinctively, he checked the damage and carried you to the medical wing, patiently and worriedly watching over and waiting. Certain you were okay, he let you rest, muttering apologies as he waited for you to wake up.
Anakin Skywalker: It all happened in a flash, the instinctive need to protect himself when he felt you touch him, it might have been paranoia but it happened nevertheless. He should've known you were only trying to help, why on Earth would you ever have the intention of hurting him? When his Jedi instincts came in and he jerked around and flipped you around violently, he gasped. The sight of your eyes teary and your mouth opened in a frightened manner... how could he forgive himself? He apologized profusely and started explaining why that happened, why he did that. Eventually, you understood and forgave him, smiling and acting as though it was alright, Anakin came to terms with it as well and finally forgave himself as well.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi was more or less stressed, but all the same good-mannered as always. However, he had lost patience for some things, such as talking to you. Normally, Obi-Wan was all for speaking to you and getting to the root of the problem but today? He's mood was horrid, he was a mixture of tired and on the edge. He had tried to be patient, he really did. But he had ended up raising his voice and insulting you, calling you a name in which he had never thought he would. That being said, you shut down almost immediately, more so scared for Obi-Wan than yourself. He had never, ever raised anything at you, let alone his voice. So what was going on?
Stress is the first most thing that popped into your head, as you had known Obi-Wan for almost your whole Jedi-incorporated life. So, aside from him calming down, apologizing and reasoning with you, you gave him space. As he was on edge and clearly dealing with too much. He would speak to you once he was calm in control and ready too.
Luke Skywalker: The frustration from once again being denied his right to go to the academy with his friends, was a bit too much for Luke. Of course he had cared enough to tell you and you both talked it out but that was nothing compared to what he couldn't help but want. He wanted to go, he needed to, but he had to stay for another year? It was outrageous. And it warranted Luke to do some uncharacteristic, rebellious things, such as.... sneaking off to meet you in the dead of the night and ride around in his speeder, mostly talking and sometimes making out.
That helped him tremendously in the frustration and pent up tension of being forced to stay. But, upon meeting up with him again for another heavenly make-out session and heart-to heart conversation, he was practically screaming about his frustrations and you were both awe-struck and slightly frightened of this state, as you've never seen Luke so furious before. He had snarled how much he would love to spend time with his friends and take a small break away from you, and how clingy you seemed. That hit a bit too forcefully. You spaced yourself away from Luke for x amount of time and he seemed puzzled as to why you did, but he never asked. A few days later, he had finally seemed to have calmed down, and figured out what he did incorrectly. He apologized for offending you and reassured you that he adored the clinginess of your relationship.
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elle4228 · 3 months
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Chapter 3 is out in case anyone was curious and also I know I made that shit up but I want a barbona berry pie, trust it will come up again.
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captainsophiestark · 5 months
Smooth Talker Part 2
Poe Dameron x Reader
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Join My Taglist!
Requested on Wattpad! I normally don't do Part 2 requests, but an idea for this one popped immediately into my head and I couldn't let it go :)
Summary: Through a truly ridiculous series of events, you've managed to become a *triple* agent for the Resistance, being sent back to your original base by the First Order as a trusted spy after spending time as a Resistance spy in First Order territory. You can't wait to be back home, and even better, to tell your boyfriend Poe Dameron just what level of bs you managed to pull off.
Word Count: 1,522
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I tried to keep a smile off my face as I stood, back straight and hands behind my back, facing General Armitage Hux. He'd been my main point of contact for the past few months after he'd been the one to recruit me as a First Order spy, and the fact that I hadn't laughed in his face a single time that he'd been telling me all about what being a spy would entail was a true testament to my skills.
I'd been undercover for the Resitance deep in First Order territory when he'd come knocking with a bunch of soldiers because he suspected my apartment was a hideout for Resistance sympathizers and activity. And, to be fair, he was right. Poe Dameron, my boyfriend, had snuck in for a rare visit and left literal minutes before Hux and his friends showed up. But I'd done such a good job answering their interrogation questions that, instead of arresting me, they'd recruited me.
Now, after months of preparing, I was being sent on my way to find and infiltrate the Resistance's base. I'd need to be careful not to blow my true allegiances, but once I got out of range of the First Order and was only expected to make occasional reports, I couldn't help thinking this would be my easiest assignment yet.
"Are we clear on communication protocols and the kind of information we're most interested in?" asked Hux as I tuned back in to the end of his lecture. I nodded once, curtly.
"Yes sir."
"Good. Then best of luck to you. You're doing your Order a great service."
I saluted, fast and sharp, exemplifying the unshakeable, blind commitment they looked for in their recruits. I held it for a few moments, then Hux nodded and I let my hand fall back to my side.
"I look forward to hearing what you have to report."
The march through the rest of the ship felt like a dream. I was being dropped fairly far from anywhere the First Order suspected of being a Resistance base to make sure no one would be suspicious of me, but I was still closer to home than I'd been in a long, long time. I could swear I felt the latent tension of the past six months ease out of my shoulders as I watched the ship disappear without me on it.
I took a moment to enjoy the feeling, then quickly got my head back in the game. There was still a chance, however slim, that Hux was playing me. If I wasn't careful, I could accidentally lead the First Order right back to the Resistance base they'd spent so long looking for.
I spent the next week doing my due diligence, making sure no one was following me and that I didn't have a tracker on me anywhere that I didn't know about. I sent a brief update to Hux through the convoluted method we'd come up with for contact, telling him that I had a lead and was going to follow up on it, and then I finally started the trek home.
When the entrance to the Resistance base finally came into view another full week and change later, my heart leapt. It was vital to my cover that I didn't let myself dwell on how much I'd missed this place while living among First Order personnel, but now that I was finally safe, I almost starting crying at the sight of it. I hadn't really realized how badly I'd wanted to be back here until now.
I walked the rest of the way up with a massive smile on my face, scanning the crowd for anybody I recognized. I got some strange looks, largely from newer recruits who didn't know me, but then finally I found one of the people I was most hoping to see.
Poe Dameron stood just across the hanger with his back to me. I grinned and started walking towards him with purpose, and after a moment, the person he was talking to noticed me and pointed over Poe's shoulder. Poe turned around with a frown that quickly changed into a confused but beaming smile, then started rushing towards me. I sped up too, until we were running towards each other across the hanger. As soon as I got in reach, Poe picked me up and spun me around in a tight hug, then set me back on the ground only to pull me into a searing kiss. I kissed him back just as hard, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and tangling my hands in his hair. I ended up breaking the kiss as a joyful laugh bubbled out of me; finally we were together without the looming threat of a First Order solider at the door ruining the moment.
"What... what are you doing here?" he asked, still smiling and completely breathless. I laughed again, joy overflowing in my chest as I looked at the man I loved.
"You'll absolutely never believe it," I said with a crooked smile. He raised an eyebrow at me, so I continued. "I've been recruited as a spy for the First Order."
"...You what?"
I laughed as Poe stared at me, brow furrowed as he tried to figure out what was happening. I couldn't exactly blame him–I still wasn't totally sure how I'd managed to get here.
"It's the craziest story you'll ever hear, and I promise to tell you every last detail later tonight. But right now, I should really go and see Leia."
"Now hold on a minute," Poe said, grabbing my waist and pulling me a little tighter to him. As if I'd be moving away from him voluntarily any time soon. "You have to give me a little more than that, first."
I smiled. "Okay, but you have to promise not to freak out when I tell you the first part."
Poe frowned, looking incredibly nervous, but nodded anyway.
"So remember the last time I saw you, when you visited me in the apartment where I was hiding out to spy on the First Order? Well that same night, right after you left, General Hux and Kylo Ren themselves came knocking with a whole host of troopers at their backs."
"They WHAT?"
"You said you wouldn't freak out! Just listen."
I could see Poe practically vibrating and fuming with delayed panic and about a thousand questions, but to his credit, he managed to hold them back with nothing more than slightly tightening his grip on my waist.
"Well, they asked me a bunch of questions because they thought a Resistance spy base was operating out of my apartment-" Poe winced, but I ignored him and kept going. "-and I answered the questions well enough that they decided I was clearly a loyal member of the First Order with a passion for them and their rule. So, instead of arresting me, they recruited me to be a spy! Of course I said yes, and now I'm here as a triple agent, so I can feed them a bunch of bad information, or information that comes just a little too late for them to do anything about it while still being correct, all while being here again, on base with you and everybody else."
Poe huffed a disbelieving laugh, just staring and blinking at me for a few moments while he processed. Then a smile spread across his face again, even as he shook his head.
"That is... incredible. I can think of about a thousand other things I could say about it too, but... just wow."
"I know," I said with a grin. I stepped back slightly out of his embrace, then took his hand instead. At some point we would have to go do separate activities on base, but I didn't plan on spending a second away from Poe right now until I had to. "Now, I need to go talk to Leia and Major Ematt about all this. Come with me?"
Poe matched my grin, still shaking his head but letting me pull him out of the hanger base with me.
"Of course. I'd follow you anywhere, you absolute maniac."
I just laughed as Poe fell into step beside me, our hands still held tight as we marched through the base. By no means was this war over; we still had so much work to do, and being back on base didn't even come close to putting me out of danger. But now I was in danger and fighting alongside Poe and all the people I cared about, while still putting my skills as a spy to full use. It was the best of both worlds, and in the middle of fighting back against an Empire that just didn't want to stay down, victories like this alongside loved ones were the things most worth fighting for.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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