#kylo x male reader
ghulehthezombiequeen · 3 months
call out my name - kylo ren x male reader
this is part 2 of lost in yesterday, definitely recommend reading that first before continuing!
warnings/things to note: SUGGESTIVE but no smut (even more than the last oops), male reader, hints of reader's unstable mental health, uhh not really canon timeline but it's finee
reqs open (link goes to req boundaries)
word count: 2,567
Kylo walked down the hallways of the ship, his thoughts consumed by you. He hated how you had gotten under his skin. You were a prisoner, a potential threat to the First Order, and yet he couldn't help but be intrigued by your fearlessness.
He arrived at his quarters and punched in the code to unlock the door, stepping inside and collapsing onto his bed. He ran a hand through his hair, a frustrated sigh escaping his lips.
Hours passed with Kylo tossing and turning in his bed, unable to shake the memory of your defiant smirks and sarcastic comments. He couldn't understand why you had such an effect on him.
He finally gave up on sleep, sitting up in bed and rubbing his temples. He had never been this obsessed with a prisoner before. Most were forgettable, just a means to an end. But you were different. You were… captivating. And captivating as you were, you took this precious silent moment as an opportunity to sleep. It wasn't comfortable, but you knew your body needed rest.
As you rested in your cell, Kylo stared out the window, his mind racing with thoughts of you. It was late but sleep again seemed impossible. He decided to take a brief walk around the ship, hoping to clear his thoughts.
As he wandered the dimly lit corridors, he found himself heading towards the cellblock. He told himself he was just checking on security, but deep down he knew the real reason.
He stopped in front of your cell, his eyes locking onto your peaceful sleeping form. The Supreme Leader stood there for a few moments, watching you sleep. Your features were soft, your usual smirk replaced by a calm expression. There was something almost innocent about you when you were asleep.
He silently chastised himself for the thought, shaking his head as he tried to push down the odd feeling in his chest. What was wrong with him? He was supposed to see you as nothing but an enemy, yet here he was, staring at you like a lovesick fool.
He debated with himself for a moment, torn between walking away and waking you up. He had never struggled so much to decide on something. He was Kylo Ren, the formidable leader of the First Order. He didn't second guess himself or feel sympathy for prisoners.
But you… you had somehow gotten under his skin.
In a split moment, he made a decision. He pushed the button to unlock the cell door, letting it creak open as the light flooded into the darkened cell and causing you to stir from your sleep.
"Mm, back for round two, eh?" you teased, though your voice was softer and raspier as you blinked to adjust your eyes to the harsh light.
Kylo stepped into the cell, his boots making a soft click as they hit the metal floor. He stopped at the foot of your bed, his gaze roaming over your face in the dim light.
"I should be demanding answers from you, not standing here like a damn fool," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"Don't beat yourself up, princess. No one has managed to crack me yet, and I've been in some really sticky situations," you said with a soft sniffle. "Though I will say, your torture chambers are much cleaner than ones I've been stuck in before."
He grunted in agreement, leaning against the wall next to your bed. He folded his arms across his chest, his gaze fixed on your face.
"You're a tough one, I'll give you that," he admitted begrudgingly. "Most prisoners would be begging for mercy by now."
He paused for a moment, his eyes roaming over your face, noticing the hint of a sniffle in your voice. "Are you… are you crying?" he asked, his voice slightly tinged with concern.
"Nah," you shrugged, clearing your throat with an exaggerated cough. "Just laying here, collecting dust."
Kylo's eyebrow quirked up at your response, knowing damn well you were lying. He wasn't fooled by your casual act. "Bull," he said bluntly.
"You've been crying." He pushed off the wall and took a step closer, studying your face more closely in the dim light. He could see the tear stains on your cheeks, even though you tried to hide them.
"So?" you shrugged with a scoff. "I cry myself to sleep like a teenage girl, what about it?"
His expression softened at your defensive response. He hated how stubborn you were, even when you were clearly vulnerable. "It's a weakness, you know," he remarked, his tone less harsh than usual.
"Crying shows vulnerability. It shows that you're weak. You shouldn't let anyone see it."
"Not crying shows more weakness," you countered, the raspiness in your voice leaving but your tone still soft. "Bottling it all up, pushing it deep down inside you until… well, you snap…"
You licked your lips, lightly chewing on the lower one as you found words to fill the void. "It's not healthy. It makes you even more susceptible to break, you know."
Kylo furrowed his brows as you spoke, your words hitting a nerve. He couldn't deny that there was some truth to them. Bottling up emotions was something he was all too familiar with.
"But crying shows your enemies that you're weak," he insisted, his voice dropping to a soft growl. "It gives them the satisfaction of knowing they got to you."
You grew silent, studying Kylo.
"And the friends that comfort you, you all become so much stronger together than the enemy ever will be alone. Vulnerability does not always mean weakness," you continued, your voice dropping to a whisper. "It can also mean... power."
Kylo was taken aback by your words. He hadn't expected such a profound insight from a prisoner. He had always been taught to keep himself composed, to never let his emotions get the better of him. But as he looked at you, with your tear-stained face and sincere words, something stirred inside him. It was almost like you were making him question everything he had ever known.
"Power, huh?" he muttered, his voice tinged with skepticism. "How does vulnerability give anyone power?"
You licked your dehydrated lips again, studying Kylo's mysterious expression to find the right word for him.
"Trust," you decided after a while. "It's a sign of trust."
Instantly his expression darkened at the word trust. Trust was something he had given and had been betrayed many times before. "Trust is a weakness," he stated, his voice laced with bitterness. "It makes you vulnerable. Makes you easy to manipulate."
"With the wrong people, of course," you let out a chuckling scoff. "That's why you have to be careful. But to the ones- the good ones- that you trust…" you shook your head with a soft sigh. "That vulnerability becomes the most powerful thing that not even droids, clones, stormtroopers, or- or even Snoke can destroy."
Kylo's jaw clenched at the mention of Snoke. That twisted old bastard had manipulated him for years, twisting his mind and making him commit horrific acts in the name of the dark side.
He pushed the memories aside, focusing back on your words. He wanted to scoff, to tell you how stupid your beliefs were, but something held him back.
"You're naive," he said instead, his voice lacking the usual scathing tone.
"No," you shook your head again, pain twisting your heart at how fragile he is. The part he tried so desperately to hide. "Deep down, you know I'm right. You just need to heal."
His eye twitched at your suggestion, his anger flaring up at the mention of 'healing'. He had been told the same thing countless times before, by his mother, his father, even Snoke...
"Shut up," he snarled, trying to rein in his temper. "You know nothing about me. I don't need to heal. I'm strong enough as I am."
Your gaze morphed into one of remorse and grief.
"Oh, if you only saw what I see in you," you whispered, a rogue tear rolling down your cheek. "How much pain you've been through, and how it shaped you. But you could be so much more…"
Kylo clenched his fists, his breathing becoming ragged at your words. Your sympathetic tone cut through his armor more than any blaster shot ever could.
"Don't look at me like that," he snapped, his voice cracking slightly. "You don't know anything. You don't know the pain I've endured. You don't know the horrors I've witnessed. You're just a prisoner, a plaything for me to interrogate and dispose of when I'm bored."
You licked your lips again, then gulped down the lump forming in your throat. You cleared it and looked away with a sour smile. "Right… because I'm just a silly little boy who knows no pain," he scoffed, his tone oozing with sarcasm.
He gritted his teeth, frustrated by your sarcastic attitude. He knew damn well that you had experienced your own share of pain. He could see the scars on your arms, the sadness in your eyes. But he refused to acknowledge it.
"You're a fool," he growled, his voice betraying a hint of annoyance. "A silly little boy with foolish beliefs and a death wish. You're nothing but a complication in my life, a problem to deal with."
"So deal with me!" You chuckled as your voice raised slightly in volume, almost opening your arms but quickly remembering they were still bound. "Why am I here? I've provided nothing useful for your First Order, and I'm definitely not for the Resistance."
The Supreme Leader blinked as he was taken aback by your request. He had expected you to continue resisting, but instead, you seemed almost eager to get this over with.
He walked forward, his footsteps echoing softly in the silent cell. He stood next to your bed, his gaze studying your face with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.
"You're right," he admitted. "You haven't provided us with any information. You're an anomaly, a question mark that doesn't fit the narrative."
"Exactly," you leaned closer to Kylo as much as you could while still bound. "So why... am I... here?"
Kylo's eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of deception. He hated how close you were to him, your face only a few inches away. He could see every imperfection, every tiny movement in your eyes.
"Do you really want the truth?" He asked, his voice dropping to a whisper.
"Oh, very much so," you whispered.
He paused for a moment, his gaze flickering between your eyes and lips. His mind was a tangle of conflicting emotions, his usual stoicism faltering in the presence of your vulnerability and defiant spirit.
"I brought you here to break you," he continued, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "To extract information, to bend you to my will. But you've proven… resilient."
He remained his cold gaze on your beautiful eyes, and you kept it with the same defiance as when he walked in here last time.
"And here I am, bound and at your mercy. I've already had my fun, so what's your move?"
Kylo couldn't deny the effect you had on him. Your gaze was unwavering, your resolve strong even at your lowest point. And that smirk, that infuriating smirk that both irritated him and intrigued him.
He reached out, his gloved hand gently trailing down your cheek. He could feel the heat radiating off your skin.
"You want to know what my move is?" he murmured, his voice dropping to a low growl.
Kylo's hand paused at your jawline, his thumb tracing the curve of your chin. He could feel your breath, shallow and uneven, against his palm. He was torn between giving in to his desires and keeping his guard up.
"You're playing a dangerous game," he spoke your name as a warning, his voice a soft growl. "You have no idea the things I could do to you, the power I hold over you right now."
You tittered under your breath. "See, the thing is..." you tilted your head, peering up at him through your eyelashes. "I do know. I have since you waltzed your way in here. I was just waiting for you to remember who you are."
Okay, maybe that last part was a lie. But Kylo's eyes widened at your words, a flicker of surprise passing through them. He had underestimated you, and that frustrated him. He had come here expecting to toy with you, to break you. But now, it was as if you had flipped the tables on him.
He leaned in even closer, his face now mere inches from yours. His hand moved from your chin to the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair.
"You think you know me?" he asked, his voice laced with skepticism. "You think you know what I'm capable of?"
"Not all of you," you confessed. "But I know you're about to do one of two things to me: one, kiss me. Two, kill me. Then I'll know just who you really are," you breathed with a soft smile.
His heart skipped a beat at your words, his mind momentarily blanking. He hadn't expected you to be so frank, so nonchalant about the situation you were in. He wasn't used to people seeing through him like this. He tugged lightly on your hair, pulling your head back to expose your neck. His eyes roamed over the soft, vulnerable flesh, his pulse quickening at the sight.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear, his voice a low whisper. "And which one do you hope it is?"
"Surprise me?" you hummed softly, picking the lock to the binds and draping your arms around Kylo's neck and shoulders. His own hands instinctively moved to your waist, his grip tightening as he pulled you closer. His body reacted to your touch, his pulse quickening and his heart pounding in his chest.
He leaned in, his lips hovering just millimeters from yours. He could feel your warm breath against his skin, and it stirred something deep inside him.
"Impressive," he admitted, his voice slightly raspy. "Clever boy."
Kylo's mind was spinning as he couldn't deny the effect you had on him. He had come here expecting to hold all the power, but now he could feel himself losing control.
His hand slid up your back, his fingers tracing the curve of your spine. He could feel the heat radiating off your skin, and he could hear your heartbeat, quick and steady against his chest.
"You're full of surprises, aren't you?" He whispered, his breath hot against your neck.
"That's what makes me the most fun or the most woeful you'll ever have," you chuckled under your breath.
Kylo let out a soft chuckle as well at your words. He had to admit, you had a way of getting under his skin. You challenged him in ways no one else had before.
He lightly pulled your head back further to expose your neck. He trailed a line of kisses down your throat, his lips light and teasing, causing a whimper to escape your lips.
"You're playing with fire, you know that?" He murmured, his voice a low growl.
"Well thankfully, I don't burn that easily."
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xmalereader · 6 months
Kylo Ren x Teen! Male Reader
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REQUEST: I just wanted to know if you maybe could write Kylo ren x child/teen male reader. Where the reader is like his apprentice aaand he shows him the force and how to fight with a light saber. And while training he gets hurt or something and Kylo is all dad-like :3
WARNINGS/CONTENT: Fluff, slight angst, knights of ten, training, slight back story, Kylo showing his Ben side, father and son relationship, platonic, teenager reader, mentions of purrgli.
WC: 2.1K
TAGS: @justalonleyboy
NOTES: Finally! First request is up! I hope you enjoy this shot, I tried to make it as father and son relationship as possible, but other than that thank you for the request it’s been a long time since I’ve written for Kylo Ren so it feels nice writing about him again.
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His masters voice echos in the training room. He’s standing opposite of his opponent, panting and sweating from the dueling session. He’s been training all morning nonstop and he still hasn’t managed to take down one of the knights of Ren, he can sense them smirking behind those mask as they all watched him train.
His eyes drift over to the others, inhaling some air into his lungs and shakes his head. He couldn’t go any further his body feels sore and his legs are screaming at him to sit and take a break.
“I can’t.”
He felt guilt and shame for disobeying his masters words, expecting a scolding from him as usual only this time he approached him and used the force to summon his saber into his hand. Y/n is surprised by his actions, breathing hitching as he looks up to his master who stared him down.
The masked man looks at him up and down and can clearly seen the kids fatigue. “Leave us.”
The knights respect his wishes and leave the training room, hearing them murmur amongst themselves and leaving the two alone. As the doors close behind them they are finally left alone.
“I told you not to push yourself.”
“I didn’t want to disappointment you.”
Kylo remains quiet when hearing his response, earning him a deep sigh as he reached up to remove his helmet, revealing his face and the scar that was left behind on his right cheek. It was a nasty wound that he received from the Jedi and remembers that day clearly even though he was his apprentice he stayed by his side in the medical wing while he was healing, being the one to check his face evert once an while until it healed, leaving a scar behind.
“You didn’t, but I also can’t have my apprentice draining himself when training. You could have gotten hurt.” Kylo knows how rough the Knights of Ren can be he’s trained with them before and faced the consequences of their training methods the amount of bruises and pain he went through. He wouldn’t want Y/n to go through the same and kept an eye on him during training and became strict whenever he didn’t listen to his orders.
“Go wash up and get something to eat.” Said Kylo. “Rest.” His last word was stern, ordering him.
Y/n sighs to himself. “Yes, master.”
Y/n leaves the training room, leaving Kylo on his own while he makes his way back to his own private room. Once he’s far away and alone he lets out a groan and rubs his sore hips. “Damn knights are gonna kill me.” They’ve been dropping him to the ground every time he trained with them, using the wooden sabers to smack him each time he failed.
He deeply disliked them and would prefer using the trainer droids.
When reaching his room he waves his hand, using the force to open the door and doing the same when closing it after he walks inside and gets himself undressed and towards his shower where he can finally get washed up and relax a bit before getting something in his stomach. As much as he hated the training he should be grateful if it wasn’t for Kylo he would have remained in the slums slaving away in order to survive.
Kylo had sensed him and came to him.
Before he could officially leave the slum, Kylo had given him a test in order to prove that he would be a worthy apprentice. Y/n was desperate to get off that damn planet and accepted his test, not realizing the dangerous potential he carried. Since his test he always stuck by Kylo’s side, following his orders and listening to what he had to say.
He was afraid of the man at first.
Witnessing his anger issues and the amount of troopers he had killed out of pure anger. The times when he’d grow desperate to show their power and hunting other force sensitives that they could find. Many of the generals and engineers murmured about him, saying that he wouldn’t last long and would possibly anger his master enough to get himself killed.
Only for Y/n to prove them wrong.
The first time that Y/n disobeyed orders he almost got himself killed trying to capture a rebel in order to get further information about their plans. Kylo was not happy, yelling at him for his actions. Everyone would have expected Y/n to cower away and take the scolding only to argue back with the Sith, spitting back words as the two scream at each other.
They’d think that Kylo would have killed him that day, but instead Kylo had let him win the argument and stomped away angrily.
Since then the two found a weird way of bonding with each other.
After Y/n finished washing up and getting some clothes on he made his way to the mess hall where he grabs himself something to eat and takes his tray with him. He doesn’t eat with the other troopers since no one really had the courage to speak with him, to afraid to approach him.
So instead he spent his time eating in Kylos room.
It became a regular routine between the two. When Y/n enters the room he doesn’t find Kylo anywhere which was expected and sits by one of the windows, watching them fly through hyper space as he eats his food in silence. After some time, Kylo finally returns back to his own room, door closing behind him as he removes his mask and sets it down on his bed.
“I’ve never seen a purrgil…have you?” Y/n looks away from the window and over to Kylo who removed his saber from his belt and sets it on his empty desk along with Y/n’s saber. Kylo still hasn’t given him the approval of wearing it yet and simply waited for that day.
“They are nothing but stories, no one has seen one.” Said Kylo.
Y/n hums in return and looks back out the window. The silence between them was comfortable as Kylo did his own thing by doing his daily check ups on Hux’s work and making sure that everything is going in order. After Y/n finishes his meal he leaves the tray aside and steals one of Kylos holo pads in order to read something.
“Don’t forget your training starts again in an hour.”
The teen mentally groans to himself, eyes on the holo when speaking up. “Who will I be training with this time? Cardo? Trudgen?” He’s basically trained with each Knight and already knows the routine he has with each one. He just hopes its not Vicrul he’s the most ruthless one out of all of them and never holds back.
Kylo stands from where he sits and approached Y/n, taking the pad from him. “You’ll be training with me.”
His eyes slightly widen by his words. It wasn't rare for him to train with Kylo he was the first one he trained with when he first got here. He taught him about the force and how to wield a saber before the knights of ren came in to further his training while he watched him. “I will be testing your skills today and see how well the knights have been training you.”
“Of course, Master.” He softly whispers out, growing anxious as he quickly gathers his empty tray and leaves his room, rushing out to get ready for his final training today. He’s been training for this day and shouldn’t feel nervous, but somehow he can’t help himself.
When getting ready for his training he makes sure to put on a proper training suit in case Kylo goes a little rough on him. He doesn’t need anymore bruises showing each time he looks in the mirror. He laced up his boots and makes his way to the training room once he’s done getting ready.
When entering the training room it was usual for him to find the Knights of Ren training before him. Only this time they are standing on the side, watching him carefully as he enters the room.
“Don’t kill yourself kids.” Said Cardo, obviously smirking under his helmet.
Y/n glared at him when approached the training weapons, only to be stopped when Vicrul approached him. “You will be needing this.” He holds out his saber only this one wasn’t his. It was different from the one Kylo let him use.
He takes the saber in his hand, getting adjusted to the feeling of it in his hand and walks towards the middle of the room. He doesn’t get much time to mentally prepare himself when Kylo walks into the room, wearing his own helmet and without the cape this time.
Kylo doesn’t really give him time to prepare and approached him quickly, holding out his own saber and igniting it and takes a swing at him. Y/n is surprised by the quick attack and side steps quickly, igniting his own saber in order to defend himself. He holds it with one hand, focusing on Kylo as he takes another swing at him.
He’s quick to block it with his own saber. This one felt lighter to use than the one that Kylo got for him like it belonged to him.
He moves fast with each strike, groaning by the pressure that Kylo puts on his saber with each swing he takes. He can’t back down now a Jedi could easily kill him if he doesn’t fight back properly. He doesn’t know how long he’s been fighting for, but Kylo wasn’t backing down until one of them yielded.
Y/n holds the saber in his tight hand as his eyes follow Kylos movements. Y/n makes the first attack, swinging it close to his head which Kylo quickly dodged no realizing his own misstep as his own master swings his own red saber down on him. His eyes widen and quickly thinks, thrusting his hand out and using the force to stop the saber from killing him.
He can feel the hot saber close to his face, groaning and tilting his head away as he uses his power to push back only to grow weaker and tired. His hand is shaking and the saber is getting closer the red saber burning on his shoulder as he cries at the pain.
He can feel hot tears running down his face his emotion is enough for Kylo to stop, turning off his saber as the teen falls to the ground. A hand on his shoulder as he bites his lip hard trying to contain his muffled groans.
Kylo doesn’t hesitate to drop his saber, getting down on his knees and grabbing onto the kid. “Let me see.”
Y/n sniffles and whimpers afraid to show his wounded shoulder and shakes his head.
“Y/n.” Kylos voice is stern, enough to make the kid move his hand from where it lies as he shows his wound to Kylo. It wasn’t deep but it was burnt that he’ll need a patch and some bacta spray to get it healed up. While Kylo focused on Y/n’s wellbeing the Knights stood on the side, noticing his actions.
“He is still to weak and needs further training.”
Y/n looks away as he grows ashamed by their words only for Kylo to frown under his helmet.
“He is still a kid.” Kylo speaks up while looking over his shoulder, glaring under his helmet as he comes to a stand. “Get me a medical droid.”
“Now!” Kylo shouts at the knights, reminding them who they follow as they leave the training room and search for a medical droid.
Kylo puts his focus on Y/n again and touched his shoulder which makes him wince. “It hurts.” He groans out. “I know it hurts and its gonna hurt even more if you don’t let me see if properly.” Y/n whines and lets Kylo examine the wound. The two are quiet until Kylo finally speaks up in a soft tone. “I’m sorry, I overstepped and got you hurt. I was rough on you.”
Even though Kylo was the most intimidating man on the ship only Y/n had the privilege to see his soft side which was very rare. He never pointed it out and simply went along with it, accepting his apology with a small nod as he lets him tend to his wound. “Well, at least I know you can handle a rough battle.” Y/n choked out a chuckle, sniffling back his tears as he sticks close to Kylo as they wait for the medical droid.
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xsister-serpent · 6 months
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Kylo : I'm protecting you because I want to, Y/N. You didn't break me. You opened your heart to me. We're soulmates, Y/N. Y/N internally : What. The. Fuck.
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cemeteryry · 1 year
You’re on My Mind (and in My Head) Chapter One: Only in My Dreams [Kylo Ren x male reader] (NSFW)
Summary: You do your best to pretend you aren’t having wet dreams about Kylo Ren. Little do you know, he’s well aware.
CW, includes: innapropriate use of the force, wet dreams (rough sex, bondage, oral sex)
Word count: 1.7k
He relentlessly pounds into you as you scream out, begging for release as your nails draw lines across his back. He smirks and thrusts harder, his movements growing rough and sloppy as he gets closer and closer to reaching his climax. He looks into your eyes and- a loud series of beeps wakes you from your sleep, you groan and shut off your alarm.
You have these dreams almost every night, and almost every morning you wake up disappointed and horny. It’s a mystery why you get these dreams.. Okay, well, maybe it isn’t. You’ve had romantic feelings for Ren for quite some time, it has to have been at least a whole cycle by now. 
It started the day you suggested an idea for gathering intel on the Resistance and Ren praised you for your intelligent proposal. The praise awoke something in you and the butterflies in your stomach took flight. Every single day since then, you’ve craved more of his approval. You made sure all your work was nothing but exceptional. Your reports were flawless and you only shared your brightest ideas. But, after about a month, you realized it wasn’t just his praise you craved. It began with the anxiety that arose in you when he was around. Then it was the way your heart fluttered when he walked past you. You craved him.
You shot back to reality when your second alarm went off. You always kept on at least two alarms, just in case the first one didn’t work. The idea of being late and appearing unprofessional was anxiety-inducing but, what you were most afraid of was disappointing Ren.
Sitting up, you shut off your blaring alarm and rose from your bed, heading for the bathroom. Carefully and gently brushing your teeth, you stared at yourself in the mirror. Get it together, you’re a ruthless admiral of the First Order, not some lovesick fool. You’re nothing but a tool to him, so forget about it and just do your job, providing yourself with a reality check.
After a moment, you hopped into the refresher to freshen up for the day ahead of you. Today you were scheduled to oversee preparations for another mission to attempt to retrieve information on the Resistance’s location. While mapping out your day in your head, your mind started to stray from things work-related. It was as you were shampooing your hair that the image of Ren forcing you down to suck his cock popped up in your head. Your groan of frustration contradicted your what was going through your mind, thoughts about him fucking your mouth, his movements being rough and desperate. The idea of Ren manhandling you and using you for his own pleasure made the blood rush down to your lower abdomen. Now you were standing in the refresher, shampoo still in your hair, with a boner. You shut your eyes and groaned once more, tugging on your hair in distress. It took a minute, but eventually you regained your composure and rinsed out the shampoo.
Feeling clean and refreshed, you walked back into your bedroom with a towel wrapped around your waist. Walking over to your closet, you took out your uniform and hung it on the door of the cabinet. After unwrapping the towel and throwing it into your hamper for the laundry droid to collect later, you began dressing yourself, pulling on a pair of boxers. It was with great care that you put on your tunic and pants. You were very proud of your rank and uniform, it took a lot of time and effort to achieve everything you have. At first, you were nothing but another insignificant person on some distant planet. The First Order took you in, along with others from your home planet, but you were one of the few who took your job seriously and climbed up the ranks, finally reaching your current title of Admiral. It felt good to have a purpose, especially one that was working towards something important for the entire galaxy.
A few minutes later, after you had finished dressing, you returned to the bathroom to fix up your hair and giving it a final comb through. Once that was done, you checked your outfit in your full body mirror to make sure everything was as it should be. Content with your appearance, you headed for the door and then the lift. It was time to head down to the main bridge.
Exiting the lift, you then made your way over to the bridge. Once you had reached your destination, you were met with a rush of anxiety at the sight in front of you. Kylo Ren was standing at the end of the bridge, staring out the viewport, studying what seemed to be nothing. You remembered your dream about him, reminiscing on how dream-Ren had looked at you and how he fucked you and- Maker, help me, you thought to yourself as you walked over to see if he needed anything. “Supreme Leader,” you greeted him, tilting your head down in respect, “are you in need of anything, Sir?”
He continued to stare out the viewport, “Admiral. Just checking in on things, wanted to see how things are progressing.”
“I see, Sir. Well, things are going well, we’re currently preparing to follow up on a lead, it may have information on the Resitance’s current whereabouts and what they’re planning,” you replied.
Finally, he turned to look at you, “Good, good. Seems like you’re doing good work.”
It just took that tiny bit of praise to make your stomach flutter. Pretending to have not been affected by that, you offered a polite smile, “I do my best, Sir. I hope my efforts are satisfactory.”
“More than, Admiral,” he simply responded. You thought that was the end of your conversation with the Supreme Leader, but then he went on to inquire you, “Have you been well? I can feel your exhaustion. Have you not been sleeping well lately?
It wasn’t surprising that he could sense your emotions, you knew he was able to sense the feelings of those around him. What was interesting was that he was taking the time to question you about this. You were about to tell him that you had been experiencing some intense and very vivid dreams and it was just exhaustion from dealing with everything that came with that, but then you thought it better not to mention that. Instead, you responded, “It’s nothing I assure you, Sir,” with what you hoped was a look of reassurance, hoping he wouldn’t question you about this further. You didn’t need him somehow sensing that you were regularly having sexual dreams about him.
“Don’t hesitate to let me know if you’re in need of anything, I wouldn’t want my best Admiral feeling unwell,” He said after a moment, his gaze returning to the darkness that lies beyond the viewport.
Your cheeks flushed a light scarlet. He thought you were his best Admiral? The First Order was full of so many wise and knowledgeable people, and yet he called you his best? Honored couldn’t even begin to describe how you felt. “I appreciate that, Sir. I shall keep that in mind,” you responded, your tone appreciative.
Ren nodded, continuing to look outside, leaving you wondering what it was he was thinking so intensely about. You wished you could see the expression on his face right now, missing the way he looked when he focused on something in his head. He was just as intimidating, if not more, without his mask and you found it hot, very hot. Whenever he had his mask off, you carefully studied his face, taking note of every wrinkle, line, and freckle. He rarely took off his mask, so you made sure to map out his face as accurately as possible in your head. Longing to see the look on his face right now and the way his hair falls so perfectly, framing his face, you decided to distract yourself by looking out the viewport as well. Doing your best to avert your thoughts away from how incredibly attractive Ren was, you focused in on a distant star.
It was when you were thinking about how bright that star was that another image flashed in your head. This time it was Ren towering over you as you lay tied down to a bed. He traced his fingers down your body, past your chest and then your stomach, until he was about to touch your most intimate area. You shivered and blinked a few times, hoping Ren didn’t notice your change in demeanor.
“Everything all right, Admiral?” he questioned, looking over at you. He definitely noticed and you prayed to the Maker that he couldn’t sense what you were thinking about.
Regaining your composure, you quickly reassured him, “Yes, Sir. Just got lost in a thought, nothing more.”
He stared at you for a bit and you wished you knew what he was thinking about. A minute later, he responded “I see. Take care of yourself, Admiral. I have a meeting in 10 minutes, so I shall take my leave now. I’ll see you at tomorrow’s meeting.”
You nodded at this, telling him you’d see him then as well. Watching as he walked away with purpose and a confidence that radiated off of him, you found yourself getting lost in thought once again. It was painful having these feelings towards him, especially knowing that said feelings wouldn’t ever be returned. You wished and wished that the thoughts and dreams about him would stop. It was difficult beyond words to feel this way for him.
Heading back to your quarters, exhausted after a full day’s work, you reminisced on your conversation from earlier with Ren. You thought about the way he stared at you and you found yourself, once again, wondering what he was thinking about in that moment. Your feelings for him were so overwhelming. It was all you could think about when you weren’t working, and even then it still sometimes found its way into your thoughts. Thinking about how he would never feel the same left you with your eyes stinging, but you refused to cry over this. You tried to distract yourself by thinking about answering some messages from colleagues on your datapad. Finally, you reached your door and unlocked it, heading inside to take another shower, this time to clear your head.
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elmoslungcancer · 8 months
I'm pretty when I cry
KYLO x bttm male reader
Soft sex? Kylo checking in on the reader. It isn't anything hard core, mentions of sex toys but not actually using any. The reader also gets called pretty I would say around two to three times, and also gets called gorgeous.
Ever since you've stepped into his life he hasn't regretted it a single bit. Every chance he gets to look at you his breath shortness as if he's climbed up a mountain of stairs. Anything you do it makes him fall a little harder every time.
He loves when you; accidentally say the same words twice, he loves when you nuzzle noses together, and loves when ever you get sleepy you cuddle up to him.
But moreso he loves to see you cry; weather that be when you cry angry tears not being able to beat a level of the game your playing, maybe you had a hard day and you need a shoulder to cry on, or when you're under him.
As kylo had m/n in doggy position on their bedroom, he fully entered in m/n. On the other hand m/n was having a crisis. It's his first time bottoming but they've been taking it slow, staring off with fingering, to toys, then finally Kylo's dick. But he didn't expect him to be this big. He didn't expect it to hurt even with the amount of fingerings and lube that was used he thought it wouldn't be as painful, but KYLO did warn him that it'll hurt the first time.
"How are you feeling m/n? Do you want to me to move a little or do you want to wait some more? If you aren't ready it's ok we can always come back." Shaking his head desperately and a whine following suit. "N-no please I would like to continue. I know it'll hurt but I think I can handle it." M/n looks over his shoulder and nods his head a little giving him the ok to proceed.
Kylo pulled out a little under half and slowly pushed back in while m/n's breath hitched every time he would pull out. "Are you alright plum? What would you like tonight is about you." Kylo ask while leans down and whispers next to his ear kissing the tip of it.
Maybe it was because he used a pet name, maybe it was the kiss on his ear, or maybe even the pace of his thrusting. All m/n knew that his face was heating up and he's starting to feel warmth throughout his body.
"Could you go mmm a little ugh faster please?" Gripping the pillow next to him, but looks over behind him as he feels Kylo pull out completely. "Sure thing but I want to ask if I could position you on your back? I just would like to see your pretty face if that's alright?"
Nodding his head a little as he lays on his back while Kylo holds his leg, his breath shortens, and he feels his eye glisten as he feels him fully entering. "Mmph fuck at least it doesn't hurt as much!" M/n says but he's laced with confusion as he feels his warm hands cup his face. "You know plum, you're very gorgeous, and even prettier when you cry. I love you" Kylo leans into m/n and presses a kiss on his nose.
M/n's eyes widen and he feels his face heat up, the type where your ears are all warm and they feel like steam is coming out. His tears fall free and he wraps his arms around his neck. "Don't just say stuff like that out of the blue.."
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 years
Hello! Could I request a Valentines day Kylo ren x m reader. Reader is a general for the first order in a secret relationship with Kylo.
Kylo and reader are able to go on a rare secret date and it's full of fluff goodness cus I'm a sucker for fluff!
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“General, everything’s going as planned.” One of your stormtroopers came up to you.
“Good. Thank you.” You said, and they walked away.
You walked around for a while, checking to see if anything’s wrong. Then you ran into your boyfriend in the halls.
“Stop.” He said, voice modulated from the helmet. You thought that you would just walk past him.
“Kylo.” You nodded.
“Everything alright sir?” You straightened your posture.
“Yes. I was just wondering, are you working tomorrow?” He tried to hide the fact that he liked it when you called him sir.
You thought for a moment. “Yes, sir. But only in the morning.”
“You don’t work after the morning?”
“Not tomorrow, sir.” You said.
“Good, well, meet me in my room tomorrow night.”
You were confused, but you agreed.
Some people passed you in the halls, and cameras were everywhere so you decided to not ask questions.
You and him barely got to spend any time together, so you would take what you got at this point.
The next night, after you were done with working, you quickly got dressed up in a nice suit. Nothing too much, but it shouldn’t be too hard to sneak out.
You had the cameras disabled, it was easy when you were the son of an old beloved general, higher than the rest. They all trusted and respected you.
Once you finally made it through the long and confusing halls, you knocked. You needed a card to enter the room, so he would have to open it for you.
He opened it, with one flick of his hand quickly. He stood up and you saw the flowers he had on the table.
“Sorry I didn’t get to tell you earlier, but happy Valentine’s Day….” He said.
“Isn’t that the one holiday.. where uh…” you drifted off.
“Where people show their love for others? Something like that..”
“Yeah.” You laughed quietly, and you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. You both sat down.
“This is amazing, Kylo. Seriously.” You said, looking around and at the food.
“Thank you… I’m really sorry.. that I’ve been busy…”
You turned your head to him again “It’s fine. We’re both busy people. Once this is over, once we destroy them, we can have a peaceful life, right?”
“Yeah..” he wouldn’t admit that he for some reason had started to doubt that. He wouldn’t say he’s been having nightmares, or that he felt something pulling him away from the dark side.
You both ate and talked for a while, it was great. It wasn’t often you got to have 1 on 1 time.
And even though it was a small date, it gave you hope. Hope that you both would stay together, hope that he wouldn’t leave you no matter what, and hope for you guys in general.
And he also got hope. He got hope that you would stay with him, and that you wouldn’t leave him no matter what. Even if he did feel the dark side going away from him.
Because despite everything you and him have gone through, nothing could take away your guys hope.
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Good Girl | K.R.
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pairing: Kylo Ren x fem!reader
summary: Kylo had something you needed… just like he always did. So you found yourself sneaking around Starkiller Base for the satisfaction of your urges.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: swearing, dirty talk, unprotected sex, oral sex (male receiving), PinV sex, praise
a/n: holy shit- can i just say thank you for all the interaction i’ve been getting on my fics-?? i’m genuinely floored, i was just writing and posting these for my own self-indulgence but it means literally so much that you guys have been enjoying them omg. since you enjoyed kylo so much last time heres a small lil smut in means of my appreciation <3
What the fuck were you doing?! 
You rushed down the halls ducking around corners, peering for a sign of any wanderers on Starkiller Base. You were terrified of being caught, but your impulse to sneak out of your quarters and into the Commander’s came strong and suddenly. 
Metallic footprints drew closer in front of you, eliciting a gasp from your throat which you quickly entrapped with the clasp of your hand as you ducked into an unseen corner. The footsteps neared– then faded, finally vanishing as you watched the Stormtrooper disappear from sight. 
That was fucking close… so why were you doing this again?
Your urges got the best of you, and now you were creeping around the base because it was well into the late hours of the night– or arguably the early hours of the morning, and Kylo had something you needed… just like he always did.
You waited around the corner for another couple seconds to make sure no one else would come around, and to your relief the halls were void, so you continued on your journey to the Commander’s chambers.
As you walked you scrutinized yourself, questioning how you’d fallen into the face of this predicament in the first place. You were a meer engineer, assigned to working on ships that flew in and out of the base. 
You recalled your first meeting with Kylo Ren, and how he immediately captivated and terrified you– and he of course knew, and played into. Somehow this thing had bloomed between you two, and you weren’t particularly interested in snuffing out its flame any time soon. 
After a while of stalking around with your guard up to not be caught, you reached his door. 
Glancing over your shoulders for any wanderers, you cursed yourself– no one was permitted in Kylo’s quarters without his direct permission, of course the halls would be void. 
You shook your head and quickly inputted the code to his lock system, listening to the metal doors reluctantly squeal open only seconds later. 
Dipping inside you peered around, his neat and orderly chambers were dark, and your eyes found his bed– found him, sleeping on one side. 
You watched the doors close behind you as you slipped off your shoes, leaving them in the doorway. Slowly you crept through his room, approaching his bed. As you drew nearer you pulled your top over your head before crawling in next to him. 
Your heart thumped wildly in your chest. Kylo was unpredictable– you had no way of knowing if he would be pleased with your appearance, or if he’d Force-throw you out of his chambers. Sure, he’d granted you permission to his quarters, under the premise he was in them, but how would he react to you waking him up?
Swallowing down your nerves, you gently caressed his cheek with your finger, which made him inhale deeply and stir despite still being asleep. 
Taking hold of his cheek you led his lips to yours, kissing him. When his lips met your own his eyes fluttered open slowly. At first his kiss was confused but it rather quickly grew hot and rough. 
Without tearing your mouth from his you gently pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him. He pulled away only for a moment, just to take you in– and he smirked before pulling your face into his and kissing you hungrily. 
His tongue twisted fervidly with yours, hot, sloppy, open-mouthed kisses and soft sounds of already growing pleasure leaked from your lips. When he pulled back again, his plush pink lips glistened with the mix of your saliva.
“I missed this.” he growled and warmth developed as you felt him grow hard beneath you. 
His kisses trailed from your lips down your jawline before they landed on your neck, sucking and nibbling at your skin. 
A moan escaped from your throat despite trying to suppress it by clenching your teeth to your lip. You pulled away from him and lowered yourself to his abdomen, kissing his exposed stomach and upper pelvis. 
Your eyes looked up pleadingly as you pulled down his boxers, and he only hummed in response. 
You licked your lips, building up wetness in your mouth as you took him in your hand, gently placing a kiss to his tip. 
Despite barely touching him, you knew how much he missed you by the bead of precum already dripping from him. 
Running your tongue along his base, you then placed him in your mouth, drawing in your cheeks and sucking at his length until you pulled a groan from his throat. 
He instinctively grabbed the back of your head, pushing himself deeper into your mouth, and making you gag lightly on his cock. 
You looked up, watching as he smirked. “Good girl.” he cooed. 
You caressed his skin as you swallowed him. “Fuck…” he let his dark waves crash against his pillow as he threw his head back. His brow furrowed lightly as his eyes fluttered shut. One of his hands still gripped your head while the other folded behind his own head. 
He looked incredible like this, the blinking stars gently illuminating him in a soft glow from the window positioned behind his bed. The muscles in his arms rippling as he let himself enjoy what you had to offer him, the sight of him quickly reminded you of why you risked coming to his quarters in the first place. 
His pleasure made you eager to keep going, and the arousal flooding between your own legs was increasingly difficult to ignore. You couldn’t wait any longer to have him as you slipped off of him and stripped yourself of the rest of your clothing, leaving yourself bare for him. 
You ignored the warmth that flooded to your cheeks as he looked you over, his stature relaxed with his arm still casually placed behind his head. 
You pulled at his boxers, removing them from his legs before disregarding them to the floor with your clothes. Crawling back on top of him you took him once more in your hand as you led him inside you.
Although this was farthest from your first time with Kylo, you would never be prepared for his size. 
Your mouth gaped as he entered you, squirming atop him as you worked to adjust to his size as he split you to the seam. He only chuckled as he watched you, but after a few moments you began riding him, dragging your hips against his. 
He moaned as you lowered yourself further onto him, his cock delving deeper into you. His arms wrapped around your frame and flipped you onto your back. 
He leveled himself up by placing one hand on the bed beside your head as the other gripped harshly at your throat. A soft gasp managed to escape from your slack lips and he loosened his grip– just slightly.
His own impatience took over as he pushed into you, not holding back. You whimpered at the sudden force and reached up for his arm clamped around your neck for something to hold onto. 
He smirked, shaking your hands off of him as he quickly caught them with both of his own and pinned them above your head before kissing you deeply and with need. 
He withdrew himself only to thrust back in, creating a pattern as he did so. His pace quickened as he swapped your pinned wrists to one hand, letting his now free hand find your chest, kneading and toying with your breasts. His thumb flicked at your bud making you mewl out again. 
You wiggled out of his grip, which he let you, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling his body closer to you.
He pounded into you faster, then slower, then harder– all rather quickly. His cock stroked your walls, cockhead prodding against that sweet spot that made your stomach churn in the best possible way. 
“Fuck... Ah- Kylo-” you groaned as you felt him pummeling against your core, tangling your legs around his waist. Your moans only continued to please him, proud of himself at how easily he could make you moan for him. He seized a handful of your hair into his fist and tugged slightly. 
Wrapping your arms around his broad back you pulled him deeper into you, and he didn’t hold back. He rocked his body back and forth with yours, you both synced in sin. 
The only sounds that filled the room were Kylo’s stuttered breaths, your moans, and the obscene sounds of skin slapping skin. 
He grabbed for your throat and pulled you into a steamy kiss, his tongue pushing past your teeth before dancing with yours. 
With every thrust inside you, you could feel yourself growing tighter as your walls clenched together, holding back euphoria. “Sh-shit- Kylo…” you mewled rather pathetically. 
In a hushed tone he growled, “Beg.” 
He fucked deeper into you than you thought was possible by now. “Kylo please I-” your words were cut off by a moan that was pulled from your throat at a particularly hasty thrust. You didn’t know how much longer you could take. 
“I said beg, slut.” he growled again.
He could feel you drawing you in, your walls growing claustrophobic around him, and he knew you were close, so he kept going. 
Quickening his pace, he placed your chin in his hand making you look at him while you pleaded. 
He glared into your eyes, then let his gaze drift to your perfectly parted lips as he mouthed the word “Beg” once more. 
Giving out you finally cried, “Please! Let me cum, Kylo-!” your mouth gaped, words straining out. Your eyes were barely open but remained locked on his. 
Kylo let his tongue dart past his own slightly parted lips, wetting them as he stared down at you, desperate and begging. 
He knew you didn’t have long before you had reached your limit, whether he wanted to deprive you of that or not, so he let you have it. 
“Good girl.” He hunched over so his lips just barely touched your ear as he whispered, “Now cum for me.” 
He himself didn’t have much longer with the way your velveteen walls stroked him with every buck of his hips. His pace was frantic as he slammed into you, watching the way your brows knit and you panted and moaned past your lips. 
His lips trailed down your neck, leaving bites and kisses as he made his way to your collarbone– the cherry on top. You clung to him as you tightened around him, reaching your high in a pathetic array of moans. 
Your vision faded out and shockwaves of electricity bolted through your nerves as you came around him, your walls milking him deliciously. He let out a groan of his own as his head lolled forward and he gripped your hips, pulling you down onto his cock. 
With a final groan you felt your cunt flood with warmth as he came inside you, still driving his hips into yours. 
His movements slowed, then stilled, and he pulled out of you with a grunt before laying down beside you. He pulled you close and coddled you through your finish. Your knees were lightly trembling which brought a smile to his face.
You buried your face into his chest as he let his fingers caress your skin before planting a kiss on your forehead, making your heart thump against your ribcage.
“Such a good girl.” he purred before placing a gentle kiss on your lips, “My good girl.” 
Your face grew hot. The tone of his voice and his words alone made your heart skip a beat. 
You were Commander Ren’s good girl.
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awritessomething · 8 months
I have absolutely no ideas for writing whatsoever pleaseplease leave requests!!! Smut, angst, fluff, whatever y’all want I can probably do.
Ill write for these people and probably more that I forgot (all male character x fem!reader) :
Formula 1:
Max Verstappen
Lando Norris
Oscar Piastri
Charles Leclerc
Pierre Gasly
Lewis Hamilton
Carlos Sainz
Daniel Riccardo
Mick Schumacher
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
David Rossi (preferably young)
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Spiderman (Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Miguel O'hara)
Call of Duty
Keegan Russ
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Phillip Graves
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Outer Banks:
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
John B. Routledge
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Draco malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Regulus Black
Severus Snape
Tom Riddle
Sirius Black
Lorenzo Berkshire
Oliver Wood
The Walking Dead:
Glenn Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Joao Felix
Jude Bellingham
Brock Purdy
Leon Draisaitl
Jack Hughes
Vince Dunn
Mitch Marner
Connor Bedard
Wayne Gretzky (young)
Jack Champion (Ethan Landry)
Patrick Bateman
Batman (Christian Bale)
Johnathan Crane
Finnick Odair
Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark, Mike Schmidt, Sean Anderson, Clapton Davis)
Rodrick Heffley
Colby Brock
Sam Golbach
Tristan Dugray
Dylan O'brien
Bellamy Blake
Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd, Ronald Miller)
Joe Goldberg
Timothee Chalamet (Wonka, Paul Atreides)
Minho (The Maze Runner)
Keanu Reeves (John Wick, Neo, Alex Wyler, Dr. Beckham, Julian Mercer, Ted Logan)
Jim Halpert
Ulfric Stormcloak
Ben Schnetzer (Max Vandenburg, Brad Land, Russ Sheppard)
Ralph Macchio (Daniel Larusso, Johnny Cade)
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
Robby Keene
Zuko (atla dallas liu)
Jet (atla sebastian amoruso)
Cillian Murphy (Johnathan crane, jackson rippner, Neil Lewis)
Evan Peters (all ahs characters, Luke cooper)
What I wont do:
Beastiality or anything animal-y
Male reader (sorry)
Character x character
Threesomes or anything not 1x1
Character x oc
Specific body types (i just don’t see the point)
Daddy/mommy kinks
Incest or stepcest
(I’ll prob have to add on but its midnight rn)
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stayteezdreams · 1 year
Lost In You: Part One
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Plot: When attending your friends costume party, you keep getting complimented on your couples costume. But you can't help but be confused, after all, you came to the party alone.
-Part Two-
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Gn!Reader* *A/n: Obviously had to go with Star Wars costumes lmao, and even though the costumes are of a male and female character, I believe it doesn't matter the gender of the character, you can still dress up as them anways. So besides the reader dressing "as" Rey, everything else is Gender Neutral, so please dont let that effect how you enjoy the story. The readers costume is not mentioned in detail, only vaguely to give a rough idea :)
-Meet-Cute Series-
Warnings/Notes: Brief mentions of alcohol, drinking, and drunk people. Reader is referenced to have drank, but is not drunk. Reader is a bit of geek (helps them bond with Seonghwa).
Words: ~2.4k
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Walking around the fairly crowded house, your eyes scanned over the mix of recognizable, impressive, unusual, and downright lazy costumes that people were wearing.
When you had been invited to your friend's birthday, being told it was a costume party, you were excited. You had been wanting an excuse to wear your costume for ages, having missed the opportunity the previous Halloween.
Waving to some people you knew, your eyes scanned the crowd for more of your friends.
Nearly bumping into someone, you said excuse me before you recognized them as an acquaintance.
"Oh hey!" you greeted cheerfully "Nice costume" you smiled down at their bright yellow kill-bill inspired jumpsuit.
"Thank you!" they grinned as they looked at yours "Oh! Love that you went with a couples costume!"
You furrowed your brow "Huh?"
Having not heard you they waved to someone nearby before smiling at you "Sorry, gotta go, I'll talk to you later yeah?"
"Oh yeah, bye" your voice was still laced with confusion as they walked away.
Couples costume? You hadn't matched with anyone, none of your friends were really into Star Wars, so they wouldn't have matched with you.
You shrugged it off, figuring they just mistook your costume for someone else as you walked through a small group of people, before spotting one of your best friends.
Grinning, you snuck up on her "Hey!"
Gasping, she turned around with a glare "Stop doing that"
You chuckled as you grabbed yourself a drink before looking around "A lot more people came than I thought would."
"Yeah, I guess adults really do love an excuse to dress up like kids again."
You smiled and nodded, agreeing with the thought. "I thought you were going to go with Harely Quinn?" You asked as you eyed her Batwoman costume.
"It was trash" she rolled her eyes "Tore as I was putting it on."
"That's what you get for ordering cheap"
She waved her hand dismissively "I know, I know"
"Where did you get this one?"
"Last minute favor from my cousin, luckily we're the same size, otherwise I would have shown up in that slinky red dress I have and called myself Marilyn Monroe"
"You have black hair, Betty Boop is more accurate"
Just as she opened her mouth to retaliate, a drunk girl stumbled up to the drinks table before the spotted your costume.
"Ooh, that's why he brushed me off" she pouted before her eyes rose to meet yours.
You rose your brow before you glanced at your friend who gave you a similar look of confusion.
The drunk girl took a step closer "You wore a couples costume, that's so cute, mm'jealous" she slurred with an even bigger pout before she spotted someone, squealed and ran towards them.
You let out an awkward chuckle as your friend looked at you "What the hell was that?"
"I don't know, but that's the second time someone said I was wearing a couples costume with someone."
She looked you up and down, "Well, since you're dressed as Ren-"
"...Rey, then someone is dressed as that tall evil black haired guy right?"
"Kylo Ren, or Ben Solo" you stopped yourself from explaining as you recalled your friends lack of interest in the franchise before you began looking around the crowd of people "I haven't seen anyone in an outfit like that so far."
She hummed before she glanced around as well "I wonder if they're cute."
You scoffed but couldn't help but wonder the same thing. Shrugging it off again, you turned around, just missing the cloaked figure walk past and into the next room.
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After a while, you parted ways with your friend. You made your way through the crowd again, having begun to grow tired of being bumped into, and having to strain your ears to hear anything anyone tried to say to you.
Your friend had clearly over-invited guests or overestimated how many people would show up, as the room grew hot and almost claustrophobic.
Spotting the doors leading to the backyard, which seemed surprisingly empty, you slid through a group of dancing people, desperately wanting to escape.
Feeling your costume catch on something, you had to tug yourself away, before accidentally running into someone just as you reached the doors.
"Oh sorry!" your voice almost mimicked the strangers, as you both apologized as your eyes met.
You smiled, "Excuse me" you added on.
"It's okay" he smiled sweetly, his voice soft.
Your eyes drifted down to catch his costume, and you felt yourself freeze as you noted the lightsaber hooked on his belt. His eyes grazed over you as well as he had the same exact reaction.
Your eyes quickly met again as your voices called out at the same time "You!"
You rose you brow in surprise and he chuckled "I've been hearing all night about someone I wore matching costumes with."
You smiled and let out a soft laugh "So have I!"
His smile widened a bit, and you realized just how attractive he was. He was intimidatingly attractive, actually, you told yourself as you suddenly felt a bit shy.
You cleared your throat a bit "Nice costume, it looks like really good quality"
He grinned down at his costume before he looked at you "Thank you. Your's too!"
You smiled, starting to feel a bit self-concious as his eyes seemed to have looked you over slowly.
Suddenly, he spoke up, his voice full of excitement "You're lightsaber! I have the same one at home!"
"You do?" you asked intrigued as he nodded with excitement "I collect a lot of Star Wars stuff" he confessed, and you saw a tinge of embarrassment cross his features.
'Cute' you thought as you grinned, "I collect a lot of stuff too! From Star Wars and other movies"
His face seemed to brighten a bit, as he wondered what else you might have in common.
As a loud song came on, you winced a bit as you looked towards the now cheering group of drunk people.
Seonghwa cringed as well, before he looked over at you and leaned closer. You turned and met his gaze, alarmed by his sudden closeness.
"Were you heading outside?"
You nodded, unable to find your voice as your eyes remained locked with his.
"Me too." Hearing a drunken scream you saw him wince as he motioned his head towards the door "Shall we?"
You let out a soft chuckle and nodded. You watched him opened the doors, stepping aside so you could go out. You muttered a thanks as you made your exit, your heart hammering in your chest.
The cool night air washed over you and seemed to sober any ounce of drunkenness you might have held before.
There were only a few people scattered around the back yard. A few in the pool, and some playing a nearby fooseball game.
You looked back at the house and shook your head softly, "I'd hate to have to clean up after this."
The man laughed and agreed, as he stopped beside you. Looking back over at him, your heart jumped a bit as he was already looking at you.
He seemed to realize this too before he adjusted himself "I'm Seonghwa by the way."
You smiled at him "I'm Y/n."
His smile widened as you introduced yourself. Seonghwa's heart was beating fast, as his face felt hot, he hadn't drank much at all, so he knew it must just be you affecting him this way.
His eyes glanced over at a nearby couch surrounding a firepit. Feeling a bit brave, and far too intrigued by you to just walk away, he met your eyes again.
"Want to go sit?"
You looked back at where his eyes lingered and you smiled before nodding softly. Following him over to the couch you took in a deep breath, calming yourself.
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It hadn't taken long for you and Seonghwa to fall into deep conversation. You had a lot in common and found subject after subject to rant about to each other. From movies, to music, to friends and dreams, you wouldn't be surprised if you lost your voice the next morning with how much you seemed to be talking
So lost in each other's conversation, you hadn't noticed when the music died down, or how the back yard had emptied, leaving you two alone. Inside the house, nearly 70% of the people had gone home.
Nor had you noticed how much closer to two of you had become, literally.
When you sat down, you had sat on the seperate chair beside the couch, feeling too shy to sit beside each other. But now, you were both leaning forward, sitting beside each other on the couch now, faces merely a foot apart as you raved about a recent move you had both seen.
Seonghwa's arm was draped across the back of the couch, behind your shoulder, something he hadn't even noticed because it felt so natural already. When his knees brushed yours as you sat facing each other, you barely noticed.
Your voice cut out mid-sentence as you heard a familiar voice call out. Looking over, you see her walking across the yard, red solo cup in hand.
Her eyes moved to Seonghwa and you saw the look on her face that screamed 'Holy shit, he's gorgeous.'
Seonghwa however, did not see this, as his eyes became glued to you again, after only having glanced towards your friend when she first came out.
"Oh, hey!" you greeted.
She leaned on the back of the couch before Seonghwa finally looked over at her. They introduced themselves to each other before your friend looked him up and down.
"Oooh, you're the one that people kept thinking matched with Y/n."
Seonghwa chuckled and nodded his head "Yes, that's me."
She met your eyes, and a knowing look passed over her face, that you promptly ignored.
"I was surprised to see you out here though, you never stay at parties this long."
"What do you mean, what time is it?"
She rose her brow "One in the morning"
Your eyes widened as you looked over at Seonghwa, who had a similar look on his face. He took out his phone and you saw the time flash across his screen. 1:14am.
"I got here at nine" you said out loud to no one in particular.
She nodded, "And you've been out here...chatting" she glanced at Seonghwa "for about three hours."
You and Seonghwa locked eyes and he smiled somewhat shyly as he looked down at his lap.
"Oops." You chuckled as you looked back at your friend who wiggled her eyebrows.
"You said you were only staying until eleven, since you have work tomorrow"
"Oh God, I have work tomorrow" you put your hand on your face as fatigue washed over you, surely only because you now knew what time it was.
Seonghwa smiled as he watched you, thinking of how cute you were. Though, he also had to work tomorrow, and showing up to early morning dance practice after a late night was not his ideal.
You met his eyes, "I should go."
Seonghwa nodded his head "I should too, I also have work tomorrow." he chuckled.
You smiled at him as mutual shyness seemed to wash over both of you. Your friend looked between the two of you and smiled before standing up straight.
She tapped your shoulder, "Come find me after you say goodbye we can get a ride together."
You nodded at her as you looked back at Seonghwa. Both of you began to rise as you let out a soft groan.
"How did I not realize it had gotten so late?" you chuckled softly.
Seonghwa smiled, "We were busy."
He hadn't felt as though time had passed at all when he was with you. He got so lost in talking with you, so lost in you, that he didn't realize there was anything going on around him at all.
The way he was staring fondly as you made your breath hitch. You smiled at him as you felt your ears burn a little hotter.
"Yeah. It's been a while since I've met someone I could talk to about all of that stuff."
He grinned, "Me too."
Seonghwa, realizing you were about to say goodbye, felt panic rise in his chest. He didn't want to say goodbye, at least not forever.
"Uh- can I- do you think I could get your number?"
Your heart leapt as he asked, and you resisted the urge to respond with as much excitement as you felt.
You nodded, "Yeah"
"Great. And maybe...we could go see that movie next week?" he asked, referencing the movie you shared excitement about earlier.
You nodded a bit more fervently this time, "That would be fun"
He nodded in agreement as he pulled out his phone. When you exchanged numbers you began heading inside, noticing immediately how the party had ceased since you were last inside.
Music was no longer playing. Empty cups and plates were scattered around, two people were passed out on the couch as the disco ball spun slowly on the ceiling.
You winced, "Yikes"
Seonghwa laughed before you looked back over at him "I should go find my friend"
He nodded, "I'll text you tomorrow?"
You nodded with a bright smile and Seonghwa almost felt like swooning at the sight. As he began to walk away, he gave you another glance as he waved.
You waved goodbye before you spotted you friend watching you with a grin from across the room.
When Seonghwa disappeared out the front door, you made your way to your friend who rose her hand.
"If you tell me you didn't get his number, I swear to God-"
"I got his number" you cut her off.
"Yes!" She cheered dramatically "I cannot believe how gorgeous he is."
"Right!?" You said with a restrained excitement.
"Are you going to see him again?"
You nodded, "He asked me to see a movie next week."
She clapped her hands as she led you to the door "You have to tell me all about him on the ride."
You nodded as you thought back on your night, and Seonghwa. You had never clicked with someone so fast before, it almost felt too good to be true. Almost.
xx End xx
-Part Two-
Ateez General Taglist: @soso59love-blog
Series Taglist: @bubblesreplies, @halesandy, @why-am-i-sad, @acciocriativity
234 notes · View notes
gardenfullofsage · 2 years
Watercolored eyes.
Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader
He hates to see you cry. But he can't seem to want to let you go.
word count: 4,510 words
Warning(s) Smut, Oral (male receiving) Angst, forced orgasms, Mean Kylo, Violence, Blood, Mentions of Murder, Ya'll this man's insane...
I don't own this Gif
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Kylo doesn’t know when it started, he couldn't  understand why he was here in the first place. You stood kneeling before him, tears in your eyes. Your pleas muffled as he drew his lightsaber, he didn’t plan on killing you. He wanted to come in peace. But, your family just chooses not to be ruled. How was he supposed to stay in the dark side? If your family, mere peasants, chose chaos over peace. 
Your tears paint the grimy floor, as you beg for your family's life.
Not yours. 
You stared right through his mask, his breath hitched as he felt the tingles. Tingles he didn’t allow himself to feel. He was the commander of the first order, your family, chose this life. Chose to end their life. 
Your blood curdling screams were heard throughout the night as Kylo slaughtered your family. cries followed him out of the hut you hid in. You were the only survivor, you were the example. 
‘‘Bring her to me.'’ Kylo commanded as stormtroopers forced their way onto your people. You fought against the troopers forcing you into the command shuttle. Your sobs loud as you mourned your family.
This was the first time Kylo had seen you cry. And even as you begged for him to kill you too, he seemed to only focus on the tears streaming down your face. 
He hated seeing you cry.
You refused to eat. He tried being the nice guy, you just refused to cooperate. Kylo had no other choice, you left him no choice.
‘’Get away from me.’’ You spat as you kicked and screamed. Truth be told, Kylo found you amusing. He liked that you still had the fight in you. Your anger and aggression did things to him, he felt things he'd never felt before.  
You were strapped to a chair, as Kylo read your mind. Your thoughts consisted of multiple things. The most prominent one. Your hatred for him. He clenched his jaw under his helmet. You should feel grateful for being in his presence. He granted you mercy. He gave you a home. Deep in his head however, a voice yelled at him for bringing you here, it’s not what you wanted. He ignored that voice, He always did. 
‘’You anger only fuels your hatred.’’ Kylo hummed his voice disoriented from the helmet he wore. Your refusal to look at him made his hands clench into fists. The leather squeaking at his force. 
Your body was suddenly flung into the wall as he choked you with the force.
You clawed and scratched at the invisible strength tightening around your throat. Your voice cracked as you gasped for breath.
Even like this, you still wouldn’t look at him. This only angered Kylo
Your body slammed onto the floor as you gasped for air. Crawling away from him.
‘’You’re still holding on. Let go!’’ Kylo didn’t know why your refusal to acknowledge him enraged him. 
You had nothing for him, he gained nothing from you, you meant nothing to him.
The force was close to killing you.
He almost killed you.
Kylo took small careful steps towards you, as to not scare you. You crawled away in fear.
‘’You think I’m a monster.’’ Kylo didn’t know why he continued to antagonize you. He couldn't stop, your fear gave him power. 
Your breath hitched as he removed his helmet. Your eyes closed before you even got the chance to see his face. 
Why were you so difficult?
Kylo slammed his helmet against the wall. His frustration and anger got the best of him as he drove his helmet into the wall repeatedly.
His breathing was hard, shivers ran down your spine as you finally looked over at him.
He was beautiful. 
The scar running down the side of his face, made him look so fragile.
‘’What more do you want from me.’’ Your voice was raspy from dehydration. Your skin pale, you lacked the strength you had minutes before. 
You both did nothing but stare at each other. 
Kylos chest heaved up and down from anger, and yours from fear.
You eventually looked away as he made his way out of your ‘room’ more like your cell.
You fell asleep from the exhaustion that night, your body weak and fragile from your lack of sleep, and refusal to eat. Kylo watched seated next to your bed, as you twitched in your sleep. He prodded into your head reading your mind. As the same nightmare of nights before plague your head. He was the protagonist, your family, his victims. 
He clenched his eyes shut, as tears fell from your eyes. Even in your sleep you despised him.
He really hated seeing you cry.
You were more careful, you never left your cell unless you were allowed. If you were pliant, He wouldn’t show up. It has been more than a month of you being here. You still had no idea what exactly you were even doing here. You weren’t a Jedi, you were not part of the Resistance. So why were you still here?
You had no one to talk to. Sleep was your only escape, your thoughts no longer your safe space. You felt him in your head every once in a while. And each time, you would try to shut him out. You knew the only thing he would see were your thoughts of his face. The thought alone was embarrassing.
You were going insane. 
‘’Y/N’’ You heard someone whisper, your head snapped up as you arose from the tiny cot in your room. Your door slid open as you squinted from the bright light. It was a stormtrooper.
‘’How do you know my name?’’ You asked suspicious. ‘’We have to move quickly.’’ Is all they said frantically looking around. The stormtrooper grabs hold of your hand as you both rush down the hallway.
Your bare feet slapping against the cold floor, as he led you down sharp corners. You made it to what you guessed was an emergency door. The wind cold, as it lashed on your cheek. A smile on your face, as this was the first time since you were brought here that you’ve seen the outside world that was not from your cell window.  
As the emergency latched opened, sirens blared around the ship. The stormtrooper pushed you out of the ship as your feet touched snow. ‘’Run, as fast as you can. Go as far away. I’ll hold the rest.’’ You thanked him profusely as he shut the door. You made a run for it.
Feet running through the woods, plowing through the snow.  Branches whipped at your face. Rocks dug onto your feet, the  adrenaline you were feeling numbed you to it all. 
Your eyes squinting as you looked ahead. You began to run again, ignoring the burn you felt on your chest. Ignoring the way the cold bit at your cheeks. You just ran.
The red panic lights lit up the hallway of the command ship, as Kylo walked through the ship halls. Bodies lie on the floor as he stomps his way through the quarters. You were missing. He knew you didn’t act alone. He couldn't trace you, you were far. Not far enough.
Anger radiated off his body in waves as he made his way into a tie fighter.
Just when he thought you were finally behaving, finally understanding. 
It was his fault for trusting you. 
And your fault for believing that damned stormtrooper. His body now laid split in half, he didn’t save you. He led you to your death.
The only one capable of saving you was him. You just did not know it yet.
Shivers racked your body as you hid behind a tree. You had no idea where you were, or where you were going. You were cold, tired, and hungry. Just as your body slumped against the tree, your ears perked up at the sound of a ship. 
Your head snapping to find the source. You felt him near.
You winced as you made a run for it again, this time your determination stemmed from the fear you felt grow in the pit of your stomach. ‘’Your as naive as your people.’’ Your body stood paralyzed as his words came from behind.
‘’Maybe just as stupid as that measling trooper.’’ He chuckled darkly as fear shot down your spine. You didn’t turn around as his feet approached you. His boots crunching the snow beneath him. You finally turned to look at him when you felt him stop behind you.
His face was covered by his helmet, as you breathed heavily. ‘’Please, I just want to go home.’’ You plead in a whisper, as if trying to make him understand. Kylo’s head cocked to the side, ‘’what home? You have no family? No life?’’ You shut your eyes as he continues to mock you.
‘’I own you, the minute you come to understand that the better it is for you.’’ He went to grab your arm as you dug your heels into the ground. 
‘’Please..’’ You plead again. ‘’Let me go.’’ your eyes looking at him. Kylo wants to feel bad, but he needs you. Why can’t you just understand?
He growls in frustration as he forcefully removes his helmet, as he slowly steps towards you. You step back staring into his crazed eyes. Your feet trip on themselves as you fall onto the floor. Hard. 
‘’I keep you warm, fed, clothed, safe.’’ He makes his way over to you as you crawl away. ‘’And this is how you repay me!’’ His shout causes you to flinch. His gloved hand grabs hold of your night dress, as you cry out in pain.
‘’You think I’m a monster?’’ He spits out the same words from a few nights ago. This time you shake your head, scared of what's to come. You hear the sound of a lightsaber, you close your eyes. Feeling his saber. ‘’Look at me.’’ Kylo spits out holding his saber close to your face. You shake your head clenching your eyes shut. 
‘’I said look at me.’’ Your eyes snap open as you feel your skin burn from the closeness of his saber. 
Your breath hitches as you really look at him.
 He looks so broken. 
You don’t why you do it, but you can’t stop the way your hands come up to grab hold of his face. His breaths come out ragged as he closes the saber. Dropping his head onto your neck. He clutches onto your night shirt. Your hands shake as you comb them through his hair. 
You make it back onto the command ship, ignoring the bodies that plague the floor. 
He led you back to your room.
He sat you on your cot, wrapping your bruised and bloodied feet in gauze. 
His rough hands, tender and gentle. 
‘’My name is Y/n’’ You whisper as he puts everything away.
He only nods in recognition before walking out.
This time you watch him walk away.
Kylo ran.
He had to get to you.
He had just killed his father. The pain of the memory enraged as he blindly fought his tears. His tie fighter reached speeds never reached before.
The disappointment in both his fathers and  Rey’s eyes. What would you think of him? Would you call him a monster? Did you hate him? He killed your family for star's sake.
Rey was the last person Kylo had allowed to make him feel a certain way. With Rey he felt like he needed to prove to her how much of a monster he was. With you, he wants to prove that he wasn’t one. At least not to you. You’re the first person that makes him want to turn around and do the right thing. Forget about the order. Forget about the power. Forget about the darkness.
 He had to get you out, save you before he killed you too.
Kylo stopped breathing, his mind recoiling, enraged by the idea.
No. He had to protect you, he had to keep you safe. 
He had to let you go. Even if it killed him.
He bursts through the command shuttle, ignoring General Hux. He can feel you near. Your energy grows stronger as he practically runs through the quarters.
You feel him before you see him. You rise from your cot just as your door slides open. He stands in silence as he grabs hold of your hand. You feel an immense sense of Deja Vu as he leads you through the ship. You don’t know where you’re going. You start to fight to get out of his grip as you see him make his way to the gates of the ship. 
He tugs onto your arm as he leads you to his tie fighter, he forces you into his ship. The space is tight as you’re forced to sit close. Your breath hitches as you stare in fascination. 
‘’I’ve never been on a fighter before.’’ You share out, you’re not sure if he’s listening. 
He is, he’s always listening to you.
He watches a smile break out onto your face as you notice the field of flowers you’re about to land on.
You walk out of the fighter, Kylo has a grip on your hand as he helps you off. You fight the blush off your face as he continues to hold your hand. 
You don’t know where you’re going, but you appreciate the comfortable silence that hangs in the air between you. ‘’So, what made you want to bring me here?’’ You’ve tried being a little easier to talk with since the other night. Kylo stops in his tracks suddenly, the smile on your face drops.
‘’What’s wrong?’’ You ask wearily, you don’t want to admit that you’re worried for him. But you are. ‘’I’m letting you go.’’ He whispers, through his mask. ‘’What?’’ You ask. Ripping your hand out of his grip. ‘’What?’’ You ask louder. He stays quiet as you stare at his helmet,  You’ve grown to hate when he wears it.
You go to make your way back to the tie fighter, before you feel him grip onto your arm. He’s walking fast now, dragging you along. ‘’Kylo?... Kylo!’’ you shout as you finally get out of his grip. You stare at him wide eyed, frowning as he continues to walk ahead. The fresh air blowing your hair out of your face as you stare at him. He stalks towards you taking hold of your arm again, this time more forcefully.
You fight him again this time with strength you didn’t know you had. 
You don’t know why you’re fighting, this is what you wanted. 
You wanted to go home right?
‘’I’m letting you go.’’ Is all he says, before he throws you over his shoulder. You kick and scream as you struggle to get out of his grip.
You guys make it through a clearing before he sets you down, any other day you would’ve made a run for it but this time you stay put. Glaring at him. ‘’Why are you doing this?’’ Is all you say. This is the first time Kylo feels uncertain of his actions. He shakes his head as he tries to make his way back to the ship. 
You run to stand in front of him as you shove at his chest. ‘’Why are you doing this?’’ He feels your anger, Kylo just doesn’t know why you’re angry. Isn’t this what you wanted? You continue to pound your fist into his chest. 
‘’You kill my family, you take me away from my home, you save me, and now you want to leave me here? With nowhere to go!’’ You shout. ‘’Why are you doing this to me?’’  He grabs hold of your wrists as you stare into his helmet. 
‘’If you walk straight from here you’ll make it to a hut, just keep walking straight.’’ He completely disregards your earlier questions. You grow more infuriated. ‘’Take your helmet off.’’ You say. Kylo ignores your request as he makes his way back.
This time you don’t stop him. 
‘’I hate you.’’ You shout after him.
He stops in his tracks. ‘’I hate you more than I did before.’’ At this he turns around, ripping his helmet off and throwing it on the ground. He shoves you against a tree.
‘’ You hate me? Good, hate me. Hate me for taking you away from your home. Hate me for killing your family.  Hate me for wanting to keep you safe. Hate me for wanting you.’’ He spits out, he didn’t mean to get aggressive with you. He just wanted you to understand, he needed you to. 
You cry, cry harder than you did for your family, harder than you did for your own life. 
Kylo hates the way he makes you cry, he hates the way your tears make his chest hurt.
Most of all he hates you for making him feel weak. 
‘’I hate you.’’ You spit out through tears ‘’I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.’’That’s all it took for Kylo to smash his lips against yours. He doesn’t know what came over him. One minute he’s staring down at you the next he’s kissing you. He’s kissing you like he hates you, he’s kissing you like he wants you.
You kiss him back with the same amount of passion, you kiss him back with the same amount of hatred, you kiss him back with the same amount of want. 
‘’I hate you too. I fucking hate you too. I hate thinking of you, I hate seeing you, I hate needing you.’’ He says, in truth he doesn't, loves you. He wants to hurt you. It's the only way you’ll let him let you go.The only way he’ll let himself, let you go. 
You grab hold of his face and smash your lips onto his, loving the way he’s rough with you. You moan into his mouth when you feel his teeth dig into your bottom lip. You pull on his black shaggy hair in return. He groans at the pain. He loves pain.
He loves it more when it’s you inflicting it. 
Kylo knows he should stop, knows he should stop before he takes it too far. He can’t 
He can’t stop the way he grips and pulls your hair. Can’t stop the way he pulls your head back. Can’t stop the way he trails kisses down your neck. He can’t stop the way he bruises your neck, marking you as his.
Because that’s who you belonged to. He owned you. 
You loved every second of it. Your clit pulsing, your panties soaking with your arousal. You’re so wet, Kylo swears he can smell you. The smell drove him crazy. ‘’Tell me you want this, tell me you want me.’’ Kylo is pleading. He’s begging , he’s never begged before. You don’t respond with words, instead you let your hands trail down his chest, over his abdomen, as you grip onto his growing bulge.  
He lets out a groan as he feels you dip your hands into his pants. His eyes flutter shut as your tiny hand grips him. You moan as you feel how big he is. You don’t know what possessed you, but you’re kneeling before him, tugging on his pants and freeing his friend. Your eyes widen as you see just how big he actually was.
You feel his gloved hand comb through your hair as you look up at him. Kylo’s hand pulls your head back, forming a makeshift ponytail. ‘’Open your mouth.’’ He commands, your mouth falls open instantly. He leans down, before spitting into your mouth. You swallow it before letting your mouth fall open again. ‘’Dirty fucking girl.’’ He says before he spits into your mouth again. He forces your head down by your hair, as you finally take his cock.
You were new to this, but you took the whole thing in your mouth. Gagging as he hit the back of your throat, Kylo moaned as he bucked his hips. Forcing more of him down your throat. Tears blurred your vision, as you bobbed your head up and down. 
‘’Good girl.’’ ‘’Taking my cock so well.’’ ‘’You were made for this.’’ ‘’yeah keep sucking my cock’’ 
Tears streamed down your face as you took all of him. His praises made you want to please. You needed to please him.
Your hands travel down and under your gown, as you play with yourself. You moan at the pressure you finally give your clit.
Kylo growls at the sight. He gripped onto your head with both hands, before face fucking you. Tears streamed down your face as you struggled to take him all. His pace was brutal as he groaned. 
‘’You look so pretty when you cry.’’ you practically whimper at the praise. He moans at the vibrations. 
The sight of you trying to please him, made Kylo cum on the spot.
You relax your throat, as he goes deeper. Moaning as his thrusts get more frantic. He tries to pull out but you hold him in place before shoving his cock deeper, and swallowing. 
His vision grew dizzy as you swallowed around him. He had to pry your head off him. ‘’Show me.’’ He says out of breath.
You open your mouth wide, sticking your tongue out, you had swallowed every last drop. He moaned at the sight before pulling you up from your hair.
He smashed his mouth onto yours, as you pulled onto his lip. Your eyes were blown out from arousal. Your thighs shining from the slick escaping your pussy.
Your eyes snapping wide as you notice Kylo held your face with both of his hands. 
You mewled eyes rolling back as the air like being pressed onto your clit. Kylo was using the force to get you off. You kissed his mouth feverishly as the pressure grew stronger. You fought against the hold he had on you when the pressure became too much to take. 
‘’Take it.’’ Is all Kylo said huskily. The force was removed from between your legs and moved to grip at your throat. Kylo shoved his fingers in you as he set a rapid pace. You tried clenching your legs closed as you moaned out in ecstasy. His other hand slapped your thigh open before placing it onto your hip.
‘’Look at me.’’ He growled, your eyes clenched shut, as you fought the impending orgasm. ‘’Look at me.’’ Your eyes snap open as you stare at him. His eyes, once chocolate brown, were now pools of black. ‘’You going to cum?’’ He asks mockingly you shake your head thrashing in his hold. 
The forces’ grip tightened around your throat, causing you to moan out. Kylo's fingers were pounding into you as you clenched around his fingers. The squelching of your pussy humiliating as it resonated around the empty forest. ‘’You hear that? Here how well your pussy takes my fingers? Hm?’’ You only nod in response. Your thighs shake as your orgasm is practically forced out of you. 
Your cries silenced by Kylo's mouth. The force is suddenly removed from your throat as Kylo spins you around. Bending you over as you grasp at the tree. 
‘’Gonna fuck you nice and good.’’ ‘’You’re going to take it like a good girl.’’ 
‘’Yes.’’ You moan out not caring how pathetic you sound. Kylo wasn't dumb he knew how often your hands would find their way down your pants. Thoughts full of him and only him.
He wanted to defile you both inside and out.
You moaned out when you felt him shove inside of you. You felt him in your stomach. The grip he had on your waist was borderline bruising, as he pounded into you.
You reached down to play with your clit, he slapped your hands away. Pulling out and spinning you back around. 
He forced you up, up against the tree, as he re-entered you. The force once again playing part in stimulating your clit. Your mouth hung open as silent screams came out. Your whole body vibrated, buzzing in pleasure. Almost like you entered a state of shock.
‘’look at you all fucked out .’’ ‘’This is what you wanted hm?’’ ‘’You wanted me to fuck you dumb’’ 
Kylo loves the way his cock brings you to tears, he loves the way your pussy clenches over him in warning as he forces yet another orgasm out of you.
He wasn’t far behind as his hips bucked into you, he groans as he fills you up with his cum. Pulling out and smiling as you’re tainted with him inside and out.
Kylo helps your shaky legs down, as you try to regain strength. Your body and mind truly fucked out. You notice the silence as he helps dress you.
‘’Don’t leave me.’’ You whisper, you try to fight the tears that threaten to come down. Your brain scrambled from the quick change of events. 
‘’Why do you cry?’’ He asks if he doesn't get an answer, just sobs. He resorts to reading your mind. He swallows the lump in his throat. The only thoughts coursing through your mind, were thoughts of him.
‘’Please, don’t make this harder for me.’’ He whispers, you continue to cry as he wipes your tears. ‘’I want to keep you safe, run from me, call me a monster, just don’t cry. I’m not worth your tears.’’ You hold onto the hand that’s on your face as you look into his eyes.
Kylo doesn’t know why his heart beats wildly when you look at him like that.
He shuts his eyes, shaking his head, removing his hand from your face. ‘’I can’t keep you with me, I’m only putting you in danger.’’ He whispers more to himself than to you. ‘’I thought you said I belonged to you? You can keep me safe. I want you to.’’ Your words come out more sure than anything. You wanted to stay with him.
You wanted to be with him.
Kylo stares open-mouthed, he doesn’t know what to say. 
‘’What have you done?’’ He whispers, scared of the inevitable. ‘’I want to stay with you.’’ You whisper in response. He closes the distance between you both. You don’t say anything scared that he’ll change his mind and leave. ‘’What are you thinking about?’’ You ask quietly, scared to ruin the moment. 
‘’I’m thinking about kissing you.’’ He answers truthfully. You smile brightly as you hold his gaze. You feel him in your head. ‘I want you to’ He stares at you in disbelief as he places his lips on yours. The kiss is delicate this time. Gentle.
Kylo smiles as he pulls away, he’s never felt more alive. 
He’ll give you anything, do anything you wanted just as long as you looked at him with your watercolored eyes. 
I hope you liked this one I wanted to try something new, on to a serious note. I've edited my posts because I would like to specify on what I consider dark fics. These are some of the fics I will absolutely refuse to write or acknowledge. {Non-con fics, Step-cest fics, and any of the in between} I would love for my readers to feel comfortable in reading my AU's, as well as I would love to feel comfortable writing them. Thank you again.
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
Omg, I've waited forever! Could I request an Adam Driver x gender neutal reader where they're his assistant on a movie set but they're super quiet and a bit intimidated by him. The reader is almost too quiet. After like a week of them tip-toeing around him afraid he's going to explode at any second Adam pulls them aside and tell them they're the best assisnt and gives them a big old bear hug the reader has a small meltdown of relif because they we're worried he was gonna flip out and fire them or worse.
Not What He Seems
Pairing: Actor!Kylo Ren x Assistant G/n!Reader
TW: Cursing
A/N: Hello Anon, this was such an amazing request and absolute joy to write! I do not write for actors so this is an AU where Kylo Ren is an actor rather than Adam Driver! I hope you enjoy this! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Word Count: 1.1k
Gif Credit: @lux-ace
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There are benefits to working as an assistant in Hollywood, and you can't help but be thankful for having the opportunity. However, as with any profession, there were always drawbacks. When you worked as their assistant, you had to deal with obnoxious celebs, greedy directors, you name it. But you never imagined that one of the best performers of the decade would hire you as his assistant.
As an actor who took his roles seriously, Kylo Ren gave interviews that were concise and even a little cold. During the first two weeks after being assigned, you were tremendously anxious. You would mumble a humble "yes, sir" in response to Kylo's requests and then dash off to finish your tasks. Without a doubt, you didn't linger by his side any longer than necessary.
You respected him, yet you couldn't help but feel terrified. You can still remember the first day you met him as his new assistant.
You were in the middle of scanning through the roll call, checking the room to make sure everyone was accompanied. Earlier that day, you spent the last two hours answering phone calls for the director. It was very tiring, and you were happy to handle another task that didn't require much energy. However, it changed when your boss appeared with a grin on his face.
"(Y/N), I have another task for you during your time on this set." The director said, his pointer finger beckoning for you to approach him. The director was an older man with graying hair and a mustache in a gray-toned suit.
You tried not to outwardly sigh before getting up, keeping your clipboard in your hand as you approached.
"Yes, Sir?" You asked, looking up at the director with a professional expression on your face. "What exactly do you need me to do?"
The director could only grin more before replying, Yes, actually, you're going to be an assistant for our male lead! Do you think you can manage that?"
Oh great, another one.
Your professional mask slipped for a moment, and your eyes showed a hint of disapproval. However, you knew you weren't exactly in a position to refuse his request. "Of course, who will I be assisting, Sir?"
"That would be him." The director said, turning behind him before pointing across the room.
You glanced at where he was pointing, and you almost felt your heart drop to your stomach. Across the room, observing all the equipment with sunglasses concealing his eyes, was Kylo Ren.
"Sir, are we sur-" You started to say before the director interrupted you. He has a horrible habit of doing that.
"Try not to upset him too much; his last assistant was fired, and you know how that goes around here."
Your eyes widened as your mind processed what was being said. Before you could recover and politely ask to assist in something else, the director walked away, throwing a casual 'thanks' over his shoulder.
Your eyes returned to the towering presence observing the equipment; his face was stone-cold, and his concealed eyes made him seem like an enigma. You hesitated before checking the role call once more, hoping that perhaps he arrived at the wrong set and the director didn't check his cast like usual.
However, you were severely disappointed when, towards the bottom of the roll call, his name was mentioned.
Kylo Ren, Leading Male.
You were totally screwed.
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It has been a few weeks and Kylo was seated in his very own director's chair, which featured his name attached to the back using velcro. Kylo was never fond of those chairs since they made his back ache when he sat in them. That, however, did not concern him in the slightest. Ever since he was given his newest assistant, he has always been left in a state of confusion or bewilderment.
He was certainly not oblivious; he was aware that his assistant had been avoiding him or making an effort to leave earlier than necessary. You only exchanged a few words with him, but you were always exact and prompt in your responses to his demands. He couldn't deny that you were his best assistant, but he couldn't understand why you were so afraid around him. He was eager to discover the reality of the situation.
"(Y/N)." Kylo muttered, appearing behind you while you were organizing the beverages on the table.
You jerked, almost dropping the soda cans you were holding. Before you could drop the beverages to the ground, you quickly set them down on the table and turned to face Kylo.
"Y-Yes, Mr. Ren?" You replied, your neck craned back due to his towering frame. You were so nervous that you could hardly stand still as you silently prayed that you hadn't done something wrong that you weren't aware of. "Is there something wrong?"
"Yes, actually."
Oh, fuck.
From your silence, Kylo proceeded to remove his sunglasses, revealing his hazel eyes. You noticed that he appeared to shuffle a little, almost as if he were feeling awkward. You couldn't help but be a little curious about what he needed to say at this point.
"I've noticed you've been avoiding me, and I want to know why that is." He said, looking down at you with his face remaining neutral.
"Sir, I didn't mean-"
"Listen, I just want to understand why you seem afraid of me." He explained, before crossing his arms. "I think you owe me that much."
"I'm sorry..." You muttered, your eyes brimming with tears. You avoided his gaze, instead facing the ground.
When Kylo noticed the tears forming in your eyes, his eyes widened. He couldn't help but feel almost ashamed and somewhat guilty about upsetting you.
"Please, don't cry..." He muttered, watching as the tears began falling from your eyes. He hesitated before stepping forward, slowly wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug.
You gasped quietly, the unexpected hug catching you off guard. However, it wasn't unwelcomed as you slowly returned the embrace. Your head rested on his chest, and you listened to his breaths to calm down.
"Look..." He paused before continuing, "You're the best assistant I've ever had; you don't need to cry."
"Y-You're not going to fire me...?" You asked softly, sniffling.
"No, I'm not going to fire you." He chuckled, finding the idea a little absurd. "You can just...relax more around me, alright?"
He pulled away before putting his large hands on your shoulders, peering down at you with a small smile. "Can you do that for me?"
Without thinking, your own smile was appearing on your face, making you feel more calm.
"Yeah, I can do that." You whispered, nodding your head.
"Good." He replied before straightening up, his hands returning to his sides. He turned slightly, giving you one last glance before putting his sunglasses back on and walking away.
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Spam Liking w/o Reblogging = Blocked
Taglist: Comment to be added!!
@prettywhenibleed @britany1997 @leiasolo77 @rottent33th @slaasherslut @bookworm-with-coffee
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ghulehthezombiequeen · 3 months
lost in yesterday - kylo ren x male reader
yeehaw gays in space 🤠 happy pride month folks
warnings/things to note: suggestive but no smut, male reader, hints of reader's unstable mental health, uhh not really canon timeline but it's fineee
this is also part one of 2 ( call out my name )
reqs open (link goes to req boundaries)
word count: 1,831
After bullshitting your way through life, you finally managed to get caught in the crossfire between the First Order and the Resistance, which was definitely not good as you've been in some pretty hot water with both sides.
Currently, you found yourself strapped to an interrogation bed in the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's ship. He stood menacingly above you, wanting to instill fear into your defiant being.
"I won't ask again," his deep voice pulls you back to the present. "Are you a member of the Resistance?"
In actuality you weren't, you were just another smuggler following the footsteps of the great ones before you. But you knew you'd probably be sent to death row within the hour if you said that. So, you did what you did best.
"Does a Wookie shit in the woods?" You grunted in reply, earning an ice-cold glare from Kylo. He grabbed a fistful of your hair, tugging your head back as he pulled on it roughly.
"I suggest you cooperate, unless you want things to get more painful than necessary," he warned over your groan of pain. Your head was already throbbing from the stormtroopers' beatings and lack of hydration, and it only grew the tighter he held your hair. You licked your lips and panted heavily.
"Mmh, don't tug any harder or I might just come."
Kylo rolled his eyes at your cheeky response.
"Quite the smart mouth you have there," he replied, gripping your hair even tighter. He leaned down slightly, his face inches away from yours.
"Are you trying to provoke me?"
You whimpered, your mouth turning agape and almost twisting in a half-smirk. "A-Ahh, I wasn't kidding..."
Kylo's expression darkened almost instantly as he pulled your hair even tighter, your back arching as you let out a pained gasp. He leaned in closer, his mouth just millimeters away from your ear.
"Watch yourself," he whispered, his voice a low, intimidating growl. "I could easily break you if I wanted to."
"Kinky!~" You grunted, your shit-eating grin never leaving even though your heart was pounding.
Kylo's eyes narrowed as a flicker of irritation flashed across his face. He released your hair and stepped away from you, his arms crossing over his broad chest as your head slumped.
"You really don't know when to shut up, do you?" he asked, annoyance dripping from his voice. "I could have you tortured for days for your smart mouth."
You took this short moment of respite to catch your breath before giggling softly. Maybe you were losing your mind, but he just looked too funny in that last moment.
His eyebrow raised in curiosity as he heard your soft giggles. He stepped forward again, his hand reaching out to tuck your bangs behind your ear.
"What's so funny?" he asked, his tone still edged with irritation.
"You're- you're trying so hard to get me all scared for my life and whatnot," you paused to chuckle some more, your head lowering again to hide your manic smile. "When really, I don't give two shits about it! I have nothing to give you and nothing to lose!"
Kylo's eyes widened in surprise at your boldness. He wasn't used to someone being so unflinchingly fearless in his presence, especially someone who was strapped down like a prisoner.
"You think you're invincible, do you?" he questioned, his tone now holding a hint of fascination. "You don't care if I hurt you? You don't care if I break you?"
"Nah," you shook your head, lifting it to show him just how unafraid you were. His forehead wrinkled as he observed it. He just couldn't fathom how someone could be so carefree in such a dire situation. He walked around the bed, stopping next to you and looking down at your bound form.
"You're either incredibly brave or incredibly foolish," he stated, his eyes studying your face intently as you shrugged.
"I get that exact statement more than I do credits," you chuckled under your breath.
Kylo scoffed in disbelief. He ran a hand through his dark raven hair, shaking his head slightly. "You're unlike anyone I've ever interrogated before," he admitted.
"The others all break eventually, begging for mercy. But you…" he trailed off, his gaze roaming over your face again.
You shook your head, your smile never leaving your face as you held his gaze. "I exist out of spite. And let me tell you, it is glorious."
Kylo chuckled darkly at your snarky comment. He placed a hand on the bed next to your hip, leaning down to get closer to your face. "Spite, huh?" he repeated, his gaze locked with yours.
"You're a walking contradiction, you know that? Defiant and yet… somewhat amusing."
"That's what gives me so much power, darling," you winked.
"Oh, but... not physical, of course," you added, tugging at the restraints with a soft chuckle. "No, I'm talking mental power. You see, I just so happened to have found the cheat codes to the entire kriffing galaxy, and I am winning."
His eyes widened in amusement at your words. He chuckled again, shaking his head in disbelief. "So, you think you've found the secret to life, huh?" he said, his voice a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "You're tied down to my interrogation slab and have literally no power, but somehow, you're winning?"
Your eyebrow raised, "well, you haven't exactly broken me yet now, have you?"
Kylo's jaw clenched as your smirk hit a nerve. He couldn't deny that you were right, but he wasn't about to admit it out loud.
"I'll break you, eventually," he warned, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I've broken countless others before. You're no different."
"Mhm," you replied sarcastically. "Just don't go crying back to Daddy when we don't work out, okay?"
His eyes widened in shock, his irritation growing by the second as he clenched his fists to control it from flying right into your face. He stepped closer, towering over you as he spoke through gritted teeth.
"Don't push your luck, smart mouth," he practically growled. "I have ways to make you regret ever being born."
"Oh, honey," you laughed, shaking your head. "You're going to have to try much harder, I already regret it every waking day!"
Kylo's patience reached its breaking point. He grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.
"You really have no sense of self-preservation, do you?" he demanded, anger lacing his words. "You think this is all a game, don't you? You think you can just taunt and tease me, and I'll just let you go?"
"Oh, no- I don't plan on leaving. No, no, you're really a great host," you answered, your tone laced with sarcasm and a smirk.
His cold eyes darkened with anger, his grip on your jaw becoming tighter. He gritted his teeth, struggling to keep his temper in check.
"Oh, you think you're real cute, don't you?" he snarled. "You think your sarcastic comments and smirks are going to save you, but let me tell you something..."
He leaned in closer, his face inches away from yours.
"I can make your life a living hell if I want to. I can make you beg for death, and I won't hesitate to do it. So watch yourself, smartass."
You leaned your head closer as well, your lips barely hovering each other's. "I already beg the Maker for my death, and every day I wake is a living hell," you whispered into his mouth. "So you're going to have to try so much harder if you want to break me."
The Supreme Leader's breath caught in his throat as you leaned closer, your lips dangerously close to touching his. He could feel your hot breath on his face, sending a strange wave of feelings through him. He hadn't been this close to someone, let alone a prisoner, in a very long time.
He swallowed hard, his expression faltering for just a moment before he regained his composure. He released your jaw, backing away slightly as he composed himself.
"You're nothing but a walking contradiction," he grumbled, his voice now tinged with something other than irritation.
"Like I said," you shrugged while returning to your resting position. "I exist out of spite."
Kylo rubbed a hand over his face, his frustration slowly turning into fascination. You were unlike anyone he had ever met before. Most prisoners would be quivering in fear, doing everything they could to please him in hopes of being spared. But you were different. You were fearless, taunting and teasing him, seemingly unintimidated by his presence or power.
He couldn't understand it. Why weren't you afraid? Why weren't you begging for mercy? Instead, you were… smiling?
he scoffed and leaned against a nearby wall, crossing his arms over his chest as he observed you. His mind raced with questions and curiosity.
"Why aren't you afraid?" he finally spoke up, his voice calmer now but still laced with intrigue. "Most prisoners beg and plea for mercy, but you… you act like this is all some kind of game. Like you're enjoying this."
You leaned towards him as close as you could within your restraints, remaining firm eye contact.
"I'm proving that you're not as powerful as you promote yourself to be," you stated simply, your voice low and finally serious.
This earned another raised eyebrow at your response, leaving him somewhat impressed by your unwavering confidence.
"And you think this is the way to prove it?" he questioned, a hint of amusement in his voice. "By being snarky and defiant? Good luck with that. I've dealt with plenty like you before."
"But no one is just like me, now are they?" you smiled, leaning back again.
Kylo studied you closely, his gaze roaming over your calm, confident form. He couldn't deny that there was something different about you. You seemed untouchable, almost completely unbothered by the dangerous situation you were in.
He pushed himself off the wall, his footsteps echoing through the room as he walked over to the edge of the bed. He leaned down, his face now just inches away from yours.
"You're either recklessly brave, or incredibly stupid," he stated, his eyes never leaving yours.
"You already said that, but thank you, sweetheart," you teased, giggling again as you watched him suddenly turn to leave in fury. "Hey. Same time next week?"
This caused him to freeze in his tracks, his eyebrow twitching in irritation. He looked over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing as he shot you a glare.
"You think you're clever, don't you?" he snapped, his voice a mix of annoyance and something else. Without another word, he pushed past the doors and made his way down the corridor, his mind replaying the interaction again and again.
Your giggles died down, and you had to bite your lip to hide your pained sobs slipping through them. No, you had to be strong. You had to live, to spite the galaxy.
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romanarose · 8 months
Commissions now open!
Hi friends! I've found myself in a tight financial spot.
While fighting a very severe depression episode for a few months, I was unable to work as much as I needed to. That mixed with travel leaving my dorm and christmas break, I spent a lot of my money. I am behind on a few payments of things, including tuition, and will need gas money to get back to school. Im not super worried as I have most of january to work and save, and im working a lot! but A little bit extra would be helpful just to get caught up.
Who I write for: Most Oscar Issac characters (if you aren't sure, just ask. I'm open to trying something new!), The Four Miller Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Joel, Tommy, Will, Benny), Javier Pena, Han Solo, Kylo Ren. Open to other ideas just ask! As a note, my best writing, I feel, has been done on Santiago Garcia, Will Miller, Marc Spector, and Tommy and Joel Miller. They are my special guys.
I'll write about any pairing except the obvious no's like incest and underage. X reader, gn!reader, trans!reader, NB!reader, oc's, threesomes, LGBT parings and so on. I've never written male reader, but I'm willing to give it go. Any mix of race, religion, gender, sexual or romantic orientation etc, I will write and do my best to research the experience and listen to your voice on it.
Content I will write: All the usual, from fluff to non con. dark does not phase me. Again, there's a few no's, and I really can't think of all fetishes off the top of my head so, just ask! No shame from me, I'm into feet and piss lol. Threesomes or group sex are a yes, so is mixing characters from different media (for example, im writing a santiago garcia x reader x javier pena fic)
Pricing: $7 USD per 1000 words.
Will take payment via paypall, cashapp, venmo, but for your safety b ware you can often see full names or numbers. I don't really care but just so you know! Also willing to do other stuff like zelle, as long as i trust they are reputable.
Any questions just go ahead and DM me or comment! I'm pretty wide open.
Thank you!
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shinyasahalo · 5 months
Top 100 AO3 Ships (All) May 1, 2024
(M/M) Castiel/Dean Winchester (Supernatural TV) 116,578 fics
(M/M) Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf TV) 73,560 fics
(M/M) Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (Sherlock TV) 72,435 fics
(M/M) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (Harry Potter) 70,893 fics
(M/M) James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (Captain America/Marvel) 66,307 fics
(GQ/GQ) Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens TV) 64,542 fics
(M/M) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (Marauders/Harry Potter) 51,400 fics
(M/M) Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Avengers/Marvel) 47,536 fics
(M/M) Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (My Hero Academia) 45,551 fics
(M/M) Harry Stiles/Louis Tomlinson (One Direction) 44,633 fics
(M/M) Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian (Modao Zushi) 42,229 fics
(M/M) Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 39,019 fics
(M/M) Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin TV/Arthurian Mythology) 37,813 fics
(F/M) Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) 36,839 fics
(M/M) Keith/Lance (Voltron) 34,994 fics
(M/M) Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester (Supernatural TV) 34,574 fics
(M/M) Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou (My Hero Academia) 32,707 fics
(M/M) Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) 32,625 fics
(M/M) Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters TV) 32,313 fics
(M/M) Will Graham/Hannibal Lector (Hannibal TV) 30,944 fics
(F/M) Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 30,449 fics
(F/M) Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter) 30,410 fics
(M&M) Peter Parker & Tony Stark (Avengers/Marvel) 30,368 fics
(M/M) Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 30,137 fics
(F/M) Original Female Character/Original Male Character (All Fandoms) 29,256 fics
(M/M) Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 29,163 fics
(M/M) Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (Yuuri On Ice) 27,963 fics
(F/M) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (Marauders/Harry Potter) 27,505 fics
(M/M) Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (Stranger Things TV) 27,249 fics
(M/M) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) 25,676 fics
(M/M) Original Male Character/Original Male Character (All Fandoms) 25,438 fics
(M/M) Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto (My Hero Academia) 24,637 fics
(M/M) Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 23,837 fics
(M/M) Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) 23,714 fics
(M/M) Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (My Hero Academia) 23,690 fics
(F/M) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (Iron Man/Marvel) 23,633 fics
(M&M) Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) 22,378 fics
(M/M) Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion (The Witcher TV) 22,138 fics
(F/M) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (Harry Potter) 22,024 fics
(F/F) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supergirl TV/DCU) 21,423 fics
(M/M) James T. Kirk/Spock (Original Series/Star Trek) 21,144 fics
(M/M) Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu!) 21,062 fics
(M&M) Sherlock Holmes & John Watson (Sherlock TV) 21,018 fics
(M/M) Hinata Shouya/Kageyamo Tobio (Haikyuu!) 19,681 fics
(M/M) Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death TV) 19,581 fics
(M/M) Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel (Glee TV) 19,279 fics
(GQ&GQ) Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens TV) 18,515 fics
(F/M) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter) 18,466 fics
(M&M) Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuki (My Hero Academia) 18,433 fics
(M/M) Levi Ackerman/Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan) 18,426 fics
(M/M) Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 18,380 fics
(M/M) Harry Potter/Severus Snape (Harry Potter) 18,170 fics
(M/M) Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (X-Men/Marvel) 18,106 fics
(M/M) Dan Howell/Phil Lester (Video Blogging RPF) 17,899 fics
(M/M) Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou (Haikyuu!) 17,719 fics
(F/F) Original Female Character/Original Female Character (All Fandoms) 17,339 fics
(F/N) The Doctor/Rose Tyler (Doctor Who TV) 17,153 fics
(M/M) Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Sequel Trilogy) 17,086 fics
(M/R) James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader (Marvel) 16,982 fics
(M/M) Keith/Shiro (Voltron) 16,928 fics
(M/M) Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich (Shameless TV) 16,592 fics
(M&M) Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester (Supernatural TV) 16,235 fics
(F/F) Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time TV) 16,177 fics
(M/M) Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minha | Lee Know (Stray Kids/K-Pop) 15,998 fics
(M/M) Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier (IT Movies) 15,991 fics
(M/M) Kim Taehyung/Park Jimin (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 15,888 fics
(M&M) Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) 15,665 fics
(M/M) Jenson Ackles/Jared Padalecki (Actor RPF) 15,635 fics
(M/M) Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) 15,460 fics
(M/M) Loki/Thor (Thor Movies/Marvel) 15,430 fics
(M/M) Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga (Bangtan Boys/K-Pop) 15,334 fics
(M/M) Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) 15,178 fics
(M/M) Rodney McKay/John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis TV) 15,145 fics
(M/M) Gabriel/Sam Winchester (Supernatural TV) 14,916 fics
(F/M) Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (The 100 TV) 14,907 fics
(F/M) Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (The X-Files TV) 14,787 fics
(F/M) Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson TV) 14,420 fics
(M/M) Regulus Black/James Potter (Marauders/Harry Potter) 14,398 fics
(M/M) Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen) 13,993 fics
(M&M) Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) 13,727 fics
(M/M) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (Harry Potter) 13,682 fics
(M/M) Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade (Sherlock Holmes TV) 13,515 fics
(M/M) Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan) 13,359 fics
(M/M) Frank Iero/Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) 13,310 fics
(M&M) Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku (My Hero Academia) 13,303 fics
(M/M) Miya Atsumo/Sakusa Kiyoomi (Haikyuu!) 13,207 fics
(F/F) Clarke Griffin/Lexa (The 100 TV) 13,194 fics
(M/M) Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (Torchwood TV/Doctor Who) 13,111 fics
(M&M) James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers (Captain America/Marvel) 13,073 fics
(M/M) Steve McGarret/Danny "Danno" Williams (Hawaii Five-O TV) 13,064 fics
(F/M) Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (Avengers/Marvel) 13,052 fics
(M/M) Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Miserables) 12,829 fics
(M/M) Loki/Tony Stark (Avengers/Marvel) 12,808 fics
(M/M) Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit) 12,773 fics
(M&M) Castiel & Dean Winchester (Supernatural TV) 12,751 fics
(F/M) Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow TV/DCU) 12,721 fics
(F/F) Amity Blight/Luz Noceda (The Owl House) 12,526 fics
(M/M) Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto (My Hero Academia) 12,376 fics
(M/M) Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (Percy Jackson TV) 12,334 fics
(M/M) Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks (My Hero Academia) 12,318 fics
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cemeteryry · 1 year
star wars
⭑ kylo ren x male reader part 1 you’re on my mind (and in my head)
⭑ poe dameron headcanons
⭑ miguel o’hara x tall male reader headcanons
⭑ miguel o’hara x trans masc reader caught in the act
⭑ miguel o’hara x male reader don’t want you getting hurt
⭑ jealous miguel o’hara x flirty male reader headcanons
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elmoslungcancer · 8 months
KYLO and the roomie
Rent has risen in price this past year, and KYLO can barely keep up. In desperate measures to keep him from going insane he goes online asking if anyone would like to room with him.
He lives in a three bedroom apartment, two of the rooms is a computer room the other his bedroom and lastly the guest room that's never been used.
He doesn't often have anybody stay the night, but in case he has a friend or two stay the night he'd always have an air mattress on hand.
After posting online he goes around to clean up a little, if someone does want to become a roommate it's best if he does a little TLC.
He ties his hair up in a high ponytail, as well as rolling up his sleeves, and asking his Alexa to play a song from his playlist. Now he got to work; starting with sweeping the floors, vacuuming, then he mops, and after that's done he checks his phone to find it's been four hours since he's started. He also sees that he has a notification from his post he made earlier.
He lets his sleeves roll back down tired of constantly rolling them back up, and letting his pony tail loosen up a bit. He rushes to his computer room to check out the notification. Logging back onto his computer he sees he's gotten a dm and he clicks on it.
'Hi hello, my name is m/n I've seen that you were looking for a roommate and I would be happy rooming with you! I've also seen that the area you stay at is a lot closer to my job so this would benefit me a lot as well! If the offer isn't taken by the time I've sent this then I would love to be able to discuss how much is rent, chores, rules, and ECT. Please reach back to me if you can!'
KYLO let out a little 'heh' as he read what you said, he thought it was funny how you basically said hello twice. He quickly reached back out saying that the offer was still up, and that you two could definitely talk about rent tomorrow at a reasonable time. Since it was almost pitch black outside he didn't want to keep you up.
'Yes of course it is getting pretty late we can talk later of course thank you again for letting me take this opportunity. Talk to you later!'
An:That's all this will be part one because I'm tired good night. This is also going to be a Male OC x bttm male reader story.
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