#kylian mbappe is so good we should all be scared
amazing that the world cup final didn't kill me. the drama. the plot twists. the penalties, the extra time, the penalties. literally everyone on the field crying. my heart rate still hasn't settled
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moonpedri · 1 year
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summary: kylian takes you on a special date on a helicopter to let you see the eiffel tower for the first time
pairing: kylian mbappe x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: kylian is an absolute dream, beware of suffering from absolute delusions after this
word count: 1.8k+
a/n: this was definitely not inspired by the helicopter scene in figty shades of grey 😃 and i definitely never wanted to recreate this scene with someone😃 and this is definitely not for pure self-indulgment😃 and i definitely did not listen to "love me like you do" on repeat while writing this😃
anyways lol, i hope you enjoy reading as much as i did writing!!🤍
You are in the middle of organizing the last shelf, when your manager approaches you with an unreadable expression. "__, this looks perfect. You're done for tonight."
You turn to her in confusion, "It's fine, I just have this one last shelf left-"
"I said you're dismissed for tonight, __. Enjoy the rest of your evening."
With a final look she leaves, but not before giving you a little wink. This is not a common occurrence; in fact you usually stay longer than you should. And judging from the underlying look in her eyes, you are far from done tonight.
This must be Kylian's doing again, you think. And the thought of him alone makes you feel giddy.
Your co-worker slash best friend joins you with a mischievous smile on her lips. "Stop looking at me like that.", you say.
"Aw, come on. Are you going to say this to your boyfriend too when he looks at you like that later.", Noémie says and cocks one brow up while pursing her lips. She looks absolutely ridiculous.
You shove her away, "How many times do I have to tell you that he's not my boyfriend."
She walks down the aile to the changing rooms with you, "Yet. He isn't your boyfriend yet. And when he is," she sighs blissfully, "I'll have a rich best friend and date one of his rich little friends so we can have those rich little brunches those snobby women in Paris have all the time."
"Noémie! You know that's not the reason why I like him. I don't care for his money, I never did."
Noémie smiles at you softly, "I know I know, I'm just kidding." She's silent for a second, before she breaks out in laughter, "Well, not really. But the moment he says something mean or treats you bad, god have mercy on his parisian ass."
This time you laugh as well, "I'll make sure to let him know."
She gasps, "Don't you dare. I can't leave a bad impression on my future brother-in-law."
You groan again, yet you can't deny that the thought of him being wedded to you doesn't make your stomach erupt in butterflies. "Noémie, you're so stupid."
She smiles warmly, as she watches you wear your leather jacket, "Have fun baby."
"Thank you.", you hug her tightly and leave the drug store with a shiver feeling. When you go outside a tall man, dressed in black, is already waiting for you, "Hey. Hugo, right?"
He nods curtly, "Good evening, Madam __. Monsieur Mbappé will be joining us there."
You smile gratefully, when Hugo opens the car door for you and you cautiously step in. The SUV is spacious, the windows are darkened. You can barely see anything outside.
You relax against the soft seat a little bit, while Hugo turns on the engine. Tonight is only your third date with Kylian. And you couldn't be any more nervous, because this time he didn't tell you what you were doing. A surprise, he said. Still, you're scared of being too underdressed or unprepared.
But this is Kylian; you shouldn't be too worried.
You met the french football player when he stumbled into your workplace one night. The little drug store that you work in was located in a small suburb in Lille. It isn't a well-known place, so you were surprised that such a huge personality like Kylian visited.
He was there for a match against Lille and was in search for something for his mother you think. You don't quite remember what it was, but what you clearly remember was his stressed face when you almost closed the door on him.
The store was about to close, and you almost started arguing with him but you felt bad seeing his distraught appearance and just let him in.
Safe to say your manager gave you in earful right there and then, but since it was France's superstar Kylian Mbappé, she let it go.
You waited at the door for him with the store's key in your hand. "Thank you again. Let me repay you with coffee or something."
"Sure.", you simply answered. Honestly you didn't even really hear what he said to you, too caught up with the fact that the Kylian Mbappé was in front of you, as well as your own tiredness.
He smiled and left.
You thought that settled it and you would never hear of the man again. So imagine your surprise when your shift ended 10 minutes later and he stood right there in front of you, leaning casually against the hood of his black car.
"Did- Did you forget something?", you ask. Nervously, you fiddled with the straps of your handbag.
You purse your lips, "Oh. Well, I'm sorry the store is closed now and I can't let you-"
He laughs, "I meant your number. I owe you coffee, no?"
"Ah, no it's fine. You don't have to." To say you were completely flustered would be an understatement, and you really didn't want to know how shy you probably appeared.
"I insist."
So you met for coffee. But suddenly he invited you to one of his matches one day too, and then you even went to a luxurious steak house afterwards.
The night ended with a heated kiss in his car, leaving you sleepless for the coming days. Slowly, you started developing feelings for Kylian.
He's romantic and attentive. Despite the huge gap in your lifestyles, you never felt more comfortable with someone. You two just clicked, even though everything is still so fresh and new to you.
Daily text messages and calls gave you the illusion of knowing him for an eternity already.
The car comes to a halt in front of a huge building. Hugo opens the door for you, and once you step out, you're greeted by the chilly night air. You recognize your surroundings to be in the more wealthier part of the city - somewhere you have been only a handful of times.
After the two of you two step into the elevator, Hugo clicks on the highest button. He stands in front you, his back turned to you as well. While watching him, you genuinely wonder what Kylian could have possibly planned - especially on a rooftop.
The elevator doors open with ding! and the moment they do, you're breathless.
There stands Kylian, dressed in casual slacks, a white tee and black jacket in front of a helicopter. A fucking helicopter. His initials appear big on the side of it.
The sight may have left you breathless, but Kylian's smile, while you walk towards him actually robs you off all the oxygen in your lungs. You feel shy under the gaze of his pretty eyes. "Good evening, mon bijoux.", he says and presses a kiss to your hand.
He began using the nickname only recently via text or calls, but this is the first time he actually calls you "my jewelry" in person. You like it maybe a little too much. It makes you feel special - something never quite experienced in your life before.
"Kylian...what is this?", you say, eyeing the huge vehicle behind him.
He smiles and opens the door for you, like the true gentleman he is, "Our date tonight."
You figured already but it still seems a bit surreal to you, especially when you sit inside. Kylian joins you a few seconds later on the driver's seat.
It only dawns on you then, "Wait. Ky, you're flying this?"
He smirks and puts the headset on in response, "Yes."
"So, you have a license for flying a helicopter...", you begin and subsequently fail to contain your laughter, "but no driver's license?"
He laughs as well, a bit more sheepish though, "Life works in funny ways, doesn't it?"
You squeeze his hand, trying to reassure him in some way. You wanted to say something to him, but a light suddenly blinks up on the screen, distracting him.
Suddenly Kylian leans over to you. He reaches behind you, his face so close you can see your own reflection in his eyes.
He begins clamping down the multiple seatbelts for you. Once he's done, he fastens the belt up really strong and an audible gasp leaves your mouth, when it gets especially tight around your lower area.
"No escaping now.", he says in a low voice.
You never planned on leaving anyways, you're sure you would follow him anywhere.
Kylian fastens his own seatbelts and hands you over a headset, next to his own. "September 1-1-3-7. Michelangelo. Ready to depart."
You look at him, while adjusting your headset. "Roger that, Michelangelo. Your flight plan from Lille to Paris is cleared.", someone says through the comms and you stare at Kylian in shock, unable to hide your excitement.
"Paris? That's where we're going?
His emotions match your own, "Yeah."
The heli takes off and you can barely contain your squeal. Kylian doesn't even need to say anything when you reach the capital city after 20 minutes, the difference is as clear as black and white. The view from above at night is prettier than anything you have seen before. City lights shine bright in the darkness of the night, cars still hustle around even though it's far after midnight.
You see the Champs-Élysées, the Arc de Triomphe as you fly over river Seine. It's a tragedy really, that you haven't seen any of the many sights in person - or even been to Paris. But you wouldn't change anything in the world for seeing them for the first time like this.
The Eiffel Tower was by far its most famous monument. And nothing could have prepared you for seeing it from above, when the entire tower begins to sparkle.
"Kylian.", you gasp, "It's so pretty."
He hums in agreement next to you. You lean forward to get a better look at it.
"Do you like it?"
You turn to him, the sparkles for sure reflecting in your own eyes by now, "I love it. Thank you so much."
You can feel tears collecting in your eyes. It's crazy to think how fast your life changed in a span of maybe two weeks.
He presses a kiss to your knuckles, then to your wrist and finally intertwines your fingers with his. It's as if they were smithen and polished to fit into one another perfectly. Like a puzzle and its missing piece - finally complete.
"You're amazing, Ky. This means a lot. You mean a lot.", you feel yourself shake a bit. There's weight to your words and you feel scared.
His hand squeezes yours, he's got you. "You to me too."
And he knows in that moment that this is just the beginning of your journey together. That you will follow him anywhere and that he will too. He'll stand by your side, always, and care for you, just like you did when he stumbled helplessly into the small drug store in Lille.
© moonpedri - DO NOT copy, translate or post my work anywhere without my permission!
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swaggypsyduck · 2 years
Yall I’m new to stanning football. I came here straight from the world cup and I’m not gonna lie this shit is beating my ass. Is it always in the mud like this? I chose psg because that seems like the best option because they got messi, neymar, and mbappe who are literally the three players that caught my attention during the tournament! Yall I really thought this was going to be fun. 😭 What’s going on? Why does everything feel so confused and chaotic (not in a good energetic way, more like headless chicken running kind of way) but also weirdly sluggish and slow? Yall I don’t understandddddddd. It’s like the team has four different personalities all at once? It’s so… unpleasing to watch yall it was not like this during the world cup. 😭
I hope they get better. But I’ve been reading the psg girlies on tumble and … it seems like nobody has hope it’s going to get better? I mean surely it will? Right? I feel like everybody has given up on the season and I’m scared. 😭 I hope Kylian feels better soon. I was thinking maybe we can do trades with other teams but apparently business hours is already closed and will next open in the summer? The fuck? But we dont got anyone? And almost everyone is dropping like flies? What happens if the big guy on the fishnet gets a flue or just gets sick in general? We just dont get anyone?
Also the coach looks like he should be in a martin scorsese film with robert de niro and joe pesci. The fuck is he doing on the pitch tho?
We need to bounce back QUICK! We need positive vibes! Energy! We need God to be honest but I feel like I’ve spent all my credit with him praying for Messi to win the world cup. My account with God is all maxed out. Yall. I cant sleep until I figure this shit out. Somebody do something!
Do we have a secret weapon? Like what is the plan here? What is plan b? Oh my goddddd. This parasocial relationship is with these players really do beating my ass. I’m out here worried for them!
hi anon! wow this is a doozy. ill try to break down my response but idk if it'll do ur rant justice LOL
1) Welcome newcomer! as u may have seen in the world cup, if there's one thing someone should tell u before u enter the football world is that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is guaranteed. you could have the strongest defense, the best goalie, gamemaster midfielders, and strikers w amazing finishes and you'll still lose to an underdog team who has better teamwork and chemistry. or just one player decides "uk what? imma earn my paycheck today" and demolishes the other team.
2) psg is a joke. ill tell u right now. lose any and all expectations. we clown on them bc even if they played shit before but at least they were winning. now they're playing shit and LOSING! and thats the problem we have. the 4 personalities at once thing is absolutely correct. you have 3 well seasoned forwards who are used to being the "it" strikers of their team. on top of that we have NO MIDFIELD AND A SHIT MANAGER WHO CANT GET A TACTIC OUT OF HIS ASS EVEN IF I SHOVED IT IN THERE MYSELF!!!... sorry i lost it a bit there lol.
3) as yes transfer window closing. see that's also Galtier and that fuckin toad incharge of players who DIDN'T MAKE A TRANSFER UNTIL LAST MINUTE AND LET CHELSEA FUCK THEM OVER. and sorry to burst ur bubble but there's a chance key players might leave/retire by that summer so lets hope they promise them to bring in an actual proper midfield by then.
4) So another thing to consider if one of the reasons u chose psg was for messi... i wouldnt. This isn't his club. this is his retirement club. ramos too actually. they've finished their careers. they actually have absolutely nothing to lose LOL. messi's heart will always be in barcelona. as in he literally knows nothing else except barça
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5) injuries suck. but they are a part of the game. if u play any contact sport u know the feeling. even non-contcact sports there r still big injuries. everyone is hoping kylian gets better soon. he needs all the rest he can get 🤲🏼.
6) Our secret weapon? BHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! prayers i guess. nah im kidding. but there really isn't any secret weapon unless u count galtier deciding to pick up a tactic book? or leaving and getting replaced by pep or zidane. to use ur weapon analogy we have a dented shield that still works (defense) and a bunch of bullets (forwards) but no gun (midfield) to load them.
7) ik u were joking about that last part but the parasocial relationship?? do ur absolute best to minimize it. like as someone who's been watching the beautiful game since i was a kid its okay and fun to joke about it and worry/send love to ur faves but u have to remember: those are grown ass men getting payed hundreds of millions to kick a ball around while those in their cities that pay to watch them are in heating/housing crisis. so when we eat the rich ill be cutting them up w tears uk?
hope this helped LOL.
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fxndom--trxsh · 6 years
Could-Shoulder part 2 (a Kylian Mbappe one-shot)
I know a lot of people asked for it, and I also know I am terribly (unforgivably) late, but it’s finally here. Enjoy!
Part 1
"Kylian, really now, you're gonna catch it too." Y/N mumbled from in-between the covers.
"Shut up, babe, and go back to sleep." Kylian mumbled in return, still half asleep and nuzzling into her cheek.
"You're gonna feel miserable." she threatened.
"They won't let you play." she finally said, thinking that will do the trick.
And so it did, because Kylian sighed and finally got away from her face, rising up and throwing his feet onto the margin of his side of bed.
"You'd do anything to keep your boyfriend away." he joked, as he headed to the bathroom.
"Please," Y/N sighed in pleasure as she took up the space Kylian had just left. "I'm only trying to protect you from my cold."
"I'm not that sensitive, you know." he smiled at her, closing the bathroom door.
She heard the water running and, sighing again, she decided it was time for her to get out of bed too, humming along on her way to the kitchen. It'd been a week since her cold hit her, and she started to feel much better.
"Well you're in a good mood!" Kylian exclaimed playfully as he entered the kitchen and saw her cooking some eggs.
"I think I'm finally getting rid of the cold." she smiled, inhaling the fresh scent of shower gel and cologne he brought in.
"Good, that means unlimited kisses again!"
"It's not like you limited them in the first place." she accused, half-smiling.
He started laughing heartily and it almost took Y/N's breath away to see him so happy and relaxed, but his laugh slowly turned to coughing and a deep frown set on her face.
"Maybe I should give you some of my cough drops." she suggested, seeing him gasping for air.
"No silly, there's no need." he assured her, now back in control of his breathing. "I'm not cold, I just choked on air."
"If you say so..." Y/N said, still not convinced.
But by the time evening set, she was convinced. Convinced she gave Kylian her cold, as he saw him with a blanket on his shoulders, making his way through a pack of napkins and periodically throwing small fits of coughing.
"Hey baby!" he said almost whispering, his voice raspy and powerless. She could almost sense how clogged his nose was as he tried, with no success, to blow it.
She set her keys on the counter and threw her bag on an empty chair, going to Kylian to try and mend him. She felt terribly guilty for passing it onto him, especially now as she was feeling fine again. I should've refused his kisses, but I'm a weak ass girlfriend.
"What did I tell you?" she said softly, sitting on the couch next to him.
"You were right, as always." he chuckled. "But I wouldn't have given up the pleasure to kiss you anyway, so I can tell you it was totally worth it."
"Don't say that!" she threatened. "Now you're feeling like shit."
"My head hurts so bad! I didn't realise until now you were feeling that sick. Man, I really acted like a dick."
She wanted to tell him that this was just the beginning, but she bit her lip and went back to the kitchen.
"I'll make you a tea, and tomorrow after training we're going to see the doctor." she commanded.
They ended up going during the training though, after she got a call from Kylian saying that the coach won't let him continue and told him to go see a doctor asap.
"I was useless, and I only stayed on the pitch like 20 minutes." he complained on the right seat, blowing his nose angrily in a napkin. Of course he wanted to drive, but you were adamant this time and he ended up on the passenger's seat, looking and feeling thoroughly grumpy.
"The next match is five days from now. You will feel better." she assured him.
"I hope..." he trailed off.
"I know, 'cause I'll take care of you." she promised.
So that night, when they finally settled on the couch for the day, she made sure he took his pills, syrups and everything else the doctor prescribed.
"That smells bad." he complained, crouching his nose in disgust and pulling away from the spoon she was holding.
She secretly thought he looked like an adorable little child, but she had a rule that said no giving in to the emotional blackmail, so she pushed the spoon further in his face.
"You have to take it. You're not scared of a bit of syrup now, are you? 'Cause you're all tough on the pitch." she taunted.
"I just don't think it will make much of a difference." he commented, still pulling away.
"Look Kylian!" she stomped her foot in exasperation. "Do you wanna play on Saturday or not?"
She eyed him with her eyebrows raised and lips puckered, making him give in and open his mouth for the spoon.
"That's it!" she said, encouraging him. "Oh, stop making that face, it's not that bad, I took it too." she argued.
"Okay, okay." he lamented. "Are we done with the medicine for tonight?"
"Yup." she confirmed. "Here's your tea." she said, as she handed him the cup.
She snuggled next to him on the sofa, resting her chin on his shoulder close enough for her nose to touch his cheek. He looked at her with the corner of his eye and put his arm around her, pulling her even closer.
"You're amazing, did you know that?" he whispered in her ear. "I'm so glad you're here to take care of me."
"That's what partners do, they take care of each other."  she said, softly pressing her lips on his cheek and caressing his burning forehead with her fingers.
"I love you baby!"
"I love you too, Kylian!"
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