#kyle buddy you cannot just unleash the villain ai on the other villain ai! then villain shenanigans might happen!
megamindsupremacy · 2 years
Red X idea: one of the main groups Kyle would go up against are the "Seers" who are like. A sort of corporation/police force/cult. They answer to an AI called the Overseer. They wear Oracle's mask, except for the Overseer, which is a red version. It's unclear exactly when the things Oracle set up got corrupted and by whom.
I also wanna do something with the Joker AI from Beyond. I feel like since it's silver age-y, Joker is a bit of a harmless prankster (especially in the eyes of Kyle, who sees nothing wrong with most crimes), and so Kyle just kind of unleashes the Joker AI sometimes to throw a spanner in the works when their back is against the wall. This could culminate in the Joker AI secretly creating a following of it's own, until it's a war between the Seers and the Jokerz, with Kyle caught in the middle, unable to put the genie back in the bottle.
OH now thats an idea. I like Kyle being thrown into a Mess of their own making, especially by using one set of AI a little recklessly to fight off another AI. It feels very Batman-y in a way I can't describe.
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