#ky’s anons ! ♡
surfinminho · 9 months
rape me in my 14y/o virgin pussy
Go to ur local police station and ask them the same question, I believe they will have an answer for you
Anon is now turned off!!! Because why would u send this
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eluxcastar · 2 years
Hii I love you work!
I was wondering if I could request an angsty/sad scenario or something with Urd, Ky luc and Rigr?
Honestly I just wanna cry and I love your writing and these dude and i need smt to cry about💀💕
Some angst for you.
FEATURES: urd geales, ky luc, rígr stafford
CW: baby straight up dies beware, smug doctors, bad writing, reader is mildly a bitch to Lest in Rígr's
WC: 3.1k
NOTES: if I recall correctly I got a request like this a while ago but had no idea what to do with it, I have since made Neru (an unrelated character of mine who so happens to work really well in this context) so Rígr got spoiled because I had the opportunity to write about her (still x gn!reader but the storyline is hers), admittedly the other two are kinda meh but I'm not that comfortable with angst yet so I just need time
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₊˚⊹꒷ urd geales
you thought it would work, you really did. A pleasant doctor of a time when doctoring didn't mean what it does now, something based purely on your curiosity and the way you reacted to things you were never meant to witness that made him like you. 
initially a rocky start, he'd be more than glad to never have you shove your fingers in his mouth again. The sentiment was endearing though, someone he viewed as fragile by design that took a morbid interest in him as something that worked in the world of the living only a few steps away from death. You once thought it would be something that would 'change the medical field as we know it' but you came to understand all too soon his great reluctance to do so. 
it was the second time he'd drank your blood, the first time he'd lost control to do it, something he doesn't enjoy about being around you while you work is the lingering stench of blood in the air that follows you. His intention has never been to hurt you, the little doctor who won't seem to leave him alone, and he won't deny good company. Of course you're the first to react, clicking your tongue and tutting over the fact he bite somewhere you can't treat by yourself easily. All the while his head is in your lap sputtering his apologies as how he doesn't know the why or how he lost composure, and even a hand on his head and a quiet reassurance doesn't help. 
you say he worries too much, he says he doesn't worry enough. Something about you lessens his self-restraint, and he hurts you again and again in fits of blind hunger, like his own body resists the notion of having a Human around at all, but you won't leave and be can't force you, so each time you and your bag of tools and supplies arrive at his side he tries to accept it and maintain his composure. 
he can't figure out why you smell so strongly of blood, devising it must be your previous wounds or your patient's. You're happy again for a time, and the urges and impulses to hurt you stop, giving you time to return to the happiness and leisure you once enjoyed. He feels comfortable in himself again, and he relaxes just enough to let you close, sleep in a spare bed just a room away and wake up in the morning all within an alarming distance of him in the name of helping the people of this town in their time of need.
you take your patients elsewhere, and head off at dawn every morning, watching as the townspeople slowly improve and the sickness that had hit it began to stave off as you in all of your wisdom and perhaps dumb luck were charming the people back to health with your goofy little jokes and remarks.
you stay with him, the little doctor who ran into him in rather dire circumstances, saw a Vampire right before your eyes and decided you absolutely must investigate it and the body. He was so caught off guard by just the thought that you were standing there in awe staring into his eyes like they were a set of precious ruby jewels that he didn't even think to react, and like a little stray he had fed a scrap of food you followed him home and made it abundantly clear you were not to be trifled with. Like a child you'd stick your fingers in his mouth without warning, and ignore his scoldings not to do that in the name of research as you had already decided you needed to know everything there was to know about this ‘rare condition’ of his.
"I'm heading off tomorrow, this town no longer needs me." your words hit him like a shockwave, even if they make sense. You're a travelling doctor, so you go places you feel need help and find refuge at an inn somewhere, it just so happened you were enjoying a free stay with him. "Urd?"
he blinks, then looks up, "Already? It's only been—"
"For me that's longer than I've stayed anywhere, a few weeks is a lot closer to my welcome and any more than that has me overstaying. It was pure luck that I came across a dire situation." you try to explain it to him in a way someone not a doctor could still grasp, that people start to treat your services like commodities and come to you for the slightest of colds that don't require your assistance. You're too free spirited and curious to be held down for too long.
but the thirst returns, and it claws at his throat more than ever before, now working the opposite way than he recalls as you were doing exactly what he seemed to be wanting. 
you're so helpless fast asleep, and you're right there, like presenting him with a glass of aged wine and expecting him not to drink it when it's the exact bottle he wants so badly, and something about you will never leave him.
"I know you're there." your voice startles him, but he calms himself quickly, "Did you miss me already?"
"…Thirsty." he answers, hesitating and questioning himself before ultimately walking closer. "It came back."
"Then do it. You can sit that close, can't you? Stop making a fuss out of every little thing." 
the more he drinks the more he knows he should stop, with you the little doctor squirming under him in what you called discomfort but never pain. The less you squirm the less you feel pain, the less you squirm the less conscious you are and he knows that much, but every impulse that tells him to stop before he kills you tells him to drink until your blood sweetens with the verge of death drawing closer and your body slowly shutting down. Your squirming turns to a limp compliance perhaps not of your own volition but of a sense that even if you were to fight you'd hurt yourself, or maybe you've just reached the stage Humans start to wish they die.
and so you do, right there in his arms, and your lifeless body refuses to respond to any of his attempts to preserve your life once the regret comes to slap him across the face.
₊˚⊹꒷ ky luc
"Will you read a story for me, Papa?" your little hand passes the book you want up to him, and he pats his lap for you.
the times of the first are gone, though he leaves behind the children he created, and the children he rebirthed. Not all of them were victims, and not all of them completely let go, though he was warned that he shouldn't do what he had thought was such a wonderful idea at the time.
everyone hates their ‘parent’ at some point. He should've listened to that warning at the time, even when he just wasn't ready to let go yet, and while his love for you is frozen in time with him, yours wavers with the effects of being well past the age of maturity and still stuck in the body of a seventeen-year-old. Urd says it's temporary and agrees to try to help you calm down from this fit of rage you've gone into and won't come out of, you think it's forever and act like you'll never love him again at times. You have every right to be holding the things you were against him, he deserves every word you speak to him.
he misses when you were small and precious, your greatest care was the loud banging outside or the tree that scratched at your bedroom window and gave you a fright until you worked up the nerve to go wake your Papa up for help from the monster under the bed. These days you haven't a glance to spare at him, and he knows why—you feel abandoned by him, you miss your Mother, you don't understand why it had to be turned and not one of your siblings, why he had to curse you this way.
he doesn't know what you get up to in the daytime, given that you can wander as far as you please and simply don't care to listen to him. He's heard from one of the younger Vampires you went ‘back home’, not to your real home but to the place where Shikama Dōji once brought you all, and you're getting awfully close to his motives and into his business. He knows even if he worried until his head fell off he could never hope to defy that kind of influence.
you wilfully ignore his every plea to come home and let him fix things, be a better Father, work things out and try to give you the freedom you keep wanting without the need to worry about where you are all the time, and again all he hears is that you went home.
what strikes him more than anything is a letter, not from you but from the very same person who said you were there, and he's told the real reason you never answer is because you never see the letters at Shikama's own request, claiming something about how you were irritated by it and it was causing your hatred to swell and burn. It was for the best that he did not speak to you, and if you felt he was respecting your choices that you might come around quicker.
very soon, you would be leaving to go elsewhere with him, though the letter didn't say where, just that you didn't share the details and didn't intend to.
your hatred for him is one thing, but to possibly never see you or even know where you are in the world is too much to handle, and he finally makes the trip to go see you for himself to beg you to stay. 
you're already gone by the time he gets there, even Urd tells him so.
"Papa? There's a scary noise in my room like a monster under my bed." he will always recall your sweet little voice, the ones that made him so reluctant to let you go at all, "Can you look for me?"
he didn't want you to stay forever, he only wanted for you to keep coming to him when you were scared, to never be afraid that you were alone in the world, and somehow he managed to leave you there under the impression you were alone, and he was refusing to listen to what you wanted until you room it into your own hands and did it anyway. 
though he never could leave you, his dear child, you can leave your Father easily.
₊˚⊹꒷ rígr stafford
a feeling of betrayal, and it's worse than it had been before, now faced with the betrayer who smiles at you so joyously as he always did before, but a new face stares back at you. 
"Have you been well, darling?"
you have been anything but well and you have to swallow the urge not to slap him for saying something so heartless when he knows the answer already. You'd give anything right about now to wipe that smile off his face and stitch his mouth shut so you never have to hear another word out of it, another lie or another word of painful truth. You'd give the world if he never spoke again, even after waiting so many years to hear his voice just one more time.
"Very." is all you can muster, and you both know that's a lie.
"We have plenty of time to catch up now, don't be shy, I want to know where you went." again it would be nice to slap him right about now, but the cage between him and you courtesy of Urd is keeping him safe and you at a distance to avoid feeling the effects it causes.
"You're very glad to be caged up right now." you know he would be, naturally, surrounded by people who watch him and fear his reputation without having met the man a day in their lives, currently watching you bicker at each other like an old married couple, "However will I get to you when entering it could be debilitating to me?"
"Would you?"
"In your dreams."
the scoff that follows says enough, knowing you wouldn't set foot in there even if you were paid to. He seems to ignore it, along with the rest of your attitude and sass as he has been the entire time, perhaps just glad to get you talking even when you would think the last thing he'd want was to talk it out. 
"I'm staying here out of respect for Urd’s work, I could get out."
"Stop deluding yourself. You're lucky to still be moving your mouth." you only want to know when he will be back, because as of now you're not having much fun being the babysitter.
when he does come back however, you will be long gone from this cage to relax and let your guard down somewhat, seeing as you have been forced to remain on high alert since arriving by one circumstance or another. You've dealt with enough of that to last a good generation more.
if Urd could hurry up, that would be nice, and maybe then you'd know peace as he'd have something else from the past to bother. His regard for you is that of feigned interest, like he doesn't mean nor care about the things he says, perhaps because they're not the things he wants to hear at all. The things he wants are far too personal to be spoken in a place of so many strangers.
"Don't talk to him." Lest is at your side, even knowing you won't want to take him seriously, "He's dangerous."
"I know," you say, "it's just a bit of light banter, he's playing too coy to ask a real question anyway."
he bites his tongue at what he wants to say as you wave him off with a dismissive hand, though you can hear he doesn't move, at least in some way sensing it’s not entirely out of irritation with him specifically. Your current mood is very dependent on a certain someone playing ball, which he is clearly starkly against doing as he has his fun scaring those who made stories out of him in the first place.
you think he must've been talking to Lest behind your back as Ky fills the growing silence, and in a sense you wonder if he's trying to ease your response. "You know I heard all of the legends about him, but I never even met him because I was turned in a different region, though I was curious." 
"Oh? You never told me this."
"All the legends I heard, they're all very old. You knew him before, is he really all that powerful?" you bide his curiosity knowing he's as curious as anyone else around you, at least in your mind, the only difference is he thinks he's impervious to harm from him, "He lost to Ferid of all Vampires. I mean seriously?"
even you could tell that was pathetic, or calculated, by Rígr, that is, you know him too well to actually think that he would lose without reason. Ky is young, he doesn't know him the way he used to be. "He is, but right now his actions seem more akin to a little child, throwing a temper tantrum and running away from home until his dear little brother dragged him back to explain himself. That is what your grand plan is, isn't it? To abandon the notion of progress to fixate on the past."
his smile can get your blood boiling, like he’s amusing with himself, a giggling little child. "Is Urd angry with me?"
"Does the grass still grow on a Wednesday?"
"You're starting to sound like our Father, you know?"
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, for your sake."
"Maybe you should see where Lord Urd is!" as soon as you’re interrupted you can’t help sighing, though you know he’s right. You’re doing yourself no good standing here, and he’s only revelling in how angry he can make you, provoking you more. You heard from Urd himself he was enjoying doing it, but not knowing Ky makes it seem a lot more reasonable to assign him the job of babysitting him—he’d only get mad on Urd’s behalf, but wouldn’t act against his orders.
you find that even your word against Urd’s is useless, even when you argue with him he stands firm in his decision, falling to Rígr’s word and letting him free from the cage he had trapped him in. If only he wasn’t presenting some good ideas right about now you’d be digging a hole to bury him in, and you wouldn’t be letting him within the length of a ten foot pole of you let alone the arm’s reach he stands at.
"I don’t think I will ever forgive you." you manage to admit that much, "I cannot just move past the fact you left me for so long, not like Urd did."
he stops, and he clearly hesitates, "I know you won’t." he says, "I know you hold grudges too well for that."
"It’s an endearing trait."
"I know it is." he half chuckles to himself, though his arm drops back to his side and he makes a face something between disappointment and a solemn knowing look. A part of him knew even when he left that something about your relationship would never be the same, a distance between you he didn’t expect to take so long, but there was a choice he made between your safety and his own selfish desire to take you with him and run off somewhere you could plan your revenge.
it was a lot closer to being his revenge; you never did show an interest in the past. He truly was fixated, though part of that was on the things he would never do with you, and part of it became out of love, even knowing he was sabotaging everything. 
how was he supposed to be sure you were safe with the First roaming free? He could never rest thinking there might be a day you would both be caught up in his schemes again.
so he deemed it a necessary evil, and he left you where he thought you would be safe forever.
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bunheee · 10 months
thinking about how all of geonu’s songs on his playlists are sex songs. slow. sensual. sex songs
ohhh ….. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
i wasn’t aware of this until i looked into his taste just now …. hhh nice to know ….. 😵‍💫😵‍💫
that’s so crazy he should show me more of his playlist while we— [CAR SCREECHES- GUNSHOTS- CRASHING]
also the fact that he’s a strawberries & cigarettes enjoyer MEEE TOOOO wow we’re so alike we should kiss
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mcondance · 1 year
i had asked someone if they could write a prompt where miles plays with yn’s cat and they thought i was being smutty…i meant as in the reader actually having a cat. that sits by their window from time to time waiting for him.
if they 18+ writin for a miles they a lil off anyway so 😭😭
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touyyes · 2 years
Merry Christmas Baki ❤️❤️❤️
Merry Christmas venus 💋 Ive seen the dash and i just wanted to say i am so sorry these ugly musty dusty crumbly skunky decomposing coffin ready bitches are hating on you and my fellow moots ESPECIALLY during a time of enjoying eachothers company.
i want you to know that your opinion and thoughts are valid. and remember that these anons are probably crying at home while their crushes are getting fucked under the christmas tree and they're taking this anger out on you.
Speak your truth!
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dawn-path · 11 months
Kys male
context: anon gumpy because I said laughing at men for being lonely is shitty actually LOL
context 2: op sent this to the afab she/him blog LOL
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kykyonthemoon · 3 months
[Headcanons] To be a father
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His reaction and interaction with his first and unexpected child.
ಇ. Character x MC (Female Reader) - in third pov.
Parts in order: Rafayel, Xavier, Zayne, Caleb.
ಇ. Tags: headcanons only, fluff, domestic fluff, family fluff, (unplanned) pregnancy and child birth mentioned, reader insert but I'm using pronouns she/her for MC, he/she and his/her pronouns for all of the babies in this post.
ಇ. Word count: 2k5
ಇ. Ky Ky's notes: This is not a complete fanfic, rather a post of my headcanons about the men and MC having their first baby, and it's unexpected.
Based on many requests of the same plot I've got so far, from Cá Cá đến hôn em một cái, an Anon-san requesting about Zayne dealing with MC's morning sickness, and another Anon-san who sent a three-ask-long request in my askbox.
ಇ. Masterlist ♡ Request a fic
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With all of his innocence, Rafayel will just note that MC has been a little fatigued recently, without knowing why.
She senses something, but is unsure whether a human can become pregnant with a Lemurian.
When she returns from the hospital with certain results in hand, she's shaking. Rafayel keeps asking until she tells him the truth. 
Rafayel is rather astonished. "Are you sure there's a baby in your belly, not just fat?"
She simply wants to beat him hard. They could not comprehend what is occurring; it's like a miracle.
Rafayel ponders if the child would be more like him or her. He begins speaking to her tummy with the sound "glub glub glub". 
Every day, Rafayel performs music and paints in front of MC. He claims that he does this so that the child in her tummy may experience art from a young age.
When she experiences morning sickness, Rafayel develops similar symptoms. He grumbles and worries more than her. As a result, she needs to care for both of them.
Rafayel invites Talia to stay for some time, keeping her company and learning more about this half-human, half-Lemurian child. As a result, MC discovers a number of intriguing details regarding Rafayel's childhood. 
Every morning when she wakes up, the first question he asks is, "Has the baby come out yet?" She is both annoyed and amused, telling him it is still too early.
The day MC goes into labor, people discover him crying in a corner. When he holds the baby for the first time, he checks to see if he/she has legs or a fish tail. Then he cuddles the infant and continues to cry out of delight. It appears that throughout MC's pregnancy, he gets exceedingly sensitive and tears more easily.
Rafayel has set up a separate nursery with all of the necessary supplies a long time ago. He almost moves in there after the baby is born.
Rafayel speaks to his child in a baby voice, occasionally using fish language. This does not alter even as the kid grows older. He/she may feel embarrassed when his/her father speaks to them in this manner in front of others.
He frequently calls his child by intimate names, most of which are related to fish. 
Other babies’ first word might be “dad” or “mom”, but the first word that ever comes out of their child’s mouth must be “glub”.
Rafayel purchases only the most adorable baby items. He additionally designs his own pillows, toys, and other baby-related products.
Rafayel is the sort of dad that pushes his child in a stroller around the mall. After that, he would most likely forget about his own child and return home alone. To him, the kid is capable of finding his/her own way home. But after being scolded by MC, he rushes back to fetch the kid.
The father and his child regularly go to the beach together. He educates the kid about Lemuria, art, and the beautiful world where his or her mother grew up.
Rafayel frequently pulls pranks with the kid, causing MC a headache. It's like having two children under the same roof at the same time. Her parenting style differs from his. The young child could prefer Rafayel because MC can be so strict at times. When she scolds and disciplines the child, he typically sides with the child. It ends up with both of them punished together.
The child possesses the strength of a Lemurian, but his or her body is more resilient and not as vulnerable on land.
Rafayel likes to lull his baby to sleep with ancient Lemurian melodies. He also tells him/her goodnight stories, after which the two cuddle and fall asleep comfortably. MC would frequently embrace Rafayel from behind or place the child between the two of them.
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Neither Xavier nor MC are aware of the pregnancy until she faints on a mission.
When he arrives at the hospital, the doctor informs him that there is a little life in her tummy.
Xavier sits for a long time in front of the waiting room, trembling from the emotions in his heart.
When MC gets up, he is the one to tell her the news and she almost faints again.
Since neither of them is prepared to have children, life has become more chaotic. She develops morning sickness and tension, and she is only permitted to perform desk jobs rather than fighting, which drives her insane as she feels excluded and is frequently uncomfortable.
Xavier gently remains by her side to care for her, even on difficult days when she grumbles at him.
He pats her abdomen and murmurs to the baby: "Come out soon so you don't hurt mommy anymore, okay?" Then he would softly kiss her tummy.
Xavier buys almost every parenting guide he could find. He also follows the suggestions in there, seeking for healthy meals, performing mild workouts with MC, and giving her massages. 
He handles all of the tidying up throughout her pregnancy, but she would not let him near the kitchen. 
The day she gives birth to a beautiful child, Xavier cuddles the baby and kisses her forehead, praising her for the most precious present he could ever have.
She frequently sees Xavier in the nursery, cradling his baby, but he falls asleep even before the child. At that moment, MC simply grins and gently drapes a blanket over his shoulders.
She believes this child is more like Xavier than herself. Take a look at how he/she can sleep anywhere, anytime. They can hold hands and sleep on the sofa while the TV is on. He/she has the same taste as Xavier, preferring meat and leaving all veggies to MC. 
As the kid grows older, he/she develops an interest in superheroes. Of fact, he or she idolizes Lumiere much more than MC. The child begs his/her parents to buy Lumiere's merchandise to fill the room, and occasionally even asks Xavier to play the role of this hero.
Xavier loves to create light shows for his child, receiving praise and admiration from him/her. To become a child's entire universe, he spends a lot of time researching how to build and construct toys for his kid. 
The child soon becomes the youngest plushie collector in Linkon.
Compared to going out, Xavier and his child prefer staying at home together. Both spend much of their time asleep.
Whenever MC is away from home, Xavier and the child often do not care much about their meals. But when she returns, the whole family would have a hearty meal. She plans to teach the child to cook at a young age so that he/she might aid her in the future. 
Even though Xavier adores the child, MC remains his primary focus. He spoils her more than his child, so the baby sometimes has to get between the two of them for attention.
When she becomes preoccupied with the infant and loses sight of Xavier, he appears sad and attempts to reclaim her attention by assisting her in caring for the baby. He enjoys taking care of both of them and frequently reminds the child who actually is his /her mother's most favorite.
The child prefers to sleep in his or her parents' room more. His/her favorite position is between the two of them. When he/she falls asleep, Xavier will covertly carry the child back to his/her room before returning to the MC's side and sealing the door so they are no longer disturbed.
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As her physician, Zayne is aware of MC's pregnancy before she is. He is familiar with her period and has received the results of her frequent checkups.
Zayne is astonished because neither of them expected to have a kid at that point. He doesn't know how to tell her either. Finally, he decides to get a box of excellent macarons for her. She finds it strange, so she inquires whether it is for a particular occasion.
Zayne pauses for a time, then stares deeply into her eyes before quietly saying: "You... are pregnant."
As if lightning has struck, she drops the macaron she's about to bite. Zayne has to catch her before she faints. 
It takes her a bit to recover her composure. What sort of mother would MC be if she hadn't prepared anything? She is completely unaware of how to care for an unborn child or infant.
Zayne appears calm as he soothes her, but that night she discreetly observes him grinning ear to ear in the study, while pursuing further medical documents.
He also takes special care of her more than ever. Morning sickness is also more bearable with him by her side. He constantly checks her and their child's health, ensuring that she receives the greatest and most timely medical care. MC is just concerned with eating nutritious meals and preparing for their future child.
Zayne would pre-register her for pregnancy care, infant care, and any other classes that he deemed essential.
Zayne also intends to raise their child from infancy to college. MC could only gaze at him, surprised, with big round eyes. As anticipated from Linkon's brilliant young doctor.
He would alter his entire schedule to ensure that he could always be there when she needs him. 
He's constantly by her side throughout childbirth. No matter how hard she scratches or squeezes his palm, all he does is softly console her.
Zayne is excellent at caring for children. Since the baby is born, he devotes all his time and energy to care for him/her. Afraid that MC would be upset since they couldn't have much private time together anymore, he would compensate with sweets and do something they both enjoy (such as watching a movie together).
Children often get sick, and when their baby does, Zayne attentively takes care of him/her until he/she gets better. 
He asks his child to eat veggies to gain enough nutrition, but whenever the kid leaves the carrots out for him, he slyly puts them on MC's plate.
Zayne is the type of parent who can hold a baby and work at the same time; or hold their child while carrying all the bags for MC when they go out shopping.
Their child is exceptionally smart and obedient, as well as silent, yet whatever he or she says amazes the MC. He/She takes after Zayne more than her. He/She is adored and spent time with by everyone at Akso Hospital. People often praise the child for his/her courteous and well-mannered behavior, which makes MC chuckle, while Zayne fails to hide his proud smile.
However, as a child, there are times when he/she may become too playful and lose sight of his or her responsibilities. Zayne has the strict role in the family. He disciplines the child not with whipping or scolding, but rather with a reasonable consequence and reward. He assigns a chore to the child and promises prizes if he/she completes it successfully. Otherwise, he/she will face a penalty.
Zayne might be very strict at times, leaving the child afraid and furious. He/she runs to the MC with a gloomy look. She speaks a few words to get him/her away with this, but seeing Zayne's stone-cold face, fearful of being criticized by him too, she pushes the kid forward with encouragement: "You asked for it, dear."
Even still, after every tantrum, the child would always find candy that Zayne has mistakenly placed in an easily accessible location.
The kid frequently begs Zayne to make popsicles for him/her or to serve as his/her own portable air conditioner when it's hot outside. 
On occasions when the whole family has a day off, Zayne often takes them out of town in his car. In addition, he usually brings the child to the hospital to participate in some volunteer activities there.
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MC remembers that Caleb is petrified for a long time after hearing her announce the pregnancy.
Then he walks out into the backyard, and she hears him scream so loud that the whole neighborhood could hear, "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!"
The next thing she knows, he has rushed inside, scooped her up like a princess, and spun her around the room. When he comes to a halt, she notices his eyes are bright red. He embraces her for a long time, thanking her for giving him the most precious thing in this world.
Caleb is paying more attention to her meals, even learning how to prepare new nutritional foods for the two of them, rather than simply following her appetite. He also ensures that she eats and drinks more.
Due to his profession, he frequently departs for far away missions, but every day he checks on her health and reminds her to eat on time and to arrange regular prenatal checkups. 
Caleb couldn't be with her as often during the pregnancy, which made it really tough for MC. She regularly tears when she gets upset. However, he surprises her and makes her happy by returning home without calling first. He states that he's on long-term leave to take care of her.
Caleb previously talked about MC so much that all of his Academy friends and coworkers are familiar with her. He is now filled with tremendous delight and pride as he talks about their upcoming kid.
Even before the baby arrives, he/she already receives many gifts and necessary items from his/her parents' colleagues. 
After having a kid, Caleb accepts short-term assignments closer to Linkon. He enjoys spending time with his family the most, and every time he's home, MC feels like everything becomes cozier.
She sometimes recalls their childhood while seeing Caleb care for and play with the baby.
He is always present on important occasions for the whole family, when the baby takes his/her first steps and babbles a few unclear words. He has a collection of images and videos capturing such moments.
Caleb occasionally becomes strict with his child and educates him/her using the similar disciplinary methods he learned at the Academy. But in the end, he always manages to comfort the child.
"Don't argue with mom." and "Mom is always right." are the things Caleb tells his child every time he/she gets scolded by MC.
The child is quite active. Anyone can tell since he/she possesses all of the stubbornness and mischief of MC and Caleb combined. Caleb enjoys playing sports and doing outdoor activities with his child. He often carries him/her on his back or lets him/her sit on his shoulders when they go out.
Caleb frequently engages in daring activities with his child that make MC's pulse race. But he never allows the kid to be injured or frightened.
Caleb likes to call his child by affectionate names. But every time he calls "baby" or "sweetie", or "pip-squeak", both MC and the child turn around. 
When Caleb takes on long-term assignments away from home, sometimes the child would miss his/her father and cries. But as soon as he/she finds MC sobbing, he/she will hold her and console her in the same manner Caleb does. That's what he has taught his child. And when he returns, the entire family will spend all their time together. The memories he creates with his child always make him/her joyful and grateful every time he comes home.
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As requested in my ask box:
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Header images used at the top of this post by: x
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miumura · 1 year
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(-♡-) synopsis : known as the owner of running a popular confession account, sunoo has gotten plenty of people together. monthly, love news holds an event where anonymous people gets a chance to confess. of course, sunoo is just doing his job — starting relationships. but what he didn’t expect was someone dming him on twitter asking if he was the one behind a confession … who knew a small error can cause him to think about his love life for once?
✰ — “cupid” realizes he should also try to help himself find love too.
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trending?! — stranger!sunoo x fem!reader ෆ
— 𖦹 bzzt! social media au, strangers to lovers, slowburn (kinda), high school au, fluff, crack, tba..
(🎧) warnings — cursing, both sunoo and reader will be frustrating, sort of trust issues, use of kys + kms jokes, friends “bully” each other, tba..
NOTE : this is all FICTION! this has nothing to do with any idols irl! + reblogs/likes/comments are appreciated so i can improve later on 🤍
mentions ! enhypen, sunwoo from the boyz, gyuvin from zb1, j from stayc, seonghwa from ateez, hanni from newjeans, brief mentions of other characters (more might be added).
♫ words from soph — can you tell i miss love news </3 anyways, i wanted to make a smau from that universe!! so, why not make a smau about the owner of love news, the matchmaker? + also, other members coming soon? (as you can see right the bottom …) so i hope you’ll have fun reading this one just like how you guys enjoyed love news 🫶
STATUS — June 4th 2023 to August 22nd 2023 !
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(🍥) — profiles : the gaslighters (yn) | the cupids (sunoo) | the helpers (love news people)
and the confessions begin … (chapters)
#001 — cupid can hate couples too.
#002 — yucky month!!
#003 — all over the place
#004 — giving a shot
#005 — piecing the puzzle together
#007 — aligned fate
#008 — hiding behind the screen
#009 — sorry that was Tyler
#010 — ur hubby wubby 😊?
#011 — wtf is PDOA
#012 — setting u guys up (for failure)
#013 — Eat up the Concrete I guess!
#014 — what if i cried
#016 — not so original plan
#017 — wait….WAIT….
#018 — couple goals! ( + written )
#019 — a “friendly” date
#020 — bros beefing w an anon
#022 — cupid is puzzled
#023 — like for real for real
#025 — mr & mrs cupid
bonuses (special chapters)
strawberry anon reveal | surprise 🤗
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST — @flwoie @ixomiyu @yenavrse @shinsou-rii @luveuly @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @starcubes @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @zuyairus @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii
- ask, dm, or comment to be tagged for love error !
@stariszn @astrae4 @tnyhees @y7n2394-ze @beomsitez @viyqe @flwrshee @starz4hyunz @valentineluvr @wonsc4tz @txtmetonight @bekiss-world @elysianeclipxe @shinunoga-iie-wa
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hoonfication · 2 years
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IN WHICH ! xiao, your boyfriend for three years suddenly breaks up with you through text and then leaves the country leaving you with no explanation at all
three years had passed and here you are, you tell yourself you're over him and you're way more happy without him until you've heard that he's back oh that's fine you guys aren't even gonna see each other anyway wrong.
seems like he's going to attend the same college as you and well you're just in luck turns out he's also your roommate
or in other words. . . maybe its a sign that you guys should restart again, who knows maybe two times a ch✶rm . . .
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— ❝ I don't even think that you care like I do ❞ ✦ a XIAO x gender neutral reader smau !
— WARNINGS ✶ swearing, cheating (?), mentions of alcohol, & kys jokes
— ♪ currently playing ❝ Let You Break My Heart Again ❞ ♫
꒰ ✿ means written parts ꒱
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✿ 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 — 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 / “𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗲” 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼. / 𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘀
— ❝ heaven knows I've tried ❞
✿ 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲
𝟬𝟭 h h he’s back!?
𝟬𝟮 what if this was my last straw (✿)
𝟬𝟯 I moved on, leave me alone!
𝟬𝟰 rumors are everywhere
𝟬𝟱 new lover
𝟬𝟲 not bothered tbh
𝟬𝟳 happy for him ig (✿)
𝟬𝟴 dorm life era
𝟬𝟵 oh my god pls be fr (✿)
𝟭𝟬 i will kms
— ❝ one day, I will stop falling in love with you ❞
𝟭𝟭 moving in (✿)
𝟭𝟮 tension is in the air
𝟭𝟯 you wouldn’t mind, right? (✿)
𝟭𝟰 so awks
𝟭𝟱 thirdwheel (✿)
𝟭𝟲 no i am NOT jealous
𝟭𝟳 jaw on the floor (✿)
𝟭𝟴 unexpected trio (✿)
𝟭𝟵 project over
𝟮𝟬 let’s go out as in a date (✿)
𝟮𝟭 are we abt to kiss rn
𝟮𝟮 just the two of us (✿)
𝟮𝟯 oh. (✿)
— ❝ some day, someone will like me like I like you ❞
𝟮𝟰 fucked up (✿)
𝟮𝟱 mission; avoid him at all cost
𝟮𝟲 let me come over pls
𝟮𝟳 drinks and feelings (✿)
𝟮𝟴 false hope
𝟮𝟵 we need to talk
𝟯𝟬 im sorry (✿)
𝟯𝟭 no more hoes
— ❝ then of course I'll let you break my heart again ❞
𝟯𝟮 stop lying (✿)
𝟯𝟯 cheaters can’t complain
𝟯𝟰 apocalypse (✿)
𝟯𝟱 let’s talk this out please (✿)
𝟯𝟲 I’ll think about it
𝟯𝟳 truth unfold (✿)
— ❝ some day, one day I will stop falling in love with you ❞
𝟯𝟴 is he flirting (✿)
𝟯𝟵 he wants u
𝟰𝟬 date night (✿)
𝟰𝟭 mixed signals (✿)
𝟰𝟮 he moved OUT?? (✿)
— ❝ until I do, I'll be thinking of you ❞
𝟰𝟯 he's leaving AGAIN
𝟰𝟰 give it
𝟰𝟱 oh em gee ganyu
𝟰𝟲 why r u like this (✿)
𝟰𝟳 ok u guys can stop kissing now.. (✿)
𝟰𝟴 let you break my heart again.
𝟱𝟬 happy ever after or not 😈 (✿)
what if the reader ended up w/ ALBEDO instead?
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✶ english is not my first language so pls don’t be so hard on me
✶ I’ll try to update frequently :D
✶ I’ll add you in the taglist! just ask! 🫶
✶ and here for the playlist of the smau created by the wonderful jellyfish anon
# TAGLIST — ✶ @thefandomcrow @sakiimeo @swivy123 @zappybatz @motherscrustytoenailclippings @chsyug @erisan01 @lylovw @scarletttcroww @retiredmommylover @sukunasrealgf @onmywaytoteyvat @mjtalksaboutanything @chronicfic @otomegame-oneshots @yukisluv @urdads @yuminako @etaerealboy @xxblackroses623xx @starringyau @dexocore @grvngexiao @tamikahoshiko @xoyumiqls @mechanicalbeat1 @ixromzi @lemo-nadde @moon-z0ne @articmaskeddemon @luvrzan @cayl33n @cupiro @lxkeeeee @rin-nyrasti-writes @nambii @livelaughlovekuni @quackimilktea @maxineshearts @yelleloww @chalksdreams @plinkuro @fangygf
[ bold means I can’t tag you ! ]
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© hoonfication 2023, please do not copy, steal, and translate
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kylelover · 2 years
OK OK HEAR ME OUT: kyle dating reader, who's stan's twin sister 😻 and stan's reaction
thank you anon 🤭🤭
- at first when Kyle met you he didnt think that much about it
- it all changed when you started hanging out with your brothers friends
- he thought you were so pretty
- he started denying his feelings for you since you're stans sister...
- kyle one night couldnt stop thinking about you... like the way your eyes lit up with joy when you saw something you liked or how your face scrunched up when Kenny made sexual jokes.
- or how your laugh was so sweet and sounded like a harmony to his ears
- right then and there he realised, he did like you romantically!
- he was so nervous to ask you out. What would Stan think? 🫡
- when he did ask you out oh boy it was like a fairytale
- hes such a hopeless romantic... he didnt know how to do it so he watched romance movies and books to do it
- so, expect him at starks pond with a full on formal outfit and a dozen red roses just for you
- when you accepted it and started going out you kept it secret from your friends
- ... until stan passed near your phone when it ringed and the contact "Ky♡" showed up on screen
- yeah
- he asked you a lot of questions
- like... seriously... kyle??
- stan was shocked
"wait, wait, so youre telling me out of everyone in this town you chose to date my best friend???"
- it took him a few weeks to tolerate both of you dating
- ... he also confronted kyle about it
"thats my sister kyle! listen, if you make her cry-"
- randy loves you dating kyle
- hes like a fangirl
- and i swear on god that he has a fucking fanpage about both of you
- shelly doesnt really care at all
- sharon otherwise, loves you like a second daughter
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eluxcastar · 2 years
now that you mentioned domestic ky fluff I had to think about him coming home to his s/o after a damn long day or days of doing whatever task urd made him do and his s/o proposing a romantic and relaxing bath for the two of them. I can't write one-shots to save my life but if you ever have the inspiration or ideas to write something like this I'd love to read it.
I am looking respectfully 👀
I'm ngl he acts like he still has bubble in his bath LMAO this is adorable tho, especially cause baths would kinda force them to be close so this is a mildly kniving but also just generally cute. Also the thought of them both being kinda childish with it and splashing each other like immediately settled in my brain 💀💀 nothing too extreme so still relaxing but not the calm down kind at first more like the 'this is fun after a boring day' relax, make it easier to actually relax and wind down
This is really cute so I'm gonna add this to my list of stuff to do because it tickles my brain
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bunheee · 10 months
byeonghee. yeah.
so true anon !!!!!!!
i need him bad
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acciocriativity · 2 years
i would LOVE to read a work from yours about yeosang. i really like the way you write, so please, when you have time can you write something about him?? like some scenario or a boyfriend yeosang headcanon (plsplspls) thank you so much in advance, take care of yourself!! ♡
Heyy anon 👋👋 Thank you so so much, this made my whole freaking day, week, month. I'm sorry I took so long, but it's finally here. I hope you enjoy it (there's much more Yeosang content coming, I guarantee you) 💕
N/A²: This is the end of this series! I'm so freaking thankful for all of your support 💕 My requests are always open AND my 100 followers event is also open!
Ateez as Boyfriend's - KYS & CJH headcanon
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Yunho and Wooyoung's version
Seonghwa and Hongjoong's version
San and Mingi's version
Ateez Masterlist
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Kang Yeosang (강여상)
Kang Yeosang trying to talk to you for the first time is a sight to behold forever, I'm not even joking. You're going to remember that for the rest of your life.
Picture this: he has his signature shy smile, you know the one, he'll stumble upon his words a little and he's gonna caress his nape too. He'll have the biggest smile on his face the moment he has your number tho, he won't try to hide how bashful and a little bit embarrassed he is.
He'll give himself a solid 7 for his performance, but Wooyoung is gonna give him a 5 at max (he's getting teased since the start, poor Yeosang).
He'll take his time when getting to know you. He won't rush any stage of your relationship. He'll take his time to get to know you and for you to know him.
It's about time for him. Trust comes with time, intimacy comes with time and of course, love comes with time.
You might think somewhere in the talking stage he's not that interested because he never made a real move, but no, he's just waiting for the right moment.
You'd go out on "dates" that's not actually called dates (but that's just because he's too shy to be that foward so soon, yes, that's foward to him) but these were the best times of your life.
It was in one of those nights that he started to let loose and be more of himself around you and depending of your reaction, he'll get more and more comfortable.
Now, as your boyfriend, he'll still be rather shy sometimes, specifically now that he's your boyfriend, he'll get used to it eventually.
He is a quality time boyfriend, he'd organize his schedule so he'd have more time for you and he'd make the effort to plan things to do with you too.
He'd love to compliment you more, but he's too shy at the start of the relationship to actually say it, even though he's thinking the whole day how beautiful you are, then he'd end up saying something like "you clean up well today" or "your outfit is nice" but it's not what he actually wanted to say, but he'll get better eventually.
But now let me tell you, he'd thrive with your compliments. He'll laugh and his ears would get all red, he'll reply with a shy "thank you" and he'll get back to whatever he was doing, but oh no, he's thinking about that for the rest of the day. Man's heart flutter every time he thinks about it.
Also you bet he's gonna brag about it like, "Yeah, my partner told me today [ compliment of the day ]" to the boys and specially Wooyoung.
Omg, he'd love to remind Wooyoung he is single when he gets teased for whatever reason, like, "Oh yeah? Well, at least I have a partner, what about you?"
Since sometimes he can't be with you, therefore he can express his love the way he likes, he spoils you when he comes back from tour or from whatever trip he went for a schedule.
He's random with his gifts too, you never know what you are getting if it's small or big, cheap or expensive. He'll get whatever makes him think about you and the best part of it for him it's to watch you smile because of the things he brought you.
Now, we already know Yeosang isn't one to argue with people, even if said people hurted him. If you guys get in a argument, he'll be quiet the whole time, just looking at the ground or at something else, but don't think he wasn't listening. He was, he feels better this way, to absorb your words only.
But he does this because he doesn't like to see you this upset, it breaks his heart because he was the cause of it.
When you finish, he'll take a little time to collect his thoughts and then he'd say carefully whatever it is on his mind.
If you are really really angry, like screaming, I feel like he'd try to touch you, to hold you so you listen to him. He'd want you to stop, because you don't have to scream, he'd listen. But if you can't, then he'll give you time alone, he won't stay there being screamed at.
Now, back to the time thing. After he feels ready and secure in the relationship. He'll introduce you to his family. They'd know about you since the start too, because he asked some advices to his mom before and she'd make him spill the tea, if you will.
He wasn't nervous at all, he was excited for you to finally get to know them. He was serious about you and he wanted his family to know this as well.
The boys would know you by other means already, but it wasn't face to face until he had you over the dorms and one by one, hour by hour, they came home.
He thought nobody would be home until late, but it was a nice surprise since he didn't need to organize a meeting for everyone to meet you anymore.
He won't let you to be alone with Wooyoung tho, you'd have too much blackmail content otherwise and he'd rather have his peace. (It is bound to happen eventually, he better watch out).
His is an introvert after all, so I think his perfect day is to have you by his side, at home, whoever home that might be, spending the day together.
Choi Jongho (최종호)
I'm gonna start with the fact that, he's is the more private of all of the members and this will have an impact on everything else.
He is the one to not even approach you, he'd want this to happen naturally, so someone would introduce you two because you have the same friends and your friend groups intertwines a lot.
He'll not be shy in this bigger friend group at all, specifically if he's not the youngest there. He's joking around, he's being playful and sometimes being a little shit too.
The moment he has to be with you alone, internally he's freaking out, he doesn't know what to say, he's worried he'll seem weird or worse, not fun to be around.
Externally tho? He's so freaking smooth, it doesn't seem like he's trying at all (he's really not, it's just natural rizz). He's naturally charm and fun, he'll seem a little stiff at the beginning, but that's gone with time.
He doesn't have any problem expressing himself, the problem for him would be the introduction part, which someone already did.
The private part comes into play now, because you can't tell if he likes you more than friends and because you usually see him with other people around, you don't know him a deep way.
He doesn't reveal much about the "not so fun" part of himself, so like, you never know about his worries, if there's something bothering him, you can't never tell and even if he has a partner already, you don't know, because he doesn't talk much about his privacy like that.
You'd have to be the one to start texting him, since you both have each others number, but never started a conversation in private before. The moment it starts tho, there won't be an end.
You wouldn't know because he swore to himself to never tell you that, but he was hyping himself up for a while to talk to you alone, but he never did because he couldn't find any excuse to do that.
Now listen, as your boyfriend, there's a constant issue on Jongho's mind, because he wants to show how much he likes you, but the problem is...
... he isn't the biggest fan of touch, although he is much more open when it's you, he feels extremely shy to give you compliments, even though he wants to and he doesn't have that much time available to be close to you, so you throw out quality time too.
Gifts, he shows his love through gifts and yes, the moment the rest of the boys found out this, they were shocked because "Wth, when you became generous with money, Jongho?"
Of course he'll buy you nice things, specially when he's away on tour, but most of the gifts are trinckets and other small things reminded him of you annddd, funny gifts.
Have you seen the stuff he buys the other members on their birthday? That kind of gifts, but also a mug with a reference from a random tiktok phrase you sent him one random day.
This is his way of showing you he cares and he remembers, even when sometimes doesn't seem like it, because he's so busy.
When there's a fight, he's right in the middle. He's really mature for his age, that's a known fact.
He won't scream his lungs out, but he also won't stay quiet. He'll be the type to argue his case and let you do the same, then solve it. He doesn't like when things get out of hand, he won't let it get there.
He'll calmly ask for you both to take a walk and calm down, then resolve the issue like adults.
But if it's a childish argument, he would be less patient for sure. He doesn't like those useless, childish fights, he wouldn't even be part of it. He'd straight up let you talk alone if you don't calm down when he tries to be reasonable.
Because he's a private boy, he would rather have you as far as the other boys as possible and there's a very simple reason, to protect his peace of mind.
He is the youngest of the group, he's their baby. He knows they are going to be so dramatic and he'd be merciless teased for weeks on end.
He took the longest time to even say he had a partner to them, even thought they suspected already and when he said it, it was because he was caught texting you with the wildest grin on his face, clearly a simp.
*Cue chaos on Ateez's dorm"
They made them promise to introduce you to them soon, but he said he would only when you were comfortable (honestly, he knew you didn't care, but he used anything at this point).
The absolute chaos when they actually got to meet you, oh God, it was hell on earth for Jongho (it wasn't that bad, he's dramatic af).
About his parents, I feel like he would be the most traditional within the Korean culture and would only introduce you when he's sure we wants to marry you and really stay with you (you can count that as some years).
About his perfect day? That was long gone, when he could talk to you without funny looks from his members or then teasing him.
He isn't sure how he is the youngest when they are literal children, but life is unfair, I guess.
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Reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you for reading! (^o^)
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thyming · 8 months
kys tradfem
Hello, dear anon! 💞
First of all, I would like to offer you a warm hug, as it seems you could really use some love right now. 🥺
Secondly, I think it is quite funny how an anonymous persons seems to know more about myself than I do – when exactly did I turn into a tradfem? What a surprise that is!
Just to clarify: I am not a trad anything, I've never been one and will also never be! ✨️
Please, stay safe and have a day or night as wonderful as you are. 🌸
Lots of Love, Luna. ♡
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dinozarr · 1 year
› ˖ ͘ ★⠀TRACK BYLAWS . . . ❞
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CZAR o YOCIÉL ⸝⸝ ❪⠀ABBY ANDERSONS L♡VR⠀❫ ♱⠀please read everything that is listed below. therefore, if you ever have any questions or concerns don't be afraid to dm them to me, i will try my best to answer them at a timely manner.
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(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ BEFORE YOU FOLLOW . . . i don't necessarily mind if my works are posted on other platforms, as long as proper credit is given. i also don't mind translations either considering the fact i speak spanish myself. however, if i find a work of mine posted to a different platform, or even on here, without any proper credit, then there will be a problem.
⠀ please do not overly like my posts because tumblr will think i am a bot, when i am not. do not like more than five posts at a time because that can/will affect the state of my blog. if you do not listen to this, then i will have no other choice but to block/mute you.
(ノ´ з `)ノ I DO NOT WRITE FOR . . . sukuna. anything that is sexual content with minors, seeing as i am nineteen. this also includes aging up minors for sexual desires (you're fuckin weird if you do). dubcon. noncon. cnc. incest/stepcest. grape/s3xual 4ssault. pregnancy anything. somnophilia. pedophilia. teacher x student (only teacher x assis. teacher is acceptable). feet kink. piss kink. orgies. ed’s. race play. pet play. scat. mpreg. large age gaps. breast feeding. age regression. DDBG. MDBG. suic!de/s3lf h4rm. scat. yandere (this romanticizes ppl with bpd so absolutely not).white readers. eating disorders. abusive characters. p3dophelic characters. vore. necrophelia.
(♡-_-♡) I DO WRITE FOR . . . on my blog i will write for any/all of the things that i'm interested in. ranging from the marvel cinematic universe, to five nights at freddy's. if you request a character or idol i am unaware of/have no knowledge on, i will try my best to do research on them. if you do so happen to request a minor character x reader, i will only write sfw content. if you request anything else you will be hard blocked. don't try to be slick with it either.
(๑˘︶˘๑) DO NOT INTERACT . . . wattpad writers/new tumblr users that come from wattpad (y’all r so unoriginal i cant fathom). men/male identifying people (this is literally a lesbian account). white people. dsmp fans. stray kids fans (specifically bangchan fans). leia apologists (black swan). kids under 15 (you're a middle schooler and i'm in college, so it makes me a tad bit uncomfortable). racists. white celebrity stans. homophobes. transphobes. fatphobes. ableists. yandere lovers. he/him lesbian haters (kys fr).
⠀genderfluid/nonbinary lesbian haters (kys ×2). female-identifying venom simps (he's literally fucking gay, you're weird). female-identifying BL/yaoi readers. coryxkenshin haters (you deserve absolutely nothing). you age up minors to write smut for them. miles morales antis. you anti any of my favs !!
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♡ ~('▽^人) FOR MINORS . . . i won't block you if you're a minor because that'd be extremely hypocritical of me since i was introduced to wattpad/smut at a young age. however, it does make me uncomfortable when i'm AWARE of the fact that minors are on my account. so i don't care if it's in your bio, just don't explicitly tell me you're under 18. i am not responsible for what you read on the internet nor am i responsible for you not liking my works. if you don't, then leave cause it wasn't for you in the first place.
(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ FOR REQUESTS . . . you can send requests to my inbox whenever you'd like. but, just know that i have a job, so i might not be able to always get to your requests as quickly as you'd like me to. i also always put my works first because they mean the most to me. if you want to request anonymously then dm me and i will turn them on for you. but only if it’s a request because i won’t turn anons on otherwise.
⠀when it comes to writing actual fanfic STORIES (not oneshots), i will only ever write for “x oc”. i don’t write real stories for “x readers”, only oneshots, drabbles, and thirsts.
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intheholler · 7 months
similar to a previous anon, im so grateful for the presence of your blog. i grew up in eastern KY and lived around Appalachia my whole life, but for the last year or so I've been in Europe for school and it's been really difficult dealing with the homesickness as well as the awful, limited stereotypes that Europeans have about any southern / 'redneck' us state. the way you talk about Appalachia, and that you talk about my home at all, just makes me feel less alone out here when I check on my dashboard.
thank you ♡
ouch. that's like a one-two punch to the gut, being that far from home and only hearing bad things about the place you're missing so much
i hate that you're experiencing this, and so i hope that by knowing you, your peers there will begin to change their minds.
in the meantime, you're definitely not alone. this page will be here for you, holding a spot for you til you get back <3
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