#ky: goemon
bigupsdog · 5 months
Intro dialog for every Guilty Gear character day 3: Johnny
Sol: Your bounty is high enough to pay for my trip to the moon three times over.
Johnny: You ain't the first person to try to claim that bounty, you ain't gonna be the last.
Ky: You were also orphaned by the Crusades?
Johnny: That bloody war took many a good man's life.
May: When are you going to let me pilot the May Ship again?
Johnny: The last time I let ya drive her ya nearly crashed into Illyria Castle.
Axl: Out of curiosity what's the craziest thing you've ever stolen?
Johnny: Alright, now I wont say which, but one of the Kings of Illyria’s crown is a fake, if you know what i'm saying.
Chipp: Come on, you're wearing all black and you wield a katana, just take the full plunge and become a ninja.
Johnny: Sorry buddy, but if I became a ninja, I would just be too cool for the world to handle.
Potemkin: I'm here to retrieve stolen property from Zepp.
Johnny: What are you talking about? I haven't taken anythin from you guys… recently.
Faust: How’s… May’s… Condition???
Johnny: She’s doing a lot better thanks to you, Doc.
Milia: I work for the government now, so I have to take you in.
Johnny: I’m sure ya asked for this job personally, to see good old Johnny.
Zato: This is nothing personal, I'm just doing my job.
Johnny: And when I cut ya down, it also won't be anythin personal.
Ram: I'm confused, I thought pirates were supposed to be in the ocean, not the sky.
Johnny: Ya don't have to have such strict definitions for everythin sometimes a spade is just a spade.
Leo: A lawbreaker stands before me, and I will be the mighty judge, jury and executioner.
Johnny: I’m startin to think this ain’t no jury of my peers.
Nago: Your swordsmanship, it reminds me of samurai from ages past.
Johnny: You lookin to relive some of your glory days? Because I'm more than willin to help.
Gio: Look I have my orders to take you in, but I still owe you one, so even if I win I'll just say you gave me the slip.
Johnny: Ah that's sweet, looks like it ain't a dog eat dog world after all.
Anji: Steal from the rich, give to the poor, you’re a real Ishikawa Goemon.
Johnny: First time I heard that one, normally I get Robin Hood.
I-No: Don't even try it lover boy, I'm way out of your league.
Johnny: Damn, and I had a great witch related pick up line and everything.
Goldlewis: Outlaws like you give us cowboys a bad name.
Johnny: Nah, lawmen like you ruin the real spirit of the cowboy.
Jack-O: Is that a cowboy costume? Shouldn't you have a gun not a sword?
Johnny: It ain't no costume, I'm the bona-fide real thing.
HC: Ah the showdown, the best part of any western movie.
Johnny: In a quick draw it all comes down to who's faster, unfortunately for you.
Baiken: Put that sword down, you ain't no damn samurai.
Johnny: Cowboy, pirate, samurai, what can I say I have a lot of feathers in my cap.
Testament: I hear you've adopted many an orphaned child from the Crusades.
Johnny: I'd like to think your old man Kliff woulda been proud of me.
Bridget: Your bounty is HOW MUCH!!!
Johnny: Run along now lass, bounty hutin ain't nothin you want to involve yourself with.
Sin: Hey man, your ship looked so cool while I was riding next to it on a dragon!
Johnny: You did what now?
Delilah: Your ship was nice… um, thanks for letting me ride in it.
Johnny: Ah much alleged, good old Johnny's always willin to lend a helpin hand.
Asuka R#: I am not the real “That Man” I am simply a clone.
Johnny: So the coward made a fake to hide from his past, I see how it is.
Asuka R Kreutz: I am deeply sorry for all the pain my past actions have caused.
Johnny: Ah ain't that sweet, ya apologized, to one person who you helped make an orphan, what about all the rest?
Elphelt: Is that a noble outlaw, coming to steal this fair maiden's heart?
Johnny: Normally I'm the one who uses the cheesy pick up line, feels weird, the shoe being on the other foot.
ABA: Your ship is a whale, yet you didn't paint it blue, what is wrong with you?
Johnny: I didn't paint the May Ship, she was just born that way.
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alexthegamingboy · 2 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 08/13/2022
Yashahime: The Second Act EP#27 (03) - The Silver-Scale Curse: Jaken recalls fourteen years ago on how Rin met Zero, who had fatally cursed her with the binding spell coupled with a red thread of fate. Since Zero had Rin as leverage over Sessh?maru, she demanded to know about her daughters. Rin learns that she will die, if the silver-scale curse spreads through her body. Out of options, Jaken had Rin being placed inside the Sacred Tree of Ages, whose infinite time-based powers would assist in reducing a rapid spread of Zero's curse by forever keeping Rin within her current state of suspended animation. The spirit instructed Jaken to put a portion of the sacred Dream Butterfly on Setsuna, in which Towa's dream and sleep would be transferred to Rin, preserve her life and temporarily stop the curse. In the feudal era's current timeline, the Half-Demon Princesses meet Bokusen? and retrieve a mystical Ky?y?kon Root. He informs them that the root of power originated from Mount Musubi, but neglects to mention the magical barrier protecting it. The girls reach the outside, and said about the mountain and wonder what is awaiting them. A transparent young red-haired girl sleeps deeply on a pale green glowing scale inside the mountain.
Primal Season 2 EP#05 (15) - The Primal Theory: In England, 1890, a biologist named Charles unsuccessfully tries to defend his theory on evolution to his fellow scientists Lord Darlington, Blakely, Bertie, and Giroud. Charles surmises that, in the right situation, any person would regress back to their primitive roots in order to survive. The evening is cut short when an escaped inmate from a nearby asylum breaks into the house, kills the butler, and proceeds to prey on every person inside. As the night progresses, the survivors take on weapons in Darlington's collection, such as guns, swords, and arrows. One by one, the guests are either killed or knocked out by the brutish madman, leaving only Charles and Darlington left. They pursue the inmate to the greenhouse, but he overpowers them and begins to cannibalize Charles. Darlington, out of his wits, attacks the inmate with a massive bone, arms himself with a spear, and emits a primal scream before frantically killing the inmate. Coming back to his senses, he looks at a wounded Charles, who feels vindicated to have his theory proven right.
Lupin the 3rd Part 6 EP#16 - Samurai Collection: Gabby, a celebrity fashion designer whose collections are sold through auctions instead of the open market, returns to the spotlight after a five-year hiatus to present a new fashion line. She hires Goemon as a model after she rescues him during one of his training runs in the Arctic. While a complete amateur in the fashion business, Goemon finds new ways of improving his abilities through his modelling exercises, and Gabby becomes inspired through his eccentricities. Meanwhile, Lupin plans to nab Gabby's latest designs in return for the promise of a romantic night with Fujiko. At the night of the fashion show, Lupin sneaks on stage, leading to a scuffle with Goemon to prevent him from ruining the show. Lupin uses a large drone to suck the designs off the racks and the models' bodies, but Goemon destroys it, leaving him to be chased off by Zenigata. Despite its chaotic conclusion, and all the clothes sliced into pieces, the show is a great success, inspiring Gabby and her backer, Largerfeld, to plan a repeat performance.
Slightly Damned Page 1065: https://www.sdamned.com/comic/1065
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alexthegamingboy · 2 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 07/30/2022
Yashahime: The Second Act EP#25 (01) - Wielding the Tenseiga: Towa uses a limited amount of energy for Tenseiga to destroy the afterlife imps and save Setsuna, before falling unconscious. T?t?sai arrives at the scene, reforges the naginata and names the new blade "Yukari no Tachikiri". Setsuna wakes up and uses it to destroy many demons. T?t?sai borrows Tenseiga from Sessh?maru for a three-day mending. Before leaving, T?t?sai warns Setsuna to survive. While Towa recovers, T?t?sai instructs Setsuna to find a mystical Ky?y?kon Root from a 2000-year-old Magnolia tree Bokusen?, and for Towa to replace a broken weapon with an new one.
Primal Season 2 EP#03 (13) - Dawn of Man: While taking shelter from the rain in a cave, Spear cheers up Fang, who is still mourning Red, and discovers cave paintings. The next day, he finds a valley teeming with animals and visions of people from the cave paintings. After acquiring a new spear from a nearby abandoned village, Spear hunts for himself and Fang. Later that night, the duo are attacked by Viking warriors riding Arctotheriums. Though Spear is injured, the pair manage to defeat their enemies. Recognizing the scorpion sigil on one of the warriors' shield, Spear calls out Mira's name, which causes the remaining warrior to flee. The two give chase before Fang kills him, with Spear taking the warrior's sword after his spear is destroyed. The two follow the Arctotherium tracks to a populated camp, where Spear finds slaves and reunites with Mira, who is delighted to hear him speak. Spear tries to get Mira to leave, but she refuses to leave her people behind. Spear and Mira lead the others out of the village before Spear hears something growling in the nearby mist.
Lupin the 3rd Part 6 EP#14 - The Mirage Women: Lupin visits Mattea who is recovering at the hospital, although she is not surprised to learn his true identity. Fujiko arrives to reveal that the group of female thieves is called "Elvira" and their leader is Mercedes Camilo. She explains that their next target will be the Banco Alban Bank in Mexico within five days, but Lupin suspects he is the real objective. On the way, Lupin explains to Jigen and Goemon that Tomoe is not his biological mother, but a teacher assigned by his grandfather to see if he was worthy of the "Lupin" name. He considered her as a mother-figure, however she apparently stole his grandfather's treasure, but was caught and shot, falling to her death. On the day of the raid on Banco Alban, Elvira overwhelms Zenigata and the police force with tanks, successfully robbing the bank, but Jigen plants a tracker on them. Lupin and the gang break into Elvira's hideout, and after several attempts to outsmart each other, Lupin defeats Mercedes and reclaims his treasure. She claims that she was also trained by Tomoe, whom Lupin now suspects faked her own death. Zenigata arrests the Elvira gang, while Lupin allows Mercedes to live, however he vows to find out if Tomoe is alive and the truth about the night she apparently died.
Slightly Damned Page 1063: https://www.sdamned.com/comic/1063
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