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A few more examples of how @kvvadmo plays with theme. Another thing I love about @kvvadmo's work is that where most artists celebrate melanin by "highlighting" the way black skin reflects color, @kvvadmo sometimes saturates colors so intensely they reflect no light at all, become almost flat. Black skin becomes solid and the photographs seem surreal. I love it. Isn't being Black an occasionally surreal experience? #StayWokeLoveArt #blackradicalMuseumEnthusiasm #Kvvadmo #BRME #BlackRadicalME #africanart #blackart #blackgirlmagic #blackboyjoy
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mothersgold · 7 years
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This week on @BlackRadicalMuseumEnthusiasm: contemplations of color and composition with @kvvadmo. Start ya week off right; add a few more colors to your Monday blues. #StayWokeLoveArt #blackradicalMuseumEnthusiasm #Kvvadmo #BRME #BlackRadicalME #africanart #blackart #blackgirlmagic #blackboyjoy
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I love the way @kvvadmo's work plays with theme. Anyone who follows my personal account knows that "variations on a theme" is one of my favorite ways to explore an idea or aesthetic. @kvvadmo is able to return to an idea in a way that doesn't seem cliched or repetitive but rather feels like a further exploration of a concept or even a conversation with the previous work. Each photograph as compelling as the last, these are meditations, they are explorations of masculinity and celebrations of melanin. More than statements, they are vignettes. And like the best short stories, they leave you wanting so much more. #StayWokeLoveArt #blackradicalMuseumEnthusiasm #Kvvadmo #BRME #BlackRadicalME #africanart #blackart #blackgirlmagic #blackboyjoy
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This week on @BlackRadicalMuseumEnthusiasm: contemplations of color and composition with @kvvadmo. Start ya week off right; add a few more colors to your Monday blues... >>>:::: In @kvvadmo's work, color and composition aren't auxiliary aesthetic devices; they are elemental, the very backbone of each photograph. @Kvvadmo manages to make color and form work so seamlessly in tandem they devise a spellbinding symbiosis. Colors are are sometimes so vibrant they form hard lines against one another, compelling us then to not only contemplate their hue but then also the shapes they take on. What a feat to make simplicity (an in-ornately dressed body stood against a plainly-painted wall, for example) complex and beautiful. More examples of @kvvadmo's brillance to come, this week on @BlackRadical MuseumEnthusiasm #StayWokeLoveArt #blackradicalMuseumEnthusiasm #Kvvadmo #BRME #BlackRadicalME #africanart #blackart #blackgirlmagic #blackboyjoy
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