#kusanagi shoichi
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wiseseamonster · 11 months ago
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Hot dog hacker
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m3djed · 9 months ago
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i dont think i ever posted my vrains cats all together
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caveisalie · 11 months ago
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oh no, the HOTDAWG MAN
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chibicrow · 6 months ago
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YGO VRAINS Kusanagi Shoichi core
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jellybeeans · 7 months ago
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areeis · 11 months ago
Asking silly questions during break time
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chibi-taylormoon · 2 years ago
Yusaku should move into the Kusanagi household post canon. There's a spare bedroom that can be all for Yusaku and Kusanagi made sure to buy a really cozy bed for him.
It's a big step up from the old bed Yusaku has with an uncomfortable mattress. It's soft, like sleeping on clouds and the sheets are warm and so comforting as Yusaku wraps himself up to sleep.
The first night Yusaku sleeps in his new home and bed, he doesn't wake up even once and he has no nightmares for the first time in a while. Yusaku doesn't want to get out of bed at all, it was starting to get late in the morning the next day and Kusanagi was worried. Kusanagi quietly peaked his head in Yusaku's room to check on him and sees Yusaku soundly sleeping and all tucked in.
Kusanagi smiles to himself and quietly shut the door, he didn't have to heart to wake Yusaku up just yet, it was the weekend so new school and Kusanagi didn't need to open his food truck until later. Kusanagi would give Yusaku another peaceful hour before waking him up to make breakfast and go to work together.
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merryfortune · 1 year ago
Mistletoe Memento
Written for the Winter Holiday Bingo
Prompts provided by @sweetspicybingo
Prompt: Mistletoe
Title: Mistletoe Memento
Ship: Hotdogshipping | Shoichi/Yusaku 
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,051
Warnings: None
Tags: Age Difference, Fluff, First Kiss, Christmas
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   “Oh, did you put that up?” Yusaku asked, blinking.
   Normally, he would have started this conversation with a “Hello, how are you?” but seeing the teeny tiny anomaly pinned, with a shiny red ribbon, to Shoichi’s food truck was enough to shock out even Yusaku’s most common decencies. 
   “Kind of.” Shoichi replied as he leaned out over the counter to greet Yusaku. “I hung it up, yes, but I didn’t buy it or anything. Some girl from the visitor information centre was going around and handing out mistletoe as a tourist promotion. She was giving it out to any business who’d give her the time of day.”
   “That’s… nice?” Yusaku guessed.
   “Yeah.” Shoichi agreed, equally as half-heartedly. Then made more conversation as he pushed a damp rag over his counter, pretending to do work. “Honestly, I just said yes because I felt bad for her. I saw her get turned around from two different places across the plaza.”
   “That’s nice of you.” Yusaku agreed.
   “I try.” Shoichi guessed. “Like, I dunno if eating hot dogs is an overly romantic thing to do on a date but hey. It looks nice and in the spirit of things.”
   “Yeah.” Yusaku murmured.
   Then, with that, the usual course of their platitudes resumed. They asked each other about their day, half yelling at one another as Yusaku came around the side of the van. His shift was about to begin and it basically began as soon as he stowed his school bag to the side.
   He put on his apron over his school uniform and that was that. They put all chatter aside in taking orders, of which they began to pick up. Lots of people were out and about despite the chilly, December weather. It was absolutely going to snow later, they could all feel it in the air and in their bones. There was simply that cool shimmer and a dark cloud that prophesied it.
   Now, despite hot dogs not being the most romantic food to pair with a date, the mistletoe still attracted plenty of attention as Shoichi and Yusaku took their sales. It was oddly to see, between the singles and the fries, the occasional couple who saw the sprig of mistletoe conjoined to the truck and taking full advantage. It was truly in the mood of how much of a couples’ holiday Christmas was.
   Even if Christmas wasn’t until tomorrow.
   As the afternoon wore on, turning into the evening and then night, Yusaku was thoroughly exhausted by the end of it. Easily one of the busiest periods he had ever worked. He didn’t envy Shoichi who had been manning the stations all day by himself. The till was practically bursting at the seams and they were out of their most common toppings, too, like cheese and onions. It was impressive how much the crowd had eaten and that made the turn all the more jarring when a cast of thousands turned into a cast of none.
   It was a bit after eleven when the crowd had thinned and didn’t seem likely to pick up again. Shoichi doubted that the clubs were going to be popping much on Christmas Eve and he could typically bet on drunk people wanting hot dogs after singing, dancing, and drinking the night away but probably not tonight. So, he gave the signal for him and Yusaku could pack it up. 
   “I’ll drive you home Yusaku.” Shoichi said.
   “Thanks, Kusanagi-san.” Yusaku said.
   They brought the awning down and turned the grille off. The weather, after so long of staying steady, began to powder just as Shoichi battened down the last hatch. He encouraged Yusaku into the front of the van where Shoichi blasted the heater and Yusaku sat happily in the front seat with him. They drove off and into a light, glittering snow, no less. 
   Shoichi drove safely through slow traffic. It was pretty congested and so, he and Yusaku got through quite a few songs on the radio together - and some adverts, too. It was the usual mix of top forty pop songs with some carols mixed in. The former was Shoichi’s jam, Yusaku wasn’t a music person but he liked to see Shoichi enjoy himself as he made like a dag and sang out loud to the radio, belting it out.
   Cheerful company really did shorten the miles. Not that Yusaku’s apartment was all that far away to begin with. It was walking distance except when it snowed.
   “We’re here.” Shoichi said.
   He parked out front in the kerbside. A small pile of snow crunched underneath the wheel of the van. Outside Yusaku’s flat, Ai had turned on the porch light ahead of time. The light twinkled a soft yellow. Shoichi used the auto function in his console to open the door on the passenger side for Yusaku but used the handle for himself. They disembarked together.
   “Brr, it's cold when the heater’s not on.” Yusaku complained as he stepped outside the van with Shoichi.
   “You stay rugged up, yeah?” Shoichi said.
   “I will. Promise.” Yusaku said.
   They hovered awkwardly at the front of the van and something caught Yusaku’s eye. It was sleek and shiny and red. The ribbon. It was still plastered to the side of the van and Shoichi turned his head to meet where Yusaku was staring - albeit caught off guard.
   “Oh, uh, the mistletoe. It's still there.” Shoichi said. “I’d forgotten all about it.”
   He sounded like he was lying. Not out of malice, merely nonchalant. Like he was just trying to make things less awkward. Only thing was, it wasn’t working. They had both copped more than above average number of kisses today from different couples amid the sea of the general public. On the forehead, on the cheek, on the lips. The mistletoe had been a hit and it would be lying to say otherwise.
  “And we’re both standing under it.” Yusaku pointed out.
   “Next to it, more like.” Shoichi said.
   “It's tradition, you know.” Yusaku said.
   “Yes, Yusaku, I know.” Shoichi retorted.
   He sounded huffy but that didn’t fetter Yusaku. His eyes were uniquely and unusually naive. Hopeful. 
   “Please.” Yusaku quietly insisted.
   “Only because it's tradition.” Shoichi said.
   Though only because it was tradition felt - and looked - like a whole lot more. They both knew that there was a budding, mutual attraction between each other. Like a spear and shield, like the best of friends, or even like tomato sauce on a frankfurter, they went together perfectly. 
   Yusaku placed one hand on Shoichi’s breast and his other was enveloped by Shoichi’s palm. It was guided to Shoichi’s hip and for a moment, they were in a pause like a position zero in a dance. It was awkward. Yet it was oh so sweet. 
   Yusaku had to go on his tip-toes, just slightly and Shoichi held his hand firmer. They were all on their lovely lonesome on the street corner, just the streetlamp and the mistletoe to observe as they inched closer and closer until finally. They kissed,
   The cold swirled around them with the beautiful snowdrift. The light twinkled behind them and it was utterly cliche but it truly was magical. It was everything that they had both dreamed for longer than they should have that it would be. Neither could deny the mutual pining between them, soft and ever present but always unspoken. 
   Every wrong making a right as they kissed. He was too young, he was too old, they were just acquaintances brought together by something horrible and yet. The feelings that they had for one another that existed in the negative space between the sharp edges of their entwined pasts were precious and irreplaceable. 
   The feel of Yusaku's lips, the scratch of Shoichi’s beard. Little, tiny sensations by the thousands all built up to make six seconds feel like they could last an eternity. It was their first kiss, as a couple, not that they were but for now it felt as though were, and Yusaku’s first kiss as an individual and to him, what a wonderful kiss it was.
   He relished every sensation. The feeling of Shoichi’s breath and the way his own hitched as he marvelled in these precious six seconds of the kiss. His heart didn’t race but Yusaku became all too aware of it as he felt the throb of Shoichi’s pulse in his lips as they shared in this mutual intimacy.
   It was almost regretful but they did break it off. Tradition didn’t state how long the kiss had to last and they both knew that if it lasted any longer, it would be inadvisable. Yet, Shoichi didn’t let go of Yusaku’s hand that had been on his hip as it slipped back. So, together, they stood on the street’s corner holding hands.
   “Sleep tight tonight, Yusaku.” Shoichi said. “Stay warm. And I’ll see you in the new year, yeah?”
   “Yeah…” Yusaku murmured. 
   Shoichi squeezed Yusaku's hand and then finally let go. Yusaku nodded and he was already going to miss the sensation - the weight and the warmth - of Shoichi’s hand on his own. He stepped aside awkwardly and Shoichi glanced at the mistletoe. 
   “Do you want to keep it?” Shoichi asked as he reached for it.
   His fingers grazed the shiny, red ribbon, he played with the dangles and traced along the shape of the tiny, white bulbs that made up the flower of the mistletoe. It looked cheap because of its mass-made origins and oddly out of place against the off-yellow of the truck’s outer shell but there was such fondness in his voice for it.
   “Like a memento?” Yusaku asked.
   “Yeah, like a memento.” Shoichi replied.
   “I’d like that.” Yusaku said.
   “I’m glad.” Shoichi murmured.
   The mistletoe had been sticky-taped in place, of all things, with a scrunched up bundle behind the main head of the flower. He gently coaxed it off the truck and then tore off the sticky tape. Shoichi took these small actions purposefully and then met Yusaku’s eyes before entrusting him with the little souvenir of a tradition.
   “Thanks.” Yusaku said as he covered it with his fingers, wanting to hide it and squirrel it away.
   “You enjoy the holidays, yeah, enjoy some days off from school and work, you hear.” Shoichi said.
   Yusaku nodded and made a small noise. He wasn’t sure how much enjoyment he would get from pining for Shoichi but they had different schedules. Different family commitments. That sort of thing. 
   “Okay, now get inside already, don’t wait for me and don’t catch your death either.” Shoichi worried for him.
   “Alright, alright, see you later, Ku-Kusanagi-san.” Yusaku said and his voice cracked as he spoke his most valued companion’s name. Not in a bad way, just a teenage boy way.
   Shoichi chuckled at his expense and the cold wind blew. It hurried them both along as the idea of lingering toyed with them. It was awkward and bittersweet but that’s just how saying goodbye - even temporarily - went as they turned their backs on one another.
   Yusaku heard the kerchunk of the truck's door opening and his heart leapt to his throat. Now or never. It wasn't as good as an I love you or a confession but the words that got caught in his throat were just as good to release his feelings.  His chest felt tight as his lips quirked into an unnatural position: a smile. A genuine and whole-hearted smile that was ear to ear and had his eyes crinkling.
   Yusaku quickly twisted around and with a rosy face, he announced, "Merry Christmas, Shoichi. See you next year."
   Shoichi smiled and gave him a signal through the glass that he had been heard loud and clear. That's all Yusaku needed to be happy. More than happy, even, beyond happy. He then faced forward and heard the engine rumble, he opened the door where Ai and Roboppi  greeted him. Shoichi drove off so he could return home to Jin. 
   The tradition of the mistletoe was a secret for only them. He held onto the mistletoe a little tighter in secret, cherishing the feeling of the leaves and stem digging into his palm. But maybe next Christmas, when Yusaku was just that tiny bit older, it wouldn't be just tradition when they kissed by the mistletoe. 
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jose92gt · 1 year ago
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Creo que muchos se le hizo conocida la voz de Kaidoul el episodio donde hace su aparición en Go Rush, ya que seiyu Subaru Kimura prestó voz para Kusanagi de Vrains
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calm-arctic · 1 year ago
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This fic was part of an art trade with @magiertama 🥹 Please go show this incredible artist lots of love! 💞
Title: Wait on Me
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Fujiki Yuusaku/Revolver | Kougami Ryouken
Summary: After coming to the conclusion on how to move forward in life, Fujiki Yusaku works as a waiter for Kusanagi Shoichi's fancy restaurant for two years, but he's extremely awkward and needs to learn a lot about customer service. His skills are ultimately tested when a man by the name of Kogami Ryoken reserves a table for two.
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wiseseamonster · 3 months ago
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ryoken-gamer-boy-kogami · 10 months ago
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Incorrect Quote version under the cut for those of you that can't read the images:
Ai: "Girls, gays and theys" uninclusive while trying to be inclusive. Bad. Makes me uncomfortable.
Ai: "Ladies, gentlemen, and other distinguished guests" inclusive but far, far too formal.
Ai: "Alrighty, Gamers" inclusive of everyone, informal, and fun to say!
Spectre: "Everypony" pisses everyone off. Flawless.
Ryoken: Friends, enemies, and those still under review.
Shoichi: "Attention, K-Mart Shoppers" qualifies as vintage.
Kengo: "Hey, fuckers" casual. Ambiguous.
Yusaku: "Chat" lets everyone know you would put them into the grinder without hesitation.
Emma: Mothers and fuckers of the jury.
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hellohimawarihana · 10 months ago
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To commemorate 7th anniversary of Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, here's the transparent version of the characters featured in this year's PriRoll Valentine Print Cake! I like this bunch the most because there are characters that I actively like, such as Yusaku.
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jellybeeans · 6 months ago
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Esqueci de postar durante a week aqui...
Mas esse foi o dia 3 da YGORarePairWeek! KusaKengo de novo com o prompt banho junto!
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areeis · 1 year ago
Vrains RPG charas (2/4)
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Yusaku&Ai (human warrior and ignis companion +ATK strength-turn speed+move speed) Fighting style: Close to mid range attacks with Ai's tendrils Defense style: Kneels with both arms up, Ai surrounding him Special: Hungry Void (Ai fully engulfs one target to deal damage, chance to cause confusion; own turn speed and move speed is lowered by 40% for three turns after use) Resilient Look (Cost is reduced on low HP, pushes all close enemies away to mid range, raises own ATK and DEF for three turns) Party main: Damage
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Kusanagi (Human tech rogue +DEF-ATK strength-turn speed-move speed) Fighting style: Close attacks only using a dagger, will always put up a shield between turns to protect self and close allies Defense style: Same as using shield between turns Special: Perfect Guard (Casts a protective shield around one ally for three turns) Decoding Break (Analyses one target to find their weak point, DEF of target is lowered permanently by 5%, higher chance of doing critical attack for all allies) Party main: Defense and debuffs
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chibi-taylormoon · 2 years ago
can't stop thinking about Yusaku moving into the Kusanagi household post-canon.
When Jin was in the hospital, Kusanagi was always stressed, sad and lonely. His place was quiet without his little brother who was always so lively and happy. Plus Kusanagi was worried about Yusaku too, he came to be just like his second little brother. But now when he wakes up and he hears the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen, Kusanagi feels happy. He'll peak into the kitchen and see his little brother smiling and cooking breakfast, and Yusaku is offering to help and he's actually smiling.
jin and Yusaku are precious to Kusanagi and he will protect those smiles and make sure they have the lives they deserve after everything they've been through.
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