#kurt bernhardt
lady--lioness · 1 year
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A little wip! I wanted this to be ready for Pallas' birthday but couldn't be possible so it will also do for the spooky season!
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There are things known and there are things unknown and in between are the doors.
- Jim Morrison, Letters from Joe
Jim Morrison was an enigma and to this day is considered one of the most influential figures in rock and roll history. Morrison’s music - like him - was revolutionary and influenced some of the greatest musicians, artists, and poets of the 20th and 21st Centuries. A rebel and a nonconformist who took the world by storm, Morrison was mysterious but had no qualms about letting out his glorious wild side for all to see, and he believed that in order to create, one must first destroy, a motto that led him to his premature demise.
Many viewed Morrison as a reckless force of nature and a bad influence (we’re talking parents and concerned grandparents). He actually had an IQ of 149 and developed a profound interest in poetry, devouring the romantic works of William Blake and the contemporary Beat verse of Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac while composing his own poems.
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Jim Morrison became a legend despite having died at the age of 27, a striking and unique figure who remained in the annals of rock forever. Morrison thus became part of that fateful 27-year-old club that includes his peers Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. And to which Amy Winehouse or Kurt Cobain would later join in the later decades. Jim Morrison’s death shook the world on 3 July 1971.
There are two different stories behind Jim Morrison’s cause of death. Both of them are tragic. The most commonly told tale involves Jim Morrison going to the cinema in Paris and returning to his apartment to listen to music after dinner and being found dead in a bathtub.  He is said to have died of a heart attack. Chosen to be laid to rest quietly, no proper investigation was performed to find the main cause of Jim Morrison’s death.
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Another more harrowing story has received more traction in recent times. It highlights a darker picture of his life, one in which he had died of an overdose and was hauled back to his apartment by drug dealers. Jim Morrison’s final hours are a mystery because France did not require postmortem examination at that time. His girlfriend, Pamela Courson told the police that she had found him dead in the bathtub at about 6 am. She also battled drug addiction and died of a drug overdose three years later.
To many, his death seemed like the result of a downward spiral. Fans knew that Jim Morrison struggled with addiction and fame. After the trial, he was found guilty of profanity and denied the charges. Stardom had taken a toll on Jim Morrison and he tried to find peace in Paris. During his time in the city, he wrote every single day. People thought that he was finally healthy and happy. Some of his last pictures capture a young, fit man. The news of his death shocked everyone even though it was not as surprising. Jim Morrison and Pamela Courson have been accounted for indulging in old habits. They used to frequent Parisian nightclubs, the last thing he did before his death.
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Living in Paris one of the first things one does is to make the obligatory visit to Père Lachaise Cemetery where Morrison is buried alongside other iconic artists such as Oscar Wilde, Edith Piaf, Marcel Proust, Frederic Chopin, Isadora Duncan, Sarah Bernhardt, Maria Callas, Rossini etc. He’s not of my generation obviously but there is no question that the music of my parents generation was way cooler than anything today. That’s just my opinion. Listening to The Doors seemed like the perfect sound track to a misspent youth in boarding school.
A musician and a group considered among the most influential and innovative in rock history can never cease to be topical. Jim Morrison with his voice and antics brought drama to rock and roll. If Elvis Presley embodied the rock of a shameless performance if the Beatles and the Beach Boys gave the genre an almost symphonic dimension, and if Bob Dylan transferred more literary content to electric format then Jim Morrison of the Doors took the drama.
The first great attribute of the Doors frontman Jim Morrison was his voice and the charisma of his presence. The man that started shy on stage, with his back to the audience, would become an omnipotent monster, breaking down the limits of performance, even if doped by the effects of acids. With him, rock has never been so dangerous and rebellious, without ever losing the jazz of his voice.
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Critics then and today have said that Morrison wasn’t a great singer because he had limited range. It’s true he had a limited range as I don’t think he ever wandered out of his range, which was on the low side. I think Jim Morrison was very shy about singing and didn’t quite know what to do at first … he was a lover of words in the first place, and managed to hear melodies that would be a good vehicle for the words but he sang very carefully at first, careful to enunciate clearly and make his voice heard. I think for him it was more important that the words were heard by the audience than that his voice should sounds cool. Later he started coming on stronger, risking some screams and weird voices, but I think he was more comfortable reciting words rather than singing them.
To me it’s irrelevant if he was technically a good or a bad singer. Morrison had a powerful dramatic voice that connected and a great rock and roll scream. Is there anything more important than those things in rock music?
As I listen more albums by The Doors I am taken in by the hypnotic quality of his speaking voice, which is partially just genetic and partially learned through his involvement in the theatrical arts makes even the most silliest of lyrics sound profound and powerful. Of course he wasn’t an opera singer, or even your typical pop singer - he had wavering tone sometimes, and, especially as his voice deteriorated from substance abuse and other life-style related choices, his range drastically shrunk.
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To me Morrison didn’t need to have a pretty voice with the type of stuff he was singing, and his unique style made Robbie Krieger’s conventional pop or folk-rock songs sound deeper, more profound. He was a brilliant all around front-man. He may have frustrated some of his bandmates with his behaviour, and I don’t blame them but we would not be talking about The Doors today if it weren’t for Jim Morrison and his voice. I think as a vocalist he was true to his own natural voice and didn’t try to develop it as an “instrument”. I think it’s the conviction and truth in his voice that makes him easy to listen to.
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goddesspharo · 2 years
director's cut? any and all insights into 'move it to the exits' and 'living in a rhythm where the minute's working overtime', please!
There are brilliant people who exist who have well thought out plots and intricate outlines laid out before they actually start writing. I am not one of those people. (David Fincher, I am not!) I tried outlining a very convoluted fic once with three different concurrent timelines, color-coordinated the thing, wrote 20k, and then gave it up. My process - if one can even call it that - is that usually I will get one line of dialogue or narration stuck in my mind like an incessant earworm until I have no choice but to do something with it. So a lot of times, the scene is built around that one line or the entire story is in the service of getting to that one particular moment. It'll be like 20k of words just because I couldn't get the image of someone leaning out of my head. There's an entire graveyard of unfinished google docs that occasionally get cannibalized into parts of other things that started off with one stupid thought incepting my brain.
living in a rhythm where the minute’s working overtime (The Batman; Bruce/Selina): I was back on my Bruce/Selina bullshit after The Batman. (To be fair, when am I ever NOT about them? I love them in almost all iterations! And having Bruce Wayne be a sad weirdo who smears on grease paint while overidentifying with Kurt Cobain? While Selina Kyle is objectively rad and played by Zoe Kravitz who can actually pull off calling a dude wearing bat ears "baby" every other line? Excellent choices!) It got me to write fic again after a billion years! The line that started this one off was "Think of how guilty you'll feel if I die without knowing you are," but I think originally I had pictured it as happening on a rooftop in the context of Selina having already figured out Batman's secret identity (I was - maybe still am - obsessed with that scene where she asks if he's hideously scarred under the mask) and trying to get him to admit it, but then it morphed into her milking a fairly benign injury to score a trip to the batcave instead and the rest is history. I think this one had room to be a longer thing, but I wrote it on the heels of having already written a 16k and 14k fic about these two idiots already (when historically I rarely used to cross 10k) and needed a break. move it to the exits (Roswell New Mexico; Kyle/Isobel): I really loved the idea of a drunk Kyle wrapping Isobel in his herringbone coat as the snow started to gently fall around them. In the back of my mind, that imagery was part of a very long-form story with them secretly dating but Isobel trying to hide it from her well-meaning mother because she doesn't want Ann Evans to get invested in case it didn't work out. In true Isobel fashion, she makes sure Kyle is on call when Ann comes to visit that weekend. In true Michael fashion, he accidentally lets it slip to Kyle that his girlfriend's mother is in town and it would be a great idea to surprise them at dinner. The dinner, already stressful because Ann is meeting Liz for the first time, is of course a disaster that starts with Isobel introducing Kyle as Liz's ex-boyfriend (which he thinks is kind of weird) and only gets worse from there. Ann Evans keeps trying to get Kyle to arrange a meet-cute between Isobel and a hot doctor in his hospital (which he thinks is really weird). And Max keeps choking on his wine because he's laughing so hard. And then Ann Evans finally asks Kyle why someone who is such a catch doesn't have a girlfriend and he finally gets that Isobel has been lying to her mother for six months when he convinced his own mother to invite her over for dinner even though she kept referring to Isobel "Max's sister with the sex toys" when he first told her they were dating. Naturally, Kyle's anger manifests as him punching Jordan Bernhardt in the parking lot of The Crashdown after he fakes a stat page from the hospital to get out of the dinner from hell, which leads to where this starts off.
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ulrichgebert · 4 months
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Rita Hayworth als Miss Sadie Thompson strandet auf einer Insel voller Marines und sorgt unter diesen, obwohl sie gerade auf dem Weg in ein besseres Leben ist und sich eigentlich recht gesittet benimmt, so sehr für Aufruhr, daß sie gleich mit dem selbsternannten Sittenwächter José Ferrer aneinandergerät, dabei begehrt der sie doch auch nur. Es ist wohl eine fünfzigerjahretypisch gezähmte Fassung einer gerne verwendeten Kurzgeschichte von Somerset Maugham, die wir uns ungezähmter auch mit Gloria Swanson oder Joan Crawford ausmalen dürfen (ich strebe da vergleichende Studien an). Regisseur Curtis Bernhardt bescherte uns noch als Kurt Die Frau, nach der man sich sehnt. Mit nur diesen Informationen wirkt sein Schaffen etwas monothematisch.
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korrektheiten · 6 months
Kurt Schumachers Kampf um den deutschen Osten
Compact:»Die Oder-Neiße-Linie war nie als Polens Westgrenze vorgesehen. Darauf setzte anfangs auch die deutsche Politik. Vor allem der damalige SPD-Chef pochte auf das Heimatrecht der Vertriebenen, wie auch Michael Hartenstein in seinem Buch „Die Geschichte der Oder-Neiße-Linie“ eindrucksvoll dokumentiert. Hier mehr erfahren. _ von Gero Bernhardt Mit dem Londoner Protokoll vom 12. September 1944 hatten [...] Der Beitrag Kurt Schumachers Kampf um den deutschen Osten erschien zuerst auf COMPACT. http://dlvr.it/T5QSWt «
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flammentanz · 3 years
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Der französische Industriellensohn Henri Leblanc (Uno Henning) heiratet aus finanziellen Erwägungen zur Sanierung seines vor dem Bankrott stehenden Schmelzwerkes die durchaus attraktive, von ihm jedoch nicht geliebte Angele Poitrier (Edyth Edwards).
Während der Hochzeitsreise begegnet Henri im Zug einer faszinierend schönen Fremden (Marlene Dietrich), deren Namen Stascha man erst später erfährt. Sie befindet sich in Begleitung eines gewissen Dr. Karoff (Fritz Kortner), dessen Anwesenheit sie mit offenkundigem Widerwillen erfüllt, während er ihr rettungslos verfallen ist.
Stascha gibt Leblanc Karoff gegenüber als ihren Cousin aus, was dieser keine Minute glaubt. Unter vier Augen beschwört sie Henri, sie nicht mit Karoff allein zu lassen, was den jungen Mann bewegt, kurzerhand seine soeben angetraute Gattin ebenso wie sein bisheriges Leben hinter sich zu lassen und ihr in das luxuriöse Hotel nachzureisen, in dem Stascha und Karoff abgestiegen sind.
Am Silvesterabend, dessen ausgelassener Trubel eigentlich die gemeinsame Flucht von Stascha und Henri ermöglichen sollte, kulminiert der Dreieckskonflikt. Karoff hat für Stascha einen Mord begangen, jedoch durch die Eliminierung ihres Gatten nicht ihre von ihm erhoffte Liebe gewinnen können. Staschas zumindest derzeitige Zuneigung gilt statt dessen Henri, wofür der eifersüchtige Karoff an seinem Nebenbuhler mit grober Gewalt Rache nimmt.
Als die Polizei eintrifft, um die beiden Mordkomplizen zu verhaften, erreicht die Tragödie ihren Höhepunkt ...
Kurt Bernhardts eleganter und temporeicher Stummfilm etabliert noch vor Josef von Sternbergs “Der blaue Engel” Marlene Dietrich als einen die Männer ins Verderben stürzenden Vamp. Während der Däne Uno Henning als jugendlicher Liebhaber eher blass bleibt, glänzen die Dietrich und Fritz Kortner in ihren Rollen über eine tödlich endende Hass-Liebe.
Marlene Dietrich vermag als Stascha verheißungsvolle Blicken ebenso wie ihre körperlichen Reizen gezielt einzusetzen und lässt die Diva in späteren Hollywoodfilmen bereits erahnen. Fritz Kortner gestaltet das faszinierende Porträt eines von seiner verzehrenden Leidenschaft getriebenen Mannes, der in meist fast scheuen Gesten um die Zuneigung der abgöttisch geliebten Frau bittet, aber in der intensiven physischen Auseinandersetzung mit Uno Henning als Henri Leblanc die Urkraft des in Karoff verborgenen Temperamentes offenbart. Karoffs Schwanken zwischen scheinbar feucht-fröhlicher Heiterkeit und abgrundtiefer Verzweiflung inmitten der allgemeinen Ausgelassenheit am Silvesterabend ist von ebenso berührender Tragik wie die gesamte Szene seiner Verhaftung.
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lyslily · 7 years
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Suzy Prim & Jules Berry Carrefour, Curtis Bernhardt (1938).
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aikainkauna · 7 years
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Conrad Veidt and director Kurt (later Curtis) Bernhardt on set of Die Letzte Kompagnie, UFA studios, 1929. Click here for bigger.
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amsaklapper-blog · 8 years
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DämonenKiller #6
cover-art: Karel Thole
source: amsaklapper’s collection
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cercehc · 3 years
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Our new album Cowboy Music is out now. You can get it for free on our Bandcamp for the next week to commemorate the 10th anniversary of our first show.  
Recorded and mixed by Zach Weeks and Kurt Ballou at God City in Salem, MA. Mastered by Magnus Lindberg Productions.
Cover artwork by Chelsea Bernhardt (SCARLETCHILD) and photos by Nick DiNatale. Special thanks to Ben Chisholm and Nishad George for their musical contributions.
Cerce is, and will always be: Tim Altieri, Becca Cadalzo, Zac Suskevich, Patrick Talesfore, Jr., and Zach Weeks. Lots of love. www.cercehc.com
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lady--lioness · 2 years
Things I learn: whenever I talk about Thomas and Apollonia's backstory, I always used the word "Loni" as diminutive of Apollonia to avoid writing the long name constantly. Today I've learnt that "Loni" is, in fact, the correct short form of Apollonia.
✨The more you know✨
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Trent Reznor x Fem Reader- "Jumping Jack Flash"
Here's someone really different from what I usually type.
I don't have a crush on Trent like I used to, but I'm typing this for his birthday today and this is a sexual fantasy I have.
1994, what a year, especially for music.
Green Day and the Offspring both broke out into the mainstream, Nas and Biggie made their hip hop debuts, Soundgarden released "Superunknown" and Nine Inch Nails released their signature album "The Downward Spiral".
Nirvana, sadly, had to depart due to Kurt Cobain's suicide.
And in 1994, to celebrate its 25th anniversary, Woodstock, the most iconic music festival of all time, had a new concert, Woodstock '94, that featured current music artists of the time as well as some original Woodstock performers.
And you were one of the many people who attended Woodstock '94.
Since the original 60's Woodstock had many people, usually hippies, dressed in tie-dyed clothing, you wore a tie-dye shirt with a pair of denim shorts cut at your knees with peace signs adorned all over them, similar to the shorts Madonna wore when she sang "I Got You Babe" with Sandra Bernhardt in 1989.
In fact, you modeled the shorts you wore to Woodstock '94 after the hippie shorts Madonna wore in 1989 when she sang with Sandra Bernhardt.
You were single during this time, so you didn't bring your boyfriend to Woodstock '94.
However, you bring a few of your friends with you.
You brought some friends with you, one friend you brought with you was someone strong enough to hold you on top of his shoulders, though you aren't really all that heavy, and another friend can help lift you off of the ground.
Not only did you bring your friends just to have a good time with them, but one of them can be the designated driver to drive you back home when you're drunk and high, as well as one of them can hold you on his shoulders.
You don't have to look for someone in the crowd to carry you on his shoulders, he'll probably rape you.
Of course Nine Inch Nails performed at Woodstock '94, they were probably the band of 1994 that owned that year.
When Nine Inch Nails performed, you were in a massive crowd of people, and you felt like Trent Reznor wasn't going to see you in this hoard of people, even if you were close to him in front of the stage.
You were close towards the stage so Trent will eventually find you and see you, hopefully he does.
When Nine Inch Nails began performing, as you were standing behind one of your friends, you wrapped your fingers on top of your friend's shoulders and lifted yourself off of the ground, wrapping your legs around your friend's waist.
That still wasn't enough for you, and your friend behind you wrapped his fingers around your waist and lifted you up, you unwrapped your legs off of your friend's waist and let your legs dangle and go.
As you lifted yourself up to your friend's shoulders, you pressed your hands on those shoulders to get yourself up higher, though you weren't trying to hurt your friend.
When you got higher (and you don't mean get high as in being on drugs) to your friend's shoulders, you tried to lift your legs up and sling them onto your friend's shoulders as well as, trying to sit your thighs on your friend's shoulders.
You stretched your legs horizontally up in the air in an attempt to sling your legs your friend's shoulders, trying to throw your legs and thighs on your friend's shoulders.
Thank God you brought friends with you, though maybe some people behind you can see what's going on and they can help, but your friends put their hands at the bottom of your thighs and lifted your legs and thighs up to his shoulders.
That's what friends are for.
You smiled and lit up inside while your friends were helping you, and eventually, you were sitting on top of your friend's shoulders, moving your fingers out of the way so you won't sit on your them, though you want something to hold on to.
"Thanks!" you thanked, turning your head at your friends behind you and smiling at them.
"No problem!" and "you're welcome!" they replied, not saying that in unison.
You turned your head to the stage and saw Nine Inch Nails performing, they were drenched in mud from head to toe.
While you were sitting on your friend's shoulders, you were trying to sit up and not fall down.
It probably would've been better if you had gotten on top of the crowd and began crowd surfing like just about any 90's rock star did.
Watching NIN perform, your eyes stared at Trent, hopefully his eyes can see you despite that his hair is covering his face and he's drenched in mud.
"TRENT!!!" you shouted as loudly as you could at him. "TRENT!!!"
He's busy singing at you, though you wonder if he sees you sitting on top of someone's shoulders.
Hopefully you aren't blocking anyone behind you.
What you have planned on doing to Trent probably will catch his attention.
"Hey Trent!!!" you shouted one last time while you grabbed onto the bottom of your shirt, where you lifted your shirt up and exposed your bare naked tits underneath that tie-dye shirt. "Look at me Trent!!!"
You didn't wear a bra because you planned on flashing your breasts to some rock stars and even some sexy men attending this show, plus, you're sure a lot of women in the late 60's went braless.
You didn't even have any pasties covering your nipples, you flashed your breasts and bare nipples to Trent Reznor, one of the most iconic rock stars of the 90's.
You smiled from ear to ear as you flashed your tits at Trent, and some people in the audience as well as your friends saw that you were flashing him, where they smiled from ear to ear and cheered for you, some of them even wolf whistling at you.
Hopefully you won't get arrested for indecent exposure by security.
You actually bounced a little bit while you were flashing Trent, trying to make your tits bounce as well as wobbling your tits back and forth while not using your hands to make them wobble.
If you took your shirt off, you'd ball your fists up and place them under your breasts, where you'd lift your tits up with your fists and try to make your breasts look bigger.
Trent does seem to be noticing you in the audience, you clearly stand out.
"I wanna fuck you like an animal, Trent!!!" you shouted, hopefully you're not annoying the people in the audience who just wanna hear the music.
Some women heard what you shouted, and they shrieked and cheered when you shouted that, agreeing with you.
Trent's eyes caught a glimpse of your bare naked tits wobbling back and forth and bouncing up and down, and he smiled and winked at you.
You could nearly faint when he smiled and winked at you.
Some women in the crowd followed suit, flashing their naked tits and making them bounce up and down, wobbling them back and forth.
Some women were even throwing their bras and thongs on to the stage.
Later on, you still sat on your friend's shoulders and flashed your breasts at Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, wobbling your tits back and forth and bouncing them up and down.
Anthony as well as the rest of the Chili Peppers were dressed in light bulb costumes for some reason, you were unsure Anthony will see you, though he probably does notice your tits flashing at him.
You didn't stay topless all this time during Nine Inch Nails and the Red Hot Chili Peppers' performances, just flashed your tits at them.
You also had sex with some hot sexy men in the audience if there was a recording artist you didn't like performing, flashed your breasts at some of these hot sexy men, grinded and sexy danced with some hot guys in between them in the mud as well as wrestled and mosh pitted in the mud a few times, literally grinded and smoked weed and tripped on acid.
Though, you didn't just act like a slut, sometimes you watched the performances and you came to enjoy the music and see the performances.
Fun fact: Nine Inch Nails actually wrestled in the mud before they performed, if only you could've wrestled in the mud with Trent before he went on stage!
This fanfic will go viral in 3...2...1.
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albertserra · 4 years
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Lady With Red Hair (1940) dir. Kurt Bernhardt
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ulrichgebert · 3 years
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Die Frau, nach der man sich sehnt, ist selbstverständlich Marlene Dietrich. Sogar noch, bevor der berühmte amerikanische Filmregisseur sie entdeckte, und der Tonfilm den Vortrag von Holländerliedchen ermöglichte, morden Männer für sie oder verlassen ihretwegen die Gattin noch in der Hochzeitsnacht. Was könnte sich eine Frau mehr wünschen? Dummerweise werden sie dann immer gleich etwas besitzergreifend.
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Dreamcasting Broadway: HEATHERS
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“Lick it up, baby. Lick. It. Up.”
Dreamcasting Broadway: Heathers: the Musical
Talia Suskauer as Veronica Sawyer
Colton Ryan as Colton Ryan
Mallory Maedke as Heather Chandler
Anna Uzele as Heather Duke
Isa Briones as Heather McNamara
Kuhoo Verma as Martha Dunstock
Will Branner as Ram Sweeney
Anthony Chatmon II as Kurt Kelly
Pearl Sun as Ms. Fleming/Mrs. Sawyer
Ben Crawford as Bill Sweeney/Big Bud Dean/Coach Ripper
Sean Allan Krill as Paul Kelly/Mr. Sawyer/Principal Gowan (Bill/Bud/Coach u/s)
Aisha Jackson as Young Republicanette/Ensemble (Duke u/s, McNamara u/s)
Ezra Menas as Hipster Dork/Ensemble (JD u/s)
John Cardoza as Beleaguered Geek/Officer Milner/Ensemble (Kurt u/s, Paul/Mr. Sawyer/Gowan u/s)
Lee Alexander as Preppy Stud/Officer McCord/Ensemble (Ram u/s, Bill/Bud/Coach u/s, Paul/Mr. Sawyer/Gowan u/s)
Olivia Kaufmann as Goth Girl/Ensemble (Veronica u/s, Chandler u/s, Duke u/s)
Sarah Crane as Stoner Chick/Ensemble (Martha u/s, Ms. Fleming/Mrs. Sawyer u/s)
English Bernhardt as Swing (Veronica u/s, Chandler u/s, McNamara u/s)
John Krause as Swing (JD u/s, Kurt u/s, Ram u/s)
Kaitlyn Louise Smith as Swing (Martha u/s, Ms. Fleming/Mrs. Sawyer u/s)
Marcus Shane as Swing
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jeanpascalmattei · 7 years
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