#kuras regularly scheduled bullshit
thekuraning · 5 months
more of kura's 2010 laptop backup gold mines today, the topic this time is my old archer art from that time i ran a team rocket roleplay group back when you could still edit other peoples posts here
so i played archer in my roleplay group (i picked him up shortly after picking up RSE tabitha) and we had optional meme days basically M-F. Friday, of course, was Fanart Friday, so those who were struck with The Muse would do they lil doodles
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you know and such
but usually i would make my doodles relevant to whatever shenanigans we were all getting into over the week (which is how that lyra!kirby sprite happened) but also how i got a chance to explain odd headcanons i mentioned in passing during RPs
like for instance, my Archer is a closet nerd who spends his free time gaming or running Dungeons & Dragonites campaigns
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i have no context for this next one but he lowkey had a crush on giovanni and also on a scientist who worked in his division so this was about one of them
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one time all the human characters became pokemon and the pokemon all became humans. the context for this one is my archer (at the time) had a massive vendetta against cats. probably because he wanted to get persian out of the picture so he could be giovanni's specialist little kitten
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(pictured with his team left-to-right, Shitake[Parasect], Knightro[bisharp], Archaede[ariados], egg[egg], Coyote[houndoom], and Sir Derpington [chandelure])
this was right around the time XY was getting announced, and egg hatched into a noivern named Nocturne
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And, of course, at Halloween we had a costume party!! :) Archer dressed up as his archnemesis, Mewtwo.
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last but not least, i cast this thing on you for 2d6 points of psychic damage:
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thekuraning · 5 months
kura's 2010 laptop adventure continues!!! this one's a little bit short :)
did you know I used to be a Gym Leader in a real-life League circuit?
It wasn't an official one or anything!! Though I had been trying really hard to qualify as an actual Pokemon Professor for organized play at the time.....
But my first stint in college, I was in a club called Manly Game Days at a university in Orlando. It was actually really well-organized! This was right around the time when BW2 released. We all designed our own badges and chose our own Gym locations, and we would actually print out badges to give challengers when they won.
All of the pokemon on our team had to at least be part whatever our type specialization was, and originally we were supposed to keep two specialized-type attacks on them, but because the flying gym leader wanted to have Gyarados and Gyarados could only know Bounce as a flying move at the time, the League Director Stanly walked it back to one specialized-type move.
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I remember we actually had a whole tournament to decide who was in the elite four, which I'm pretty sure ended up being the Dark, Electric, Ghost, and Bug specialists. I'm sure you're wondering which one I was! Well...
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I was, and will forever be in my heart, the Ground-type leader. ;) u kno why
I called it the Core Badge! And... well... something you need to know about your boy was that he was just starting to get into competitive battling. and everyone else had been into it for a few years. so uh. i lost every match. and i was the designated First Gym (but they could do it in any order before the Elite 4.)
I even still have the map that lists (most of) the Gym/Elite 4 locations!
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Right near my dorms at the time, there was a sand lot for volleyball in the recreational area, so that's where my Gym was. I only fought a few people, but I remember Stan giving us a notice that one person had successfully collected all the badges and defeated the Elite 4, so we did have at least one champion once.
Honestly, I'd love to be part of a League circuit again, it was a lot of fun.
i still think the dark, fire, and steel badges absolutely slap
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thekuraning · 5 months
lol lmao definitely not getting a new zfds before the year up mark but uhhhhh idk let's pretend this counts, i found my old """"floor plan"""" of petrel's rocket HQ dorm!!!
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thekuraning · 5 months
still going through my old laptop backups! some more old slowpoke tails and koffing fumes art under the cut!!!
Last time was just olympicshipping stuff but sometimes when i write i do little concept sketchies to help wrap my head around things so today im gonna show off some of those. they used to be on my deviantart but frankly i am uncertain if my page even still exists so back here they go!!!
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if you remember alex no you don't i don't have like... a ton of art of him. because he's been canned so hard he might as well be sardines. and if you dont remember him he was a major antagonist in petrel's plot line who defected from team rocket. despite being a "major" antagonist i think he mostly only showed up in a couple chapters, mainly in the oh no they got arrested arc around ch20
here he is in technicolor
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his sableye's name was slim. and if that sounds familiar.... it's because Alex actually followed the route of a lot of my old Rocket OCs and got repurposed! In this case, Nanu ate his heart and absorbed his powers and became the Ultimate Traitor (I Am All of Me from Shadow the Hedgehog blares in the background)
ive also got decarli and kevin from proton's crew
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Decarli's remained... mostly consistent between STKF and ZFDS! he was always supposed to look pretty generic as a person and he's remained a music teacher-turned-rocket but!! someone who didn't make it into ZFDS is his lovely little mawile, Shoyu!! She was actually named by a reader for winning a contest! And actually, since this was back in the day when it was super easy to generate your own pokemon, I gave her away as a promotional gift, complete with her in-universe moveset and Decarli as her OT :) I don't keep in touch with the person who got her, but I hope she's out there somewhere in the big ol' pokemon world. And I hope she got to mega evolve at least once.
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kevin did not make the cut to ZFDS and will proceed to not make the cut (but his sweet lil rattata, Ribbon, is going to find a new trainer soon!)
in ZFDS, Proton has flashbacks to the time he murdered his highschool bully and shoved his body into the river, but in STKF, his highschool bully ended up in Team Rocket, and his name was Kevin!! He ended up working in Proton's department in the HGSS arc. he had a big crush on proton, so petrel hated him
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its ok kevin hated him back.
thats actually all the slowpoke tails old art i was able to find, so i shall now leave you to bear the weight of this curse:
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thekuraning · 5 months
fhafhladjsk also i just realized after i deleted my twitter it broke the title images on harbinger and turning point so im uploading them here to fix that
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