bauerntanz · 1 year
"Was bedeutet Kunst für mich?"
"Was bedeutet Kunst für mich?" Ein Kurzfilm von #Smilla_Damer (#Lingen)
Auf ihrem Youtube-Kanal schreibt die Kunsthalle: “Wir freuen uns, Ihnen den Kurzfilm ,,Was bedeutet Kunst für mich?´´ von Smilla Damer, dem Bundesfreiwilligendienst 2022/23 des Kunstverein Lingen (Kunstschule und Kunsthalle Lingen) vorzustellen. Der Film stellt ihr eigenständig organisiertes Jahresprojekt dar. In dem Kurzfilm werden viele verschiedene Meinungen zur Bedeutung von Kunst…
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trekkingtroll · 2 years
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#kunst #kunstschule #neustrelitz #dsee #seminar #lehrgang#ehrenamt #herbstakademie (hier: Neustrelitz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmAO2KbNzvP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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giezemon · 2 years
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— cry of joy — 2022, 2048x2048px #drawing #sketching #weirdillustration #Illustration #darkart #freakyart #skurril #art #creepyart #portrait #shading #weirdart #postsurreal #giezemon #idea #daily #procreate #cryofjoy #kunstschule #cry #joy #boycottqatar2022 (hier: Winterthur, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClrJ1lGoIc4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rwpohl · 1 year
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mappenschule · 2 years
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mercedes-lenz · 2 months
Guten Tag, ich lese gerade den s&g briefwechsel zum ersten mal und wollte fragen, gibt es irgendeine wissenschaftliche übereinkunft darüber was schiller mit all seinen Begriffen genau meint? Was er sich unter z b pathetisch, naiv, dem "ganzen" etc vorgestellt hat, was genau er einem trauerspiel abverlangt (schien beim lesen ziehmlich komplex)? Und Goethe hat angefangen, irgendwann meyer vermehrt zu erwähnen, schiller dann auch, als er nach weimar zog. Wer war meyer genau
Wenn das mit den begriffen bisschen schwammig ist kann ich später welche suchen und in einer ergänzenden ask senden
Hi !!
Erstmal: Alles Gute zum ersten Schiller-Goethe-Briefwechsel-Lesen, ich hoffe, du hast Freude daran !
Dann zu Meyer (weil den zu erklären nicht so komplex ist, wie Schillers Vokabular haha): Es wird wahrscheinlich Johann Heinrich Meyer sein, ein Schweizer Künstler, der Goethe in Italien kennengelernt hat und 1791 zu ihm nach Weimar gekommen ist. Er war gut mit Goethe befreundet, hat ihn und seine Familie gemalt und ihn was Kunstsachen anging beraten. Später war er auch Leiter der Kunstschule. Er wurde auch Kunschtmeyer genannt ('Kunscht', weil er 'Kunst' als Schweizer so ausgesprochen hat).
Und jetzt zu Schillers Begriffen: Schiller hat neben seinen literarischen Werken auch viele philosophische Texte geschrieben, in denen er genau diese Begriffe erläutert bzw. seine Theorie dazu. 'Naiv' z.B. in Über naive und sentimentalische Dichtung, 'Pathetisch' in Über das Pathetische, Trauerspiele unter anderem in Über die tragische Kunst oder Über Egmont, Trauerspiel von Goethe. Unkomplex sind die Theorien nicht, einerseits, weil er eben selbst Philosoph war, andererseits, weil er schon seit seiner Schulzeit intensiven Philosophieunterricht hatte und seine Begriffe außerdem nicht nur in ihm entstehen, sondern oft auf eine lange Tradition zurückblicken und sich in den philosophischen Diskurs des 18. Jahrhunderts einreihen. Das schwingt da immer mit. Bei 'dem Ganzen' kommt es jetzt natürlich auf den Kontext an, aber wenn es im Sinne von 'Einheit' als Gegenstück zu 'Vielheit'/'Mannigfaltigkeit' verwendet wird, hängt zum Beispiel noch die gesamte Ästhetik, also Lehre von der Wahrnehmung und vom Schönen, seit Platon dran.
Ein Schiller Wörterbuch kommt (meines Wissens nach) erst Ende des Jahres raus, ansonsten werden seine Begriffe eben in den eigenen Texten oder in wissenschaftlichen Texten zu dem Thema erklärt. Wenn man zum Historischen Wörterbuch der Philosophie Zugang hat, kann ich auch das empfehlen, aber den kriegt man eben durch wissenschaftliche Institutionen. Viele Begriffe lassen sich auch im Deutschen Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm nachschlagen, das gibt zwar keine genaue philosophische Bedeutung, ist aber voll ausreichend für einen Überblick (auch generell was die Sprache der Zeit angeht). Für viele philosophische Begriffe gibt es auch eine Wikipedia-Seite, so z.B. für Naivität oder Pathos, das auch eine Sektion spezifisch für Schiller hat. Da kann man sich auch gut von einem Begriff zum nächsten klicken, damit die Theorie vielleicht klarer wird.
Falls es nicht klarer wird, bin ich gerne bereit, weitere Asks zu beantworten und zu versuchen, die Begriffe nochmal selbst zu erklären !
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Since its forced closing in 1933 the Bauhaus gained the nimbus of being the most innovative of the many reformed art schools in the Weimar Republic. But is this nimbus justified or a posthumous construction? One thing is for sure: the Bauhaus has been extensively researched. But regarding its actual singularity judgements aren’t as straightforward as Alexandra Panzert demonstrates in her dissertation, recently published by Gebr. Mann Verlag: based on a comparative analysis of the Bauhaus, the Burg Giebichenstein, the Frankfurter Kunstschule, the Kölner Werkschulen and the Vereinigte Staatsschulen in Berlin ponders the question if the Bauhaus outshines the other schools in terms of educational innovation. Cutting a long story short: no, the Bauhaus, education-wise, wasn’t above its peers but rather on an similar level: neither structure nor content of the Bauhaus education significantly differed from its peers but rather fit into the general reform efforts of Weimar art schools. What really set it apart from the four other schools instead are softer aspects. One is the self-conception of the Bauhaus as a representative of modernism in both art and society, embodied by the Bauhaus building, and a radical break with tradition. Against this antithesis the Bauhaus was able to establish itself as a beacon of modernism, a positioning that was embraced by postwar recipients in particular. In combination with innovative self-promotion during its lifetime it gradually developed into a well-known and well researched singularity.
Panzert’s comparative analysis of Weimar art schools convincingly shows how the Bauhaus was able to become the supposedly singular occurrence in interwar Germany while on the other hand demonstrating that this was largely based on clever self-marketing. As the author rightly notes this circumstance also is linked to the lack of fundamental research into other schools, a major gap that one day will hopefully be closed. Against this background Panzert’s study is all the more important as it contextualizes the Bauhaus and at the same time widens the perspective to other art schools, their reform activities and achievements. A fundamental book!
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ivolederer · 3 months
What's in My Pänts?, 10x15cm Linocut Postcard, 2024.🏳️‍⚧️💅✨️
Had a comfy Monday morning shift at the Linoprint factory with bebe 🐈☺️☕️ I'll be checking out the Diplomausstellung @epilog_diplomausstellung at Kunstschule Wien (Liebknechtgasse 30, Wien) later in the day (around 3pm), so maybe I'll see some of you there! I really recommend checking it out, it happens once a year (bc people graduate once a year) + was always a pleasure.<333
Also, lemme know if you have any requests for future postcards/prints!
#queerprints #queerart #queerartist #linocutart #linocut #linolove #linoldruck #linolschnitt #druckgrafik #druckgrafiker #printmaker #printmaking #viennaartist #viennaart #transart #transartist #transpride #lgbt #trans #transgender
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sensualawareness · 2 years
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Rudolph Karl Alexander Schneider, commonly known as Sascha Schneider (1870 – 1927), was a German painter and sculptor.
Schneider was born in Saint Petersburg in 1870. During his childhood, his family lived in Zürich, but following the death of his father, Schneider moved to Dresden, where in 1889 he became a student at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts. In 1903, he met best-selling author Karl May, and subsequently became the cover illustrator of a number of May’s books including Winnetou, Old Surehand, Am Rio de la Plata. A year later in 1904, Schneider was appointed professor at the Großherzoglich-Sächsische Kunstschule Weimar.
During this period, Schneider lived with painter Hellmuth Jahn. Jahn began blackmailing Schneider by threatening to expose his homosexuality, which was punishable under § 175 of the penal code. Schneider fled to Italy, where homosexuality was not criminalized at that time. In Italy, Schneider met painter Robert Spies, with whom he traveled through the Caucasus Mountains. He then traveled back to Germany, where he lived for six months in Leipzig before returning to Italy, where he resided in Florence. When the First World War started, Schneider returned to Germany again, taking up residence in Hellerau (near Dresden). After 1918, he co-founded an institute called Kraft-Kunst for bodybuilding. Some of the models for his art trained here.
Schneider, who suffered from diabetes mellitus, suffered a diabetic seizure during a ship voyage in the vicinity of Swinemünde. As a result, he collapsed and died in 1927 in Swinemünde. He was buried in Loschwitz Cemetery, Germany.
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sven-rusti-cas-lsd · 2 years
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Start an der Toni- Areal Kunstschule
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/12/10 Terminamos la visita saliendo enfrente de una escuela de arte donde tenían imágenes de textos literarios. Nos dirigimos al paseo de la fama para ver las estrellas que dedicaron a un gram actor internacional que empezó su exitosa carrera rodando en la provincia y un director de cine español.
We ended the visit by leaving in front of an art school where they had images of literary texts. We headed to the Walk of Fame to see the stars dedicated to a great international actor who began his successful career filming in the province and a Spanish film director.
Google translation into Italian: Abbiamo concluso la visita uscendo davanti ad un liceo artistico dove avevano immagini di testi letterari. Ci siamo diretti alla Walk of Fame per vedere le stelle dedicate a un grande attore internazionale che ha iniziato la sua carriera di successo girando in provincia e a un regista spagnolo.
Google Translation into French: Nous avons terminé la visite en partant devant une école d'art où l'on disposait d'images de textes littéraires. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers le Walk of Fame pour voir les étoiles dédiées à un grand acteur international qui a commencé sa carrière réussie en filmant dans la province et à un réalisateur espagnol.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Terminamos a visita saindo em frente a uma escola de arte onde tínhamos imagens de textos literários. Seguimos para a Calçada da Fama para ver as estrelas dedicadas a um grande ator internacional que começou sua carreira de sucesso filmando na província e a um diretor espanhol.
Google Translation into Arabic: أنهينا الزيارة بالمغادرة أمام مدرسة فنون حيث كانت لدينا صور لنصوص أدبية. توجهنا إلى ممشى المشاهير لمشاهدة النجوم مكرسين لممثل دولي عظيم بدأ حياته المهنية الناجحة في التصوير في المقاطعة ولمخرج إسباني.
Google Translation into German: Wir beendeten den Besuch, indem wir vor einer Kunstschule abreisten, wo wir Bilder von literarischen Texten hatten. Wir gingen zum Walk of Fame, um die Sterne zu sehen, die einem großen internationalen Schauspieler gewidmet sind, der seine erfolgreiche Karriere mit Dreharbeiten in der Provinz begann, und einem spanischen Regisseur.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Vizitën e përfunduam duke u nisur përpara një shkolle artistike ku kishim foto me tekste letrare. Ne shkuam në Walk of Fame për të parë yjet kushtuar një aktori të madh ndërkombëtar që filloi karrierën e tij të suksesshme duke filmuar në provincë dhe një regjisori spanjoll.
Google Translation into Armenian: Այցելությունն ավարտեցինք՝ մեկնելով արվեստի դպրոցի դիմաց, որտեղ ունեինք գրական տեքստերի նկարներ։ Մենք գնացինք Փառքի ծառուղի տեսնելու աստղերը, որոնք նվիրված են մեծ միջազգային դերասանին, ով իր հաջող կարիերան սկսել է նկարահանվելով նահանգում և իսպանացի ռեժիսորին:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Завършихме посещението, като тръгнахме пред училище по изкуства, където имахме снимки на литературни текстове. Отидохме на Алеята на славата, за да видим звездите, посветени на голям международен актьор, започнал успешната си кариера, снимайки в провинцията, и на испански режисьор.
Google Translation into Czech: Návštěvu jsme zakončili odchodem před uměleckou školu, kde jsme měli obrázky literárních textů. Šli jsme na chodník slávy, abychom viděli hvězdy věnované skvělému mezinárodnímu herci, který zahájil svou úspěšnou kariéru natáčením v provincii, a španělskému režisérovi.
Google Translation into Croatian: Posjet smo završili odlaskom ispred umjetničke škole gdje smo imali slike književnih tekstova. Otišli smo na Walk of Fame vidjeti zvijezde posvećene velikom međunarodnom glumcu koji je svoju uspješnu karijeru započeo snimajući u provinciji i jednom španjolskom redatelju.
Google Translation into Slovak: Návštevu sme ukončili odchodom pred umeleckú školu, kde sme mali obrázky literárnych textov. Išli sme na chodník slávy, aby sme videli hviezdy venované veľkému medzinárodnému hercovi, ktorý začal svoju úspešnú kariéru natáčaním v provincii, a španielskemu režisérovi.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Obisk smo zaključili z odhodom pred likovno šolo, kjer smo imeli slike literarnih besedil. Šli smo na Pločnik slavnih, da bi si ogledali zvezde, posvečene velikemu mednarodnemu igralcu, ki je svojo uspešno kariero začel s snemanjem v provinci, in španskemu režiserju.
Google Translation into Estonian: Külastuse lõpetasime lahkumisega kunstikooli eest, kus olid pildid kirjandustekstidest. Käisime Walk of Fame'il vaatamas staare, kes on pühendatud suurepärasele rahvusvahelisele näitlejale, kes alustas oma edukat karjääri provintsis filmides, ja Hispaania režissöörile.
Google Translation into Suomi: Päätimme vierailun lähtemällä taidekoulun eteen, jossa meillä oli kuvia kirjallisista teksteistä. Kävimme Walk of Famella katsomassa tähtiä, jotka on omistettu suurelle kansainväliselle näyttelijälle, joka aloitti menestyksekkään uransa kuvaamalla maakunnassa, ja espanjalaiselle ohjaajalle.
Google Translation into Greek: Ολοκληρώσαμε την επίσκεψη φεύγοντας μπροστά από ένα καλλιτεχνικό σχολείο όπου είχαμε εικόνες από λογοτεχνικά κείμενα. Πήγαμε στο Walk of Fame για να δούμε τα αστέρια αφιερωμένα σε έναν σπουδαίο διεθνή ηθοποιό που ξεκίνησε την επιτυχημένη καριέρα του στα γυρίσματα στην επαρχία και σε έναν Ισπανό σκηνοθέτη.
Google Translation into Dutch: We beëindigden het bezoek door voor een kunstacademie te vertrekken waar we foto's van literaire teksten hadden. We gingen naar de Walk of Fame om de sterren te zien die waren opgedragen aan een grote internationale acteur die zijn succesvolle filmcarrière begon in de provincie en aan een Spaanse regisseur.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi avsluttet besøket med å gå foran en kunstskole hvor vi hadde bilder av litterære tekster. Vi dro til Walk of Fame for å se stjernene dedikert til en stor internasjonal skuespiller som begynte sin suksessrike karriere med å filme i provinsen og til en spansk regissør.
Google Translation into Polish: Zwiedzanie zakończyliśmy wyjściem przed szkołę plastyczną, gdzie mieliśmy zdjęcia tekstów literackich. Poszliśmy do Walk of Fame, aby zobaczyć gwiazdy poświęcone wielkiemu międzynarodowemu aktorowi, który rozpoczął swoją udaną karierę filmową w prowincji oraz hiszpańskiemu reżyserowi.
Google Translation into Romanian: Am încheiat vizita plecând în fața unei școli de artă unde aveam poze cu texte literare. Am fost pe Walk of Fame pentru a vedea vedetele dedicate unui mare actor internațional care și-a început cariera de succes filmând în provincie și unui regizor spaniol.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы закончили визит тем, что вышли перед художественной школой, где у нас были фотографии литературных текстов. Мы отправились на Аллею славы, чтобы увидеть звезды, посвященные великому международному актеру, который начал свою успешную карьеру в провинции, и испанскому режиссеру.
Google Translation into Serbian: Посету смо завршили одласком испред уметничке школе где смо имали слике књижевних текстова. Отишли ​​смо на Стазу славних да видимо звезде посвећене великом међународном глумцу који је своју успешну каријеру започео снимајући у провинцији и једном шпанском редитељу.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi avslutade besöket med att ge oss av framför en konstskola där vi hade bilder på litterära texter. Vi gick till Walk of Fame för att se stjärnorna dedikerade till en stor internationell skådespelare som började sin framgångsrika karriär med att filma i provinsen och till en spansk regissör.
Google Translation into Turkish: Edebi metinlerin resimlerinin bulunduğu bir sanat okulunun önünden ayrılarak ziyaretimizi sonlandırdık. Başarılı kariyerine eyalette film çekerek başlayan büyük bir uluslararası aktöre ve İspanyol bir yönetmene adanmış yıldızları görmek için Walk of Fame'e gittik.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми завершили візит, вийшовши перед художньою школою, де ми мали зображення літературних текстів. Ми пішли на Алею Слави, щоб побачити зірки, присвячені великому міжнародному актору, який розпочав свою успішну кар’єру, знімаючись у провінції, та іспанському режисеру.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা একটি আর্ট স্কুলের সামনে রেখে পরিদর্শন শেষ করলাম যেখানে আমাদের সাহিত্য পাঠের ছবি ছিল। প্রদেশে এবং একজন স্প্যানিশ পরিচালকের কাছে তার সফল কেরিয়ারের চিত্রগ্রহণ শুরু করা একজন মহান আন্তর্জাতিক অভিনেতাকে উত্সর্গীকৃত তারকাদের দেখতে আমরা ওয়াক অফ ফেমে গিয়েছিলাম।
Google Translation into Chinese: 我们在一所艺术学校前离开,在那里我们有文学文本的图片,从而结束了这次访问。 我们去了星光大道,看星星献给一位伟大的国际演员,他在该省开始了他成功的职业生涯,并献给了一位西班牙导演。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 문학 텍스트의 그림이 있는 예술 학교 앞에서 출발하여 방문을 끝냈습니다. 우리는 지방에서 성공적인 촬영 경력을 시작한 위대한 국제 배우와 스페인 감독에게 헌정된 별을 보기 위해 명예의 거리에 갔다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: סיימנו את הביקור ביציאה מול בית ספר לאמנות שבו היו לנו תמונות של טקסטים ספרותיים. הלכנו לשדרת התהילה לראות את הכוכבים המוקדשים לשחקן בינלאומי גדול שהחל את הקריירה המצליחה שלו בצילומים במחוז ולבמאי ספרדי.
Google Translation into Hindi: हमने एक कला विद्यालय के सामने जाकर यात्रा समाप्त की, जहाँ हमारे पास साहित्यिक ग्रंथों के चित्र थे। हम एक महान अंतरराष्ट्रीय अभिनेता को समर्पित सितारों को देखने के लिए वॉक ऑफ फेम में गए, जिन्होंने अपने सफल करियर की शुरुआत प्रांत में और एक स्पेनिश निर्दे��क के लिए की थी।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami mengakhiri kunjungan dengan pergi ke depan sebuah sekolah seni di mana kami memiliki gambar-gambar teks sastra. Kami pergi ke Walk of Fame untuk melihat bintang-bintang yang didedikasikan untuk aktor internasional hebat yang memulai karier syutingnya yang sukses di provinsi dan sutradara Spanyol.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちは文学作品の写真を持っていた美術学校の前を後にして、訪問を終えました。 私たちはウォーク オブ フェームに行き、この地方で成功を収めたキャリアをスタートさせた偉大な国際的俳優と、スペインの監督に捧げられたスターを見ました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Иш сапарды биз көркөм окуу жайынын алдынан чыгып, көркөм тексттердин сүрөттөрү менен аяктадык. Биз Даңк аллеясына провинцияда ийгиликтүү тасма тартууну баштаган эл аралык улуу актёрго жана испаниялык режиссерго арналган жылдыздарды көрүү үчүн бардык.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami mengakhiri lawatan dengan meninggalkan di hadapan sebuah sekolah seni di mana kami mempunyai gambar teks sastera. Kami pergi ke Walk of Fame untuk melihat bintang yang didedikasikan untuk pelakon antarabangsa yang hebat yang memulakan penggambaran kerjayanya yang berjaya di wilayah itu dan kepada pengarah Sepanyol.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਆਰਟ ਸਕੂਲ ਦੇ ਸਾਹਮਣੇ ਰਵਾਨਾ ਹੋ ਕੇ ਯਾਤਰਾ ਦੀ ਸਮਾਪਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਿੱਥੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਸਾਹਿਤਕ ਪਾਠਾਂ ਦੀਆਂ ਤਸਵੀਰਾਂ ਸਨ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਮਹਾਨ ਅੰਤਰਰਾਸ਼ਟਰੀ ਅਭਿਨੇਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਰਪਿਤ ਸਿਤਾਰਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਦੇਖਣ ਲਈ ਵਾਕ ਆਫ਼ ਫੇਮ 'ਤੇ ਗਏ ਜਿਸਨੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਂਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਪਣੇ ਸਫਲ ਕੈਰੀਅਰ ਦੀ ਸ਼ੂਟਿੰਗ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕੀਤੀ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਸਪੈਨਿਸ਼ ਨਿਰਦੇਸ਼ਕ ਨੂੰ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ لیدنه پای ته ورسوله د هنر ښوونځي مخې ته چیرې چې موږ د ادبي متنونو عکسونه درلودل. موږ واک آف فیم ته لاړو ترڅو هغه ستوري وګورو چې یو لوی نړیوال لوبغاړي ته وقف شوي چې په والیت کې یې خپل بریالي کیریر فلم کولو پیل کړی او یو هسپانوي ډایرکټر ته.
Google Translation into Persian: بازدید را با خروج از مقابل یک هنرستان که در آن تصاویر متون ادبی داشتیم به پایان رساندیم. ما به پیاده‌روی مشاهیر رفتیم تا ستاره‌های تقدیم شده به یک بازیگر بزرگ بین‌المللی که کار موفق خود را با فیلمبرداری در استان آغاز کرد و یک کارگردان اسپانیایی را ببینیم.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Tinapos namin ang pagbisita sa pamamagitan ng pag-alis sa harap ng isang paaralan ng sining kung saan mayroon kaming mga larawan ng mga tekstong pampanitikan. Nagpunta kami sa Walk of Fame para makita ang mga bituin na nakatuon sa isang mahusay na international actor na nagsimula sa kanyang matagumpay na career filming sa probinsya at sa isang Spanish director.
Google Translation into Thai: เราจบการเยี่ยมชมด้วยการออกจากหน้าโรงเรียนสอนศิลปะซึ่งมีรูปภาพตำราวรรณกรรม เราไปที่ Walk of Fame เพื่อดูเหล่าดาราที่อุทิศให้กับนักแสดงระดับนานาชาติผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ซึ่งเริ่มต้นอาชีพที่ประสบความสำเร็จในการถ่ายทำในจังหวัดนี้และให้กับผู้กำกับชาวสเปน
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم نے ایک آرٹ سکول کے سامنے جا کر دورہ ختم کیا جہاں ہمارے پاس ادبی تحریروں کی تصویریں تھیں۔ ہم ایک عظیم بین الاقوامی اداکار کے لیے وقف ستاروں کو دیکھنے کے لیے واک آف فیم گئے جس نے صوبے میں اپنے کامیاب کیریئر کی فلم بندی کی اور ایک ہسپانوی ہدایت کار کے لیے۔
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bauerntanz · 1 year
Finissage & mehr
"Was bedeutet Kunst für mich?" – Ein Film von Smilla Damer, Uraufführung bei der Finissage der Gruppenausstellung „40 Jahre – 40 Künstler:innen“,#Lingen #KunstHalle , Morgen, Sonntag ab 17 Uhr, Eintritt in die Kunsthalle ist dann frei.
“Was bedeutet Kunst für mich?” – Ein Film von Smilla Damer im Rahmen der Finissage der Gruppenausstellung „40 Jahre – 40 Künstler:innen“ Lingen (Ems) – Kunst-/Halle IV, Kaiserstraße 10a Sonntag, 20. August 2023 ab 17 Uhr sowie um 19.00, 20.00 und 21.00 Uhr Der Eintritt in die Kunsthalle Lingen ist ab 17 Uhr frei. An diesem Sonntag endet die  umfangreiche Gruppenausstellung „40 Jahre – 40…
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Bernice Alice Abbott, fue una fotógrafa estadounidense
Bernice Abbott (1898-1991)Bernice Alice Abbott, fue una fotógrafa estadounidense conocida por sus retratos de figuras culturales entre guerras del siglo XX.
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Fotografías de la ciudad de Nueva York de la arquitectura y el diseño urbano de la década de 1930, y la interpretación de la ciencia en los años 1940-1960.
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Nació en Springfield, Ohio, el 17 de julio de 1898 y asistió a la Ohio State University. Después de estudiar escultura en Nueva York por algunos años, fue a Europa, estudió en la Kunstschule de Berlín, y luego se fue a vivir a París, donde se convirtió en ayudante fotográfica y aprendiz de Man Ray en 1924.
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Posteriormente la estableció su propio estudio donde fotografió a Joyce, Cocteau, Gide, Djuna Barnes y Marie Laurencin, entre muchos otros.
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Su primera exposición, compuesta por sus retratos de figuras destacadas del mundo literario y artístico, para las que Jean Cocteau escribió el prólogo del catálogo, fue en París en 1926.
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Fue en este período que Maurice Sachs escribió en su libro Década de la ilusión: "Los más amados y también los más creativos de los fotógrafos son Man Ray y Berenice Abbott, dos estadounidenses que viven en París".
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Nota: La propiedad intelectual de las imágenes ... ( todo) que aparecen en este blog corresponden a sus autores y a quienes éstas las han cedido. El único objetivo de este sitio es divulgar el conocimiento de estos pintores, grabadores, fotógrafos... a los que admiro y que otras personas disfruten contemplando sus obras. No son todas las que son, pero si son todas las que están
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rfsnyder · 2 years
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nussbruch · 19 days
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Sep 2024 Ich muß mich jetzt mal wieder in die Unterhosenwelt der Kunstschul-Modelle einarbeiten. Der hier ein ganz hübsches Kerlchen mit schwarzen Locken, aber ziemlich verhungert. Die Beine wirklich so dünn… Und was die immer mit ihren Händen anstellen. Mir selbst ist es ganz unmöglich, meine Finger, über das Niveau des Handrückens hinaus, nach oben zu spreizen. Hat auch irgendwie was Maniriertes an sich, so ne Handhaltung. Allerdings: ich mache Fortschritte! Aber wenn ich sehe, wie leicht echte Illustratoren mit sowas fertigwerden, dann ist mein Zeug doch nur übelstes blutiges Rumhacken. Trotzdem geb ich nicht auf, denn ich werde noch das ganz große Ding abliefern. Van Gogh hatte auch nur ne schwere Bauernhand und ansonsten nix als seinen rotblonden, wütenden Wahnsinn.
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xaracosmia · 1 month
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name / alias: aseri age: 18 pronouns: they/he ooc contact: kiringtwilight (twitter) other characters in xc: -
name: ōgami shiro age: 14 pronouns: she/they/he series: shoujo kageki revue starlight (re:live) canon point: post-remains stageplay app triggers: canon-typical violence, depictions of mental illness, child indenture
sharp, composed, and disciplined, ōgami shiro wields strength and self-restraint with a long-refined mastery.
raised as a maid, to look after and guard her master are the staples of shiro’s objectives; not a moment passes when others’ well-beings escape her concern. she is precise and critical, making her observations from afar and proactively charting a course in accordance to her master’s best interests. though she may come across as strict at times, particularly towards her master, all of her actions are fuelled by a great amount of care. shiro is compassionate and kind, even if such is not immediately obvious, and eager to engage in whatever might make her lord smile.
in her loyalty to her purpose, she often disregards many things she deems unnecessary. she puts others before herself and does so without complaint, bottling up how she truly feels behind a face of modesty. shiro is committed to a display of perfection at all times, wishing to honor her position as an attendant of the siegfelds. she makes a point to be flawless in every regard, constantly going the extra mile. often has she been described as being difficult to parse, with her peers questioning who or what exactly she is— to which she simply replies, “just a normal maid, you see.”
but beneath her carefully-maintained perfection on the surface, a darkness dwells deep below. ruthless, cold, vindictive, jealous, and selfish— ōgami shiro sees within herself a wretched soul, warped and wounded. it is a part of her she is ashamed to admit; one that curses her fate as a servant of the house siegfeld, who burns with jealousy for the love of her master. it is this side of her that embodies the true existence of a stage girl: an existence that is arrogant, greedy, and governed by desire before all else— and as such has long been hidden away.
despite all of this, shiro is still, ultimately, a kid. she can be moody, petty, and detached— and she can also be playful, silly, and timid. though she may have yet to reconcile with this fact, she still has much of her life to live out, and many things to learn.
something your muse struggles with: a watery sense of self.
your muse’s greatest strength: an overwhelming resolve, a devotion that knows no bounds.
history / background:
as a member of the ōgami family, shiro’s purpose is none but to serve the siegfelds.
upon the moment of her birth, she is indentured to the service of the young heiress, stella siegfeld; they are the same in age, and in kinder terms considered childhood friends. disciplined from youth, shiro devotes her everything into becoming a maid worthy of serving her master— maturing faster than her peers and surpassing all that is expected of her. her existence is one that hinges on her servitude, and in looking after stella’s well-being, shiro excels.
when stella enrolls in staatliche kunstschule münchen, the most prestigious theatre school in europe, shiro follows her. she beats out 200 other applicants for her place, and does so solely for the purpose of watching the way her master shines from behind the stage curtains. she is content with this; to surrender her spot under the lights to see stella burn brighter than anyone else.
but then comes a moment when stella falters.
forsaken by the theatre, stella’s brilliance dies out like a snuffed flame. she is cursed, scorned, and dead to the eyes of the audience— and shiro swears to protect her. it is a promise that cements itself in her heart; one forged of her master’s grief. stella is shining, then and always. shiro needs to see it again. she needs to protect her brilliance.
when stella’s grandmother, victoria siegfeld, invites her to rediscover her brilliance in japan, stella crosses the sea in pursuit of her new stage—her rebirth— and shiro is by her side. the journey proves fruitful, for upon their enrolment in siegfeld institute of music’s junior high, her master changes. she smiles more, laughs more— but most importantly, makes new friends. she’s different, shiro notices. stella is growing.
but shiro doesn’t know how to feel about that.
as time passes, this change only grows more evident: stella begins to stand on her own two feet. it’s a side of her that surprises shiro, one true to her pursuit of ‘rebirth’— but it is also equal parts distressing. she feels uneasy, apprehensive; the more stella grows, the less shiro will be needed by her side. in her heart, shiro knows that this is indeed a good thing— a regaining of stella’s brilliance she has always wished to see. but why was it caused by something— no, someone else?
shiro has given her life to house siegfeld; given up everything. she doesn’t have a reason to stand on the stage if not for her lord.
if stella has found her reason to stand upon the stage, then shiro’s enemy has changed. her foes are not the shadowy audience of the theatre. why should one need a reason? why should one stand on the stage at all, when it could be so cruel?
in her mind, stella’s cries resound:
‘i hate it… save me, shiro!’
the heavens themselves pass down their decree:
“oh, i see. how cold-blooded you are to want to see the greatest of all tragedies... the extinction of the stage girls!”
the curtains draw on the revue of extinction: shiro stands centre-stage, and points her weapons to the friends stella has made. she accuses them of stealing her master from her, and will put an end to such a farce. she will free stella from the stage that has made a prisoner of her… even if that means cutting down her master herself.
the revue comes to a climax, and shiro is met with a duel against stella. she vows to drag stella off of the stage if she finds even a speck of hesitance in her actions, and stella promises to show her how she truly feels with her sword.
in the end, stella’s brilliance wins out, and the revue ends.
shiro wonders if this means that stella doesn’t need her anymore— if she is no longer wanted to stand by her side. stella tells her that she wants shiro to live a life of her own.
as they leave the theatre, shiro acquiesces.
… but who is she if not a maid of the siegfeld family? who is she without her master? shiro doesn’t want to find out.
powers / abilities: n/a
inherent abilities:
stick-fighting proficiency (single/dual batons). able to dual-wield batons and a long staff masterfully, shiro is considered a great threat during revues for her skills in combat that far outstrip her peers. her spatially aware use of her weapon(s) allows her to take on multiple opponents at once.
martial arts proficiency. in the pursuit of protecting her master at all times, shiro has been trained in defensive martial arts since young— though she usually has very little need of a practical use for them, thankfully. the impressive strength and agility she has developed through such rigorous training carries onto her proficiency in stage-fighting.
stage ability. the skills of the theatre; singing, dancing, and acting, amongst many others. despite her age, shiro is considered to be on par with the edels— the greatest students of the siegfeld institute of music. with incredible precision, she is able to emulate the characters of others almost flawlessly, and adapt to improvisational etudes with ease. sometimes it is as though the roles she plays and the worlds of the plays seem to jump out to reality, invoked by her acting.
items / weapons:
schnee & glockchen. two twin batons that can be combined to form a long staff (schneeglöckchen; ‘snowdrop’). her weapon is sheer white, embossed with gold accents; embedded at the chappes are round blue gems.
revue uniform. a white uniform with a gold trim, somewhat reminiscent of gladiator’s clothing. worn during revues, it prioritises ease of movement and breathability, all the while having a theatre-appropriate flair to it that allows the wearer to shine on stage.
revue cloak. an embroidered white cloak, worn over her right shoulder. corded tassels drape and tie together her outfit. it is attached to her uniform through an antique brooch-like golden clock, with hands pointing perpetually to 19:15 (7:15 o’clock).
starting ability: n/a starting item: also none
having grown up in munich, shiro is proficient in both japanese and german. while i speak japanese, i’m not versed at all in german, so in the event it ever comes up, i’ll be sticking to common words and phrases!
revues are ‘duels’, but they’re also very metaphorical/theatrical in nature, and don’t involve anyone actually getting hurt (sans emotionally). so, while shiro could absolutely get into a fight like most middle-schoolers do (and very likely win), she has never actually gotten violent with anyone (and doesn’t particularly wish to, either).
watch revue starlight yall (*´꒳`*)
discord id: oogamishiro passcode: she was born in a wet cardboard box all alone 😣 (IM GONNA GET YOU OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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