#kunikida is punk
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foreverfreebsd · 9 months ago
Imagine Atsushi's shock when he meets Kunikida outside of work.
Tigerboy is walking down the street, thoughtfully looking at his feet, when he suddenly hears the jingling of some chains and badges. And he sees Kunikida, whom he knows: piercings in several places in his ears, a black biker jacket and ripped jeans, all with stripes. On his feet are something like ankle boots or Converse, he himself is wearing a lot of leather and iron jewelry. He would have to take a long time to explain to Atsushi. A very long time.
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 days ago
Punk Kunikida
Kunikida going undercover with the Port Mafia and they joke that he’ll stick out like a sore thumb.
And then he just shows up in his usual out of office attire.
Even rolls back the sleeves of his battle jacket to show his tattoos and keeps his piercings in. Complete with his own homemade spiked bat that looks like it’s been used before.
It’s for show tonight though.
Well, mostly.
Kunikida of course despises the notion that he looks like be belongs with the Port Mafia. But he won’t deny that it helps him to fit in.
Not that anyone who knows him was particularly surprised. After all he was a delinquent long before he was a detective.
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littencloud9 · 1 year ago
asagiri hasnt given us kunikida’s backstory because 16!kunikida would be the biggest rebel with piercings and an undercut and leather jackets and the world’s not ready to handle that yet
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hoicacti · 9 months ago
I want Kunikida to schedule a day where the ADA doesn't have to dress business casual(although I do believe they don't have a dress code, but shhh. Bendjng my own stuff for this idea) and then just come in with a full punk look
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timefospookies · 9 months ago
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nonbinary-akutagawa · 5 months ago
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Punk Kunikida 🫶🏼
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lipstickinaletter · 7 months ago
save me punk kunikida save me
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minugasakuranohana · 29 days ago
Бензопила похожа на гитару) Chainsaw looks like guitar a bit
English version is further down ↘️
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🔪⛓️🪚🔊🤕 ➡️ 👨‍✈️👩‍✈️ ➡️ 🎸🤪 ➡️ 🙄
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Inspiration: #punk Kunikida @starlightshadowsworld posts. Yosano. And her chainsaw
[To be continued]
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leniisreallycool · 28 days ago
I hear your punk Kunikida and I raise you punk Kyouka
Dazai steals Kunikida's headphones one day and tosses them across the room. Kyouka catches them and she hears screaming??? Why is Kunikida listening to the sounds of the dying??
So Kunikida stops shaking Dazai and explains to her that it's music, it's common in the genre to have rough vocals and sometimes also screaming. He lets her listen to it and she finds that she really likes it
At first it was loud and seemed dark like the past she wants to leave behind but the lyrics are so often about hope and overcoming a bad situation and not feeling worthy of good things and she just resonates with it
Kunikida helps her find bands that she likes and one day one of those bands announces a concert in Yokohama. So she asks him if it's okay for her to go
And then he's like no you can't go dressed like that and helps her make her own battle jacket and teaches her how to do her makeup and whatnot
Just big brother punk Kunikida and baby punk Kyouka
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kaurwreck · 4 months ago
the blunt, all or nothing, dichotomous approach to characterizing kunikida as prim and obedient for his probity and obsessive adherence to structure as his means for kettling the parts of himself too untethered to leave unchecked IS very silly and falls apart against canon like an overworked block of dry melamine foam.
but, like, the insistence that he must be punk because he speaks colloquially, brazenly withholds deference to quite literally everyone who isn't capable of either throwing him to the ground or discerning the truth of all matters with preternatural acuity, and disdains authority is also a blunt, all or nothing, dichotomous approach to characterization.
like, punk fanon Kunikida is not a retort to staid fanon Kunikida. they are both package-dealing in the Ayn Rand use of the phrase: whether punk or prep, both fail to discriminate crucial differences between Kunikida's character and the stock characters to which fanon attaches his name.
Kunikida's rigidity in adhering to his self defined, self evaluated, and self-imposed virtues is not remotely the same as legalism. Kunikida fucking anguishes over whether he is sincere and unfaltering in his ideals. (see: Jouno taunting him + his unbridled fear that he is internally hollow and the ideals holding him aloft are not the substance of deeply held convictions but hot air fueled by his loved ones for whom he is only puffing his chest and performing someone capable of carrying them, and without whom he lacks the spirit to fill that space within him where a greater man might have cultivated a spine, such that he will sink, sink, sink to crumple shapelessly to the ground, liberated from artifice only when there isn't anyone there to lighten the weight of his leaden ego, his isolation as common as the dirt coating his tongue, his transcendence precluded by the cruelty with which reality disfigured his instinct for goodness into a desire for power and empty glory until his soul, still gnashing on the rot of those he couldn't save, starved.)
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In other words: his ideals can't be performed or externally enforced. They must be internally cultivated, coaxed into bloom through introspection, their flowering petals manifestations of his deepest feelings. otherwise, he is nothing but hot air and tepid flesh.
except he's not! because while his faith is faint and his body easily crushed beneath the weight of external forces with little regard for love, sincerity, and labor; his body can't feed his ideals anymore than his ideals could feed his body. His ideals can't fill his belly like meat and potatoes or expand his hollow heart like a hot air balloon because, unlike matter, his ideals are intangible. They do not occupy any space or time, and reality can't crush or despoil what it can't grasp, and it can't grasp what doesn't exist by its own laws. It's not that Kunikida's ideals grapple with his reality; nor can his reality erode his ideals. There's nothing to contradict everything, so everything persists.
Kunikida can't trust that he isn't empty, but nothing is emptiness, and his ideals are nothing, so absent inherent faith, absent substance in the yawning void within him, Kunikida nevertheless has his ideals. He has courage, sincerity, love, truth, and labor, not despite his emptiness, but because his emptiness is as conceptual as his ideals; he can't eat concepts but nor can concepts ever be rendered inert — inertia relates only to matter and the material world, which emptiness, nothing, ideals, concepts transcend. They can't be stripped of power, and there isn't any power anyone could exert over them because power is a measure of effectiveness that a force producing a physical effect has over time — mathematically, if linear, power is the quotient of force multiplied by the displacement of an object, divided by time. There is no object, there's only nothing, and nothing is mathematically represented by zero, which, when multiplied and then divided, is unchanged. It works if power is rotational instead of linear too; there, it's the quotient of: (force multiplied by the angle of displacement) ÷ time. again, 0, unchanged.
(Keeping in mind that I have dyscalculia and I am shit at mathematical logic, zero can be both a real and imaginary number, Kunikida's skill is batshit and he doesn't really see it as anything other than convenient. He essentially renders concepts into tangible reality. Like, that's his skill: he conceptualizes something that he's seen rendered tangible before, and then by jotting down its name on a page which is matter, he assigns nothing, 0, a finite point in infinity, and it becomes matter that exists within reality. This is why his notebook can be filled and replaced or destroyed or cut to shreds. The physical notebook isn't his ideals, it's just full of ideals, which he manifests by writing down his intangible thoughts and introspection so that he might then assign them a finite point in himself as the tangible embodiment of his ideals.)
(In Osamu Dazai's Entrance Exam, Kunikida defines his skill by its limitations, which prevent it from the seemingly undefined, limitless capacity that Dazai possesses. But, like, could Kunikida theoretically create a finite time singularity— which is what happens when time is defined and divided by zero? It's cute that he was studying mathematics and sciences.)
His body can't house his ideals because emptiness, nothing, ideals, concepts, perhaps even faith do not occupy any space. They can't be created or destroyed, only conceptualized, and, when embraced and cultivated by someone grounded enough to recognize that his ideals can't be, manifested in the physical act of jumping out of a helicopter to blow up a militarized cop.
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Nothing can't be confronted by everything, and everything can't suffocate nothing. Reality can't erode what its own laws have rendered nothing. his ideals, like he himself, are ungovernable.
but he buys an artisan notebook from a craftsman who only makes 100 each year; he's not punk, he's just abrasive, doesn't extend respect unearned, and his writing was marked in his use of colloquial language. he's also wildly pretentious. he's so patronizing; he is mommy, where's that aesthetic for him. he doesn't need doc martens; he needs multiple child leashes.
anyway. punk fanon Kunikida is the same overworked block of dry melamine foam as staid fanon Kunikida, just flipped over. his apparent contradictions dont need to be reconciled or discarded; nothing and everything are in unity as opposites that overlap and exist/don't exist within him, around him, and through him, regardless of him, and only because of him.
like, obviously, do what you want and have fun. I don't really care; i just like babbling about kunikida, and i crave substance. also like. strip your respect from authority figures who haven't earned it. correct your teachers/professors/mentors. disappoint your parents. contribute to the inherent tension between individual freedom and authority. it's good for you. you don't even have to join a counterculture submovenent to do it, you can argue with your therapist at any time. do it for him.
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 5 months ago
Aaaagh I was inspired by some punk Kunikida headcanons I saw (I think from StarlightShadowsWorld???? Idk their url tbh)
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So I drew him (this is literally the best time I’ve ever drawn Kunikida- he’s so hard to draw :( )
Also a Femzai as a treat
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I put her in my own fit (I didn’t actually wear the fit, but that’s what I planned to wear)
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foreverfreebsd · 9 months ago
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starlightshadowsworld · 12 days ago
Law abiding straight laced Kunikida? What?! No, no I’m sorry we don’t do that here.
Punk Kunikida has my entire heart and soul that boy is a delinquent I’m sorry. He has been told he’d make a good solider and then immediately proved why he wouldn’t.
He was probably voted most likely to succeed and most likely to get arrested. And in true Kunikida fashion he accomplished both.
Sometimes he will debate people on shit and other times he will just throw hands. You never really know which you’re gonna get.
Boy has never adhered to his schools dress code and probably was constantly accused of dying his hair.
Which I can imagine got him so mad thatt he actually did dye his hair because Doppo Kunikida is the walking embodiment of malicious compliance.
He’s been arrested 3 times, stole a car and broke into a weather office and I refuse to believe those are all the crimes he’s committed.
If it’s not in the notebook he ain’t following it. Fukuzawa is the only person with authority he listens too.
And well Kunikida lets himself get imprisoned and the cops should be very very glad that he does that. Because there’s no way in hell that they could bring him in.
He’s who they call when they need help.
Kunikida would be on the picket line and handing out water bottles. He would be comforting kids after a traumatic event. He doesn’t follow a rule he doesn’t fully agree with it, no matter the consequences.
Nothing matters to him more than the protection of his city and the Agency. He’s the one who stands when everyone tells him to sit.
The world doesn’t follow those principles but he does.
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pretty-oooodd · 2 years ago
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BSD men with a punk s/o!!
Featuring: Dazai, Chūya, Atsushi, Ranpo, Kunikida, Akutagawa, Sigma, Fyodor, Nikolai.
TW/CW: no tw, this is a fluff "domestic" one. Mention of tattoos, piercings. Let me know if you want me to add more (bc I'm not really practical with tws).
Enjoy <3!!
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DAZAI is the kind of guy that's always been interested in these kinds of subcultures, especially punk, but he didn't really had the reasons or will to get into it.
He likes the trash pants, the one full of patches, chains and tears.
But his absolute favorites are the skinny ones full of tears, with fishnets underneath them.
He's a big tease, so he would really have fun poking the holes in his s/o's clothes. Especially the ones on their tights.
You have tattoos? Cool, give him sharpies (Crayola ones) and he'll color your tats.
Piercing on your lips? He'll make sure to lick it when he kisses you.
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Ow come on, our buddy CHŪYA is a punk soul.
Argue with the wall.
He listens to punk music with his HEART.
And kinda likes the clothing, he just prefers his elegant attire.
So, if his s/o is punk he will love it. Absolutely admire you for your style and strong ideals, bc let's not forget what punk is abt!!
If you have tattoo sleeves, especially flowers, he STANS.
Nose piercings and studs lover here. He himself wants a nose piercing.
If you wear the same size clothes, he maybe steal something from your closet.
Would probably bring you to a concert.
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ATSUSHI is so soft and probably doesn't like studs but he would never offend you ^^
He wasn't really interested or educated on this community before meeting you.
He learned the lace code just for you!!
Doesn't really understand and like the music, but supports you and everything you like!
He LOVES your tattoos! He thinks they are so cool.
If you have piercings he will make sure to learn how to clean them and help you with it.
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RANPO thinks that your style is interesting but doesn't really mind it.
If you're a messy, chaotic person, you will get along.
If you have one of those wonderful haircuts like Mohawks or just bright hair color he will absolutely love it.
Likes playing with your hair and coloring your tattoos.
The patches in your pants and vests are his favorite parts.
Doesn't listen much music in general, so punk isn't really his problem anyway.
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I still haven't understood what's KUNIKIDA's "ideal woman".
Btw, he isn't a fan of punk or these cultures in general but likes you anyway.
Considers tattoos and piercings (everything abt this style) "unprofessional".
And he will tell you but there's nothing he can do abt it.
We stan a punk monarch.
Will always be the one to remember you to clean and treat your tats and piercings.
Kinda likes the dedication you put into styling your own clothes and hair.
And he likes the fact that the community expresses its ideals too.
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Bro doesn't care.
Lord give him two shits to give pls.
Jkjk, AKUTAGAWA kinda likes the "aggressive" style.
He's into the metal music probably idk.
Likes the studs and boots with platforms.
Likes to sew the patches on your vests and pants.
Piercings like nose bridge are his absolute favorites!!
You shaved your eyebrows for him, how sweet.
He's an introvert but the moshpit would be his natural habitat, just to let the rage out.
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Poor man, SIGMA got scared the first time he saw you.
He doesn't fully understand the "use" or "meaning" of this style but he's learning.
Not a fan of the music but loves you, so he will listen something if you ask him.
He likes your tattoos, as he thinks of them as a form of art that makes you unique.
Piercings aren't his thing tho. Really doesn't understand them but loves earrings.
You two probably have some matching sets of earrings.
He finds punks intimidating but in a good way.
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HOW PT. 2?????? WHAT?
I mean, I think FYODOR's kinda into metal and goth things but punk???
Punk really isn't his thing.
Doesn't like piercings, idk.
But tats are a form of art for him, just like painting.
He appreciates your dedication to the ideals even if he doesn't fully agree sometimes.
His favorite parts of your outfits are the boots!
He probably likes your hair too, bc they're particular.
Doesn't like the concerts so he won't come with you.
He probably looks cool af in a leather jacket with studs.
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NIKOLAI is a biiig tease.
He likes to play with your hair and piercings.
He's the prime example of man child: give him sharpies and he will color your tats gladly.
Probably wants to get a piercing just like his s/o!!
He dies your hair. You have no escape from this.
Skinny jeans fan!!
Nikolai isn't really into punk music but likes early 2000s emo culture (early Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy).
My boy will torment you if you don't let him try your clothes on.
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caffeiiine · 4 months ago
should be catching up on art requests today!!!!!
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nonbinary-akutagawa · 12 days ago
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@starlightshadowsworld Loookk
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