#kumo kagyuu
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animemakeblog · 3 months ago
“Blade & Bastard” The Light Novel For Gets Anime
Drecom Media, a publishing business, revealed a teaser commercial for the anime adaptation of Kumo Kagyuu's Blade & Bastard light novel.
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mangarecap · 2 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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gronjon44 · 6 years ago
Damn. I gotta agree completely.
I haven't found anything saying anything horrible outright towards the show but I knew in my gut people were gonna freak about it.
I personally like the anime because it itself reminds me of games and other animes like Dark Souls and Berserk. I like darker grittier media because it's both interesting to see what writers implimented to make it interesting and I just enjoy more serious media.
I'm also trying to be a writer and I grew up watching and reading more serious media as a kid. Nothing crazy but it's what I grew up with. So I write similarly to what this show does. Nothing this extreme but yes.
At least I don't right this way yet... Hehehe
The “Goblin Slayer” Problem (Editorial)
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Warning before we begin; there will be spoilers for many different anime in this piece. I could say them all but that would just make this longer. They are older series, so at this point if you haven’t tried to watch, play, or read the things I talk about or show then I’m sorry but you were warned.
So before I begin I want to say one thing. This is not an attempt to defend Goblin Slayer alone. Also, this is not me saying that Goblin Slayer is a good or bad series. I have not read the light novel or manga, and I have hardly watched the Anime. I have seen two episodes and, while I plan to continue the series, I am currently not following the show at this time. However, I do know of the problem at hand and have done my share of research. I won’t be taking sides in this debacle; so please, don’t jump to any conclusions. I may lean one way or the other at times but, again, it all stems from my opinion. So let me just say one thing. For those saying that Goblin Slayer is a terrible series and those who watch it are terrible people, or for some people who are trying to defend the series in some fashion. Many of you are wrong and a lot of you are the problem… Let’s begin.
So to start things off, what exactly is Goblin Slayer? For those in the anime community that, somehow, don’t know after things blew up; Goblin Slayer is a series about an adventurer that goes by the same name. This adventurer does one thing, kill goblins. The series is a dark-fantasy series that takes a deeper look at a possible take on goblins. This isn’t your friendly goblins you may have come to know from shows like That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime or Overlord.
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These are the definition of monsters. Their aim is to kill, pillage, and do as they please. This is where the problem comes in. What is it that these goblins like to do? In the case of Goblin Slayer it’s either brutal death or, for the unfortunate women of the world, rape.
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Now the controversy stems from the first episode of the anime. While it wasn’t the starting point of the series; the anime was where most people and unsuspecting viewers first saw the series. In the first episode we are met with one of the main characters, the priestess. I don’t know if she has a name and I can’t seem to find one. Most of what I find on her just calls her priestess so we’ll just be going with that. The priestess is new to adventuring and is looking to go on her first job. She’s unsure of what job to take and is approached by a group of three looking for her talents. The four of them accept a job to hunt down a band of goblins that have been a menace and all seems well. However, they are not prepared and underestimate their enemy. This results in the death of two party members and the kidnapping of another. One member is brutally killed and the scene is shown to some extent, the other’s death takes some time and is by no means painless. Though, death and violence are a concept many can sweep under the rug; and what became of the other two? The priestess is alive but distraught; the fourth member, a monk, was caught off guard by a hobgoblin and was taken deeper into the cave. To make a long story short, the monk did not die but the monk is a women and the other alternative for the Goblins is no where near better.
Above is the scene in question; in the video you can see what becomes of the party. Near the end is the part that has caused an uproar among the community. If you have seen the scene, don’t wish to watch the scene, or possibly can’t stomach the scene; don’t worry, you are not forced to watch this to understand where I am coming from. Just know that the rape scene, that has become somewhat of a controversy, happened. It wasn’t a long drawn out scene that shows everything imaginable, but it shows more than enough to know the act happened.
Now, after the first episode aired, things escalated in a way that people probably didn’t see coming. Many people were disgusted over what they just watched. People were outraged that a scene like this could go unchecked. It got so bad that sites like Crunchyroll had to issue a warning on the show for mature content on future episodes. People on Youtube started making terrible, and probably mostly faked, reaction videos. Though, worst of all, people began to verbally attack one another for viewing the show and finding enjoyment in what Goblin Slayer truly had to offer. “If you watch this trash anime, then you are a trash human being.” You’re a terrible person if you actually enjoy Goblin Slayer.” Whoa, Whoa, Whoa… Lets back it up a couple paces. Why did this all of a sudden become a huge mine field? We’re better than this people. Why is one rape scene the cause for so much strife and hatred? If it’s this easy to anger people, then what problems are within our future? Next you’re going to tell me that everyone will be at each others throats over an anime characters sexual orientation.
Joking aside, anime has been the hot zone for some of the dumbest issues recently. Why is this so new to people? What is it about Goblin Slayer that makes the red flags fly? It’s not the first series to explore dark themes and show scenes like this. Why is it that, not only the anime community but, people within “nerdy” communities are so easy to anger; and not just that, why do things go so far. No one knows how to argue their point, and so many people feel they need to go to extremes to get their point across. You’re all making the community worse; you are one of the reasons anime gets a bad name. No one wants to watch and talk about something when the other people watching are as toxic as they come. Be constructive, stop attacking others because they don’t like something you enjoy and vice versa. NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO LIKE WHAT IS PRESENTED! I know it’s a surprising concept but, please, actually try to see things from a different perspective other than your own. You’re not fully right in your opinion, but at the same time there is always some truth.
We’ll get back to the community as we talk about the issues. I did some more research into the controversy and found some ideas that just need to be thrown away. Not just from the side of people against Goblin Slayer but, also, for those attempting to defend it. For starter, lets begin with the side against the show. What is it about the rape scene that makes you all so angry. Lets start from the top.
Rape as a concept
Now the act of rape is obviously a very sensitive topic. I don’t have any business speaking on the topic when it comes to various scenarios, but please bear with me. The biggest issue I have with rape as a concept is the very sensitivity some people exhibit. Now, I can’t speak, and shouldn’t speak, for actual victims; however, I can assume that most people who aren’t victims attacking Goblin Slayer are doing so because to them rape equals bad. There is no argument here; rape is a terrible act that should never take place but, there lies the crucial problem, it does happen. It’s sad to say but, at this moment in our lives, rape is a very prominent thing. So why exactly do the alarms sound when somebody wants to portray rape in a visual or written medium? 
Rape holds just as much place is movies, anime, and video games as do things like murder or other extreme felonies. Though, you never hear any backlash for the countless people murdered in games like Grand Theft Auto, or the themes of domestic abuse in stories like Oyasumi Punpun.
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Why do things involving straight violence get a pass, but the moment a terrible sexual act is presented everyone starts a war? I think it’s the gravity of the crime. It’s hard to say but, here in america, murder is something known. We’ve seen it so many times before that we’re desensitized to it. We see news stories about school shootings and, at this point, it’s become more of a common occurrence for a lot of people. Things like rape, however, are crimes that tend to go unnoticed by the overarching community. I’ll be completely honest most cases of rape, that I’ve seen, are all fictional. Until recently, with all the sexual assault cases being presented against celebrities, you’d never hear about someone being the victim of rape; but, let me reiterate, this is based off my experience. I don’t know at the moment how often of a crime rape has become and how open victims and other people are when it comes to the issue. In my experience, with the society around me, it’s not something that everyone has been exposed to a great extent. 
Again, I could be wrong about a lot of this, but I believe this is the building blocks of our problem. People know that rape is a thing, but they aren’t fully desensitized to the act. In a lot of respects this is still a very good thing. Fight for the real life victims and go against those who would even think this action is a right thing to do. However, this is the exact opposite for a lot of media. We should be allowing things like anime, movies and video games to portray the act. No matter how dark or gross it may be to some, we must accept that this is a thing. By producing hate speech against a studio or it’s people we breed a source of censorship. People may not believe it, but the collective voice has power and if this voice wants to see something end because it shows rape then it can do just that. 
If we allow something like this to go on, it’s like an act of coddling the masses. If you can’t accept a rape scene, then just don’t watch. You’re eyes aren’t glued to the screen like some torture devised from a clockwork orange. If we censor the scenes of rape or domestic violence then that is just another way we hide the truth behind the curtain. At that point we are just taking word or mouth from people who also, probably, don’t have the business to speak about the subject. We’ve all see how well that works. “You shouldn’t smoke, it’s terrible for your body,” Don’t drink and drive, it’s your life and the life of others on the line.” No offense to my teachers, but the PSA’s don’t work. Words can be powerful, but the media has the power to show us just how terrible certain things can be to ourselves and others. Enough about all this however, we’re getting a little off track. Lets get back to Goblin Slayer.
Most of you have no right to Judge 
Now before you read the bold face text and think to stop reading, hear me out. This isn’t a jab against every viewer of the first episode, or all those who say the show is a bad show. It is however a starting point for me to fight some of those who have produced their fighting words. Why exactly has Goblin Slayer been the subject of so much hatred. What is it about the scene in Goblin Slayer that pushes the envelope? Rape is not a new concept in media but for whatever reason it erupted at this very moment. Now there is one thing I want to say to some of the attackers. This won’t apply to some people, but I know there are a select amount of people this still applies to. This can not be the first rape scene you’ve experienced. I refuse to believe that every viewer had their innocent minds torn apart because they’ve never seen a rape scene prior to Goblin Slayer. Whether it’s from previous anime or manga like Berserk or Hellsing
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or from rated R films like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. There is no possible way, within our world, everyone has avoided this. The case can also be made for literature outside of Japan. Take the popular series, Fifty Shades of Grey. I did my research for this and, while there isn’t a clear rape scene, the book does utilize sexual content to sell itself to it’s readers. The book has been panned by people who legitimately enjoy BDSM as a sexual activity. They have said that the book fails to capture what BDSM truly is and pretty much boils down to sexual abuse. 
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Now here’s the kicker; if you’re alright with any of the series mentioned above, or know of another series that uses rape in any form. Then your opinion is mostly flawed. There are definitely other reasons why you may say the scene is terrible, but if you’re latching on to the concept that showing rape or portraying rape is bad because it’s rape and the show is bad by comparison; but you give rape a pass in other things then, guess what, you’re a hypocrite.This may be a small amount of people among the bigger picture, but I know that there are people judging just to judge. It comes with the territory. At that point you’re just looking for something to hate about another series, or jumping on the bandwagon to be relevant. Though there are some people who have made arguments as to why the scene is bad, and why the show is by comparison. 
The scene fails to be dark
For the more avid viewers, some people have said that the scene in Goblin Slayer wasn’t handled well. It’s not necessarily the fact that it was a rape scene, but that it was a poorly constructed scene. The scene was presented to show that this is not the happy fantasy setting that many people have come to know from other series in the genre. It’s meant to be dark and the scene was used to illustrate that the world and it’s monsters are a threat, no matter how small the creature may be. It also served to illustrate that no matter how weak the monster is; the adventurer should never go in thinking the job will be a breeze. 
One of the things I’ve seen people say is that the story fails to produce a dark tone because of it’s art style. The character design of the cast is to cutesy to produce a dark feeling and the scene just falls flat. Some people have used Berserk as an example of how dark themes and rape work because Berserk utilizes a more realistic art style.
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While it is a possible fact that the realism of Berserk plays to the mangas benefit; this does not prove the former. In Goblin Slayers case, people have stated that the female characters are the problem. They look to “moe-cute” and due to this the dark themes and scenes fall flat. Maybe there is some fact in what people say. I’ve seen my fair share of anime and it’s really difficult to make dark moments from these characters. Except, I would never actually say that if I wasn’t being sarcastic. It’s easier for me to say that, if you believe this idea; If you believe that an anime can’t portray a dark scene or mature moment because the characters are “cute”, then you’re wrong.
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Just because something looks cute, does not mean it is instantly impossible for that to show dark subjects. You can believe that the art style or character design of a particular series is the reason a dark scene fails; that is your opinion. However, you can not say that cute character design or “Moe” art styles instantly make it impossible to convey dark themes. That idea could not be farther from the truth.
There is no reason for attack
For other people it’s more on the bigger picture of the scene as a whole. I said before that the rape scene serves a few purposes. It’s a means to introduce the goblins of the world and goblin slayer. It provides a level of world building and also danger. Now this is all opinion and I can’t dash anyone for saying they believe the scene did not deliver. That is all up to interpretation. I believe that the scene does an alright job at getting the point across. It’s clear that the party was under prepared. It worked to illustrate that goblins aren’t to be messed with, even if they are smaller and weaker monsters when compared to others. Could there have been a better way to introduce these things? Maybe, but  I believe the scene is fine for what it’s trying to show. The show isn’t centered around these scenes. You don’t have to agree with the scene or like the show at all. It’s all your opinion. However, that does not give anyone the right to start attacking.
If someone likes goblin slayer then that’s the end of the story. You think it’s a terrible anime, they don’t. I think Dragon Ball Z is a highly overrated trash fire, but I’m not storming the doors of Toei Animation and calling them bad people. Your opinion is yours alone; you can share your opinion, and please do, but that doesn’t make you right. The same goes for the other side; it is your opinion that Goblin Slayer is a good show or manga. Cool, I’m glad you find enjoyment in a new series. There’s one problem; if you’re going to defend the series for what it presented, then you need to be more constructive and do your research. The thing that made me start this piece was a post I saw on twitter. There was a back and forth between two people about the series and the scene in question. The argument escalated to involve politics and other issues. Talk involving Social Justice Warriors, or feminists were also thrown into the mix. Why? What does any of this have to do with an anime about a man who kills goblins? Where does someone start talking about the political aspects? What do SJW’s have to do with anything regarding this anime? It’s one thing if you enjoy the series but, if you plan to defend it, or other things, please don’t just spout off nonsense. You’re just making yourself and the other people in the community look bad.
Tell the people why you think the show is good, seriously debate the shows pros from it’s cons. If they won’t listen to you and would rather attack you then they are not worth the effort. 
Good Vs. Bad
I’ve said my piece on the Goblin Slayer controversy and ultimately; I don’t understand why it’s a controversy. Are we, as people, really so innocent to the idea of rape as a concept or story element. I still don’t fully understand what makes the rape scene of Goblin Slayer that final nail in the coffin. The scene serves a purpose and, while the purpose may not be the best; it does it’s job in my opinion. What baffles me the most is that this didn’t happen sooner. The concept is not new and by far this is not the worst use of it. I’ve read my fair share of manga and researched into other series and can say that I have seen far worse portrayals. In fact most of the scenes that bring about good development from the story or character are scenes that show the action did happen. In The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo the main character Lisbeth Salander is raped by her “caretaker” fairly early in the film/book.
The scene is horrifying and disgusting; even with most of it happening behind closed doors. However, it serves a purpose to the future plot. We understand that the concepts present are terrible, but the scene works; and in my mind the same could be said for Goblin Slayer as well as other shows. Take Hellsing for example.
For Hellsing the scene above is used for two things. One is to show a deeper look at the main characters back story; while the other is a commentary on religion within the series. it’s been years since I’ve seen Hellsing Ultimate so I won’t go in depth on the scene in fear of getting something wrong, but if you’re fine with watching the scene then it is above.
These moments have their uses; it’s a dark and terrible concept for sure, but viewers need to understand that it’s a real thing and the media should portray it. Just as they portray death and violence. We’re adults, and it’s our job to accept it. Unless, of course, the scene actually serves no purpose.We shouldn’t be attacking Goblin Slayer just for the scene; there are plenty of anime and manga that deserve way more animosity than this. To name a few there is Killing Bites.
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This series starts with an attempted rape on the main female character. the scene is put in place to introduce our main two cast members; as well as, introduce the viewer to the concept of human animal hybrids. The scene ends with the main female character transforming into the form you see above and then killing her assailants. This is one of the worst things anyone can do. It’s one thing if the scene happens, but to make a scene where rape is attempted, only to present the powers present in the series is a huge cop-out. At that point the series is saying that the main character was never in any real danger, severely down playing the concept of rape. That feels extremely insensitive to actual rape victims. There were better ways to introduce the characters and the abilities. Another example is Magical Girl Site.
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This is what I don’t understand, we pan Goblin Slayer for the first rape scene shown. While a show like this is ONLY about the rape and abuse of a school girl. Some people think that Goblin Slayer is some how more edgy than Magical Girl Site. How? Site uses abuse and rape as a means to somehow build their main character to be a “killing” magical girl. If Goblin Slayer somehow pushes the envelope, then this series has demolished the entire post office.This dark themes of the show are terrible and sickening to the point that they feel forced. Are we sure we didn’t get the names mixed up? Every scene of this series just feels like a horrible and disgusting attempt at shock value. The only problem being that it’s missing the value. Last example is Sword Art Online.
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While not as terrible as Site, this scene was extremely unnecessary. It’s purpose was to anger Kirito and give him a reason, as well as the viewer to hate the antagonist of the second half. However, this was all already established. This scene could have been completely changed with her just tied up in the background and it would still get the same message across. I, as well as other people, make the argument that Asuna was almost the victim of a rape. In my mind the antagonist was fully intending to go that far after everything was said and done with Kirito. This is a lazy attempt at shock value and character building. A cheap way to show who we are rooting for and who we are against; even though this was all already established at the beginning of the arc.
Rape is an element, or concept, that plays a huge role in a narrative, and I believe that a lot of people who watched Goblin Slayer when it aired don’t really realize this. It can be effective, or poorly tacked on. If you’re not a fan of how rape is being portrayed, then just stop watching the material. Though the biggest thing we need to take away from this is that rape is an important concept in media. It’s terrible, but we need to be shown it almost to the same extent as violence and death. It’s not always shown in the best ways, but it can work. Though, whether you dislike it or accept it in a media aspect; don’t start taking your animosity out on other viewers. They did nothing wrong. Don’t like it? Then just don’t watch and move on with your life.
Thanks again for reading all the way through. I know this topic will probably raise some flags for people, and I may see some hate here and there. This is how I’ve seen the issue as it has unfolded. There are many people across social media that just have the situation all wrong in my mind; that, or they are approaching it from the worst possible positions. I can’t tell you if Goblin Slayer is a good or bad show, but I can say that it’s starting episode is not at fault. I may be back later in the month with a review; though with how Tumblr’s new policies I may need to move shop. I’ll keep you all posted, and again thank you for reading to the end. Have a good one.
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mangacover-collection · 6 years ago
~ Goblin Slayer  - (1/?)~
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Goblin Slayer Japanese: ゴブリンスレイヤー
A young priestess has formed her first adventuring party, but almost immediately they find themselves in distress. It's the Goblin Slayer who comes to their rescue—a man who's dedicated his life to the extermination of all goblins, by any means necessary. And when rumors of his feats begin to circulate, there's no telling who might come calling next...
Author: Kumo Kagyuu (Story), Kousuke Kurose (Art) Genres: Action, Fantasy, Seinen Volumes: 6 Chapters: 31 Status: Ongoing
Tell me what’s your favourite cover, ships and favourite character if you’d like :D
Manga Series - Masterlist
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heronetworkgg · 4 years ago
Se anuncia el desarrollo de la segunda temporada del anime Goblin Slayer
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Desde la editorial SB Creative han dado a conocer que se encuentra en producción una segunda temporada del anime Goblin Slayer, el que adapta la novela ligera de nombre homónimo del autor Kumo Kagyuu y del ilustrador Noboru Kannatsuki. Cabe destacar que por ahora no se ha revelado más detalles, pero se espera que durante […]
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kakkoiimanga · 5 years ago
Goblin Slayer Gaiden Year One Chapter 28 Bahasa Indonesia
Goblin Slayer Gaiden Year One Chapter 28 Bahasa Indonesia
Goblin Slayer Gaiden Year One Chapter 28 Bahasa Indonesia
Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One Bahasa Indonesia
Alternative Titles ゴブリンスレイヤー外伝:イヤーワン Author: Kagyuu, Kumo (Story), Sakaeda, Kento (Art) Published: Sep 15, 2017 to ? Type : Manga Genre(s): Action, Drama, Fantasy, Seinen
Kisah sampingan dari “Goblin Slayer” yang bercerita tentang masa kecil sang Goblin Slayer
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mangarecap · 2 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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mangarecap · 2 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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mangarecap · 3 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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mangarecap · 2 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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mangarecap · 2 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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mangarecap · 2 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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mangarecap · 3 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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mangarecap · 3 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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mangarecap · 2 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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mangarecap · 2 years ago
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Goblin Slayer Kousuke Kurose (Arte), Kumo Kagyuu (Historia)
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