personostient · 10 months
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Please accept this in lieu of an emoji prompt
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Jokes on you
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tempenensis · 1 year
Good luck in your games! I don't tend to have much luck with the pulls haha, so I'm sending you all good vibes to get some nice event items ^^.
When you have time, I was wondering if you had hints for translation on Gojo's incantation! I loved it a lot, but don't know if it means anything in particular.
As far as I can tell the words are sort of showing the things that surround a space? Kyū tsuna (the translators i've seen either say nine points or ropes) makes me think of the ropes tied at temples, and temples can be both boundary and gateway but I don't have much context for this one...
Henkō I've seen as "polarized light" which seems to reference the blue+red requirements of purple maybe? But also is this image of a wave pulling in two directions, the word making it both divided and still referring to both possible "directions" at once, so it's a concept like his technique rather than a decision of direction.
The crow and shomyo could refer to the voice/message from heaven and the chant to heaven, which is another "conceptual" gap. Also Gojo is sort of answering a prayer while performing a chant, so he is both the messenger and supplicant maybe?
I don't really get "表裏の間" at all. I've seen it translated as "head and tail" "gap between within and without" and "chasm of front and back", google just says "front and back" but the last character translates to something like "interval". It evokes the concept of the end and the beginning being both as far apart from one another as possible, but also as close to on another as possible which seems close to the concept of purple but it feels like reading into it too much...
Either way, I hope that you rest well this weekend anyways!
raindrop anon
Lol, thank you, raindrop anon. I actually pulled FGO's newest servant, who coincidentally shares the same seiyuu as Nobara QuQd. Now I only need to somehow get Enojun into fgo lol
This is the original panel of Gojou's chanting, btw
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九綱 (kukou) means "nine ropes". Nine is sort of sacred number here, might be taken from nine virtues of Shakyamuni (whom Gojou have a lot of reference to). And the ropes, just like you said, act as a boundary like in temple to mark sacred place. It could also refer to the state of intertwining as he does to Red and Blue to create Purple 偏光 (henkou), means "light polarization". I agree with your idea here, that it's most likely referring to Red and Blue and the joining of two techniques. 烏と声明 (karasu to shoumyou). means "crow and shoumyou". In opposite to their reputation in the west, crow in Japanese lore is actually thought as the harbinger of good omen. So messenger is right. The 声明 though, it'll read generally as seimei and does mean message. But here, it's read as shoumyou, which actually refer to a style of chanting in Buddhism. It is a style of chanting Buddhist scripture with music. So not ordinary message, but rather special one?? 表裏の間 (hyouri no hazama), translated literally would be "between the front and back". This could be taken literally but also could refer to one's face shown in public and private. So it might means the space between reality and imaginary, as his technique realizes "infinity" from imaginary concept
Hope this helps! Also, sending much luck to you too!
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floyelliq · 1 year
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dni if u arent my gf aka kukou sara /J (im in a silly goober mood rn n i have a rlly bad hyperfixation abt this woman)
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cowbov · 5 years
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Hitoya introduces you to his special boys.
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nameheart · 3 years
today: woke up from a rare dream about disguising as a particular character & being super happy about it...only to be chased by some ppl for 99.9% of it
and now im struck with the gender euphoria esp transmasc can of worms, then thinking abt the costs & anxiety of "wat if i actually did this irl", & finally resignation ("fuck i can't look like that in my life cos transphobia_hell.png smfh")
(also prob some vague fickin shite but idk, it's been yrs since i had a dream like this)
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hypnosis-shitpost · 5 years
You: Bad Ass Temple
Me, an intellectual:
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hishikawa-66 · 5 years
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koizakuraa · 5 years
Ramuda's appearance in Bad Ass Temple's Drama Track
Ramuda's scene at the end of Bad Ass Temple's drama track actually scared me like he was coughing (not the good kind, like anime style "there's something wrong with him" cough) and saying that he does not have enough time left.
Also, he said that something big is gonna happen in the next battle like WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN OMG RAMUDA JUST BE SAFE & TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF CHILD
I'm genuinely worried ;-;
It's probably him smoking too much who knows
Or maybe he has an illness?
And Jakurai found out about it??
Jakurai prevented him from doing whatever he wanted to do and Ramuda didn't want to listen and maybe that's why they are bad terms???
How did this suddenly became a headcanon OMG I'm signing out Σ(っ°Д °; )っ
Posted on 1st December 2019
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personostient · 8 months
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Ok, Serious this time (lying)
A weird bird thing from the woods
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kazamamaartist · 5 years
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moonmacaron · 5 years
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A couple icons of some Really Good Boys I made for my twitter. 
Please don’t use without permission!
Commissions open!  Twitter
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godweaver · 5 years
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are there any more divisions i should know about
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cowbov · 5 years
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kin-s-art · 5 years
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“Yeah, yeah,” Tamaki said, moaning. His words and groans started to meld together. He leaned further into Hikaru, almost resting his head on his shoulder. He was panting.
“Tell me how much,” said Hikaru lowly, smugly. Tamaki was nuzzling into his neck, sucking his skin. Hikaru hoped he would leave a mark. He sighed as Tamaki’s lips slid across his shoulders towards his collarbone, pushing his shirt down with his unoccupied hand. Hikaru couldn’t remember when his blazer had come off.
I...I just couldn't stop, 'Kay?
This scene from Arpeggios just wouldn't leave me be!
I had to okay?!
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zueboshi · 3 years
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work in progress 👀
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sheep-from-rad · 2 years
I hope I'm not disturbing your peace but very random thought poped up in my head about sagau
Imagine that Creator/God!Reader that just got to Tevyat (did I get it right?) is like 13/14 yo with big trauma (maybe abusive parents or very bad bullying) and that said, they aren't used to any sort of affection.
(inserting myself from around 5 yrs ago :'])
Ps: as a Beidou main I'm in love with your pfp
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SAGAU: A safe place Note: Ayo? Fellow Beidou main! Don’t worry no peace is disturb :D I’m giving you headpats. Requests are open but it takes time. Thank you and have a nice day! Warnings: angst :D with comfort of course. Masterlist
The first thing that they noticed was the distance that seemed to separate you from the rest. It’s not the gap between divinity and mortality but an invisible wall that seemed to cover you entirely. The first one that noticed it was Ganyu. Used to being lonely, Ganyu thought that it’s possible that you feel the same. It’s hard suddenly being pulled to another world and learning that you’re a god and new responsibilities are pushed on your arms without warning. Next to Ganyu was Thoma. The young lad doesn’t like sad people and used to ask them if they want company. He once asked you if you want it and you accepted it but there’s a feeling of unease hanging in the air. 
From then on, the acolytes started seeing the patterns. The apathy that is painted in your face, the forced smiles that grace your lips when you face people, to the monotone voice that gains a tone when facing someone of authority, and to the reluctance to say yes. The most frequent pattern that they see is you wanting to flee. Maybe God doesn’t like Teyvat so they want to leave but they can see that they love the places. Maybe they hate people? But why? 
It was then until Feast day. Feast day was the celebration of the day you were thrown by the stars to Teyvat. Worshippers gather round laying their gifts next to your feet, meals from different regions are being cooked, people gathering from different nations to witness you once more. With you being younger than them, they do their best to make you comfortable. Zhongli, with his draconic horns out in the open, laid his gifts on the table and gave you a pat on the head and a smile. Klee and Qiqi laid out the flowers they gathered and ran towards you and gave you a big hug. 
The one that caught your attention was Itto and his gang. The oni has a hell of reputation in Inazuma, picking up fights here and there and getting in prison multiple times in a row but he is one of the kindest ones around. He lets himself be in trouble just for his gang to have food to eat, he protects those who needs it and takes the lonely ones as his own family. He never let anyone be lonely even if it means him getting hurt.
The gang laid out their gifts next to you and the gang gave you a bow of respect. Tired of fake smiles, Itto gave you a big hug promptly lifting you off your seat and wrapping his arms protectively around you. “If ever there’s trouble or something in your mind, The one and oni got you! And we love you okay!’ 
Three simple words, ‘we love you’. 
‘We love you’
‘We love you’ 
The mask of apathy and the fake smile suddenly broke. Tears started gathering at the corner of your eyes. Your heart suddenly felt like it was released from a binding that you didn’t know was there. A loud cry escapes your lips, making everyone in the venue halt. Kukou Sara placed down her drink and started running forward with her weapon out. Panicked Itto tried putting you back to your feet only for you to cling and wrap your arms around his neck. 
‘We love you’ 
‘We love you’ 
‘We love you’ 
Their god doesn’t hate Teyvat nor they hate the people. They just don't know what kindness feels like which causes them to be cautious and cold. The incident of the feast day made people realize that their creator is just like them. They fall just like them, get wounded just like them. Gets left behind, betrayed, hurt and pushed aside just like them. They can’t erase the traces and stains of what your life is like before being gifted by the stars to Teyvat but they can for sure be gentle and love you. Slow love so it doesn’t frighten you. Slow love so it doesn’t make you feel suffocated. If your world wasn’t kind with you and then their arms would be your safe place.
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ps i won't lie, I cried. Anon and I had the same situation I guess? being bullied and isolated. Itto has became my comfort character and that I always wish I had someone like him to protect my teenage self.
Taglist: @chihawari
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