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dark-ambition · 1 year ago
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"I hear that you're quite the skilled engineer. Tell me a little bit about your work." (For pent 0:3c)
“Of coursssse, Madame.” Sir Pentious was many things, but he was no fool. He was not about to show any sort of entity of heaven any kind of disrespect that could lead to his own damned spirit to being culled, especially not one that appeared to him so swiftly and without warning in the night. He moves to offer her a brief bow, his hand on his chest, before he straightens up, moving to pull what looked to be an intricate and ornately built revolver out of the coat of his pocket, holding it up in both hands for her to see, and potentially take for her to examine herself.
“I sssspecialize mainly in weaponry, you see. Have been for the lassst hundred and 34 years of my death, and even beyond that into my own life in the 19th century. My main area of expertisssse with these weaponssss is warfare. Firearms, chemical weapons, ships and marching tanks of metal, walking automatons, anything that can be used to decimate entire cities and sssslaughter armiesss. This revolver here is an example of my craft, 8 chambersss, zero knockback, and capable of firing armor piercing roundsss that can shred through most metals like paper. I even have my own ssspecially crafted ammunition, designed to explode into flames or clouds of flesh eating acid upon impact.”
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infernal-dominion · 1 year ago
@kugel-bitch continued from X.
“..I don’t know, and I don’t intend to find out.” He sighs, idly nuzzling his forehead a bit harder against her skin, only stopping when he feels her skull rest down gently against his scalp. His eyes are closed, and he idly moves to reach around her to wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her close to let her warmth fuel his.
“..And here I thought things would be easier after Mammon was dead.”
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archangclum · 1 year ago
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" ... I'm in danger. I don't know how, but I feel like I am."
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ripgray-moved · 1 year ago
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Who is this woman? How did she get here? Where did she come from? It's anyone's guess, really, but she is here, and she is reaching a hand out to touch his face in an exploratory sort of fashion—canting her head like a curious owl. "How...quaint." / @kugel-bitch
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𖤐  ⸻ So perplexed is he by her sudden, unfamiliar appearance that he doesn't have the sense to withdraw from her fingers.
                                                                                  At least, not at first.
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When he regains his bearings, Peter allows his brow to furrow slightly, neck tucking in as he slowly rears back from her wandering palm. Her touch may very well have been gentle, inoffensive, but he doesn't know her and he's never responded well to physical touch after a lifetime of being starved of it.
                                                                        ❛ Uh... what're you doing? ❜
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originemesis · 1 year ago
@kugel-bitch from xxx
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"...dude—" Touching the crests of her fingers to a pallid temple and gesturing toward him with the open palm of the opposite hand in a what the fuck sort of manner, she shakes her head. "—I sincerely cannot tell if you're fucking with me right now? You're like, the father of sex, right? And you're telling me you've never seen a toy in your life?"
"Pft-" When he's been dude'd by Lute, he can't help but lose his composure if only just briefly with an eager wriggle of his shoulders as he rolled them back into his flight muscles. "You're the psycho bitch who says there's a dick in your drawer, not meee ~ "
Though her concerns are only met with a careless flick of the wrist while he placated her confusion with a chuffed snort. "Uhh- we called it PROCREATION back in the day, dude. And no, I'm not fucking with you...~ " He added with a palm squished into his cheek and a wicked smile quirked her way. "...not yet anyway ~ "
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cxciditfilius · 2 years ago
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Joke's on her , he smiles with his teeth .
She just licked his teeth , gross .
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cxffeeshxp · 1 year ago
@kugel-bitch || x
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{{ L }} " Would rather not, I like to avoid fighting if I have to. " Not the hit they meant, Adam.
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sssardonian-ssserpent · 2 years ago
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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licentious-sanguinity · 1 year ago
@kugel-bitch continued from X.
Spent seems to look Elutheria up and down for a moment, before cracking a touch of a smirk at the sight of her slowly crossing a bird-like leg in front of him, letting out a huff of a laugh, soon after. “Well, if you insist so intently, I may do just that.”
He moves to pull out his own cigarette, placing it within a rather fancy looking gilded holder, the end piece meant to hold the smoke decorated to look like that of a snake with it’s jaws wide open, fangs extended. If Elutheria were to look closer, she may spot the glimmer of an Asmodean crystal embedded in the snake’s gemstone eyes.
“Mind if I keep you company for a little, then? Get you a drink? Or would you rather you keep to yourself?”
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attraction meme
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“That angelic being that pops up from time to time here in hell. You make me very.. interested in you.”
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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strangeandun-muse-ual · 2 years ago
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"Why don't you sit with me for a while, Vox? We have much to discuss."
Immediately, Vox's shoulders were tense, his expression sour.
He didn't like being invited to sit. Vox invited other people to sit, they didn't tell him to goddamn anything. Still, he let it roll off his back--this time--as he strode across the floor, seating himself across from her with a graceful cross of one leg over the other.
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"Do we?" he asked casually, commanding that respectable businessman's smile back onto his face. "Very well, you have my attention for the moment. What would you like to discuss, then?"
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dark-ambition · 1 year ago
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Angel gets a nice preening session. She's carding her fingers through his fluff, layer by layer, carefully picking out any loose bits and dropping them in a neat pile to the side. She appears to be enjoying herself quite Thoroughly.
Angel Dust meanwhile is just resting and laying on his stomach, letting out a sigh as he feels those fingers plucking through his fur. “Damn, didn’t think this would feel that good, but it almost feels like I’m getting a massage.”
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infernal-dominion · 1 year ago
"I think we need to set some time aside to do some serious brainstorming Luci. It is very concerning to me, how little anybody seems to have in terms of ideas."
“I know. I’ll be honest, I was considering some of Satan’s ideas about prepping Pride for war, evacuating citizens that are unable to fight and putting up drafts for sinners and Hellborn, but I definitely agree that there’s far more we could do. What exactly do you have in mind?”
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infernal-dominion · 1 year ago
The hostility in her gaze is sharp and cutting when she turns her head to meet his eyes. It’s a look that he hasn’t seen directed toward him in what felt like eons even though it was barely over a year ago, and yet it still winds up cutting him to the core, still feels like a razor, slicing right over his heart and causing a gush of cold blood to begin spewing out of his chest. He feels the egg being slipped out from his palm when he attempted to grab onto it, feels the smooth shell gliding off of his gloves, and his heart begins to beat even harder in his chest, a thundering panic that has his eyes locked on Elutheria’s frame, locked on the tiny, small, fragile baby that is still weakly fussing and trying to move itself around within the egg’s chitinous shell.
“..Elutheria..” His voice is far too quiet to his liking, and he grits his teeth, his body tensing, every inch of him prepared to spring forward, to snatch the egg out of her hands, a wild and heavy panic flooding his veins. “Elutheria, listen to me. He IS gone. He’s gone and dead and he’s never coming back. This baby isn’t him. It’s just a child. It’s not him. Do you hear me? It is NOT him.”
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Egg has a crack...
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thriftdyke · 3 years ago
This season of the umbrella academy kinda sucks
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cxffeeshxp · 2 years ago
@kugel-bitch || x
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{{ L }} "Heh, well. I do love singing my own praise, but I suppose it's not the most interesting to watch."
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"Why don't I give you a demonstration."
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