#kudos to the other three dudes who were with me; those 6 rounds we did in a row to finally get 154 in the end
Got gold…..
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37 notes · View notes
adrenaline-roulette · 4 years
Four Eighths
Pairing: Four x Eight (Reader) Word Count: 8K+ (She’s a doozy!) Warnings: Language, angst, very basic medical procedures *Disclaimer: Hey again guys, so sorry about the delay with this chapter. But I’ll admit, I actually got this posted a lot sooner than I thought I would! So kudos to me I guess? I just want to say a huge thank you to all of those who have been with this story since the beginning, and those who have joined us along the way. This isn’t the end of this story, but I just want to let you all know how much you all mean to me.  And please remember, if you read this story and you like it, give it a like, a comment and maybe even a reblog if you think your followers may like it? I know there isn’t much happening in the 6 Underground fandom these days, but the only way to keep it alive, is if people keep reading and writing for the characters!
All my love my dudes ❤❤❤
Probably best if you check out the other chapters first..... One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
Chapter Eleven: Don’t let me fall, at least not alone
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“Four? Can you hear me?” Billy felt weak, and highly disoriented. His head was spinning, as if he actually was fighting a migraine, unlike the one he was supposed to be faking…. Faking, why was he faking a migraine again? “Four, stay with us!” The voice continued calling out, though why was this person yelling out a number? A name sure, he could understand that. But calling out random numbers? That just served to confuse him more.
“Four, god dammit! Keep your fucking eyes open!” This was a new voice now, one which sounded just as Billy’s eyes had slowly drifted closed against the harsh fluorescent lights above him. How strange, surely these people weren’t addressing him were they?
“Four, please just stay with us a little longer! Five, how are you going with those injections?” The same voice from before was firing orders, her voice holding an edge of fear and concern. Suddenly a shadow appeared above his closed eyes, and carefully he peeled them open, relieved to not be greeted with bright lights, and instead by a shadowed figure. “Billy, please just keep your eyes open for me. You’re going to be fine, I swear.” She was whispering to him, or at least that’s what it sounded like. Though it was hard to be sure, especially as he struggled to keep his eyes from falling shut once more.
How had things turned out like this? The last thing he could recall, was speaking with a woman dressed in white at a reception desk. Then it had all gone blank for him.
You paced around the small living room of the house you had all been calling base for the past few weeks, sucking in deep breath after deep breath, all the while clutching your arms around yourself in a tight embrace. “Nope, I can’t do it. I cannot do this guys!”
Two looked up at you from her gossip magazine, having taken great pleasure in the abundance of French reading material. She was the only one of you in the group to have settled into your temporary accommodation, and was fitting in with the locals perfectly. Rolling her eyes at your outburst, she returned to her reading. It wasn’t that she was being unsupportive, far from it actually. It was just that she had reached her limit of words of support, forty odd minutes ago, at the beginning of your breakdown.
“Yes, you can. You know you can! We’ve been over the plan hundreds of times now, everything is in place. Weapons are stored in the hospital, the Lushnick’s are there, we’ve seen them! Everything is working out according to plan. Four will be on his way to Emergency within a few hours, then it’s all up to us. We can’t leave him.” It was One’s turn to play reassurer this time around, and he was the first to raise Four as if knowing it would get a rise out of you.
You whirl on the spot, eyes growing wide and pupils blown. “I never suggested we leave Four! I ju– I just don’t know if this mission is a good idea is all?”
One sighed, squaring his shoulders before smoothing his hands down his turquoise scrubs. “Eight, if you had one shot, or one opportunity. To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment, would capture it? Or just let it slip?”
You stare at One, blinking slowly as silence fills the room. “Is – Was that Eminem?” You stammer, shaking your head gently, as if to clear the fog which had settled there. Surely you were mistaken, One couldn’t be quoting Lose yourself, right?....
“Does it make it any better or worse knowing this isn’t the first time he’s used that as a motivational speech?” Seven grins, winking at you impishly.
“I think what makes it worse is knowing that no matter what reaction he got last time, he still decided to try it again!”
“Touché, and dude, get yourself a better speech already!” Seven smirks, patting One on the shoulder as he walks by and towards the kitchen. His uniform shirt half buttoned as he goes.
“Why does everyone know that song straight away?” One groans, looking genuinely confused.
“Because it’s the bloody 2020’s! And not to hate on Slim or anything, but for the love of god, replace your ipod shuffle, and listen to some new music. Please!” You plead, as the startling thought of One thinking lose yourself was a new song creeped its way into your mind, causing you to shudder.
Five steps out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam billowing out behind her. Looking like the absolute goddess she is, with her hair wrapped in a fluffy towel, and a robe concealing her, she fixes you with a strong look. “Eight. You are ready for this. Upon our first mission, we were all terrified. But we pulled through, one way or another we did what needed to be done, and look where we are now. I know what you’re feeling, we all do. We’ve all been there, trust me. But the only way this will work, the only way we will be able to get to the Lushnick’s, is if we stick together and work this mission just as we’ve planned. That means all of us. We can’t be a member short, not this time.” Without waiting for your response, Five walks away, closing a bedroom door behind her.
You have no response, no witty retort. Nothing. Not that it would matter, Five wasn’t there to hear it anyway. Chewing on your bottom lip, you turn back to One, who still looked somewhat put out by your ipod comment. “Has anyone seen my uniform?”
Just after 11am, Billy made his way to the hospital and into the Emergency department, cradling his head between his palms, and groaning in mock agony. His earpiece was safely tucked in his ear, providing him contact with his team. Contact which he had been severely missing these past few weeks. At first it had been bearable, what with your secret texts on your burner phone. But when One had arrived at the safe house, it had been harder to sneak messages, until finally they had ceased all together. But hearing your voice now, ringing through his ears, he felt like he was home. Despite walking into a hospital.
“Genevieve Lushnick is on the move. Last seen leaving Ward 11A.” You advise everyone.
“She finished her rounds in Paediatrics much earlier, not sure where she’s headed now.” Five recalls, the sounds of crying infants in the background of her voice.
“Usually her roster would have her checking on Geriatrics in Ward 7B next. But She’s already been there. That was her second visit of the day.” Seven advises, though he sounds confused. To be fair, so does everyone else. Genevieve was changing up her routine, something she hadn’t done at all during their surveillance of her. So why now?
“Hold on, let me see if I can track her down through the live camera feeds.” You suggest, the sounds of your fingers flying across a keyboard breaking the silence which followed.
Billy’s concentration on the conversation happening in his ear is cut off by a woman dressed in white sat at the Emergency reception desk. A nurse from the looks of her. “Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider?” She blinks wide amber eyes up at Billy, who stares back confusedly.
“Uh, En-English?” A part of him wants to chastise himself for not learning French for this mission. But knowing he was playing the part of a tourist he allowed himself some leeway in the preparation department.
The nurse smiles further, though the more teeth she shows the more forced it looks. “Of course. How may I help you today sir?”
“I just flew in a few days ago, and I have an awful headache. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. All lights are too bright, I feel weak, my head is pounding, and I feel nauseas.”
“Has this just begun, or is this an ongoing issue?”
“No, it just started this morning. I took a couple of paracetamol to help when I woke up, but they’ve done nothing.”
The nurse nods her head, looking down at her computer, as Billy adds in a groan for effect. Just as the nurse asks for personal details, One appears from the behind the desk. “Goodness, what’s wrong with this man? He looks like death on two legs!”
Billy repeats what he had just told the nurse, with One nodding along, and playing every part the good doctor. “You need to be seated immediately. Someone, bring me a wheelchair!” One calls in the direction of the wardsmen who are stood around the waiting room. “Jennifer, you need to be more familiar with signs of a migraine. This young man, what was your name sir?”
“James.” Billy moans, falling back into the wheelchair once it appears behind him, laying his head back for added effect.
“Yes, James could have collapsed at any moment. Please be more mindful next time.” One warns, a harsh glare in his eyes directed at the young nurse.
“O-of course Doctor Cleavers. It won’t happen again.”
Billy can barley contain his smirk at the sound of One’s alias, covering his attempted chuckle with a well-timed groan.
“Does anyone have eyes on Gregory?” Two whispers harshly into her earpiece, causing Billy to flinch slightly, just as one does the same. Christ, Two needs to keep her tone down!
It’s Three’s turn to respond first now, who sounds quite proud of himself as he speaks. “He’s up in theatres, doing God knows what to God knows who.” The sound of a trolley filled with rattling dishes being pushed, barely making his mumbled voice audible.
One moves around behind Billy, kicking up the brake on the wheelchair, and pushing him towards the swipe pass activated doors, leading to the Emergency treatment area. The deafening silence flowing through both his and Billy’s earpieces cause the two men to glance at each other nervously.
“How long ago did you see Gregory heading to theatres?” You ask, an edge of worry hinting at your tone.
Yet another long pause, until. “During breakfast rounds… I suppose two hours ago, maybe?” Three no longer sounds sure of himself, which sets in a sinking feeling in all those on the team.
“He was scheduled to finish surgery one hour ago. Has anyone seen him this past hour?” You snap back, perhaps more of a bite in your words than you had intended.
“Negative.” Replies One in a quiet voice, while smiling at fellow doctors as he pushed Billy.
“No.” That was Two.
“Nope.” Five now, who had been awfully quiet so far.
“Neither.” Three mumbles, likely feeling as dejected as he sounded.
“Well you know I haven’t.” Billy smirks. It was a risk him speaking to the group like this, but currently with his head tilted back, and staring up at the ceiling as he was being wheeled down a corridor, no one really paid any attention to him.
“I’ve only seen Genevieve. The two haven’t been together all morning sorry.” Seven whispers.
“Fuck me…” You breathe out, slamming your fists down on the desk. “I can’t see either of them on the live feeds!”
Carefully, Billy lifts his head once again, turning over his shoulder to peer up at One, who was frowning and staring dead ahead.  “Is there a problem Doctor Cleavers?” He mumbles, keeping the act up for anyone who may pass.
“There very well may be.” One mutters, only glancing down at Billy for a brief moment.
The two continue down the corridor for another few minutes, the bright clinical lights beginning to bring on a genuine headache for Billy now. Finally, they come to a stop in a large treatment room, multiple beds lining the walls, all encircled by blue curtains. Some had been drawn for patient’s privacy, while others remained opened. In the centre of the room was a large desk where Nurses and Doctors hurried to and from, collecting and depositing various prescriptions and clinical orders. “James, are you able to stand to bring yourself over to the bed?” One asks, raising his voice enough to somewhat put on a show for those nearby.
The temptation to ask One to pick him up is almost too great to pass up, but knowing that somehow it would come back to haunt him, Billy opts for standing himself. “I think I can manage, thank you Doc.” Standing slowly, Billy pivots on the spot, and shuffles over to the bed, hoisting himself up and laying back.
“We’ll need to bring your fluids up, I’m worried about you becoming dehydrated. We’ll need to cannulate you. Have you ever had a cannula before?”  One asks, waving for a nurse to come and assist him.
“No, I don’t think I have.”  
“Not to worry, it’s relatively quick and painless.”
The nurse hurries over, and listens as One fires orders at him, orders which he had picked up from watching medical shows, mostly scrubs…. “We need James on a drip ASAP, get that started now!”
“Right away Doctor Cleavers.” The nurse agrees, before moving off to grab the necessary equipment.
Billy turns his attention to One, raising his eyebrows in concern. “Are you seriously going to stick a needle in me?” He hisses, emerald eyes flashing in fear.
One shrugs lightly, turning away from Billy to keep an eye out for the nurse. “Well, I’m not going to be injecting you. Can’t say the same for the nurse though.”
Billy wants to scream, at no stage during the briefings had there been any mention of him having a needle jabbed into him! Hell, if there had been any discussions of such a thing, he likely would’ve backed out! Perhaps that was why there was no mention? The nurse reappears, and preps his work station, all the while One, or Doctor Cleavers stays around to supervise the proceedings, occasionally chiming in with his theories as to what the cause for his sudden pain could be.
“Four! One! They’re coming!” Your voice breaks through the stinging sensation of the needle, panic flying through Billy’s veins. “The Lushnick’s! I finally found them on the cameras, they’re headed straight for-” Your voice is broken by puffing breaths, and the sound of your feet pounding on the tiles as you sprint from somewhere else in the hospital.
“Emergency.” Billy finishes, as the two people who he had been staring at photographs of for months now, strut into the treatment room, patients and doctors alike parting like the red sea as the couple head towards Billy and One. Four sets of eyes meet, and no member of either team is willing to break concentration.
“We’ve been expecting you.” Genevieve grins, her canine teeth almost too pointed, like fangs brushing against her ruby painted lips.
“Thank you, Eric, you’ve done a wonderful job here.” Gregory turns to the nurse and nods his head, the nurse returning the gesture and leaving the group.
“Eight for Four, come in Four!” Your voice shouts in his ear, causing Billy to flinch away.
“Ah, that must be the rest of your team I take it? Not to worry, we have our people taking care of them as we speak.” Genevieve shrugs, before turning to One. “Seeing as you’re so good at playing Doctor, you’ll be pushing your friend. He won’t be awake much longer. I would hate for him to collapse.”
At these words, Billy shoots up on the bed, his head spinning as he does so. “What the fuck does that mean?”
Genevieve waves him off, her nails painted the same shimmering ruby as her lips. “Surely you don’t expect me to give away our secrets? That’s not how people like us work.”
One steps behind Billy’s bed, and begins driving it forwards, following behind the Lushnick’s with a scowl. Billy could see the wheels in his mind turning, as he tried to formulate a plan of escape, though from every way he looked at it, they were pretty well fucked. He could feel his body growing tired, and his mind becoming clouded and dazed, whatever they had given him, it was taking over his body quickly, and any minute now he would be useless to the team.
Fuck! The entire team had lost the Lushnick’s! How did that even happen? Seven was supposed to be trailing them, he had been doing so every other day perfectly, but what the fuck had gone wrong today? Your fingers fly across the keyboard, frantically switching between all the cameras in the hospital. Some provided a live feed, while others only offered playback, but at this point in time you would take what you could get. Window after window pops open on your monitor, squinting at the slightly pixelated images to try and identify who was being filmed.
“There!” You practically scream, causing one of the guards walking past your office to jump, turning a concerned look your way. “Sorry, just uh – finally got a fly that’s been harassing me all morning.” You blurt out, though with a shrug, the guard walks on, either having bought the lie or not caring enough to question it further. You gaze back at the image on your screen, it was from one of the playback cameras. Both Gregory and Genevieve were spotted seven minutes ago in one of the staff only corridors, leading between the imaging department and emergency. “Seven minutes…. How long does it take to get there?”
“Three! Come in Three!”
“Bloody hell, no need to yell Eight. What is it?”
“On your delivery route, how long does it usually take to get between X-ray and Emergency?”
Three pauses to think, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he does so. “Roughly twenty minutes.”
“We’re fucked.”
“What? What does that mean?!”
You ignore the frantic questions streaming from Three, the others shortly joining in with their own confusion. But you didn’t have time to address their concerns, right now there was only one thing on your mind. Beating the Lushnick’s to the Emergency room. With your heart hammering in your chest, and breathing coming out in desperate gasps you turn back to your computer, snaking your way into the hospital power grid.
You know how to do this, it’s just like what you did for your museum heist way back when you had met One. But for some reason, your brain can’t seem to summon the image of what you need to do. You could try a keyboard smash now that you’re in the controls, but that could seriously damage literally everything… “Come on, just think dammit.” You snarl at yourself, clasping your hands into fists, and pressing them against your temples.
Eyes springing open, you fix a harsh glare at the blinking screen before you, asking for a password. “Y’all Lushnick’s are fucked.” The password it simple to guess, trust the Lushnick’s to use their fucking last name as a password. They may be smart in what they do, but they sure as hell know nothing about internet security. The screen turns black, with a 3D model of the hospital slowly building itself on your screen. With each scroll of your mouse, the model shifts, and enlarges to a new section of the hospital.  A blinking blue bar in the top left of the screen offers a text space, and going on a hunch, you type in ‘Geriatrics’ and press enter. The model disintegrates into tiny pixels, before rebuilding just the section you had searched. “Brilliant…” You whisper to yourself.
The geriatrics ward of the hospital consisted of one main power source, with a backup which would boot up and provide energy to the most necessary equipment and lights in the event of the main grid failing. “Five for Eight, come in?”
“Eight here, what’s going on?”
“I’m being followed. There’s security blocking off just about every exit on this floor, and no matter where I go, there’s someone behind me, or waiting for me.”
“Has anyone else got this issue?” You call out, eagerly awaiting replies. There’s a resounding yes in response, with the only discrepancy coming from Seven.
“A couple of guards caught up to me in 11B, they’ve brought me along to help catch the infiltrators.”
“So they don’t know you’re a part of this?”
“Seems like it. And from what I gather, they aren’t onto you either…”
“Perfect, Seven stay with your team. There’s about to be a Code Blue in geriatrics. I’ll put the call through to all security to get to the ward, that should give the rest of you time to escape. Rendezvous in Staff corridor D.”
You don’t wait to hear the replies from your team, once again your body working quicker than your mind. Your hands already working on shutting down the power to the Geriatrics ward. You should feel worse than you do, you were putting innocent people’s lives at risk. But the one thing which had been drilled into you from the begging was, the team comes first wherever possible. It was Seven who insisted on this. But who were you to argue with him?
Your eyes are glued to your screen as you watch a warning light appear over the 3D model you had been working with. ‘WARNING! Main power grid will be turned off. WARNING!’ It was rather polite of the system to warn you of the damage you were about to inflict, however the flashing red image did little to stop you. With one final mouse click, a new pop up appeared on your screen. This one somehow even more urgent, despite no red flashing lights. ‘WARNING! Main power grid for geriatrics has now been turned off. Back up system now operating.’ An alarm was blaring throughout your office, warning you and all security who remained nearby of a system failure. “All units. Repeat, all units to Geriatric ward immediately. Power failure. All units report.” You instruct through the P/A system.” Instantly, you watch as two security guards’ race past your office, down the hall and towards the stairwell.
“Five, have they gone? Can you get out?” You ask carefully, keeping your voice low in case of any security stragglers.
“Yeah, they’ve all gone now. Jesus Eight, what kind of a system failure did you make?” You can hear her laughing now, though you know the doctor side of her is genuinely concerned as to what chaos you had caused.
“Nothing that should cause any real harm, but it’s done the trick.” You smirk, locking your computer and stepping out of the office.
You knew the security alert wouldn’t deter the Lushnick’s, hell even if the building was on fire, you doubt they would stray from their current target. But if your calculations were correct, you still had at least five minutes to warn One and Four of their impending arrival. Your heavy combat boots pound against the tiles, sprinting your way towards corridor D, praying the others would already be there, or at least arriving soon. Pressing your index finger against your earpiece, your voice sounding frantic even to you. “Four! One! They’re coming!”. They had time, they had to have time….. But with no response from either, you try again. “The Lushnick’s! I finally found them on the cameras, they’re headed straight for Emergency!”
Nothing, not a single word from Four or One. This wasn’t right, they were supposed to have time still, plenty of time to get out of Emergency and meet you and the team. But as you round the corner to Staff corridor D, there’s no One, and sure as hell no Billy. “Thank God you got here alright!” Five gasps, running over to you and wrapping her arms around you. You had never known her to be much of a hugger, but you suppose high stakes situations like this could change a person. Checking over her shoulder you spot Three, Seven, and Two all talking amongst themselves. “Where’re Four and One?” You ask timidly, stepping away from Five’s embrace slowly, and looking between her and the rest of the team.
No one seems inclined to answer you, which only serves to send a deep chill down your spine, and for a solid mass to feel as if it had been lodged in your throat. Pressing on your earpiece again, you try calling for the two again. “Eight for Four and One, come in both of you.”
There’s again no reply, and your heart feels like it’s being strangled. “I heard some of the guards talking. There was talk of a couple of intruders being found…” Seven begins, his dark eyes meeting yours, with a look which could only be described as true sympathy.
Sharp, electric static echoes through your teams ears, all earpieces but yours going haywire for five seconds, before silence once more. “What the fuck was that?” Three snarls, ripping the piece out and glaring at it between his large fingers.
An all too familiar voice speaks slowly now in your ear, but as you look around you realise this voice was only speaking to you. No one else could hear her. “Well, who do we have here. You’re not the Doctor, I would recognise her voice anywhere. And you’re obviously not the French one, unless you’ve managed to disguise your accent, which I truly doubt. So who are you…”
“I’m not playing any of your sick little games Genevieve. Where is the rest of my team?” You hiss, causing the others to look up and over to you.
“Eight? What’s going on?” Two asks carefully, stepping towards you slowly.
“Who are you talking to? Three asks, lifting his brows up.
“Ah, see. There’s the French one! I knew you had to be someone else! Eight was it? Oh how interesting. So what, did another one of your team die? Is that why you’re here?”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about! I’m not someone’s replacement.”
“Oh aren’t you? Well that just makes this even more special then doesn’t it? Tell me, which one of these charming young men is Four who you seem so concerned about? Is it this ruggishly handsome tall fellow who keeps glaring at me? Or is it the pretty blonde, with the gorgeous green eyes, who’s having a hard time staying awake right now?” It’s an involuntary reaction, but at the mention of Four, your breath catches in your throat, causing a small gasp to escape your lips. “Ah, the blonde it is..”
“What have you done to him? What can’t he stay awake?”
“My my, so many questions! If you didn’t want anything to happen to him, then maybe you shouldn’t have used him a bait silly little girl!”
“Where the fuck is he?”
“I suppose I could tell you, it would be rather enjoyable to see the look on your face as we operate on him, while there’s nothing you can do about it…”
You don’t wait to hear anymore, ripping the earpiece out and throwing it as far down the corridor as possible. “Theatres. The Lushnick’s have Four and One. They’re about to do something to Four.” You gasp out, barely able to catch your breath, as tears prick the backs of your eyes.
“Shhh, Eight it’s going to be fine, I promise.” Five offers, soothing her palm down your back gently.
“Don’t you dare make empty promises.” You growl, shaking her off and racing down the hall, towards the stairwell.
“What have you given him?” One growls, glaring between both the Lushnick’s and Four who lay on an operating table, barely moving and occasionally groaning. He rattled his arm against the handcuffs which kept him bound to a side railing. He was completely useless, both to himself and to his teammate.
Genevieve turned to him now, regarding him with a cold stare. “I hardly see why that matters now? You can’t do anything to help him, especially not in your current predicament.” She chuckles darkly, before turning her attention back to Gregory. The man barely spoke a word, but the sick sadistic smile which had been growing across his lips these past few minutes, was enough for One to get a better sense of his character.
“At least tell me what you’re going to do to him!” One tries again. He was running out of questions, and by the looks of things, time too. He had hoped he would be able to keep the Lushnick’s occupied long enough for you and the rest of the team to get here, but ever since Genevieve finished her conversation with you, she seemed all the more eager to get this started.
“Well that’s the fun part. Greg doesn’t know yet! Here’s how this works. Greg cuts the patient open, has a bit of a poke and prod around. Takes out what he wants, and then stitches ‘em back up! You never know what will be taken!” Genevieve grins, pressing a red kiss to Gregory’s cheek, who only grins broader.
One has to fight back to urge to both vomit, and throw punches, instead opting to glare at the duo. “You’re both sick, and you’re going to rot in hell once we’re through with you!”
Genevieve waves him off, turning her attention to Four, who was more unconscious than conscious now. Though he occasionally made a slight jolt, or mumbled a quiet sentence. “Should we wait until he is a bit more under before beginning the procedure?”
Gregory turned to her, lifting a brow in curiosity. “And risk the others getting here, before it’s too late for them to rescue him?”
Just as his words die off, a loud crash against the operating theatre door causes both Doctor’s to glance towards the sound. The crash was quickly followed by another, before a gunshot can be heard echoing throughout the circular room, the sound of a heavy body hitting the ground following. “Greg…..” Genevieve whispers, turning to the Doctor, as the double doors slam open. The metallic hingers screeching under the sudden movement.
“Where the fuck is my boyfriend?” You scream, pistol raised, and aimed directly at Genevieve Lushnick.  Seven and Three stand beside you, each holding a gun of their own, with Three aimed at the nurses in the theatre, and Seven poised to fire upon Gregory. Two and Five stand either side of them, aiming at the guards behind them who were writhing on the ground, though they both remained vigilant for any further arrivals.
Gregory lifts a scalpel and hovers it directly above Four’s abdomen, poised and ready to cut. “Ah, you must be Eight.” Genevieve grins, taking a careful step towards you, as Gregory lowers the scalpel closer to Four’s bare skin.
Seven aims at the wall just above where Gregory stands, the bullet ripping a hole in the sterile room, causing Gregory to jump back almost an entire foot. “Don’t even think about trying that again.” Seven hisses, fixing the Doctor with a glare.
“Now now, there will be no need for violence.” Genevieve begins, before taking a look at the guards who were slowly bleeding out in the entry way. “At least, no more violence that is.” She steps forwards again, fixing you with an interested eye. “My goodness you look familiar. Have we met before?”
“I’m positive I would recall meeting someone as wicked and vile as you.” You spit, keeping your pistol trained on your target, your eyes following her every step.
“Hm, yes I suppose so.” You were now engaged in an odd type of dance, Genevieve was slowly circling around you, and you followed her every move, moving in a circle on the spot. “This is where the negotiations begin, I imagine.”
“There will be no negotiations. You tell us what you gave Four, you let him go, and we take you to the authorities who will make sure you both rot in a prison cell for the rest of your sorry lives.”
Genevieve shakes her head no, still walking in her slow circle around you. From an outside perspective, it was that of a lion circling its prey, though to your perspective, you had the upper hand. Or at least, you had the weapon. “No, you see that doesn’t work for us.”
“Fine. You tell us what you gave Four, you let him go, and we kill you both right here, right now.”
Genevieve shakes her head again, looking over to Gregory who was clutching the scalpel for dear life. “Eight, something’s wrong…” One calls, looking over to Four. The young man was beginning to convulse on the operating table. His skin was flushed in tiny pinprick sized red dots, and his chest was rising and falling in rapid laboured breaths.
You chance a glance over to Four, and your heart stops. Something was horrendously wrong. “Five, go check on him!” You screech, turning your full attention back on Genevieve as Five races past you. In a split second, you pocket your gun in the back of your jeans, and lurch forwards, fists griping into the collar of Genevieve’s shirt. You hold the fabric with such ferocity the seams popping in her shirt is almost audible, but your blood is pumping too loudly in your ears for you to hear. “Tell me what you gave him!” You’re practically screaming now, directly in her face, yet Genevieve doesn’t seem phased at all. She was used to outbursts such as this, granted they were typically from a grieving mother or father, and not someone threatening her life, but none the less, it felt like just another day in the office.
“Not until we strike a deal!”
There’s only one thing running through your mind as your eyes lock onto Genevieve’s, the training fight you had had with Three all those months ago. Only this time, there was no one fighting back, you had the power. Your leg steps behind Genevieve’s left, and you sweep out with your entire weight, releasing her collar just as her knees gives way and buckle beneath her weight, and she crumbles to the ground bellow you, her back smacking the hard tiled floor with a crack. Instantly, you’re on top of her, kneeling down against her stomach and pinning her to the ground.
“You bitch!” She shrieks, coughing as she attempts to regain the breath you had knocked out of her, though with almost your entire weight leaning into her now, it was unlikely she would.
“I’m terribly sorry. I guess I lost my footing.” You smirk, pressing your knee harder against her. Causing Genevieve to cry out in pain.
Gregory races forwards, his scalpel dropping to the ground in his haste. “Get off of her!” He calls, wrapping her palms over your shoulders and attempting to tear you away.
Three steps in, shoulder barging him in the stomach and sending the Doctor crashing to the ground beside his wife.
“Guys! I think Four’s having a severe allergic reaction to whatever concoction he was pumped full of!” Five yells, a stethoscope looped around her neck, as her frantic eyes meet yours. “Is he allergic to anything you know of?”
You stare back at Five, your mind going completely blank, you feel like a deer caught in headlights. Surely Four would’ve told you if he had any allergies, right? And perhaps he had done just that, but standing here now, with all hope resting on your shoulders, you couldn’t think of a single thing which may be useful in this situation. Shaking your head, a growing sense of dread filling you, as the rest of the team remain silent. “I- I don’t know….”
“I can give him an Epipen, but I need to know what he’s either had, or what he’s allergic to so I can get him the proper antidote!”
Tearing your eyes away from Five, you look over to One, who not only felt but looked entirely useless, chained to a handrail on the opposite side of the room. Your eyes searching his for an answer. Your mission was to capture the Lushnick’s, and right now, that was exactly what you had done. But if you kept them as they were now, as prisoners, Four could die….. Was that a sacrifice you were willing to make?
All One could offer was a gentle half smile, shrugging his shoulders slightly in his compromising position. He couldn’t offer you an answer, hell you couldn’t even offer yourself an answer….
Carefully, you release some of the pressure from Genevieve’s stomach, just enough for her to look up at you in surprise, blinking wide eyes up at you. “Tell me what you gave him, and we’ll let you both go.” You mutter, fighting back the urge to swallow back your own words.
A wicked smirk unravels over Genevieve’s lips. The kind of smirk which one would associate with a wicked stepmother, or evil queen from a Disney film. “Deal.” You release more pressure from your hold on her, until she can breathe properly once more, and Three steps away from Gregory, giving the man a swift boot to the hip just to make his point. “We gave him a combination of penicillin, general anaesthetic, codeine…” Genevieve stands, as does Gregory, both stepping backwards towards the door. Your team moving out of their way upon looking at you for clarification. No one wanted to move, that much was obvious in the frantic looks the others were throwing your way. But at the same time, they all knew the price they would have to pay if they kept the Lushnick’s as they were now. A price no one was prepared for.
“There was some paracetamol mixed in too….” Genevieve continues. They were at the doorway now, hand in hand, gazing behind themselves to make sure the way was clear. “Hm, what else?”
“Gosh, I just can’t recall.” Gregory shrugs, an evil smirk crawling its way over his lips. His eyes glowing with malice. “I simply have no idea what ese they’re may have been!” He calls with enthusiasm, before both pivot on the spot, racing from the theatre.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” You shriek, your sight going red as you sprint after them down the corridor, pulling your gun out as you give chase. Genevieve looks at you over her shoulder as they reach the stairwell, regarding you with a look of familiarity.
“Eight! Eight, it’s not worth it!” Two yells from the doorway, watching you with a deep concern. She knew what you were capable of, your whole team did, but not the Lushnick’s. And from the looks of things, they didn’t care either. You stop halfway down the corridor, releasing the safety on your pistol and firing three shots at the door Gregory hand his hand pressed against. He jumps backwards in shock, glaring back at you, pure fury masking his features.
“Yes Eight, listen to your friend. She seems to be the brains of this group. We wouldn’t want you getting hurt now would we?” Genevieve snarls, baring too many teeth to be considered even remotely friendly.
Aiming the pistol once more, you line up your sights, finger hovering over the trigger. One shot, that’s all it would take. A bullet to the middle of Genevieve’s forehead would kill her instantly, and Gregory would have no choice but to surrender. “Are you going to kill me? Shall I say hello to Kellie when I see her?”
You stare at Genevieve, her words ringing through your ears, and sending a jolt of shockwaves straight down your spine. In that moment of hesitation, the Lushnick’s push through the stairwell door, and flee.
You’re paralysed on the spot, staring after where the Lushnick’s had stood moments ago. They recognised you. They knew who you were and why you wanted revenge. But how? It had been years since you last saw them, you had been a child! Surely you looked different now from back then? But they knew you! They remembered Kellie… A gun shot rings down the corridor, the sound of metal clanging to the tiled floor following directly after.
“Eight! What happened?” One yells, now free of his handcuffs, and jogging down the corridor to meet you. You hadn’t moved. Still stood with your arms raised, and gun pointed to where Genevieve had stood.
“They – They knew me.” You gulp, putting the pistol away with shaking hands, and turning to look up at One. Tears were brimming in your eyes, though you refused to let them fall. At least not yet.
“What? But how?”
“I don’t know! That’s the fucking problem.” You hiss, storming away from One back towards the theatre. Once back, chaos surrounded Four, with everyone racing around him handing various different equipment and medications to Five, as she prepped some kind of antidote perhaps. “How’s he doing?”
Five looks up at you, regarding you with a careful mix of sympathy and hope. “The EpiPen gave him enough adrenaline to wake up again, though he’s extraordinarily groggy. Now I’m just tyring to figure out exactly what to give him to counteract the other shit that’s pumping through him.”
You nod your head in thanks, knowing you would find the time to thank Five properly once all of this was over. “What can I do to help?”
“We need to try and keep him awake, he keeps coming in and out of consciousness.” Three replies, as he passes Five a vile of clear liquid.
“Four? Can you hear me?” You ask carefully, stepping over to him and squeezing his hand tightly. His warm fingers curl around yours in reply, before falling limp against your palm.
“He’s out again! Wake him up!” Five yells to those in the room.
“Four, stay with us!” You plead, pressing a soft kiss against his knuckles. To hell with anyone seeing the act of intimacy, if One wanted to give you shit for it, he could do so when you were all in the clear. Though checking the room, you can’t find One or Two for that matter, they must still be in the corridor where you had left them?
Slowly, Four blinked his eyes open, frantic emerald flickering around the room and searching for something, or someone. Just as his eyes landed on yours, they fell shut again, and his body spasmed once more.
“Four, god dammit! Keep your fucking eyes open!” It was Seven yelling this time, his voice booming above all other noises in the vast room.
“Four, please just stay with us a little longer! Five, how are you going with those injections?” You can hear the tears in your voice as you beg for him to open his eyes again, but they remain closed. Turning to look at Five, she looks frazzled. Her hair which had started in a neat, slicked back bun, was now hanging loose down her back, and was wild with frizz. She looks up at you, not quite in a glare, but with enough ferocity behind the look that you know better than to bother her anymore.
Leaning down, you card your fingers through Four’s blonde curls, brushing away a few stray locks which were plastered to his forehead with sweat. Barely more than a slit, his eyes open and stare directly up at you. “Billy, please just keep your eyes open for me. You’re going to be fine, I swear.”
Three looks over at you, his ears perking up at the use of his teammates real name. It was one thing to use names in privacy back home. But during a mission, however failed that mission may be, now that was new. Shaking his head, he spots One and Two heading over, but with grim looks on their faces. “What’s the plan?” Two asks, her eyes locking with Three’s.
“There isn’t one, not really. We just need to keep him awake.” Five sighs. “I think I know what to give him to help, but I want him awake when I administer it. If it works correctly then it should knock him out for a bit. If he’s already unconscious when I give it to him, then I won’t know if it’s doing more harm than good.”
One turns his attention over to you now, lifting one brow as you meet his gaze. “Any idea what will keep him awake?”
You pause, clutching Four’s hand tightly, and staring blankly at One. “Trivia. He loves random trivia facts!” You blurt out after a beat of pause. All eyes turn to you in surprise, no one quite knowing how to respond to this information. You shrug lightly, averting your gaze from One’s. “We play a lot of trivial pursuit back at base.”
Seven is the first to break the silence, though not to mock you as you had thought would be the case. Instead, he looks down at Four. “Hey mate, did you know high heels were originally invented for men. Imagine Three chasing down the Lushnick’s in stilettos.” He laughs, which causes Four to stir slightly, his eyes opening just a tad.
“Fuck, you’re right. That did work.” One blinks in surprise, running a hand through his short hair.
“Of course it did. I know Four, I know what works on him.” You mutter quietly.
Without looking up, Five smirks to herself. “You sure do kid.”
There’s no fighting the embarrassment which claws within you. Perhaps now wasn’t the time to be making suggestive comments… “Alright, keep ‘em coming guys!”
“Um okay…. Uh, Canada has more lakes than anywhere in the world.” Seven offers unsurely.
“Those greedy fucks….” Four moans, causing everyone to pause, before laughing quietly. Good, his sense of humour was still intact, that’s surely a good sign!
Two steps closer, and looks down at Four in deep concentration, before leaning back slightly. “David Bowie, he did not in fact have two different coloured eyes. One of his pupils was permanently dilated after he was punched in the eye during an argument over a girl.”
“Bugger me, really?” Five pipes up, both brows raised in surprise. “I always thought he had one blue and one brown eye.” She shrugs, priming a syringe carefully.
Slowly, Four was waking up. Granted he wasn’t exactly moving very much, but his eyes were opening, and he was grinning somewhat at the facts that were being thrown at him.
Staring down at Billy, something pops into your mind, a fact which you had learnt years ago at school but never shared with anyone else. “Okay, here’s one for you. Madonna’s like a prayer, is actually not about praying, it’s about giving someone a blowjob!”
Silence follows, and you swear you could hear crickets chirping. “Why the fuck is that something you know?” Four groans quietly, his eyes searching all over your face, before finally meeting your own.
“Shit, I don’t know… I also didn’t think that would be the fact that would wake you up the most! I was hoping someone else would say something after me!” You grumble through a grin.
“Nothing could possibly beat that fact.” Four chuckles weakly, squeezing your hand as tightly as he could muster.
Five turns around, holding a full syringe in her right hand, and a sterile swab in the other. “Glad you’re awake. What I’m about to give you however, is going to send you right back to sleep. Sorry about that. But I assure you, next time you wake up, you’re going to feel amazing.” She grins, ripping open the swab, and swiping it over the inside of his elbow.
For the second time that day, Four winces in pain as a needle plunges through his skin. Squeezing his eyes shut against both the sight of the injection, and the stinging pain. Whatever Five had given him was fast acting, and soon enough Four finds it nearly impossible to reopen his eyes now that he’s closed them.
“Move him into the wheelchair there, it’ll be easier than carrying him out of here.” You suggest, pointing to the blue cushioned wheelchair in the corner of the room.
One, Three and Seven all nod their agreement, and move around the operating table, getting into position to lift Four. “Count of three…. One, two, three.” Three instructs, as the men lift Four who simply groans in protest. You watch his limp body be carried across the room, your heart aching at the sight. ‘It could be worse… He’s just asleep.’ You repeat to yourself, once again fighting back the tears which had remained ever present at the corners of your eyes.
Three pushes the wheelchair as you all follow in a daze. Your mind felt as if it were a million miles away from the current situation. For the briefest of moments, you had genuinely considered murdering Genevieve. Never once had you thought yourself capable of doing such a thing. But yet, there you had been. Gun poised, and trigger finger rearing to go. If it hadn’t of been for her words, then she would be dead…
The escape route was an easy one, especially with security still trying to figure out what had gone wrong on the geriatrics ward still. Swiping the keys to an ambulance at the docking bay, you load Four inside the back with Five to monitor him. One drives, Three and Two sitting beside him up the front. While you and Seven sit quietly in the back. Occasionally your focus returns to Four, but mostly you stare out of the back windows, watching as traffic zips around you. You nearly killed someone today… What sort of a person were you becoming? And did you even like the person you were turning into?
Four Eighths taglist (If you would like to be added, please let me know!) @sj-thefan  @not-the-cleavers  @jinxfirebolt18902  @softnorris  @dear-vista  @mixer2b  @rintheemolion  @shane-isa-shame  @keithseabrook27  @tammykelly  @himarisolace​  @buckingpeterparker​  @cailin-lefantasy​  @riddikuluslysirius​  @vivalakatee​  @pxroxide-prinxcesss​
My Masterlist for all my other nonsense! 
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polzkadotz · 4 years
Asas reread their fics - ftayc - part 4
And we’re back to rereading this fic!!!! last chapter i reread was the 7k monster of chapter 3, and this one... oh. Oh, this is also 7k?
if you want a spoiler to interest you, here we go lmao
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we begin with this author’s note bc I don’t think I ever really talked about it here on my tumblr???
It was sort of my first time being recommended, really. I had noticed that my hit count had gone up substantially and I couldn’t understand it, but it was nice??? and then i found the post on the library and I was like Oh. I See.
Whoever it was that recommended me, thank you. Seriously.
But enough mushy-wushy, let’s tackle this giant.
We begin with this exchange, which...
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I was trying to be funny and this still makes me smile so at least I amuse myself lmao
Neil needs to free himself of the plot device I pulled out of nowhere and he taps into his reserves of power that he has hid away for, basically, forever. One thing that I wish I had made more clear, which was basically the vitriol going through my mind as I wrote this fic, was that Neil had been cutting himself of his powers and how powerful he was for a fucking long time because
1) he bought into his mom’s reasoning that his father was simply Not Someone They Could Face and Win
2) he had made himself fit into a mold that would “make him survive” but, by doing so, he basically chained himself to a fraction of the three-dimensional person he used to be, which made meeting Jean and finding out that he had become a pet god for a human even worse because Neil could see all the ways they were similar but Neil had been doing that shit to himself voluntarily.
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Originally, when I thought about making Neil a god in this fic, I did think about modeling him out of an existing god but also, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to make him be someone who was struggling with letting himself be what he was with his full-potential. Someone who had been cutting himself back for so long he had basically lost whatever sense of personhood he used to have. Someone who had started to get tired of cutting parts of himself and forgetting what he used to be so he would survive for--
What? Survive for what? Neil eventually realized he hadn’t been a person for too long and as long as his father was alive, he would never feel safe to be.
Now that I think about it, Neil was very much me working through my own shit about trying to live as myself at the same time that I had different versions of past me struggling with the person I was becoming. The person I wanted to be.
Anyway, back to the story.
There’s a throwaway paragraph where I sort of tease that Andrew’s dragon is becoming "hungry” and it was basically me trying very hard to foreshadow that the priest thing was going to happen lmao
After battling for two paragraphs against the thought of creating a new priest, Neil gets them back on track to go as far away as its possible for both dragons flying.
Nicky tries to get Neil to talk about the god thing, and I like how I made it clear that even being reminded that he had been a god was something conflicting to Neil.
And then we get to the part where Neil suddenly remembers that he has a lot more money than what he had previously said in the first few chapters, but who cares about plot consistency, am I right? Does it show that this fic was edited hastily? Because I can guarantee that it was :3
They stop in Mumbai, I think (the place is not important for past Asas and honestly... can’t say that’s changed lol). Nicky tries to get Neil to talk more about being immortal and stuff. Neil gives a bit of backstory, as a treat, and Kevin reveals what he knows, as a threat I guess lmao
I kind of imply that Neil only had one priest, which... I remember is not what I put in the sequel.............. so I do recommend you reread your fics before writing a new piece, wink-wink
Asas... my god, Asas.
Anyway, after a lot of questioning, they eventually go to sleep and, when Neil wakes up from a nightmare, he has his daily fairy tale dose from Andrew, who’s also awake. I gotta be honest, I don’t even remember that fairy tale but it explains the Aaron, Andrew and Tilda.
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After everybody wakes up from their naps, they go to their last destination: Tokyo.
Wait lemme check:
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when did they leave Mumbai in my story?
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when did they reach Tokyo?
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yeah, that math totally checks out.
Whatever. As they arrive in Tokyo, Neil splurges even more money on a hotel for the whole crew, even though they had been pretty not nice to him as a whole lmao. But! The boy believed he was going to die, so what was he going to do with all that money?
Nothing, so he programmed an email to be sent to Andrew with the info for some of his bank accounts and fucked off to try and find what his mother had stolen.
Neil gets on a ferry that will take six hours to reach the island where is the volcano that his mother had made him hide his father’s immortality. Neil got nekkid because he wanted to have clothes when he got out of the volcano, you know?
(Also, yes, I’m gonna ignore the other time inconsistency from his travel inside Japan, I was very much pressured by the whole “got recommended on the library” okay, you can judge me through those lenses)
Unfortunately, for him, he wasn’t alone when he finally climbed out of the volcano.
Fortunately for him, this Ichirou Moriyama doesn’t want his father, who is very much interested in becoming immortal, to actually become immortal. Neil explains the whole immortality thingy (I found some typos and honestly? I shan’t fix them. It adds character) and Ichirou subtly kicks Neil’s clothes closer to him, which... I get it, my guy. It’s kind of difficult to have an intimidating conversation when someone’s bits are out and about.
As they are trying to hash out their problem -- as in, Neil’s father told them that Neil’s immortality would be viable to cure Kengo --, Andrew appears blowing his ball of flames onto both of them, and Neil uses his powers to create a pocket that repels the fire, so it doesn’t touch him or Ichirou.
(Why didn’t he use those powers on his clothes, as well? Dunno, don’t poke at my plot too much or it will definitely crumble right into your face, you’re gonna inhale too much dust and die from fandom toxicity, AND THAT’S NO WAY TO REACH A GOOD DEATH)
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Neil, my dude. The dragon thought you were in danger? Chill out???
Neil rages for a few seconds but quickly turns that into a situation to ask Moriyama for his protection against his father, since Neil just technically saved his life.
Oh, and if you think “Uhhh, why would Neil even believe that Ichirou would keep his word?”
Don’t worry, I gotchu:
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Ichirou agrees with the deal, for plot reasons. Since he got a deal out of it kind of easily, Neil thinks, “Wait a minute. If I give my father’s immortality to this Moriyama, literally passing the hot potato around, then the Moriyamas won’t be after me for an immortality, my father probably won’t be immortal and come after me as the death machine he used to be and I might be able to use it to free a certain god????”
So Neil uses his father’s immortality to bargain for Jean’s freedom, and he doesn’t wait for Moriyama’s response for that one. He simply hops onto dragon!Andrew’s back and they fly away into the... sunset? Sunrise? Don’t ask me, I clearly can’t keep track of the time passage in my fics.
And this is the end of the chapter!
Let me say something that I hope will be quick: this chapter felt much better written to me then the other three. It’s shaky in places, definitely, and it could’ve gone through a more severe round of editing, but I can certainly feel the positive outcomes of the pressure I felt after my work got a shout-out. This fic had been pretty much geared towards myself, so writing about the world-building wasn’t my focus at all in the other three chapters. In this one, I try to at least explain some concepts I came up with which???? Go me??????
I still wish I had taken the time to work on this entire fic to make it as close to what I had in my head, but in a comprehensive form for the attention that it got, you know? I mean, from the ashes you crawl is still my most everything -- most kudos, hits, comments, bookmarks...  It deserved so much better but also... I like that it feels rough? I like that it can clearly help to contrast the growth of my style or whatever?
It was written after a long, long writer’s block, and it only got edited and posted because I decided to participate in an event for a different fandom and it got me excited about writing again.
Anyway, I’ve talked too much. Here’s to hoping I can contain myself in the next posts lmao
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
“Two title fights! Two title fights! Cub Swanson! Bethe Correia! CARE!” UFC 227 Preview
July  29th, 2018
Do you folks remember those movies where the mad scientist/business director/army general/warlord would shout something along the lines of "I don't want excuses, I want results!" before going on a tirade about how things aren't being done?
Welcome to UFC 227!
This card has two fundamental flaws that for better or for worse will prevent it from being viewed in any sort of positive light heading into it. The first part is that MMA fans are like the sort of folks I've run into working in office buildings and apartment complexes  in New York City. These people pay premium prices for a service and they expect said good or service to be delivered. They don't want to hear that you're short staff or that you've run out of something; they're paying for it so they expect it. They don't care that your "We're only human" excuse is perfectly valid. This card on paper started off with the promise or allure of GSP/Nate Diaz and Gustafsson/Rockhold among other things. I've discovered that the more the show has to change from its original incantation, the more and more the audience grows to reject it. To quote WB Mason, “Just is good is never ever just as good.” EVEN if TJ/Garbrandt II and Mighty Mouse/Cejudo II are perfectly acceptable high level MMA title fights that stayed the same, it's irrelevant to what we're NOT getting and so all of it matters nil in the grand scheme of things. The days of "At least the main event stayed together" or "Well kudos to them for saving the show!" are gone for this audience. MMA fans don't want your excuses, they just want your results. Once a card FEELS like it's being throw together in a slapshot fashion, you can't win them back. The excuses for UFC 227 are valid but the results are a pale withered birch compared to what we were assuming to be offered. The second flaw is that in MMA, unless it's REALLY special, you can't "Been there, done that" folks. My belief is that rematches can only sell when the element of surprise is at play. There's no real great high level excuse that either Cejudo or Garbrandt can rely on to convince audiences that things will be different. Cormier had the cocaine induced frenzy Jones was on for their first fight, Lesnar had the whole Steve Mazzagatti excuse and Conor (and Dana) offered up 1,000 excuses as to why Conor lost to Nate the first time. All we know on Cejudo and Garbrandt is that the champions of those title fights dispatched of them with ease. That doesn't get you excited for a rematch you have to pay premium prices for. Throw in the size-ism (this card has one fight above 155 lbs) and just the general fatigue from what was a very busy/very good July for MMA and we're limping into this show.
Despite that, I still like this card. It's not the sort of card I'd pay $60 solo for but it is absolutely a "If you can split the price" type card that will likely surprise you IF you order it. Henry Cejudo is the best fighter at 125 lbs not named Demetrious Johnson and earned the rematch with two definitive wins in a row, Cody Garbrandt was the logical choice above the likes of Dom Cruz (he beat Cruz who beat TJ) and Assuncao (We've seen TJ/Rapha twice now). Two title fights plus a tremendous featherweight fight as Renato Moicano tries to take the next step in his career against Cub Swanson who is now in that "I'm about to fall out of relevancy!" stage of his UFC career where he seems to rattle off six wins in a row. Moicano may be MMA's best fighter nobody really even knows about and he's the one dude who came the closest to solving the Brian Ortega riddle. Thiago Santos gets to potentially style on a good regional dude in Kevin Holland and JJ Aldrich vs Polyana Viana is...well it's on the show I guess. MMA's best weight class gets to shine as there's five bantamweight fights and all of them are tremendous quality. Jose Torres is back in business and he draws a tremendous fighter in Alex Perez in arguably one of those "Look back in five years and be shocked two dudes this good fought one another this early in their UFC runs" fights. Even Betche Correia is back and Betche vs Irene Aladana has some fun fight potential. I'm going to give this show until the end of the prelims to sell me on it, chances are I'm gonna wind up taking the plunge.
Fights: 13
Debuts: 3 (Kevin Holland, Montel Jackson and Matt Sayles)
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 4 (Gus vs 8 people cancelled, Bharat Kandere OUT, Marlon Vera IN vs Wuliji Buren, BenitoLopez OUT, Montel Jackson IN vs RIcky Simon)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 6 (Henry Cejudo, Demetrious Johnson, Cody Garbrandt, TJ Dillashaw, Cub Swanson, Bethe Correia)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 2 (Cub Swanson, Marlon Vera)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 6 (Demtrious Johnson, Henry Cejudo, Cody Garbrandt, JJ Aldrich, Ricardo Ramos, Kyung Ho Kang)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2016 (in the UFC): 27- 10
Demetrious Johnson- 4-0 Henry Cejudo- 2-2 TJ Dillashaw- 3-1 Cody Garbrandt- 4-1 Thiago Santos- 4-3 Kevin Holland- 0-0 Polyana Viana- 1-0 JJ Aldrich- 2-1 Cub Swanson- 4-2 Renato Moicano- 3-1
Divisional Breakdown:
Bantamweight- 5 (!) Flyweight- 2 Women's Strawweight- 2 Featherweight- 2 Middleweight- 1 Women's Bantamweight- 1
Too High Up- JJ Aldrich vs Polyana Viana
A fool would say Thiago Santos vs Kevin Holland is too high up. Santos is coming off a loss to David Branch and Holland is making his debut. Three casual reasons why you're wrong; 1) Thiago Santos has not been to a decision since 2015, spanning eight straight fights where he's either finished or been finished before the the end of the second round. 2) This card is so small in size and stature that for the sake of variety, bigger fellas are necessary. 3) Even if Kevin Holland isn't anything; I'd rather see him get a chance to prove what he is/isn't on the main card than if he was buried on the FX Prelims. For me, Aldrich vs Viana is a fight that has no point on probably any main card ever. That's no knock on both ladies as Aldrich is 2-1 in the UFC and Viana smelted Jamie Moyle in her debut. It's just not a PPV quality fight by any stretch of the imagination. Holland vs Santos probably isn't either BUT again, this card is so small in size that any "big" dude is getting the main card spot. 115 lbs is back in another one of their finishless ruts and this fight figures to not do anything to change that.
Too Low- Ricardo Ramos vs Kyung Ho Kang
Why is this on the FIGHT PASS prelims and not even the top fight either? Jose Torres vs Alex Perez is at least a tremendous fight with a dude who has been built up to the Fight Pass audience in Torres. Ricardo Ramos has wins over Michinori Tanaka and Aiemann Zahabi and the last one was a spinning back elbow KO in a tremendous fight. He should be higher. Kyung Ho Kang is coming off a triangle win over Guido Cannetti in a really good first round finish. These guys are at least televised prelim quality and DARE I say, I'd have no issue with them on the PPV main card either. Ramos is probably my new favorite Brazilian up and comer whose sole loss was a banana peel fight vs Manny Vasquez that Vasquez is still riding off of (and Vasquez is no slouch either!). Ramos should be off Fight Pass by now.
Stat Monitor for 2018: Debuting Fighters (Current number: 19-23):  Kevin Holland, Matt Sayles, Zhang Weili and Montel Jackson
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 20-10): Marlon Vera, Montel Jackson
Second Fight (Current number: 29-21): Ricky Simon, Polyana Viana, Wuliji Buren, Sheymon Moraes, Jose Torres
Cage Corrosion (Current number: 15-26):  Bethe Correia
Undefeated Fighters (Current number: 22-17):  Jose Torres, Montel Jackson
Keeping An Eye On But Not Really:
The UFC Win Check Test The records of fighters who have 4 or more UFC fights (or three full calendar years in the organization) but 0 wins against people still in the UFC:
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- So what necessarily can each losing fighter do to give themselves a better chance to come out on the right end of their respective title rematches? Cody Garbrandt's biggest change I suppose would be to temper his aggressiveness and fight smarter. No, he's not going to outpoint TJ over the course of 25 minutes given their respective styles. At the same time, we know Dillashaw CAN be hit (and Cody CAN hurt him) so it's not a matter of IF he can hurt him. Garbrandt completely abandoned what worked in the Cruz fight and what he did share in both fights was an at times willingness to style a bit too much. It works vs a dude like Cruz who can't hit you hard enough to back you off or make you pay for it. It's not going to work against Dillashaw who hits really hard. Cody's walk em down and flurry for power can work in spurts but he needs to pick his shots better. For Cejudo? I got nothing. Cejudo's improved by leaps and bounds with his hands but we've seen this before. Against Dustin Kimura, he looked like an all world striker----and then he went back to being a clinch happy potshotter who was frustrated by the quality of takedown defense by the likes of Chico Camus and Jussier Formiga. The only guys who can beat Mighty Mouse are the guys who are a) bigger than him (check for Cejudo), b) make him pay for when he gambles on exchanges or poor exits with pressure (???) and c) do NOT think that the best way to beat him is to try and sucker him into a grappling exchange. It's like when everybody figured that beating Anderson Silva would come down to trying to smother him for five rounds. If Cejudo thinks he can beat Mighty Mouse just because Sergio Pettis was happy to give him his legs and play guard then he's in for a world of shit.
2- This is without question the biggest test of Cody Garbrandt's career. Cody's obviously been through plenty tougher in his personal life but this isn't just a situation where you see a young prospect have to bounce back from a loss. Garbrandt got finished by a guy he considered a friend in violent fashion on the biggest show of the year when 11 months prior he had basically stated his case to be the UFC's next Urijah Faber. Garbrandt was humiliated and nothing is more hurtful than when the humiliation is from someone who knows you. After running through a bunch of dudes, Garbrandt's ego has been checked and while we've seen TJ recover (his first UFC fight was a loss), the onus falls on Garbrandt to bounce back similarly. He'll have to figure it out and get back on the right track in another pressure cooker.
3- Marlon Moraes, Dominick Cruz or Raphael Assuncao for the winner?
4- Whatever you do, don't snooker yourself into believing that we're getting DJ vs the winner of this fight next. Be surprised rather than disappointed for once.
5- The key to all Henry Cejudo fights is basically the same to all Mighty Mouse fights; Just how long is it before they seem to get bored? The difference is that a bored Mighty Mouse seems to check in while Cejudo seems to check out.
6- Irene Aldana's UFC run has been....interesting. Compare it to Alexa Grasso's run where it feels like Grasso is getting the bare minimum out of her time to Aldana who is 1-2 but has at least showcased what she's capable of in each fight. Against Leslie Smith she seemed ill prepared for Smith's boxing chops until it was far too late. Against Kaitlyn Chookagian, she got outworked in a fight where I feel like she took it pretty convincingly. Against Talita Bernado, she was pretty much on point early and then coasted late. Aldana has showcased some really good work and this division probably needs her to be really good really quickly. Her kicking game comes and goes, she still looks weaker than everyone she faces but her takedown defense and her boxing chops are really good. There's still upside here in a division where Cat Zingano and Sara McMann are still quality capable 135ers. EVERYONE who has beaten Bethe in the UFC has either been a champ (Holly Holm and Ronda Rousey) or gone on to fight the champ (Rocky Pennington). What's more Bethe is the sort of fighter who will give Aldana every opportunity to stand and trade with her. IF Aldana finishes Bethe, it's going to open up a ton of eyes.
7- Cage Warriors Brett Johns chose to show up at the worst time possible vs Aljamain Sterling.  Against an opponent he couldn't outmuscle or outathlete, Johns looked woefully out of his depth. To Johns' credit, Sterling on his top game tends to do that most guys. Brett Johns gets a reset vs Pedro Munhoz who is in a similar spot of "Okay now what?" In many ways this is where the bantamweight division has its big problem; there are so many fighters in similar spots of "Okay now what?" because everybody is good and everybody is in this clogged artery where 10-15 great fighters like Brian Kelleher, Aljamain Sterling, Brett Johns, Pedro Munhoz, Iuri Alcantara, Jon Dodson, Rob Font and Douglas Andrade are all beating one another to try and create a pecking order outside of the top 5. Everytime a guy wins, he gets knocked off by a guy who lost to someone else so the snake is always eating its tail. This is another one of those fights.
8- Renato Moicano has more relevant wins in the last three years than Cub Swanson does. Jeremy Stephens and Calvin Kattar trump Hacran Dias, Kawijiri, Choi and Lobov.
9- TheAntiCool in the past has talked about how Moicano is the sort of guy who needs a lot of breathing space and distance to operate. Swanson is normally very good if nothing else at being able to fight both forwards and backwards. He and Greg Jackson made the switch really quickly on Doo Ho Choi once they felt he couldn't keep up going backwards and I imagine the gameplan is going to be similar unless he just wants Moicano to tactically work him over with his howitzer jab and leg kicks. Also keep an eye on the body work from Swanson because the most underrated aspect of Ortega vs Moicano was that Brian Ortega made a conscious decision to go after Moicano's body once he got pieced up in the first round.
10- I wonder how many people who hopped off the Jose Torres bandwagon will come hopping back on when he (probably) finishes Alex Perez?
11- This UFC stretch of fighters making weight has now extended to three events with this passing Calgary card. Can we make it four in a row?
12- Chris Curtis not getting a contract got some folks really mad/sad on twitter but to me the real miss of the Contender Series was Montel Jackson not getting a deal. Jackson pretty much dominated Rico Discullio en route to a third round stoppage and I believe the only reason he didn't get signed was because he lost points due to excessive fouling. He's rough around the edges but also tremendously gifted from an athletic POV and he flashed so many raw intangibles that I'm really excited he's getting this short notice opportunity vs Ricky Simon.
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