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jackdaw-kraai · 4 months ago
Anyway, introducing How To Write A Mythos One Tale At A Time, my new one-shot collection work! All kinds of one-shots, snippets, and shorts will find there way here whenever inspirations strikes between writing the bigger installments, so it's got a ? for a chapter indicator, but don't let that put you off. All chapters so far are self-contained and finished.
Either way, here we now have the first chapter! Zev and Tirian meet again at a nebulous time in the future, but there seems to be something of a shift in their relationship. What could it be?
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yellowmanula · 22 hours ago
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Tengri, Kayra, Adaghan, Ulgan, Mergen, Kyzaghan, Umay, Kuara, Kubai, Koyash, Jak(ak) Ana, Ay Ata, Gun Ana, Yel Ana, Yel Ata
jestem życiem po śmierci
post mortem
palowniczką szczęścia
jestem cieniem po zachodzie słońca
integralną częścią fotonu
ruchem gałek ocznych
guślarką herezji
jestem zerwaną linią życia
w bliznach
po cięciu
jestem gametą proroka
węzłem chłonnym
skażonym rakiem
po chemii
jestem życiem
na jałowej ziemi
jestem integralną częścią układu
jestem kodem w Assemblerze
procesorem syntezy
jestem śmiercią po życiu
fraktalem nadziei OLGA REMBIELIŃSKA
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praecipuus · 24 days ago
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Will reblog for other time zones. Multi's please specify who it's for.
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thesumeriancontrarian · 28 days ago
Asarluhi is a lesser-known yet significant deity in Mesopotamian religion, particularly within the pantheon of Sumer and later Babylon. Originating as a god associated with the city of Kuara, Asarluhi was initially a local god of agriculture and healing. Over time, his attributes and role expanded, particularly as his identity merged with that of the more prominent god Marduk. Understanding Asarluhi offers valuable insights into the development of religious syncretism and the transformation of deities in the ancient Near East. Origins and Early Worship Asarluhi was originally venerated in the city of Kuara, near Eridu, one of the most ancient and culturally significant cities in Sumerian tradition. As a local deity, he was closely associated with agriculture, fertility, and healing. His role as a healer, in particular, became central to his worship, as he was invoked to protect against diseases and other physical ailments. Asarluhi was also linked to exorcisms, being involved in rituals to drive away evil spirits and protect individuals from harm​​. Syncretism with Marduk Over time, Asarluhi’s identity and attributes merged with those of Marduk, the chief god of Babylon. This process of syncretism reflects the political and religious dominance of Babylon over other Sumerian city-states. As Marduk rose to prominence, particularly after the composition of the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian creation epic, many local gods were either absorbed into Marduk's mythology or transformed into aspects of his divine personality​. Asarluhi became identified with Marduk as a younger form of the god, particularly in the context of magical and healing practices. In this new role, he was seen as a divine helper and protector of those invoking Marduk, especially in rituals of exorcism and purification​. Role in Magic and Healing Asarluhi maintained his association with healing and exorcism even after his syncretism with Marduk. He was invoked in rituals aimed at curing diseases, particularly those caused by demonic forces. His connection to water, particularly the sacred waters of the abzu (the watery abyss), was a central element in these rituals, symbolizing purification and renewal​​. Texts from the period include invocations to Asarluhi as part of exorcistic incantations and healing spells, underscoring his enduring importance in this domain. Asarluhi in Texts and Rituals In various Babylonian texts, Asarluhi is depicted as the son of Enki (or Ea), the god of wisdom and water. This lineage further solidifies his association with purification and magic. Enki, as the master of magic and crafts, was a natural counterpart to Asarluhi’s role in rituals, and the two were often invoked together. In some texts, Asarluhi is even described as a mediator between humanity and the gods, facilitating divine intervention in matters of health and protection​​.
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dani60 · 2 days ago
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Oppa sazui kuara shio
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sungodded · 2 months ago
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KOYASH && HIS SIBLINGS ∣ Kuara - God of Thunder, Ay Ata - Moon God, Ulgen - God of Planets, Stars && Shamans, Umay - Goddess of Fertility, Koyash - God of the Sun, Erlik - God of Death && the Underworld
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face-claims-central · 2 months ago
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Marcela Kuara - Brazilian, Unknown
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callmeanxietygirl · 1 year ago
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No son Peso Pluma, ni Carely, ni la Wendy..
Son nada más y nada menos que 3 niños Chiapanecos campeones del mundo de Arimetrica en Malasia 🥇
Iker gamboa, Dariana Valentina y Roberto Cal y Mayor fueron campeones respectivamente en Kuara Lampur, Malasia, arrasaron y ganaron las medallas de Oro, Plata y Bronce.
Los niños Chiapanecos compitieron con 680 niños de todo el mundo, resolvieron 70 operaciones en tan solos cinco minutos.
Íker el actual campeón dijo que para lograr ese resultado estudiaron 2 horas diarias por meses. Es lamentable que nadie los felicitara ni dijera nada.
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mantleoflight · 2 years ago
Guest Muses
Sol Muses
Lyn-5 & Vesper — on request — A former Braytech administrator brought back by an equally persistent ghost, now having to navigate a collapsed world she isn't quite equipped to take on.
Yyventriz — on request — born of Riis and losing her mothers just before the Great Drift, Yyventriz’s adoptive father raised her in the House of Weavers and protected her when they became Wolves. She later became a Marauder, Queens Guard, and fallen Wolf Captain. But that was years ago. Now she is a Defector of House Salvation, seeking to found her own House of Shards and the Fallen Archives.
Kesivik — mid activity — a young vandal who helped a small group of ghosts as a Dreg during the Red War and who now helps as he navigates his new life as a blind vandal and holy splicer hopeful.
Mithrax/Misraaks — on request - Kell of Light, father of Eido Scribe of House Light. Born to Inaaks the first Kell of House Wolves, a former member in the Old Crews, last of the sacred splicers, and worshiper of the Great Machine.
Eliskni Crews — Side characters belonging to the Eliksni pirate crews: the ShatterStars and the Red Sabers.
Tvaskis & Tvarkis — Formerly of the House of Kings, these two brothers have led wildly different lives. One becoming a houseless venturer and the other a Hand in the House of Shards.
The House of Shards — An Eliksni faction that splintered off from House Salvation but did not join Mithrax in the Last City, or the disorganized House of Dusk. Led by Yyventriz, the House of Shards endeavors to do what House Salvation promised but didn’t deliver: build up a new Eliksni people, a people with a future.
The Mantle
Beilio — A Qu’ari AI that took the shape of a Ghost after meeting a Lightbearer and now functions as a guide of the Mantle: remnants of the extinct Light-based civilization, Qu’ari, for future Light Bearers to use against the Darkness.
Kuara — Young Qu'ari engineer who was put into a transmatted stasis until the Heirs of Light (Light Bearers) would come to release the last of her people and use the Mantle to dispel the darkness on her world. Which, unfortunately... hasn't happened yet and may never happen if the Darkness has anything to say about it.
Quan Shi and Yin Su — on request — A strange guardian working as an independent informant with a grudge against the hive and information for anyone wishing to know something.
Ashven — An Ahamkara found in a secret valley hidden away in a green valley trapped inside a time bubble that’s accessible only to those touched by Ahamkara wish magic already.
Ember & Ravah — on request— Ravah is a long-dead hive knight accidentally risen on the moon by an overly determined ghost attempting to raise an astronaut he was buried beneath. Now he learns from Ember about the ways of Light as he travels and reconciles his new life between the Sword and the Light.
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trinitydigest · 1 year ago
Mirah Investment & Development Announces the Launching of Kuara Residence in South Lombok.
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kisahpedia · 1 year ago
Kalender Liturgi 07 Jun 2023
Rabu Pekan Biasa IX
Warna Liturgi: Hijau
Bacaan I: Tb 3:1-11a.13.16-17
Mazmur Tanggapan: Mzm 25:2-4a.4b-5ab.6-7bc.8-9
Bait Pengantar Injil: Yoh 11:25a.26
Bacaan Injil: Mrk 12:18-27
Bacaan I
Tb 3:1-11a.13.16-17
Permohonan Tobit dan Sara di hadapan kemuliaan Allah dikabulkan.
Bacaan dari Kitab Tobit:
Pada waktu itu Tobit bersedih hati, mengeluh dan menangis.
Dengan keluh kesah ia berdoa begini,
"Engkau adil, ya Tuhan, dan adillah semua perbuatan-Mu.
Segala tindakan-Mu penuh belas kasih dan kebenaran.
Engkaulah hakim atas dunia semesta.
Oleh sebab itu, ya Tuhan, ingatlah akan daku, pandanglah aku.
Jangan aku Kauhukum sekedar segala dosa dan kekhilafanku
atau setimpal dengan dosa nenek moyangku!
Aku telah berdosa di hadapan-Mu dan melanggar segala perintah-Mu.
Maka kami Kauserahkan untuk dirampasi, ditawan dan dibunuh.
Kami Kaujadikan sindiran dan tertawaan,
orang ternista di tengah sekalian bangsa
di mana kami Kaucerai-beraikan.
Memang tepatlah hukuman-Mu,
jika kini aku Kauperlakukan sekedar segala dosaku.
Karena kami tidak memenuhi perintah-perintah-Mu,
dan tidak hidup baik di hadapan-Mu.
Kini berbuatlah kepadaku sekehendak-Mu,
sudilah mencabut nyawaku,
sehingga lenyaplah aku dari muka bumi dan kembali menjadi debu.
Sebab mati lebih berguna bagiku dari hidup.
Karena aku harus mengalami nista dan fitnah,
dan sangat sedih rasa hatiku.
Ya Tuhan, biarlah aku lepas dari susah ini,
biarlah aku lenyap menuju tempat abadi.
Janganlah wajah-Mu Kaupalingkan dari padaku, ya Tuhan.
Lebih bergunalah mati saja
daripada melihat banyak susah dalam hidupku.
Sebab kalau mati, tidak dapat lagi aku mendengar nista."
Pada hari yang sama terjadilah
bahwa Sara, puteri Raguel, di kota Ekbatana di negeri Media
mendengar dirinya dihina
oleh seorang pelayan perempuan ayahnya.
Adapun Sara itu sudah diperisterikan kepada tujuh pria.
Tetapi mereka semua dibunuh oleh Asmodeus, setan jahat,
sebelum Sara bersatu mereka
sebagaimana layaknya seorang isteri.
Kata pelayan itu kepada Sara,
"Engkau sendirilah yang membunuh para suamimu!
Engkau sudah diperisterikan kepada tujuh orang,
tetapi tidak ada seorangpun yang kaunikmati!
Masakan kami kaucambuki karena mereka mati!
Baiklah engkau menyusul mereka saja, supaya kami tidak pernah
melihat seorang putera atau puteri dari engkau!"
Maka pada hari itu juga Sara sangat sedih hati,
lalu menangis tersedu-sedu.
Kemudian ia naik ke bilik atas kepunyaan ayahnya
dengan maksud menggantung diri.
Tetapi berpikirlah ia dalam hati,
"Kiranya ayahku nanti dinistakan karena hal itu
dan orang akan berkata kepadanya,
'Bapa hanya punya satu puteri kesayangan.
Celaka Bapa, ia telah menggantung diri.'
Niscaya karena sedihnya,
ayahku yang lanjut umur itu akan mati.
Lebih baik aku tidak menggantung diri,
melainkan berdoa kepada Tuhan, supaya aku mati saja
sehingga tak usah mendengar lagi nista selama hidupku."
Segera Sara menadahkan tangannya, lalu berdoa, katanya,
"Terpujilah Engkau, ya Allah penyayang!
Aku mengarahkan mataku kepada-Mu.
Semoga aku dilenyapkan saja dari muka bumi,
sebab aku tidak mau lagi mendengar nista."
Pada saat itu juga kedua orang tersebut, yakni Tobit dan Sara,
dikabulkan permohonannya di hadapan kemuliaan Allah.
Allah mengutus Rafael untuk menyembuhkan kedua-duanya,
yaitu dengan menghapus bintik-bintik putih dari mata Tobit,
sehingga ia dapat melihat cahaya Allah dengan matanya sendiri,
dan dengan memberikan Sara, puteri Raguel, kepada Tobia, putera Tobit, sebagai isteri,
dan dengan melepaskannya dari Asmodeus, setan jahat itu.
Memang Tobia lebih berhak memperoleh Sara
dari semua orang lain yang ingin memperisteri dia.
Pada saat yang sama
Tobit kembali dari pelataran masuk ke rumahnya,
dan Sara, puteri Raguel, turun dari bilik atas itu.
Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.
Mazmur Tanggapan
Mzm 25:2-4a.4b-5ab.6-7bc.8-9
Kepada-Mu, ya Tuhan, kuarahkan jiwaku.
*Allahku, kepada-Mu aku percaya;
janganlah kiranya aku mendapat malu;
janganlah musuh-musuhku beria-ria atas diriku.
*Beritahukanlah jalan-jalan-Mu kepadaku, ya Tuhan,
tunjukkanlah lorong-lorong-Mu kepadaku.
Bawalah aku berjalan dalam kebenaran-Mu dan ajarlah aku,
sebab Engkaulah Allah yang menyelamatkan daku.
*Ingatlah segala rahmat dan kasih setia-Mu, ya Tuhan,
sebab semuanya itu sudah ada sejak purbakala.
Ingatlah kepadaku sesuai dengan kasih setia-Mu,
oleh karena kebaikan-Mu, ya Tuhan.
*Tuhan itu baik dan benar;
sebab itu Ia menunjukkan jalan kepada orang yang sesat.
Ia membimbing orang-orang yang rendah hati menurut hukum,
dan Ia mengajarkan jalan-Nya kepada orang-orang yang bersahaja.
Bait Pengantar Injil
Yoh 11:25a.26
Akulah kebangkitan dan kehidupan.
Barangsiapa percaya kepada-Ku, tak akan mati.
Bacaan Injil
Mrk 12:18-27
Allah bukanlah Allah orang mati, melainkan Allah orang hidup.
Inilah Injil Suci menurut Markus:
Pada suatu hari, datanglah kepada Yesus beberapa orang Saduki,
yang berpendapat, bahwa tidak ada kebangkitan.
Mereka bertanya kepada-Nya,
"Guru, Musa menuliskan perintah ini untuk kita,
'Jika seseorang yang mempunyai saudara laki-laki,
mati dengan meninggalkan seorang isteri
tetapi tidak meninggalkan anak,
saudaranya harus kawin dengan isterinya itu
dan membangkitkan keturunan bagi saudaranya.'
Ada tujuh orang bersaudara.
Yang pertama kawin dengan seorang wanita,
lalu mati tanpa meninggalkan keturunan.
Maka yang kedua mengawini dia,
tetapi juga mati tanpa meninggalkan keturunan.
Demikian juga yang ketiga.
Dan begitulah seterusnya,
ketujuh-tujuhnya tidak meninggalkan keturunan.
Akhirnya wanita itu pun mati.
Pada hari kebangkitan, bilamana mereka bangkit,
siapakah yang menjadi suami perempuan itu?
Sebab ketujuh-tujuhnya telah beristerikan dia."
Jawab Yesus kepada mereka,
"Kalian sesat,
justru karena kalian tidak mengerti Kitab Suci maupun kuasa Allah.
Sebab di masa kebangkitan orang mati,
orang tidak kawin atau dikawinkan;
mereka hidup seperti malaikat di surga.
Mengenai kebangkitan orang mati,
tidakkah kalian baca dalam kitab Musa,
yaitu dalam ceritera tentang semak berduri,
bahwa Allah bersabda kepada Musa,
'Akulah Allah Abraham, Allah Ishak dan Allah Yakub?
Allah bukanlah Allah orang mati, melainkan Allah orang hidup.
Kamu benar-benar sesat."
Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.
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praecipuus · 15 days ago
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My Turkic deity muses ages from oldest to youngest
Ulgen: 13.7 billion years old
Erlik: 13.6 billion years old *
Koyash: 4.603 billion years *
Ay Ata: 4.53 billion years old
Yalchuk: 4.53 billion years old
Kuara: 4.53 billion years old
Umay: 1 billion years old
Karash: 300,000 years old ( first 'dark son' )
Matyr: 300,000 years old ( second ' dark son' )
Shyngay: 300,000 years old ( third 'dark son' )
* Just adding Koyash && Erlik's ages here for comparison to the rest of their family.
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gdsradio7 · 2 years ago
Brasil se prepara para desarrollar la planta de energía solar más grande del mundo
Brasil se prepara para desarrollar la planta de energía solar más grande del mundo
El Consejo Ambiental del estado de Ceará (noreste de Brasil) ha dado el visto bueno a la empresa nacional Omega Energia para construir la planta de energía solar Kuara, de 4,6 GW, lo que la convertirá en la mayor del mundo, superando con creces los dos parques solares más grandes del mundo actualmente en construcción, ambos en China. El complejo solar Kuara se ubicará en un terreno agrícola…
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lumigita · 3 years ago
Quando o sol toca à terra
Uma noite decidi seguir minha amada em uma das suas descidas furtivas à terra – Cria no meu desconhecimento. Ela sempre gostou de tocar o mar, mas esse não era o motivo de suas visitas recentes. Vinha observar meus filhos. Irônico, não? Os rejeitei por a ofenderem e ela nunca deixou de protegê-los. Ela até conseguiu fazer a companheira do deus da justiça de sangue parar a vingança por ter sentido a mágoa em meu coração. Aquela divindade não sabia cultivar o rancor ou conseguia ver minha saudade?
Pensei que seria a aparição mais feliz da minha existência. Não foi. Filhos ingratos. Humanos insolentes. Só porque eu e ela somos deusas nos rejeitaram. Rejeitaram nossa união. Quase transformei minhas chamas em azul escaldante. Aquela deusa; aquela lua; aquele brilho na escuridão; A minha amada me impediu. Como ser tão incorrupto podia me amar? Outro ser tão oposto. Tão propícia a criar vida quando destruí-la em uma explosão. Será por isso que meus filhos eram capazes de bondades e crueldades? Minha dualidade os turvou? Não sei. Só sei que não os queimei até os ossos, em meu surto de ira, mas agora eles não podiam me olhar sem perder o dom da visão. Ainda alimentaria suas peles – Era sua mãe, afinal -, mas não poderiam mais me ver.
Observei de longe ela andando naquilo que escolheram chamar de: ruas da cidade. Eu sei que ela sabia que eu a seguia – É difícil não sentir a radiação que crio. -, mas decidiu me ignorar. Estava, eu, seguindo migalhas de uma trilha? Oh minha amada, não precisa disso. Eu mudaria todas as órbitas astrais se me pedisse. Vê-la caminhar tão relaxada e feliz era satisfatório. Depois dos problemas envolvendo nossos filhos o seu sorriso se tornava cada vez mais inverídico. A tranquilidade transmitida por ela nunca vacilou, mas se tornou melancólica. Uma visão linda e triste.
Só percebi sua parada ao chegar do seu lado. Me olhou de rabo de olho e convidou a seguir seus lindos olhos claros. Ela investigava dentro de um apartamento. O que sobrou de seu coração – Já que tinha doada cinco partes dele para criar a alma de seus filhos. – batia rápido e triste; O meu – Inteiro, mas todo entregue a ela. – bombeava ainda mais rápido, em desespero. O sangue de uma de minhas filhas começava a cobrir azulejos amarelos. A pele perdia a cor, antes tão escura quanto a minha. Em concomitância meu sangue fervia. O que poderia ser tão doloroso para uma de minhas crianças desistir do meu calor?
Enquanto corria para o banheiro maldito agradecia minha companheira. Eu ainda os amava, ainda eram meus filhos. Minha mágoa havia dissipado? Acho que nunca me perdoaria se justiça os tivesse dizimado por conta do rancor que deixei florescer. Minha filha, Minha criança, não desista. Eu apoiei sua cabeça em meu colo, deixando meu calor curar seu corpo. Mas  … Como … Como curar uma alma que não deseja viver? Coloquei minha pequena na cama, ainda inconsciente, depois de seu corpo estar bem. Ficou assim por horas.
Araci me olhava, com suas orbes gentis, buscando no meu rosto o que passava em meu coração. No segundo que conheci sua existência me apaixonei. Nenhum outro amante fazia sentido. Ela refletia minha luz com delicadeza. Absorvia tudo que entregava e transformava em algo mais bonito. Dava rumo aos andarilhos perdidos. Desabrochava as Dama-da-noite, inundando o mundo com maravilhoso cheiro. Ocasionalmente se escondia de mim. As vezes de forma total, outras tentava me espionar – O que trazia um tom lindo avermelhado a ela. – saindo levemente da umbra. Não me cansava de observá-la.
Ouvimos barulhos de alguém acordando, seguido por um grito. Irritante. Devia sentir-se mais honrada que assustada com a nossa presença. Por mais irritante que o som fosse, era minha culpa. Eu os abandonei e retirei sua magia. Como ela não se assustaria com duas deusas em seu quarto? Tive que rir daquela situação, apesar do aperto em meu peito. Minha criança parecia tão frágil. Seus olhos mostravam cansaço e seus pulso à prova de que aquela noite não foi sua primeira tentativa. Raiva. Raiva era o que me consumia agora. Quem? Quem ousou deixar minha filha assim?
– Kuara! Se acalme! Ou vai assustá-la mais ainda. – Minha lua disse com urgência, mas em sussurro.
“Hidrogênio, Hidrogênio, queime mais devagar.”. Era meu mantra, infantil, para me acalmar. O recitei de forma repetida caminhando até a cama na minha frente. Me agachei, enquanto ela se encolhia contra a parede.
– Não tema, minha filha. Meu pequeno raio de sol. – Ofereci minha mão a ela. – Venha! Estamos aqui para ajudar.
Suas pupilas se dilataram, me entregou uma mão e passou os dedos, da outra mão, sobre uma tatuagem na parte interna do antebraço. Como eu não tinha visto antes? Era uma mulher com cabelos cacheados, mesclado entre vermelho e laranja, beijando outra mulher de longos cabelos brancos e lisos. Um sol e uma lua estavam no ombro de cada uma, respectivamente. Ela sabia quem éramos? Seus olhos criando vida, passando entre mim e Araci, me diziam que sim.
– Qual seu nome? – Perguntou Araci.
– Abayomi, Lua. – Respondeu timidamente.
Me permitiu levantá-la e ficou em pé à nossa frente. Seus ombros curvados e os olhos no chão me incomodavam. Não eram sinal de respeito, mas de medo.
– Um nome com significado tão precioso, mas carrega uma história tão triste. – levantei seu rosto delicadamente. – Você é assim, minha filha?
Ela não me respondeu, no entanto seus ombros se encolheram mais. Normalmente tomaria o mutismo como ofensa, mas esse aparentava ser causado por dor. O brilho que visitará seus olhos se foi.
– Como sabe quem somos, meu pequeno encontro precioso? – Falei com a ternura que costuma usar apenas com Araci.
– Alguns de nós nunca as esquecemos. Esperamos os seus perdões, mães. – Disse a última palavra em sussurro, como se estivesse com medo da reação.
A tanto tempo não me chamavam assim. Também tive medo da minha reação. Só que ela era realmente um encontro precioso. Suas palavras me inundaram de um amor que a séculos não sentia. O amor de meus filhos. Me permiti tão livremente saborear minha reação que não percebi Araci em choque.
– Mães? – Araci perguntou com a voz trêmula.
– Sim, mães. – Respondeu Abayomi com uma voz que parecia assustada e confusa. Ela olhou para os pés. – Não?
Entendi! Minha controladora das marés não compreendia que estava sendo reconhecida como mãe dos meus filhos. Tal ato quase me permitiu perdoá-los, mas ela era só uma. Não significava que todos eles entendiam seu erro.
– Sim! – Me impus com alegria; Olhei minha lua. – Mães!
Araci intercalava seu olhar entre nós duas e sorriu com timidez. Um sorriso genuíno. Novamente veio a tentação de perdoá-los. Não. Ainda não, mas agora eu via a possibilidade. Olhei minha criança nos olhos.
– Me diga! Porque deseja partir, minha pequena? – Não me obriguei a esconder a tristeza na voz.
– Seria arrogância dizer que eles não me entendem? Assim como a vocês? – Ela riu triste e olhou, de novo, para baixo.
Olhei, dessa vez com atenção, para a minha filha. Construi uma suposição do que ela dizia eles não entenderem. Me parecia um motivo ridículo, mas eu sabia que meus filhos criaram suposições patéticas e cruéis para se dividirem. Era como a minha possível explosão dizimadora se manifestava neles? Que importância tinha quantos X e Y ela tinha? Era relevante como eles se apresentavam em seu corpo? Como ousaram mutilar seu corpo infantil? Nem como consentir ela tinha. Segurei na mão de Araci. Não podia assustar minha preciosidade mais uma vez.
– Não. Não seria. – Coloquei uma mão em sua bochecha. – Como eles compreenderiam alguém tão parecida com um deus?
Não contive o riso, nem Araci, ao ver a rapidez com que ela levantou o rosto e as pupilas cresceram.
– Como? – Perguntou baixinho.
– Ora, minha criança. Aye; Iápukôt; Vida; Deus da fertilidade; Mãe terra; Tantos nomes, mas a aparição é igual a você. – Sorri gentil. – Sempre tão únicos. Você é mesmo um encontro precioso, raio de sol.
Ela tentava falar. Nós riamos. Suas palavras se embolaram com os solu��os, do que acreditei ser um choro feliz. Tão frágil. Nem foram palavras tão gentis para tal reação. A quanto tempo ela não era acolhida? Impulsivamente fui abraçá-la. Tarde demais. Araci já a tinha nos braços. Sempre mais inteligente e atenciosa que eu.
– Eu entendo que doi. – Araci limpou as lágrimas dela. – Só que não desista. – Sua voz era gentil e firme. – Quando se amar for uma fardo grande demais olhe para o céu. Uma de suas mães estará lá te amando por você. Então chore. Chore tudo e se precisar nos grite. – Voltou a abraçar Abayomi.
Oh Ókunkun, nosso criador, eu amo essa deusa! Elas se separaram e me aproximei de minha filha. Coloquei minhas mães em seus ombros. Nossos olhos se conectaram e meu calor se alastrou pelo corpo dela. Queria lhe dar meu afago materno. Quando removi minha mão de seu ombro apareceu uma nova tatuagem nela. Onde minha palma havia pousado agora tinha o desenho de uma sereia.
– Você ainda é humana, mas te dou minha benção. Minha pequena sereia do asfalto; protetora do luar. – Finalmente a abracei. – Levante a cabeça e viva. Se aqueça com minha luz pela manhã e siga a trilha que ela clarear à noite. Você não está sozinha.
Fomos embora assim que minha Abayomi caiu no sono, após mais um pouco de choro. Observamos ela pelo céu da manhã. Araci me olhava como se soubesse que o perdão lutava por mim. Foi ficando cada vez mais difícil negar. Desci a terra com frequência para observar meu precioso encontro. Ela melhorava, com lentidão. Um coração esmigalhado demora para se juntar. Por vezes, migalhas quase invisíveis se não recolocadas precipitavam o desmoronar.
Ela conheceu outros gentil. Se rodeou deles. Ela curava o coração deles ao mesmo passo que eles curavam o dela. Araci já nem mais escondia no olhar a obviedade do que sabia: Eu os perdoei. Havia tantos iguais a nós. Só queria viver com amor. Aprender a amar a si mesmo. Não podia mais ignorá-los. Até os que pareciam apreciar as partes deles que mais se pareciam com o pior de mim. Eram minhas crianças. Não. Nossas crianças.
Os lobos um dia me reconheceriam como sua mãe?
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bldrdsh · 3 days ago
It had become something of a hobby of his to try and learn about this TURKIC PANTHEON he'd come to know as Koyash's family. It was certainly LESS complicated than the relations of the Greeks, though if he were to be frank HE DIDN'T know the inner workings of them, so for all he knew it could be just as bad. He liked to THINK at least some pantheons could get alone, but in his divinity he had learned greatly of how EASILY it could corrupt if not checked.
As Koyash speaks on the matter, there's a moment where he thinks back to all the points in which he'd come face to face with his siblings & family members. EACH EXPERIENCE was different, so it was difficult for him to tell whether or not it WAS REALLY as good as they said or not. THEY ALL largely seemed to be pleased with the familial situation SAVE ERLIK. Granted, he spoke little ( if any at all ) about the deemed 'disgraced brother'. He figured it was best not to speak on things he didn't understand.
WHAT HE'D GATHERED from Kuara's explanation was that things were dire with him, but a small grin graces his features when Koyash speaks again. He figures it's ALWAYS endearing to think about him from this light. He was CURIOUS, but there was ALWAYS respect, something he'd largely been denied with his own pantheon most of the time.
"I agree–an eternity by the side of a lover sounds like a dream. LONELINESS has been a demon oft following most people around. I think that PERHAPS divinity could be a blessing & a curse in that regard. WANDERING an eternity alone, but finding a LOVER who shares that divinity could be a BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE indeed."
HE GLANCES at the other god with a small grin pulling at the corner of his lips before he continues idly. MANY of the Turkic gods have been visiting him. It's hard to deny it was UNUSUAL, but he figured perhaps the INTEREST in him was largely to SCOPE him out.
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"Many of your family have come to visit me, your NEPHEWS are an interesting bunch. I think perhaps I have further investigation into Shyngay specifically. I have KNOWN DARKNESS, but I can SEE conflict just as easily. As someone who grapples with such things I like to think perhaps I can help him...ANYONE in a state like that needs help––even if they don't really realize it. A terrible burden, walking around with so much struggle & fear."
It was a notion that the sun god had considered more than once in his existence. How different would he be if he'd had a mortal upbringing? How different would his siblings be? Would they have taken alternate paths? Or tried to, at least? He supposed that Erlik had gone his own way regardless, but would that have changed if they'd all grown up together? If they'd had a chance to change and grow side by side rather than being brought into existence with their whole purpose for being already set out before them?
Maybe it was a pointless thing to ponder, it would never happen, it wasn't something his father would have put to chance, and even then, one of his children had gone astray anyway. Was it merely luck that none of the others had run amok too? That they hadn't followed in their brother's footsteps and also rebelled against their father? Against their duties to humankind?
What's more, what was it like to experience both? To live as a mortal, to have that life, to be surrounded by it, whether living it for themselves or at least witnessing it from others around them, even from the likes of tales and word of mouth. It was more than Koyash could know, only ever watching, not only from the outside looking in, but from afar, as if only ever able to observe from miles away.
What did one gain from once being human? And what did one lose?
"As inherently curious as I am, I'm... also well aware that it does make you feel somewhat uncomfortable. Though you've said you don't mind speaking on these matters, I don't wish to... push my luck, as some might say." The last thing he wanted was to pressure the young deity or put him on the spot, especially about something that was so -- - sensitive, so painful.
"My apologies, my... curiosity knows no bounds, it seems." Though it was a genuine apology, it didn't quite stop the Turkic deity from smiling nonetheless. "An eternity with one's beloved does sound rather blissful." He couldn't deny the thought for a single second, practically imagining it in his mind, watching the Earth below by someone's side, not with a friend, a sibling, but someone he'd chosen, someone whose company wasn't engraved into his fate but that had wandered into his life quite by accident. Was it hopeful? Naive? He wasn't sure but that didn't deter the pleasant notion.
Who was he to judge? He'd loved mortals. Even now with their souls passed on, he still did.
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"Ah... I must apologise for my siblings. Some of us do share a certain... curiosity." Was one way of putting it, he supposed, pursing his lips off to the side with a note of embarrassment. Though the mention of his nephews did have the god's brows lift sharply, mainly the fact that he'd used the plural. "There is so much good in Matyr. He may not always realise it, but he is certainly not his father... and never will be." That, Koyash believed in without a single ounce of doubt. The others, he couldn't be so sure, mainly because none of them dared to cross his path, the old god presuming it was simply down to the fact that they hated him because of Ugen and their father. He would never have guessed that they were also afraid of him -- - such a thought seemed utterly unfathomable to Koyash. "Shyngay, on the other hand... I'm afraid I wouldn't know. He... doesn't appear to like me very much. Sadly, we've never actually met."
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wally-b-feed · 3 years ago
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anthony fineran (b 1981), cya rasi kuara, 2021
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