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ktrie · 5 years ago
Oh hello. I'm back.
Tagged by @filteredred to post my lockscreen, homescreen, and the last song I listened to.
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My lockscreen is a watercolor of one of my favorite places on Earth, Enchanted Rock.
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My home screen is a prophetic painting about knowing/claiming your identity and purpose. Artist is: Janet Hyun
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I have a mix playlist that I update pretty frequently of all my current likes. This is the song I last listened to/am listening to right now.
Ok, I'm gunna tag some people who l've loved interacting with on here. @bipolarronanlynchevangelist @autumnalpalmetto @alex-glasses Bless.
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crimeronan · 6 years ago
Why is this hott tho?? I have problems.
people with problematic taste in adam parrish appearing remote and eerie and empty and dangerous raise your hands
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fxvixen · 6 years ago
ktrie replied to your post: 16 for the sentence asks, if you like? Andreil...
Perfect. Adorable. Precious. I could go on. I’m obsessed with the way you’ve written their character growth.
!!! TT__TT thank you so much! i love writing characters grow
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jsteneil · 7 years ago
ktrie replied to your post “anyone got names for boston exy teams that isn’t the boston rebels?”
From plausible to stupid, in no partify order: Terriers. Whales. Neptunes. Tides. Eels. Lanterns. Jacks (as in Union or Kerouac). Beats. Blues. Winds. Sea-Turns (when the wind changes seasonally in New England). The Nor-Easters. Puritans. Rivers. Continentals. Beacons.
so many names!! Thank you!!
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 years ago
I think the lost fic in which Stiles and Derek are sent to a house in the middle of nowhere is "Terrified of These Four Walls" by Mithrel on Ao3.
Stiles and Derek are cursed and sent to another reality in a house where every time they do something smutty another piece of the outside world appears. Like for a hand job a street sign appears, a blowjob a next door neighbor appears.
Thank you @ktrie!
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Terrified of These Four Walls by mithrel
(1/1 I 5,432 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek and Stiles are transported to a house in the middle of nowhere.
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just-themys · 8 years ago
@ktrie replied to your photo: I know I said I wouldn’t post any Laurent, but...
Gorgeous! And never feel bad for feminine!Laurent, he is working derful!
Aw, thank you.
Well I'm still insecure about how feminine I always make one of the boys in my ships (or one of the girls), but thanks ^^
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christinesficrecs · 6 years ago
Do you know this fic where stiles gets sick and derek saves him from it by knotting and mating him? xo
Does anyone remember this? It sounds really familiar?
Than you ktrie for the help! 
Unbroken by Piscaria | 43.4K
When Stiles starts getting sick, he assumes his appetite loss and lethargy stem from the darkness the Nemeton left in his heart. But soon enough, even he can’t deny that he’s showing the same symptoms his mom had. When he's forced to face the truth about his illness, Stiles finds himself making a choice he never thought he’d make.
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slightydepressedfox · 6 years ago
Tagged by @ktrie
Rules: Tag 20 followers
Nickname: Bitch... JK I don’t have one.
Astrological sign: Libra
Height: 5′ 1′’, but I was 5′ 2′’ like last month so I guess I shrunk.
Sexuality: bi bi bi 
Hogwarts House: Slytherin to those dms (im sorry)
Favorite animals: I love cats. However, dogs are up there, too. And foxes are so cute.
Number of blankets: I have one with alpacas on it, its the cutest thing
Where I’m from: Brooklyn
Dream Trip: My middle school weeb self has always wanted to go to Japan and I would still love to go
When did I create this account: Like 6th... 7th grade. I spent way to much time on this site not to. and I regret it every day.
NOW FOR TAGS: @how-to-not-life @parrishynch @holographicproblematic @ask-the-flea @gre-y-ware-n @orchidcores @bichotorao @vonmandon @katsuyuri @flowerac3 @updreams @my-tripod-pupper @imockusall @sunrise-foxes-death @honhonhonouiouioui @wolvesandwerewolvesbaby @meta4icalfish @hubba-bubba-blossom @mrswithoutfeelings @luminarily
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crimeronan · 6 years ago
this post is to try to @  at least the majority of people who wanted a continuation of this post without spamming people’s dashes with a 2k fic again
u can find more of this thrilling and very stupid content here
@damianfrostofavalonia @the-fantabulous-satan @booksare42 @chaoticgriffins @ktrie @untouchab1e @wrapmeupinplastic @ronanpynch621 @queeromens @dumpsterd1va @bi-bliotaph
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 7 years ago
Anon asked: sterek where Derek’s wolf wants stiles so much it takes over and just follows stiles around. 
We couldn’t find this one before, but @ktrie found it for you!
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Exposed by reillyblack 
(25,204 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, soulmates
Everyone has a hidden side. Derek's just became a little more obvious.
Or, that one time Derek reverted to his pure wolf form, and that wolf was convinced Stiles was its mate.
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lonan-rynch · 8 years ago
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@ktrie sprite is so under appreciated. It's the best drink . It's fresh AND bubbly. Win win
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foxsoulcourt · 5 years ago
Thx for the tag Eza!
Favourite colour: all sorts of blues + greens, esp those you see in nature (leaves, water, flowers)
Top 3 ships: Andrew + Neil; Jean + Jeremy; enough sleep + paid well for work completed
Lipstick or Chapstick: First Carmex or Alba Botanica Lip Balm SPF25 + then, always, MAC Del Rio
Last song: Mannish Boy by Muddy Waters + then Jimi Hendrix's version recorded 22 Apr 1969 (I prefer the former + ummm, gentlemen, I'd like longer than 5 min for goodness sake!)
Last movie: Hustlers - really interesting, just --head's up-- not a feel good experience
Currently reading: @pomponia recommended Sarah Rees Brennan’s In Other Lands which I’ll pick up after I finish Marie Forleo’s Everything is Figureoutable
Who wants to play? @sig66 @pomponia @fuzzballsheltiepants @jsteneil @thepalmtoptiger @egglorru @emmerrr @happyminyards @ktrie + @queen-of-seventeen
Tagged by @jsteneil. thank youu <3
Favourite colour: black, blue
Top 3 ships: neil/andrew, yuuri/viktor, and my love for tohru/kyo has had a recent revival but otherwise my top 3 ships fluctuate a lot
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick because my lips are a pair of dry bitches
Last song: Grey by Sajou no Hana
Last movie: Downton Abbey. Love me some period movies
Currently reading: currently re-reading The Graveyard Book
Tag 9 people you’d like to know better: i feel like i’ve tagged almost every one of mutuals in the past in something like this but here we go: @filteredred @fallingin-like @foxsoulcourt @aminiyard @madam-kyoubin
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djhedy · 3 years ago
tag nine people you want to know better
tagged by @willowbird here :) :) :)
3 ships: aside from the obvious, kevin/aaron, draco/harry, ronan/adam
1st ever ship: draco/harry FOR SURE, in the early 2000s when it was unclear which way draco’s character would go. omg the good old Days
last song: Black by Okkervil River which is a fuckin dark song  https://open.spotify.com/track/2CUoBF5aJpJY1LIwYGLG6R?si=9ff18bbe582641ff
last movie: watched Turning Red yesterday purely because people wouldn’t SHUT UP ABOUT IT and i enjoyed the large fluffy red panda immensely
currently reading: just started listening to The Charm Offensive which has been recommended to me from many directions, but it usually takes me a few months to get through a book these days woops
currently watching: the office and queer eye for maximum escapist tv
currently consuming: dear hank and john podcast (nerdfighteria, anyone?)
currently craving: a sick day from work lol
tagging: I DON’T REMEMBER WHO I’M FRIEND ADJACENT WITH ON TUMBLR IT’S BEEN A HOT MINUTE @etoilegarden @emmerrr @rainbowd00dles @filteredred @lyndiscealin @foxy-exy @ktrie @paradoxolotl @sig66 phew i did it
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hopingforcoordinates · 6 years ago
Holy shit I just read the chapter and am still processing. You've done it again. Every time you update I am so impressed with how consistent your characters are how detailed your plot is. I'm still so I'm love with Unkindness. I left a comment, but I wanted to pop in and give you a more immediate response because holy shit. You really know how to make me feel things!
I loved reading your comment and I really appreciate you sending a message as well. I’m thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the update--it’s one I’ve been looking forward to for a while now lol. Thank you so so much
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skyermirth · 6 years ago
Aw. Thank you, @ktrie, for the kind review! I’m working on another part now. It’ll be a few weeks until it’s done.
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish, Adam Parrish/Original Male Character(s), Richard Gansey III/Blue Sargent, Mr. Gray | Dean Allen/Maura Sargent Characters: Adam Parrish, Ronan Lynch, Richard Gansey III, Maura Sargent, Blue Sargent, Mr. Gray | Dean Allen, Calla Lily Johnson, Jimi (Raven Cycle), Original Characters, Orphan Girl | Opal, Declan Lynch, Matthew Lynch Additional Tags: sort of canon compliant, supernatural stuff, Some Plot, Post-The Raven King, magical stuff, Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and more fluff, mentions of past violence, Past Child Abuse, mentions of child abuse Summary: Adam left Henrietta for Harvard and never returned. Now, seven years has passed, and an unexpected work assignment has brought him back to a place and people he hardly recognizes.
This work is now complete.
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