deathdxnces · 1 year
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thinking about swain's lil map in the level up animation in lor and i'm pretty sure narrative people said 'don't think too hard about it a lot of it is just easter eggs' but they also don't give us enough content so i am in fact overnalyzing this
anyway, it's obviously ionia, and the demon hand would mean it's future plans. the red marking around the placidium suggest it's the central target (which makes sense, with it being not only one of ionia's most sacred places but also where noxus suffered its greatest defeat; capturing the placidium wouldn't be easy i think — there's a lot around it which seems to be why the approach the map suggests is through the south, where they wouldn't go through the yánléi, the kinkou, the wuju or karma and her followers — but it'd be deeply demoralizing to the ionians). the x markings might be related to possible bases? there's one in the island where fae'lor is, and we know for a fact there's noxian presence there (the other one is close but in navori, and there's a third in what could be the intended path of noxian forces towards the placidium)
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i don't have the slightest clue what those mean, if they mean anything at all lmao
but around navori, it's possible to see irelia's family crest
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and considering karma's symbol is in shon-xan, where it's established the lasting stand (the place where she and her followers stay) is located, and the same goes for yi around wuju (plus other markings where the hirana monastery is and the kinkou) i'm just. thinking about what the hell that could mean aidfhasid it could be indicative of irelia hersef (although i always assumed she'd stick around closer to the placidium — she lived there to study under zinneia; it'd make sense for her to still live around there). it could also be indicative of the xan family having at some point been relevant enough to be pointed out, but the lore since her rework gives no real indication of that (her dad used to be a master swordsman and zelos a important military figure in old lore, but the focus on nonviolence being the philosophy of her entire family in the current lore always makes me think none of that was carried over in any form; i guess her dad could have still been an important figure in a leadership sense, though — ionia is pretty divided and he could've been a leader of sorts in their province, possibly nobility of some sort considering they had a family crest/an admiral took their home to occupy it with his officers when conquering the village?)
anyway the real important thing here is the wine stains suggesting swain drinks and stares at this map and possibly plots a second invasion when he's drunk
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