fishytrouble1 · 3 years
Wanting More
JJxReader Fanfiction
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Y/N P,O.V.
I never thought that I would fall in love with the man that I was only supposed to be having sex with. But here I am lying in his bed after having sex with him for the second time today. I can’t help but think about the fact that I want more than just sex with this man. I want a relationship with him.
I look at him as he cleans up after our little late night rendezvous and I can’t help but start imagining a life with him, my future with him. As he finishes up and gives me a smirk, I smile and start to prepare myself with enough courage to tell him my true feelings.
He lays down beside me and covers us both up with the duvet as he slowly places his arm around my shoulders before he starts bragging. “Well that’s the best we’ve ever had if I do say so myself.”
We both laugh at the size of his ego (granted he weren’t wrong) but I soon enough take a deep breath and start to pour my heart out, “JJ look we’ve been doing this friends with benefits arrangement for about a year now and we were friends for 2 years before that. In that time what I didn’t plan for was to fall in love with you. Which is why I’m asking if there’s even the smallest part of you that could possibly want something more than this with me?” 
After 5 minutes of there being no response I realised that the silence was my answer. I got out of the bed and started getting changed in a hurry, as I decided to release my anger at the same time.
“Well I’ll take the silence as my answer. The fact you haven’t answered yet means that you don’t have any part that feels that way. I’m sorry JJ but what ever this arrangement between us is, it’s over. I thought I’d be able to work through it if you didn’t want more but I love you too much to be able to carry on this friendship. It’ll be too hard to have you in my life, so don’t call or text. Just don’t try and contact me at all. Goodbye JJ.” 
I go to leave but he grabs my wrist, “ Wait Y/N. It’s not that I don’t love you I do, I just can’t  love you the same way you love me. I’m sorry.” He admits with a frown on his face.
“So am I JJ. So am I.” And with that I walk put of his apartment and out of his life for good.
JJ’s P.O.V.
2 weeks Later
It’s been two weeks and I’ve been trying to get in contact with her. I even went to her apartment but she wasn’t there. I know Y/N said not to but once I realised how I really felt I had to find her and tell her. Being without her made me realise that I wanted her for more than just sex. I’d fallen in love with her, her laugh, her smile, her company, just her.
“Hey Jide. Are you coming mate? We’ve got a party to get to.” Simon yells at me as he yells through my bedroom door whilst knocking on it.
We were throwing a surprise birthday for Vik today so we had invited all his friends and family along with anyone else he might of known. I just hope that Y/N will be there, I’m assuming she would be due tot he fact she is best friends with Talia and Freya. 
I need to set the record straight at this party and in my search for her, I was shocked at the sight my eyes caught.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
2 hours before the party. 
“Frey, I can’t go. I don’t want to see him. Because I know if I do I’ll never be able to move on.”
“Talia, just tell her already, Please she needs to know.” Freya pleads to Talia whilst I give them both a raised eyebrow of concern.
“Okay, look. Simon told me not to say anything but I’m going to. Apparently JJ has been trying to find you because he’s realised just how he feels about you. Simon said he’s been going mad without you.”
“Oh...Okay.” I sit down not quite sure what do to with this information. “You know it doesn’t matter what happened between us, I still love him and want to be with him. But I don’t want it to be easy for him, I want him to feel a little of the pain I felt when he couldn’t tell me two weeks ago.”
I’m brought out of my thoughts when my roommate Callux walks in. I was staying in his spare room the last few weeks knowing that JJ would never find me here. 
“Callux, my friend how would you feel about helping me make a certain Mr. Olatunji jealous?” I ask him with a slight smirk on my face.
“As long as you promise to protect me from him when he gets mad.” I nod at him to show him I would stop JJ before it gets that far.
But now a couple hours later JJ is stood between me and Callux shouting at him for trying to flirt with me. So I intervene, “JJ you don’t have the right to shout at him after the way you spoke to me two weeks ago. But that being said he was only pretending to flirt with me to make you jealous. I was hoping it would cause you to man up and fight for me unless you truly don’t feel the same way.”
He was shocked but tilted my chin up after I had looked to the floor after my outburst just then. He then spoke, “ Well played. In all honesty I realised as soon as you walked out of my apartment door what you truly meant to me and what it was that I lost. I’m sorry for letting you think I didn’t love you, I was just scared to let you in or that I couldn’t love you the same way. But now I realise that I truly do love you.
All I could do in response was grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. We were so lost in the kiss and the passion that we couldn’t even here the celebration of our friends behind us. Who knew that I would finally get my something more.
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fishytrouble1 · 4 years
Sidemen Mukbang Mess-up
KSIxReader Fanfiction
Summary: You and JJ had secretly been dating secretly for about a year now. Not even the Sidemen knew. You both agreed to keep it share your relationship with friends and family, but not the more recent news, however JJ slipped up.
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You and JJ were more than just friends you were each others best friend and lover. You had secretly been dating for a year now, and in that time neither one of you had told your friends or families.
At first you were just not going to publicly announce it but after some discussion between you both you realised that if any of your friends or family knew it could potentially of been leaked.
Now the only reason you had hidden it so long was because you were both enjoying the bubble that your were in. You enjoyed it just being the two of you. You knew that as soon as the whole world found out that you were dating, your lives and relationship would no longer be totally private. 
In total honesty you were scared about people finding out, even JJ’s friends and families. You were worried that they would think you were a gold digger, or in it for the fame, but you weren’t. You were in it for your love for JJ and nothing else, and anyways you earned enough with your own job that you never expected anything from JJ in terms of that.
You had first met JJ on the underground. You were rushing to get to your job when you bumped into a random man who’s hood was up and had a hat on. At first you were suspicious about a random person trying to disguise their appearance but now you understand it. 
Anyways, when you bumped into them you spilt their drink all down them. You were so flustered you’d grabbed some napkins from your bag to help clean it. By this point JJ’s hood had fallen and hat was off but you didn’t recognise him. What surprised him was that even after seeing his face you still offered to pay for the dry cleaning or for another drink.
He had agreed to another drink if you joined him, so you called in to your work saying you couldn’t make it today but they didn’t mind as you were technically your own boss, they were just the agency. But as you were spending time with JJ you started to really like him and you could tell he did too.
For a month afterwards you saw each other nearly every day, but every time you met it was either at your place or in a private setting. You were starting to panic that he was a criminal or something so when you mentioned it to JJ he just laughed. 
That night you found out about his career and just how famous he was. You were shocked you didn’t know how famous he was but then again you weren’t all into YouTube or the internet scene. This was the same night you also made your relationship official.
What you loved about JJ was how he was so shocked that you never had any idea how famous he was. It’s how he knew that you were genuine and wanted nor expected nothing from him.
Back to the present day and JJ was getting ready to meet the guys for a Mukbang video shoot. He had spent the night at your apartment after you had suggested something to him. 
What he didn’t expect was for you to bring up marriage, which then led to you suggesting that one day the both of you should get married. After you mentioned it he knew he couldn’t live without you so he proposed and you said yes. 
But within your celebration you couldn’t help but feel bad that none of your friends or families knew. So you and JJ agreed that within the next month you would tell them all privately before going public with your relationship. You wouldn’t announce the engagement however until after you were actually married.
So today he was extra excited as he was going to be telling the boys, after their shoot, about your relationship. You were nervous as you weren’t sure how they were going to react or how they were going to think of you. After JJ told you about them, ]you understood just how much of a family they were. You knew they meant the world to JJ and you were a bundle of nerves about meeting them later this afternoon.
After JJ had left, you went to work and mainly done paperwork to help keep you distracted from the impending meeting. Although the more you thought about the more you realised that as long as JJ was sure and confident in your relationship so will the Sidemen be.
After a few hours of being at work you got a message from JJ saying that you guys had a problem and to meet him at the address he’s sending you. With the cryptic messages from JJ you started worrying over his safety as well as the safety of his friends. You rushed from your work to the address he sent and barged your way in.
“JJ, where are you? Please tell me you’re alright. Please tell me the guys are too.” You start shouting, hoping to find JJ safe and sound.
As you enter a room you see all the Sidemen sat there with smirks on their faces and JJ with a sheepish grin on his. Observing the situation you see that everyone is fine and that the guys are all looking at you as if to figure you out.
From the situation you gather that JJ may have just blurted out to them about more than just him having a girlfriend. You were happy but more pissed that he had made you rush down here for this.
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“Olajide Olatunji, please tell me that I did not just rush down here just because you finally told your friends about us?.” You glare at him angrily.
“Ummm...” He rubs his neck nervously.
You breathe out in a huff before turning to the six other sidemen before introducing yourself to each of them.
“Hi I’m Y/N. You must be Ethan.” You shake his hand, him shocked from you already knowing who he was.
“Tobi.” Again you shake his hand, but he’s just smiling at you.
“You look to be the oldest so I’m going to assume you’re Josh.” You try and joke not expecting any laughs however the group burst out laughing when you here someone say, “I like her, she’s funny.”
You turn to the voice and introduce yourself, “Harry I presume.” He nods shaking your hand.
“That means that you’re Vik.” He smiles widely, still slightly laughing from earlier. 
“Which means that you must be JJ’s oldest friend. Simon. Nice to meet you.” He’s a bit more hesitant to shake your hand but he does so anyways.
As you step back you feel JJ place his hand around your waist but you can see the looks on their faces trying to figure out the type of person you are so you decide to address it.
“Look guys, I know you’ve only just found out about me and it’s a shock. Especially since I presume JJ told you our most recent news.” They all nod knowing that you meant your engagement. So you continue.
“But I need to assure you that I honestly never knew who JJ was before I bumped into him on the underground. I’m even paying for half of our wedding/honeymoon because I don’t want him to pay for it all even though I know he’s going to fight me on that matter.” 
You turn to JJ to see him with a raised eyebrow, you presume he was about to reject the idea before you returned the look telling him it weren’t happening. He sighs accepting that you were splitting the costs. You hear laughter coming from the guys.
“Look Y/N we didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable we just worry about JJ finding someone who’s out for his money and fame and not him. But we can see that’s not who you are. And the fact you were so concerned over our wellbeing is well when you stormed in here shows just how caring you are.” You hear Simon say, instantly calming the small bit of worry that was still there.
“Yeah, Y/N to be honest it was a shock at first but after meeting you, I can see just how much JJ and you love each other. So as long as JJ is happy, we’ll all be happy.” Josh says.
“Welcome to the Sidemen family Y/N”. You hear Tobi say.
You start laughing at their antics, also attempting to hide your inner emotional outburst from what they said to you.
You looked to JJ and smiled, knowing that it didn’t matter who found out, that as long as you had each other you could get through it all. Especially since now you both had the support of the Sidemen behind you.
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fishytrouble1 · 4 years
SDMN Masterlist
Sidemen Meet Secret Family 
Blind Date Reveal 
SDMN React to Labour 
Sidemen Mafia - Part 1: Meeting Ethan 
Sidemen Mafia - Part 2: An unplanned Reunion 
Zerkaax Reader
7 Sidemen and a Baby
Sidemen become Uncles 
Sidemen Meet Childhood “Friend”
Sidemen Goes Camping - *Gone Wrong* 
Sidemen Awkward Dating 
Sidemen Football Challenge Surprise 
Sidemen Mukbang Mess-Up 
It’s Our Time
Wanting More
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