do k and sterling ever really get along or does k forever blame sterling?
For right now, for the story's purpose, K has basically abandoned his family for Hoenn! He no longer has any contact with his family outside of Trip maybe? I don't think he blames Sterling anymore, if anything he basically doesn't care anymore? But no, they don't really get along. Even when Spinner is in Unova, and probably would have put two and two together that Sterling is K's younger sister, since K isn't there and has been gone for... at least 6 years at that point, it's not really noticeable!! But she does miss him a lot, she loves K but.. it is what it is unfortunately!!! I don't currently have any plans for K to return to Unova to be honest!!!
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Thank you!!! She's my favorite pretty girl. She's based on Celia Rae from The Help, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Lucille Ball and a little bit on Naerys Targaryen!! Her outfit is from the cover of Clueless!! I wanted her to be stylish and sweet.
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Franciszek Ksawery Lampi (Polish, 1782-1852) Portrait of a lady, 1829
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tomasens · 7 months
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random-brushstrokes · 2 years
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Franciszek Ksawery Lampi - A scene in the Carthusian monastery (first half of the 19th cent.)
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ldagence-sports · 11 months
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Ksawery Martinez - Beach Volleyball ~𝓛𝓓~
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sotiaa · 1 year
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Futuristic polacy,, Zakochałam się w tym au (bazowane na retro-futuryźmie połączonym z prl)
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donospl · 2 months
LIVE: International Jazz Platform 2024
Łódź, Klub Wytwórnia, 21-25.7.2024 Pięć dni, dwanaście koncertów, panele dyskusyjne, warsztaty dla uczestników prowadzone przez czołowych muzyków światowej sceny improwizowanej. Tak po krótce podsumować można tegoroczną edycję International Jazz Platform. Część warsztatowa dla Artystów to oczywiście zajęcia z mentorami, których efektem były krótkie koncerty na zakończenie wydarzenia. W tym roku…
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dumbbitchhour · 2 years
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Franciszek Ksawery Lampi (copy), Portret cara Mikołaja I w polskim mundurze generalskim, 1825 x
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kakyoinisgay · 4 months
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Ladies, gentlemen and enby folks Meet Aleksander, my rdr oc (You can read more about him below)
EARLY LIFE Aleksander Kazimierz Kamiński (Russified name: Alexei Igorovich Lebedev) is a Pole with Ukrainian roots (his great-grandmother was Ukrainian) born near Wieluń on April 6, 1881. Olek's family came from a wealthier peasantry. His family made a living by harvesting and selling cattle. As a child, his father taught him to play the violin, which was an instrument passed down from generation to generation. Aleksander lived with his father (Ksawery), mother (Anna) and brother (Adam), who was 10 years older. Adam fought for the good of the fatherland, plotted against the authorities and taught his children to write and read Polish. Olek saw his brother as an idol, someone he could jump into the fire for. What impressed 13-year-old Olek was the determination and devotion Adam showed, how he was able to stand by his convictions to the end and give himself to something. Unfortunately, Adam was caught by the tsarist authorities and deported to Siberia. Even as a 13-year-old, Alexander knew that Siberia was the end for a Pole and that Adam would never return home. Two years after Adam's arrest, Olek's family, fearing for their safety, left for the US. They left the house to Ksawery's brother so that he and his wife could take care of it until their return from the US.
It wasn't easy in the U.S., Olek and his family had to learn English quickly after arriving in America. They found a small house near Rhodes. They slowly began to return to their lives, but the new country was not very kind to them. Hunger began to set in, so 16-year-old Olek began to take on small jobs, such as cleaning stables and working with cows, but the money he received was not enough to feed his family of three. So he started stealing. He stole everything: food, trinkets and jewelry. He later sold them to earn money for his family. He knew that stealing was wrong, but he knew that family was more important than morality and the law. At the age of 17, he left home in search of a better life, promising that with this choice he would give his family money for food and a later trip to Poland. So with a considerable sum of money, he headed north. That's when he bought his first horse, which he named Gustaw. Gustaw was a wonderful horse, a Hungarian half-breed with a calm nature. Olek loved him very much and crossed many plains with him, but unfortunately he ended up in the Colter area, where he had to make a decision. Either he or the horse would survive the harsh winter, so with tears in his eyes he killed Gustaw and ate his remains. Later, returning south in search of warmer areas, he buried what was left of Gustaw and moved on. He found himself in Valentine, where he bought a donkey from a man for a pittance. Olek named the donkey Jan Paweł and roamed the plains with him, hunting small animals and gathering herbs.
1899 At one point Olek came across the Van der Linde gang's camp, and thought he might sneak in and steal some food and trinkets if he could. Unfortunately, the 18-year-old's plans were ruined as he was caught stealing and captured. He tried to escape, biting and cursing everyone in his native language. When he managed to break free, he pulled out a hunting knife and threatened everyone one by one. Olek wasn't afraid of taller-than-himself and more armed men, he saw such an image every day while still living in Poland. He was ready to die, though in the back of his mind he didn't want to, knowing that his mother wouldn't survive the loss of her second son. Waving and threatening everyone with a knife, the rest tried to calm him down and communicate with him in English, especially when he took one of the members as a hostage. Olek didn't know what the rest were saying to him, he didn't understand English at the time and it was difficult for him to understand, let alone explain the things he wanted to do. Eventually in broken English he explained himself to the others, knowing that it might not save him, but it might buy some time for the escape that was approaching fast in the boy's minds. They let him go, hearing as the foreigner tried to explain the theft that was somehow supposed to save his life. Olek, unsure of what to say, offered to redeem his guilt by becoming an errand boy, and so he became one. Aleksander joined the gang, now taking on the role of the person who takes care of the duties around the camp and at times (if the situation required it) assisting on the missions. He felt at home in the camp and quite quickly began to form relationships with others, while continuing to read a lot and learn English. Everyone called him simply “Alex,” because when it came to fully introducing Olek, he preferred to introduce himself with his full name, which was quite a problem for most, especially with the pronunciation of the boy's middle name. He tried to teach the others the pronunciation of his middle name and surname, but this didn't work very well, so he gave up. Olek quickly took a liking to his new companions, and at every opportunity he was happy to tell them about his country, about how wonderful it is and how much he wished it would become independent and could be on the maps of the world. He talked about his family, his brother and the things that happened to his brother, but also about culture and traditions. On top of all of that, Olek loved to cuss at people and call them names, because he knew that no one would respond to him. Mainly, he explained that Polish curse words were words of common usage or nice words. Therefore, when Olek called someone names, the person thought the Pole was greeting him or complimenting him. During his time in the camp, Olek read a lot, mostly “forbidden books.” His favorite book was always “Dziady Part III.” Besides, he learned English all the time from a dictionary he bought for rubles when he was still living in Poland. Olek was curious, he liked to watch from afar what the rest of the gang was doing, no matter if it was standing guard or sharpening a knife, Olek was fascinated. Olek's main flaw was his vengefulness. The boy let himself be picked on up to a certain point, but when someone insulted his background or, God forbid, his dead brother, Olek took no prisoners. He mostly took it out verbally and physically, threatening with knives, name-calling and spitting (mostly in the face or into food). Despite his skinny posture and lack of musculature, Olek was quick in his actions and referred to himself as “ Sticky Hands Olek.” He was good at small thefts and the gang was impressed by this, as his skills paid off in contributions to the gang.
1902-1907 After the split of the gang, Olek became a bounty hunter, seeking out criminals, whom he caught like prey. He became a rotten man, disrespectful to the people around him, money-hungry. He was an alcoholic, a buffoon who did not reckon with other people's criticism. For three years he was active in a small group of people, being their leader and searching for bandits together with them. In the spring noon of 1905, Olek got into a shootout with one of the groups, whose leader was wanted in a couple of states with an arrest letter. In this shootout he was shot in the eye, miraculously surviving at the time and was taken to the nearest doctor. Two of his friends from the group didn't survive, they were wounded to the point where they could not be saved. Olek saw this as a second chance from fate to be someone better. He took a job at the sheriff's station in Valentine as his deputy, it was there where, in 1907, he met Sadie Adler once again. Olek was happy to see her and congratulated her on her better life, which she had made for herself after the breakup of the gang. He was curious if the rest of the members were still alive and well. Not long after this meeting, Olek ran into John, with whom he had always had a peculiar and rocky relationship. He was happy to see that Marston had finally stopped being a “moron” and took to the task of building a household for his family.
1909-1911 In 1909, Olek went to Mexico in search of Javier. He looked for him for a solid year, asking the locals and people who might have had any connection to him, with no results. The Pole slowly began to give up, but fate didn't let him down. He found his old friend, a man in whom he saw his dead brother, changed by the many things that happened after the gang broke up. Olek looked at him with pity, feeling bad about what the gang breakup had done to him and seeing a completely different person. Their conversation went on peacefully, despite their concerns that one of them would get injured. They kept in touch with each other, rebuilding their relationship, but not for too long. In 1911, Olek lost any contact he had kept with Javier during the few months he spent in Mexico. In an attempt to reconnect with him, he teamed up with John, who was also looking for his “old friend” at the same time. The Pole gave Marston one condition, “if you find him first, don't kill him, I want to talk to him one last time. Then do whatever you want with him.” After finding Javier, John informs Aleksander that he has found their “old pal”. Olek quickly arrives at El Presidio, calmly says goodbye to Javier, gives him a hug, and wishes the two of them would reunite in another life (1911 Olek's lore is written from the perspective of the option, where Javier is not shot, but tied up by John)
LIFE AFTER EVENTS IN GAMES After his adventures in Mexico, Olek returns to Rhodes and stays in the house his family left behind. After some time, Olek learns about the demise of his former gang mates. Before leaving to Poland in 1914, at last Aleksander meets Jack and says goodbye to him, believing that his life will become much better and he will never have to return to the past. In 1915 Olek recruits himself into the German army and fights alongside the rest of the Poles. After World War I, he gets married, but doesn't live for long. On February 1, 1920, he dies of Spanish flu after fighting the disease for several weeks.
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emetosotia · 22 days
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Ksawery doodle from yesterday >_<
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pop-culture-diary · 4 months
Matki, żony i kochanki (Wieszczów dwóch)
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“M. kontra S. czyli niewieścim okiem Wieszczów spór” Samodzielny Zespół Teatralny Organizowany w Staszicu (SZTOS)
Libretto: Olga Warykowska
Reżyseria: Hanna Słyk
Muzyka: Katarzyna Koselska
Rap: Marcin i Michał Parafiniuk
Choreografia: Antonina Grupińska, Magdalena Olędzka
Kostiumy: Antonina Grupińska
Występują: Olga Warykowska, Natalia Majewska, Sebastian Krupa, Michał Parafiniuk, Antonina Grupińska, Zofia Ziatyk, Karolina Kisielińska, Anna Maria Wysocka, Krystyna Dryjańska, Urszula Radziszewska, Jakub Murawski, Bartłomiej Gawryszewski, Juliusz Pawlus
Tekst pisany na podstawie spektaklu z 12 maja 2024
hyba każdy polski uczeń zna nazwiska Mickiewicza i Słowackiego, większość potrafi też wymienić choć jedno z ich najsłynniejszych dzieł. Niektórzy zdają też sobie sprawę z długoletniego konfliktu między dwoma słynnymi poetami. Jednak w szkołach zwykle nie wspomina się o najbardziej kontrowersyjnych wątkach z ich życia. Właśnie na tych nieznanych wątkach SZTOS oparł swój najnowszy projekt, rapowany musical “M. kontra S. czyli niewieścim okiem Wieszczów spór”, w którego premierze miałam okazję uczestniczyć. 
Założenie jest proste. O życiu Mickiewicza (Michał Parafiniuk) i Słowackiego (Jakub Murawski) opowiadają najważniejsze kobiety w ich życiu: Maryla Wereszczakówna (Olga Warykowska) najsłynniejsza muza Mickiewicza, jego żona Celina (Zofia Ziatyk), a także matka Słowackiego, Salomea (Krystyna Dryjańska). Posród bohaterów nie może też zabraknąć mistyka Towiańskiego (Bartłomiej Gawryszewski), do którego sekty należeli Mickiewiczowie czy osławionej Ksawery Dejbel (Anna Maria Wysocka). 
Jak informuje nas już opis musicalu został on napisany całkowicie wierszem za co twórczyni, Oldze Warykowskiej należy się ogromny podziw. Forma ta idealnie pasuje do tematyki spektaklu. Piosenki to głównie musicalowe songi, choć pojawia się i rap, genialnie wykorzystany do przedstawienia mitycznych wręcz kłótni dwóch słynnych wieszczów. Perfekcyjnie napisane przez Marcina i Michała Parafiniuków i równie fenomenalnie wykonane utwory idealnie sprawdzają się w spektaklu skierowanym przecież do młodego widza. Bitwy budzą ogromne emocje zarówno na scenie jak i pośród widowni. To najbardziej widowiskowe elementy spektaklu i aż szkoda, że pojawiają się w nim jedynie dwa razy. Zachwycają się rymy, uderzająco przypominające styl Mickiewicza. 
Jeśli chodzi o scenografię to postawiono na minimalizm. Białe, ruchome podesty mają wiele zastosowań, bez problemu mogą pełnić rolę stopni, czy krzeseł, jednocześnie pozostawiając wiele wyobraźni. Ciekawiej jest w kwestii kostiumów, które choć dość nowoczesne, sprawnie nawiązują do stylu epoki: Słowacki nosi koszulę typową dla przedstawień romantycznych poetów, a Mickiewicz majestatyczne bokobrody, z których wszyscy go kojarzymy.  
Bardzo dobrze ogląda się też choreografię Antoniny Grupińskiej i Magdaleny Olędzkiej. Zarówno duety jak i sceny zbiorowe świetnie wykorzystują ruch do wzmocnienia przekazu. Sposób poprowadzenia zespołu, który w beżowych, jednolitych strojach perfekcyjnie tworzy tło, wprowadza rekwizyty i z którego wyłaniają się postaci poboczne, przywodzi za to na myśl ‘Hamiltona’. 
Co do obsady, to Michał Parafiniuk gra Mickiewicza jako człowieka przekonanego o własnym geniuszu i znaczeniu dla świata. Jest perfekcyjnym archetypem romantycznego kochanka, jednocześnie melancholijnego jak i cholerycznego, który raz po raz zmienia zdanie i nie zdaje sobie sprawy z krzywd jakie wyrządził. 
Jakub Murawski fenomenalnie sprawdza się jako Słowacki, ukochany Julcio swojej mamy, poeta i patriota, inteligentny, a także świetnie wykształcony, ale żyjący w wiecznym cieniu Mickiewicza. Jest wycofany i subtelny, póki nie przychodzi do konfrontacji z rywalem. To w scenach rapu może w pełni pokazać swoje umiejętności i to właśnie on finalnie wychodzi z nich obronną ręką. 
Ale to nie oni są prawdziwymi bohaterami tej historii, lecz trzy kobiety, bez których świat pewnie nigdy nie usłyszałby ich imion.  
Olga Warykowska olśniewa jako targana między sercem i rozumem Maryla, która musi wybrać miłość do Mickiewicza, albo wpływowego męża. Jest wspaniała w gniewie na kochliwego wieszcza i jeszcze lepsza na drugim planie, gdzie wielokrotnie kradnie całe sceny swoimi reakcjami na słowa i zachowanie Adama. 
Krystyna Dryjańska jako Salomea jest uosobieniem zakochanej w swoim syneczku matki, która podporządkowała dziecku całe życie. Emanuje z niej ciepło i troska, ale także zazdrość o syna. Ma też do odegrania chyba najbardziej dramatyczną scenę, a jej interpretacja rozdzierającej piosenki po śmierci dziecka to prawdziwa perła. 
Zofia Ziatyk gra Celinę Mickiewiczową jako uroczą, skromną dziewczynę. Jej błogi uśmiech idealnie ukrywa dość przewrotny umysł kobiety, która potrafi wykorzystać poczucie winy męża, by przejąć kontrolę nad domem. To postać tragiczna, panna z dobrego domu, która wyszła za biednego człowieka nieświadoma tego jak będzie wyglądać jej rzeczywistość i przytłoczona nią została wysłana do szpitala psychiatrycznego przez człowieka, który miał ją wspierać. 
Niestety znacznie mniej do zagrania ma Anna Maria Wysocka w roli Ksawery Dejbel, diabolicznej, ale i ponętnej kochanki Mickiewicza. Chętnie zobaczyłabym ją w większej roli, szczególnie, że jej wpływ na wieszcza był podobno równie silny co żony, jeśli nie silniejszy. 
Warto też wspomnieć Bartłomieja Gawryszewskiego, który odgrywa Towiańskiego jako mistrza marionetek dążącego do przejęcia władzy nad umysłami wszystkich członków Koła Sprawy Bożej. Jest w tym bardzo przekonujący, aż szkoda, że jego występ ogranicza się do kilku krótkich scen. 
Kończąc chciałabym jeszcze pochwalić marketing musicalu. Przez ostatnie kilka tygodni fanpage SZTOSU aż roił się od filmików, zdjęć czy nawet memów przybliżających po kolei wszystkie postaci. Twórcy perfekcyjnie podtrzymywali zainteresowanie tytułem, a także jednocześnie edukowali i bawili swoich obserwatorów, pozwalając im poznać bohaterów, jak i aktorów. Takiej promocji mogą pozazdrościć SZTOSowi największe teatry w Polsce. 
Podsumowując, “M. kontra S. czyli niewieścim okiem Wieszczów spór” to naprawdę dobry, świetnie wykonany musical, pełen ciekawie napisanych piosenek i porządnych kreacji aktorskich, dzięki którym postaci z podręczników stają się prawdziwymi ludźmi. Polecam fanom Mickiewicza, Słowackiego, rapu, ale i musicali jako takich. Mam też nadzieję, że spektakl na dłużej zagości na warszawskiej scenie, bo spokojnie może rywalizować z produkcjami renomowanych teatrów. 
Ale to tylko moja opinia, a ja nie jestem obiektywna. 
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tomasens · 2 months
suki są jak wow nienawidze tej calej ksawery deybel
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Destiny 2 OCs:
Cogito-4 (he/him)
(main oc)
an exo arclock
was a Pole as a human (speaks the language quite well; author of a dictionary and many papers on the culture and remaining architecture)
only uses arc (very rarely solar); would never embrace the Darkness
rezzed some time after the end of the Great Hunt on the Reef (knew a bit Eliksnii language)
malfunctioning left leg (loses control over it for a second if he puts too much weight on it); levitates using light
grew up in the Last City (student of a Warlock named Štefan Ryba), didn't leave it until the Twilight Gap
missed a lot of big conflicts; prefers a role of researcher over fighter
worked on planets and other objects distant from Earth
returned to Earth during the Red War and worked as a gunsmith of the Farm
currently works as a Vanguard's Operative on Nessus and a geologist
he's excellent at fixing or assembling guns (great memory and motor skills) but he can't create one from scratch
bad jumpship pilot
likes City food
doesn't enjoy spending too much time with other Warlocks
talks a lot
really wants to help everyone, even if he says he just wants to be left alone (and never is)
warlock deputy vanguard (against his will)
Dun-Dun (he/him)
Cogito-4's ghost
used to work as a librarian in Cryptarchy Archives
when he went searching for his guardian, his friend and their guardian died. After learning that, he didn't allow Cogito to leave the City for many years
terrified of fights (and rezzing during fights)
pretty good in social situations
rarely leaves his guardian
teached Cogito how to swear
Taş (he/him)
awoken void titan
fireteam died in Throne World in SotSeraph
used to be a Hunter up until this point because of group pressure
very low self-esteem
ghost: Yürek (e/em/eir)
(Štefan) Ryba (they/them)
human arclock >> (allegedly) Taken (MiA)
lived in the Dark Ages; kept as a Warlord's slave, freed by Saladin
Cogito-4's mentor
very optimistic, never fully serious
(alleged part:)
was 'taken' around the start of the Reef Wars
stuck in the Ascendant Realm
Toland is making fun of them but they couldn't care less
false prophet turned not-so false prophet
ghost (allegedly Taken): Kvet (one/one's)
Kobzar-13 (he/him)
exo solar titan
diversity win - this Titan is hopelessly devoted to another Titan instead of a Warlock
used to travel the Solar system since the Sunbreakers left the City, in search for Golden Age tech until the battle at the Burning Lake and when he returned to guard the Earth
made it his life mission to learn how to play every instrument he finds cool (some can be hard if you are an exo)
head mods that look like a mustache (movable!)
ghost: Perebendya (he/him)
Enebish (he/it)
human void titan (ex-Stoneborn Order)
risen in the Dark Age (a bit younger than the Drifter)
object of Kobzar's adoration
looks intimidating (doesn't emote much) but he's very friendly and helpful
pets random cats
almost died during the Red War but was saved by Kobzar
(they live together now and guard the Walls)
ghost: Tovshuur (it/its)
Krewetka (or Shrimp) (it/its)
ghost who lost its guardian (in SotSeraph)
hangs around in bars and yells at people
Kayetan Snakecharmer (he/him)
awoken solar hunter
races in SRL (mid tier, never last but never first)
clueless himbim
ghost: Starsky (they/them)
Fig (she/her)
Young Light titan
never seen without her helmet
just follows Shaw Han around
surprisingly good at not dying a horrible death!
ghost: Ghost-ghost (he/she)
Fireteam "Trouble" (real Hunter Freudian trio):
(Ksawery Lew Franc Rajmund) Wawrzyniec "Wawrzyn" Swoboda (he/him)
human void hunter
couldn't decide on one name, people call him just Wawrzyn nowadays (means just 'bay leaf' basically)
lost an arm in the Hellmouth
used to be a Gunslinger but he physically can't use solar anymore since then
gets into trouble all the time
ghost: Chrząszcz (or just "Beatle") (he/them)
Enikő-13 (she/her)
exo solar hunter
always broke
lives in the Last City
her back hurts and her ghost can't fix it
"not great" at Crucible but plays it regularly anyway (has some genuine fans)
ghost: Sárgaréz (she/her)
Nocolot (or Nyctibius) (she/her)
awoken solar and arc hunter
very tall
complains a lot
probably has very complicated and interesting private life but never talks about it
ghost: Waqra (he/him)
Bragis (the Cursed) (he/it/they)
eliksnii ex-Wolf baron
currently lives in the City with the House of Light
warrior turned potter
Ibroldys (the Most Beloved) (she/her)
eliksnii Light's splicer
works with Guardians and Caiatl's Cabal on Vanguard's missions
Bragis'es daughter; takes care of him
praises the Traveler as a god
"It is what it is"
Obrypiks (the Pestilence of the Three Shipwrecks Pass) (she/her)
eliksnii ex-Devil Vandal
didn't join the House of Salvation because she hates authority
a nuisance at best
horrible little fucker
(Traveler forbid women do anything)
Karlun (the Brightest Star/ Plague Claw) (he/him)
probably a bit more sapient than he should be
would like to escape the Witness but is stuck in the Savathûn's Throne World
Bragis'es son
Grau'amun (she/her)
ulurant ex-Red Legionist
born without part of her right arm
all her friends are dead :(
(I'll write here more once I bring myself to write more chapters of that fic she's in)
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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"Textile accompanies Magdalena Abakanowicz from the very beginning of her artistic path. In 1949 she began her studies at the Higher School of Fine Arts in Sopot, but soon she moved to Warsaw to join the Department of Textiles (part of the Painting Faculty) at the Academy of Fine Arts. She wanted to specialise in this particular field. She studied with two of the most important professors, who were known for laying a solid foundation of the so-called ‘Polish Textile School’ and its success: Anna Śledziewska and Eleonora Plutyńska.
The third among the group of the most exceptional textile teachers at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw was Mieczysław Szymański. However, he did not teach Magdalena Abakanowicz or at least, there is no evidence in the archives, even though the artist repeatedly referred to his authority. In her later works, we can see that she was influenced by Szymański’s ideas on differentiating fabric textures within one piece of work and incorporating the materials not previously associated with fabric, such as horse hair or metal elements. The thinking of fabric as a form of construction or the idea of building structures on the warp during the weaving process to reveal its ‘skeleton’ were ideas professor Szymański has instilled in his students.
During her studies, along with fellow students, Abakanowicz did various jobs related to the design of jacquard textiles intended for government buildings. Some of her designs were also used as a book cover for the “Polish textiles” publication edited by Ksawery Piwocki. Her diploma in 1954 was also related to this field. Shortly after graduation, she started working at the Central Silk Plant in Milanówek. She was the artistic director of the weaving factory. So, textiles in a broad sense were in the centre of Abakanowicz’s interest from the very beginning. As a visual artist she began experiments with painted fabrics, but soon she became interested in the possibilities offered by the weaving process regarding the creation of spatial structures." Marta Kowalewska
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sotiaa · 2 years
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Ksawery my little meow meow in krzczonowski folk costume <33
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sonata-of-sol · 1 year
who… who is *your* favorite character in SoS? (besides your own characters)
It's Lime/Ksawery. They are not two characters they're a collective. You can't convince me otherwise.
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