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sapphirewolf100 · 6 years ago
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @kruspedream :3c (bless dank you)
- Relationship status?
Single pringle
- Favourite color?
Black, but I also like Sapphire Blue and Royal Purple!
- Lipstick or chapstick?
Chapstick my doods
-Last song you listened to?
"Rats” by Ghost
- Last movie you watched?
Can’t even remember it’s been so long lmao (I hardly watch movies anymore)
- Top 3 characters?
Hmmm... off the top of my head... I’d say Shirogane Kyoshiro, Russia from Hetalia... annnnddd... Loke from Fairy Tail
- Top 3 ships?
Don’t really do ships that much.
- Books you’re cuttently reading?
Don’t read books much either lmao
- Tags?
I want to tag @smollestghost
Anyone who wants to do it really ;v; (I dunno who to tag HNNGNGNG)
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zigratbites · 7 years ago
kruspedream mentioned zigratbites in a post “@zigratbites Quality content indeed Richard grabbing at Till’s dick...”
@ zigratbites Quality content indeed Richard…
Quality is subjective :D (and my taste obviously faultless. Like Richard’s.) 
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jellybelly30 · 6 years ago
I was tagged by @kruspedream for this, thanks! :)
Rules: To snoop on the playlist, put yours entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs. Then choose 10 victims.
1. Darling Nikki - Prince
2. Night Boat - Duran Duran
3. Good Day Sunshine - The Beatles
4. My Girl - Madness
5. Orion - Metallica
6. Sex - Rammstein
7. Damage Inc. - Metallica
8. Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars
9. Blasphemous Rumours - Depeche Mode
10. Heirate Mich - Rammstein.
Tagging @sortofgetit @bingbinghua @happiness-in-reznor @ofmemesandbands @doomfxrge @pleasantlyshamelesswizard and anyone who wants to join in.
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fruhlinginparis · 6 years ago
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I was tagged by the lovely @kruspedream 🖤 to post a selfie, thank you !
tagging @babypaulchen @flakelli @thegraphitechronicles @uberwolken ~
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unsanctifiedist-archived · 6 years ago
Tag Game
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs then choose 10 people. I was tagged by @milliglock @purevodkax and @jeder-stein-ist-eine-traene 🖤
1. Hollywood - Michael Bublé
2. Move It - Hotei (ft Richard Z. Kruspe)
3. See the Light - Ghost
4. Natural - Imagine Dragons
5. We close our eyes - Go West
6. Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga
7. New York City - Emigrate
8. War - Emigrate
9. Sehnsucht - Rammstein
10. Jigolo Har Megiddo - Ghost
I tag: @sciencebranchblues @lovedelux @kruspedream @kritsanaratree @lilytook @loreillustrated @lunarcorvid @one-water-ghoul @fangsofwhatkind
And anyone else who wishes to
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reeshkruspies · 6 years ago
Rules: to snoop on the playlist, put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs. Then choose 10 victims.
I was tagged by the wonderful @amura!
1. Hollywood Undead - Lump Your Head
2. BTS - Intro: Serendipity
3. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can’t Stop
4. Rammstein - Rein Raus
5. Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name
6. Slipknot - This Cold Black
7. Theory Of A Deadman - We Were Men
8. Skillet - Not Gonna Die
9. Stealth - I Don’t Need Your Love
10. Pink Floyd - Money (live)
I tag: @reeshs @rammsteinfeuer @rabbit-habits @meditativechaos @fermentedhistorian @ollis-beard @babypaulchen @kruspe-richard @kruspedream @dureichsogut
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lust-for-sacher · 6 years ago
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I was tagged by @kruspedream to post a selfie. Is my half head with freshly made curls enough?
I tag @thegothicviking @procrastinatingtomato @unsanctifiedist @firefrau @venomwithlove @anotherfangirlrammstein @kya-kya-kya if you wanna do this, ...or if you wanna show anything yours 💕
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deathsimage · 6 years ago
Was tagged to do my 5 favorite bands (forgot who?? Oops)
Def Leppard (with Steve Clark only)
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I tag @toomcflyforawhiteguy, @tu-amiga-la-muerte, @ruby16wallpaper, @kruspedream (the main people I can think of that follow me) but hey I tag whoever sees this
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zigratbites · 7 years ago
kruspedream reblogged your post “kruspedream: zigratbites: kruspedream mentioned zigratbites in a post “@zigratbites Quality content indeed Richard...”
@kruspedream I am dead tired and have no filter. Also he brings it out in me. Also I may have been staring at this for far too long while watching Völkerball.
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jellybelly30 · 6 years ago
4, 10 and 26!
4: Last song I listened to was ‘I’m Afraid Of Americans’, David Bowie.
10: I’m a Leo, baby!
26: Favourite Tumblr blog? Ooooh, that’s a loaded question, because I have so many. First on my list would have to be my bestie, @sortofgetit. There’s also @bingbinghua, @captainbigdickmoxley. Newer faves are @sciencebranchblues, @ofmemesandbands, @kruspedream.
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fruhlinginparis · 6 years ago
Happy New Year my lovelies 🍾🥂🎉🎉🎉🎆❤❤ I hope 2019 brings you fullfilment and happinness. May you all achieve your goal and find inner peace 💕
@kruspedream @flakelli @babypaulchen @halozinogena @salemsdead @reise--reise @leiderschneider @kritsanaratree @uberwolken @matt-fuckin-cameron @maggot-zombie @l4ichzeit @liebe-ist-ein-wildes-tier @sturmxundxdrang @rammfanmex
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sapphirewolf100 · 6 years ago
Tagged by @ruby16wallpaper to shuffle my music library and list the first 10 songs that come up. (AAAA tysm)
"Broken” by Seether ft. Amy Lee
“Roar” by Katy Perry
"Human Nature” by Michael Jackson
"Low Life” by Future ft. The Weeknd
“Only Girl (In the World)” by Rihanna
“Onward Soldiers” GDW OST
"Pieces” by RED
"We Are” by Hollywood Undead
"Centuries” by Fall Out Boy
“E.T.” by Katy Perry
Tagging: @awful-waffles, @smollestghost, @kruspedream, @inthedarkden, @dorkydorkbwon, @an-absolute-kent  if y’all wanna do it :3c
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hadewyjch · 6 years ago
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I was tagged by @horrorpsychodyke to post a selfie ~ thank you ❤ taken this morning in a perfect foggy weather
tagging @fidnru @summerly @flakelli @kruspedream @folkwytch @hargraf @tenderbeasts @viceviolet if you feel like doing it ~
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sturmxundxdrang · 6 years ago
tagged by @paul-von-rammstein !! thnk you sm <3
Are you named after anyone?
Lowkey after Alex Delarge. My friends used to call me Alex after him when I was around 13/14 and it stuck as a nickname, so when I decided to change my name I picked Alexis for a ton of reasons, and that included.
When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago because I was happy lol
Do you have kids?
My pets count?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes, mostly when talking, not so much in texts
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Not to be like that, but their overall energy and how they make ppl feel around them. Like, if you’re a jerk and make ppl uncomfortable, I notice within minutes of meeting you even if you’re nice to me
What’s your eye color?
Scary movie or happy ending?
Scary movie
Any special talents?
Hm... I guess I’m good at resolving things calmly? I freak out because AnxietyTM but most times I can just step aside and not let it get on the way, so ig lol
Where were you born?
Brazil, unfortunately.
What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, playing the guitar, watching stuff and more recently dancing got into the picture lol
Do you have any pets?
Two cats and a dog!
What sports do you play/have you played?
I never played any sports for real, except basketball in P.E. with my friends, and ofc other stuff the teacher would have us play. I always wanted to wrestle tho, and luckily had the opportunity to try some moves during some shows I went to.
How tall are you?
167cm, which ig is 5′6?
Favourite subject in school?
It used to be either History or Englisy because since I knew it already, it obviously was 0 effort lol
Dream job?
Either being a wrestler, a judge or a lawyer, or a guitarist. (watch me ending up doing all of this lmao I am almost graduating Law school and I’m a guitarist in a band so... I’ll come back in a few years and update if this hellsite still exists lol)
Tagging: @daveslutstaine @gar-samuelson @bishophazel @karlastein95 @seren-the-witch @leiderschneider @kruspedream @sapphirewolf100 @inthedarkden if y’all want to do it!
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jellybelly30 · 6 years ago
question: is your url related by some chance to richard's belly? (i'm the owner of kruspedream blog btw) xoxo
As much as I’d like to say it is, sadly not. I chose the blog name way back when I joined up because I have a jelly belly of my own, lmao!
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