flinkliv · 6 months
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Read more: https://flinkliv.com/pages/hr.html
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erikamarcusson · 9 years
Det komplicerade för barn med att äta och tänka
Det komplicerade för barn med att äta och tänka
Vi har haft många matbråk nu de senaste veckorna och hon fortsätter peta i maten, stryka bort sås och kritisera allt medan hon tömmer en skål broccoli. Äter mackor och morötter, petar bort kyckling och slukar tomater.
Jag blir galen på petandet!
Pannkakor försvinner, hamburgare likaså men det här med mindre processat kött går bara inte ner. Ju mer kött desto mindre intresse. Finns det sås så…
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flinkliv · 9 months
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Healthy habits and hidden pitfalls
Choosing your habits wisely, especially when they serve as coping mechanisms, is crucial for maintaining long-term health and productivity.
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flinkliv · 18 days
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Toxic workplace culture affects both employees and clients. While staff frustrations might be dismissed, client complaints signal a serious issue. A dysfunctional environment demotivates teams and erodes client trust, becoming a threat to the business. #ToxicWorkplace #mentalhealthmatters #worklifebalance #microaggressions #toxicboss #safezone #hr #supportcowork #bullyingawareness #gaslighting #SafeWorkplace #supportcowork #sarcasm #trakassering #mobbingbevissthet #tryggarbeidsplass #CriticalThinking #kritiskttänkande #kritisktenking #arbeidsmiljø #arbetsmiljö #selvomsorg
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flinkliv · 2 months
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#toxicworkplace #mentalhealthmatters #worklifebalance #bullyingawareness #microaggressions #toxicboss #safezone #hr #bullyingawareness #safeworkplace #supportcowork #trakassering #mobbingbevissthet #tryggarbeidsplass #CriticalThinking #kritiskttänkande #kritisktenking #arbeidsmiljø #arbetsmiljö #selvomsorg #mobbing #accessibility #A11y #flinkliv
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flinkliv · 5 months
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An echo chamber is an environment where people encounter ideas, beliefs, or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own. You have to break out of any echo chamber environment by seeking external & neutral views, playing a devil's advocate, forming diverse teams, etc.
Read more: https://flinkliv.com/pages/cognitive-bias.html
#cognitivebias #echochamber #polarisation #criticalthinking #kognitivskjevhet #ekkokammer #polarisering #kritisktenkning #kognitivbias #ekokammare #kritiskttänkande #flinkliv #a11y #accessibility
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flinkliv · 6 months
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To boost productivity and preserve creative flow, consider dedicating one day each week as an"Untouchable Day":
- Zero interruptions.
- Zero meetings.
- Zero emails.
- Zero phone calls.
Read more: https://flinkliv.com/pages/hr.html
#creative #distractions #focus #Productivity #workenvironment #hr #untouchableday #criticalthinking #kreativ #distraksjoner #Fokus# Produktivitet #arbeidsmiljø #kritisktenking #kritiskttänkande
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flinkliv · 6 months
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Understanding others and knowing yourself form a comprehensive approach to reducing conflict. By cultivating both, you can navigate life with a greater sense of peace, clarity, and purpose, minimizing friction both within and with the world around you. Read more: https://flinkliv.com/pages/conflict-management.html
#workenvironment #toxicworkplace #criticalthinking #arbeidsmiljø #kritisktenking #kritiskttänkande #flinkliv #A11y #accessibility #problemsolving #conflictmanagement #empathy #problemløsning #konflikthåndtering #empati
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flinkliv · 8 months
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Resource distribution within a company should ideally follow principles that promote fairness, strategic alignment, and overall organizational efficiency rather than the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" approach.
Read more: https://flinkliv.com/pages/problem-solving.html
#problemsolving #resourcemanagement #ResourceAllocation #ProjectManagement #criticalthinking #businessstrategy #problemløsning #ressursledelse #ressursallokering #prosjektledelse #kritisktenking #forretningsstrategi #problemlösning #resurshantering #resursallokering #projektledning #kritiskttänkande #affärsstrategi #flinkliv #a11y #accessibility
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flinkliv · 8 months
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Listening is a critical skill in solving conflicts Learn more: https://flinkliv.com/pages/conflict-management.html #conflictmanagement #konflikthåndtering #criticalthinking #kritisktenkning #conflicttype #relationalconflict #substantiveconflict #WorkplaceConflict #perceptualconflict #conflict #konflikt #emotionalintelligence #communication #a11y #flinkliv #kritiskttänkande #arbetsplatskonflikt #kommunikation
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