#kristy kreme
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wutbju · 2 years
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In 2014, BJU dorm girls walked to Krispy Kreme for talk-like-a-pirate day. 
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forkpitchfood · 2 years
Food Week October 17 -23, 2022
Food Week October 17 -23, 2022
Welcome to Food Week October 17 -23, 2022. This week, we learned that Illinois is not in Italy, no matter what the Barilla Pasta company insists, pop Tarts is adding tajin, Circle K is adding marijuana, McDonald’s is adding Krispy Kreme and alt-proteins may start adding animal fats. And the reappearance of the spudnut. Enjoy. MACRO Stock market goes crazy, in good way for a change. And strong…
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gergthecat · 5 months
Right now the Kristy Kreme report card donuts are keeping me alive
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abookishdreamer · 3 months
Character Intro: E.B (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Bud by his father & grandfather
Age- 11 (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personality- He's a sweet natured optimistic young boy with a heartwarming naivete. He has a tendency to overthink sometimes.
After his induction ceremony in a few years, his official title as a deity will be demi-god of the grain. As of now his powers/abilities are limited photokinesis, grain generation/manipulation, being able to shapeshift into a pig, and wheat generation/manipulation.
E.B is a fraternal twin. His sister is Krysothemis (Kristy). He's named after his grandfather Eubouleus (god of the swine & ploughing), so everyone calls him E.B for short. E.B's father is Karmanor (demi-god of the harvest). Other members of his immediate family includes his step-grandmother Baubo (nicknamed Barbie), his aunt Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest), and his cousin Britomartis (goddess of mountains, hunting, & fishing nets).
He, his sister, and their father live on their small 10 acre farm in the Hearthwood neighborhood of New Olympus. The walls of E.B's bedroom is covered with blue & green tree branch patterned wallpaper. There's also posters of his favorite deities, music artists, TV shows, and movies as well as some framed farmland paintings. The flooring is a light cedarwood & there's also a bunk bed that he sleeps on.
E.B is the spitting image of Karmanor with his dark golden blond hair, blue-green eyes, and golden fair skin. In the family he has always been known as a beautiful boy.
On the farm, he has his own pet- a horse named Buckeye. He can spend hours brushing his horse's mane.
E.B is aware that he has a mother. He doesn't know much about her and barely remembers her. He had the only photo of her that his father kept- her at the beach while pregnant. E.B gave it to Kristy after he kept catching her looking at it every day for a month. He doesn't know what to feel about his biological mother. How can he miss someone he doesn't even know?
At home & on the farm he has his own responsibilities. Aside from the usual chores like cleaning his room and doing his laundry, E.B is also responsible for trimming Buckeye's hooves every 6-8 weeks, feeding him & giving him water, mowing the lawn, and cleaning out the chicken coop & horse stable.
A go-to drink for him is his dad's homemade sweet tea. He also likes water, orange juice, ginger ale, his dad's homemade lemonade, apple cider, vanilla milk, fruit punch, and s'mores milkshakes from The Frozen Spoon.
E.B also gets complimented on his perfect brilliant white teeth.
In the mornings before school he'll settle for a granola bar, a tomato sandwich, or a bowl of Golden Kreme Crunch cereal. E.B looks forward to the weekends when he can enjoy a full breakfast. Some of his favorite morning dishes include hash browns with buttermilk biscuits and sausage gravy, chicken & waffles, brown sugar oatmeal pancakes, & cheesy grits (topped with a huge dollop of butter).
Apples, bananas, and peaches are his favorite fruits.
E.B is very close with his sister Kristy. With every argument and disagreement, they still have each other's backs. When either of them don't feel comfortable talking to their father, they pour their hearts out to one another. Some nights, they'll hang out in the living room watching TV, talking for hours till they fall asleep. They also like playing card games, going to the park, & going to the mall with their friends.
He's currently learning how to speak Latin and Minoan.
Two of his favorite guilty pleasures is the olympian burger with extra bacon from Olympic Chef & the homemade sandwich he makes with peanut butter, sliced banana, and bacon.
E.B has a good relationship with his dad. They spend a lot of time together- checking out a baseball game, riding their horses, and cooking. He's even getting more interested in bull riding after watching a bull riding competition Karmanor was in on TV.
The first dish he ever learned how to cook was chicken fried steak.
His favorite frozen treat is s'mores ice cream. He also likes his grandpa's hummingbird ice cream.
E.B loves traveling to Crete to visit the rest of the family. He looks forward to going fishing & hunting with his grandpa, partaking in Barbie's moist hummingbird cake, and going canoeing with Britomartis.
He has a growing baseball card collection.
For his most recent birthday, E.B was gifted a pair of cowboy boots and a cowboy hat from his grandfather.
He & his sister are sixth graders at an esteemed middle school in the city. A fellow godling and friend they share is Philia (goddess of friendship). Other godly students include Thrasos (god of boldness, insolence, recklessness, & courage), Pandia (goddess of the full moon), Thespios (god of acting), Dysis (goddess of the sunset), Epidotes (god of purity), Deucalion, Pompe (goddess of rites), Anaideia (goddess of ruthlessness, shamelessness, & unforgiveness), Telete (goddess of prayers), Achelois (goddess of the moon & comfort), and Calocagathia (Aggie) (goddess of nobility & goodness). E.B's friend group consists of an oread boy named Asterios, mortal boys named Andreas & Ilias, a centaur named River, and a dryad named Ivy.
His favorite classes are science, gym, home economics, & history.
E.B is thinking about trying out for his school's baseball team.
A favorite school trip of his so far has been to the state of Athens where they went to the oldest city there, Plaka. E.B and the other sixth grade classes traveled there by way of chariot bus, pulled by a magnificent pegasus. He remembers drinking one too many olive juice slushies!
In the pantheon he looks up to his nonós Pathos (god of emotion), also enjoying his delicious & crispy tostones! E.B is also really close to Pathos' other kids Xenia (goddess of hospitality); who's two years younger than him and Storge, who he views like a baby brother. For maternal figures (other than Barbie & Karme), E.B also looks up to his dad's friends Thilasmós (goddess of nursing) and Pherusa (goddess of substance & farm estates). He appreciates Thilasmós' warm hugs & comforting scent of warm milk as well as Pherusa's fruit parfaits.
With E.B's early burgeoning puberty, he's beginning to notice himself noticing girls and guys. He paid extra attention to a poster he bought of Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge). E.B felt all warm and fuzzy noticing Apollo's chiseled chest, shimmering light golden brown skin, full lips, & thick curly brownish blond hair. He also has crushes on Thalia (muse of comedy), Hemera (goddess of the day), and Thallo (goddess of spring & new growth).
E.B had his first real kiss with Ivy while they were partnered up for a home economics project a few months ago. He remembers how she smelt of sweet wet grass & how her lips tasted like mint.
In his free time he enjoys swimming, bike riding, basketball, skateboarding, football (soccer), reading, listening to music, baking, and spending time with family.
His all time favorite meal is stifado with buttermilk biscuits.
"It is the sweet simple things of life which are the real ones after all."
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theroguequeenaniki · 1 year
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⭐️So Golden~ Do you really want to know where I was [May] 29th [1994]? I was being born! Lol. Birthday birthday 딱 지금이야 🥳 That's right it's my birthday!! My 29th birthday, AKA my Golden Birthday! (29 on the 29th lol) We went to Buffet Palace the night before my birthday for my birthday dinner, and I wore my birthday outfit! Lol. (I only got pics of my fortune & the sesame balls I took lol) We also stopped at Central Market on the way home for some Birthday Desserts and also some Rosemary Bread because it's my favorite lol And when we got home, my sister (w/ help from my mom & brother's girlfriend) set up gold birthday balloons and a birthday banner at my desk! And she gave me this really pretty owl card signed by everybody, including the cats! And a Kate Spade pencil case set that includes 2 pencils, a ruler, an eraser, and a gold sharpener. And then, on my actual birthday, I woke up to my mom having written Happy Birthday in 5 languages on our white board! And my sister bought me Starbucks, but they messed up and made it a iced coffee instead of my latte, so we got a free one anyway! Lol. We also went and grabbed a few birthday freebies! A dozen Kristy Kreme donuts, a Lemon Drop cookie from Panera Bread, and a small Mozzarella Sticks with purchase! Alex wished me happy birthday everywhere at Midnight as is our tradition (so my notifications were blowing up) and Raven sent me this super cute owl drawing she did! For dinner I made Sausage & Cabbage and Baked Mac N Cheese b/c it's one of my favorite meals! Lol. I also want to include that my mom & sister each bought me a Got The Beat Stamp On It Album (and one of the albums gave me Taeyeon for all of the pulls! lol), and my dad got me aespa & Red Velvet photocards & some scrunchies last weekend! Overall it was a pretty great Golden Birthday!
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monsterrae1 · 8 months
Fun fact: if you watch Power Rangers (2017) you can see my city. Because they filmed it here.
Except they put a fucking Krispy Kreme in there AND WE DONT ACTUALLY HAVE ONE.
Waitttttt I’ve seen that movie like 10 times (it’s a guilty pleasure sue me) it’s so cool it shoot in your town !
Lmao Rip that Kristy Kreme
Gimme attention pls
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snailnipple7 · 24 days
there is something so beautiful about kristy kreme
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Hello beautiful people in tumblr
May I present my dorito doughnut :33
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I was bored
So I made this because I was craving the Kristy kreme dorito doughnut
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world of blurred lights
Yh I feel so far away
Deep in thought tonight
I know these feelings ain’t right
Dreams feel like a mile away
And I’m searching for the way
To find my path to find my place
And chase my dreams ,far away
Far way
Staring at you
One day
I’m stuck in a dream
I’m far away
It ain’t Kristy Kreme dreams
Like jcole -said
Laughing gas whipped cream dreams
And getting too close to the khole
Almost -dead
Looking for the cherry on top
Got my speed dial on all day
Cats waiting for the drop
To make a path to find my place
And change my name
Embrace the game
Say less
About dreams
Just get
Some place
Far away
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liveblogupdog · 1 year
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sarah-browning · 2 years
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Enjoyed spending time with my family in CA last week. Thanks to all who have been praying for my dad’s health! Last photo is Lewis after taking his first bite of a Kristy Kreme donut. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOsYgtpBJk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wet4joanjett · 2 years
My cousin was telling me how my dad was her uncle Joe before he even knew my mom (dad worked for my uncle, he literally dated his boss's sister) and would always be on my tios ass about being a better dad. He ALWAYS brings her Kristie Kreme donuts when he visits cause she always craved it when she was pregnant, her yongest will be 6 this year.
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Fuck it I haven't had a donut in so long... I want a DONUT
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alaanz · 2 years
Back at it again at the Kristy Kreme. Man alive did ep 8 decide that the fluffiness is now over.
There was finally the kiss we’d all been waiting for, and it was so right for them. They’re on such unstable ground trying to get what they each think is the best outcome. But this one scene gave a moment where they met in the middle ground of all of this. Ayan respected akks boundaries and wariness. He asked him if he could kiss him and then asked him to tell him if he wanted to stop. I’m so in love with this! Ayan understands that it’s so hard for akk to allow himself to feel what feels and let it be ok. So ayan created a comfortable environment for akk to let him know that it’s safe and he’s okay to be himself there. The kiss was so brief but it was a moment of vulnerability for both them. It was a steady step towards each other.
Ayan is much better at communicating how he feels and what he wants because he’s been able to thrive in an environment that encouraged and allowed for this. Akk may have had this when he was younger but that was squashed when he went to Suppalo. Both at home and at school he’s constantly plagued by the pressures and expectations of everyone around him. There’s nowhere he can just fully relax and take some of the burden off. Now where really except for with ayan. We’ve seen ayan provide akk with a space for akk to let some of the weight off and fall apart a little. And ayan keeps providing this space for akk. Ayan is no longer trying to push akk away with flirting, he’s actively trying to bring him closer now and learn more about him. Ayan just wants to be with him and relax with him. But akk just seems to be moving further away.
Akk and ayan were getting closer up until this episode. Then the kiss and confession happened and it was suddenly all too much for akk to handle. The expectations keep growing, directly from the school and indirectly from his parents, and akk losing his grip on everything. He’s at a point where he doesn’t know what to do so his instinct is to push everyone away. Akks got so many cracks and the only way for him to heal is if he breaks down and starts again. But he’s not letting this happen, he’s trusting to hold on tight to what he’s built in Suppalo and avoiding facing how he feels.
Akks being emotionally abused by the head teacher. Chadok is using the fact that ayan can’t afford university against him and stop him leaving. There was a threat in the way that he held akks shoulder and akk knew it. Akk is scared of facing the consequences of disappointing Chadok. He’s scared yet he can’t see that what Chadok is doing is wrong, that he’s not just doing what’s best for him. Akks been manipulated into thinking that this is fine, that he should be able to handle the responsibilities of the school and that he should be the best and not make any mistakes. He can’t see that he’s being controlled, and it really hurts. He’s lashing out and hurting the people around him too, he has no idea what to do with all that he’s feeling and is self destructing. It’s only a matter of time before he completely breaks under the weight of everything that’s being put on him.
And AYAN my god you’re scaring me. That scene between ayan and his mum was heart wrenching. Ayan took way too long too long to answer his mums question for my liking. Even the mum started to look scared. I was not expecting this and part of me is disappointed in myself for being shocked. I know that ayan is going through the trauma of his uncles death and he keeps reliving it. But he’s gotten so used to deflecting and avoiding that I kind of forgot how badly he’s hurting from all of this. I want this to be explored more, because it was clear from ayans response that he’s struggling but he won’t talk about it.
It’s easy for ayan to talk about his feeling to akk but he really struggles opening up about his life to him. Whereas akk cannot talk to ayan about his feelings for him but has opened up slightly more about his pressures as a prefect. They’re both going though they’re own things but they’re not fully connecting with each other. They’re on different pages almost. They can’t talk to the other until they actually accept they’re feelings and come to terms with them for themselves. Their relationship will take a lot of work for it to work, and it’s going to be difficult, but they can make it work if only they start opening up and rely on the other more. Once they do this then they’ll be able to help the other and offer stability for both of them.
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one year i made my family drive to buffalo just to go to olive garden for my birthday -mcmo anon
THATS HOW IT GOES @mcmo-anon
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