#kristopher maier
skybournerp · 7 years
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“There are perhaps many causes worth dying for, but to me, certainly, there are none worth killing for.”
Name: Kristopher Maier Nickname: Kris Age: Thirty Seven Date & Place of Birth: April 2nd, 1980 & Honolulu, HI Sexuality: Demisexual Pronouns: He/Him Faceclaim: Jason Momoa Alternate FCs: N/A Status: OPEN
Previous Degrees: Associates in Physical Therapy, B.A. in Psycology, M.A in Psychology Occupation: Team Combat Instructor & Guest Lecturer Classes Taught: Criminal Psychology Rank: Hero Support Power: Life-Force Inhibition Limitations: Along with Kris’s own reluctance to use his powers, the effects of the paralysis are only temporary. The stronger someone is, the weaker the effects can be.
+ forgiving, tranquil, understanding -  obstinate, interfering, forgetful
Leonard Maier and Kala Kehale had what many considered a fairy tale romance. They met while he was stationed in Honolulu and he swept her off her feet. Within two years, the couple had married, called four other countries home, and brought two beautiful boys into the world of heroes. It wasn’t until Kris and his little brother, David, showed signs of possessing powers as they entered elementary school in country number eight that the trouble in paradise began. In their budding relationship, the topic of heroes and super powers had never come up. Leonard came from a line of normal and super heroes alike; Kala came from a line that feared those with these god-like abilities. Not a night went by that there wasn’t a mild shouting match in the Maier household, and though neither were willing to give up on the other just yet, neither noticed the impact it had on their children until it was too late.
The Maier boys became as different as night and day in every way possible. Kris went from lively to passive, inclined to avoid conflict, deflect the anger of others, and resolve situations peacefully; his life-force inhibiting power only encouraged these tendencies. Meanwhile, David only became more and more aggressive, and his ability of pulse manipulation only served to encourage his explosive and unpredictable behavior. Some days it seemed as though his sole purpose in life was to be as defiant a creation as he could be, constantly pushing and testing their parents’ patience. After the boys graduated high school, David found the breaking point.
Kris saw the flaw in the officers’ actions immediately: violence was their first and only reaction. David could be a tough cookie to break, but Kris truly believed that with enough dedication, the situation could have been resolved peacefully. Instead, he had to live his life knowing his baby brother would rot in prison. Kris had been out drinking with his brother to celebrate his graduation, when another guy had shoved them to the side at the bar. Although it wasn’t really grounds to start a fight, both of the men were easily angered and a bar fight quickly broke out. As much as Kris tried to mediate, the cops were quickly called to the scene. They immediately began taking people down, tackling the brawlers to the ground. It was like Kris had noticed the students were trained to handle situations at Skybourne. It didn’t work. But things with David escalated, he used his ability to take down the cops subduing him. Those cops had to be rushed to the E.R. and Kris decided he’d seen enough. Clearly David couldn’t be trusted to use his ability responsibly so Kris took off after him and used his power to paralyze David long enough for the cops to catch up. Kris would never forget the look of betrayal on his brother’s face as he was driven away in a cop car.
That day was a revelation for Kris. Supers needed to learn more responsibility over their own abilities. Civilians often got twisted up in scenes with supers that they couldn’t avoid and there were too many casualties because of the mentality to ‘shoot first, ask questions later’, so he decided to make a change. The only way he could do that was to teach combat to the Skybourne students. And he was hired on as the team combat instructor. His idea was to teach the students to cause minimal harm while working together and to communicate with others. That was the key importance. He’s experienced a lot of tension in the department because many of the faculty believe that he is holding the students back and have even gone so far as to tell them to ignore his instruction but he is slowly opening the minds of other students and making them more conscientious of the others involved. Recently, he has also begun lecturing criminal psychology where he focuses in on the minds of people who commit crimes so students don’t just paint them all with a broad brush.
Leonard Maier (father - alive) Kala Kehale (mother - alive) David Maier (younger brother - estranged)
Rowan Pettibone: Kris has started to pick up on the fact that some of the other instructors have begun to tell their students to ignore his instruction. Rowan seems to be the only exception, and in fact began incorporating some of his techniques into her own repertoire. Given his knowledge of her life, he’s interested in getting to know her better.
Devon Clarke: Kris knows about Devon’s own hesitation with their powers and has taken it upon himself to help them. He finds it noble that they are so cautious to follow the same path as their mother and wants to help them learn to embrace their power without fearing it.
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skybournesecrets · 7 years
Can Rowan be my mom?
Mmm, only if Kris Maier can be my daddy. The two of them would make such a hot couple.
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skybournesecrets · 7 years
If everyone in skybourne got drunk together, who do you think would be the best and worst at handling their alcohol?
If everyone in Skybourne got drunk, I think Victoria Hernandez would be the best at handling her alcohol, after all she use to live in New Orleans, the drunk capital of the world. On the other hand, my bet is on Logan Reynolds (newly returned to the drinking game) or Kristopher Maier (he seems like too much of a rule follower to be a drinker) as the worst at handling their alcohol.
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skybournerp · 7 years
Some characters we would love to see are;
Jaymie Tien (Malese Jow FC); a side-kick that isn’t too happy about it
Stella Walsh (Andreja Pejić FC); a woman with the voice of a siren who uses her powers to get free food
Perry Lewis (Reece King FC); a DJ who came upon his powers accidentally 
Phoenix Tseng (Godfrey Gao FC); the Edna Mode of this university
Dakota Wilmot (Nikki Gould FC); a delinquent under rehabilitation who likes being bad
Kristopher Maier (Jason Momoa FC); a pacifistic combat trainer
Selena Silverio (Juliana Harkavay FC); an ex cop turned school recruiter
Joaquin Fernandez (Peter Gadiot FC); a combat instructor using his second chance to make things right
Leah Johnson (Zendaya Coleman FC); an actress who made twins of herself for the big screen
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skybournerp · 7 years
most wanted males??
Hey there anonymous! While we’re always thrilled to see an application for any of our characters, I’d have to say our most wanted males characters are:
Joaquin Vasquez Fernandez (FC: Peter Gadiot)
Sebastian Davenport III (FC: Thomas Doherty)
Perry Lewis (FC: Reece King)
Kristopher Maier (FC: Jason Momoa)
Nekai Teton (FC: Forrest Goodluck)
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skybournerp · 7 years
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   “The eye is always caught by light, but shadows have more to say.”
Name: Shiloh Wolfe Nickname: Shy Age: Nineteen Date & Place of Birth: February 19th, 1998 & Asheville, NC Sexuality: Undecided Pronouns: She/Her Faceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld Alternate FCs: N/A Status: TAKEN
Major: Studio Art, Criminal Justice Minor Classification: Freshman Occupation: Student;Tattoo Artist Apprentice @ Inkredible Tattoos Rank: Hero  Power: Umbrakinesis and Shadow Physiology Limitations: When under stress, the area around her may darken unintentionally and too much or certain types of light can have the effect of physical force on her shadows or on her while she is using shadow physiology. She also currently has poor control over her ability and sometimes, dissociates when using her physiology with no recollection of her actions when she comes to.
+ resilient, driven, self-sufficient - isolative, guarded, uncouth
B I O G R A P H Y (TW: abuse)
Draven Wolfe, dubbed The Nightmare by local news and late night talk shows alike had never been “normal”. In fact, he’d been labeled misanthropic, sadistic, and even a monster. By any who had had the unfortunate displeasure of bearing witness to his many misdeeds. He prided himself in his ability to bring the city to its collective knees. He was larger than life until the day that he fell in love with a hostage. She was fearless. Despite his ability to induce and weaponize fear as a physical force, she was unphased, later revealing her power of a psychic shield. Draven was not accustomed to feeling anything for anyone other than himself, but the woman did not shiver at the site of him. She did not look at him like the monster that the society around him had encouraged and created.
A year passed and Draven was standing in the labor room of a private hospital, one of the only hospitals that would welcome the birth of “The Nightmare’s Child”. Only two hours after contractions started, things began to go south fast. The medical staff tried to force Draven out of the delivery room to no avail. They were able to save the child, but not the mother. In a burst of anger, Draven destroyed the entirety of the hospital before taking his daughter and disappearing again from mainstream society. He raised his daughter in isolation. He’d disappeared from the news and dedicated every moment of his time to raising his daughter. She had to be smarter, better, and more powerful than her mother. All of Draven’s focus was on shaping her rather than nurturing her.
As the only known offspring of an infamous villain, Shiloh’s expectations from society were unfortunate while her expectations of her father were infinite. As she got older and more independent at the age of 10, Draven began to venture back out into his work. The world cowered at the return of The Nighmare, but Shiloh only saw him as her father despite the fact that the man on the news every other night in the midst of another distasteful conquest could barely be called a father at all. However, due to her isolation, lack of peers, and lack of any other family, her situation seemed entirely normal to her for it was the only reality she’d ever known.
Finally reaching adolescence, Draven knew it was time to work on Shiloh’s powers. With the knowledge that high levels of stress could induce power manifestations, Draven began to use every trick in the book to trigger her powers.  Draven, frustrated with the wait, put Shiloh through a variety of sessions to break her, but she was sturdy and stubborn. Finally, Daven discovered her fear of the dark. It was so simple that Draven beat himself up for not seeing it sooner. With this new knowledge, he began to send her into the basement on a regular basis. She would cry, but he would only point back down the stairs and repeat again. Finally, giving up on letting the darkness alone pull the powers from her, he amplified the fear it caused using his own abilities.
Outside of the basement he could hear screaming until it finally stopped and darkness itself plummeted through the door, filling the house like dark ink. When the darkness cleaned, Shiloh was no where to be found. She had finally escaped him. She laid low for quite a while, but realized quickly that her powers were far from under control. Despite all that her father had put her through, she knew well that he was the only one who could truly help her learn how to control them. When she finally returned to her home, her father had been locked up in a maximum security prison for super villains.
With no place else to go Shiloh did what she could to get by on her own which increasingly began to include the use of her powers to obtain food or money in order to get by. This worked well for her until the day she was caught and offered  a second chance at Skybourne University where she hoped to learn control of her powers in an environment that was more stable and safe than anything she’d known before. Shiloh continues to struggle with her ability and is often afraid that the use of her powers will cause other’s to see her as they see her father.
Unknown (mother - deceased) Draven Wolfe (father - alive) Unknown (half-brother - alive)
Alysha King: Within the super community, there is a strong stigma connected to those students whose parents used their powers for evil rather than for saving kittens and assisting the elderly. Shiloh and Alysha have connected over their similar pasts and love of art.
Kristopher Maier: Kris has always treated Shlioh with kindness and she honestly feels like she can confide in him, though she may not always heed all of his advice.
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skybournerp · 7 years
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Congratulations Cait, and welcome to Skybourne University! You’ve been accepted as your desired character Shiloh Wolfe. We think your character will make a great addition to our roleplay. Be sure to set up your main account by our opening date, 5/19, and sent it to us with the ask box open so we can send you a link to the OOC blog. Also be sure to do everything on the new member checklist.
nickname: Cait
time zone: EST
age: 25
pronouns: She/Her
contact: removed
password: removed
how did you find us?: rpg land, rp shoutout/review/rec
do you have any triggers that need tagged?: removed
PARA SAMPLE (tw: abuse)
The voice shook her like an aftershock, sending waves of fear through her body even without her father’s ability, the sensation of which she’d learned to recognize. “Please, I’ve been doing this for days. I need a break, please…” The simple shake of a head shattered any hope she had before the door was once again closed in her face, covering her in a blanket of darkness. She wouldn’t scream, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that she was afraid.
Despite her determination, all self-made promises were dismissed the moment, she felt her father’s ability snaking through the darkness. The fear hit her like a comically-falling anvil, without any of the well-meaning studio laughter. Shiloh began to scream and bang on the door until her voice gave out… In that moment, she ceased to fear the darkness. She felt at one with the tangible lack of light that surrounded her and began to harness the feeling. All at once, she felt everything fall silent even as her power took on a life of its own, destroying the prison disguised as a home in which she’d been held for the entirety of her life.
When she awoke, she was in the middle of the woods. Shiloh heard crickets, and the gentle rustling of the leaves around her. She could remember the time that her father had dropped her in the middle of the woods for hours until she’d found her way back, only to prove that she could survive even if only by the light of the moon. No longer did she feel alone in the dark, no longer did it feel like it was smothering her. Instead, she felt more at home than she’d ever felt in the concrete walls of the prison in which she was raised. There amidst the trees, she could do nothing but laugh. She was finally free.
“ The eye is always caught by light, but shadows have more to say. ”
Name: Shiloh Wolfe Nickname: Shy Hero Name: N/A Age: nineteen Date & Place of Birth: February 19th, 1998 & Asheville, NC Sexuality: Undecided Pronouns: She/Her Faceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld
Major & Minor: Studio Art, Criminal Justice Minor Classes Taught: N/A Previous Degrees: N/A Classification: Freshman Occupation: Student ; Apprentice @ Inkredible Tattoos Rank: Hero Power: Umbrakinesis and Shadow Physiology Limitations: When under stress, the area around her may darken unintentionally and too much or certain types of light can have the effect of physical force on her shadows or on her while she is using shadow physiology. She also currently has poor control over her ability and sometimes, dissociates when using her physiology with no recollection of her actions when she comes to. Status: TAKEN
+ Resilient, Driven, Self-sufficient - Isolative, Guarded, Uncouth
B I O G R A P H Y (TW: abuse)
Draven Wolfe, dubbed The Nightmare by local news and late night talk shows alike had never been “normal”. In fact, he’d been labeled misanthropic, sadistic, and even a monster. By any who had had the unfortunate displeasure of bearing witness to his many misdeeds. He prided himself in his ability to bring the city to its collective knees. He was larger than life until the day that he fell in love with a hostage. She was fearless. Despite his ability to induce and weaponize fear as a physical force, she was unphased, later revealing her power of a psychic shield. Draven was not accustomed to feeling anything for anyone other than himself, but the woman did not shiver at the site of him. She did not look at him like the monster that the society around him had encouraged and created.
A year passed and Draven was standing in the labor room of a private hospital, one of the only hospitals that would welcome the birth of “The Nightmare’s Child”. Only two hours after contractions started, things began to go south fast. The medical staff tried to force Draven out of the delivery room to no avail. They were able to save the child, but not the mother. In a burst of anger, Draven destroyed the entirety of the hospital before taking his daughter and disappearing again from mainstream society. He raised his daughter in isolation. He’d disappeared from the news and dedicated every moment of his time to raising his daughter. She had to be smarter, better, and more powerful than her mother. All of Draven’s focus was on shaping her rather than nurturing her.
As the only known offspring of an infamous villain, Shiloh’s expectations from society were unfortunate while her expectations of her father were infinite. As she got older and more independent at the age of 10, Draven began to venture back out into his work. The world cowered at the return of The Nighmare, but Shiloh only saw him as her father despite the fact that the man on the news every other night in the midst of another distasteful conquest could barely be called a father at all. However, due to her isolation, lack of peers, and lack of any other family, her situation seemed entirely normal to her for it was the only reality she’d ever known.
Finally reaching adolescence, Draven knew it was time to work on Shiloh’s powers. With the knowledge that high levels of stress could induce power manifestations, Draven began to use every trick in the book to trigger her powers.  Draven, frustrated with the wait, put Shiloh through a variety of sessions to break her, but she was sturdy and stubborn. Finally, Daven discovered her fear of the dark. It was so simple that Draven beat himself up for not seeing it sooner. With this new knowledge, he began to send her into the basement on a regular basis. She would cry, but he would only point back down the stairs and repeat again. Finally, giving up on letting the darkness alone pull the powers from her, he amplified the fear it caused using his own abilities.
Outside of the basement he could hear screaming until it finally stopped and darkness itself plummeted through the door, filling the house like dark ink. When the darkness cleaned, Shiloh was no where to be found. She had finally escaped him. She laid low for quite a while, but realized quickly that her powers were far from under control. Despite all that her father had put her through, she knew well that he was the only one who could truly help her learn how to control them. When she finally returned to her home, her father had been locked up in a maximum security prison for super villains.
With no place else to go Shiloh did what she could to get by on her own which increasingly began to include the use of her powers to obtain food or money in order to get by. This worked well for her until the day she was caught and offered  a second chance at Skybourne University where she hoped to learn control of her powers in an environment that was more stable and safe than anything she’d known before. Shiloh continues to struggle with her ability and is often afraid that the use of her powers will cause other’s to see her as they see her father.
Unknown (mother - deceased) Draven Wolfe (father - alive) Unknown (half-brother - alive)
Alysha King: Within the super community, there is a strong stigma connected to those students whose parents used their powers for evil rather than for saving kittens and assisting the elderly. Shiloh and Alysha have connected over their similar pasts and love of art.
Kristopher Maier: Kris has always treated Shlioh with kindness and she honestly feels like she can confide in him, though she may not always heed all of his advice.
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