#krashton roxel
asterxicy · 3 years
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Gearing up for the next Art Fight!
Be ready to see some new things, and I hope to throw a whole lot out there.
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asterxicy · 3 years
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Krash Drop. Saw a Sonic do this, and I thought, it was a cool pose. Through Krash in, even added his fur coat for even more dramatic effect! Probably could add some more shading, But I’m good witht his. 
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asterxicy · 3 years
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Krash the werehog! Something new, And a little different. I was going to use this elsewhere before getting shut down. The work was in, so I just wrapped up the last bits.  Fun drawing, though a sad story behind it. 
Life does sometime suck. I was upset, angry, tired, then sad, then upset all over again. It’s a rant, just cause, it’s why this drawing isn’t really finished and a bit choppy. I might just redo it for myself at one point. But what happened today, just left me emotionally drained.  It sucks. Being part of a group, and then each time, butting heads over things that should be trivial. And today, it finally reared it’s head. And seems like, I just didn’t get much out of it.  It’s a long story, but I’m just posting this up just for my own benefit. Kind of a reminder to just write of this chapter of my life and walk away from bad experience.Bad jokes, just having ideas axed. It’s rough. I didn’t think it would happen. I would like to think I was a pretty chill guy, pretty positive, tried to get along. Not always going to get there. But hey, gotta keep trying. I tend to be passive aggressive when I don’t like things. It’s not something I’m proud off, ashamed of really, and that’s what seemed to push things. Though honestly, I apologized for this and just accepted what came my way. Even just say alright, I’ll stop. Just a mental note. Cause I didn’t want to add trouble. I didn’t want trouble either, heck I was going through some serious family issues I was taking a week break from socials I told them about. It’s been rocky, and I’ve been petty with my comments. Cause honestly, I am bad with people who don’t lead well. I dealt with it before, and I never liked it. People present double standards where they can do things you can’t do. 
I suppose I have my share of blame, and at the same time, I had higher expectations. Which kind of is my fault. And not a good reason, just, sucks. Then again, you shouldn’t make expectations of others. It isn’t right. Doesn’t help that I was on the passive aggressive end too.   I just tried to be friendly, relationships  take work. But this, this just straight up kick, then tell everyone I was toxic. That was a low blow. I made a post about the pirate I drew, and what happened with that. And somehow, that was toxic. I never mentioned who, or where.  Just how I felt on my personal blog. 
IT seems like, I was kicked out for being upset. Maybe I was being toxic. I don’t know. I don’t really care to go into detail. I was upset that yesterday, I tell them I’m making things for all three of my characters. Meh, it is what it is, I get a bit uppity then just move on.  At this point, I’m kind of glad and sad. Glad, I’m not a part of that group, and I don’t have to waste energy on them. Sad, a friend I made 6 years ago, turned out not to be my friend.  Or that was just severed when heads were butt
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asterxicy · 4 years
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A Bit off an aloof look. Not going to use it now, but I’m trying to get some more practice in!
Not sure if putting an outline makes it look better. I think maybe it does. More cartoon like!
at first I was good at ponies, bad at humans
Later good at humans and bad at ponies
Now I’m good on hedgehogs but bad on humans! .
I feel like I’m never going to make my stride
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asterxicy · 4 years
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Trying out a new meme. 
Honestly, Krash came out well in the last one, might as well try him again! 
I’m kind of liking how he is turning out
Credit to @riddleblg For the meme
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asterxicy · 6 years
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Got the itch to draw my little sonic crazed mad man of an OC. seem kind of cool
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asterxicy · 6 years
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I was actually planning on drawing something else... then Krash came out swinging instead
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