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Yuletide Greetings!!! 🎄 - The Krampus, also known as Kramperl or Bartl, is a figure that accompanies Saint Nicholas in various regional Advent traditions. These traditions are found all around the Alps, most of all in Austria, southern Germany and nothern Italy, but are also widespread in many parts of Eastern Europe. While Saint Nicholas gives presents to the good children, the naughty ones are punished by the Krampus, who most likely is a remnant of pre-Christian ideas and customs. - This little piece was an entry for the #spiritsofyulechallenge over on Instagram. :)
#krampus#yuletide#yuletideartwork#my art#yuletideart#yule#christmastraditions#german folklore#austrian folklore#pagan art#pagan christmas#kramperl#spirits of yule challenge#yule traditions
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Disclaimer: I have no fucking clue about Pokémon (@aimybits save me, fair damsel ^^)
What I see:
and the desperate Japanese PhD student trying to explain which of the two he is talking about.
let’s play a randomized nuzlocke.
no no. no no no no.
#this is not to mock Japanese accents at ALL#i just couldn't read one without thinking of the other#and thought of the torabura discussion
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Happy Christmas.
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two kinds of krampus, classic and creepy
follow me on instagram for regular updates :)
#krampus#austria#österreich#drawing#art#comic#cartoon#illustration#nikolaus#nikolo#kramperl#perchten#perchtenlauf#krampuslauf#graz#ewald domitner#morbus untermond#morbusuntermond#digitalart#cartoonists on tumblr
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Schaut vorbei am 25. November im St. Gilgener Strandbad! #Krampuskränzchen (mit Show!) der #SchafbergPass St. Gilgen! @schafbergpass Ein Vergnügen für Jung und Alt. #kinderfreundlich #KrampusStreichelzoo #Krampus #kramperl #schafberg (hier: St. Gilgen, Austria)
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"Viking Barterix"(1st Form)
"He's the Akurei form of Bartl Kramperl when infected from Sebastian's shadow virus"
He's an Akurei that resembles Bartl with with red and brown suit armored shoulders with braces on his arms and wears boots. His Beard is orange also has an helmet on his head and black eyes with red scleras.
"Violent Warrior"(2nd Form)
As Violent Warrior, he's bigger, his skin becomes orange and his beard becomes red and fiery. He wields Fire Hammer and wears black pants.
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Описание легенд зимы было бы не полным без этого персонажа .
Итак Кра́мпус (нем. Krampus, австр. Klaubauf, Bartl, словен. Parkelj, чеш. čert, сил. Gumphinckel, венг. Krampusz) — легендарная фигура в фольклоре альпийского региона, спутник и антипод святого Николая или же независимый персонаж легенды о которая возходят к древнейшим колдовским традициям.
Считается что в ночь с 5 по 6 декабря Крампус сопровождает святого Николая, наказывая непослушных детей и пугая их, действуя в противовес Николаю, который раздаёт подарки хорошим детям. Считается, что когда Крампус находит капризного ребёнка, он кладёт ему под подушку уголь или засовывает его в свой мешок и уносит напуганное дитя в пещеру, предположительно, чтобы съесть на рождественский ужин. В более старых версиях легенд Крампус похищает детей и уносит в свой жуткий замок, а потом сбрасывает в море или же создаёт из него своего слугу темного эльфа .
Изображать Крампуса принято в Австрии, Южной Баварии, Венгрии, Словении, Чехии, некоторых северных областях Италии (Боцен ,Больцано) и Хорватии. Вид этого существа и его название варьируются в зависимости от местности. В альпийском регионе Крампуса изображают как рогатое и косматое звероподобное чудище демонической внешности. Традиционно мужчины наряжаются в наряд Крампуса в течение первой недели декабря, а особенно в ночь с 5 (нем. Krampuslauf — «День Крампуса») на 6 декабря (нем. Nikolotag — «День Св. Николая») и бродят по улицам, пугая детей цепями и колокольчиками. Часто Крампуса изображают открытках в Европе.
Упоминания о Крампусе имеются ещё в дохристианском германском фольклоре. По некоторым характеристикам он проявляет сходство и с сатирами из древнегреческой мифологии. В более ранний период, особенно во времена инквизиции католическая церковь запрещала празднования с участием ряженых, изображающих рогатых существ. Тем не менее традиция изображения Крампуса сохранилась, и к XVII веку он утвердился в рождественских празднованиях как спутник святого Николая.
В XX веке австрийское правительство не поощряло изображение Крампуса. После гражданской войны 1934 года режим Дольфуса по инициативе христиан-социалистов и Отечественного фронта наложил запрет на данную традицию. В 1950-е годы правительство распространяло памфлеты на тему «Крампус — порождение зла». Однако к концу века произошло восстановление празднований с участием Крампуса, и сейчас эта традиция остаётся популярной.
При всех различиях в изображении Крампуса некоторые его характеристики остаются общими: он покрыт шерстью, обычно бурой или чёрной, у него козлиные рога и раздвоенные копыта. Из пасти вываливается длинный заострённый язык.
Нередко Крампус несёт цепь, что символизирует оковы на Дьяволе в христианской традиции. Для достижения большего эффекта он потрясает цепями. Цепи как и длина языка Крампуса могут быть разными.
Ещё один символ Крампуса, связки берёзовых розг (ruten), которыми он стегает детей. Наказание розгами играло важную роль в дохристианском обряде инициациии и заменялось хлыстом. Крампус появляется с мешком за спиной для того, чтобы унести непослушных детей
Слово «Krampus» (иногда «Grampus») происходит от древневерхненемецкого «Krampen» со значением «коготь» либо, по другой версии, от баварского слова «Krampn» «нечто мёртвое, высохшее». Также в немецкой традиции известны названия «Hörnernickel» — рогатый Николай у судетских немцев, «Klausentreiben» — Дикий Клаус (нем.) у швабов, «Klausjagen» — Клаус-яген (нем.) в швейцарском городе Кюснахт-ам-Риги или «Chlausjagen» — в Хальвиле.
В германской части Альп и австрийском регионе Зальцкаммергут Крампус более известен под именем «Kramperl». В Австрии персонаж известен также как «Klaubauf», а в южных частях страны — как «Bartl», «Bartel», «Niglobartl» или «Wubartl». В других землях Крампуса и его аналогов также называют «Pelzebock» или «Pelznickel» (на юге Германии), «Gumphinckel» (в Силезии). В Венгрии он известен как «Krampusz»
Иногда Крампус в фольклоре смешивается с другим мифическим существом — ведьмой Перхтен.
В Центральной Европе ритуалы, связанные с Крампусом, различаются. В Швецарии Крампус отдаёт свои розги семье, в которую приходит, и затем они остаются в доме на видном месте на протяжении всего года как напоминание детям вести себя хорошо. В некоторых небольших деревнях Крампус расхаживает в компании других существ своих спутников .
В Эльзасе аналог Крампуса известен как Ганс Трапп (эльз. Hans Trapp) и во время празднований сопровождает фигуру младенца христа вместо святого Николая. Это связано с традицией, установленной лютеранской церковью ещё в 1600-е годы, когда место Св. Николая в данном ритуале занял иисус .
Изображение Крампуса набрало популярность и в Северной Америке популярен он и у немецкоязычных диаспор северо-востока США, где известен как Bellsnichol совмещает черты как святого Николая, так и его Демонического антипода.
Черный Маг Сергей Розен.
"Легенды зимы"
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This Krampus pendant is quite special for us considering its meaning and background story. We are launching this beautiful pendant today and this little Krampus is handmade to order in our Etsy shop or website www.thewickedgriffin.com - Original Krampus image created by and used with permission from @missmonstermel . . But now about my love for Kramperl... When I was a young child, I was fascinated by the masks, the costumes and the loud noise of the bells, but more importantly, the local lore of the Rauhnächte, which is still quite popular in many rural areas of the Alps on the Bavarian and the Austrian side, made me imagine the wildest things in my mind. . . Looking back now, I can say that these traditions that I hold so dear with vivid memories, is what made me interested and fascinated by pre-christian culture and mythology. I asked someone who participated in the Krampuslauf, where they come from, and like many locals still believe, he said that they were of Celtic origin. . . And this is what lead me onto my path of in-depth reading, and discovering the heritage that I grew up with. More importantly, it sparked a deep passion for pre-history, comparative mythology and ethnographic reports so that I may come a bit closer to understanding these traditions. . . Today, I work with other researchers and Anthropologists, we share and exchange information and I will be also involved in other projects, including my research project alpinelachsner.com, among others. These traditions are still not fully understood. This is what makes them so fascinating. . . Much of my research started almost 10 years ago, and it wouldn't have happened without Krampus, Perchta and the Buttnmandl, without Berchthold on her side and the Klausen and Bärbeletreiben, that might be a surviving substrate from a much older cosmology and belief-system, ... reaching into the pre-neolithic stone age. . . This is a special piece with a special background, without him I also would not have met so many researchers who share the same passion. When I think of home and childhood, Krampus and Perchta is certainly a huge part of it. https://www.instagram.com/p/B44uLxyH9Ud/?igshid=1fx0oaokuj6ql
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Jetzt ist der Krampus schon altbacken. #krampus #kramperl #rosine #food #foodporn #bäckerei #igers #igersvienna #weihnachten #xmas #advent #geschenk #winter #brauchtum https://www.instagram.com/p/BrIeh2ZBwZP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qkw4s0iamgl1
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Und los geht der Spaß! 🎅 #BlaueNacht #Nachtschicht #Dienst #FirstResponder #Nikolaus #Kramperl #uniter #uniternetwork #staysafe
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fanfiction: costumes in the attic
Fandom: Hetalia - Axis Powers Pairing: PruAus Characters: Prussia, Austria, Kugelmugel Rating: T (for a certain someone’s foul mouth)
Summary: Looking for Christmas decoration in Austria’s attic, Prussia finds an old costume he hasn’t expected to be there.
Written for Day 20 (Krampus) of @aph-fanficchallenges’ Hetalia Christmas Calendar on tumblr.
Also available on my AO3 and fanfiction.net (see the links in my profile).
Preliminary notes:
This fic is set at least one year later than Krampuslauf, my other fic that deals with the Krampus tradition of some eastern Alpine regions. Several of these horned figures with long tongues and cloven hooves traditionally accompany St Nicholas when he brings presents to children. As far as this part of the tradition is concerned, the Krampus is quite similar to Knecht Ruprecht, St Nicholas’ companion in most regions to Germany that is supposed to give naughty children ashes, coal, or stones instead of presents. (In some Austrian regions, Knecht Ruprecht also exists, but as sort of a protector of St Nicholas or as the person handing out birch rods to the various Krampus.)
There are some nods to Prussia’s thoughts on Christmas decoration in Roderich’s attic that I’ve made in Christmas Baubles and Silver Tinsel, the other fic I’ve written for this year’s Hetalia Christmas Calendar. However, you needn’t have read it in order to understand the story and its pairing, Rus/Prus, is neither mentioned nor alluded to in Costumes in the Attic.
“Hey! I thought you didn’t have any of these things!” Prussia called from upstairs.
“What things?” Curiosity got the best of Austria. He walked up the stairs to his attic door, wondering what had elicited Prussia’s exclamation.
“These,” said his boyfriend, holding up a familiar-looking combination of fur, mask, and cowbells. “I thought you neither liked the smell of the fur nor how heavy this costume was!”
“Oh,” Austria said, stepping closer to examine the Krampus costume Gilbert had retrieved from a wooden chest. “That one’s really old. Must have survived two world wars. Amazing.” He held the fur to his nose, sniffing reluctantly. “I only smell mothballs, though.”
Prussia copied him.
“You’re right,” he admitted. “Still doesn’t explain what a Krampus costume is doing in your attic.”
“It’s my brother’s, actually—Don’t drop it!” Austria scowled at Prussia’s impulse to be ostentatiously disgusted at all objects Bavaria might have touched. “Yes, this is Theodor’s,” he grumbled. “But it’s a clean—well, a little dusty—costume he hasn’t worn in over a hundred years. No need to treat it as if it was poisoned.”
Prussia gave the costume a suspicious look, but there was also curiosity in his eyes. Austria smiled a tiny, private smile. Sometimes his boyfriend was pretty easy to read.
While Prussia was still fighting his inner struggle of whether his disgust for Bavaria outweighed his curiosity to try on the Krampus costume, Austria went to the crest and retrieved the other costume that he knew to be next to it.
“Ah, there’s my St Nicholas costume too!” he called out. “I’ve been looking for it for decades!”
“Then you probably haven’t been looking thoroughly enough,” Prussia mumbled. “I’ve been telling you for years that it’s helpful to have at least some sort of system of ordering...”
“Yes, you’ve been starting to tell me this decades after it might have had any practical use,” Austria countered. “Thinking about it, though, I wouldn’t have followed your advice anyway because we were still rivals at that time,” he then admitted. Prussia cackled, and Austria’s private smile turned into a real one. He found he was getting soft; occasionally letting go of the opportunity to make a particularly mean pun on Prussia’s expense. They would perhaps never stop bickering and Austria liked it that way, but he also liked the way Prussia and him sometimes showed consideration for each other’s sensibilities.
Meanwhile Prussia had made his decision.
“All right,” he said. “I’ll wear it if you put the St Nicholas costume on!”
Austria nodded, slipping inside of the long, red coat of the saint that also smelled of mothballs. Perhaps he should take both costumes downstairs in order to air them a little...
He needed to help Prussia with the fur coat, but eventually, St Nicholas with his mitre and crosier and, next to him, a Krampus with horns over a scary, animalistic mask were standing in Austria’s attic. Smirking, Austria tied St Nicholas’ beard around his mouth, hiding his expression under long, bushy white hair. His eyes, however, were still smiling.
“So, how does it feel, being inside a Krampus costume for the first time in your life?”
“Honestly? All that fur feels pretty heavy,” Prussia admitted. He shook his cowbells. “Woah. They’re really loud in here.”
Austria laughed. He wrapped his arms around the beast’s neck, still seeing Prussia’s albino eyes underneath the mask.
“They’re made for outdoors, after all!” he said, grinning under his beard.
“Still loud,” Prussia pouted. Austria nuzzled his white fake beard against the Krampus’ fur, giggling.
“Oh my God!” a voice exclaimed from the direction of the attic door. Prussia’s impulse was to jump away from Austria, but Austria’s arm held him in place.
“Friedl,” he said, scowling. “Don’t startle us like this.” Kugelmugel, for his part, was still shaking his head in disbelief.
“Kramperl and Nikolo are getting it on with each other,” he commented. “Who’d have thought that. Guess I’m scarred for life.”
The main inspiration for this short little thing was a drawing of St Nicholas and (a) Krampus by Japh (japhers on tumblr) who, in turn, was inspired by illustrations of the two on Christmas cards that—I quote—“make them look like a pair of queerplatonic old men who live across the street”. (I’m going to link it in my first reblog since, y’know tumblr and links these days...)
#pruaus#aph prussia#aph austria#aph kugelmugel#hetalia#aph fanfiction#hetalia fanfiction#aph#fanfiction#my fanfiction#creatorsofhetalia#hwdwriters#aph fanficchallenges
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Krampusnacht prep 👹🎅🏼👹 · Kramperl, Kramperl Besenstü, beten kann i eh net vü. #krampus #nikolaus #krampusnacht #santaclaus #optoutside #wanderlust #justpassingthrough #backcountry #discoverCalifornia #hikesandiego #allterrain #audioffroad #fifteen52 #52offroad #audi #allroad #quattro #wagonation #campallroad #zrdrk30 #longroof #wagonlife #avantlife #wagonlove #wagonestate #audigramm #audiquattro #audipixs #wagonwednesday #ZeroDarkThirty (at Krampusrummel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXPNEXyB82A/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Austrians have many very original traditions for national holidays. Heres a very curious one that you may find interesting...
An old tradition that is maintained with lots of passion and effort, revolves around the creepy figure of the Krampus. The "Kramperl”, as the sinister figure of the Krampus is called in many parts of Salzburg, ensures noisy uproar and goosebumps in the otherwise quiet Christmas time.
At the end of November, the “Stand Time” begins – the Advent time. Dusk falls early and often the first slice of snow has already covered the city. Chain lights on the house gables and Christmas markets give off a Christmas glow and the towns and villages are picturesquely sleepy. It smells of fruit loaf, toffee apples and Christmas biscuits. But the peacefulness is deceptive because this is when the Krampus is around!
This tradition has been running since the 17th Century when Saint Nicholas, accompanied by these terrifying figures, went from house to house asking to be let in. While the well-behaved children were presented with gifts from Santa, the naughty children were punished by the devilish companions. Even today, there are these home visits by St. Nicholas. As one, whole companies (Passen), made up of Saint Nicholas accompanied by Kamperl, Witches, Angels and basket carriers, roam across the land knocking on families’ doors. On the other hand, you can also order a Saint Nicholas visit, with or without Krampus. to nurseries, schools or within your own four walls.
It gets loud in the historic town centres of Salzburg, when the Krampus Runs appear in the event calendars from the end of November on – regardless of whether with a traditional bonfire or more modern with music and lights show. It is certainly impressive when hundreds of Kramperl storm through the village and you can admire their masks – usually from a safe distance. One of the largest processions with over one thousand Kampuss is the Krampus Run in St. Johann in Pongau, which takes place every year on 6th December in the upper part of the village. But also in the City of Salzburg, there are numerous Krampus runs to admire, such as the one on the 1st December at 6 p.m. where the Untersberg Krampusse run around the area of the Star Advent.
Maybe a trip into the city of Salzburg next December to experience this in real life is on the cards?
#Salzburg#salzburg christmas#love salzburg#visit salzburg#christmas#krampus#Europe Tour#christmas tradition#christmas salzburg#city blog
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I'm ready for December I guess... . . . . #krampusfell #gerbereiritsch #mittersill #schafbergpass #kramperl #krampus #fur #austriantradition #tradition (hier: Mittersill)
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"Bartl Kramperl"
"The headmaster of the school.He's supposed to be pretty scary when he gets angry, also he is a decent guy."
Bartl Kramperl is a human that resembles Krampus in a similar manner, with a humanized appearance. He's bald and also has a purple colored beard with brown clothes and a red cravate. He is the in-universe counterpart to Krampus.
1st Krampus belongs to:@littlemissdevil21
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