sylkshe-a · 1 year
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✧˚ ˖ @krakuholt ( with mentions of @liightbringr ) —- ❛ [ THROAT ]: sender pins the receiver to the wall by placing a hand or forearm against their throat. ❜ / 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 !
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𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠.
Akin to poison , the way it worked : slowly eating away at one's insides.   the only difference betwen the two was that poison was a physical killer , hatred targeted the mind  &  the heart.   &  it was the heart from which Aniela's hatred for Barnabas Tharmr was born.
There was a point , once , when Eva had said to Aniela , that so sweet was her heart , so pure her soul that she couldn't possibly hate anothing living thing , that hatred didn't exist within her.   It was true — until Barnabas.   Husband to her dearest sister  &  Mad King of Waloed.   The man who took her sister from her.   As the younger sibling , she wanted all of the older's attention  &  for a time , she had it.   When Aniela , so detatched from her humanity was so much more seal / sea dragon than anything.   So out of touch with the reality of their world.   It was Eva who'd taught her how to read , to write . . the customs of humans  &  other essentials for braving society  &  then , like the waves can erase a journey of footprints in the sand , she was gone.   Time now spent with Barnabas  &  then married. 
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Eventually , Eva had left but now , as time had gone on , she was back  &  Aniela , the ever dutiful sister at her side.   &  because she couldn't help herself , because there was still some part of her unable to control all of her emotions  &  feelings , she was always teasing Barnabas.   Irk  &  ire had made a home in her heart  &  so oft they would drive her to speak things she shouldn't , things that were targeted at her brother in law.   Why , just earlier , she had spoken about several men oogling  &  drooling over Eva , whilst they were out to market  &  she'd said so at the dinner table , no less.   Of course , none of what she said was actually true , save for one man who was ever so polite about his wandering gaze , but nevertheless , Aniela embellished  &  the deed had been done  &  Barnabas flipped the table.   It was all quite chatoic  &  riveting , but Aniela had actually felt a pang of guilt when she watched Eva walk away with a huff , down the corridor. 
The Leviathan Dominant turned to exit the scene as well , but she had only made it a few paces before the sount of boots on stone met her ears  &  suddenly , she was being swung 'round , slammed into the wall with loud thud.   Barnabas had her pinned by the throat with his forearm  &  the momentum was enough that he'd lifted her slightly  (  not hard to do considering she was only 5'2  ).   Her feet dangled , they struggled  &  kicked , flailing to try  &  find ground.
❝     I'm sorry —     ❞   she choked out amidst wind pipe being slowly crushed.   Gaze is locked with the Mad King  &  she pleads , vision darkening 'round the edges.   ❝     Please . . Barnabas , I'll stop . . please.     ❞
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ofsgiathan · 2 years
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❝  Give  me  back  my  sword,  @krakuholt. ❞
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mysfated · 1 year
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DEFENSIVENESS:  arms  crossed  on  chest.    crossing  legs.    fist - like  gestures.   pointing  index  finger.    karate  chops.  stiffening  of  shoulders.   tense  posture.   curling  of  lip.   baring  of  teeth.
REFLECTIVE:   hand  to  face  gestures.    head  tilted.    stroking  chin.    peering  over  glasses.    taking  glasses  off  /  cleaning.   putting  earpiece  of  glasses  in  mouth.    pipe  smoker  gestures.    putting  hand  to  the  bridge  of  nose.   pursed  lips.   knitted  brows.
SUSPICION:   arms  crossed.   sideways  glance.    touching  or  rubbing  nose.    rubbing  eyes.   hands  resting  on  weapon.   brows  rising.   lips  pressing  into  a  thin  line.    strict,  unwavering  eye  contact.   wrinkling  of  nose.
OPENNESS  +  COOPERATION:   open  hands.    upper  body  in  sprinters  position.   sitting  on  the  edge  of  a  chair.    hand - to - face  gestures.    unbuttoned  coat.    tilted  head.   slacked  shoulders.   droopy  posture.    feet  pointed  outward.    palms  flat  and  facing  outward.
CONFIDENCE:   hands  behind  back.    hands  on  lapels  of  coat.    steepled  hands.   baring  teeth  in  a  grin.    rolling  shoulders.    tipping  head  back  but  maintaining  eye  contact.    chest  puffed  up.   shoulders  back.   arms  folded  just  above  navel.
INSECURITY  +  ANXIETY:   chewing  pen  or  pencil.    rubbing  thumb  over  opposite  thumb.  biting  fingernails.    hands  in  pockets.   elbow  bent.    closed  gestures.    clearing  throat.    “  whew  ”  sound.    picking  or  pinching  flesh. tugging  at  ear. .   perspiring  hands.    playing  with  hair.    swaying.    playing  with  pointer.    smacking  lips.    sighing.   rocking  on  balls  of  feet.   flexing  fingers  sporadically fidgeting  in  chair.    hand  covering  mouth  whilst  speaking.    poor  eye  contact.   tugging  at  pants  while  seated.    jingling  money  in  pockets.    
FRUSTRATION:   short  breaths.    “  tsk  ”  sounds.   tightly  clenched  hands.    fist - like  gestures.    pointing  index  finger.   running  hands  through  hair.   rubbing  back  of  neck.    snarling.    revealing  teeth.    grimacing.   sharp - eyed  glowers  with  notable  tension  in  brows.   shoulders  back,  head  up.    defensive  posturing.   clenching  of  jaw.    grinding  of  teeth.   nostrils  flaring.
TAGGED BY: @rasvyet
TAGGING: @krakuholt , @gelarios , @dangerouswomxn , @altrxisme , @immobiliter !!
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sylkshe-a · 1 year
i love @liightbringr & @krakuholt so much LMAOOOOO
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sylkshe-a · 1 year
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✧˚ ˖ @liightbringr ( with mentions of @krakuholt ) —- ❛ it's a rare day for them. she's enveloped by the sea just like days of old. chasing bubbles && flippers like a game that only they know. would the king wonder where she is? this she knows not. but all the same it bothers her none. she is queen. && if her heart so desires to be lost to the currents once more with her sibling, she will do so. && so she dives down once more from the surface. a ways she swims, descending to the chill that resides just that much deeper than before. where she is met with the sweet face of her sibling. despite the salt of the sea, she grins wide at such a sight. her hand shifts through the water if only so that the pad of her index might tap against the delicate nose before her. she utters the word boop! beneath the water, but it only rises on a large bubble. ❜ / 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐨𝐭 !
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𝑜ℎ 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑗𝑜𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 !
So long it had been since they'd been like this  :  alone  ,  together  ,  splashing amidst the ever - comforting embrace of the waves.   It is rare that Aniela primes anymore  ;  only when she's alone in the sea  ,  playing with the seals  &  other aquatic friends.   One of the perks of being Leviathan's dominant was an ability to not only prime  ,  but to shapeshift  ━━━  within reason  ,  of course.   Aniela could only really shift into one thing of her choice  &  so she chose her favorite creature  ;  the seal.   It was currently  ,  in this refreshing moment of repose with her sister  ,  that Aniela had donned the aforementioned form  &  oh  ,  how thrilled she was.
She was splashing  ,  diving  ,  circling  &  having so much fun.   Sad as it was  ,  she could scarce recall a time they'd had this much fun  (  she makes a mental note to drag Eva out here in the mornings more often  )  ,  not that being in the castle wasn't fun  ,  but she could only remain within the same proximity of as her dear sister's husband for only so long.   
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It's nice to see Eva smile as well.   It was the smile that was reserved her just for her  ,  for her sister.   There was one for Barnabas  ,  one for their children  ,  one for their people  ,  one for everyone else  &  one for her.   That one was dusted with the reminisance of their childhood  &  oh  ,  how delighted Ani was to be on the receiving end of that smile  &  even better !   A soft little boop to her snout !   There's an excited little wiggle to her seal body before she swims forward  ,  pressing booped snoot to the cheek of her sister dearest.   A little boop of her own.
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sylkshe-a · 1 year
wow @liightbringr & @krakuholt are really out here tryna kill me huh.
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