tempelbeast · 5 months
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Stars-ish Rahkshi's with a young Kraata-Kal.
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that1cactus · 1 year
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Various Dark Hunter Heads
Some unique takes on some Dark Hunters, featuring the first instance of Firedracax's concept
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Turahk as an experiment in drawing Rahkshi, combining elements of the original toy and the Miramax model. Also Kraata-Kal.
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mugbearerscorner · 1 year
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The Prodigal Son
This is Kraata-Kal, based on an old design by my hubby. A Makuta experiment turned Dark Hunter because he was too clever and smart to be just someone's minion. I love this mutant slug worm wearing an advanced mecha suit.
I am attempting something here by using mass upload program (PostyBirb) to re-post a bunch of my old MOC images. P sure not everyone who follows me today saw them back in the day, so it's a bunch of treats for y'all!
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rahiwatching · 1 year
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OK, so I know that they probably just kept them imprisoned somewhere like with the Kraata cave, but I cant help but picture the Turaga living with the Krana-Kal as their annoying evil roommates
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venerabela · 3 months
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{CMSN} Serving Makuta
Commission for Azure featuring myself. It's no secret that Azure and I are mutual fans of Bionicle. Maybe we got a bit into it, buying Rahkshi and Bohrok off a shady listing... We were confused to see containers that had an actual squirming Kraata and a compelling Krana-Kal mask... We soon found ourselves being corrupted...  For me, the Kraata serpent dug itself into my neck, beginning to merge with my spine, and pressing through and merging with my muzzle... Our minds melding, combining the near-feral, serpentine programming of the Rahkshi with my own mind, while my body becomes little more than the shell he... we... I... inhabit. For Azure, the Krana-Kal mask latches to his face, rewiring it to serve the Bahrag queens, his body starting to look more and more insectoid, his hands reforming into Kohrok-Kal's sonic shields... The Rahkshi form may become a permanent form for Vene later on~ Azure (c) to Azure92 on FA Vene and art (c) to myself Wanna see these images early? Have HD downloads? PSD access? Consider becoming a patron on Patreon! >>> https://www.patreon.com/Venerabela <<< Want a commission? See other sites I'm on? Interact with me and my community? >>> https://venerabela.carrd.co/ <<<
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downtofragglerock · 2 months
I just realized that if we go by the theory that Kraata are effectively larval Makuta and could become one if they were theoretically allowed to develop that far, and the Brotherhood doesn't let this happen, either for control reasons or because stage 6 Kraata are already rare enough, anything beyond that is a hypothetical that the Brotherhood didn't bother with
Would that make Kraata-Kal, who was evolved to the point of complete sapience, the 101st Makuta?
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writerfromtheshore · 2 years
Loose ends I have questions to
So I am working on a story about Tahu and the Golden armor post Journey’s end, and research on Biosector has led me to find some interesting things about a lot that Greg wrote for the end of Bionicle. In no particular order:
1) Did the Dark Hunter Kraata Kal survive the whole golden armor ordeal? I think he did because of the mutation. It seems like his mutation made him more than solid antidermis, so it seems as if he is going to survive into the post canon. 
2) In “The Powers That Be”, Chapter 3 into Chapter 4 in the Kopaka-Pohatu Story:
All three little beings produced wicked looking hand weapons. (Chapter 3) 
The three Kestora raised their weapons higher in answer and began to squeeze the triggers. In an instant, Pohatu had seemingly vanished. When he reappeared, the Kestora had been disarmed and he held all their weapons.
“I said – oh, never mind, you know what I said,” Pohatu chuckled. “Now what’s all this about coming and going? What is this, some kind of a transport hub?”
“In a sense,” said one of the Kestora.
“Yes, you might say that,” said the second.
“Or you might not,” the third interjected. “Anyway, the three of you need to be going. You got what you came here for, time to leave.” (Chapter 4) 
I am wondering, what were these devices? What did they do? The Kestora said Pohatu and Kopaka had gotten what they had came for, so does this mean that they were supposed to get three of these hand weapons? And if so, what were they for?
Going down the rabbit hole with this... 
Maybe they were supposed to somehow cross paths with Orde, Chiara, Zaria and Gelu from the Yesterday Quest, and get these weapons to them? Maybe these weapons were supposed to work on a Great Being gone biomech, and that this could have been pivotal in the battle, possibly banning Velika to the Star. 
3) From the end of Reign of Shadows:
The Great Being should have been pleased by all this. After all, it was he and his brothers and sisters who had created Mata Nui and sent the robot on its mission, which culminated in the restoration of the planet. But things had changed a great deal in the last 101,000 years. What might once have been cause for celebration now provoked very different emotions.
They will seek the Great Beings now, he thought. They will want to tell us that all is well. Toa and Glatorian, Matoran and Agori, will join together on this 'joyous' mission. But all is not well ... and if they go in search of those who brought so much glory and so much misery to this world ... I fear they will find nothing but death.
Yes, there is a big hint in the second paragraph foreshadowing Marendar in the future sequels. However, let’s look at the first paragraph: 
But things had changed a great deal in the last 101,000 years. What might once have been cause for celebration now provoked very different emotions.
It seems as if maybe the agenda of the Great Beings could have possibly changed. Could they have for some reason no longer wanted the planet whole and rejoined, or am I simply looking too deep into this? Is this still alluding to Marendar, or is this something else?
4) Again, from Reign of Shadows:
Angonce studied his ancient equipment. It told him much about the state of the newly restored Spherus Magna. Mata Nui had gone dormant, at least temporarily;
I wonder if Mata Nui had some other mission that he was eventually going to attend to. I like to think that even though his GSR body was destroyed, he retained a lot of the files from his 100,000 year venture through the stars and had reports to log somewhere. 
This also leads me to wonder... as kind of a 4a.... there are mentions of several Great Being bases throughout Spherus Magna. 
Valley of the Maze
The mad Great Being’s tower
The place Orde et al were supposed to reach at the end of TYQ that was where they were made
The Great Being Lab visited in the Legend Reborn
What other ones could there have been?
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demitsorou · 2 years
Once I finally learn how to draw faster I’d love to draw Kayos hanging out with a bunch of giant frog rahi since both of us seem to be quite fond of rain frogs
I think Fury would hang out around frogs more than Kayos haha. He's more into reptiles and predators that don't involve walking around in muck or cold to enjoy (but i think his guilty pleasure are kraata worms because his older brother is Kraata-Kal). Fury would absolutely walk around in heavy rain to gaze upon frogs, worms, mushrooms, and other critters.
Considering Fury has some weather control abilities, engineering rains to make slugs happy would probably on their list of mischief to commit.
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Aaaaaaaaaand part two of the Dark Hunter sketches
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teelguy · 2 years
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so I've also turned all of the dark hunters into anime women too but I don't know how to nicely display 40+ pics so I just put them all in a gif
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tempelbeast · 5 months
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I thought that already posted these Dark Hunters Revamps. Here are:
-Phantom, in og and Fe Matoran colors;
-Kraata-Kal, in og and reverse color scheme;
-Shadow Stealer;
-And Dweller… again.
Also here's Gladiators Building instruction.
-Vengeance, Ravager and Tracker.
-Amphibax, Hordika Dragons, Subterranean, Prototype, Poison, Silence and Airwatcher.
Any thoughts?
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sepublic · 3 years
Shadow Kraata are canonically able to speak, and are as intelligent as Matoran- They’re essentially people, individuals! And they can still operate Rahkshi armor as the strongest of all;
In other words, I think we as a fandom need to do more with this idea and concept. Have Rahkshi OCs with full-fledged personalities and dialogue, little quirks and interactions with non-Rahkshi! Rahkshi who speak and talk and express themselves as people, with dreams and ambitions, maybe Rahkshi who choose to pursue normal lives and can be encountered as a neighbor on Spherus Magna.
Plus, if you go with the fanon idea of Shadow Kraata being able to evolve into Makuta, their acquired sapience and verbal skills at this stage makes a lot of sense! As does the fact that they notably gain the power of Shadow, associated with true Makuta, and can infect Kanohi as well... They really are kind of written like the missing link, the transition stage between Kraata and Makuta respectively.
By this logic, a Stage 8 Kraata might begin to develop additional abilities beyond the one its always had and mastered- As well as the standard and unique Makuta powers of Shadow Hand, telepathy, and even Kraata creation themselves! Additional stages might end with the Kraata actually growing in mass and size until it’s basically a larval Makuta.
Plus, we already have Kraata-Kal as an example of a sapient Rahkshi, and this could open up a lot of fun character interactions... Especially with a respective Makuta of origin, so subsequent Rahkshi all legitimately regard and refer to Miserix as ‘Dad’. Possibly Melding Teridax, though presumably his Kraata never become ‘Shadow’ Kraata at Stage 7, since he’s now aligned with Light- So just able to talk, assuming that isn’t intertwined with their developed power of shadow.
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dark-hunters-inc · 7 years
If you're still taking asks regarding Dark Mirror Month, I'd be very gracious if you were to tell me what happened to Gatherer, Poison, Kraata-kal, Shadow-Stealer, and Ravager?
I sure am! I answered a few of these before, but that’s okay - from now on, if I get duplicate asks, I’m just going to share even more information about that Dark Hunter!
Gatherer escaped Odina through underground tunnels, making his way to the Southern Continent. Using his kinship with subterranean Rahi, he found a safe haven from the Toa Empire, where he is sheltering several other Dark Hunters, including Vengeance and Spinner. @ask-gatherer has the full story!
Matoran scholars took Poison out of stasis to study his species, discovering his potent venom and his weakness to it. Toa Kualus attempted to test Poison’s resistance to the Mask of Rahi Control, only to discover the awful truth that Poison was not a Rahi at all, and the Matoran had actually wiped out a species of sapient beings designed by the Great Spirit. Kualus immediately led a cover-up of the matter, sending the scholars who had witnessed this truth to be reeducated. What happened to Poison is now a state secret.
Kraata-Kal and his cabal of Makuta lived in peace for several centuries, until the Empire found and stormed their hideout. The attacking Toa schooled Kraata-Kal in their control over Fire and Water, badly wounding him, and he only escaped with Minion’s aid. The two of them lost contact with the Makuta, and have since been wandering the Southern Continent. Kraata-Kal, ever prideful and vengeful, is nursing his wounds, hoping to find some way to become the true master of Fire and Water.
Shadow Stealer, who had already left the Dark Hunters to fight evil, added the Toa Empire to his list of targets, even working with the Brotherhood of Makuta to oppose them. He was recently summoned to Stelt to discuss the future of the rebel alliance with Ancient. @stolenshadows has the full story!
Ravager was captured and put to death by the Toa Empire for his many hideous crimes. Interestingly, Toa Orde submitted a secret testimony in his trial, presenting evidence of truly terrible deeds that even Ravager did not recall. What does Orde know of Ravager’s past, and why should a Toa know better than Ravager himself? Mysteries abound...
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xenon-noble · 2 years
Samurahk, God’s Gatekeeper
So, you’ve seen this guy around, right? Well, Let’s go into my idea for how he could fit in cannon:
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Backstory: Samurahk is the result of an Order of Mata Nui experiment to recreate the Dark Hunter known as Kraata-Kal. He stuck around because oh his admiration of the other order members’ combat skills.
Personality: Samurahk believes strongly in honor, making it a point to never escalate fights, and always hold back to give his enemies a fair chance. This has gotten him into arguments with higher-ups in the order more than once. Outside of him having some questions about the order’s methods, he is completely loyal to the cause, and to Helryx especially, who he views as a mother figure (she did oversee the experiment where he was created, I guess.)
Powers: Samurahk can absorb life energy from any being he touches to heal and strengthen himself, as well as being able to fire disintegration blasts from his left hand, and fear blasts from his right. He also has extremely durable armor that no physical attack short of protosteel weaponry can damage.
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toacody · 3 years
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Dark Hunter MOC - Viper
Turns out Kraata-Kal had a brother.
Creator: TheShadowedOne1
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