#kpop song of the day
moonastro · 8 months
the vibe you give out to others
pick a picture
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes. °Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it). ° This is a GENERAL reading, take what resonates and leave and pass on what does not!
someone who can communicate hours on end with someone, usually about the deeper stuff. so you may like to share your thoughts a lot which leaves people guessing that you would be a very good person to talk to. you also are good with reading the vibes of a room, people almost expect you to change the atmosphere of the vibe within a group. you really are someone who solves problems, situation ships and other things people may need assistance with. i feel like you help others grow, you teach people from wrong or right and perform humanitarian acts. if you are in a bad situation, you get the heck out of there as soon as possible, people know that because you may express your thoughts and feeling through communication. i feel like you talk about the little things to others that they might even find that you can be oversharing at times. anyhow, you may look back on what people did you in the past or vice versa. you don't hold onto a thread, you make very clear decisions that take you wherever it may.
yeah, you learn from your mistakes and only go forward which makes you a stronger individual. there is still some youthful energy surrounding this pile, so don't forget to not be hard on yourself all the time, you give out but not necessarily get given back which allows people to use your time unnecessarily. people can also see a child in you, you may get told that you remind someone of their son or daughter. being behind the scenes is what you are used to and may project a certain insecurity that others notice. i feel like its that others see their own insecurities in you as well which may cause jealousy. you are careful though, you plan, you observe and you double check. there is nothing wrong with being in routine but i feel like people notice that you are too afraid of failure because you might have grew up to be the high achieving kid or the oldest child who had influence on the younger siblings and so forth. overall a very sensual and hardworking pile.
assigned song: Black beauty- Lana Del Rey
very energetic around people or friends and family but think a lot by yourself, you may keep your true self hidden. you are such a good manifester and people notice that whatever you say out loud becomes real. people may call you a psychic because you just know things before others do, for example if a friend asks about something like an event and you just tell them like "watch this happen in there" and something like this and it happening. you are quite reserved with your feeling and emotions, you use them on better things. around you, others feel confident and secure. you are a very good empath and feel whatever others are feeling, so it is very easy to empress ones feelings to you. you are such a caring and observing individual that others feel nothing but security and comfort around you. honestly such a nostalgic pile!!
you crave a free life where you are not stuck to anything or anyone, people feel the freedom you possess. you don't aim to be powerful nor business oriented, you just want to see what's out there and see what other cultures and countries have in store for you. i feel like you have a plan that you have that consists of you travelling abroad and creating a happy home there at a new setting. you are good with legal matters like documents, credit cards, the law and so forth. you may know about it as you may be interesting in becoming a lawyer or working somewhere that involves a law, like police and so on. but on a real note, you balance everything out in your life, people see how well you split your routine in even pieces. overall, this is a very free spirited and intelligent pile!
assigned song: Ride- Lana Del Rey
someone who reserves there space and energy, someone who talks very cautiously and are aware of their surroundings. a lot of people don't actually know how to figure you out and it may sound very cliché but i think its just because you don't reveal your feelings by making facial expressions and people don't know whether to laugh or cry when you tell them something serious. you might like to do stuff alone and may feel like a burden to others but it is not the case for other people, they see you as a sweet and isolated human being that likes their space and peace. i see a LOTTT of overthinking and just daydreaming in general. i feel like something is restricting you from taking action and i think it is your thoughts, relax pile 3😅. no but for real, others avoid you not because you are unlikable but because they see how you thrive alone and you don't look like the type of person that needs help from others.
you may have moved a lot as a child and felt like you lost many things because of that. i feel like you don't feel secure and people notice the disease you portray in your body language. that is totally not a bad thing but i feel like others see the frustration and a void that you have, this is very deep but I'm getting an image of just a black figure which may translate of you feeling numb or not feeling anything at all. i feel like this was in the past for some of you, however where there is hardships there is hope and that is exactly the case for this pile. on a good note, your smile brings comfort to others, may make others happy with your smile and that's just so sweet. you do have many ideas flooding in your mind and i feel like that could bring you excesses so be careful. you have many ideas to start over or to change your personality completely. overall, this is a very reserved and a busy mind pile!
assigned song: How to Disappear- Lana Del Rey
check out pile one if you felt drawn to it as it may resonate with some of you!! so, you care about others very deeply and this gives me motherly vibes. i feel like you may not listen to people and do your own thing but that's entirely okay but the way i see it is that you sometimes need to take advice in order to move forward. you stand your ground fairly and see the contrast between right and wrong, i feel like that gets people thinking how you pick up on things others don't pay much attention to. say if you called someone out for something, others may go like "oh yeah, i didn't even notice". you really cant be bothered to argue with no one, you feel like there is no point because people are childish and immature and that is something you would rather pass on. conflicts and any other sort of fighting is a strict no go for you. people get the vibe of how can you keep your cool??? they actually are very impressed of your skill to maintain your cool😊. i feel like also you go through very transformative periods in your life that actually change your way you act, maybe you go through different eras and like to experiment different styles and ways of living which is totally fine.
wow, you are a very powerful soul, you have some sort of power that others are stunned. you are literally the lion of the jungle, the boss, the CEO, the millionaire, the royal. WOwww just wow. people just keep getting surprise on surprise from you, you may have so many precious hidden facts about you that make people stunned by the fact that you have so much treasure hidden. people see you as a very humble individual who is always there for people and see the good in everyone. it is such a pleasure to be around you, people may feel almost lucky to have you in their life. you hold a lot of secrets as you may stand with he statement that if you talk about your achievements to others it may delay your success. overall, a very very very powerful and mysterious pile.
assigned song: LION- (G)-idle
that's it everyone, thanks for sticking by and like always don't be afraid to interact with this post however you'd like as i entire appreciate everyone's support and kindness!!
FRIENDLY REMINDER- paid tarot readings are available (DM or check out here for more info!!)
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xunqiz · 21 days
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⌗ ˖⃗ 🍝 ₊ ˖ ་. And when we're apart. and I am missing you 🍸 。⋆୨୧˚
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I close my eyes, and all I see is you 🌴 ، ، ⊹ ⋆ ּ🎈 𓆸 ⋅ ✺
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vampzity · 7 months
𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙧
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Pairing: nonidol! Mingi x f! reader
Genre: fluff (PURELYYY), valentine’s day, pet names (princess, shorty), mini idol au, amusement park au, one shot, fear of heights
Synopsis: As usual, you and Mingi always spend your Valentine’s Day doing something new every year. It was practically a tradition for your 5-year relationship. Ultimately, you two decided to go to the Valentine’s Fair that happens every year in Seoul. It was overall a good time; food, games, rollercoasters and so much more. Little did you know a shinier prize would be on the list.
Now Playing: Love Story - P1Harmony
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: This is a relatively shorter one shot, so I’m sorry in advance but I hope you enjoy!
San's Pt. Masterlist Wooyoung's Pt.
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“Mingi!! Mingi!!! Come here and do this game for me!!”
Mingi turned around to face you, a bag of food in one hand while 3 stuffed animals rested in his other. He looked tired and out of breath as he hurried over to you, struggling to keep up.
He found you standing in front of a ring toss game, practically jumping up and down as you beamed at the huge pink teddy bear on the wall. You turned to look at Mingi, whose eyes faced the plushie while practically shocked at the size of it. Mingi stood at 6’2, making him a relatively tall guy. However, the size of that bear looked about half of his. He gulped nervously and met your eyes hesitantly.
“Shorty, are you sure you want that one? My hands are pretty full here.” He cleared his throat and looked down at his full arms, shaking from fatigue.
You returned a pout to him, looking back over to the gigantic teddy that hung. Silence filled the space between you two for a split second until Mingi sighed and turned so that his side could face you. A smile beamed on you as you clasped your hands together.
“Omg really??!! Thank you Min!!” you exclaimed joyfully.
“Yea, yea. Take the wallet before I change my mind, please.” Mingi rolled his eyes, allowing you to take the wallet from the pocket of his jeans. And that you did.
You took out a 5-dollar bill and handed it to the tenant, explaining that you wanted five rounds just to be safe. The young man nodded, handing you the rings and setting the timer at the stand. You looked at Mingi, both of you sharing a reassuring nod. The game began and you threw ring tosses towards one bottle, in hopes of it being easy. However, you were quickly humbled to see that it wasn’t as easy as you thought
Four rounds went by and the giant bear still had yet to be in your hands, making you question your existence. You stood there with a blank expression on your face, not sure if you should continue the game with a 50/50 chance of winning.
You sulked a bit as the tenant handed you the last bit of rings. You didn’t feel even the slightest amount of confidence that you’d win. You looked at Mingi, who gave you a small reassuring smile. He nodded, placing the prizes on the floor and handing you the bag of food to hold. He took the rings from your hands and pet your head softly, switching spots with you at the stand.
“Watch and learn little one.”
He threw each ring onto a singular bottle, getting 3 on one and 3 on another perfectly. There was no hesitation in his throwing and he didn’t even seem the slightest bit worried about losing. You stood there in awe, practically jaw-dropped at how effortlessly Mingi won for you. He grabbed the large bear from the tenant as everyone around him clapped, making him confused as to what all the commotion was about.
“I mean it’s just a game.. I don’t see why everyone’s clapping?” he mumbled.
He handed you the huge bear and then picked up the ones he placed down as well as the bag of food he handed you. As he began walking away from the stand, you stood there in awe still as to how he was unfazed. He continued to walk, not even looking back at you to know you weren’t following him.
“You gonna keep standing there looking pretty, princess? Or are we gonna go to the Ferris wheel?”
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you ran to him with the bear. You walked beside him, your heart filling with joy and love as you recalled how sweetl Mingi was to you.
You’ve been dating him for almost 5 years coming next month and it’s safe to say that it was the best decision you have made in a long time. You two were practically trainee sweethearts, if that’s a thing. You had met him as trainees at KQ Entertainment through Yunho, and have been close ever since. Even though you are just a backup dancer for Ateez, you still enjoy seeing Mingi perform as he does with you.
And that’s exactly how he fell in love with you.
From countless nights of practicing and nights of you perfecting his dancing skills for performances, he grew very fond of you. How kind you were, how thoughtful, and willing to put everything on the line just to help him out. How you’d constantly reassure and remind him to eat and rest on hard days or times when he practiced too hard. He appreciated it all and he still did when you two started dating, it never changed even a bit.
The tall boy looked down at you, eyes soft as he raised an eyebrow at you. Your face flushed pink when your eyes met, making your breath hitch slightly.
“Thank you for today, it means a lot that you step out of your way for me.” Your voice grew quiet as you began to feel shy, quickly looking away from Mingi.
He stopped in his tracks and turned to you, his teeth showing in his smile.
“You don’t have to thank me, Shorty. I do this because I love you and because your happiness matters to me.” He leaned down and placed a small kiss on your forehead, giving you a slight sensation of butterflies in your stomach.
“You deserve this, I couldn’t begin to explain how nothing I do compares to what you’ve done for me.”
You smiled, your hugging on the bear tightening some. You looked up at the giant Ferris wheel that glowed full of colors ahead of the two of you.
“Thank you, Mings. It means a lot.” You grabbed onto his hand, holding the bag of food together with him. His grip squeezed yours softly as he began to walk towards the ride.
You felt a small amount of worry in you, as Ferris Wheels weren’t always your thing. Sure you loved rollercoasters, you even loved the thrill of it all, but you weren’t too keen about this ride. The uncontrollable rocking of the cart, even the long wait time in the air as the tenants had to take each individual on and off the cart one at a time. It made you a bit uneasy.
As you finally made it to the line, the nervousness you felt began to worsen seeing how short the line was. You so greatly hoped the line was long enough for Mingi to change his mind or even for you to calm your nerves. However with a line this short, it was guaranteed that you two would be next to board. You let go of Mingi’s hand, looking up at how high the Ferris Wheel sat.
Mingi looked over at you, realizing you let go of his hand which is something you normally didn’t do. You always wanted to hold him whatever the chances were, so it was a surprise to him.
“Something wrong, Princess?”
Your eyes darted away from the ride, looking over at Mingi who was concentrating on your feelings. You looked down and held your bear tightly, not exactly sure how to say what you were feeling. However, him being your boyfriend for almost 5 years, Mingi could read you like a book. He already knew and didn’t need you to say anything for him to.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be okay. I’ll be across from you the entire time so you won’t be alone.”
He cupped your cheek, softly caressing it with his thumb. He grabbed onto your hand again as the line continued to move up, making you two next on board.
He set the bag of food and prices aside, then grabbed the teddy bear from you to place nearby. As he walked back over to you, he intertwined his hand with yours, slowly walking you over to the carriage.
He let you in first, soon following behind you and taking a seat across from you. You both fastened your seatbelt as the tenant closed the door. You looked at your feet, not even daring to look around you as you felt a wave of nervousness wash over you. The cart began to move, making your body tense up and your eyes widen. You weren’t even focused on Mingi, all you wanted to do was get off.
“Hey,” Mingi leaned over and placed his hand against your knee, squeezing it softly.
You remained with your head down, although your eyes were now focused on Mingi’s hand. He caressed your knee softly with his thumb.
“It’s okay. I’m right here. Look at me.” he encouraged you, soon getting up from his seat and sitting next to you. He placed his hand under your chin and lifted it slowly to meet his eyes, but they quickly darted to the sight around you. You realized how high you were in the air and began to panic. You felt your breath become short as your heart beat out of your chest. You weren’t sure of what to do, you felt trapped and as if you had nowhere to go.
Mingi placed both of his hands on your cheeks, pulling you to face him and only him. Your eyes quickly locked as you zoned out of your fears. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead with the hopes of calming you down.
“Breathe, Shorty. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
You exhaled softly, nodding to Mingi’s words as you closed your eyes. He smiled at you, soon intertwining his right hand with your left hand. The cart was silent for a bit as the ride continued to move, making you squeeze onto Mingi’s hand for some comfort. You felt Mingi move a bit as he held your hand, making you question what exactly he was doing.
“Mingi, please don’t move. The cart will move with you,” you mumbled, not even daring to open your eyes.
He let go of your hand, giving you a small nervous feeling in your stomach. You still refused to open your eyes, even if you were curious as to why he let go of your hand. However, your safety was more important to you at that moment.
“You might wanna open your eyes for this one, Princess.”
You shook your head no in refusal, closing your arms with it. If it was your fear that Mingi was trying to help you get over, a simple line like that was not going to help anything. Mingi sighed softly, taking your hand in his as he kissed it one time. It remained held in his hand until a small faint red painted your face.
“Please, for me?”
Your heart clenched at hearing how soft his voice was to you. Even though Mingi had a deep voice, he was always sure to soften it for you so it didn’t come off as too aggressive. You felt your face flush pink as you sighed, lifting your head. You opened your eyes and quickly widened them at the sight in front of you.
Mingi stood in front of you, kneeling on one leg as he held a dark blue velvet box in his hands. It was opened toward you as he smiled at you. In the box was a shiny gold ring. A small pear-cut diamond sat pretty in the middle of its holding, followed by smaller diamonds lining the sides of the ring. Gold bands circled the outer layers of the ring to make an infinity sign. It sparkled in the moonlight, allowing Mingi to see the sparkle in your eyes.
You felt tears start to swell in your eyes as they locked with Mingi’s, who continued to beam a smile at you.
“Y/n, my sweet sweet love. We’ve been together for as long as I can recall. Wouldn’t you say it’s time to make it official?”
You were at a loss for words. Your face was completely red at his words. The nervousness you once felt, the fear that took hold of your body has now left. Peace filled within you as love gradually filled your heart. Was this his plan all along? How did this go unnoticed by you? Something this big, especially when any gift Mingi gets you is very easy for you to figure out. Was it because you never mentioned the idea of marriage to him? That he never glanced at jewelry stores? Did the boys know of this plan?
“Mingi—” you started.
He held up a finger, shaking his head at you to stop talking. You blinked your eyes in confusion as he cleared his throat.
“Y/n, will you marry me?”
Silence filled between you two as your mind went blank at his question. The tears that swelled in your eyes began to fall as you brought your hands to your face. Even if you were at a loss for words, your body language was enough to tell Mingi your answer.
You nodded quickly as you began to cry. You held out your hand for him to grab so that the ring could be slipped onto your finger. He pulled you into a tight hug, soon letting go to kiss you. He held his hands around your waist as your hands cupped his cheeks. The kiss was passionate, unlike any you two have shared before. Your lips intertwined softly against each other as you felt the heat of each other’s bodies. Pulling away from the kiss, you two locked eyes. He gave you a small smile with a tilt of his head.
“Thank you, Mingi. I couldn’t tell you how grateful I am and have been to have you.”
You saw his cheeks glow red at your sentence, shyly looking away from you. You kissed his cheek softly as you held onto his hands.
“You deserve it, Princess. Anything for you.”
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divider creds: @cafekitsune
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this one! It was so hard to keep the idea for this a secret from a lot of you hehe. Wooyoung is next :3 (as a Woo bias I’m so excited for this one)
taglist: @skzline @evidive @kittykat-25 @amuromio @xoxkii @losrpark @classyrbf @sundaybossanova @owmoiralover @vrtualsins @sanslovesblog @honeyhwaaa @mingisbbokari @scarfac3
*comment to be apart of future taglists!*
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hanitos · 3 months
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absolutebl · 7 months
New Korean BL - Jazz for Two
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Tae Yi (Song Han Gyeom?) hears a familiar melody filling the empty halls and makes his way to the old music room. He knows his brother is dead, but he can’t help but hope, maybe, just maybe...it’s his brother playing his favorite song. When he slams open the door, however, he finds Se Heon (Kim Jin Kwon), a new transfer student, at the piano. Disappointment comes crashing down and Tae Yi can’t control his anger. How dare Se Heon play his brother’s song? How dare he smile? How dare he say he loves jazz?
“If I ever catch you playing the piano again...that’ll be the end of you.”
And with that begins Tae Yi and Se Heon's story, as unpredictable and visceral as jazz. (Source: BLUPDATE2022 Twitter via MDL)
Adapted from the webtoon "Jazz for Two" (재즈처럼) by Keul Ra Jyu (클라쥬)
Song Han Gyeom (prev A-Day), Omega X (rapper)
Kim Jin Kwon, Newkidd (leader, sub-vocal)
Byun Sung Tae - lead in Happy Merry Ending
Ko Jae Hyun - side in To My Star
With two active idols in the leads (we think), odds are not great on this one. So far the only truly successful execution of solid BL from active idols has been Semantic Error (and frankly KNK barely counts). Plus this is the production team/director behind A Shoulder to Cry On which I HATED, so yeah...
I'm excited to have anything new from Korea but I'm keeping my expectations low.
My idols in BLs tracking is here (possibly not updated). This won't get on the list until after it releases. Never count your idols until after the BL has hatched.
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acupoftaewithsomesuga · 4 months
WTFFFFFFFF !!!!!!! SONG MINGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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huntingrays · 7 months
headcanon: whenever annabeth and leo work together on a project, they like to have on a documentary in the background. since leo hates the quiet and they can’t ever agree on what songs they should listen to, so they settle for documentaries instead of music. early on, they ran into some snags with this plan, since annabeth preferred ocean related documentaries while leo preferred space ones. in the end, they reached a middle ground and settled for animal documentaries. now, whenever the two of them see frank, they always rattle of animal fun facts to him because “he may need them someday” (and they’re very shocked when the shape shifter doesn’t know the random fun fact they have)
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theroguequeenaniki · 3 months
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기억 모두 지워 가는 것
하지만 잊으려 하면 그럴 때면 눈물이 맺히고 (눈물이 맺혀) 맺혀진 그 눈물 위로 다시 니가 흐르고 시간은 멈춰지고 애써 숨겨왔던 나의 마음이 조용히 고갤 들고 애타는 목소리로 다시 널 불러
그래 사랑이란 게 다 그런 거지 뭐 항상 시작과 끝은 달라도 너무 다르고
-Time Lapse, Taeyeon, My Voice, 2017.02.28
IKONYX Concert Bangkok, Thailand, May 18th 2024
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cpu1d · 3 months
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«We don't talk much, guess 'cause nothing has changed.»
the perfect pair
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Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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l0ve-ani · 3 months
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— APINK’s : ‘MR CHU’ / ALBUM COVER - 03.31.14 : March 31, 2014 / EP
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maxsix · 9 months
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kpop-bbg · 11 days
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ariellajailbaitnash · 1 month
*───┈ ──┈⸜ ⟬⵿᷍𓇊⵿᷍⟭ ⸝┈── ┈───*
> ❝ 𝐁υ𝗍 ᑯα𝗋ᥣ𝗂𐓣𝗀, 𝗃υ𝗌𝗍 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌 ꭑ𝖾 𝗌ᥣⱺω ,𝗒ⱺυ𝗋 ɦ𝖾α𝗋𝗍 𝗂𝗌 αᥣᥣ 𝚰 ⱺω𐓣, 𝐀𐓣ᑯ 𝗂𐓣 𝗒ⱺυ𝗋 𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌, 𝗒ⱺυ'𝗋𝖾 ɦⱺᥣᑯ𝗂𐓣𝗀 ꭑ𝗂𐓣𝖾~ ❞
*───┈⸍ ⻁ ⸌┈── ┈──┈ 𓊈𝟏𝟏 : 𝟏𝟏𓊉*
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*`𝐋` 𝂅 ◌⃘ ֺ 𝕾⵿𝐎⵿𝐔⵿֟፝͡𝐋⵿𝐌⵿𝐀⵿፝֟͡𝐓⵿𝕰 ࣭ 🌹ᮢᩨㅤ 𝂅 ㅤ ܛ*
*`𐐘` ┈━┈ ࣭ 𝓞࣭𝘂࣪𐐲 ᥣ𝕚࣪⍴͠᥍࣭ ┈━┈ ࣭ ┈━╮*
*`𝐕` 𐍪̶۪էꫝֹ 𑄜࣭𝘂𐐲ֹ ᥱʋ࣭͠ᥱ𝗿ᥡֹ k̶۪᥉࣭꯱ ֹ𝗰ᨵ࣭ᥒ꯱︪︩ᥙ𝗺ᥱֹ᥍ ᥙ᥍࣭*
*`𝐄` ᥣ︢︣ɑ࣭ƙᥱֹ𝘀 ᥙ࣭ઠ 𝘁ֹ𑄜 ࣭ɑ࣪ 𐐲࣭ᥱ࣪ƒ𝘂࣭͠gᥱ 𝓯𐐲̶۪࣪𝗺࣭ է࣪ꫝᥱ ࣭𐍪̶۪࣪𝗿ᥣ︪︩࣪ძּ*
*`𝐑` 𐍪࣪ꫝ࣭ᥱ𝗿࣪ᥱ ᥣּ𑣲⃙⃪𝗼࣭͠᥎ꫀ &࣪ ⍴ɑ࣪꯱⃥︩︪𝘀⍳̶ֹ࣭𐓣 𐐲࣪ᥱ𝕚𝗴͠ᥒ࣭*
*╰━┈ ࣭ ᬊ ࣭ ┈━┈ ֺ ┈━┈*
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사랑ㅤֹㅤ᩠🎀`ㅤ𝙺 - 𝙺α𝗈𝗆𝗈𝗃ιა ꩙ㅤㅤྀㅤ
૮꒰ྀི ⏑ ‸ ⏑ ꒱ྀིაㅤ.ㅤᑦ꒰ྀིྀི ◍ ◜◝ ◍ ྀྀི꒱ᐣㅤ
᧔ྀི ᴗ͈ ̫ ᴗ͈ ᧓ྀིㅤ.ㅤ( ິ •̀ ᯅ •́ )ິ ㅤ
ᑦ꒰ྀིྀི⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ ྀྀི꒱ᐣㅤ.ㅤ૮꒰ྀི ˊ ‿ ˋ ꒱ྀིა
₍ ᴗ͈ ᎔ ᴗ͈ ₎ㅤ.ㅤଘ꒰ ◝ ‸ ◜꒱ ㅤ
૮꒰ྀི . ⸝⸝ . ꒱ྀིაㅤ.ㅤ᧔ྀི •̀ ̫ •́ ᧓ྀི
© ᑲყ ʝᧉͷͷเꫯᧉɾ
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sweetiesicheng · 1 month
mingi - club
word count : 1,228
happy birthday to willy wonka mingi !!
"let's get this started!" one of your friends shouts while pouring drinks from one of the bottles that someone had bought.
"jesus, he's gonna be hammered in a heartbeat," a guy says as he grabs some more fries from a basket on the table.
"and are we surprised? no," someone else speaks. "designated drivers, you guys have a mission tonight with all of us," they add.
"alright everyone, cheers to all of us for finishing that damn research!" your friend announces. all of you that had decided to drink take a shot together. "let's go!" he cheers.
you and friends keep drinking and eating. a few of them go to the dance floor, and you are able to see some of them from where you sit.
"hey everyone!" one of your friends calls as she comes back to your table. "anyone want shots? the bartender is giving them to us for free!" she mentions.
you raise an eyebrow at her. "for free? you know them?" you ask.
"it's one of yunho's friends. come on y/n!" your friend grabs your arm and pulls you out of the booth. you and a few people from your group go to one of the bars, where your friends waves down someone. "mingi!"
"mingi, get over here!"
"gimme a sec!" one of the bartenders shouts as he makes some drinks for customers. you watch him talk with customers a bit and running the cash register for a second before going over to where you and your friends are. "want top shelf?" he immediately asks.
"if you're paying for them! i can't afford that!" your friend scolds him.
"geez," he chuckles, "this one is on me, but you're getting the cheap stuff afterwards," he says and turns around. you watch him grab a bottle of expensive liquor and turn back around to grab shot glasses for you and your friends. "where's yunho at?" he asks.
"probably on the dance floor. he's trying to get as many numbers as possible tonight," your friend answers.
"maybe he'll break a record," you say, joining the conversation as the bartender pours shots.
"not as many as me," the bartender replies and pushes the shot glasses towards you.
"mingi, take one with us, man," one of the guys says as all of you grab a glass.
"i need to keep it chill for a bit," the bartender replies.
"oh come on, mingi. don't be like that," one of the girls says to him.
"yea, it's just one."
the bartender rolls his eyes but pours a shot for himself. "jesus, alright, alright, keep it down," he says.
you down your shot and put the glass down on the counter.
"mingi, open a tab for the shots. i don't mind," one of the guys says to the bartender and holds out one of his credit cards.
the bartender takes it. "you sure?" he asks.
your friend nods, "yea. go ahead and give us a few more beers and sojus while you're at it. our table is full of party people tonight." he mentions and ends up next to you while the rest of your friends start heading either towards the table or the dance floor. "y/n, want anything?" he asks you.
"i'll just take a margarita," you say and take a card out.
"let me pay for it," your friend says but you shake your head.
"i don't want to forget to pay you back," you say to him.
"beers, sojus, margarita. i got you guys," mingi says and takes your credit card as well. "let me open the tabs," he says and turns around. you watch him use one of the registers for a bit before he turns back around to give you and your friend your cards back. "here's some bottles," he says and takes out some bottles of soju and beer from a few fridges below. he places them on the counter while you and your friend grab them. "i'll bring the margarita to your table when i get a second. just need to clear the bar."
"all good. take your time," you reply.
"see ya," your friend says.
the two of you return to your table, where most of the group isn't there.
"everyone's dancing?" you question as you place bottles on the table.
"you mean grinding on top of each other? yea," one of the guys says before stuffing his face with french fries. "she's already feeling it," he gestures to his girlfriend, who is clearly tipsy.
"i want to go dance..."
"eat for a bit, baby. you can't dance on an empty stomach," he says to his girlfriend. "hand me a beer," he requests.
"here," your other friend says and hands him a bottle. "i'm going on the dance floor," he says to all of you before walking away with a beer in his hands.
while you hang around the table, you talk to some of your friends. all of you are just happy to hang out instead of being stressed out for the time being from the research you had been working on for a couple of months.
as you sip on a glass of water, someone comes up to your table. "hey, sorry for the wait," mingi says as he hands you a glass with your margarita.
"no worries. thanks," you say to him.
"hey! mingi!" you hear yunho's voice, and the puppy appears next to the bartender. "you done working?" he asks his friend.
"it died down a bit, so i'm taking a break," mingi mentions.
"sit down with us," yunho says and almost pushes his friend to sit in the booth with all of you. "me and this guy go way back," he mentions to all of you.
"if we go way back, then why wasn't i invited to this?" mingi asks and snags a few fries from a basket on the table.
"your name isn't on our research paper," one of the girls says as she opens a bottle of soju.
"we could add it as an honorary name at the end," you laugh as you start drinking your margarita.
"that'd be funny," mingi replies.
eventually, you decide to go dance with some of your friends. the music blaring into the late night. the club is still packed with people, and you almost lose your friends in the midst of dancing.
"woah," you feel someone bump into you, but they grab you seconds later.
"sorry," you manage to hear mingi apologize. you turn to look at him and shake your head at him.
"all good," you reply. "shouldn't you be working now?" you ask him. it had been a bit since he started taking his break.
he shrugs with a chuckle, "it's whatever. they can get mad at me later," he says to you. "you staying the whole night?" he asks.
"depends on who wants my attention," you reply to him with a grin. mingi smirks at you.
"your attention? i bet a lot of guys would want it," he says to you. "what about me? want my attention?" he asks.
you raise an eyebrow and take a sip from the beer bottle in your hand. "sure you can keep up?" you ask.
mingi chuckles again and grabs the beer bottle from you. "don't worry, i know what i'm doing," he says and drinks from the bottle.
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seilon · 5 months
please don’t by k.will did more for the gays back in 2012 than any boy group can possibly do with fan service and crop tops in 2024
#do young kpoppies know about please don’t by k.will. im serious do they know#I think about it a lot#it’s impossible to replicate the feeling of being gay and watching that mv in the 2010s and just getting bodyslammed by the ending.#like he really just dropped that shit in TWENTY TWELVE#kibumblabs#to this day I think that’s the most explicitly gay mv ive seen in kpop by an established artist#(ie not holland. no shade to him but he kinda built his platform on being an openly gay artist and he’s not a big industry name or anything#which makes the impact significantly different. if that makes sense. anyway.)#like think about any other example. almost all of them can be brushed off as fan service or are at least vague enough to be#up for interpretation#please don’t’s ending is nearly fucking impossible to write off as anything but explicitly gay#no fanservice involved. no vague staring in each other’s eyes. just straight up Oh He’s Not Jealous Of His Friend He’s Jealous Of His#Friend’s Fiancé. oh#like that’s the whole point. interpreting it any other way doesn’t make sense with the impact it’s purposefully supposed to make#like seriously try to say ‘he’s just sad he’s losing his friend to marriage :(‘ or something. you have to be REAL fucking stupid or#deeply in denial to make that argument let alone believe it#anyway. I appreciate this mv a lot#k.will the OG of doomed yaoi in kpop#kill me#closest contender off the top of my head is one more day by sistar#also note I am talking about mvs here not songs in general#cause if I were talking about songs in general. key’s out there pretty much writing about gay sex at this point so I mean#k.will#kpop#only adding actual tags because I want you to watch this mv if you haven’t already
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sxmnc · 3 months
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You always come to the parties...
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...To pluck the feathers of all the birds.
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