#kp fans really do be living up to the reputation
houseofbrat · 7 months
May I ask why William wants to keep Kate's pictures private? I guess it's because he wants to have an excuse for his laziness. However, after being absent from Thanksgiving for King Constantine, he continuously went to work for the next 2 days so I see that KP was trying to prove that Kate is okay. Will what Carole did have any effect on her daughter's marriage? Thank you
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William is a delicate, emotionally-damaged, control freak with a privacy fetish. William has always been a control freak when he is out in public and has always been so about his image. He lives in fear of the media, which is in sharp contrast to his father. Every statement that comes out of William's mouth on an engagement is pre-planned. He is too insecure to do engagements freely like his father, mother, brother, or even his wife.
Kate's proof-of-life photos today became necessary after the fiasco last week when William pulled out Constantine's service at the very last minute. Sure, Will's "fans" will make every excuse for him, but when he cited "personal reasons"--or whatever his exact phrasing was--everyone's mind immediately jumped to Kate because he last used the excuse he couldn't do any work because Kate was in the hospital for almost two weeks. And then she was home for a while. And then the kids were out of school for a week. And so on.
Except that proof-of-life photos should have happened when she left the hospital. But they didn't. And if those photos had happened back in January instead of early March, then last week's fiasco on social media would not have happened. Why couldn't Kate have worn a pair of sunglasses upon leaving the hospital while been photographed driving away? It would have been very easy to do and would have solved a lot of pr problems. As I said back on 29 January 2024, "some royals understand the importance of proof of life, while others clearly do not."
William is insecure and doesn't want to do anything because he has too much fear in him. He doesn't know how to handle any kind of crisis. It's been obvious since the day Kate's "planned abdominal surgery" was announced the day after it (allegedly) happened.
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Because all the Wales fans are unable to understand that after Kate went into the hospital for her surgery, KP should have spoken to the press the day of the surgery. Once she entered the hospital, there would have been no need to wait A FULL DAY later to mention that she had "planned abdominal surgery," if it really was "planned."
Announcing the day afterwards makes it appear as if William & the KP comms team were scrambling to figure out how to announce things. If the surgery really was "planned," then they would have known the recovery time prior to her surgery even taking place. Again, if it was indeed "planned." However, William & KP's actions seemingly demonstrate that either it wasn't "planned" or that Kate was medically unstable, either before or after her surgery or perhaps both. Because if it was "planned" and everything went according to a pre-scheduled "plan," then William & the KP comms team would have & could have updated the UK media in a more appropriate and timely fashion. Except they didn't and still aren't.
When Tom Bower mentions that the press knows more than they are saying, it's not a good look. It works only in the short term. William & the KP comms team clearly do not have a long-range plan and didn't have any kind of long-range plan for Kate's "planned abdominal surgery."
Carole AND Kate's move today isn't going to affect Kate's marriage in a negative way. Their move is more of an attempt to stop making the hole Kate is in deeper. The one who affected their marriage negatively has been William, for the last nine months. He has fucked up with handling Kate's reputation since last summer. Kate trusted his judgement when she shouldn't have last summer. Kate seems to now realize her mistake and is instead trusting someone with a better sense of judgement: her mother. Kate was left with no choice but to turn to her mother considering her husband has got an iron clampdown on the UK press, for now.
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I don't see the UK press adhering to William's embargo insistence in the coming weeks. It is going to backfire spectacularly. William is going to undergo a public reckoning in the press. Kate will too; however, the instigator of this mess has always been William and his control-freak iron fist.
I don't feel one bit sorry for him.
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demonsz · 3 years
ngl joining stan twitter was probably one of the worst mistakes of my life, that shit makes you fear for your life💀
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Andy Flower on why he’s not bitter about England’s collapse
Andy Flower thinks about how one of the largest of all English teams fell apart spectacularly, amid bitterness and bitterness after scaling the heights like a few others.
& # 39; It is important to remember the good times, but our performance is undoubtedly diminished by the way it all ended up & # 39 ;, says the most successful coach in the history of [[crem England . ] & # 39; I regret that it has negatively impacted the lives of important people & # 39 ;, Flower says. & # 39; People I respect. Kevin Pietersen himself, Alastair Cook, Paul Downton and myself had quite a hard time in the beginning of 2014. I hope this film will be part of the healing process.
& # 39; This film & # 39; is the Edge, a beautiful.
Central to it is Bloem (19459002)
Central to the state of Bloem, who were the coach of early 2009 friend Peter Moores took over and joined A
The Edge celebrates that team, but it is far from a simple chronicle of the achievements that brought them three Ashes successes under Flower, including the legendary triumph in Australia in 2010- 11 with Strauss and a World Twenty20 title in Barbados.
This is a lot to look at the huge demands placed on athletes and the human sacrifices they have to make to reach and
It is crucial that it focuses on mental health problems d can be the very real consequences of success, with particular emphasis on the problems of Jonathan Trott.
<img id = "i-27370c92d6484a97" src = "https://ift.tt/2St4mk0. jpg "height =" 465 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-27370c92d6484a97" src = "https://ift.tt/2LBBh5o -7270331-image-a-30_1563734749870.jpg "height =" 465 "width =" 634 "alt =" Flower shakes hands with Andrew Strauss (right) after winning the series in Australia in 2011 Andrew Strauss (right) after winning the series in Australia in 2011 "
Flower shakes hands with Andrew Strauss (right) after winning the series in Australia in 2011
& # 39; I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved as a group in those five years & # 39 ;, Flower now tells Sportsmail.
& # 39; We started on a low basis when Peter lost a lot of time, but I worked with many other good captains, employees and players, his job as a coach and KP lost the lead r That was a difficult time. But it was also a good thing to come in and start over, even though there was still luggage in the dressing room. And beaten up in Jamaica, acted as a catalyst because it enabled us to draw a line under the past and say, "Good, it's not going well at the camp. What are we going to do about it"
& # 39; I have watched the film with my two youngest children, aged 16 and 18, and they are really into sports. They were very skeptical after the first five minutes, but at the end they had enjoyed the story, the humor and the personal struggles that it emphasized.
& # 39; I think I saw the film like that. It has clearly evoked strong memories and emotions for me. It certainly caused a tear in my eyes. "
The sporting tragedy of the Strauss, Pietersen, Matt Prior, Graeme Swann, Jonathan Trott team and that is what they are now remembered for, the flower says their performance was reduced by the 5-0 Ashes – defeat in 2013-14 that led to the resignation of the coach and the elimination of Pietersen.
<img id = "i-dddf0674325c5fa8" src = "https: / /i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/21/19/16317284-7270331-image-a-32_1563735437107.jpg "height =" 435 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i -dddf0674325c5fa8 "src =" https://ift.tt/2SttTJU "height =" 435 "width =" 634 " alt = "The England team sprays champagne while celebrating that they have won the ashes at the oval in 2013 Ash in the Oval in 2013
The England team sprays champagne while celebrating ashes have won at the oval in 2013
Flower is now a Lions coach and supervises the next generation of England.
& # 39; Of course I regret the way it ended up & # 39 ;, Flower says. & # 39; No one is perfect and I am certainly no different. I made mistakes. I'm not sure how clearly I saw things after the fatigue of the back-to-back Ashes series. That is why my influence was not as healthy as it should have been. The whole situation should have been handled better and I accept responsibility for my share in it.
& # 39; But time can heal. I have had certain things in my work and private life that feel devastating and happy, and after a while the pain fades away.
Flower praises the director of the film, Barney Douglas, who at that time had the dressing room access as the ECB's digital editor. & # 39; Barney Douglas tells a good story and he tells it in a positive and humane way. He was friends with a number of players and staff members and has insight into the group and an empathy with the situation that most people don't have. "
Most of the controversy, of course, concerned Pietersen and his tense relationship with teammates such as Cook, Prior, Swann and Stuart Broad.
Pietersen is expected to continue his criticism in an upcoming documentary about his career on Sky.
<img id = "i-fe71c0ba47fd8f66" src = "https://ift.tt/2UINeHc /2019/07/21/19/16316870-7270331-image-a-33_1563735455751.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-fe71c0ba47fd8f66" src = "https: // i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/21/19/16316870-7270331-image-a-33_1563735455751.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Flower and his coaching staff look defeated out after their 5-0 series defeat in Australia "class =" blkBorder img-share "flower and his coaching staff look dejected after their 5-0 series defeat in Australia
Flower and his coaching staff look dejected t after their 5-0 series defeat in Australia
Strauss, the subject of the texts sent by Pietersen to South African opponents who led him to be suspended in 2012, said last week that he had planned a round of golf with his predecessor as captain to try and solve the situation. Now Flower is just as generous.
& # 39; The fallout at the end of that was, mainly around Kevin and his book, was tough for the people involved, but I wish him all the best. I hope that Kevin and his family are happy and that his future career is successful.
& # 39; I have always been very open to shake hands with Kevin and have a drink with him. It is Kevin's choice whether he wants to move in the same way. I would like to see the whole team come together again. Life is too precious and short to carry bitterness around. I feel a lot of respect for all the people I have interacted with at the time. "
The words of Flower are at odds with his reputation as a disciplinary and hard teacher. In The Edge, several players talk about their concerns when Flower & # 39; s name flashed on their phone. And Steven Finn says: & # 39; When Andy looks into your eyes, he looks into your soul & # 39;
Flower bug with the image.
& # 39; When I heard reflections, I giggled a little bit, but it's obvious I want people, & he says. & # 39; A leader doesn't have to draw a line or hold on to the respect of the people around them, but I didn't want it respect changed to fear.
<img id = "i-4dfb03746139c7e4" src = "https://ift.tt/2Lysh10 /16317276-7270331-image-a-35_1563735487445.jpg "height =" 416 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-4dfb03746139c7e4" src = "https://ift.tt/2NyDsEw 1s / 2019/07/21/19 / 16317276-7270331-image-a-35_156 3735487445.jpg "height =" 416 "width =" 634 "alt =" The bulk of the controversy concerned Kevin Pietersen and his relationship with teammates Kevin Pietersen and his relationship with teammates "
The largest part of the controversy concerned Kevin Pietersen and his relationship with team-
& # 39; Those bunch of cricket players are really great young men and we have shared some fantastic experiences together. Some are too, so we also have a lot of fun and professional and personal satisfaction. & # 39;
Is he also misunderstood? & # 39; Possibly & # 39 ;, Flower says. & # 39; That might be the case, certainly image-wise. But in high-profile positions you have to take the rough with the flexible side.
& # 39; There are elements of truth in the image that we are super-controlled and well-drilled.
& # 39; I wanted the players to enjoy how happy they were to travel the world, share experiences with their friends, play against the best in the world, push their limits and push their test capacities and really enjoy them. "
Flower has greatly enjoyed how the new England won the world championship." It was an amazing day. We've had a Lions group lucky enough to see the climax in the Canterbury locker room, share a drink and shout, scream and shiver like normal English cricket fans.
I think this will be the catalyst for increased energy generation in the game. I can't see how it might not be. It was such a flagship for the game worldwide, but especially in England. Sky was not only generous to share with free-to-air television, but also showed great foresight and wisdom. They have been excellent partners for English cricket.
<img id = "i-edbe830cf7f84311" src = "https://ift.tt/2SAkjoM image-a-36_1563735521671.jpg "height =" 468 "width =" 634 "alt =" England Lion & # 39; s coach Bloem looks on before their match against Australia
England Lion coach Bloem looks ahead of their match against Australia A last week
& # 39; And it was wonderful to see how the coaching and scientific staff enjoy the festivities at Lord & # 39 ; s shared.
Flower's legacy, as much as anything, is the dominance of England in the Ashes series at home and next week they will begin their attempt to & # 39;
& # 39; Australia has a few excellent batsmen, but it is the bowling that really stands out for me. ”Mitchell Starc is a competition winner, then Josh Hazl. ewood, James Pattinson, Pat Cummins and Nathan Lyon all excellent operators. If the ball is somewhat dominant, it can make a fascinating cricket.
& # 39; It will also be fascinating to view Jason Roy, if selected, at the top of the order. If you can show the same kind of defense balance and combine it with the timing and power it showed in the Edgbaston semi-final, then it's a fantastic cricket to see. & # 39;
Flower feels the good times will continue to come & # 39; A lot of talent comes through because we have so many resources in this country. .
I'm a little bit of a crossroads that wonders how my working life should go, "he reveals. & # 39; I need to pay more attention to that.
& # 39; I am 51 years old and I am not entirely sure in which direction my life will go in the coming years. We will see. "
In those years, this hugely important figure in English cricket did not always have the praise that the world of England was falling apart. But the Edge has a happy ending and so the England of Flower must be remembered.
l The Edge is now in cinemas and is available on DVD and digital download
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myupdatestudio-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Myupdatestudio
New Post has been published on https://myupdatestudio.com/excellent-mario-run-is-simply-too-repetitive-to-justify-its-premium-rate/
Excellent Mario Run is simply too repetitive to justify its premium rate
When Shigeru Miyamoto took to the level at Apple’s September 2016 event to announce that iOS would be getting the primary Tremendous Mario game developed for cellular (except Nintendo’s very own handhelds of the route) the hype was off the charts. I suggest, come on. It is Mario to your smartphone at length remaining! How ought to you mess that up, right?
                                               Mario Run
Mario Games
Now, after a three-month wait, the hype has sufficiently died down and we finally get a threat to look how Extremely good Mario Run performs on Android devices. Whilst the game is surely a laugh to play and functions maximum of the familiar factors that make up First-rate Mario platformer game, It is honestly tough to justify the fee to release the sport given the constrained content which you’re required to play over and over (and yet again) just to free up new characters, mini-games and ornamental capabilities.
The whole game features 24 stages spread out over 6 worlds in World Tour mode. The extent designs are full of nostalgic factors which long-time Mario fans are certain to understand, however, the difficulty degree is manner too low. That makes this a first-rate game for kids, but any able gamer needs to be capable of beat the main recreation readily in an unmarried afternoon. Every degree also capabilities three tiers of Mission Coins to collect, which do ramp up in trouble. however, in the long run, It is just some other manner the game gets you to replay the equal tiers again and again (and over) once more.
Wonderful Mario – Considering the fact that the start
Mario is without problems one of the maximum recognizable faces to come out of Nintendo, however, did you already know his unique call turned into Jumpman? It really is right, in 1981 Mario first regarded in Donkey Kong, however then, he went by using the name of Jumpman, but Mario becomes used as his name in some promotional fabric.
This game amazed Nintendo through its severe fulfillment. To test the popularity of Mario, Nintendo launched an arcade game referred to as Marion Bros., which blanketed Mario and his brother Luigi. This sport became an enormous fulfillment for Nintendo. Because of the fulfillment of each Donkey Kong and Mario Bros., in 1983, When Nintendo release the NES (Nintendo Entertainment Device), in addition, they release Remarkable Mario Bros.
References to his authentic call appear in more than one Mario video games, such as in Paper Mario: the Thousand-Yr Door, Whilst a target market member refers to Mario as Jumpman earlier than a struggle, and in Mario Hoops 3-on-3, in which his nickname is “The Jumpman.”
Mario’s look, even to this modern-day day, may be blamed on the limitations that had been placed on the programmers and artists back in the early 80s with the aid of their contemporary era.
The programmers could not animate Mario’s palms Whilst he moved without making them disappear so that they gave him overalls and a strong shirt coloration.
they also didn’t have room for a face or ears, and could not animate his hair, in order that they gave him his mustache, sideburns, and a baseball cap. Shigeru Miyamoto, Mario’s author, has said in interviews that Mario wears a baseball cap because he unearths it tough to attract hair.
Mario’s surname or ultimate call is likewise Mario, which explains the use of Mario Bros. As sports titles, because Luigi is Mario’s brother, in order that they have the identical closing name. was first used in the Outstanding Mario Bros. Remarkable Show, and then again in 1993 in a film referred to as Terrific Mario Bros. Nintendo as an entire has never formally confirmed it, however, it turned into placed up on Nintendo of Europe’s reliable Mario Megasite.
KP Premium Bill
Ever Seeing that Mario has been popular he has been the unofficial mascot of Nintendo. He has been extremely and possibly over-merchandised along together with his one-time rival Sonic the Hedgehog, who got here to be Sega’s mascot in the early 1990s.
They competed fiercely until 2001, While Sonic Journey 2: battle got here out for a Nintendo console due to Sega’s new 0.33-birthday party repute. Despite the fact that Sonic and Mario had been now on Nintendo consoles, they nevertheless competed with Every other, although now not as plenty as earlier than.
It hasn’t been until recently, that they’ve been visible running collectively inside the newly released Mario & Sonic on the Olympic video games for the Wii. They’ll additionally seem in Top notch Damage Bros. Brawl collectively as properly.
Mario is a 5 foot tall, portly plumber from Brooklyn, The big apple who lives in the Mushroom Kingdom. He’s taken into consideration to be the most famous video game man or woman in history, and his series of video games has bought over 193 million copies.
Mario has now not handiest appeared in plat formers, however in other genres as properly. The alternative genres consist of attaining, with Mario Kart, sports activities games which include Mario Tennis, and RPGs together with Amazing Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars.
Despite the fact that Mario’s stated career is being a plumber, he is nearly by no means seen doing any actual plumbing. With the exceptions being in Mario & Luigi: Celebrity Saga and inside the authentic Mario Bros. Pipes have nonetheless remained a method of transportation, but, Even though the motive as to why won’t be clean. but, in the original Donkey Kong video games, Mario, who became nonetheless referred to as Jumpman, was definitely a chippie.
Mario has additionally regarded as a health practitioner in Dr. Mario. He has even been proven as an archaeologist in the sports Boy game, Mario’s Picross.
Mario’s favorite activity appears to be saving Princess Peach, and Mushroom Kingdom. other methods he spends his time is fighting villains, specifically Bowser. inside the function-playing games, Mario is given a heroic popularity for saving the Mushroom Nation so many times. In Mario & Luigi: Celeb Saga, he and Luigi are known as “superstars”, which basically means big celebrities.
Ever Due to the fact his first look in a video game, Mario has been given the function of the hero, destined to keep the damsel in distress. within the unique Donkey Kong, he needed to rescue his female friend, Pauline from Donkey Kong. Pauline manifestly didn’t live inside the series, as she was replaced by means of Princess Peach, who turned into at first referred to as “Princess Toadstool” or simply “the Princess” in the English releases, in Exceptional Mario Bros.
Play Run 3
In 1993, with the discharge of Yoshi’s Safari, Princess Peach become ultimately used in an English launch of a Mario sport, however, it nonetheless wasn’t used as extensively until the discharge of First-rate Mario sixty-four for the Nintendo sixty-four, three years later. Pauline has handiest been seen two times because of the authentic Donkey Kong, once within the remake for the sports Boy, and as soon as in Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis, in 2006.
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