#koushirouizumi peronal
koushirouizumi ยท 2 years
{Met@} on 2012!Koushiro - (+onwards?)
I've had thoughts on Koushiro too, but here's the problem.
I feel I can't even talk about them "genuinely" with this fan base anymore.
When I point out to everyone else, repeatedly, over a span of 8 years, that Koushiro is a canonically adopted character, who was significant representation for the time period Koushiro's story originally aired in (the early 2000s), my points have (often) gone completely ignored. Everyone likes to 'forget' he even has a place (permanently!!) within this canon, and they can't just ~Conveniently~ write him out, even when it comes to 02 Chosen's group.
Because Koushiro was important to the 02 Chosen group too.
But you wouldn't know it from how the "wider" 02 fan base treats him.
When I point out Koushiro is from a canonically "non-normative" familial structure, I just get completely blank response, even from the so-called 'accepting' "met@" side of this fan base.
"But there's a LOT of canonically adopted characters and charas from non-normative families, nowadays! Why do you or anyone else who likes Koushiro need THIS one to stay in this series---??!?" "But we could always have NEW, better characters---!!" "I just think it's time to retire the Adventure Chosen~"
I mention into my void "I hate bio-normativity", and then I have to repeatedly explain (because people can never refer to tags for things I've already spoken on) what the concept of "bio-normativity" MEANS to people who don't even come from "non-normative" familial structures, despite the fact you're all handling (when you speak about these topics) a canonically adopted character.
I'm not biologically related to part of MY family, either.
The thing about Koushiro is, while I'm not "adopted" in the sense of going through any foster care system, Koushiro's situation is actually also a bit similar to my own - but in different ways too.
Koushiro may have lost both biological parents in the car accident, but Koushiro is distantly related to Masami's line of the Izumi family.
"Distantly" implies Masami being something like second or third cousin, but still at least from the Izumi line...
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(The line about 'real father' aside...) {Masami, YOU are Koushiro's 'real' father now!!}
A lot of the time, when these lines get brought up...
People begin to focus on Yoshie's line the most (yes, I still prefer to call her Yoshie, and I'm sorry, but please don't vague me about changing it) about the "original" Izumi son.
People will sometimes even create elaborate back-stories and head-canons for this "original" son, (isn't it weird how the same rarely happens for Koushiro's own self anymore, when Izumi family is discussed by non-Koushiro stans???) wondering about "what-if" scenarios where Koushiro somehow lived alongside him, and I can't deny I've thought of some similar, but...
... That's not what I think about (in a 'main' sense) when I'm handling Izumi family concepts.
Instead, I think about what Yoshie implies with these lines.
Yoshie looks and sounds extremely dejected the entire scene, up until the point the conversation begins to take a positive turn when they attempt to clarify themselves to Koushiro.
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The dialogue Yoshie had earlier, combined with Yoshie's expressions, and the few extra details we also got from the novel, (I'll come back to those later, sometime) implies the "timing" is convenient. The "timing" is what led to the Izumis adopting Koushiro, after the car accident that killed his biological parents.
But, yet, the Izumi family only ever adopt Koushiro. They never have another 'biological' child. This holds true according to what looks like through Tri (yes we DID see them, in Saikai), Kizuna, and even "The Beginning" (so it's not like Yoshie has a second child very late, either) Koushiro definitely remains an 'only child'.
Which begs the question, to me...
Was Yoshie able to even 'biologically' 'have children' after that point {the original Izumi son's birth} at all?
I say 'I hate bio-normativity' within this series fan base, but I can never fully explain what I mean.
"Obviously Yoshie would LOVE to have a biological child, so Koushiro could have a sibling that might even look a little like him!"
I say 'I hate bio-normativity' and I can't explain.
"Obviously Koushiro would WANT a BIOLOGICAL child that LOOKS LIKE HIM. Why would ANYONE ELSE want otherwise?? It's natural for them to want biological children that LOOK LIKE THEM!!" "Isn't it weird they WOULDN'T LOOK LIKE their parents?!??!" "--Like, I know adoption and such other concepts of non-normative families EXIST but aren't they usually a LAST resort for anyone??---"
I don't "LOOK" like a significant amount of my family members.
I never did and I never will. I never wanted to look like them. I never wanted to have 'features' similar to them.
"But how do we know you're telling the tru---"
I hate bio-normativity.
Why is it that only ever fans from "normative" familial structures can have their Opinions on Koushiro Izumi TM taken seriously by this fan base?
Why does it outright ignore fans from non-normative familial structures when we dare to talk about what "bio-normative" assumptions means for THIS, SPECIFICALLY this, character???
So, about 2012!Koushiro.
I could talk about what I think Koushiro is thinking during this timeframe.
"You know, isn't it funny that Koushiro-kun hasn't ... {dated or} considered settling down yet?"
I could talk about what I think Koushiro wants to consider during this timeframe.
"...Aren't you working too hard?"
But is there any room for genuine, deep discussions on these topics anymore, that won't get anyone immediately shouted down for having ~conflicting~ head-canons on The Epilogue TM, according to those who pride themselves on their "analysis"?
I don't think so, anymore.
But I'm posting my thoughts anyway, because it's my blog, and I'm archiving this so I can refer back to it later if I ever want to show anyone who's actually asked me politely (and not involving shouting and vagueing over conflicting head-canons on The Timeline TM) for my actual thoughts on canon progression and Koushiro's timeline.
Anyway, I hate bio-normativity.
(And also, yes, there's a difference when someone is kind, doesn't make assumptions, and is just generally sharing a head-canon that might conflict with my own thoughts stated here. There's a difference.)
{And usually what I see from this fan base? Is Not That.}
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{This post is marked no rbs because I'm just putting thoughts out there more than anything, but I won't mind if someone appreciates seeing them or gleans something from this.}
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