#kota's episode 0
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kasarawolf · 5 months ago
DBXV2- Future Saga EPISODE 1: ...Divorced Already?!
I started this project back at the end of May and finally got back to finishing it!
(Note that this little skit is not canon to their story and was made just for funsies!)
Thanks to @theflamingraven who with their meme comment, (aka the first part of this video) gave me the inspiration to make this weird little skit XD And thanks to Italicranger and SoonDead for providing template voices for me when the program did not want to work with me!
I am very much planning on making a episode 2!
Will Fu ever be un-banished from the couch? Will Kota learn to forgive his crazy scientist boyfriend? And will Fu ever get to "pop the question?" But most importantly- why was that shrimp pasta so crunchy?! On the next, Dragon Ball XENOVERSE 2!!!
Artist: The Who. Song: Baba O'Riley
((Okay maybe the shrimp pasta part won't get answered lol. It's just fried shrimp. Kota's weakness is Chinese takeout, the spicier the better! Fu can't handle the heat ;0; ))
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lost-khione · 3 years ago
This part got me confused 🤔
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It was revealed in Taka's route that eating caramel when he's stuck was actually inspired by MC whom he overheard saying that caramel is a happy flavor in a cafe.
I think that happened later and not just 1 year after they debuted. So him saying this sounded off to me....
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sittinginmylittlecorner · 2 years ago
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Kota dissing Nagi since the dawn of time 💀😂
Have I been binge reading all the guys’ Episode 0? Yes, yes I have. It’s seriously so nostalgic and comforting, and they’re all so adorable I can’t 🙈
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danniquila · 2 years ago
Scandal in the Spotlight CG's
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All 6 members:
Scandal-less Future
7th Anniversary Wallpapers (Dark Costume)
Love in Wonderland & Love's Punishment (Concert tickets)
At the Mercy of Revance (-ryo) & Choose Me! Spotless Love
The ABC's of Revance!
Revance Fest (2016)
Thank you Letters
Kyohei, Iori, Nagito, Kota, and Takashi:
On the road with Revance! Spring Tour
Operation Make Revance Blush!
Revance's Sweet Halloween Night
Secret Merry Christmas & Midnight X-Mas
Surprise Me Revance!
With Love on White Day
Our Sweet Scandal
Don't Stop, Kiss Me
Forbidden Valentine
My Mr. Jealousy
Iori Enjo
Takashi, Kyohei, and Kota.
New Years Wallpaper
Iori Enjo and Nagito Aoshima
Fumito Ena and Takashi Ninagawa
Bewitching Midnight Musical (Event)
Autumn Musical Festival Photographs
"I want to get caught in your trap" -Kota Igarashi
Completion Reward 💘
An Idol's Passion (Event)
Magazine-like Wallpaper
Text Messages
Completion Reward 💘
Booster Items (2022 General Election)
Iori Enjo (Booster Set)
Ryo Chibana (Booster Items 1 & 4 / 2 & 3)
Kota Igarashi (Booster items 1 & 4 / 2 & 3)
Kyohei Rikudoh (Booster items 1 & 4 / 2 & 3)
Mini Message Wallpapers (2022 General Election: 777+ votes)
Kyohei, Iori, Kota, and Ryo
Main Stories 💕
Episode 0: All six members
Iori Enjo:
Main Story, His POV, & Epilogue.
Sequel, His POV, Epilogue, & Special CG
S2: Love Rivals, His POV, Epilogue, & Special CG
S3: Give Me Forever, His POV, & Special CG
The Announcment, Domestic Bliss + Special CG
S4: The Wedding + Special CG, Honeymoon in Paradise, & Scandal-less Future
Fumito Ena:
S2: Love Rivals, Epilogue, & Special CG
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phantomrose96 · 5 years ago
New BNHA, new liveblog, 0 miles today because the gyms are all closed. this is weird for me.
REALLY loving each and every one of the hand-wavy reasons Horikoshi gives for “fuck it i just wanted Aizawa (or maybe Mirio?) to adopt a kid”
Aizawa: “Look, the hospital kicked her out, her parents are MIA, her grandpa’s in a coma, and it’s not like Mirio is doing anything right now.” Mirio: “Haha yeah :DD”
“We worked for like 15 episodes to steal her, you think we’d just, what, give her BACK? Finders fucking keepers, Midoriya.”
Sometimes a family is an out-of-commission 18 year old, a really tired teacher, a traumatized little girl, and the ugliest godDAMN sweater on the planet
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Dats gay
I really like the Wild Wild Pussycats casual clothes???
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Their whole aesthetic is Your Three Lesbian Aunts And One Gay Uncle Visiting For Thanksgiving
Kota has... Deku’s Shoes... thats real fucking cute
SPEAKING of cute: Ragdoll is an absolute gem and I wish there was more of her in the Training Camp arc she’s a real cutie
I’m glad we’re finally learning how rankings work, considering the very concept of the ranking system has been absolutely core to the series since Day 1. Like 90-something episodes in and Horikoshi is finally like “oh i should explain how that works”
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I’m a big fan of how, whenever something Thematically Relevant to Todoroki is said, they just have to pan to his blank face, because it’s not like he’d ever. you know. participate in the conversation. not his style. we only get the Meaningful Panning Shot.
Is that
Is that a
Is that a washing machine?
Is the #8 hero a washing machine?
Never mind
Wait is THAT man just named Crust?? Poor bastard is the #6 hero and his hero name is crust.
Like I KNOW it’s a japanese show and they can’t know all the impli--but i mean, but i
“Most Underappreciated Part of a Pizza Hero: Crust”
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also btw i really like Edgeshot’s voice. especially during the Kamino arc. it’s like, hypnotically chill
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its him... finally... the bastard of lore.... i’ve heard whispers of this fucker
oh like he’s an ASSHOLE-ASSHOLE
“Who are you trying to make happy with that statement? Stain?” O H SO like he’s an A S S H O L E
Mirko: “You’re an asshole. ...I LIKE that” 
how quick i am to stan two separate characters within 30 seconds of meeting them
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what arrogance. what audacity. what flippant fucking disregard. i’d like TWELVE of him please.
Hawks: -speaks- Me:
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you know whats great? you know whats fantastic? his whole wing motif. because it doesn’t matter that Endeavor’s like 6′5″, Hawks can still float above him and condescend to him 
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hes looking down his fucking nose at this man. ICONIC.
Hawks: “Just so everyone knows, I have a higher approval rating than Endeavor, and I have more fans, and my hair is way better than his. Anyway, you wanted to microphone, Bitch Boi?”
REALLY vibing with Hawks’ sarcasti-clapping of Endeavor’s speech to a completely silent audience
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“Shame” as a quirk is a hilarious concept. And also how do you discover this? “Little Timmy’s fly was open at school and he promptly took out a wall”
and Hawks just fucking DECKS him from behind. LOVE the bait and switch of Shame-Man being important.
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Endeavor: “Is he... is he dead?” Hawks: “Hot pot!! :DD”
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The stupidest looking dog. i LOVE it
Just jumping in front of a truck for NO narrative reason other to have Hawks’ feathers save it
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CHEEKY. love his stupid bits of English.
the autograph signing scene was basically just the Talent Show episode of Spongebob where Squidward and Spongebob do exactly the same thing, Spongebob being met with uproarious applause and Squidward being met with dead silence.
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me buying shit in a craft store i cannot possibly need nor use, but it was shiny and only $5
Hawks calls Tokoyami “Tsukuyomi”?? am i missing something there or did he straight up get the name wrong?
Hawks: “I tried to scout your son but turns out he’s a failure. Runs in the family? :D”
85% of the reason I’m loving Hawks is because he’s JUST here to make Endeavor’s life harder, and that’s something I support every day of the week.
Hawks: “I just want to complain about how nothing happened today and then go to bed”
That one’s not a joke thats a direct fucking quote and WOW BITCH SAME
Endeavor: “how do you know about these Nomu rumors?” Hawks: “I’m a nosy bitch who loves gossip and can’t mind my own business? How would I not know about this???”
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I understand this is a serious and dramatic screenshot, but also I’m too caught up in the notion that - when experiencing some strong emotion - Todo can’t help but just Light Himself A Little On Fire
Deku: “Good morning Todoroki! Are you ready for our English test today? :D” Shouto: -catches fire- Shouto: “...Our what”
Lunchrush: “Hey there, what can I get you?” Shouto: “The cold soba” Lunchrush: “All out of cold soba, sorry” Shouto: -catches fire- “That’s fine. Just the ramen then.”
Endeavor: “Hey.. son... Shouto... I’ve been thinking... With all the steps I’ve made to be a better hero, don’t you think maybe it’s time you forgive me?” Shouto: -actively on fire. 100% encased in flame- “Let me think about it.”
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chemyy · 3 years ago
Your Waifu - Takami Chika
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Akhirnya setelah ngalor selama 5 bulan, sampai juga kita di penghujung rubrik Your Waifu bagian Aqours. Saya memang sengaja menaruh leader yang satu ini di urutan terakhir, dan saya juga sangat-sangat menantikan bisa membahas karakter yang satu ini. Karena di postingan ini saya akan memberikan beberapa alasan kenapa Chika bisa menjadi calon waifu yang baik, serta alasan kenapa Chika pantas mendapatkan gelar sebagai leader terbaik.
Chika adalah murid kelas 2 di sekolah Uranohoshi. Ia digambarkan memiliki rambut berwarna mikan (setidaknya begitulah seiyuu-nya menyebut warna orange). Memiliki sebuah ahoge, dan terkadang suka mengkuncir sedikit bagian rambutnya dengan pita warna kuning, dan juga memiliki mata berwarna merah. Sama dengan pendahulunya yaitu Honoka, Chika memiliki sifat yang optimis (walaupun agak offside), dan juga tekad yang bisa dibilang cukup kuat. Sayangnya kedua sifat tersebut agak tertahan karena Chika juga mempunyai sifat yang menurut saya agak melankolis, atau setidaknya “sensitif”.
Tapi pertama-tama agar postingan kali ini agak sedikit berbeda, bagaimana kalau kita memulainya dengan membahas kekurangannya terlebih dahulu?
– Terlalu naif
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Salah satu hal yang membuat saya agak kurang menyukainya adalah sewaktu Chika berfikir kalau ia bisa menjadi seperti µ's, yang bisa menjadi school idol dan bisa menyelamatkan sekolahnya. Lucunya, reaksi pertama yang ia keluarkan ketika mengetahui kalau sekolahnya akan ditutup dan digabung dengan sekolah lain, ia malah senang sampai berlari-larian di lorong sekolah. Sambil berfikir kalau “it’s my time to shine, I want to be like µ's who can save their school!” 
No. sadly it’s not that simple, Chika. Ya, saya juga tidak bisa menyalahkannya 100% terhadap apa yang ia perbuat. Karena balik lagi, pada saat itu Chika hanyalah gadis berumur 16 tahun yang sedang senang-senangnya melihat idolanya pada kala itu. Dan ketika tahu kalau alur kehidupannya akan mirip dengan idolanya ia pastinya akan sangat bahagia. Yang Chika lupa pada saat itu adalah, µ's tinggal di Tokyo yang notabenenya ada kota padat penduduk yang tentunya masih lebih mudah untuk mencari murid baru agar sekolahnya tidak tutup. Sedangkan Chika berasal dari desa yang sudah pasti jumlah populasi penduduknya tak sebanyak µ's yang tinggal di kota.
Dan di akhir cerita terlihat kan, kalau kenaifannya menghasilkan sesuatu yang tak sesuai dengan ekspetasinya. Walaupun ia berhasil memenangkan Love Live, tapi ia tak sanggup untuk menyelamatkan sekolahnya. Tapi untungnya pada episode 12 musim pertamanya terlihat ada development dimana akhirnya Chika tak lagi menjadikan µ's sebagai acuannya lagi, tetapi memilih untuk “move on” dan melangkah maju bersama teman-temannya dengan caranya sendiri.
– Jangan sebut angka 0 dan 98 di depannya
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Saya merasa kalau Chika memang punya personal problem dengan kedua angka tersebut. Angka 0 yang ia dapatkan saat mengikuti event di Tokyo, tak ada satu orang pun yang memberikan suara kepada Aqours. Alhasil mereka tak mendapatkan satu pun suara. Dan saat pulang ke Uchiura terlihat kalau Chika sangat depresi mengetahui hal itu. Lalu angka 98 yang juga tak asing, yang tak lain dan tak bukan adalah jumlah murid yang waktu itu ingin mendaftar ke sekolah Uranohoshi. Dari target 100 orang, mereka hanya berhasil mendapatkan 98 murid baru. Kesepakatan tetaplah kesepakatan, pada akhirnya sekolah Uranohoshi harus ditutup dan digabung dengan sekolah lain. 
Intinya jangan pernah membahas soal angka 0 dan 98 di depan Chika ya. Saya takut ia malah mendadak sedih mengingat kejadian pahit yang menimpa Aqours dan dirinya pada saat itu. Ya walaupun saya masih selalu ngakak tiap liat meme ini sih.
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– Sensitif
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Walaupun terlihat selau ceria di depan teman-temannya, nyatanya di balik itu semua Chika memiliki hati yang renta dan juga sensitif. Ketika sesuatu tak berjalan sesuai rencananya, ia pasti selalu bergumam seperti menyalahkan keadaan. Bahkan tak jarang dia selalu diledeki oleh You dan juga Riko untuk menyerah, tetapi dia terus saja ingin berusaha. Menyambung dari point di atas, ini juga yang membuat Chika sempat menangis di depan teman-temannya saat mereka ingin berlatih untuk final live, ia teringat akan jumlah murid yang tak bisa ia capai agar sekolahnya tak ditutup. Padahal menurut saya harusnya sebagai leader, Chika tak boleh menunjukan rasa sedihnya tersebut di depan teman-temannya, apalagi saat itu mereka sedang ingin berlatih. Alhasil mereka tak semua tak jadi latihan dan mencoba untuk beristirahat sejenak untuk menurunkan emosi masing-masing. Tapi beruntungnya Chika dikelilingi oleh teman-teman yang baik yang sangat mengerti betul perasaan ketuanya itu.
Selesai membahas kekurangan Chika, sekarang mari kita membahas kelebihan leader yang satu ini.
+ You want to make her give up? Only in your dream!
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Dari semua kekurangan Chika yang sudah saya sebutkan di atas. Tentu point ini menjadi counter yang baik untuk melawan kekurangannya tersebut. Saya selalu suka bagaimana Chika terus berusaha semaksimal mungkin menghadapi setiap tantangan yang ia dan juga Aqours lalui. Seperti misalnya saat Aqours harus menghadiri dua acara pada episode ketiga musim keduanya. Chika tak ingin ia hanya menghadiri salah satu event saja, karena kedua event tersebut sangatlah berarti bagi Aqours. 
Chika tak menyerah untuk mencari ide bagaimana mereka semua bisa menghadiri kedua acara tersebut. Akhirnya Chika memiliki ide untuk mengambil jalan pintas menggunakan kereta kebun jeruk milik temannya. Dari sini aja terlihat kalau Chika sangat tidak ingin menyerah begitu saja dan terus mencari jalan keluar terbaik untuk grupnya. Contoh lain, saat ia harus bisa melakukan backflip untuk koreo lagu MIRACLE WAVE. Pada kala itu Kanan memberikannya tenggat waktu sampai pagi hari, kalau Chika tak bisa melakukannya maka mereka tak akan menggunakan koreo tersebut. Chika terus berlatih tanpa henti, dan pada akhirnya (juga berkat dukungan dari teman-temannya), akhirnya Chika bisa melakukan koreo berbahaya tersebut untuk bisa maju ke babak berikutnya di kompetisi Love Live.
Ia paham betul kalau dirinya dan teman-temannya adalah gadis biasa yang berasal dari desa. Yang tentu saja, kemungkinan untuk mereka bisa memenangkan Love Live sangatlah susah karena kurangnya beberapa faktor pendukung seperti misalnya fasilitas (Mau pergi dari satu tempat ke tempat lain aja nggak ada bus atau transportasi lainnya, harus naik kereta kebun dan berlari, kurang sedih apa coba kalau dipikir-pikir). Tetapi hal tersebut tak menjadikannya alasan untuk terus bisa berjuang memenangkan Love Live.
Mau membuatnya menyerah? Mimpi!
+ Peduli dengan teman-temannya
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Ya memang sudah sepantasnya seorang leader peduli terhadap teman-temannya. Tetapi menurut saya rasa kepedulian Chika sangatlah luar biasa. Salah satu scene yang cukup menarik perhatian saya adalah ketika Chika merasa kalau ada yang aneh dengan sifat You yang belakangan tidak bisa fokus mempelajari koreo lagu Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare. Akhirnya Chika memaksakan dirinya untuk pergi ke rumah You dengan menggunakan sepeda. 
Kalian tahu kenapa Chika sampai berkeringat ketika sampai di rumah You? Ya itu karena jarak rumah Chika dan You kurang lebih sekitar 13 km dan membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 50 menit jika menaiki sepeda (based on lokasai di dunia nyata) Dan ia rela mengayuh sepeda malam-malam hanya untuk sekedar bertemu dengan sahabatnya dan memastikan kalau sahabatnya baik-baik saja dan tak memiliki masalah. 
Tak hanya kepada sahabatnya, tetapi kepada member lain pun ia juga sama pedulinya, seperti misalnya pada episode keempat musim keduanya. Saat Dia-san berprilaku tidak seperti biasanya karena pada saat itu Dia sangat ingin mendekatkan diri dengan anggota yang lain agar ia bisa lebih akrab. Chika sempat bertanya kepada Kanan apakah Dia baik-baik saja. Atau misalnya saat ia yang tak bisa tinggal diam melihat Mari dan Kanan yang selalu bertengkar karena menimbun rahasia, ia bahkan sampai melerai Mari dan Kanan dengan cara berteriak di dalam kelas, karena ia tak ingin ada temannya yang bersiteru.
Sama teman-temannya saja ia sangat peduli, apalagi sama kamu kelak bila kamu bisa menikahinya. Saya yakin ia akan sangat peduli tentang hal-hal kecil yang ada pada dirimu.
+ Anak pemilik penginapan, dan pemandian air hangat
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Kalau keluarga Honoka menjalankan bisnis toko manisan Jepang, berbeda dengan orang tua Chika dimana mereka menjalankan bisnis berupa penginapan yang sekaligus ada pemandian air hangatnya. Sama dengan point yang saya tulis di postingan Honoka, bila kamu bisa menikahi Chika maka tak menutup kemungkinan kalau kamu bisa menjadi pewaris atau penerus dari bisnis orang tuanya tersebut. Bahkan mungkin kamu tak perlu repot-repot harus membeli rumah untuk kalian berdua. Karena rumah Chika sendiri adalah sebuah penginapan yang di mana mungkin kamu bisa tinggal berdua dengannya. Di tambah dengan pemandian air hangat, dan view rumahnya yang menghadap langsung ke laut menjadikannya sangat ideal untuk dihuni.
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Saya paham bahwasanya pendapat setiap orang mengenai siapa leader terbaik di Love Live bisa berbeda-beda. Tapi biarkan saya bercerita sedikit kenapa menurut saya Chika memang pantas mendapatkan gelar tersebut. Yang pertama tentu saja beberapa point sudah saya sebutkan di atas. Riko pernah bilang kalau Chika hanyalah “monster biasa”, tetapi walaupun begitu  Chika tak pernah menyerah dalam kondisi apapun. Ia juga berhasil menjadi sosok yang menginspirasi teman-temannya untuk menjadi school idol. Chika tahu, dan mungkin seluruh member Aqours juga menyadari kalau mereka hanyalah gadis-gadis biasa yang berasal dari desa, tentu mereka harus memberikan effort berkali-kali lipat agar bisa menyelamatkan sekolahnya dan tentu memenangkan Love Live. Walaupun pada akhirnya Chika tak bisa menyelamatkan sekolahnya, tetapi paling tidak ia sudah bekerja keras untuk bisa memenangkan Love Live.
Belum lagi seluruh member Aqours itu bisa dibilang sangat-sangat random sekali isinya. Ada si anak tajir mampus, si tukang peluk yang keras kepala, ketua osis yang super galak, teman masa kecil yang punya fetish sama seragam, murid pindahan dari otonakizaka yang polos, anak pengidap chuuni, bayi cengeng, dan si gaptek. Tentu, tidak mudah bagi Chika untuk bisa menyatukan mereka semua untuk bisa menjadi sebuah grup yang solid dan kuat seperti sekarang ini.
Walaupun Chika memang tak memiliki kehebatan dalam membuat lagu, lirik, koreo dance, dll yang berhubungan dengan idol. Tetapi soal leadership saya berani bilang kalau dirinya sejauh ini pantas mendapatkan gelar sebagai leader terbaik di Love Live, dan begitu pula dengan pengisi suaranya.
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Gadis yang selalu dibanding-bandingkan dengan pendahulunya pada kala itu, menurut saya berhasil menunjukan ke orang-orang bahwa dirinya juga pantas mendapat apresiasi. 
Kalau Honoka adalah tipe pemimpin yang bisa memimpin dari depan yang bisa membuat teman-temannya mengikutinya. Maka sebaliknya, Chika adalah tipe pemimpin yang berada di belakang. Yang selalu memperhatikan teman-temannya dan memastikan tak ada satupun dari mereka yang tertinggal. Itulah kenapa saya menulis Chika berada di posisi terakhir. Baik Chika maupun pengisi suaranya Inami Anju, atau yang biasa kita sapa dengan sebutan Anchan menurut saya keduanya berhasil menggambarkan sosok leader yang bisa jadi panutan bagi penerus-penerusnya. 
Dari Chika juga, kita belajar bahwa hidup memang terkadang berjalan tak sesuai dengan keinginan. Dan itu bergantung dari bagaimana kita bisa menyikapi setiap permasalahan hidup yang kita temui, mau terus berusaha atau menyerah?
Pengalaman dirinya telah mengajarkan ia bahwa setiap hal yang dilakukan selalu berawal dari nol, dan ketika di tengah jalan kita gagal bukan serta merta prosesnya kembali dari awal lagi. Karena setiap perjuangan serta pengalaman yang sudah dilaluinya akan menjadikanya pribadi yang jauh lebih kuat untuk menghadapi masalah yang akan ia lalui. Dan dia mengajarkan kita bahwa setiap perjuangan walau sekecil apapun tetaplah bearti dan tidak akan pernah sia-sia untuk dilakukan walaupun itu akan berakhir dengan kegagalan. Itulah kenapa ia memiliki tekat yang kuat, walaupun sudah terjatuh berkali-kali ia akan bangkit kembali untuk mengejar impiannya. Pada akhirnya Chika hanyalah gadis berumur 16 tahun pada umumnya. Yang masih terus berusaha mencari jati dirinya, yang belum memiliki kestabilan emosi, yang masih harus banyak terus belajar, dan membutuhkan dampingan. Tapi satu hal yang pasti, gadis yang satu ini tidak akan pernah mau yang namanya menyerah, dan hal inilah yang mengantarkannya dirinya menjadi sosok leader yang patut untuk diapresiasi dan dicintai.
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Selesai sudah saya membahas semua waifu di Aqours. Saya minta maaf bila postingan Chika ini baru bisa saya selesaikan sekarang. Dan karena anime Nijigasaki musim kedua sudah selesai tayang, sampai ketemu kembali di Your Waifu bagian Nijigasaki. Kira-kira siapa yang harus saya tulis pertama?
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Baca Komik Donal Bebek Gratis
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Baca Komik Donal Bebek Gratis
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gdwessel · 4 years ago
G1 Climax 30 Night 3 - 9/23/2020; RIP Road Warrior Animal (9/12/1960 - 9/23/2020); Finlay v. Romero in ROH Pure Tournament; Fredericks on Last Night’s Prime Time Live
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G1 Climax 30 resumed today, with A Block matches live from Hokkaido. You can see it now on NJPWWorld. 
- 9/23/2020, Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center Hokkai Kitayell
Gabriel Kidd d. Yuya Uemura (Double-Arm Suplex, 7:21) 
G1 Climax 30 A Block: Jeff Cobb [FREE] d. Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] (Tour Of The Islands, 11:44)
G1 Climax 30 A Block: Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] d. Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club] (Money Clip, 12:01)
G1 Climax 30 A Block: Taichi [SZKG] d. Minoru Suzuki [SZKG] (Black Mephisto, 12:11) 
G1 Climax 30 A Block: Will Ospreay [CHAOS] d. Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS] (Stormbreaker, 18:20)
G1 Climax 30 A Block: Jay White [Bullet Club] d. Kota Ibushi (Blade Runner, 20:28)
Switchblade is now 2-0 against Kota Ibushi since Ibushi bested him at the G1 Climax 29 Final last year. Naturally, he declared he will win G1. And he might! Ospreay will not win G1, but is on a streak anyway, because NJPW are high on him and don’t care if he got a woman blackballed from the industry. 
Taichi had a very good homecoming to Hokkaido for once, getting the win over his Boss. NJPW are now calling Okada’s Cobra Clutch the “Money Clip.” And still trying to make it a Thing. Shingo is 0-2 so far, but that means he’ll be assured a good late run. Gabriel Kidd gets his first ever singles win in NJPW!
Current A Block standings:
Ospreay: 4pts (2W 0D 0L) Taichi: 4pts (2W 0D 0L) White: 4pts (2W 0D 0L) Cobb: 2pts (1W 0D 1L) Ibushi: 2pts (1W 0D 1L) Okada: 2pts (1W 0D 1L) Suzuki: 2pts (1W 0D 1L) Ishii: 0pts (0W 0D 2L) Takagi: 0pts (0W 0D 2L) Yujiro: 0pts (0W 0D 2L)
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(L-R: Road Warrior Hawk [Michael Hegstrand], Road Warrior Animal [Joseph Laurinaitis], Power Warrior [Kensuke Sasaki])
Just as I was getting ready to start writing this post, it was reported that Road Warrior Animal (Joseph Laurinaitis) had passed away at the age of 60. The Road Warriors are, of course, one of the most famous and well-regarded tag teams of all time in the wrestling business, and Japan were a huge part of their stomping grounds, although in terms of number of matches, they were more known in All Japan Pro Wrestling than NJPW. The majority of Animal’s matches in NJPW came in 1996, when the Road Warriors were still with WCW, and some of those were in tandem with Kensuke Sasaki in his Power Warrior persona (long story). Nevertheless, the Road Warriors were huge in Japan, working in AJPW, NJPW, Tenryu’s WAR promotion, and even Riki Choshu’s ill-fated Fighting of World Japan Pro Wrestling company in 2003. (Road Warrior Hawk, Michael Hegstrand, would die later in 2003.) Animal even wrestled a select number of matches in Battlarts in 1998 and 2000.
Animal’s brother John is pretty well-known in the wrestling biz, having not only been an executive, both on-screen and off-, for WWE, but also as Johnny Ace, most notably in AJPW, where at one time he had a very well-regarded tag team with Kenta Kobashi, among others. His son James played college football at Ohio State University, as well as an 8-year NFL career, mostly at the then-St. Louis Rams, before retiring after a season at the New Orleans Saints in 2017.
Regardless, there’s nothing I can write that will adequately say what Animal, and the Road Warriors, meant to pro wrestling. Our thoughts and condolences to his loved ones and close friends.
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While left out of G1 Climax selection yet again, David Finlay Jr. is keeping himself busy, competing in Ring of Honor’s Pure Tournament. This is the revival of ROH’s former Pure Championship, which was unified and abandoned with the ROH World Title back in 2008 in a classic (but ultimately costly, for the competitors involved) match between Brian Danielson v. Nigel McGuinness. 
Finlay’s opponent for this round was Rocky Romero, who he would defeat. This match is on the current episode of ROH TV, but I’m not even sure which Sinclair Broadcasting sub-network it’s on nowadays (Comet? Charge!? It’s not on YouTube in full). We’ll see how far he gets in this. I can’t imagine he’s happy working ROH again tho.
In other news, the LA Dojo’s Karl Fredericks appeared last night on the United Wrestling Network’s iPPV event Prime Time Live #2, shown on FITE TV for $7.99. This concept is through United Wrestling Network, Billy Corgan’s National Wrestling Alliance and Thunder Studios, being run out of Championship Wrestling from Hollywood, a weekly PPV concept. I hesitate to remind that this is how TNA/Impact started.
Fredericks defeated Slice Boogie in the semi-main event of the show. Danny Limelight, late of NJPW Strong, was also on this show, losing to Kevin Martenson. The main event saw Thunder Rosa retain the NWA Women’s Championship against Priscilla Kelly, which is good as it maintains the storyline Rosa is having in AEW right now.
Tomorrow’s show also comes from Hokkaido, and features the second group of B Block matches, including one that may have some implications down the line depending on how the results go.
- 9/24/2020, Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center Hokkai Kitayell
Yota Tsuji v. Yuya Uemura
G1 Climax 30 B Block: Hirooki Goto [CHAOS] v. SANADA [Los Ingobernables]
G1 Climax 30 B Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi v. Toru Yano [CHAOS]
G1 Climax 30 B Block: Juice Robinson v. KENTA [Bullet Club]
G1 Climax 30 B Block: YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] v. EVIL [Bullet Club]
G1 Climax 30 B Block: Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables] v. Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG]
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blackfireswallow · 5 years ago
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The second episode of the drama "LINE no kotae awase" has been revealed. ^^ You can find its link below (please remember you'll need a VPN to watch it).
LINE no kotae awase episode 2 - TVer (available until February 16th at 0:57 Japanese time): https://tver.jp/corner/f0046276
Source of the original photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6-dvLkpKle/…
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caeliuris · 6 years ago
My Hero Academia!
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
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the first character i ever fell in love with:  DEKU
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: ninguno, a todos los amo por igual, fight me
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: BakuDeku lmao
my ultimate favorite character™: DEKU
prettiest character: deku bb todo bonito Y EL HAWK PORQUE ES 🔥🔥👌👌
my most hated character: Endeavor, aunque es bien interesante ver lo que le pasa
my OTP: TodoDeku
my NOTP: idk ??? todo lo que tenga que ver con Mineta (???) y KirishimaxMina porque ahora son más como friends que algo más(? OH Y ESAS SHIPS QUE SON LOS ESTUDIANTES CON LOS PROFES, algo de respeto please
favorite episode: todos, todas las batallas son amazing y me gusta mucho todo lo que pasa :’0 aaaa, pero el primer episodio tiene un lugar en mi corazón porque yo quiero mucho a Deku y me gustaría tener su mismo will power ;-;
saddest death: No muere tanta gente(????) pero maybe la de los papás de Kota bebesito (?)
favorite season: La segunda porque me gusta mucho el festival deportivo y tambien los dramas con Stein (??)
least favorite season: Ninguna
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: YO LOS AMO A TODOS ALV, MIS HIJOS
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: bakugo, bakugo, bakugo, bakugo(?) me encanta asdfgh es tan angry
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Deku deserves 0 anxiety (?) 
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: ninguna ?¿?
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: uraraka e Iida (?
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frankbelloriley · 6 years ago
top ten wrasslin’ matches of 2018
So before I get into this, I’m gonna lay down some ground rules--well, more like tell you the rules I gave myself and those rules are 1) did it make me laugh a bunch and forget about how stupid the world is? (which is the basis for every one of these kinds of lists really) 2) would I show this to someone who had never seen wrestling before? and 3) one (1) match per episode/pay-per-view with one (1) exception for a good reason With that in mind, I’m going to get some honorable mentions out of the way:
Kazuchika Okada vs Tetsuya Naito for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, Kenny Omega vs Chris Jericho for the IWGP US Championship, and the Fatal Four Way for the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship between Marty Scurll, KUSHIDA, Hiromu Takahashi, and Will Ospreay from Wrestle Kingdom 12-- they’re all really good and fun and worth checking out, but another Wrestle Kingdom 12 match is going on this list
The other two Chris Jericho NJPW matches versus Tetsuya Naito and EVIL--not on this list literally only due to the “one match per ppv” rule, but they’re all very fun, Chris Jericho is delightfully dickish and you should watch them in order to see Chris Jericho become a progressively more goth dad (he out gothed a dude named “EVIL” (all caps theirs, not mine) that’s how goth Chris Jericho got)
As much as it pains me and as much as it is a testament to what good wrestling there was in 2018, none of the Johnny Gargano-Tommaso Ciampa matches (1, 2, 3, which I can’t find online and whatever) are on this list (my favorite is probably their second match), and neither is Velveteen Dream-Tommaso Ciampa which rips (can I interest you in a fight between a Prince inspired wrassler who refers to himself in the third person and whose act became a giant subtweet of Hulk Hogan against just the biggest asshole in the world?). There is only one Johnny Gargano match on here, and if I’m writing a list of the best character arcs in 2018, the list goes Gargano’s redemption only to succumb to the dark side, Kazuchika Okada’s existential crisis after losing the championship, and Becky Lynch becoming The Man in that order. Becky’s arc really only started four-five months ago and much of it was spent by creative trying and utterly failing to get the crowd to boo her, and Okada’s arc was, by design, slow and frustrating after he lost the championship, but Gargano basically started the year as Luke Skywalker getting his hand cut off and ended the year as Kylo Ren yelling at a ghost on the salt planet, with every character turn making sense. It’s fascinating.
Speaking of, no Aleister Black-Johnny Gargano at NXT War Games 2 match which might be as pure a classic wrestling story as there is, second only to the Gargano match that is actually on here. (In real life, Aleister Black hurt his leg, so in story, they explained it that he got attacked in the parking lot by an unknown person, so the mystery of who attacked him would go on for months (coincidentally the same amount of time it would take someone to recover from an injury like Aleister Black’s) until Johnny Gargano fessed up to the act by kicking him in the face, so now Aleister is seeking justice. Wrestling is delightfully extra.
Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair vs Asuka TLC match for the Smackdown Women’s Championship (no link, couldn’t find)-- whew (not “woo” in this house we boo the woo) Asuka was finally Asuka again (her first and last ppv matches in 2018 (this and against Charlotte at Wrestlemania) are super great and everything else is super not), Becky Lynch continued being the actual greatest, and I literally do not know how Charlotte Flair did not end up in the hospital after this. It’s not making the list for how the match ends in bullshit fashion even though it ends perfectly in character with consistent story logic (a pleasant fucking surprise from WWE especially considering, again, the rest of Asuka’s year)
None of the Shayna Baszler-Kairi Sane matches (can’t find NXT Takeover Brooklyn 4, but I found Evolution and NXT War Games II) (NXT was really good this year), which is a shame because all of which are great, but my personal favorite is on Evolution, and another match beats it out. As I’m writing out the list, I realized there aren’t a bunch of women’s matches, but that’s because WWE’s creative ideas for its women’s division was garbage until the Becky Lynch turn happened in August and got a crowd reaction they super didn’t want and tried to change until they were finally forced them to lean into it. However, Evolution was easily the best main roster WWE ppv.
Nothing from All In literally only because that show is for Wrestling Fans, and this list is supposed to be a “if you’ve never watched wrestling in your life” list. All In is good good fun, but if you show it to someone who’s never seen wrestling before, they’re gonna ask why are there dick druids, and you’re gonna have to explain that Joey Ryan, a dude who wrestles with his dick, came back to life after being murdered and the number one suspect was the guy from Arrow (really). Get into wrestling, then watch that PPV.
Good god, that’s a lot of honorable mentions. Anyway:
10. Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens, an open Intercontinental Championship Challenge on Monday Night RAW, August 27th - this is just a really fun wrestling match between two talented guys who were stuck in other feuds that were prolonged needlessly in 2018, and it was just fun to see these guys branch out, do something different, and tear the house down against each other like, “oh yeah, these two are really good at what they do, I almost forgot.”
9. Andrade Cien Almas vs. AJ Styles - Smackdown Live on September 18--Like Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins, AJ Styles was stuck in bad storylines that meant to make him look like a strong champion but ended up making him look like a plot armored goober. Here we have the story of the cocky upstart Almas taking the veteran champion Styles to his absolute limit with a finish that is smooth as hell.
8. Hiromu Takahashi vs. Will Ospreay, IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship at NJPW Dominion on June 9th - Spoiler for the number two entrant but this is where I’m breaking the “one per ppv rule” because Hiromu Takahashi has a broken neck and no one knows if he’ll ever wrestle again, so this might be his swan song. (He doesn’t break his neck in this match, I wouldn’t introduce him like that) These are two dudes who flip with zero caution to themselves with some incredible flippy shit. Watch it and pray for Hiromu to make a full recovery.
7. Six Man Ladder Match for the NXT North American Championship with Adam Cole, Ricochet, Velveteen Dream, EC3, Killian Dane, and Lars Sullivan - Okay, so, about this. Excepting Killian Dane and maybe Lars Sullivan, everyone here has had a better match elsewhere this year (Lars probably had a better match against Keith Lee, Adam Cole had his best match against Ricochet, Ricochet and EC3 had their best matches against Velveteen Dream, and Velveteen Dream had his best match against Tommaso Ciampa), but everyone gets a moment to shine here, and this is the NXT introduction of Ricochet who is basically a flippy videogame cheat code who is made out of some sort of alien substance. At one point the two large men Lars Sullivan and Killian Dane toss Ricochet across the ring to each other like they’re playing fucking catch. It’s hilarious and maybe the fifth most insane thing that happens here. If someone was to come up to me like, “I know nothing about wrestling, what should I watch to find out if I like it?” I would probably show them this.
6. Kenny Omega vs. Tomohiro Ishii,  G1 Tournament Match - I’m laughing just thinking about this match. I don’t think anyone would call Tomohiro Ishii the best wrestler in the world, but I love him with my heart. Kenny too, but a boyish giggle comes out of me every time Tomohiro no sells someone slapping the utter shit out of him and he says (presumably) something like “that it?!” (I’m a fan of this gif of Pete Dunne slapping a no-selling Tomohiro for Pete Dunne shaking his hand afterwards. Physical comedy!). Anyway, the story here is Kenny Omega has gone 6-0 in this tournament, Ishii (who he has a competitive history with) has gone 0-6 in the tournament, so Kenny takes him for granted and when he realizes his opponent won’t go down that easily, it’s too late. It’s quick, it’s fast paced, and very fun.
5. Meiko Satomura vs Mercedes Martinez, Mae Young Classic Quarterfinals - I had no idea who these women were before the Mae Young Classic, but I loved Meiko with her first match in it, while Mercedes was just, you know, fine. But this? Wheeew. Two veterans giving it their all, and if you don’t turn into a Michael Scott crying gif after when they show each other respect, we ain’t the same.
4. Johnny Gargano vs Andrade Cien Almas, NXT Takeover: Philadelphia -  Going with this one because it’s the most newbie friendly match, it kicks off Johnny Gargano’s year storyline at the finish, and Andrade Cien Almas is really really good at his job. It’s a simple “good guy versus arrogant heel” match, and Andrade comes out to a masked mariachi band as his entrance.
3. Kota Ibushi vs Cody Rhodes, Wrestle Kingdom 12 - there are probably better matches from Wrestle Kingdom 12 but this is my list so fuck you but this is the match where pro wrestling finally clicked with me after starting to watch it because of GLOW. Folks, this is a 20 minute Jackie Chan fight with Kota as the daffy Jackie Chan-like hero and Cody as Anime Biff Tannen. It is fast, has some wild acrobatics, and it is funny as hell.
2. Kazuchika Okada vs Kenny Omega, 2/3 Falls Match for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship (Part 1, Part 2), NJPW Dominion on June 9th - If the last one was a comedy, this is an epic. This thing last an hour and a half, and it goes by in a flash. The entire Okada-Omega series is basically wrestling’s Lord of the Rings, and this is its Return of the King. The only reason it’s not number one because of the match’s lack of follow through in the months since, but man, this is great.
1. Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair, Last Woman Standing Match at Evolution (start at 29:45 then watch the end here)- *types then deletes a bunch of unintelligible vowels* Okay, so this is the first match that really took advantage of the NXT Horsewomen since their call up in a good long while and it rules. I’d say Bayley, Sasha Banks, Charlotte Flair, and Becky Lynch had been given nothing for 2018 until August, but “nothing” would be a step up in some cases *cough* group therapy *cough* *cough* Nia Jax injuring every single one of them plus others and the only reason she still has a job is that she’s The Rock’s cousin *cough* Charlotte had her Wrestlemania match against Asuka, but this? This is mean, this is rough, this is the story of a girl, no this is the story of two former friends wanting to throw the other through a table. When pro wrestling is bad, it’s “what the fuck am I doing with my life watching this shit” bad, and when it’s good, there is nothing like it. This is the latter (not the ladder, but there are those here).
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shinsugay · 7 years ago
Okada/Omega 0: Or, Please Watch Wrestling With Me
SO I’ve gotten really hard into pro wrestling, particularly Japanese pro wrestling, these past few months. And it just so happens that we are also in a really exciting time for pro wrestling, as not one but TWO of the greatest pro wrestlers in years (and maybe, like, all time) are at their peak right now and are having some of the best fights ever seen anywhere. 
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These two have been ramping up over the past year and a half, creating what many called the Okada/Omega Trilogy of matches at three pay-per-views in 2017. And if they had just left it at that, they still would be called some of the greatest of all time.
Well, this past Friday at Dominion 2018 was Okada/Omega 4, and it was the best of any of them, and to many people (including Dave Meltzer, critic, who is basically the Roger Ebert of pro wrestling) it was the best match of all time.
SO in the effort to get literally anyone I can convince to read this into pro wrestling, please enjoy my introduction to Kazuchika Okada and Kenny Omega and the greatest wrestling rivalry of our time.
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Kazuchika Okada is without a doubt one of the top, if not THE top, wrestlers in the world. At 6′3″, 236 lbs, and only 30 years old he is the young king of New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW - basically the WWE of Japan). He leads the CHAOS faction, which started got started as a “heel”/villain stable run by Shinsuke Nakamura (my favorite wrestler) but in the years since has become much more of a “face”/hero stable. Okada took over as leader of CHAOS when Shinsuke left for the WWE in 2016. 
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Above: A crying Okada wearing a Nakamura t-shirt, carrying a crying Nakamura around Korakuen hall after Nakamura’s last match at NJPW. OKADA LOVES NAKAMURA SO MUCH Y’ALL!!!!!!!!
Okada has held the IWGP Heavyweight Championship Title (the most prestigious title in New Japan) for a record 720 days. The second most days that a champion held the title is 489 days by Shinya Hashimoto, and that was in the 90′s. That’s almost half a year longer than anyone else has held the title. 
He is simply that much better than everyone else in history. 
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Above: Okada holding his belt and knowing he’s king shit of fuck mountain. 
And he fucking knows it! Okada is a プロレス天才 - a wrestling “genius.” He’s Pro Wrestling Goku. Gifted with innate physical ability and technical skill, he destroys his opponents without even seeming to try. He is powerful, and arrogant, and he makes it clear that he doesn’t really care about his opponents, he’s just doing this for the cash (hence the name of his signature move, “the Rainmaker,” and the fact that there’s always money flying around when he’s coming on-stage). 
He’s feuded with other great wrestlers--namely Tetsuya Naito of Los Ingobernables de Japon, another one of my faves and fodder for another entire series of posts--but as of yet, no one has been great enough to take the championship off him.
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Kenny Omega has only been in NJPW for 8 years (compared to Okada’s 14), but he has made quite the impression. As leader of the Bullet Club (another heel stable--decidedly more villainous than CHAOS) he is the top gaijin talent in NJPW. 
Kenny Omega has walked a long hard road to get to this point, however. And no matter where you look, it all starts with this man: Kota Ibushi.
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Kota Ibushi is a great martial artist and wrestler in his own right--his matches with Nakamura are two of my favorites of all time--but for this story, I’m focusing on his relationship with Kenny Omega. 
Kota is the reason Kenny came to Japan. Kenny is a native Canadian, and before coming to Japan he worked for a number of North American promotions, including the Ring of Honor and the WWE. Ultimately, however, he was feeling dissatisfied with pro wrestling. 
All that changed when Kenny saw footage of a young Japanese wrestler named Kota Ibushi. 
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Above: Kota backflipping off a vending machine to pin Kenny on a table in one of their first iconic matches.
Kenny was so impressed by Kota’s frenetic, almost reckless wrestling style that he challenged him to a match over Youtube, and a Japanese wrestling promotion flew Kenny over so that they could have it. It went so well that Kenny got hired in Japan, and he and Kota formed a tag team partnership called The Golden☆Lovers.
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Over the years, Kenny and Kota fought tons of insane matches together, but eventually drifted apart as their singles careers grew. Their last match as a tag team was in 2014, and since then they have been simmering in a kind of stewing rivalry and resentment, as each watches the other’s career from a distance, too bitter and proud to make the first move to reunite.
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Above: Kenny “The Cleaner” Omega 
Meanwhile, Kenny has been growing in power in NJPW. After debuting in Bullet Club as “the Cleaner” in 2014, Kenny rose through the ranks to become leader of Bullet Club following A.J. Styles’ departure in 2016. Along the way, he teamed up with the Young Bucks, the tag-team partnership of real life brothers Nick and Matt Jackson, to form THE ELITE--a kind of group-within-a-group in Bullet Club. As The Elite, Kenny and the Young Bucks have created a 100+ episode Youtube series and have won the NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship title twice. They are best friends IRL and huge, dumb nerds.
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Above: Matt Jackson, Kenny Omega and Nick Jackson being huge nerds
As a wrestler, Kenny is undoubtedly one of the greatest--if not THE greatest--in the world. At 6′0″ and 228 lbs he is a little smaller than Okada--he’s also a bit older at 34. But for what he might lack in athleticism (and he doesn’t lack much--he is truly, frighteningly athletic) he makes up for in charisma. Kenny Omega cuts a promo like a true great. He understands what is fun about wrestling; that it should be silly and over the top, but also taken deadly seriously. That ultimately it’s about emotion and catharsis. That good wrestling is about the in-ring moves, yes, but it’s also about the story they are telling, the relationships and the shared history.
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I truly believe Kenny Omega will be remembered as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time in any promotion. But don’t just take my word for it... watch for yourself, and look out for my next post about the lead-up to Wrestle Kingdom 11. 
[Aside: I started this post thinking that I would have two sections: one to profile Okada, and one to profile Kenny. But in Kenny’s section I have mostly been explaining the other folks in his life--Kota, Nick and Matt. And that I think sums up the two wrestlers, and what makes this storyline so great. To understand Okada, you really just need to know about Okada. To understand Kenny, you have to know these other people who are so important in his life. This is a story about how greatness doesn’t stand alone, and how love wins in the end.]
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sittinginmylittlecorner · 2 years ago
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Aww Nagi… Someone protect this little ball of sunshine 😭🥹🥺
Also I can’t get over teenage Kyohei’s hair, it’s so ruffled and cute
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negara-my-id · 3 years ago
Gravity Falls Streaming
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Negaraku Indonesia Gravity Falls Streaming
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Tentang Gravity Fouls Streaming
Gravity Falls adalah serial animasi televisi Amerika Serikat dibuat oleh animator Alex Hirsch untuk Disney Channel, sekarang di Disney XD. Kartun ini menceritakan petualangan Dipper Pines (pengisi suaranya Jason Ritter) dan saudara kembarnya Mabel (disuarai Kristen Schall) di kota fiksi Gravity Falls, Oregon saat liburan Musim panas.
Di episode awal, Dipper dan Mabel menghabiskan musim panas dengan “great-uncle” (atau “Grunkle”) Stan, di kota misterius penuh dengan situasi yang aneh melibatkan berbagai makhluk paranormal dan supernatural. Grunkle Stan menyuruh mereka menolongnya menjalankan The Mystery Shack, jebakan turis yang dia punya.
Si kembar berusaha untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang aneh tetapi merasakan ada sesuatu yang aneh tentang Gravity Falls dan mulai berusaha memecahkan misterinya. Saat Dipper menemukan sebuah jurnal misterius yang berisi tentang misteri kota, dia dan Mabel menggunakannya dan ingin memecahkan misteri yang di sekitar mereka. Kartun ini secara resmi tayang di Disney Channel di Amerika Serikat pada 15 Juni 2012.
Gravity Falls : Pembuat kartun Alex Hirsch
Pembuat kartun Alex Hirsch pertama membuat konsep untuk kartun ini di film pelajar low-budget yang berdurasi 11 menit, dia membuatnya di Institut Seni California. Hirsch dipanggil untuk melakukan suatu promosi untuk Disney Channel berdasarkan pilot pendeknya. Disney Channel mengambil idenya dan mulai menyiarkan kartun ini musim panas 2012. Kartun ini diinspirasikan dari masa kecil Alex Hirsch dengan saudara kembarnya saat liburan misim panas.
Pada 31 Mei 2014, diumumkan season kedua akan disiarkan di Disney XD dan Disney Channel. Pada 14 Juni 2014, diumumkan bahwa season kedua akan ditayangkan pada 1 Agustus 2014 di Disney Channel, dengan beberapa episode musim kedua disiarkan pertama di Disney XD karena Disney XD dianggap rumah baru untuk kartun ini.
Gravity Falls: Lost Legends
Pada Februari 2018, pada dua tahun setelah finale, Hirsch menggunakan Cipher untuk mengumumkan Gravity Falls: Lost Legends, sebuah Novel Grafik yang merupakan lanjutan Gravity Falls yang kemudian diterbitkan pada 24 Juli 2018. Di Indonesia, serial ini ditayangkan di RCTI.
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Gravity Falls Streaming Negaraku Indonesia
from Negaraku Indonesia https://ift.tt/2XHu9fs
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Anna Lunoe @ ALAYA Online Music Festival
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Artist: Anna Lunoe Show: Anna Lunoe @ ALAYA Online Music Festival Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Trap Source: RSS
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Anna Lunoe @ ALAYA Online Music Festival Tracklist
[00:00] The Avalanches ft. Jamie XX, Neneh Cherry & Clypso – Wherever You Go [MODULAR] [3:30] Jubilee – Are We There Yet? [MAGIC CITY] [6:00] VNSSA – Cuz Of The Beat [TECHNE] [8:30] Miane – Who Are You? (Chris Lake Remix) [BLACK BOOK] [11:20] ID – ID [13:00] Kristin Velvet – Rockin’ [ARMS & LEGS] [14:00] Dance System & India Jordan – Let’s Go [SYSTEM] [16:10] Anna Lunoe ft. Nakamura Minami – Ice Cream [MAD DECENT] [19:10] Ninajirachi & Kota Banks – True North [21:00] UNIIQU3 – UNIIQU3’s Groove (Get Down) [23:30] Club Queen ft. TT The Artist & Maad – Rock Wit It [25:30] Aluna – Body Pump (Sammy Virji Remix) [MAD DECENT] [27:45] SOPHIE – Nothing More To Say [HUNTLEYS + PALMERS] [29:45] Kito & VanJess & Channel Tres – Recap [ASTRALWERKS]
This ALAYA Online Music Festival 2021Liveset/DJ mix is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed, audio is streamed/downloads are directly from the podcast owner server. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the set owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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Things you didn’t notice in BTS MVs
You like Bangtan and you want to know more about their works? Well, you’re in the right place!
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This blog aims to be a sort of BTS encyclopedia where you can find details about everything. The main focus is the artistic direction of the MV but there are also explanations about nods in songs, lists of posters in the background, and maps of filming locations. You can check below the read more or go this content page for a complete summary of the blog posts.
You can send me a message or an ask if you have questions. You can also participate by sharing any trivia you know.
Updates of the blog are notified on Twitter in real time, and on an occasional post on Tumblr.
About BTS
Posts about the members with their biography and personal discography.
Jung Kook
Posts about the different albums listing official content, lyrics translations, and linking to more detailed posts about the MVs
       Chapter 1: Reflection of youth
School trilogy:
Youth duology:
화양연화 Pt.1
화양연화 Pt.2
You Never Walk Alone
Love yourelf:
(Highlight Reel)
Love Yourself 承 Her
Love Yourself 起 Wonder - Euphoria
Love Yourself 轉 Tear
Love Yourself 結 Answer
Map of the soul:
Map of the Soul: Persona
Map of the Soul: 7
Be butterproof:
Solo works:
Agust D
Hope World
“Chicken Noodle Soup”
Other releases
Japanese Releases:
“No More Dream”
“Boy In Luv”
“Blood, Sweat & Tears”
“Airplane Pt.2″
“Stay Gold”
“Film out”
Other albums
       Chapter 2
Jack In The Box
“The Astronaut”
“On the street”
Right Place, Wrong Person
Live Trilogy Episode II. The Red Bullet
Live Trilogy Episode I. BTS Begins
Live Trilogy Episode III. The Wings Tour
화양연화 On Stage: Prologue
화양연화 On Stage
Love Yourself Tour
Love Yourself - Speak Yourself
Permission to Dance on Stage
Other content
Posts about things that are not albums from brand endorsement to BT21 by the way of BTS exclusive shows.
BTS exclusive shows (Run BTS!, Bon Voyage, American Hustle Life...)
NOW 1 in Thailand
NOW 2 in Europe and America
NOW 3 in Chicago
2015 Summer Package in Kota Kinabalu
2016 Summer Package in Dubai
2017 Summer Package in Coron Island
2018 Summer Package in Saipan
2019 Summer Package in Korea
2020 Winter Package in Helsinki
2021 Winter Package in Gangwon
Season’s Greetings (2015-2022)
Musters (1st to 4th)
5th Muster
6th Muster
Bang Bang Con The Live
2014 Festa
2015 Festa
2016 Festa
2017 Festa
2018 Festa
2019 Festa
2020 Festa
2021 Festa
2022 Festa
2023 Festa
2024 Festa
About the Exhibitions: Butterfly Dream and 24/7=Serendipity
Brands X BTS (Puma, Samsung, Hyundai...)
Mascots, games comics, etc. (BT21, TinyTAN, BTS World, Me, Myself &...)
Trans and meta analyses
Posts about the transmedia fiction mainly set in BTS discography.
화양연화 pt.0 Save ME
Translation of the Notes: Love Yourself, Persona, 7
Translation of the last page of 화양연화 The Notes 1 by ktaebwi
Translation of the photos at the end of 花樣年華 The Notes 2 by Asmita
List of the BU content
Guide to the BU content (includes a timeline)
Interactive map of Songju (complementary analysis)
Summary about Smeraldo
Parallels and references with non-BU elements
Characters presentation: Seokjin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook
List of books that inspired/arementionned in the BU
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