#kota jee main
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newswave-kota · 2 years ago
एलन कॅरिअर इंस्टीट्यूट ने दिल्ली-एनसीआर में खोले 11 स्टडी सेंटर
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दुनिया के शिक्षा क्षेत्र में लोकप्रिय कोटा कोचिंग की देश की राजधानी में भी दस्तक, नईदिल्ली के विद्यार्थियों को भी मिलेगी प्रवेश परीक्षाओं की स्तरीय क्लासरूम कोचिंग न्यूजवेव@ नईदिल्ली/कोटा देश-विदेश में मेडिकल व इंजीनियरिंग प्रवेश परीक्षाओं की क्लासरूम कोचिंग के लिये लोकप्रिय एलन कॅरियर इंस्टीट्यूट ने इस शैक्षणिक सत्र से नईदिल्ली में 11 स्टडी सेंटर्स की शुरूआत की है। शनिवार को अगस्त क्रांति मार्ग स्थित सीरी फोर्ट ऑडिटोरियम नई दिल्ली संस्थान के पहले बैच का ओरियेंटेशन सत्रं हुआ। जिसमें एलन के संस्थापक निदेशक डॉ.गोविन्द माहेश्वरी, राजेश माहेश्वरी, नवीन माहेश्वरी व डॉ. बृजेश माहेश्वरी सहित 1800 से अधिक विद्यार्थी एवं अभिभावक मौजूद रहे।
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एलन के क्लासरूम स्टडी सेंटर कालूसराय, द्वारका, लाजपत नगर, जनकपुरी, फरीदाबाद, नोएडा प्रीतविहार, पंजाबी बाग, वसुंधरा-गाजियाबाद, नेताजी सुभाष पैलेस और गुरुग्राम में रहेंगे, जहां अप्रैल से कक्षायें शुरू होगी। इस सभी केंद्रों पर जेईई मेन, एडवांस्ड, नीट-यूजी, ओलम्पियाड और कक्षा 8 से 10 तक प्री नर्चर कॅरियर फाउंडेशन की कक्षायें संचालित की जाएगी। संस्थापक निदेशक राजेश माहेश्वरी ने कहा कि कि एलन श्रेष्ठ शिक्षक, श्रेष्ठ साथी छात्र और श्रेष्ठ संसाधन उपलब्ध करवायेगा जिससे विद्यार्थी पहले से अच्छा करने के लिए प्रेरित हों। एलन कोटा के समकक्ष संस्कारों युक्त गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा दिल्ली के विद्यार्थियों को भी उपलब्घ करायेगा। निदेशक नवीन माहेश्वरी ने बताया कि एलन मेंटर के माध्यम से पढ़ाई के दौरान व घर से दूर हर समय स्टूडेंट्स के साथ रहने में विश्वास रखता है। निदेशक बृजेश माहेश्वरी ने कहा कि सर्वश्रेष्ठ अकेडमिक सिस्टम और स्टूडेंट केयरिंग एलन का मजबूत पक्ष है। यह अकादमिक एक्सीलेंस 34 वर्षों के अनुभव से तैयार हुई है। विद्यार्थियों के लिए बेस्ट स्टडी मटीरियल, टेस्ट सीरिज और डीपीपी के साथ सिस्टम अद्वितीय है। शिक्षा के साथ संस्कारों का प्रवाह एलन कॅरियर इंस्टीट्यूट के संस्थापक निदेशक डॉ. गोविंद माहेश्वरी ने कहा कि संस्थान गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा के साथ संस्कारों के संचार में पूरा विश्वास रखता है। हम युवाओं को अच्छे डॉक्टर व इंजीनियर बनने के साथ ही उन्हें अच्छा इंसान बनने के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं। भारत के नवनिर्माण में इन उच्च शिक्षित युवाओं की भूमिका सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है। Read the full article
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shankhachil · 7 months ago
Countdown to JEE (Main): Week 4/33
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This week's been a bit stressful because of unit tests and also because I haven't been very well, what with the weather change :') I did my best though!!
Test results:
Allen monthly test: 205/360, rank 2/8. In my defence, the questions were really hard and there were a few chapters I hadn't studied yet....
Topics covered:
Physics: Electrostatics; Electric Potential and Capacitance; Simple Harmonic Motion; Fluids; Modern Physics (5/3)
Chemistry: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers; Halogen Derivatives; Isomerism; Ionic Equilibrium (4/3)
Mathematics: Matrices; Vectors; Differential Equations; Permutation and Combination (4/3)
Questions solved:
Physics: - Physics tuition question bank, Electrostatics and Electric Potential and Capacitance — 123 questions, 114 correct - Allen Electrostatics module, S — 28 questions, 25 correct - Physics tuition Potential and Capacitance module — 38 questions, 35 correct - Physics tuition Electrostatics module — 31 questions, 27 correct - Allen Student Question Bank, Simple Harmonic Motion — 40 questions, 32 correct - Allen Student Question Bank, Fluids — 20 questions, 20 correct Total: 280/60 questions, 253 correct
Chemistry: - Allen Organic RACE 1,2,3,4,5 — 50 questions, 43 correct - Allen Physical RACE 11, 12, 13, 14 — 40 questions, 34 correct - FIITJEE Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers module, Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 — 48 questions, 42 correct - Kota Question Bank, Halogen Derivatives, single-choice, multiple-choice, comprehension and matching-type — 162 questions, 138 correct - Kota Question Bank, Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxy, single-choice — 70 questions, 55 correct - Kota Question Bank, Isomerism, single-choice questions — 51 questions, 42 correct Total: 421/60 questions, 354 correct
Mathematics: - Cengage Algebra Matrices, multiple-correct questions — 33 questions, 26 correct - Allen Differential Equations module, O3 and O4 — 20 questions, 16 correct - FIITJEE JEE (Advanced) archives, Permutation and Combination — 31 questions, 26 correct - Yellow Book, Permutation and Combination, single-choice — 26 questions, 24 correct Total: 110/60 questions, 92 correct
GRAND TOTAL: 811/400 questions, 699 correct
I!!!! Still!!!! Need to work on my accuracy!!! it's so frustrating but I promise I am Trying My Best
Upcoming tests:
28/06 (Friday) — Test at physics tuition center (JEE (Advanced) pattern). Topics: Motion in One and Two Dimensions; Units and Dimensions; Electrostatics; Potential and Capacitance; General Organic Chemistry; Halogen Derivatives; Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry; Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers.
30/06 (Sunday) — Online test for mathematics tuition (JEE (Advanced) pattern). Topics: Trigonometry; Logarithms; Quadratic Equations; Sequences and Series; Trigonometric Equations; Permutation and Combination; Functions; Limits, Continuity and Differentiability
See you again next week!
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jeetardgoneyolo · 1 year ago
First post. No further elaboration. Coz why?
Just kidding. I am here to talk today....or to vent, more precisely.
JEE is hard. It's ridiculous. But what's even more ridiculous are the expectations, the burden of honor, and the fear of disappointment and despair ingrained into our values caused due to our inability to cope with the extraordinary expectations, after we get into the toppers group.
I worked hard to get into the 'good kids' group. Then I got demotivated after a single failure coz I'm fucking weak, and now am procrastinating.
"Plenty of people finished 11 and 12 in class 9 and 10. They only practice and take mock tests for the 2 years of secondary higher education. So if you don't atleast finish 12 within 11, you'll never crack JEE. And anything without IIT CSE is meaningless when you are in JEE." —Mom
"You can't even rank first in the small area that we live in? What are you gonna do in JEE where competition is at national level?" —Mom, after I scored 207/300 and ranked 6th at my local coaching centre in my first JEE Main Mock test with Kinematics, mole concept, periodic table, trigonometry as topics.
And the thing is, I can't even protest her words, after all, the 1st rank scored 264 and the 2nd rank scored 246. With such a huge difference, I can't even argue. Since more is expected from me as I am supposedly a kid who is wasting away my potential as a someone who can become a JEE top ranker.
"What? You only answered 252? You couldn't even answer 300? You know right how much your marks will be considering your poor 90% accuracy rate? It will go down to minimum of 220s. I am quite disappointed."
This is the 2nd mock test I am talking about, the result hasn't been declared yet. But this exam was said to be especially hard with the insanely tough maths section and mid hard chem questions. The 1st ranker dude from last time answered 230s this time, and the 2nd ranker answered 256. The 3rd ranker, who is actually one of the best prospect in our entire class 11 batch in the whole state, answered 284 but he's quite sad because apparently he will get a lot of negatives. I am expecting 3rd or 2nd rank this time but I think life's gonna gimme lemons as always.
This is what I go through as a JEE aspirant. It wasn't supposed to be this hard. It's toxic at this point. I am in a rat race that I can't even escape like in other countries, considering even self help opportunities such as working at fast food chains or something, for minors here are considered trash of the society. We aren't free here, we don't have the opportunity to experience the world and explore my options to find out what I am good at. There's only three options. Doctor, engineer, lawyer. This might sound funny because of the stereotype vids on YouTube about Asians. But it's not funny. Many of us can't handle the pressure and commit suicide. Kota, a city in Rajasthan known for being a hotspot of coaching centres, is also stereotyped for being the Indian version of Japan's suicide forest, except it's exclusively for kids. Others go to depression and fall into the abyss of gambling and drugs.
The education system here has lost it's purpose. It has become an elitist system where the only way of survival is either your own talent or your backing. If you don't have either, you're better off being a lowest ranking member of the society succumbing to the higher ranks.
1:46 AM in the morning, I am sitting here writing this post thinking if anybody could say something that would turn my life around. This is more of a silent cry for help instead of something new to share with the world. I am sitting here in vain thinking there might be some magic trick to success here when I deep down know there doesn't exist one. And thus, I fall into this deep rabbit hole, all in my know. I want to stop this spiraling vortex of abyss inside myself that is erasing my existence. But I'm not trying. It's as if I have been mentally and spiritually paralysed.
I have realised something as conclusion. Life is drowning in reality, but the hellish standards that we have here in India are the sandbags that are tied to our feet in this already suffocative water, with no end of depth, we keep drowning and going deeper and deeper. I'm not happy. I want to break out. But I can't. This is painful. I hope it stops. But again, I know it won't, resulting in only pushing myself deeper into the abyss because of my hope being shattered. Hope is becoming dangerous by the day for me.
Am I the only one?
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quietimtryingtostudy · 2 years ago
Hi! I messed up a lot in eleventh and am really not in a good mental place rn, I'm really good with tech though and was intially preparing to head abroad but can't do so anymore cause my average in my junior yr was like rlly low. So stuck w trying to prep for JEE and have already dropped my coaching - was in sankalp @fiitjee, and just couldn't handle the obnoxiously poor teaching there anymore. I'm with like private JEE coaching directly from Delhi/Kota rn that happens online but frankly I have sm sm backlog I just don't know if I'll be able to crack it. Also, in regular schooling obvi, which is a completely different pain in the a**.
Any tips/tricks/ideas on how to get into a good uni here (DTU, IIITs, BITS, etectera like anything with decent ranking so that I could still try for outside for my masters again with?)
Tysm, have been following your blog for a while and love your daily posts, they really do motivate me to head to the study table : ))
Hey anon,
First of all, I'd like you to take a deep breath and let go of your worries and stress, just for a moment. Tell them to come back in a couple minutes ;)
You have something that I don't have now, and it's something that I wish for- you have time. Realising in 12th that you have to work hard is not too late. You still can work hard and drastically improve your performance in the real JEE Mains exam.
I don't want to give you a big lecture on being motivated and fighting for yourself by studying, though that is something that you should do- fight for yourself.
Even if your 11th went absolutely horribly, you can still turn things around. I have seen people, classmates, who completely changed their scores and performance, by practising rigorously and strengthening their concepts. They were people from whom I did not expect to see 97+ percentile, but they got it- and they deserved it too.
(also there's plenty of motivation videos on youtube and pinterest, sometimes they do help, so you can go to them- just be mindful of the time you'll spend watching them)
Some tips I'll give for working on your performance:
Give mock exams. Yes, even if they're going absolutely shittily.
Analyse your mocks question by question- if it was correct, incorrect, or unattempted. Incorrect or unattempted because you made a silly mistake, had forgotten the concept, or did not know the concept at all.
Work hard but also take breaks- getting burnt out only hurts you, your health (both mental and physical) and your efficiency
You have to have confidence, and believe in yourself- I am putting in the effort, I am working hard- this itself will help your progress (tried and tested)
NCERT is literally God for Chemistry for exams like JEE Mains. Physics and Maths require a lot of practise- you can use PYQ's for all of these, and can access plenty of practise sheets from yout own institute and the web too.
Keep practising, keep revising concepts.
Keep up with whatever they're teaching in your institute. Trying to catch up with backlog while letting the current topics go, will not be helpful. Catch up with the backlog on the weekends, or whenever you get even 20 minutes spare time.
Make a timetable. And if that doesn't work, just be consistent in your studies- tell yourself to study for at least 4 hours other than school and coaching (it's going to be tough, you can set your own goals, this was just an example)
Note- I have to say, keeping up with school studies is important too, because it gets you material to study from for the boards. There's some friends of mine who are now ineligible for appearing for JEE Advance because they did not clear the 75% Boards cutoff, even though they got 90+ percentile in JEE Mains.
See if you have Delhi domicile, still you need 96+ percentile to have a chance at getting IIITD, DTU, NSUT, IGDTUW
BITS is an exam that requires speed and efficiency and immense knowledge. It's got 130 questions, +3, 0 and -1 marking, and has to be completed in 3 hours. It's very competitive, and you need to practise pyq's and work on your speed for that, from what I've heard.
Ah. Well. I hope this post covered the questions you had! If it didn't, feel free to send another ask or even message me, whatever you want. (Sorry for answering this anon after a day heh, I wanted to think things through before posting the answer)
And thank you so much for following me :) I'm glad that my posts help you get motivated to study (PS: They help me get motivated to study too)
Keep working, happily, anon! <3
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odnewsin · 1 month ago
Kota love story of batchmates becoming IAS-IFS power couple is one to remember!
A love story made in Kota binds this IAS-IFS couple. In an inspiring tale of balancing matters of the heart as well as professional dreams, IFS Arushi Mishra and IAS Charchit Gaur’s story has caught the attention of many and for all the right reasons. It so happened that Arushi Mishra from UP’s Prayagraj went to Rajasthan’s Kota to prepare for her JEE Mains examinations at a coaching center.…
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eminentsoftblogs · 2 months ago
When to Start JEE Coaching and Why Canara Vikaas PU College in Mangalore Is an Ideal Choice
Starting your journey toward cracking the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is an important decision, and knowing when to begin your coaching can make a significant difference. JEE, known for its challenging and competitive nature, tests students’ understanding of fundamental concepts in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. While many students start their preparation journey at different stages, joining JEE coaching in 11th grade is often recommended. Here’s a closer look at why 11th grade is the ideal time to start, and why Canara Vikaas PU College, powered by Allen Kota, stands out as one of the Best coaching for JEE.
Why 11th Grade Is the Right Time to Begin JEE Coaching
The curriculum for JEE is extensive, covering core subjects that demand not only thorough understanding but also strategic problem-solving skills. Beginning in 11th grade gives students ample time to build a solid foundation and provides a two-year window to master both the 11th and 12th-grade concepts. By starting in 11th grade, students can:
Develop a Strong Conceptual Base: Both the JEE Main and Advanced papers test concepts from the 11th and 12th-grade syllabi. Starting in 11th grade allows students to study these topics in depth without the pressure of covering everything in a single year.
Enhance Problem-Solving Skills: Regular practice over two years helps students develop effective problem-solving techniques and strategies.
Manage Academic Stress: Spreading the preparation over two years means students can manage both school and JEE prep without feeling overly stressed.
Receive Ample Revision Time: Starting early allows students to complete the syllabus and allocate time for multiple revisions, which is crucial for JEE success.
For those passionate about JEE or who wish to start even earlier, beginning as early as 9th or 10th grade can also be beneficial. Early starters can gradually ease into the concepts, building comfort with the material and gaining a competitive edge over time.
Choosing the Right Coaching for JEE: Why Canara Vikaas PU College, Mangalore?
If you’re aiming to enroll in a reputable coaching program, Canara Vikaas PU College in Mangalore, powered by Allen Kota, is an excellent option. The college provides a nurturing environment where students can focus on JEE preparation while pursuing their pre-university education. Here’s why Canara Vikaas PU College is a standout choice:
Structured Curriculum and Quality Resources: The institution’s curriculum is thoughtfully designed, following the renowned Allen Kota teaching methodology. The structure is aimed at systematically developing students’ understanding of JEE topics, ensuring comprehensive coverage of both the 11th and 12th-grade syllabus.
Experienced Faculty and Personalized Attention: The college boasts experienced educators who provide guidance and support tailored to each student’s needs. Personalized doubt-clearing sessions ensure that no student falls behind.
Consistent Track Record of Success: Canara Vikaas PU College has a remarkable history of outstanding results, with 138 distinction holders in various fields, especially in science and commerce. This consistent track record speaks to the college’s commitment to helping students excel.
Holistic Development and Value-Based Education: The college goes beyond academics by emphasizing value-based education, preparing students to be responsible, well-rounded individuals. This focus aligns with the mission of the Canara Vikaas Education Trust, founded in 1993 by Sri Krishna J Palemar. The institution’s visionary approach to education has empowered generations of students to achieve their goals.
Campus and Facilities at Canara Vikaas PU College
Located on a sprawling 4.5-acre campus in Mangalore, Canara Vikaas PU College offers an inspiring and well-equipped learning environment. From state-of-the-art classrooms to resourceful libraries, the college provides everything a JEE aspirant needs. The campus is also designed to foster collaboration among students, allowing them to work in groups, exchange ideas, and build lasting friendships with fellow JEE aspirants.
Moreover, students benefit from excellent study materials and comprehensive practice tests designed by Allen Kota, one of India’s most trusted names in JEE coaching. This combination of quality resources and a competitive learning atmosphere ensures that students are well-prepared to tackle the challenges of JEE.
Canara Vikaas PU College: A Top Choice for PU Science Students
Ranked among the Top 10 PU science colleges in Mangalore, Canara Vikaas PU College is the ideal place for those looking to pursue science while aiming for JEE success. By joining their 11th-grade program, students receive structured coaching for JEE alongside their PU studies, striking a balance between board preparation and competitive exam readiness. This integrated approach helps students manage their academic workload while focusing on their ultimate goal: securing a high rank in JEE.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to JEE coaching, starting at the right time and choosing the right institution are critical steps. Canara Vikaas PU College in Mangalore, backed by Allen Kota’s expertise, provides an excellent platform for JEE aspirants. With its robust curriculum, experienced faculty, and commitment to quality education, Canara Vikaas PU College helps students embark on a path to success with confidence. Whether you’re just starting out or have already set your sights on the JEE, Canara Vikaas PU College could be the supportive and challenging environment you need to achieve your dreams.
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neetcoachinginstitutekolka · 3 months ago
Kota-Like NEET Coaching is Now in Kolkata, West Bengal!
Are you dreaming of becoming a doctor? If so, you probably know about the NEET exam, one of the most important steps toward entering medical school. For years, students from all over India have flocked to Kota for NEET coaching because of its excellent teachers and top-ranked coaching institutes. But now, you don’t have to travel far! Kota-like NEET coaching is now available in Kolkata, West Bengal, offering students the same quality education close to home.
Let’s dive deeper into how Kota-like coaching in Kolkata can help you achieve your NEET dream!
1. Why Kota Coaching is Famous for NEET?
Kota has been the coaching hub for students preparing for competitive exams like NEET and JEE for many years. Here are the main reasons why Kota coaching is so famous:
Experienced Teachers: Teachers in Kota have years of experience helping students succeed in NEET.
Well-Structured Curriculum: The study plans are organized to cover all topics in detail.
Study Materials: Students receive high-quality notes, assignments, and practice papers to boost their preparation.
Mock Tests: Regular mock tests help students get familiar with the actual exam and manage time well.
Kota's system has proven effective, producing many NEET toppers year after year.
2. Kota-Like NEET Coaching Comes to Kolkata
The best part for students in Kolkata is that you no longer need to leave your city for world-class NEET coaching. Several top NEET coaching institutes from Kota have now set up branches in Kolkata. These institutes bring the same teaching expertise, materials, and methods that made Kota famous.
Career&Courses is proud to promote these Kota-like NEET coaching institutes, offering the best education for medical aspirants right in Kolkata.
3. Benefits of NEET Coaching in Kolkata
With Kota-like NEET coaching available in Kolkata, students can experience top-quality learning without leaving their hometown. Here’s why it's a game-changer:
No Need to Relocate: You can stay with your family and avoid the cost and stress of relocating.
Expert Teachers: These institutes bring qualified teachers from Kota, ensuring that students get the same level of guidance.
Access to Best Study Materials: Just like in Kota, you’ll receive excellent notes, practice papers, and mock tests.
Lower Costs: By studying locally, you can save on living expenses and travel.
Home Comforts: Staying at home provides the emotional and mental support you need to focus on your studies.
This makes it easier for students in Kolkata to balance school studies and NEET preparation.
4. Experienced Faculty to Guide You
The teachers at these Kota-like coaching centers in Kolkata are not just subject experts; they understand the unique demands of the NEET exam. The faculty has years of experience and knows how to simplify difficult topics, making them easy for students to understand.
From Physics to Biology, you’ll learn the best problem-solving techniques and strategies. These teachers offer personalized guidance, helping you overcome any challenges you face.
5. Comprehensive Study Materials and Mock Tests
One of the key features of Kota coaching is the detailed study materials provided to students. This same quality is now available in Kolkata. The coaching centers offer:
Detailed Notes: Simplified yet comprehensive notes on all subjects—Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Practice Questions: Solving various types of questions helps students get used to different difficulty levels.
Mock Tests: Regular mock tests help students practice under exam conditions, improving their speed and accuracy.
These materials are critical for your preparation, helping you master all the important topics and boost your confidence before the big day.
6. Competitive Environment in Kolkata
One of the reasons students head to Kota is to be part of a competitive environment that pushes them to work harder. The good news is that this same atmosphere is now available in Kolkata. When students are surrounded by like-minded peers who share the same goal, they are naturally motivated to do their best.
The coaching centers in Kolkata aim to create a healthy, competitive environment where students push each other to achieve their full potential.
7. Modern Infrastructure
Another major benefit of Kota-like NEET coaching in Kolkata is the state-of-the-art infrastructure. These coaching centers are equipped with spacious classrooms, modern teaching aids, and well-organized study spaces. Students also have access to digital learning tools like smart boards and online lectures, which make learning more interactive and engaging.
This infrastructure allows students to focus on their studies without distractions, creating the perfect environment for NEET preparation.
8. Flexible Coaching Options
Many students in Kolkata are balancing school studies along with their NEET preparation. That’s why Kota-like coaching institutes offer flexible study plans. Students can choose:
Regular Classroom Courses: Ideal for those who can dedicate full time to NEET preparation.
Weekend Batches: Perfect for students who want to prepare while continuing with school.
Crash Courses: Short-term intensive courses designed to help students revise all the important topics before the exam.
These flexible options allow students to choose a schedule that suits their needs and learning style.
9. Personalized Attention
Unlike large classroom settings, these Kota-like coaching centers in Kolkata ensure personalized attention for every student. Teachers closely monitor each student's progress and provide additional support wherever needed. If a student struggles with a particular concept, extra help is available through one-on-one sessions.
This personalized approach ensures that no student is left behind, and everyone receives the attention they need to excel.
10. Take the Next Step Towards Your NEET Dream
For students in Kolkata, the arrival of Kota-like NEET coaching opens up exciting opportunities. Now, you can access the same high-quality preparation that made Kota famous—without having to leave your home. With Career&Courses, we encourage you to take advantage of these coaching centers and start preparing for your future as a doctor.
From expert teachers to comprehensive study materials, these institutes offer everything you need to succeed in NEET. And the best part? You get to study in the comfort of your own city, with the support of your family and friends.
If you're ready to take the next step toward your NEET dream, enroll in a Kota-like NEET coaching center in Kolkata today and get one step closer to wearing that white coat!
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punejago · 7 months ago
Allen Career Institute Pune’s Results
Allen is a quite well known brand in the JEE coaching industry. They first started their operations in Kota and then expanded to various regions.
Allen has various branches in Pune. They provide coaching for JEE and NEET as well.
There is no data of teachers mentioned on their website. However from our research, we got to know that their Physics faculty is weak and various students have complained about it. We have posted the reviews as well below.
2021 Results
Starting from JEE Mains , they published the results of first 2 attempts of JEE Mains 2021 and according to that their best percentile starts from 99.92 secured by Kush Shah. So the approx. rank we can safely say would be around 800.
In JEE Advanced, Allen Pune had the best AIR of 495 secured by Shreyas Grampurohit. They had total 81 students who qualified JEE Advanced 2021; 4 in top 2000 and 15 in top 5000.
KVPY– Their best AIR was 76 secured by Raj Chandak in SA Stream and in SX Stream, the Pune Rank 3 was bagged by Allen student with an AIR of 67. Allen had total 25 selections in KVPY 2021.
2022 Results
Their best rank from all the Pune branches was AIR 197 so no student secured a rank of below 100.
Coming to their nationwide results, they claimed that their best AIR is 11, secured by Deevyanshu Malu. Vedantu, FIITJEE, Resonance, and Motion classes also claimed Divyanshu as their classroom student.
Bakliwal Tutorials which is a locally focussed institute in Pune produced better results that Allen’s all branches across the nation. Pratik Sahoo from Bakliwal Tutorials secured AIR 7 in JEE Advanced 2020 surpassing Allen’s results.
2023 Results
Allen continues its practice of publishing misleading results, ALLEN Career Institute Pune stated that Aryan Mahajan (AIR 79), Reeshabh Kotecha (AIR 89), and Shourya Johari (AIR 215) are their students and claimed their ranks.
It was found that Aryan Mahajan (AIR 79), Reeshabh Kotecha (AIR 89), and Shourya Johari (AIR 215) were enrolled at M Prakash Institute (MPI) in Pune. M. Prakash Institute has never been associated with fraudulent results or deceptive claims. It is renowned for its trustworthiness and ethical practices. So it is clear that ALLEN Pune has poached these student’s results, which thus makes us question the accuracy and integrity of their declared outcomes.
In JEE Main 2023, Sarthak Toshniwal (AIR 92) was the Pune Topper in the April Session from Allen. But his result is also claimed by Shrinivas Academy Pune, and that makes us question Allen Pune’s credibility.
2024 Results
It was no surprise this year as well when Allen Pune asserted that they have produced the Pune Girl’s Topper, Khushi Kucheria. In reality, Khushi Kucheria is a Spectrum, Nashik student and has never been to Pune for any offline classes. Khushi on this day also, is preparing for her JEE Advanced exam at Spectrum, Nashik and this can be verified from the teachers teaching her at Spectrum Nashik. She has never taken a single class in Pune.
Allen’s results are not credible enough to be believed and above stated are only a few instances. They have been faking results since years and fooling innocent students and parents.
The Pune Head Office is located at Shankar Sheth Road. Other than that they have 4 branches in Pune- Shivaji Nagar, Chinchwad, Viman Nagar and Baner.
Website- https://www.allen.ac.in/pune/
Phone- +91-20-6706-2000
Link: https://punejagoiitjee.com/top-5-jee-coachings-in-pune-in-2025-2026/
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prakruthi0908 · 1 year ago
Week 7: Submissions...Submissions...Submissions...
On monday we gave her the final laxmi poster along with the tagline 'khazne ki roshni, laxmi ka andaaz, aaye dekhe kya hai paiso ka raaz.' She approved it and now we were left with our final posters. I gave her the news about the 26 suicides that have happened in Kota, Rajasthan. All of these suicides were of students who were preparing for JEE or NEET. She found it interesting and approved it. I was asked to do a deeper research and find out the main cause behind this. According to a study, one of the main reasons behind this is failed romantic relationships. Our profesor checked my research and told me to start ideating. She gave me the idea of a story/ a conversation.
For the next 2 days I was busy ideating. I came up with the idea of depicting the 4 main reasons why students commit suicide and decided to write a short story on them. For the 5th and final poster I would make it my main poster giving the message that states that they were not alone and also listing the helpline number and site.
On Thursday I gave our professor the first draft of the main poster which got rejected. But, she liked the illustration done. She told me that the tagline In used "this too shall pass" shows toxic positivity. She went on to tell me that sometimes when people are struggling they just need someone by their side to listen to them or just be with them for emotional support. I took her feedback and continued to work on it.
Our class on friday was cancelled so I did my work on the weekend and gave it to her for review on sunday. She gave me the feedback that I should use the anti- suicide ribbon more significantly. She also told me to shorten the text as well as to change the overall layout.
Today after showing her the changes she further told me align the text and not keep it stuck to the borders. Today marked the end of our Poster design class. I would be lying if I said that I won't miss it. I learnt a lot about type, colors and fonts in this class. I understood the importance of feedbacks and how much they can help you. I had a lot of fun in this module and hope that the other modules after this one are just as fun.
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learnedudevs · 1 year ago
Your Ultimate Guide to Success in JEE/IIT 2024
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Embarking on the journey to conquer JEE/IIT 2024 is a big step, filled with dreams and determination. This blog is your dedicated companion on this exciting adventure. If you have the passion to overcome one of the toughest exams, you're in the right place. Here, you'll find valuable insights, essential information, and motivational support to ignite your ambitions. As you stand at the starting line of this transformative journey, let this blog be your guide, steering you towards success in JEE/IIT 2024 and helping you overcome the challenges ahead. Your pursuit of dreams begins right here. Get ready to achieve greatness!
Important Dates for JEE Main 2024
The National Testing Agency has officially released the dates for the JEE Main 2024 examination. The exam will be conducted in two sessions, with
 Session 1 taking place from January 24th to February 1st, 2024. 
Session 2 is scheduled to commence on April 1st, 2024, and will run until April 15th. 
Keep an eye out for the forthcoming notification from the agency for further details.
Age Limit
There is no fixed age limit. 
Educational Qualification Criteria
Candidates must have successfully cleared the 10+2 examination or its equivalent from a recognized board. Additionally, candidates who cleared the 12th board exams in 2022 or 2023, or are scheduled to appear in 2024, are also eligible to apply.
Subjects in the Qualifying Exam
As part of the qualifying exam, candidates must have cleared the following subjects:
Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Technical vocational subject
Any other subject
Recommended Books for JEE Main 2024 Preparation
For Physics:
"Understanding Physics" by D. C Pandey
"Concepts of Physics" (Volumes 1 and 2) by H.C Verma
"Fundamentals of Physics" by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
For Mathematics:
"Maths XI & XII" by R.D. Sharma
"Plane Trigonometry Part 1" by S.L. Loney
"Plane Coordinate Geometry" by S.L. Loney
For Chemistry:
"Physical Chemistry" by O.P. Tandon
"Concise Inorganic Chemistry" by J.D. Lee
"Organic Chemistry" by O.P. Tandon
Top IIT JEE Coaching Institutes in India
Rana Sir Classes
Allen Kota
Vibrant Academy Kota
Fiitjee South Delhi
JEE Main 2024 Preparation Tips
Success in JEE Main 2024 requires not only a strong grasp of fundamental concepts but also effective preparation strategies. Here are some tips to help you excel in the upcoming exam:
Refer to essential books that provide in-depth knowledge of all important topics and concepts.
Understand the exam pattern thoroughly and design your study plan accordingly for optimal performance.
Familiarize yourself with the JEE Main 2024 syllabus to focus on essential chapters and topics, aiding in the creation of a well-organized study timetable.
Solve previous years' question papers to understand question patterns, types, exam duration, and marking schemes.
Attempt mock tests regularly to simulate the exam scenario, evaluating your knowledge across all subjects.
By following these tips diligently, you can enhance your preparation and increase your chances of success using the Mock Tests Series in JEE Main 2024. Best of luck!
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every-day-updates · 1 year ago
Namakkal: A Kota in the making?
The erstwhile industrial town in Tamil Nadu is a bustling hub of NEET/JEE coaching institutes now.
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For years, Namakkal used to be the district in Tamil Nadu that produced the State toppers in the board exams. Then NEET came and changed it all.
From around 2013 onwards, Namakkal emerged as a coaching hub, and has grown steadily since. Today it boasts around 15 coaching centres, eight of which are well-known across Tamil Nadu. The erstwhile industrial town, famous for its temples and poultry farming, has been economically rejuvenated by the upsurge in NEET/JEE coaching institutes, and looks set to become the Kota of South India.
However, there has been a strange downside. The managing trustee of a distinguished private school in Namakkal told Frontline, “After NEET was introduced, many students began shifting focus away from the board exams because those marks weren’t counted anymore. That’s when our place in the State rankings took a hit.”
‘Integrated’ system
Schools in Namakkal and neighbouring districts such as Krishnagiri, Karur, and Dharmapuri then began to offer the “integrated” option to science students: study the syllabus for the board examination and prepare for NEET or JEE simultaneously.
E. Soniyadevi, who studied in the integrated class and passed out in 2022, told Frontline that the integrated system in classes XI and XII was harmful. “I studied in a Dharmapuri school that had tied up with a coaching institute. Six of us opted for the integrated class. By the end of class XII, I was the only one left because the pressure from both sides — schools telling us to focus on board exams and the coaches telling us to prioritise competitive exams — was extremely difficult.” Soniyadevi said her mental health was affected. She pointed to the lack of support from both teachers and coaches, and the guilt she felt whenever she studied for one exam over the other.
Meanwhile, the introduction of NEET has seen students, including those still in school and those who have passed class XII, gravitate towards Namakkal. Green Park School alone has close to a lakh students, so in the next four to five years it could become as big as Kota. The centres are expensive. A six-month crash course costs around Rs.25,000, and a year-long programme ranges from Rs.50,000 to Rs.1 lakh. Many centres also offer boarding facilities.
For years, Namakkal used to be the district in Tamil Nadu that produced the State toppers in the board exams. Then NEET came and changed it all. The erstwhile industrial town, famous for its temples and poultry farming, has been economically rejuvenated by the upsurge in NEET/JEE coaching institutes, and looks set to become the Kota of South India. Sathiesh S.S., managing director of Feathers coaching centre, spoke about how Namakkal can avoid Kota’s mistakes. The solutions included improving motivation, teacher-pupil relations, mental well-being, and counselling for students, he said.
Avoiding pitfalls
Can Namakkal avoid the pitfalls of the Kota system? Karthick Shivakumar, a Namakkal resident, enrolled at a centre in Kota for classes XI and XII hoping to get a high NEET score but could not succeed. He returned to Namakkal, joined another centre, and is now an MBBS student at Madurai Medical College.
Shivakumar spoke to Frontline about the differences between Kota and Namakkal. He said, “Owing to the high number of students, which runs into lakhs, there is no scope for a teacher-student relationship or individual attention of any kind in Kota.” He also spoke of moving far from family and friends. “The first six months at Kota were very difficult,” he said. “I used to become depressed whenever I scored less in a test and couldn’t speak to anyone about it.”
Feathers is a coaching centre in Namakkal that was started in 2015. Around 200 students are enrolled in its main campus, which focusses on students who have completed school but have taken a gap year to prepare for NEET or JEE. Frontline spoke to Sathiesh S.S., managing director of the centre, about how Namakkal can avoid Kota’s mistakes. Sathiesh said the solutions included improving motivation, teacher-pupil relations, mental well-being, and counselling for students. “That is missing in coaching institutes at Kota, and even if they wish to include such steps, they cannot because the student count is too high,” he said.
He also noted that students live in private accommodation as there are no boarding facilities. “From what I have heard from students who studied there, living on their own with no one to talk to or answer to, becoming involved in personal relationships, and dealing with those failures too become a factor that damages their mental health.”
Are more regional coaching hubs the solution? Sathiesh disagreed: “There needs to be a revolutionary shift at the school level whereby teachers — at government schools and private schools, irrespective of the affiliated board — need to be better equipped to train students to crack competitive exams. I don’t think more coaching centres are the answer. The need for them arose only because students, after finishing school, found they lacked the foundation for either NEET or JEE.”
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motionkota · 1 year ago
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Most Trusted Institute for JEE Main & Advanced, NEET, NTSE & Olympiads & Board Exam Preparation. Best Selection Ratio in India. Continuing the legacy for the last 15 years. 1. Study from Best & Top Kota Faculties 2. Courses available in Classroom as well as Online Mode 3. Get Upto 100% Scholarship on JEE / NEET Courses 4. Best Coaching for IIT JEE in India
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shankhachil · 6 months ago
Countdown to JEE (Main): Week 5/33
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In terms of question-solving, this has been the most unproductive week yet by a long shot. I've been sick for a few days but mostly I've lost a lot of time because I had to go to school a few days for various (annoying) reasons, and also because I'm very easily distracted and was burnt out this week for whatever reason.
Test results:
Test at physics tuition center (JEE (Advanced) pattern): 107/130, rank 1/67 I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Online test for mathematics tuition (JEE (Advanced) pattern): 62/112, rank 22/425. I kind of fucky-uppied this one :D
Aryabhatta National Mathematics Competition: 100%, selected for interview round — however, everyone on the internet is saying it's a scam, and also it's under MSME — which is weird — so I'm not going any further for this one.
Topics covered:
Physics: Current Electricity; Simple Harmonic Motion; Modern Physics; Alternating Current (4/3)
Chemistry: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers; Aldehydes and Ketones; Carboxylic Acids (3/3)
Mathematics: Quadratic Equations; Functions (2/3)
Questions solved:
Physics: - Physics tuition Current Electricity module, single-correct, multiple-correct, matching and comprehension — 137 questions, 116 correct - Allen Simple Harmonic Motion student question bank — 32 questions, 32 correct - Physics tuition Atoms and Nuclei module, single-correct — 30 questions, 25 correct Total: 199/60 questions, 171 correct
Chemistry: - Kota Question Bank, Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxy, single-correct, reasoning and multiple-correct — 59 questions, 45 correct - Allen Ionic Equilibrium module, O1 and O2 — 102 questions, 93 correct Total: 161/60 questions, 138 correct
Mathematics: - Black Book Quadratic Equations, multiple-correct and comprehension — 67 questions, 57 correct Total: 67/60 questions, 57 correct
GRAND TOTAL: 427/400 questions, 366 correct
Upcoming tests:
11/07 (Thursday) — Test at physics tuition center. Topics: Current Electricity; Newton's Laws of Motion; Aldehydes and Ketones; Carboxylic Acids; Amines
See you again next week!
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Best Coaching Institutes for IIT JEE Preparation
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Your dream of securing a good rank in IIT JEE and getting admission in one of the best colleges in India can be realised into reality through strategic planning during preparations and also joining one of the top-notch coaching institutes for IITJEE. These institutes are well equipped to mentor you and be your partner in success. But, in order to crack this exam you need to do both hard work and smart work, besides following the guidelines of coaching institutes for IIT JEE preparation. Students seem to get confused while choosing one amongst the best coaching institutes, as there are hundreds of such centers who claim to be the best. Over the years, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of coaching institutes and therefore the decision gets tough.   To make your task easier, we have shortlisted some of the best coaching institutes for IIT JEE preparation: 1. FIIT JEE, New Delhi FIIT JEE was started in the year 1992 by the visionary personality Mr. D.K. Goel, alumni of IIT Delhi with expertise in mechanical engineering. The institute doesn't only aim at providing mere coaching, but also bringing a revolutionary change in the way students think of and make approach for solution to problems. The success of unique programs likes Pinnacle, Udaya plus, Supreme and USA UnivQuest has proved the trust that students have in this institute for shaping their career. They also help in preparations for various Olympiads, SAT-I and SAT-II. Their integrated school programs have also brought resurgence of the India education system. 2. Allen, Kota This 30-years old coaching institute for IIT JEE preparationin Kota, Rajasthan has created several benchmarks in the prestigious competitive exams in India. The Allen system of education has proved that it is one of the best places for preparing for entrance examinations. Their well-qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty are passionate about teaching and so they act as strong pillars of the institute. They consider each student to be an asset for the institute and therefore prepare them well for the future life in this competitive world. 3. DYP IIT Academy, Pune Another trustworthy name in the field of entrance test preparations, DYP IIT Academyhas gained immense popularity due to its unique approach for preparing students for competitive exam like IIT JEE.They use new age techniques of teaching like online tests, video lectures and use of audio-visual mode of learning. The experienced faculty conducts regular tests and does thorough analysis of the students’ performance. The institute believes in equipping students with technical as well as analytical skills. Parents are given regular feedbacks regarding their child’s performance and there is also hostel facility available for students. 4. Vidyamandir Classes, New Delhi A well renowned coaching institute for IITJEE, Vidyamandir classes has proven track record of huge success. This premier coaching institute is synonymous to success in IIT JEE, owing to the well-designed course structure, and innovative ways of teaching. The main aim of this institute is to create an environment that guides students to the right path of success and crack their exams with flying colours. The curriculum is well-structured and simplified for students to understand and comprehend well. 5. Narayana IIT Academy, Hyderabad Run by established academicians, this academy offers exceptionally high quality of education in the field of engineering entrance exams. The huge number of students enrolled with the institute is itself a proof of how efficient this centre is in preparing students for exams like IIT JEE. It has several branches across the nation and each is successfully producing top rankers year after year. Besides imparting in-depth knowledge on subject matter, students is also trained about time management and having a positive mindset while preparing for high-level exams like IIT JEE. You will be required to have strong focus and do rigorous practice to crack the exam. Read the full article
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sndigital · 2 years ago
Best JEE coaching in Lucknow
vidya Ashram career Institute in Lucknow provides the Best JEE Main Coaching in Lucknow by the experienced faculties from Delhi, Kota & Patna, test series, study material, and doubt classes
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eminentsoftblogs · 2 months ago
Why Canara Vikaas PU College, Powered by Allen Kota, is the Best Choice for JEE Preparation
When preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), one of the most challenging and competitive exams in India, selecting the right coaching institution is crucial. Among the sea of coaching centers, Canara Vikaas PU College, in collaboration with Allen Kota, stands out as a Best coaching for JEE for students aiming to excel in the JEE journey.
Allen Kota: A Legacy of Excellence in JEE Coaching
Allen Kota is a name synonymous with success in JEE preparation. Known for producing top-ranking results year after year, their coaching methods have set benchmarks in the world of competitive exams. Their expert faculty, well-researched curriculum, and systematic approach to preparing students for both JEE Mains and Advanced have garnered nationwide acclaim.
By partnering with Allen Kota, Canara Vikaas PU College has leveraged this expertise to offer an unparalleled learning experience. The fusion of Allen Kota’s legacy with Canara Vikaas’ holistic approach to education creates an ideal environment for students to thrive academically.
Canara Vikaas PU College: Nurturing Success Since 1993
Canara Vikaas PU College is not just another PU college; it is an institution that has been shaping futures since its inception in 1993 under the Canara Vikaas Education Trust. With a consistent track record of 100% results in both Science and Commerce, and an impressive 138 distinction holders, the college has cemented its place as a top choice for students in Mangalore.
The institution’s commitment to quality education is reflected in its focus on personalized attention, comprehensive study materials, and regular assessments. Each student’s progress is meticulously monitored, ensuring that they receive the support they need to excel. The faculty members at Canara Vikaas PU College go beyond mere academic instruction; they act as mentors, guiding students toward academic and personal success.
Comprehensive JEE Preparation with a Focus on Holistic Education
While JEE preparation is undoubtedly rigorous, Canara Vikaas PU College understands that a well-rounded education is key to a student’s overall success. Ranked among the top 10 PU Science colleges in Mangalore, the institution provides a robust academic foundation alongside intensive JEE coaching.
The partnership with Allen Kota ensures that students have access to the best-in-class resources and teaching methodologies for their JEE journey. However, the college also emphasizes excellence in other academic areas, making it a perfect fit for students who aspire to excel beyond JEE, in board exams and other competitive tests.
Why Canara Vikaas is the Ideal Choice for Aspiring Engineers
Expert Coaching by Allen Kota: Canara Vikaas brings the unmatched expertise of Allen Kota’s faculty, known for producing top results in JEE. The coaching program is designed to build strong conceptual foundations, improve problem-solving skills, and equip students to tackle the most challenging questions with confidence.
Holistic Learning Environment: Students at Canara Vikaas don’t just prepare for JEE; they receive a holistic education that enhances their academic performance in all areas. The college’s well-rounded approach ensures that students are ready for both JEE and other competitive exams.
Personalized Attention: Unlike larger coaching centers, Canara Vikaas ensures that each student receives personalized guidance. Regular assessments and progress reports help faculty identify areas where students need improvement, allowing them to provide targeted support.
Track Record of Excellence: The institution’s track record speaks for itself. With 100% results in Science and Commerce and 138 distinction holders, Canara Vikaas has consistently produced successful graduates who go on to pursue top careers in engineering, medicine, and other fields.
Supportive Infrastructure: Beyond academics, Canara Vikaas offers a well-equipped campus, modern classrooms, and access to high-quality study materials. The college’s infrastructure is designed to provide students with a conducive learning environment, fostering focus and dedication.
A Vision for the Future: Empowering Youth Through Education
At the heart of Canara Vikaas PU College’s success is its mission to empower youth through value-based education. This commitment is evident in the college’s approach to nurturing not only academic excellence but also personal growth and development. Students are encouraged to think critically, act ethically, and contribute meaningfully to society.
For students aiming to crack the JEE and embark on a successful engineering career, Canara Vikaas PU College, powered by Allen Kota, offers the perfect blend of expert coaching, personalized attention, and holistic education. With a proven track record of success, cutting-edge resources, and a mission-driven approach, Canara Vikaas ensures that students are not only prepared for JEE but are also empowered to achieve their full potential in all aspects of their academic and personal lives.
Choosing Canara Vikaas PU College for your JEE preparation is not just about cracking an exam; it’s about embarking on a journey toward excellence. With Allen Kota’s world-class coaching, the college’s focus on holistic development, and a nurturing learning environment, you will be well-equipped to succeed in JEE and beyond. The institution’s long-standing reputation and commitment to empowering students make it the ideal platform for transforming your aspirations into reality.
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