#kot nestor
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Cats Warsaw Names
"In the Polish premiere production (Roma Musical Theatre, 2004), the distinctive names of the characters were partially translated into Polish. Below is a list of original names (in alphabetical order) and their Polish equivalents.
Alonzo – Alonzo
Bill Bailey – Bili Daley
Bombalurina – Bombalurina
Bustopher Jones – Kot Bywalec
Carbucketty – Kara Kotek
Cassandra – Kasandra
Coricopat – Tymoteusz
Demeter – Demeter
Electra – Elektra
Etcetera – I Tak Daley
George Bailey – Brali Daley
Grizabella – Grizabella
Gus – Gus
Jellylorum – Galaretka
Jemima – Promyczek
Jennyanydots – Plameczka Pac
Macavity – Makiawel
Mr Mistoffelees – Mefistofeliks
Mungojerrie – Mungojerrie [later spelled Mangojerry]
Munkustrap – Myszołap
Old Deuteronomy – Kot Nestor
Rum Tum Tugger – Ram Tam Tamek
Rumpleteazer – Pumpernikiel
Rumpus Cat – Raptus Zuch
Skimbleshanks – Semaforro
Tantomile – Tamtamila
Tumblebrutus – Klaps
Victor – Wiktor
Victoria – Wiktoria
Quaxo – Dyzio
In addition, the following characters appear in the Polish version with no counterparts in the original:
Kocik Le Miau
Menello Bianco [later renamed Filutek]
Turbo Ptyś "
Originally posted on musicale.pl (the specific post wasn't saved), later reposted here
Translated by me, @per-the-jellicle-magician
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Polish version of "the Ad-Dressing of Cats" from Cats Warsaw CD album, titled simply "Przesłanie" - the message
Sang by Zbigniew Macias, accompanied by the artists and orchestra of Roma Musical Theatre
#cats the musical#cats warsaw#oldiesweek#old deuteronomy#kot nestor#zbigniew macias#cats warsaw 2004#cats warsaw cd album#the addressing of cats#oldies week day 1#most people who saw warsaw probably haven't heard it in full as the boot cuts out in the middle#Youtube
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Philocafe v petek, 16. novembra 2018, s Homerjem in Iliado
Prvi letošnji Philocafe, ki ga bo v petek, 16. novembra 2018, od 19. do 21. ure v ljubljanski kavarni Slamič na Kersnikovi 1 vodil Boris Šinigoj, bo imel naslov: "Homerjeva modrost in filozofija?" Gosta bosta prevajalka Homerjeve Iliade Jelena Isak Kres ter David Movrin z Oddelka za klasično filologijo. Kot je pri teh srečanjih navada, bosta najprej gosta predstavila svoj pogled na temo, sledil pa bo sproščen pogovor z udeleženci, večinoma dijaki in študenti, pa tudi starejšimi ljubitelji kavarniške modrosti.
Nestor in njegov govor
Z druge strani je besnel Atrid, a vtem se je dvignil Nestor iz Pilosa, blag, nadvse prijeten govornik, glas, ki mu šel je od ust, je bil medene sladkosti. V času življenja ob njem je dvoje rodov preminilo: ne le njegovi vrstniki, še tudi potomci za njimi – v Pilosu svetem je bil vladar že tretjemu rodu.
Z dobro namero je vstal in zbor tako nagovoril: »Joj, veliko gorje drvi nad ahajsko deželo! Priamu, z njim pa še vsem otrokom in drugim Trojancem v prsih bi vnela se res veliko veselje in sreča, brž ko bi slišali vest, kako hudo sta se sprla vidva, vodilna moža tako pri posvetih kot v bitkah. Dobro poslušajta zdaj, oba sta mlajša od mene, bil sem že v družbi z ljudmi, še boljšimi, kakor sta vidva, vendar pa niso nikdar prezirali mojih nasvetov.
Nisem še srečal dotlej in tudi ne bom jih v prihodnje, mož, kot bila sta Pejritoj in Driant, pastir svojih ljudstev, tudi Kajnej in Eksadij, bogovom enaki Polifem, z njimi Tezej Ajgeid, na moč podoben nesmrtnim. Zemlja rodila še ni od njih močnejših silakov, ti so si upali v boj celo s plemenom kentavrov: gorsko krdelo zveri so strli s strahotnim porazom.
V druščino takih ljudi prispel sem iz daljnega Pila, bival nato sem pri njih, saj sami tako so želeli. Tam sem se z lastno pestjo boril ob možeh, ki se z njimi danes nihče med ljudmi ne zmogel bi več spoprijeti. Vendar so ti možje upoštevali mojo besedo! Torej še vidva prisluhnita, to bo obema koristno.
Nestorjev nasvet Agamemnonu
Pusti mu dar, Atrid, čeprav si kralj in mogočen, lepo dekle je prejel kot častni poklon od Ahajcev. Niti si ti, Pelid, ne želi prepira z vladarjem, saj se na svetu nihče ne kiti s podobnim ugledom kakor kraljevski vladar, če Zevs mu namenil je slavo! Tudi če res si močan in tvoja je mati boginja, on je mogočnejši mož, saj vlada številnejši trumi. Brzdaj svoj gnev, Atrid! Zaklinjam te, pusti Ahila, hitro opusti svoj žolč, saj on je tisti, ki v bojih ščiti ahajske može pred zlom kot silno obzidje!«
(Iz prvega speva Iliade v prevodu Jelene Isak-Kres)
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Nestor [Old Deuteronomy]
The oldest of the feline clan. A great leader and sage in one person. Dreadlocks and a tarnished outfit testify to the fact that his past was turbulent. Today, Nestor inspires respect and trust of feline brothers. It is he who decides which of his charges will go to the cat's paradise. This cat is a discreet and attentive observer. He takes care of the whole feline clan, but he takes special care of his children: Myszołap [Munkustrap] and Ram Tam Tamek [Rum Tum Tugger]. Although the two are so different, he loves them just as much. In the life of this old sybarite there was also great love. Years ago, Nestor loved Grizabella. Now he has the warmth and respect for her that the younger generation lacks…
It is he who conducts all cat gatherings and balls. He makes all the important decisions. It is his disappearance that causes a real stir among cats. He is called the "progenitor of roof cats". He reportedly survived six wives and nine lives. When he enters the yard, silence falls. It is impossible not to recognize Nestor on stage. He is distinguished by a slow, dignified step and a magnificent coat.
In the photo most likely Zbigniew Macias
Photo by Marcin Czechowicz
Original text by Monika Powalisz
English translation by me
#cats warsaw#cats the musical#old deuteronomy#oldiesweek#cats warsaw book#oldies week day 1#kot nestor
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"What a luck! I guess so - it's Nestor the Cat! What am I seeing? Is it possible? Yes, I guess so - what a luck! Does my eyesight fail me? Or is it him… The progenitor of the roof cats Nestor the Cat […]"
I really love this moment in the ball in Warsaw. Old D's melody comes in; after a bit Old Deuteronomy, guided by psychic twins, comes down from the spot where he was watching the ball from; everyone gathers around him, and as the music swells, the lights go down, and he rises above the stage as everyone rises their arms in greeting
A mirror to the greeting he received at the end of "Old Deuteronomy", this time repeated by everyone and seemingly magical
Text in the corner of the page is in fact a fragment of "Old D", translated to English by me
In the photo, either Zbigniew Macias or Robert Dymowski as Old Deuteronomy For anyone curious, Old D is lifted by Alonzo (Andrzej Pieńko) and Bili Daley (Grzegorz Staniek). You can kinda see them under his arms. Usually they would try to stay hidden, covered by his coat over them, and Vicky and Cass standing in front obscuring them.
Photo by Marcin Czechowicz
#cats the muscial#cats warsaw#oldiesweek#old deuteronomy#kot nestor#oldies week day 1#cats warsaw book#i really love this moment and how it mirrors the one in his song#then only adults and older kittens greeted him but it was just a greeting#it had some significance; kinda just a set up and now it pays off#i just really really love this moment
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