#korryn x reader
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sinful-lanterns · 1 month ago
Korryn x Spoiled City Girl Reader where every little thing freaks you out and this rugged desert cowgirl needs to protect you from every thing 🥺
Like, it’s just rained and there’s all sorts of creatures that came up from underground (worms, bugs, frogs, etc.) and you’re freaking out because you don’t want to step on anything. Korryn just rolls her eyes and scoops you up like you’re nothing, carrying you everywhere you need to go whenever you go outside. She’s like your knight in shining armor carrying this pouty, bratty princess.
She doesn’t mind, though. Korryn probably finds the whole situation amusing. She wonders how you’d react if she threw a bit of mud or even a bug on you, but she knows you’d scream so she doesn’t. You’re so spoiled, but Korryn loves her spoiled girls 💕
It’s me, I’m a spoiled city girl. This post was for me.
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shalomsexual · 3 months ago
Prompt: In which reader is a wanted criminal and Korryn took the bounty request to hunt reader.
Warnings: Use of inappropriate language
Game: Path to nowhere
!Slight spoilers for those who haven't played the event!
"Can't believe y/n snatched up all the fuckin' hypercubes for herself again," the thug slammed his cup down on the table, conversing with his fellow thugs. This had been the fifth time you stole their hypercubes and it was pretty much self explanatory as to who are you. With all the recent sand storms and as each one got bigger, the demand for hypercubes were high. Many would kill to get their hands on atleast one hyper cube.
A certain red hair was listening in on the thugs rants, a smirk forming on her lips as her cowgirl hat covered half of her face. "The mighty y/n strikes again~" she sang as she grabbed the flyer from the board, seeing a picture of you. She gazed a little too long at the cowgirl in the picture, a gleam of desire in her eyes. The desire being the urge to catch you. No one has ever been able to get their hands on you and Korryn loved the fact that you were so hard to get; makes her want you even more.
A door was flipped open and you walked on with a bag filled with glowing blue cubes. 'Another successful attempt,' you thought as you flung the bag into the big box. Leisurely sitting down on your chair, you grabbed a beer and opened it before chugging it down. As you gazed out the window of your little hut, you couldn't help but glance at the sign that says 'Tuco', eager to go into the village but you knew if you only step foot into that village, all your hard work that goes towards gathering hypercubes will count for naught. After all, you know the people of Tuco to have minds more cunning than bandits.
Little Timmy suddenly ran into the village, shouting to the villagers that another sand storm was approaching. The people panicked, already knowing how little hypercubes they had. They quickly transformed the village to move from that area and try to get away even though it wouldn't make sense but their efforts were interrupted by dessert bandits, whom Korryn also had beef with. "Where's the red head bitch?" The thug asked, spitting on the ground. By now all the people were tied up, trembling. Korryn had gone out with Hella, leaving the village unattended too.
"We're not telling you anything!" Sheriff spoke out making the thugs scoff. They scanned the crowd before landing on Mira. Looking at how small and weak she looked they, picked her up by the hair.
"I ain't gon fucking repeat myself bitch!" The thug spat harshly, roughly pulling on Mira's hair making the said girl squeak out in pain. Everyone looked on with anger and fear in their eyes, wanting to do something but also knowing they can't. Before the thug could go any further, a steel pipe was flung into him, making him drop Mira.
"Fuckin' idiots think they can pick on the weak. Not while the great Hella is around!" Korryn and Hella had shown up just in time however, the sand storm was approaching.
"Wow! Little Hella saves the day~"
"Shut up and fight with me idiot!"
As Hella charged towards the thugs, Korryn made her escape. When Hella saw this, she was beyond angry but couldn't do anything except fight for Tuco. Obviously the people of Tuco knew Korryn's plan but they had to plan along.
The sand storm was already in sight and Hella was all beaten up but she managed to take some bandits out. Korryn then returned, smiling as she had a bag of hypercubes in her hand. "Wait a damn minute... you stole our hypercubes! Not y/n!" The thug screamed. Korryn smirked.
"Ah ah~ not quite. You were correct with the y/n part. I beat her to a pulp and took it away." She smirked, handing Mira the hypercubes before taking out the remaining thugs and throwing them out of the village. With the hypercubes, the village was protected from the storm, with only a few minor damages being done. As everyone celebrated, Korryn couldn't help but glance at the hut far away from the village before muttering, "Ah why can't you come and see me? Must I find you, y/n?"
"Y/n? Who's that?" Hella asks Mira who was currently serving at the bar.
"Y/n is the most wanted criminal around. Not even Korryn managed to lay her hands on that sly fox." Mira sighed, a hint of smiled playing at her face.
"You're not one to talk about sly fox.." Hella mumbles grumpily. Mira could only chuckle as she knew what Hella meant.
Couple days pass and the hypercubes were all done. A sand storm had hit again and the village had began their journey to their secret hide out. This time, not only thugs but the officials were hot on their trail. Hella and Korryn had a hard time holding them off as well as defending the people. "Little Hella, I need you to drive this car fast to take everyone to the hide out. I'll hold them off okay? I'm counting on you!" Korryn flashed Hella a wide smile before jumping off, even before the little girl could protest. Hella knew Korryn would be fine... but she couldn't help the nagging feeling behind her head.
After Hella couldn't take it anymore, she told Mira to take over the wheel. When she arrived, she saw a beat up Korryn, thugs on one side and the officials on the other. She knew it was a hard battle and so she ran towards with full force, managing to knock a few out before she got beat up too. "How is everyone?" Korryn breathed out.
"Worry about yourself big idiot. They're doing fine..."
"Are they?" Scott, the head of officials asked with a smile, motioning to the guards who were hot on the villagers trail. As they looked, one by one the guards got knocked out by a machine gun. "What the-"
"Sir! Look!" Scott followed the guards gaze and watched as you knocked them out one by one before charging towards him.
"There she is! Y/n L/n! Attack her! Don't let her get away!" Scott screamed on the top of his lungs.
"Is that-"
"Y/n? Yes." Korryn smirked.
You managed to grab the guards gun before shot you and so you did to the others. Korryn was shooting from behind and Hella helped you take down the others. You almost nearly killed Scott but decided to spare his life and throw him into the sand storm. You approached the two before extending your hand for Korryn, a smile on your face. "Didn't except you to fall Korryn."
"I have my limits too y/n." She wrapped her arms around your neck before pressing her lips against yours in a soft kiss. Hella's draw dropped to the floor as she witnessed the scene before her unfold.
"I thought you'd never come to see me." Korryn pouted, taking your hat off your head before placing it on her head. "Mine's been destroyed. Oh this little mouse is Hella. She's from the MBCC."
"Oh yeah I know. Adjutant Nightingale informed me." You extended your hand for Hella to shake and she shook it vigorously.
"How do you know Nightingale?!"
"I'm a friend of the MBCC," you winked at a stunned Hella. Hella then turned to Korryn.
"Did you know I was coming?"
"Oh no I didn't. I certainly don't know everything that goes on in a certain someone's life." The three of you hopped onto one of the officials' vehicle and drove to the hideout where everyone was confused as to why the sand storm didn't hit them as their hypercubes were finished.
"Did you guys open the box y/n left?" Korryn smiled. Mira shook her head.
"We didn't want to trouble her stuff."
"Don't wonder. Open it." You encouraged them. Mira opened the box and gasped. In it was a shit ton of hypercubes. More than anyone in Tuco had ever seen. Even Korryn was shocked.
"How did you get so many? And wait, why did you give them to us?" Mira asked.
"I used to work in the east side and i got them. Besides, all these years of gathering hypercubes was for my girlfriend's village, Tuco." The villagers all gasped as the revelation.
"So you two finally decided to make it public?" Mira smiled making the villagers even more shock as to how she knows. You and Korryn only smirked and looked at each other.
Once the sandstorm was finally over and Hella returned to the MBCC, you and your lover had rested in your little hut, with her on your lap as you two sipped your beer. "I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about me, sweetheart," Korryn retorted. You shook your head with a smile.
"You're quite hard to forget love. If anything, I've been thinking about you only."
"Good. Keep it that way. Let me be the only thing that keeps you going~" She placed her finger on your nose before leaning in to trap your lips with hers. And for a few days, no one in Tuco saw you two as you spent the days resting with Korryn, in bed.
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eldestnightwingsyndrome · 4 years ago
dc fic exchange
what is a fic exchange?
a fic exchange is run through ao3, you’ll sign up and fill out a form for both your request and your offer. your request form is what you want someone to write for you, and your offer is what you will write for someone else. you then get matched up, write your fic, and then read the fic that someone else wrote for you! it’s a great way to make some friends in the fandom, practice writing, and try out different prompts or genres than you would usually come up with on your own.
korryn’s fic exchange
the fic exchange that i am running is dc-themed. this means that you can offer/request for any character(s) that is in the dc universe.
there are very few rules for this exchange. fics can be any length, there is no max or min word count. they can also be single-chapter or multi-chapter, whatever you want. dark subject matter is allowed, but you must properly tag for it and not gift it to someone who doesn’t want to read dark subject matter. if you have questions on what is considered dark, dm me! i’ll be happy to help you out.
when does it start?
sign-ups are open until march 31st, 2021, at 8pmCST. on april 3rd (also at 8pmCST) you will get your fic assignment. you have until april 10th (again at 8pmCST) to finish writing and submit. at midnight, all fics will become available to be read!
basically, you have a week to write!
is x okay?
yes. i can’t tell you not to write something, but please properly tag it and gift it to someone who is okay with reading it.
who exactly is running this?
my name is korryn (it’s pronounced like corrine) or you can call me by my nickname, birdie! i’m 16 and i use they/them, he/him, and any neopronouns. if you need to contact me about anything, you can dm me here on tumblr, add me on discord (my tag is in the carrd in my pinned post), or email me at the email provided on ao3.
who is allowed to participate?
anyone! there are no age requirements or anything like that, all are welcome. if you are under 18 though, don’t request or offer any 18+ subject matter. what is defined as 18+ can vary based on the writer/reader you get matched with, but generally, sex scenes are the only thing considered 18+. dark subject matter is fine.
what should i put in my request/offer?
you should include:
the character(s) and/or relationship(s) (platonic or romantic)
the genre (fluff, angst, darkfic, smut, etc.)
you can also include:
anything you want to specifically avoid
tropes/prompts (hurt/comfort, pining, specfic prompts, etc.)
your offer is usually going to be more vague than your request, that’s totally fine!
here is the link to sign up!
you’ll need to log in with you ao3 account and head over to the sign ups tab.
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kurogane2512 · 3 months ago
Just completed the Korryn event and couldn't resist writing a little fic for her, I'm sad I won't be pulling her cause the event made me love her a lot but surely I'll get her from the shop later 🥰
Path to Nowhere
Korryn x fem!reader || Smut with plot
As a newly arrived member in Tuco, you weren't familiar with too many things and it took a while to warm up to everyone. Mira was kind enough to let you be a waitress at her hotel, teaching you some basic etiquette and skills. Among the members of Tuco was an eccentric woman you had come to know but rarely interacted with since she didn't stay for long and always seemed to be in a hurry.
"Korryn, what have you been up to this time?" Mira asked with a sigh to the woman sitting across the bar counter.
The woman named Korryn was leisurely drinking away, her hat kept on the counter and shotgun resting against the leg of the chair. You were not too far away as you were cleaning the tables and happened to overhear some of their conversation. They talked about their usual 'business', a new bounty Korryn had found and other random things. You couldn't help but glance at Korryn every now and then, something about her captivated you. Perhaps it was the day you saw her fight for the first time, the way she handled the situation and confidently pulled off the bounty.
"Hey, sweetie, care to get me some of that?~" Korryn suddenly spoke while looking at you and pointed at the tray in your hands which contained a bowl of nuts. You quickly nodded and gave the bowl to her, earning a smile from her.
"Y/n, was it? How are you finding it here? If there's any help you need then don't hesitate to reach out to me~"
Korryn said with a wink and continued drinking. You don't know what came over you but the prospect of being with her fueled you.
"Actually, there was a favor I'd like to ask. Could you teach me how to use a gun like you?"
A curious smirk crept up Korryn's lips and she shrugged, "Why not? We could always use a young girl like you who knows how to fight~"
Your eyes widened in happiness, "Thank you so much! I won't disappoint you!"
It had been a while since Korryn came across someone as cheerful as you, not to mention- cute. She also became more interested in teaching you from now on, curious to uncover more about you. Training with her was a bumpy ride due to how spontaneous she was and would mostly be away doing bounties, but she did make sure to teach you diligently when she could. One fine day you were in the bar cleaning up the counter when Mira approached you, a look of concern on her face. Apparently, she had become curious whether you and Korryn had a deeper relationship due to how much you were together and grew closer.
"Y-You are mistaken, Mira! I only respect her and find her cool, that's it! She's teaching me to use a gun and we'll be done in some time so I won't be meeting her much after that!" It was a lie, you had fallen for Korryn long ago but you were anxious to reveal your feelings.
Mira didn't ask further and the day passed without any happenings until at night when Korryn came to get her usual drink, except she was drinking more than usual this time. It seemed there was something on her mind as she looked distressed and deep in thought, but she wasn't speaking to anybody and was wallowing by herself.
"Korryn, are you okay? You have had too much today, you should rest now." You advised her after a while, unable to look at her state any longer.
Korryn glanced at you then nodded before getting up and suddenly put herself around you, slumping against your body.
"Hmmm....take me to my room, Y/n~~"
She drunkenly said and you had no choice but to comply. You put your arm around your waist hesitantly, feeling nervous to touch her bare skin but firmed yourself and held her as helping her was more important. Korryn slumped against you even more as you tried to walk towards an empty room, it was difficult to carry her as she was taller than you. You finally reached a room and helped Korryn lie down on the bed before making your way out but were stopped as she held your wrist.
"Where do you think you are going, darling?~" Korryn slurred while sitting up on the bed and pulling you closer.
"H-Huh?! I still have to work, you need to sleep, Korryn!"
"Now now, just relax and stay with me for a while~"
Before you could resist, Korryn pulled you harder and you found yourself lying on the bed with Korryn on top, straddling your waist. Deep red blush crawled up your cheeks looking at her above you and the way she was gazing at you seductively.
"K-Korryn, you are drunk! Don't joke around this way!"
"Shh~" Korryn shushed you by putting her index finger on your lips. " "I only respect her and find her cool".... is what you said, right?"
You couldn't believe your ears, how did Korryn know about this?
"What? I don't know what you are talking about...."
Korryn chuckled and leaned closer to you, her silky hair cascading over as her pale green eyes gazed into yours.
"Don't play dumb, sweetheart. The truth is written all over your face~"
Your heart was pounding in your chest, you didn't know what to do.
"W...What does it matter to you?"
"Aww, don't break my heart now. You can't be serious about not liking me after all the things we did~"
You became more shocked, "What?! Why are you saying it as if we—?! And who said I like you?!"
Korryn pouted and extended her hand to cup your face, "These pretty eyes can't lie to me, I have seen the way you look at me~"
You gritted your teeth and grasped her shoulders, trying to push her away.
"Y-You have the wrong idea, I wasn't...."
Korryn's eyes narrowed, "Really now? What's the harm in admitting your feelings?~"
She was correct, there was no harm in admitting your feelings. Yet somehow, you couldn't bring yourself to say it.
"I....I don't know, I don't think we should...."
Her eyebrows furrowed and she leaned even closer, her warm breath brushing past your cheek.
"Why is that? Scared that I'll eat you up?~"
"N-No! I just...."
She chuckled more then grasped your face and connected her lips with yours in a soft kiss. You couldn't believe if any of this was real, how did she find out about your feelings and did she really feel the same? Korryn's lips slowly moved with yours, it was almost uncharacteristic how gentle she was being but you could feel every touch of her lips this way. There was a taste of alcohol on her lips, as expected, which also made you tipsy and seek her more.
Korryn released the kiss and smirked at you before sitting up, "Well, how was it? I may not have much experience but I'd say that was a good effort~"
You couldn't help but chuckle now, finally giving a smile she was yearning to see.
"It wasn't bad but there's lot of space for improvement~"
She grinned more then leaned down again, "Is that so? Why don't you teach me then, sweetie?~"
Moments passed as your lips ravaged each other in a heated manner, practically being starved. Korryn was quick to slip her tongue in once she got the hang of things and rolled it with yours, earning whines from your mouth. She was still lying on top of you the same way, but you could feel how her hands were roaming all over you as if desperate to tear your clothes. She stopped kissing after a while to let you breathe, watching intently as you panted out and her lipstick smeared your lips.
"You.... how did you find out?" You asked.
Korryn licked her lips, savoring your taste.
"As I said, I could feel the way you looked at me. You really weren't sly about your gazes. And I also had a little help from Mira~"
You let out a sigh which made her chuckle followed by sitting up on your waist, her hands still caressing your body. What followed next were hazy moments of clothes being thrown away haphazardly, mostly your clothes considering Korryn always dressed scantily. She had you pushed down again while her lips travelled all over your body, planting kisses and bites on your neck before travelling to your chest. Her hands grasped your breasts and kneaded them, her knee rubbing between your thighs. Every touch and movement from her sent shivers in your body, making you lose your mind.
"Oh, such sweet sounds.... You have to let me hear you more, darling~"
Her hand dipped past your underwear now, caressing your outer folds. She smirked as she felt their wetness then wasted no time to slip off your panties.
"My, what an adorable girl you are~"
Her praises made you blush, you were used to her nicknames but it was way more embarrassing to hear them like this. She then gestured you to sit up and you did, only to be suddenly pulled by her to be seated on her lap. Your heart skipped a beat at the action, your hands automatically holding her shoulders while your naked core rubbed against her thighs. Her left hand slid down while caressing your back before grasping your butt and squeezing it, making you whimper in response.
"You have a cute butt, I have always wanted to touch it this way~"
You pursed your lips at her remark.
"S-Says you who's always shoving yours on my face whenever you bend...."
Korryn smirked, "Why, that was my invitation for you to fuck me~"
"You can't be seri— aahn!~"
She suddenly slapped your buttcheek, "Less talking and more moving, sweetheart. Unless you want me to lead the way~"
You gritted your teeth in embarrassment but started grinding as she asked. Your folds rubbed against her thigh as you tried to gain friction and pleasure yourself, both of her hands grasping your butt now and helping you move. She comfortably leaned back against the headrest and watched you ride her thigh, noting the way your slick dripped down and coated her skin and how your body shuddered with every movement.
"Aaahn..... Korryn....please....more....!~"
"Mm, you are doing so well. Just like that, keep going, darling~"
Korryn encouraged you but didn't help you anymore, simply continuing to grasp your butt and move you along. You held on to her shoulders and started grinding faster now, your clit rubbing just the right way against her thigh. She enjoyed the sight in front of her, watching your breasts bounce and your voice crying out as you chased your release. She couldn't hold on any longer and suddenly went closer to capture your lips with hers while her hands held onto your waist to make you move faster.
You moaned into the kiss from the sudden change of pace, her fingers dug in your flesh as she made you grind faster and harder, even pushing her leg up slightly to make you bounce against it. Everything was overwhelming for you now, your release coming closer than ever.
"That's it, sweetie. Make a mess on my thigh~"
She whispered in your ear and there was no way you could hold on longer. You pushed against her one last time and finally came, your juices spilling out on her thigh. She helped you ride out your orgasm then held you close as you rested, ruffling your hair while whispering sweet praises.
"Good girl, you did so well for me. Now I'm going to make you scream my name so prepare yourself~"
It was going to be a long night....
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sinful-lanterns · 3 months ago
Not my immediate thoughts from the Koryyn x Mira being getting punished.
Just you act up, getting bratty, and acting naughty all while Korryn just cheers you on and cackles in the background, only to be cut silent when she sees Mira. Caught red handed and clearly visible on the petite woman's face that she is NOT happy with the two of you.
Getting thrown over her shoulders together, Korryn kicking and squirming cause she "did nothing wrong" meanwhile poor sweet reader(I'm imagining cowgirl reader, but regular reader also fits) has gone still in her hold, knowing damn well what's coming.
She throws you both down on the bed, Koryyn again flailing to lay face up, but reader knows better and gets into position on her own. Mira not terribly gently putting Koryyn into position with you, head down, ass up, hands behind her back. But since reader got into the pose on her own Mira gives her a stuffie to hold onto instead of having her hands behind her back.
And then just punishment time, Mira making both of you count eachothers spanking. Korryn getting five more then you for fighting. Then at the end when she's done and you've both apologized for being bad, she just pulls both her sweet girls into her arms and covers both your faces in kisses. Head pats, loving hugs, and just the best cuddles imaginable.
All comfy and cozy, at least until Mira adds on that neither of you are allowed to cum for three days. Both of you start whining about being unfair, at least until Mira has guided your mouth to her tits and Korryn's down between her legs.
Just brat tamer Mira.
CW: Spanking, punishment, poly relationship, brat taming
Ahhh to be punished by Mira! Mira is definitely the surprising dom in the relationship. Many people expect Korryn to be in charge because she’s so brash and confident, but it’s really Mira pulling all the strings. Korryn is more so the troublemaker out of the trio, always encouraging you —the naive cow girl— to do all the mischievous things that Mira would scold you for; like stealing extra snacks from the kitchen or encouraging you to chew up the curtains because Korryn thinks they’re too ugly.
Cue Mira dragging you both by the ear so she could punish you both in the bedroom. She deals your spankings first, making you bend over and reveal that plump ass of yours to her while she grabs a paddle to spank you. Korryn is kneeling beside you with a cold sweat on her face as she watches you get hit repeatedly by the paddle, your ass getting all sore and tender while little moos leave your lips. Mira coos at how obedient you are even when taking your punishment, your cute tail flicking with each smack and just enticing Mira to grab it and tug on it playfully.
The stimulation of Mira spanking you and tugging on your tail is too much, so you accidentally come a little and stain the sheets with your excitement. Mira doesn’t mind though, she knows you’re a good girl and leans down to kiss your spotted cow ears. After soothing the rawness of your butt and making sure you learn your lesson, Mira then turns to Korryn so she can receive her punishment.
Korryn tries to swindle her way out of this but it’s no use, Mira is also a Tuco scammer so she can decipher Korryn’s lies better than anyone. Korryn then proceeds to let out yelps of pain because Mira doesn’t go easy on her like she did with you. By the end of it all, Korryn’s ass is as red as the desert sand and she’s pulling you into her arms for comfort while Mira cleans everything up. Your punishment isn’t over yet however. After a quick water break and some snuggles on the bed between your girlfriends, expect Mira to cheekily pull you both to service her as she expects both of you to use your tongues for pleasure rather than talking back. And what better way to do that than to have you and Korryn eat her out at the same time? 💕
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sinful-lanterns · 6 months ago
Now I just NEED pathetic Nerd Reader x Korryn. I'm too into this woman. Glasses stay on during sex so I can stay pathetic!!
Korryn is so infatuated with how cute and pathetic you are. While you may think of yourself as a “loser” in a way, all Korryn sees is an incredibly endearing woman whom she needs to bend over and ram her strap into 😵‍💫
It’s not like her to fall for someone so indoorsy and (assumingly) introverted, however Korryn can’t help herself, she wants to wreck you and make that sweet little mouth of yours cry from how hard she’s bulldozing you. You’re always so quiet and timid around her, she just wants to see you use those chords of yours and scream her name when she needs you to 💗
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sinful-lanterns · 5 months ago
What outfits would be the most bizarre and from who? (From the latest Garofano ask! I thought that was really funny and cool, AND ALSO ELEVEN WANTING TO PUT READER INTO AN E-GIRL COSTUME 💀😭)
- Korryn requesting for you to be put in a sexy cow costume is pretty up there for Garofano. She’s never sewed such a costume before 😭😭
- Raven has also requested for you to dress up as a celebrity, because she’s fantasized about having a scandal with you and fucking you in a reporter x celebrity roleplay.
- Lamia has requested for you to be a mermaid once. (She even requested Garofano to make slits in your tail so she could finger-fuck you easier)
- Cabernet once straight up asked Garofano to dress you in an outfit inspired by grapes. Whatever that meant…
- Bianca did the same thing as Cabernet but your outfit was inspired by apples.
- Serpent wanted you to be a sexy mouse.
- Angell has a maid outfit kink. Garofano has made her several different ones in varying styles, all for you.
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